Final BIOL 1610

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Both phenotypes are expressed in heterozygotes

Darwin proposed that the process of natural selection was a mechanism for


Catabolism is to anabolism as __________ is to __________.


All of the following are directly associated with photosystem I except

extraction of hydrogen electrons from the splitting of water

What is the pH of a solution with a hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration of 10-12M?

pH 2

What describes the ability of a single gene to have multiple phenotypic effects?


In a single molecule of water, two hydrogen atoms are bonded to a single oxygen atom by

polar covalent bonds

Movement of the chromosomes during anaphase would be most affected by a drug that prevents

prevents shortening of microtubules


prevents supercoiling of DNA as the strands are unwound

The roots of a plant will absorb nutrients from the soil, such as nitrogen or potassium ions. When an ion is absorbed from the soil, which of the following is the correct pathway it would take into the root cell?

primary cell wall->plasma membrane->cytoplasm->vacuole

When hydrogen bonds are formed heat is ____. When hydrogen bonds are broken, heat is _____

released, absorbed

The function of phospholatases in signal transduction is best described as to

inactivate protein kinases by removing a phosphate group


increases the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy


relieves strain(supercoiling) in the DNA ahead of the replication fork

Which of the following is not part of apoptosis?

lysis of the cell

Hydrolytic enzymes must be segregated and packaged to prevent general destruction of cellular components. Which of the following organelles contains these hydrolytic enzymes in animal cells?


enzyme active site

region of an enzyme that binds substrates

DNA polymerase I

replaces RNA primer with DNA

DNA Polymerase I

replaces RNA primer with DNA nucleotides

Which of the following does not occur during mitosis?

replication of DNA

Reduction of oxygen which forms water occurs during



amino acids, polypeptides, peptide bonds

A series of enzymes catalyze the reaction X → Y → Z → A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. With respect to the enzyme that converts X to Y, substance A functions as

an allosteric inhibitor

What type of reaction would decrease the entropy within a cell?

anabolic pathways

Homologous chromsomes separate

anaphase I

Mendel's observation of the segregation of alleles in gamete formation has its basis in which of the following phases of cell division?

anaphase I of meiosis

Centromeres of sister chromatids disjoin and chromatids separate.

anaphase II

What is the atomic mass of an atom with 18 neutrons, 17 protons, and 17 electrons? What is the element?

atomic mass-35 element-chlorine

3 domains in the classification of living organisms

bacteria, archaea,

A solution contains 10-9 moles of hydrogen ions(H+) per liter. Which of the following best describes this solution?

basic:H+ acceptor

Knowing just the atomic mass of an element allows inferences about which of the following?

the number of protons plus neutrons in the element

If a solution has a hydroxide ion (OH-) concentration of 10-12 M, then

the pH is 2 and the solution is a proton donor

What is true of all endergonic reactions?

the products have more free energy than the reactants

Which of the following represents the correct hierarchy of biological organization from most inclusive to least inclusive?


Generation of proton gradients across membranes occurs during

both photosynthesis and respiration

In photosynthetic cells, synthesis of ATP by the electron transport chain and chemiosmosis occurs during

both photosynthesis and respiration

synthesis of ATP by the chemiosmotic mechanism

both photosynthesis and respiration

Knowing the atomic number of an element tells you which of the following?

both the number of protons and the number of electrons in the element

How does a noncompetitive inhibitor decrease the rate of an enzyme reaction?

by changing the shape of the enzyme's active site

Organic molecules with only hydrogens and five carbon atoms have different structures in all of the following ways except

by forming enantiomers

What shows the correct changes in thermodynamic properties for a chemical reaction in which amino acids are linked to form a protein?

endergonic, -^S,+^G


enzyme that is responsible for unwinding the parental DNA double helix

Gene S controls the sharpness of spines in a type of cactus. Cactuses with the dominant allele, S, have sharp spines, whereas homozygous recessive ss cactuses have dull spines. At the same time, a second gene, N, determines whether or not cactuses have spines. Homozygous recessive nn cactuses have no spines at all. The relationship between genes S and N is an example of _____.


What does the chemiosmotic process in chloroplasts involve?

establishment of a proton gradient across the thylakoid membrane

Differences between a eukaryotic and prokaryotic cell

eukaroyte-complex, membrane enclosed organelle prokaryote-no nucleus or membrane

What is the basis for the difference in how the leading and lagging strands of DNA molecules are synthesized?

DNA polymerase can join new nucleotides only to the 3' end of a growing strand

3' to 5'

DNA template is read in this direction

Raccoons have rings around their trails and a habit of washing their food in water before eating it. Suppose that both of these traits are controlled via incomplete dominance so that wide bands on the tail are BB, medium sized bands are Bb, and narrow bands are bb and that washing all their food is FF, washing some Ff, washing none ff. -How many of each phenotype will be in the F1 generation resulting from a cross of 2 raccoons, both with medium sized tail bands and that wash some of their food (assume 16)? -How many of F1 generation (out of 16 offspring) will ahve wide tail bands and won't wash any of their food?

-1 -1

In the breeding season, male anole lizards court females by bobbing their heads up and down while displaying a colorful throat patch. Assume for the question that both males and females bob their heads and have throat patches. Assume also, that both traits are controlled by single genes on separate chromosomes. Now, suppose that anoles prefer to mate with lizards who bob their heads fast (F) and have red throat patches (R) and that these two alleles are dominant to their counterparts, slow bobbing and yellow throats. A male lizard heterozygous for head bobbing and homozygous dominant for the red throat patches mates with a female that is also heterozygous for head bobbing but is homozygous recessive for yellow throat patches. -How many of the F1 offspring have the preferred fast bobbing/red throat phenotype? -What percent with slow bobbing, yellow? -What percent of the offspring will have trouble finding mates because they have one of those dominant traits?

-12 -0 -25% (1/4)

The lubber grasshopper is a very large insect that is black with red, orange, or yellow stripes. Assume that red stripes are expressed from the homozygous RR genotype, yellow stripes from the homozygous rr genotype, and orange from the heterozygous genotype. -What will be the phenotypic ration of the F1 generation resulting from a cross of two grasshoppers, both with orange stripes (red:orange:yellow)? -What would be the genotypic ratio of the F1 generation? (RR:Rr:rr)? -what genotypes would be produced by crossing a grasshopper with orange stripes and one with yellow stripes? -What phenotypes would be produced by crossing a grasshopper with orange stripes and one with yellow stripes?

-1:2:1 -1:2:1 -Rr, rr -orange and yellow stripes

The DNA template is read in the __ to __ direction and nucleotides are added to the _ end of the new DNA strand.

-3 to 5 -3

Two true-breeding stocks of pea plants are crossed. One parent has purple, axial flowers and the other has white, terminal flowers;all have F1 individuals have purple, axial flowers. (Therefore, purple and acial are both dominant) -What would be the expected probability of the F2 offspring having purple, terminal flowers? -Among the F2 offspring, what is the probability of plants with white terminal flowers?

-3/16 -1/16

Suppose you have a bunch of mice, some that are solid white and some are white with black spots. Some of your mice have black eyes and some have pink eyes. Assume that the genes for hair color and eye color are linked and that plain white (H) is dominant to black spots and that black eyes (B) are dominant to pink. You decide to cross a female that is homozygous dominant for hair color and heterozygous for eye color with a male that is heterozygous for both traits. In the male, each homologous chromosome contains a dominant and recessive allele from 2 genes. -What genotype ration do you expect in the F1 generation(assume 16 pups)? -What percent of the offspring will have black spots and pink eyes?

-4 HHBb, 4 HHbb, 4 HhBB, 4 HhBb. -0%

In pea plants, purple is dominant to white. A plant with white flowers is crossed with a purple flowered plant that is heterozygous for flower color. What are the chances for the offspring to have white flowers?


A woman with normal color vision marries a man who has brown eyes and normal vision. The man's father was blue-eyed, and both of the woman's parents were blue eyed. The woman's father was color-blind. Red-green color blindess is X-linked recessive. An autosomal gene determines eye color, with brown being dominant over blue. -How many of their daughters would be expected to be color-blind and brown-eyed? -What many of their sons would be color blind and blue eyed?

-50% -25%

Many years ago, the bison herd on konza prairie had members with a genetic defect. Some of the males had a condition known as 'rabbit hock' in which the knee of the lack leg is malformed. Assume this is caused by a sex-linked gene and that it is recessive. Now, suppose that the herd bull (the male that does most of the breeding) is normal (X^N) and that the herd bull (the male that does most of the breeding) is normal (X^N) and that he mates with a cow who is a carrier for rabbit hock. -What are his chances of producing a normal son with this cow? -If he mates with this cow every year, what percentage of their daughters have normal knees? -What percentage of their daughters will be carriers of rabbit hock?

