Final Exam

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What star color is the highest temperature?


What is the atomic number, atomic mass, protons, electrons, and neutrons Calcium-42?

20, 42, 20, 20, 22

Correctly balance the decay reaction. 230/90Th->0/-1e+


You put 1 g of Salt into 1 L of water and stir. The resulting liquid is an example of

A solution

Which of the following will conduct an electric current?

A water solution of an ionic compound

Which would have a pH more than 7? A) Carbonic Acid B) Pure Water C) Sodium Chloride Solution D) Sodium Hydroxide Solution

D) Sodium Hydroxide Solution

Whose theory which included the work of Democritus, Proust, and Lavoisier


Who originally came up with the idea of the atom?


The father of the periodic table is

Dmitri Mendeleev

Classify, write the equation in symbols and balance: Potassium chloride + Silver Nitrate ---> Potassium Nitrate + Silver Chloride

Double Displacement KCl + AgNO3 ---> KNO3 + AgCl

Examples of compounds

Dry ice ( solid carbon dioxide), ethyl alcohol, Hydrogen sulfide, salt

One of the following planets is more dense than the others A) Saturn B) Jupiter C) Mars D) Earth


Pure substances may either be compounds or


A dip of vanilla ice cream is a pure substance. True or False?


An alpha particle is really a high-energy electron ejected from the Nucleus. True or False?


Earth's atmosphere is composed chiefly of nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide. True or False?


Is this true or false? Elements in the same row of the periodic table exhibit similar chemical properties


It is impossible to theorize about the formation of the solar system because no other planetary systems can be observed.


Nuclear power reactors cannot explode like an atom bomb because there isn't enough of the fissionable U-235 in a reactor to maintain a chain reaction. True or False?


Red giants are enormously bright because they are extremely hot. True or False


The average temperature of the earth is slightly lower in January because then the earth is at its greatest distance from the sun. True or False?


The interior of the earth is molten from the heat produced by the intense bombardment the earth experienced during its formation. True or False?


Venus, the sister planet to the Earth, has an atmosphere whose composition is similar to that of Earth. True or False


When U-238 undergoes beta-decay, the product is Np-239. True or False


When a massive star exhausts its supply of hydrogen fuel, it becomes a supernova. True or False?


X undergoes radioactive decay to Y with a half-life of five minutes. After 10 minutes, the sample of X has completely decayed to Y. False or true?


X undergoes radioactive decay to Y with a half-life of five minutes. After 10 minutes, the sample of X has completely decayed to Y. True or False


Which one of the following elements is a transition element? As Pb H Fe Sr


iron (II) Chlorate


The chemical formula for iron (II) nitrite is


The chemical formula for iron (II) nitrate is


The chemical formula for iron(II) nitrate is


iron (iii) sulfite


A person traveling westward across the International Date Line gains a day. True or False?


Airline crews receive roughly three times the background radiation of those of us who spend most of our time on the ground. True or False


Airline crews receive roughly three times the background radiation of those of us who spend most of our time on the ground. True or False?


Is this true of false? The word "halogen" comes from the Greek, meaning "salt-former.


Isotopes with an even number of both protons and neutrons are generally stable. True or False


Isotopes with an even number of both protons and neutrons are generally stable. True or False?


Photographs of the surface of Mars provides evidence that liquid water once flowed on its surface. True or False?


The sun has hundreds of times more mass than all the rest of the solar system. True or False


The temperature on the surface of Venus is hot enough to melt lead. True or False?


Which one of these represents a chemical change? Cutting a bar of sodium metal into pieces with a knife Melting butter Boiling water to form steam Turning hair yellow with bleach Mixing powdered charcoal and oxygen at room temperature

Turning hair yellow with bleach

Which of these chemical equations describes a metal displacement reaction? 2NaN3(s) ? 2Na(s) + 3N2(g) 3NO2(g) + H2O(l) ? 2HNO3(aq) + NO(g) 2ZnS(s) + 3O2(g) ? 2ZnO(s) + 2SO2(g) 2P(s) + 3Cl2(g) ? 2PCl3(g) Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) ? 2Fe(s) + Al2O3(s)

Fe2O3(s) + 2Al(s) ? 2Fe(s) + Al2O3(s)

Which radiation has no electric charge associated with it?


Condensation refers to which conversion?

Gas to liquid

The smallest particle of oxygen that behaves like oxygen is an oxygen


The number of protons in an atom is equal to the

atomic number

The correct name for Ba(OH)2 is

barium hydroxide

Water containing large amounts of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions is said to be hard

because it is hard to make soap lather in the water.