-50% -100% -50%

About 70% of Americans perceive a bitter taste from the chemical phenothiocarbamide (PTC). The ability to taste this chemical results from a dominant allele (T) and not being able to taste PTC is the result of having 2 recessive alleles (t). Albinism is also a single locus trait with normal pigment being dominant (A) and the lack of pigment being recessive (a). A normally pigmented woman who cannot taste PTC has a father who is an albino taster. She marries a homozygous, normally pigmented man who is a taster but has a mother that does not taste PTC. -What are the possible genotypes of any children? -What percentage will be albinos? -What percentage of the children will be nontasters of PTC?

-AATt, AaTt, AAtt, Aatt. -0% -50%

Name and draw the functional groups and their functions

-Phopshate-can act as an acid by donating (releasing) H+

Autosomal recessive

-Appears in both sexes with equal frequency -The trait tends to skip generations -Affected offspring are usually born to unaffected parents. -When both parents are heterozygous, about 1/4 of the offspring will be affected. -Appears more frequently among the children of consanguineous marriages or unions. -Neither parent has to have the trait, because they may both be heterozygous.

In Northeast Kansas, there is a creature known as a 'wildcat'. It comes in 3 colors : Blue, red, purple. This trait is controlled by a single gene with incomplete dominance. One type of homozygous (BB) individual is blue, another type of homozygous (bb) individual is red, and a heterozygous (Bb) individual is purple. -What would be the genotype of the offspring if a blue wildcat were crossed with a red one? -What would be the phenotype of the offspring be if a blue wildcat were crossed with a red one? -What would be the genotypic ration of the F2 generation? (BB:Bb:bb) -What would be the phenotypic ratio (blue:purple:red) of the F2 generation?

-Bb -All purple -1:2:1 -1:2:1

A rancher owns a bull with many desirable characteristics. Unfortunately, he also has a sex linked trait that in the recessive form leads to no pigment formation in the iris of the eye. This makes the bull sensitive to sunlight and could lead to blindness. The rancher wishes to breed him to a cow that will minimize the chances of any offspring showing this trait. She would like to produce another bull with most of his sire's qualities but without the nonpigmented eye. Two cows with dominant normal colored eyes (X^N) are available that have been genetically typed for this particular trait. Cow 1 has a genotype of X^NX^N and cow 2 is X^NX^n. -Which of these 2 cows should the rancher choose a mate to her bull if she wishes to minimize the occurence of the nonpigmented eye in his offpsring? -What percentage of the male offspring from the preferred cross will have nonpigmented eyes? -Will crossing the bill with this cow eliminate the trait from the herd? Why or why not?

-Cow 1 -0% -No. All female offspring of this cross are heterozygous sot hey carry the X^n allele and can pass it on to their offspring.

The following method illustrates a simple homozygous x homozygous one trait cross and then a cross involving the heterozygous offspring. For this example, the parental genotypes are known. The same steps can be applied to any similar one-trait cross. You find a population of come flowers in which some plants have yellow flowers and some have red flowers. Yellow flowers (F) are a dominant trait. What genotypes would you expect to find in the offspring of a cross between a homozygous plant with yellow flowers and one with red flowers? First, determine the genotypes of the parents. What is the genotype of the yellow flowered plant? What is the genotype of the red flowered parent?

-FF -ff

Carrion beetles lay their eggs in dead animals and then bury them in the ground until they hatch. Assume that the preference for fresh meat(F) is dominant to the preference for rotted meat and that the tendency to bury the meat deep. Suppose a female carrion beetle homozygous dominant for both traits mates with a male homozygous recessive for both traits. -What will be the genotype of the F1 generation? -What will be the phenotype of the F1 generation? -What will be the genotypic ratio of the F2 generation? (FFBB:FFBb:FFbb:FfBB:FfBb:Ffbb:ffBB:ffBb:ffbb)

-FfBb -Fresh, shallow meat -1:2:1:2:4:2:1:2:1

Suppose in a strain of soybean, high oil (H) content in the seeds is dominant to low oil content and 4 seeds (E) in a pod is dominant to two seeds in a pod. A farmer crosses two soybean plants, both with high oil content and four seeds per pod. The resulting F1 offspring have a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 (high oil/four seeds : high oil/two seeds: low oil/four seeds:low oil/two seeds) -What genotypes were the parent plants? -Suppose the farmer chooses 2 of the high oil/4 seed phenotypes and crosses them. The F2 generation plants all have high oil/4 seed phenotypes. What were the genotypes of the plants chosen by the farmer to cross? -Which known genotypes might the farmer cross her high oil/4 seed plants to determine their genotype?

-HhEe -Not enough info -hhee

Autosomal dominant

-If the trait(or disorder) is dominant, one of the parents must have the trait. -It appears in both sexes with equal frequency -Both sexes can transmit the trait to their offspring -It does not skip generations -Affected offspring must have an affected parent unless they possess a new mutation. -When one parent is affected and is a heterozygote, and the other parent is unaffected, about one-half of the offspring will be affected -Unaffected parents do not transmit the trait.

In the high pressure, deep, dark depths of the ocean's abyssal plains lives an organism called a viper fish. These fish resemble transparent eels with overlarge heads and very long , pointy teeth. Because of where they live, very little is known about these fish but for the sake of this problem, we shall assume that some of them can produce biochemical lights along the length of their bodies and some cannot. Also, some have very large eyes while some have almost no eye at all. Further, we shall assume that these two traits are each controlled by single genes with the production of lights (L) and large eyes (E) being the dominant alleles for each. Lastly, assume that those genes are linked. It is very difficult in the vast expanses of the deep ocean for two viper fish to find eachother, but suppose that a female heterozygous for both traits (the two dominant alleles are on one chromosome and the 2 recessive are on its homolog in this individual) happens to meet a male that is homozygous dominant for lights and homozygous recessive for eyes. -What are the possible genotypes of their offspring? -What are the possible phenotypes of the F1 generation?

-Llee, LLEe -Lights/big eyes lights/small eyes

When you clasp your hands, it feels more comfortable to have the thumb of your right hand or of your left hand on top. This is controlled by a single gene with the left thumb on top being dominant. A woman who prefers her left thumb on top marries a man who prefers his right thumb on top. Their first child has his father's phenotype. -What are the genotypes of the mother, father and child? -What is the probability that a 2nd child will prefer the left thumb on top?

-Mother-Tt. Father-tt. 1st child-tt -50%

Wolves are sometimes observed to have black coats and blue eyes. Assume that these traits are controlled by a single gene and are located on different chromosomes. Assume further that normal coat color (N) is dominant to black (n) and brown eyes (B) are dominant to blue (b). Suppose the alpha male and alpha female of a pack (these are the individuals who do most of the breeding) are black with blue eyes and normal colored with brown eyes, respectively. The female is also heterozygous for both traits. -How many of the offspring (assume 16) living in the pack will have each of the following genotypes? -What percent of the offspring will be normal colored with blue eyes?

-NNBB-0 NNBb-0 NNbb-0 NnBB-0 NnBb-4 Nnbb-4 nnBB-0 nnBB-0 nnBb-4 nnbb-4 -25%

A man who is an achondroplastic dwarf with normal vision marries a color blind woman of normal height. The man's father was 6 feet tall and both the woman's parents were of average height. Achondroplastic dwarfism is autosomal dominant and red-green color blindness is X-linked recessive. -How many of their daughters might be expected to be color blind dwarfs? -What proportion of their sons would be color-blind and normal height? -They have a daughter who is a dwarf with normal color vision. What is the probability that she is heterozygous for both genes?

-None -half -100%

The common grackle is a species of robin sized blackbirds that are fairly common over most of the U.S. Suppose that long tails (T) are dominant to short tails in these birds. A female short tailed grackle mates with a male long-haired grackle who had the parent with a long tail and one parent with a short tail. -What is the male's genotype? -How many of each genotype below will be found in the F1 generation? -How many of each phenotype will be found in the F1 generation?

-Tt -Female-tt -Male-Tt -2 and 2

Four properties of water that make life possible

-Versatility as a solvent -Cohesive Behavior -Temperature moderation -Expansion upon freezing

A boy, whose parents and grandparents had normal vision, is color blind. Color blindness is a recessive trait. Use X^B for the dominant normal condition and X^b for the recessive, color blind phenotype. -What is the genotype for the boy's mother? -What is the genotype for the boy's maternal grandmother? -What is the genotype for the boy's maternal grandfather?

-X^BX^b -X^BX^b -X^BY

Clouded leopards are a medium sized, endangered species of cat, living in the very wet cloud forests of Central America. Assume that the normal spots (X^N) are a dominant, sex-linked trait and that dark spots are the recessive counterpart. Suppose as a conservative biologist, you are involved in a clouded leopard breeding program. One year you cross a male with dark spots with a female with normal spots. She has 4 cubs and 2 are male and 2 are female. One of each of the male and female cubs have normal spots and one each have dark spots. -What is the genotype of the mother? -Suppose a few years later, you cross the female cub that has normal spots with a male that also has normal spots. How many of each genotype will be found in the cubs? (Assume 4) -Suppose a few years later you cross the female cub that has normal spots with a male that also has normal spots. How many offspring of each sex will have dark spots?

-X^NX^n -X^NX^N-1 X^NX^n-1 X^nX^n-0 X^NY-1 X^nY-1 -1 male, 0 females

Saguaro cacti are very tall cylindrical plants that usually have 2 L-shaped arms, one on each side. Suppose you lived in southern Arizona where the saguaro cactus is common and you happen to have one growing in your yard. Assume that arm length in these cacti are controlled by a single gene with arms of the same length(A) being dominant to arms of different lengths. -What is the genotype of your cactus? -Could one of the parents of your cactus have had a phenotype with arms the same length? -If one of the parents of your cactus did have a phenotype with arms of the same length, what would its genotype have to be? -Suppose you cross your cactus with that of your neighbor, which has arms of the same length. Your great grandchildren find that half of the resulting offspring have arms the same length and half have arms of different lengths. What was the genotype of your neighbor's cactus?

-aa -yes -Aa -Aa

Summer squash can have three difference colors : white, yellow, and green. The white color is determined by the dominant gene W, yellow by the dominant gene G, and green by the recessive genes w and g. The white color is dominant over yellow and green. This is an example of dominant epistasis. -A cross between a true breeding green and a true breeding yellow squash would produce- -What would be the expected ratio of a cross between two squash that are heterozygous for both genes?

-all yellow squash -12 white:3 yellow: 4 green

A group of spiders known as orb weavers often construct patterns in the center of their webs with threads visible in ultraviolet light. These patterns provide a lure for unwary flying insects that can see in the ultraviolet range. Suppose that in a particular species of orb weavers, the gene of the web is linked to a gene that determines whether the spider has green spots. In this case, the allele for a solid circle (R) of UV pattern is dominant to the allele for a ring pattern in the allele (G) is dominant to no spots. Suppose a female heterozygous for both traits (with the dominant alleles of the two traits on one homologous chromosome) mates with a male that is homozygous recessive for pattern type and heterozygous for spots. -How many of each phenotype will be found in the F1 generation (assume 16 offspring)? -Assuming 16 offspring in this brood, how many will have the RrGg genotype? -How many will have the rrgg genotype?

-circle web and spots-8 circle web and no spots-0 ring web and spots-4 ring web and no spots-4 -4 RrGg -4 rrgg

A woman with red-green color-blindness has a mother with normal vision. -Knowing that color blindness is a sex-linked recessive gene, what is her father's phenotype? -The woman marries a man with normal vision. What is the probability they will have sons who are red-green color-blind? -What is the probability they will have daughters who are red-green color blind?

-color blind -100% -0%

Radish flowers may be red, purple, or white. A cross between a red-flowered plant and a white-flowered plant yields all-purple offspring. The part of the radish we eat may be oval or long, with long being the dominant trait. -If true-breeding red long radishes are crossed with true-breeding white oval radishes, the F1 will be expected to be which of the following? -In the F2 generation of the above cross, which of the following phenotypic ratios would be expected? -The flower color trait in radishes is an example of which of the following?

-purple and long -6:3:3:2:1:1 -incomplete dominance

Suppose you have 2 rose plants, both with pink flowers. You cross the 2 plants and are surprised to find that, while most of the offspring have pink flowers, some have red and some have white. You decide that you like the red flowers and would like to make more. -What cross would you perform to produce the most red flowered plants? -Your mother decides she would like some of the pink flowered roses. What cross would you perform to produce the most pink flowered plants?

-red x red -red and white

A naturalist visiting an island in the middle of a large lake observes a species of small bird with 3 distinct types of beaks. Those with short, crushing beaks (BB) consumes hard shelled nuts, those with long, delicate beaks (bb) pick the seeds from pine cones, and those with intermediate beaks (Bb), consume both types of seeds though they are not as good at either. Assume that this difference in beak morphology is the result of incomplete dominance in a single gene. -Which of the mated pairs will have the best adapted offspring in a year in which most of the food available is in the form of hard shelled nuts? -What would be the phenotypic ratio of the F1 generation resulting from a cross of Bbxbb (short:intermediate:long)? -How many offspring of an intermediate x short beak cross will have long beaks (assume 4 offspring are produced)?

-short x short -0:2:2 -0

A farmer who wants to get into the milk business has bought a small beginning herd of 12 cows, all of which produce high quantities of milk(M, dominant over low quantities) and have high fertility (F, also being dominant over low fertility). However, she knows that all of her cows are heterozygous for both these traits and that the genes are linked. In her cows, one homolog of the pairs contains the dominant alleles for each trait and one contains the recessive allele for each trait. Two of the farmer's nearby neighbors own bulls that are also heterozygous for these traits. The first neighbor's bull has one dominant and one recessive allele from each trait on each homolog. -Keeping in mind that the farmer would like to obtain the maximum # of calves with high milk production and high fertility, which of the two available bulls should she introduce her cows to? -What percent off offspring resulting from the match will have the most desirable phenotype of high milk production and high fertility? -What percent of offspring resulting from the match will have the most desirable genotype MMFF?

-the first neighbor's bull -75 -25

Fluorine has an atomic number of 9 and a mass number of 19. How many electrons are needed to complete the valence shell of a fluorine atom?


The DNA template is read in the ____ direction; and the new strand is synthesized in the ____ direction.

3' to 5' ; 5' to 3'

3 stages of cell signaling

1. Reception 2. Transduction 3. Response

3 differences between DNA and RNA

1. Ribose instead of deoxyribose 2. Single stranded 3. Uracil in replace of thymine

How many ATP and NADPH are required to produce one molecule of glucose?


If nondisjunction occurs in meiosis II during gametogenesis, what will be the result at the completion of meiosis?

1/4 of the gametes will be n+1, 1/4 will be n-1, and 1/2 will be n.

In the cross AaBbCc × AaBbCc, what is the probability of producing the genotype AABBCC?


If there are 20 chromatids in a cell, how many centromeres are there?


What is the hydrogen ion (H+) concentration of a solution of pH 6?

10-6 M

The formula of ribose is C5H10O5. How many grams of ribose would you make 4 liters of a 2M solution?

1200 grams, up to the 4L water mark

An isotope of an element has seven protons and eight neutrons. Its atomic mass is ___ daltons. What is the element?

15, nitrogen

Sodium and chlorine will react to form a salt with ionic bonding. What would be the atomic number of the cation formed by this interaction?


Woodrats are medium sized rodents with lots of interesting behaviors. You may know of them as packrats. Let's assume that the trait of bringing home shiny objects (H) is controlled by a single locus gene and is dominant to the trait of carrying home only dull objects (h). Suppose two heterozygous parents are crossed. How many of each genotype would be expected if only 4 offspring were produced?


An atom has 6 electrons in its outer shell. How many unpaired electrons does it have?


How many electrons are needed to complete the valence shell of a sulfur atom?


In horses, the color black is due to a dominant allele(B) and chestnut color is due to a recessive allele (b). The trotting gait is due to a dominant allele(T) and the pacing gait to the recessive (t). Suppose we cross the black pacer with a homozygous chestnut trotter. What gametes will be produced by the F1 generation?

25% BT, 25% Bt, 25% bT, 25% bt.

Snow leopards live in the high reaches of the Himilayas and have several adaptions to deal with spending lots of time in show, They have wide paws with hair between the toes to allow them to run on top of the snow crust. Assume that wide paws (D) and hair between the toes (T) are both dominant and are on the same chromosome. Suppose that 2 snow leopards, heterozygous for both traits, mate. Suppose further that in the female, the 2 dominant alleles are in the same chromosome of the homologous pair, while in the male, each chromosome of the pair has one dominant and one recessive allele. -What percent of each of the following genotypes will be produced? -How many of the offspring(assume 4 cubs are produced) will have narrow paws with hair between their toes?

25% DDTt, 25% Ddtt, 25% DdTT, 25% ddTt -1

In an organism, DNA analysis showed that 23% of nucleotides were thymine. What would be the percentage or guanine nucleotides in this organism?




Metaphase of meiosis I


metaphase of mitosis




Single cell following mitosis


Start of S phase


An atom has 5 electrons in its outer shell. How many unpaired electrons does it have?



3 fatty acids and glycerol, triacyglycerol, ester bonds

In the sodium potassium pump, how many ions are transported out of the cell and how many are transported into the cell?

3 sodium, 2 potassium, ATP energy, Active transport

A couple has two children, both of whom have freckles and attached earlobes. Both parents are homozygous for freckles (FF), and both have unattached earlobes. (Unattached earlobes is dominant, and attached earlobes is a recessive trait) What is the probability that their next child will have freckles and unattached earlobes?


In humans, male pattern baldness is controlled by an autosomal gene that has two known alleles. Allele Hn does not affect hair loss, allele Hb is involved with baldness. This is an autosomal gene. Although it is not sex-linked, the presence of testosterone is necessary for the allele Hb to be dominant over Hn. Therefore, if a woman is heterozygous for the gene, she will not show this type of baldness, but a man will eventually exhibit male-pattern baldness. However, if a woman is HbHb, she will exhibit baldness. If a man who is HbHb and a woman is is HnHn hae a son, what is the chance that he will eventually be bald?


Black fur in mice (B) is dominant to brown fur (b). Short tails (T) are dominant to long tails (t). What fraction of the progeny of crosses BbTt × Bbtt will be expected to have black fur and long tails?


How many electron pairs does carbon share in order to complete its valence shell?


At a specific area of a chromosome, the sequence of nucleotides below is present where the chain opens to form a replication fork : 3' C C T A G G C T G C A A T C C 5' An RNA primer is formed starting at the underlined T of the template. What would be the primer sequence?

5' A C G U U A G G 3'

If a sequence of DNA is 5' AATTGCCGT 3'; the complementary strand would be


DNA polymerase requires an existing nucleotide to begin new synthesis of a DNA strand. What would be the primer for the following DNA template sequence. Include 3' and 5'. 3' ATTGCATG 5'


When crossing an organism that is homozygous recessive for a single trait with a heterozygote, what is the chance of producing an offspring with the homozygous recessive phenotype?


Suppose you are designing a new Jurassic Park and you would like to have the crowd drawing presence of velociraptors without the danger of having your crowds eaten. You have managed to come up with two varieties, very aggressive (A), and nonaggressive. They also come in 2 colors, red (R), which is dominant and green. At the moment, you have a green female that is heterozygous for aggression and nonaggressive male that is heterozygous for color. What gametes will be produced by the female?

50% Ar, 50% ar.

In humans, sickle cell anemia is a disease caused by a mutation of a single locus gene which codes for an important blood protein (hemoglobin). The allele for the normal protein(H) is dominant to that for the one causing sickle cell anemia. What gametes would be produced by individuals result from a HH x hh cross?

50% H and 50% h

In areas of the very deep and damp southeastern United States lives what is, for all intents and purposes, a giant flying cockroach known as a Palmetto bug. Assume that long antennae (L) are dominant to short antennae and that normal wings (N) are dominant to bent ones. What gametes will be produced by an individual that is homozygous dominant for antennae and heterozygous for wings?

50% LN and 50% Ln

In areas of the very deep and damp southeastern United States lives what is, for all intents and purposes, a giant flying cockroach known as a Palmetto bug. Assume that long antennae (L) are dominant to short antennae and that normal wings (N) are dominant to bent ones. What gametes will be produced by an individual that is heterozygous for antennae and homozygous recessive for wings?

50% Ln and 50% ln.

Kelp, a large multicellular type of algae, has air bladders in the blades to help them float near the surface of the ocean where they can get more sunlight. Assume that having many air bladders is a dominant trait. What gametes would be produced by a heterozygous individual?

50% M and 50% m

Suppose you are designing a new Jurassic Park and you would like to have the crowd drawing presence of velociraptors without the danger of having your crowds eaten. You have managed to come up with two varieties, very aggressive (A), and nonaggressive. They also come in 2 colors, red (R), which is dominant and green. At the moment, you have a green female that is heterozygous for aggression and a nonaggressive male that is heterozygous for color. What gametes will be produced by the male?

50% aR, 50% ar.

One carbon dioxide molecule reacts in each "turn" of the Calvin cycle. How many turns of the cycle are required for the synthesis of one glucose molecule?


In an atom of oxygen, there are __ valence electrons and the valence (unpaired electrons) is ___

6, 2

Tallness (T) in snapdragons is dominant to dwarfism (t), while red (R) flower color is dominant to white (r). The heterozygous condition results in pink (Rr) flower color. If snapdragons are heterozygous for height as well as for flower color, a mating between them will result in what ratio?


Equation for photosynthesis

6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2

In humans, male-pattern baldness is controlled by an autosomal gene that occurs in two allelic forms. Allele Hn determines nonbaldness, and allele Hb determines pattern baldness. In males, because of the presence of testosterone, allele Hb is dominant over Hn. If a man and woman both with genotype HnHb have a son, what is the chance that he will eventually be bald?


An individual with a genotype of AABbccDdEe produces gametes by meiosis. What is the number of different gametes that could be produced by this individual


How many G3P would be produced from 24 turns of the Calvin Cycle?


How many unique gametes could be produced through independent assortment by an individual with the genotype AaBbCCDdEE?


The atomic number of nitrogen is 7. NItrogen 15 is heavier than nitrogen 14 because the atomic nucleus of nitrogen 15 contains how many neutrons?

8 neutrons

Cytosine makes up 42% of the nucleotides in a sample of DNA from an organism. Approximately what percentage of the nucleotides in this sample will be thymine?


According to Chargaff's rules, what would be true in an analysis of the nucleotide composition of DNA in an organism?



A cleavage furrow develops in animal cells and a cell plate in plant cells; cytoplasm is divided

In a trihybrid cross of a tall, purple flowered pea plant with round seeds (TtPpRr) with a tall, white flowered pea plant with wrinkled seeds (Ttpprr), what is the probability : a) that a tall, white flowered plant with wrinkled seeds will be produced? b) that a short, purple flowered plant with round seeds will be produced? c) that a short, white flowered plant with wrinkled seeds will be produced? d) that a tall, purple flowered plant with round seeds will be produced? e) that a tall, white flowered plant with round seeds will be produced?

A) 3/16 B) 1/16 C) 1/16 D) 3/16 E) 3/16



Which of the following are products of the light reactions of photosynthesis that are utilized in the Calvin cycle?


Individuals with a AaBb genotype were mated to individuals with a genotype of aabb. When their offspring were counted, there were 474 Aabb, 480 aaBb, 20AaBb, and 26 aabb. These genes were obviously linked. What are the two parental classes? What are the two recombinant classes? What is the percentage of recombination between these two genes? How many centimorgans part are they?

Aabb and aaBb are parental (it's always the larger numbers) AaBb and aabb are recombinants Divide the number or recombinants by the total of offspring to get the percentage of recombination. Convert this to the number of centimorgans. (one percent equals one centimorgan) 46 divided by 1000 =.046 = 4.6% = 4.6 cm

Name the reactants in the Citric acid cycle

Acetyl CoA, NAD+, FAD1

DNA polymerase I

Acts on lagging strand to remove primers and replace them with DNA

A black guinea pig crossed with an albino guinea pig produced twelve black offspring. When the albino was crossed with a second black animal, six blacks and six albinos were obtained. What is the best explanation for this genetic situation?

Albino is recessive; black is dominant

In horses, the color black is due to a dominant allele (B) and chestnut color is due to a recessive allele (b). The trotting gait is due to a dominant allele (T) and the pacing gait to the recessive(t). What gametes will be produced by a homozygous black pacer?

All Bt

Kelp, a large multicellular type of algae, has air bladders in the blades to help them float near the surface of the ocean where they can get more sunlight. Assume that having many air bladders in a dominant trait. What gametes would be produced by a homozygous dominant individual?

All M

A white-eyed female fruit fly is crossed with a red-eyed male. Red eyes are dominant, and X-linked. What are the expected phenotypes of the offspring?

All females have red eyes and all males have white eyes.

Red-green color blindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. Which of the following statements is correct?

All of the sons of a color blind woman will be color-blind.



What is the correct condition at prometaphase of mitosis


Which domains of life are classified as prokaryotes?

Bacteria and Archaea

Prokaryotes are classified as belonging to two different domains. What are the domains?

Bacteria and archaea

The molecular formula for glucose is C6H12O6. What would be the molecular formula for a polymer made by linking ten glucose molecules together by dehydration reactions?

C60 H102 O51

Write the equation for cellular respiration

C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy

Which of the following statements describes the results of this reaction? C6H12O6+6O2->6CO2+6H2O+Energy

C6H12O6 is oxidized and O2 is reduced

Which of the following is required in the Calvin cycle?


The Calvin cycle can be divided into 3 phases. Name these 3 phases in the correct order.

Carbon fixation, reduction, regeneration of C02 acceptor

Which of the following statements concerning catabolism is correct?

Catabolism releases energy as polymers are broken down to monomers

Which of the following is a protein maintained at constant levels throughout the cell cycle that requires cyclin to become catalytically active?



Centromeres uncouple, sister chromatids are separated, and the two new chromosomes begin to move to opposite poles of the cell


Chromosomes first become visible with a light microscope

What is the difference between covalent bonds and ionic bonds?

Covalent bonds involve the sharing of electrons between atoms; ionic bonds involve the electrical attraction between atoms.

Which of the following statements concerning dehydration reactions and hydrolysis is correct?

Dehydration reactions create polymers from monomers; hydrolysis reactions break down polymers

Which of the following procedures should you carry out to make 2 liters of a 4M solution of CaCl2?

Dissolve 880 g of CaCl2 in a small volume of water, and then add more water until the total volume of solution is 2L.

Which of the following is true of a species that has a chromosome number of 2n=16?

Each cell has eight homologous pairs

What is the correct choromsomal condition G1?


Nucleases are enzymes that break phosphodiester bonds between nucleotides in a nucleic acid. What statement concerning this is incorrect?

Endonucleases are involved in telomere extension.

What is the first law of thermodynamics?

Energy cannot be created or destroyed


Enzyme that covalently connects Okazaki fragments together


Enzyme that is used to cut and remove incorrect or damaged DNA in nucleotide excision repair.

Which of the following statements regarding enzymes is true?

Enzymes increase the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy barrier

What statement regarding enzymes is true?

Enzymes increase the rate of a reaction by lowering the activation energy barrier.

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

Far more females than males have X-linked recessive disorders.

Which of a women's grandparents could not be the source of any of the genes on either of her X chromosomes?

Father's father

Which of the following is true of the process of meiosis?

Four haploid cells result

The amount of DNA per nucleus was measured in a large number of cells in an actively growing cell structure. The DNA levels ranged from 4 to 8 picograms per nucleus. The amount of 4 picograms of DNA would be likely found in ____, and the amount of 8 picograms would likely be found in ____

G1; prophase

Measurements of the amount of DNA per nucleus were taken on a large number of cells from a growing fungus. The measured DNA levels ranged from 3 to 6 picograms per nucleus. In which stage of the cell cycle did the nucleus contain 6 picograms of DNA?


A scientist, who wants to study the effects of nitrogen on wheat plants, sets up an experiment with 4 groups of wheat plants: group A gets 20 pounds per acre, group B gets 40 pounds per acre, group C gets 60 pounds per acre, and group D gets 0 pounds per acre. Which of the following is the control group?

Group D

A woman with normal vision marries a man with normal vision and they have a color blind son. Her husband dies and she marries a color blind man. What are the possible phenotypes and genotypes of children from the second marriage?

Half of the girls will be color blind and half will be carriers. X^cX^c X^CX^c Half of the boys will be color blind and half will be normal. X^cY X^CY

Polygenic inheritance

a single phenotypic character is affected by two or more genes

A woman's mother is bald, but her father is not. Her oldest brother is rapidly going bald. She works as a model for hairdressing conventions. Should she change per profession?

Her mother is HbHbXX and her father is HnHnXY. She is HnHnXX and her brother is HnHbXY. She will not be bald because Hb is dominant only when male testosterone is present.

Incomplete dominance

Heterozygous phenotype intermediate between the two homozygous phenotypes

Anaphase I of meiosis


2 second messengers other than cAMP

IP3, calcium ions, and DAG

Prophase I of meiosis


Receptor tyrosine kinases are found at hight levels on various cancer cells. A protein, Herceptin, has been found to bind to an RTK known as HER2. This information can now be utilized in breast cancer treatment if which of the following is true?

If the patient's cancer cells have detectable HER2

Multiple alleles

In the population, some genes have more than two alleles

Which of the following statements about the cytoskeleton is incorrect?

Intermediate filaments and microtubules are found in all eukaryotic cells, but microfilaments are only found in some animal cells.

What is malonic acid's role with respect to succinate dehydrogenase?

It is a competitive inhibitor

Which of the following is a correct statement about a cleavage furrow?

It is a contractile ring of microfilaments associated with the motor protein myosin

Diffusion is a directional movement of particles. Which of the following statements concerning diffusion is correct?

It is a passive process in which molecules from from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration and does not require energy

What is correct about diffusion?

It is a passive process in which molecules move from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration.

Which of the following statements is not true for lipids?

lipids are a diverse group that are hydrophilic

Consider the dehydration synthesis of starch being formed from hundreds of glucose monomers. What is true for this reaction?

It is nonspontaneous, endergonic and the ^G is positive

Why is ATP an important molecule in metabolism?

It provides energy coupling between exergonic and endergonic reactions.

The nuclear envelope is a double membrane that is perforated by numerous nuclear pores. These are lined by an intricate protein structure known as the pore complex. What is the function of a nuclear pore?

It regulates the movement of proteins and RNAs into and out of the nucleus.

What is true about natural selection?

It requires genetic variation, results in descent with modification, and involves differential reproductive success.

Which of the following is true for the signaling system in an animal cell that lacks the ability to produce GTP?

It would not be able to activate and inactivate the G protein on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane

What is true for the signaling system in an animal cell that lacks the ability to produce GTP?

It would not be able to activate the G protein on the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane

Which of the following describes the events of apoptosis?

Its DNA and organelles are fragmented, the cell shrinks and forms blebs, and the cell self-digests, and phagocytes engulf fragments

Mendel's second law of independent assortment has its basis in which of the following events of meiosis I?

alignment of tetrads at the equator

Three types of cell signaling receptors in the plasma membrane

Ligand gated ion channels Receptor tyrosine kinases G coupled protein receptors

ribosomes, plasma membrane, cytoplasm

List 3 things that both prokaryote and eukaryote cells generally have in common?

A lily with spotted flowers is crossed with a lily that has black anthers (those things inside the flower that contain pollen), producing offspring that have normal looking flowers (no spots) and yellow anthers. If you cross these F1 plants with plants that have both spotted flowers and black anthers, what would you expect in their offspring? These two genes are very close together on the same chromosome.

Mostly spotted flowers with normal anthers or normal flowers with black anthers.

Which of a man's grandparents could not be the source of any of the genes on his Y chromosome?

Mother's mother, mother's father, and father's mother

What statement concerning a hypothesis is true?

Must be testible, falsifiable, be a possible explanantion for an observation, and lead up to a prediction that can be used to design an experiment

Which of the following statements describes NAD+?

NAD+ is reduced to NADH during glycolysis, pyruvate oxidation, and the citric acid cycle.

In photosynthesis, the products of linear electron flow are ____ and _____; cyclic electron flow produces ____



Nuclear envelope has broken down; microtubules are connecting to kinetichores


Nuclear envelopes reform and nucleoli reappear



DNA is composed of two strands that are considered antiparallel to eachother. Which of the following is an accurate description of antiparallel with regard to DNA?

One strand runs 3' to 5' and the other runs 5' to 3'; that is, the polarity of the two strands is opposite.

What is a statement that correctly describes the normal tonicity conditions for typical plant and animal cells?

The animal cell is in an isotonic solution, and the plant cell is in a hypotonic solution

Which of the following statements is/are correct?

The further apart that two genes are on a chromosome, the higher the probability that a crossover will occur between them.

3 structures that are part of the endomembrane system

Rough ER, smooth ER, and golgi

Woodrats are medium sized rodents with lots of interesting behaviors. You may know of them as packrats. Let's assume that the trait of bringing home shiny objects (H) is controlled by a single locus gene and is dominant to the trait of carrying home only dull objects (h). Suppose two heterozygous parents are crossed. How many of each phenotype would be expected if only four offspring were produced?

Shiny-3 dull-1

What statement is not part of the cell theory?

all cells have DNA or RNA as their genome

Name 3 types of isomers. Circle the one that requires asymmetrical carbon.

Structural, cis-trans, enantiomers

DNA polymerase III

Synthesizes DNA in a 5' to 3' direction

Two plants are crossed, resulting in offspring with a 3:1 ratio for a particular trait. What does this suggest?

That the parents were both heterozygous for a single trait

What is meant by the description "antiparallel" regarding the strands that make up DNA?

The 5' to 3' direction of one strand runs counter to the 5'to 3' direction of the other strand.

A plant-derived protein known as colchicine can be used to poison cells by blocking the formation of the spindle. Which of the following would result if colchicine is added to a sample of cells in G2?

The chromosomes would coil and shorten but have no spindle in which to attach

A plant derived protein known as colchicine can be used to poison cells by blocking the formation of the spindle. Which of the following would result if colchicine is added to a sample of cells in G2?

The chromosomes would coil and shorten but have no spindle to which to attach

Which if the following statements is true of linkage?

The closer two genes are on a chromsome, the lower the probability that a crossover will occur between them.

How do the daughter cells at the end of mitosis and cytokinesis compare with their parent cell when it was in G1 of the cell cycle?

The daughter cells have the same number of chromosomes and the same amount of DNA

Which of the following is a statement of the second law of thermodynamics?

The entropy of the universe is increasing

Where do apoptotic signals come from? the nucleus the ER p53 exernal cell signals

all of the above

Which statement about independent assortment and segregation is correct?

The law of independent assortment requires describing two or more genes relative to one another.

Which of the following statements best represents the relationships between the light reactions and the Calvin cycle?

The light reactions provide ATP and NADPH to the Calvin cycle, and the cycle returns ADP, Pi, and NADP+ to the light reactions.

Light energy

The main source of energy for producers in an ecosystem is

If a patient that is in shock due to a rapid loss of blood is often given IV fluids in order to increase the circulatory fluid volume. Waht would be the result if sterile distilled water, rather than isotonic saline, is administered in the IV?

The patient's red blood cells will swell and burst because the blood has become hypotonic compared to the cells.


The phenotypic expression of one gene affects the expression of another gene

Which of the following is true for all endergonic reactions?

The products have more free energy than the reactants

Which of the following is true for all exergonic reactions?

The products have more free energy than the reactants

Which of the following statements is a correct description of the synthesis of a hemoglobin molecule?

The reaction is endergonic; ^G is positive, ^G is negative; nonspontaenous

Which of the following is/are true about enzyme catalyzed reactions?

The reaction is faster than the same reaction in the absence of an enzyme and enzymes increase the rate of the reaction by lowering the activation energy

Which of the following is true for all exergonic reactions?

The reaction proceeds with a net release of free energy

Tallness (T) in snapdragons is dominant to dwarfism (t), while red (R) flower color is dominant to white (r). The heterozygous condition results in pink (Rr) flower color. A dwarf, red snapdragon is crossed with a plant homozygous for tallness and white flowers. What are the genotype and phenotype of F1 individuals?

TtRr-tall and pink

Two fruit flies are crossed and the offspring include 81 females and 38 males. Can you think of a possible explanation for the unexpected ratio?

There is a lethal recessive allele on the X chromosome.

Which of the following is true of both starch and cellulose?

They are both polymers of glucose

Which of the following statements is true for the entire class of biological molecules known as lipids?

They are hydrophobic

What is true for anabolic pathways?

They consume energy to build up polymers from monomers.

Which of the following statements correctly describes enantiomers?

They have an asymmetrical carbon that makes them mirror images

Which of the following statements correctly describes cis-trans isomers?

They have variations in arrangement around a double bond

CAM plants and C4 plants avoid photorespiration by which of the following?

They use PEP carboxylase to initially fix CO2

The nucleus of a specific carbon atom contains 7 neutrons and 6 protons. Which of the following is a correct statement concerning this atom of carbon?

This carbon atom has a mass number of 13 and an atomic number of 6


Trait is only inherited from the mother. An affected mother will pass on the trait to all of her offspring, but other factors may have an affect on the severity of the disorder.

A human female with no Barr bodies would probably have a condition known as

Turner syndrome

synaptic signaling

What is this figure?

What is true concerning hydrogen bonds?

When hydrogen bonds form, heat is released. When hydrogen bonds break, heat is absorbed. Hydrogen bonds can form between hydrogen of a polar molecule and the oxygen of another polar molecule

What is true concerning cancer cells?

When they stop dividing, they do so at random points in the cell cycle; they are not subject to cell cycle controls; and they do not exhibit density-dependent inhibition when growing in culture.

A man has hypertrichosis of the ears, which is due to a gene on the Y-chromosome. He marries a normal woman. What are the possible genotypes and phenotypes of children from this union?

XX x XY^H All of the girls will be normal and all of the boys will have hairy ears. XX XY^H

Androgens, of which testosterone is a member, are necessary for normal male development during gestation. What would be the probable genotype and phenotype of a human that has a normal SRY gene, but due to a genetic disorder, lacks androgen receptors?

XY, female

A color blind man and a woman with normal color vision have a color blind son. What are the genotypes of the parents?

X^C and X^cY

Red-green color blindness is a sex-linked recessive trait in humans. Two people with normal color vision have a color-blind son. What are the genotypes of the parents?

X^CX^c and X^CY

A female fruit fly of unknown genotype was crossed with a short-wing male fly, genotype X^wY. Short-wing is recessive, long-wing is dominant (X^w). Half of the male and half of the female offspring were long-winged, and half of the male and half of the female offspring were short-winged. What was the genotype of the female fly?


A scientific theory is

a concept that is supported by experimental evidence that explains the facts in an area of study

One of the buffers that contributes to pH stability in human blood is carbonic acid (H2CO3). Carbonic acid is a weak acid that when placed in an aqueous solution, dissociates into a bicarbonic ion(HCO3-) and a hydrogen ion (H+) This, H2CO3 <-> HC03- + H+. If the pH of the blood increases, one would expect

a decrease in the concentration of H2CO3 and an increase in the concentration of HCO3-

SRY is best described in which of the following ways?

a gene present on the Y chromosome that triggers male development

Water molecules are attached to eachother due to the opposite charges created by partial charge area within the molecules. What is this attraction called?

a hydrogen bond


a localized group of organisms that belong to the same species is called

Calico and tortoiseshell cats are female because

a male inherits only one of the two X-linked genes controlling hair color.

A unicellular organism located in pond water is found to contain a cell wall, a plasma membrane, a single flagellum, and chloroplasts. Based just on this information, the organism is most likely

a motile eukaryote

Which of the following descriptions best fits the class of molecules known as nucleotides?

a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a sugar

Through a microscope, you can see a cell plate beginning to develop across the middle of a cell and nuclei forming on either side of the cell plate. This cell is most likely

a plant cell in metaphase

What results in unequal sharing of electrons between atoms?

a polar covalent bond

A series of enzymes catalyze the reaction X → Y → Z → A. Product A binds to the enzyme that converts X to Y at a position remote from its active site. This binding decreases the activity of the enzyme. What is substance X?

a substrate

A protein that spans the phospholipid bilayer one or more times is

a transmembrane protein

In humans, sickle cell anemia is a disease caused by a mutation of a single locus gene which codes for an important blood protein (hemoglobin). The allele for the normal protein(H) is dominant to that for the one causing sickle cell anemia. What gametes would be produced by an individual who suffers from sickle cell anemia?

all h

Which of the following intermediary metabolites enters the citric acid cycle and is formed, in part, by the removal of a carbon from one molecule of pyruvate?

acetyl CoA

The primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration is to

act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water

Reactants capable of interacting to form products in a chemical reaction must first overcome a thermodynamic barrier known as the reaction's

activation energy

Activation energy

activation that is lowered by an enzyme

allosteric regulator

activator or inhibitor that binds to an enzyme at a location other than the active site

The movement of a substance across a biological membrane against its concentration gradient requires energy, usually in the form of ATP. This is known as

active transport

How many grams of magnesium chloride (MgCl2) would you use to make 3 L of a 2M solution?

add 570 grams, up to the 3L water mark

DNA polymerase III

adds nucleotides to the 3' end of the growing DNA strand

Evergreen Wisteria can survive both very cold and hot weather. Which of the following is one of the ways that the membranes of this vine are able to remain fluid when it is -20 C?

by increasing the percentage of unsaturated phospholipids in the membrane

What is one of the ways that membranes of winter wheat are able to remain fluid when it is extremely cold?

by increasing the percentage of unsaturated phospholipids in the membrane

Consider this pathway: epinephrine --> G protein-coupled receptor --> G protein adenylyl cyclase --> cAMP. Identify the second messenger.


Which class of biological molecules consist of both small molecules and macromolecular polymers?


Which of the four groups of macromolecules consist of both monomers and polymers?


The element present in all organic molecules is


All of the events listed below occur in the light reactions of photosynthesis except

carbon fixation

Which two functional groups are always found in amino acids?

carboxyl and amino acids

Which term most precisely describes the cellular process of breaking down large molecules into smaller ones?



centrioles begin to move apart in animal cells; nuclear envelope is still intact; chromosomes first become visible with a light microscope

Where do the microtubules of the spindle originate during mitosis in animal cells?


Proteins that allow diffusion of ions across membranes down their concentration gradients are most likely

channel proteins


chaos or disorder, designated by the letter S

Which structure is not part of the endomembrane system?


The centromere is a region in which

chromatids remain attached to one another until anaphase

Increasing the substrate concentration in an enzymatic reaction could overcome which of the following?

competitive inhibition


complexes that make protein; free in cytosol or bound to rough ER or nuclear envelope


composed of actin; involved in muscle contractions, cytoplasmic streaming, and pseudopodia

Saturated fats

contain more hydrogen than unsaturated fats that consist of the same number of carbon atoms


contains DNA, ribosomes, stroma, and thylakoids

The phosphate transport system in bacteria imports phosphate into the cell even when the concentration of phosphate outside the cell is much lower than the cytoplasmic phosphate concentration. Phosphate import depends on a pH gradient across the membrane-more acidic outside the cell than inside the cell. Phosphate transport is an example of


A carbon atom is most likely to form what kind of bond with other atoms?


When hydrogen ions are pumped from the mitochondrial matrix across the inner membrane and into the intermembrane space, the result is the

creation of a proton-motive force

Which of the following terms belongs with the words synapsis, tetrads, and chiasmata?

crossing over

Protein phosphotases

inactivate protein kinases by removing a phosphate group


cytoskeleton involved in organelle movements; made up of a tubulin and b tubulin

Where does glycolysis take place in eukaroytic cells?


What would increase the rate of sucrose transport into a cell?

decreasing extracellular pH

Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) is a rare recessive disorder in which the affected individual cannot tolerate exposure to UV light. These individuals have a high incidence of skin cancer, often before the age of 10. The absorption of UV light is known to occasionally cause the formation of thymine dimers which can lead to skin cancer. Based on these clinical characteristics, what is likely cause for this disorder?

defects in nucleotide excision repair

What is the chemical reaction mechanism by which cells make polymers from monomers?

dehydration reactions

Polymers are macromolecules that are made up of monomers. The chemical reaction that produces a polymer is ____ and the reaction that breaks down polymers into monomers is

dehydration synthesis, hydrolysis

In his studies of the finches found on the Galapagos Islands, Darwin suggested that their differences illustrated

descent with modification

free energy

designated by the letter G, decreases as entropy increases

A chemical reaction that has a positive ^G is correctly described as


A chemical reaction that has a negative ^G is best describes as

endergonic and spontaneous

These macromolecules are nonpolar and insoluble in water


What is not a true polymer?


The mechanism in which the end product of a metabolic pathway inhibits an earlier step in the pathway is most precisely described as

feedback inhibition

CAM plants keep stomata closed in daytime, thus reducing loss of water. They can do this because they

fix CO2 into malate during the night

During aerobic respiration, electrons travel downhill in which sequence?

food->NADH->electron transport chain->oxygen


found in nucleus; produces subunits of ribosomes


found only in animal cells; contains enzymes that hydrolyze macromolecules

central vacuole

found only in plants; functions include storage, breakdown of waste products, growth of plant cells

Ions can travel directly from the cytoplasm of one animal cell to the cytoplasm of an adjacent cell through

gap junctions

Which of the following molecules dramatically increases the rate of diffusion of ions across cell membranes?

gated ion channels

The term that describes the alleles present is the _____ and the physical appearance is referred to as the _______

genotype, phenotype

Which metabolic pathway is common to both fermentation and cellular respiration?


A carbon has 6 electrons however, its valency is 4. This is because the carbon atom

has 4 unpaired electrons in the second(valence) shell

Charles Darwin proposed a mechanism for descent with modification that stated that organisms of a particular species are adapted to their environment when they possess

heritable traits that enhance their survival and reproductive success in the local environment

Complete dominance

heterozygous phenotype same as that of homozygous dominant

Humans can digest starch but not cellulose because

humans have enzymes that can hydrolyze the α glycosidic linkages of starch but not the β glycosidic linkages of cellulose.

The quaternary structure that is necessary for some proteins involves:

hydrogen bonding between the backbone of the amino acids

The slight negative charge at one end of one water molecule is attracted to the slight positive charge of another water molecule. What is this attraction called?

hydrogen bonds

Which bonds are created during the formation of the secondary structure of a protein?

hydrogen bonds

Which type of bond must be broken for water to vaporize?

hydrogen bonds

In DNA, the two stands are held together by ____ bonds and ____ bonds join nucleotides.

hydrogen; phosphodiester

Celery stalks that are immersed in fresh water for several hours become stiff and hard. Similar stalks left in a salt solution become limp and soft. From this we can deduce that the cells of the celery stalks are

hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution

In order to ensure that lettuce will be crisp for a salad, a restaurant will immerse the lettuce leaves in plain cold water for 5-10 minutes. If the lettuce leaves were placed in a salt solution, they would become wilted. Therefore, the cells of lettuce are

hypertonic to fresh water but hypotonic to the salt solution.

in a plant cell, DNA may be found

in the nucleus, mitochondria, and chloroplasts and peroxisomes

The method of reasoning that uses specific cases to construct a general principle is

inductive reasoning

Hydrophobic(nonpolar) hormones bind to ___ receptors


DNA polymerase II

involved in DNA repair processes

Smooth ER

involved in synthesis of lipids, stores calcium ions, detoxifies drugs and poisons

List 2 of the 5 type of bonds in addition to hydrogen bonds, that can be found in tertiary protein structure

ionic, van der waals

The active site of an enzyme is the region that

is involved in the catalytic reaction of the enzyme

A control for an experiment can be defined as a group that

is matched with the experimental group except for the one experimental variable

Atoms of a single element that possess different numbers of neutrons are called:


Water passes quickly through cell membranes because

it moves through aquaporins in the membrane

The sodium potassium pump maintains a polarity in a neuron, with the inside of the cell being negatively charged with a positively charged exterior. In order for a signal to travel across a neuron, the cell must have a rapid reversal of this polarity by allowing sodium ions to rush into the neuron and potassium ions to rapidly leave. Which of the following would be required for this depolarization to occur?

ligand gated ion channel

DNA polymerase III

main replication enzyme

Males are more often affected by sex-linked traits than females because

males are hemizygous for the X chromosome

In mitochondria, the electron transport chain pumps protons from the _____ into the ______, whereas in chloroplasts, the electron transport chain pumps protons from the ___ into the ____

matrix, intermembrane space, stroma, thylakoid space

rough ER

membrane factory for the cell; produces secretory proteins; ribosomes are attraced to outer surface

What is the voltage across a membrane called?

membrane potential

Tetrads of chromsomes are aligned at the center of the cell

metaphase I

Motor proteins provide for transport of vesicles along which of the following?


Movement of vesicles within the cell depends on what cellular structures?

microtubules and motor proteins

Cyanide binds to at least one molecule involved in producing ATP. If a cell is exposed to cyanide, most of the cyanide will be found within the


Which of the following are only found in eukaryotic cells?


Where are the proteins of the electron transport chain located?

mitochondrial intermembrane space

competitive inhibitor

molecule that resembles the substrate and competes for the active site


monosaccharides, disaccharides, polysaccharides, glycosidic linkages


motor protein associated with muscle contraction

The sodium potassium pump is found in all cells of animals, including humans and is essential for maintaining life. Which of the following statements is correct concerning this pump?

moves three sodium ions out of a cell and two potassium ions into a cell using energy from ATP hydrolysis

Single cell following meiosis II


Single cell following meiosis I


metaphase of meiosis II


The term that Darwin used to describe the concept that those with superior physical, behavioral or other traits are more likely to survive, and therefore more likely to pass those traits to the next generation is called

natural selection

A cell has the following molecules and structures: enzymes, DNA, ribosomes, plasma membrane, and mitochondria. It could be a cell from

nearly any eukarotic organism

What is the source of the extra chromosome 21 in an individual with Down syndrome?

nondisjunction in either parent

When two atoms are equally electronegative, they will interact to form

nonpolar covalent bonds

A woman has 47 chromosomes including three X chromosomes. Which of the following describes her expected phenotype?

normal female

A woman is found to have 47 chromosomes, including three X chromosomes. Which of the following describes her expected phenotype?

normal female

nucleic acids

nucleotides, DNA or RNA, phosphodiester linkages

All of the following are part of a prokaryotic cell except



one gene affects multiple characters


only males are affected, passed from father to all sons, does not skip generations

The formation of molecules depend on different types of chemical bonding between atoms. Atoms with incomplete valence shells can interact with certain other atoms in order to complete its valence shell. A covalent bond is one in which

outershell electrons of two atoms are shared so as to satisfactorily fill the outer electron shells of both atoms.

Carbon dioxide is released during which of the following stages of cellular respiration?

oxidation of pyruvate to acetyl CoA and the citric acid cycle

Which of the following produces the most ATP when glucose is completely oxidized to carbon dioxide and water?

oxidative phosphorylation (chemiosmosis)

The final electron acceptor in aerobic cellular respiration is


Platelets are involved in blood coagulation at the site of an injury and will release a cell signal called platelet derived growth factor to surrounding cells. This would be an example of

paracrine signaling

Which of the following is characterized by a cell releasing a signal molecule into the environment followed by a number of cells in the immediate vicinity responding?

paracrine signaling

Which of the following is characterized by a cell releasing a signal molecule into the environment, followed by a number of cells in the immediate vicinity responding?

paracrine signaling

What process includes all other? osmosis diffusion facilitated diffusion passive transport transport of an ion down its electrochemical gradient

passive transport

Which of these is not embedded in the hydrophobic portion of the lipid bilayer at all?

peripheral proteins

Which structure is common to plant and animal cells?


An inhibitor of which of the following could be used to block the release of calcium from the endoplasmic reticulum?

phospholipase C

Which of the following types of molecules are the major structural components of the cell membrane?

phospholipids and proteins

What is a correct association

phosphotase activity and the removal of phosphate groups

Reduction of NADP+ occurs during


Which of the following structures form cytoplasmic channels that connect adjacent cells through the cell walls?



produces H2O2 as a byproduct; removes hydrogen from various molecules, such as alcohol

A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely

producing primarily cytoplasm proteins

A cell with a predominance of free ribosomes is most likely

producing primarily cytoplasmic proteins

Cells that contain large numbers of free ribosomes, but fewer bound ribosomes are probably

producing primarily cytoplasmic proteins

Chromosomes first become visible during which phase of mitosis?


Synapsis of homologous pairs occurs; crossing over may occur.

prophase I

Large numbers of ribosomes are present in cells that specialize in producing which of the following molecules?


The DNA double helix has a uniform diameter because ______, which have two rings, always pair with _____, which have one ring.


Which level of protein structure involves the bonding together of two or more polypeptide chains?


Which level of protein structure is characterized by two or more polypeptides joined together?



reaction with a positive ^G and is nonspontaneous

One of the major categories of receptors in the plasma membrane reacts by forming dimers, adding phosphate groups, and then activating relay proteins. Which type does this?

receptor tyrosine kinases

Which of the following is not considered a lipid?

ribonucleic acids

In cattle, roan coat color (mixed red and white hairs) occurs in the heterozygous (Rr) offspring of red (RR) and white (rr) homozygotes. Which of the following crosses would produce offspring in the ratio of 1 red:2 roan:1 white?

roan x roan

ECM proteins are made by ribosomes in which part of a eukaryotic cell?

rough ER

Secreted proteins, such as antibodies, are made by ribosomes in which part of a eukaryotic cell?

rough ER

Which structure is the site of the synthesis of proteins that may be exported from the cell?

rough ER

Which of the following is the pathway taken by an antibody produced by a B-lymphocyte?

rough ER->Golgi->transport vesicle->plasma membrane

If all of the hydrogen bonds in a protein have been broken, the ___ will still be intact


Which level of protein structure do the a helix and the b pleated sheets represent?


The a helix and the b pleated sheets are part of the ___ level of protein structure and are formed by ___ between the backbone of the amino acids.

secondary, hydrogen bonds

What aspects of protein structure are stabilized or assisted by hydrogen bonds?

secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structures but not primary

When a neuron responds to a particular neurotransmitter by opening gated ion channels, the neurotransmitter is serving as which part of the signal pathway?

signal molecule

From the perspective of the cell receiving the message, the three stages of cell signaling are

signal reception, signal transduction, and cellular response

All of the following occur during prophase of mitosis in animal cells except the centrioles move towards opposite poles the nucleolus can no longer be seen the nuclear envelope dissappears sister chromatids separate the spindle is organized

sister chromatids separate

What is an example of polygenic inheritance?

skin pigmentation in humans

What kind of molecules pass through a cell membrane most easily?

small and hydrophobic

The liver is involved in detoxification of many poisons and drugs. Which of the following structures is primarily involved in this process and therefore abundant in liver cells?

smooth ER

Which type of organelle or structure is primarily involved in the synthesis of oils, phospholipids, and steroids?

smooth ER

When oxygen is released as a result of photosynthesis, it is a direct by-product of

splitting water molecules

Golgi apparatus

stores, modifies, manufactures, and ships

Where does the Calvin cycle take place?

stroma of the chloroplast

The ATP made during glycolysis is generated by

substrate-level phosphorylation

Succinate dehydrogenase catalyzes the conversion of succinate to fumarate. The reaction is inhibited by malonic acid, which resembles succinate but cannot be acted upon by succinate dehydrogenase. Increasing the ratio of succinate to malonic acid reduces the inhibitory effect of malonic acid. Based on this information, which of the following is correct?

succinate is the substrate, and fumarate is the product

What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?

synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide


synthesizes short segments of RNA to function as a primer

At which level of protein structure are interactions between the side chains (R groups) most important?


Which level of protein structure involves interactions between the R groups, or side chains, of the amino acids?


What component of amino acid structure varies among different amino acids?

the R group, or side chain

A reaction has a ^G of -30kcal/mol. This is a reaction that uses an enzyme as a catalyst, and if the amount of enzyme is doubled, then

the ^G would be -30 kcal/mol

Electrons in an atom vary in the amount of energy they possess, and are therefore located in specific energy shells or levels. Electrons that are in energy cells that are more distant from the nucleolus have more potential energy. However, if an electron absorbs energy such as light

the electrons may move to an electron shell farther away from the nucleus

Water is a polar molecule because

the electrons shared between the oxygen and hydrogen atoms spend more time around the oxygen atom nucleus than around the hydrogen atom nucleus.

energy coupling

the energy required to drive an endergonic reaction is supplied by an exergonic reaction

When comparing the leading and lagging strands in DNA replication,

the leading strand is snythesized continuously, whereas the lagging strand is synthesized in short fragments that are ultimately covalently bonded together by ligase.

The leading and the lagging strands differ in that

the leading strand is synthesized in the same direction as the movement of the replication fork, and the lagging strand is synthesized in the opposite direction.

The reactions that produce molecular oxygen (O2) take place in

the light reactions alone

A controlled experiment is one which

there are at least two groups, one of which does not receive the experimental treatment.

In a plant cell, where are the ATP synthase complexes located?

thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane

Where are ATP synthase complexes located in plant cells?

thylakoid membrane and inner mitochondrial membrane

Where are the molecules of the electron transport chain found in plant cells?

thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts

In cats, black fur is caused by an X-linked allele; the other allele at this locus causes orange color. The heterozygote is tortoiseshell. What kinds of offspring would you expect from the cross of a black female and an orange male?

tortoiseshell females; black females

In cats, black or orange fur color is determined by a gene located on the X chromosome. (white color is due to a second gene that is epistatic to the coat color gene). A cat that is heterozygous for this gene has tortoiseshell coloring. What colors would you expect to see in the kittens from the cross of a black female and an orange male?

tortoiseshell females;black males

What was the most significant conclusion that Gregor Mendel drew from his experiments with pea plants?

traits are inherited in discrete units, and are not the result of the "blending" of traits.

An ionic bond is formed by

transfer of an electron from one atom to another

One possible result of chromosomal breakage is for a fragment to join a nonhomologous chromosome. What is this alteration called?



two centrosomes have arrived at opposite poles of the cell; chromosomes are not lined up on the metaphase plate; nuclear envelope is no longer intact

One difference between carbon-12 is that that carbon-14 has

two or more neutrons than carbon 12

Which of the following is a major difference between RNA and DNA?

type of sugar


unwinds the DNA double helix

Two weak chemical bonds and one strong chemical bond

weak : hydrogen bond, Van Der Waals strong : polar covalent bond

X-linked Dominant

• Both males and females are affected; often more females than males are affected • Does not skip generations. • Affected sons must have an affected mother; • affected daughters must have either an affected mother or an affected father • Affected fathers will pass the trait on to all their daughters • Affected mothers if heterozygous will pass the trait on to 1/2 of their sons and 1/2 of their daughters

X-linked Recessive

• More males than females are affected • Affected sons are usually born to unaffected mothers, thus the trait skips generations • Approximately 1/2 of carrier mothers' sons are affected • It is never passed from father to son • All daughters of affected fathers are carriers

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