Water containing large amounts of Mg2+ and Ca2+ ions is said to be hard

because it is hard to make soap lather in water.

A hydrogen atom could emit a

beta particle

A high speed particle ejected from the nucleus is

beta particle (electron)

The earth, other planets, and the rest of the Solar System formed

billions of years ago from elements created in many previously existing stars.

In the sun, energy is formed when hydrogen atoms


The reaction 2 Mg + O2 ? 2 MgO is an example of

combustion, oxidation, and combination

The reaction 2 Mg + O2-> 2 MgO is an example of


The absolute magnitude

considers the brightness of a star when at a standard distance.

What is the correct name for the compound, CuCl2?

copper(II) chloride

The volume of a substance is an

extensive property.

The sum of the coefficients must be the same on both sides of a chemical equation. true or false?


true or false? The sum of the coefficients must be the same on both sides of a chemical equation.


true or false? When balancing a chemical equation, you need to change subscripts to make the number of atoms of an element the same on both sides of the equation.


The density of the planet Saturn is so low that it would

float in water.

the presence of solute molecules makes a solution

freeze at a lower temperature than the pure solvent.

A lunar eclipse can only occur during which phase of the moon?


The source of energy in the Sun is


Which type of nuclear process requires an extremely high temperature (millions of degrees)?

fusion reaction

The rule "like dissolves like" explains why liquids are

generally soluble in other liquids and gases are soluble in one another

The vertical columns of the periodic table are called


The elements in Group 7A (17) are known by what name?


Matter can be defined as anything that

has mass and volume

atoms have no charge because they

have an equal number of electrons and protons

A mixture of flour and water is called a ______________________ mixture because the substances do not dissolve.


if a sample of matter contains more than one part or phase, the sample is


A solution is a

homogeneous mixture of two or more substances.

Latitude is a measure of

how far north or south one is from the equator.

The dye litmus turns blue

in basic solutions.

A bottle of whiskey contains 40% alcohol by volume. This means that the whiskey contains 40 mL of alcohol

in every 100 mL of whiskey

The solubility of a gas in water decreases as the water temperature


The density of a substance is an

intensive property.

The formation of an ionic bond

involves a transfer of one or more electrons, results in a release of energy, and helps atoms achieve a noble gas electron arrangement.

The reaction between water solutions of sodium chloride and silver nitrate produces a precipitate: NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) ? NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(s). This is an example of

ion exchange

The reaction between water solutions of sodium chloride and silver nitrate produces a precipitate: NaCl(aq) + AgNO3(aq) ® NaNO3(aq) + AgCl(s). This is an example of

ion exchange

A Geiger counter indirectly measures radiation by measuring

ions produced

Rutherford concluded from his calculations that the volume of an atom

is mostly empty space.

A solution with a pH of 2

is one tenth as acidic as a solution with a pH of 1.

Waxing Crescent phase

is the phase of the Moon tonight.

soap is able to dissolve grease because

it has a polar end and a nonpolar end

Ice floats in water because

its density is less than that of water

In a chemical equation, the reactants are found on the

left side of the arrow.

Most of the stars plotted on a H-R diagram are

main sequence stars

What is the name of Mn(CO3)2?

manganese (IV) carbonate

Most of the earth's mass is contained in the


The amount of matter in an object is best expressed by its


Matter is anything that has

mass and occupies space.

A light year is a

measure of astronomical distance.

In replacement reactions metals are usually replaced by

metals or hydrogen

Remnants of asteroids or comets that survive the trip through the earth's atmosphere to strike the surface are called


A solution is a homogeneous


The tides are caused by the gravitation pull of the _____ on the earth.


When a solvent is cooled, it will dissolve

more gas

Polar compounds such as alcohol would be expected to be

more soluble in water than in non-polar solvents.

Compared to magnitude 2 star, a star with a magnitude of 1 is

more than twice as bright

A symbol for an element always has a capital letter and sometimes a lower case letter. These letters are related to the element's


A substance with a pH of 7 is


Different isotopes of an element have different numbers of its


The difference in mass of isotopes of the same element is due to the number of ______ in the nucleus.


During which phase of the moon would we most likely see a solar eclipse?


The presence of an oceanic trench, a chain of volcanic mountains along the edge of a continent, and deep-seated earthquakes is characteristic of

ocean-continent plate convergence.

A protostar is an accumulation

of gases in outer space that will become a star.

According to the quantum mechanical model, electrons exist in


The tectonic plates include Euroasian, African, North American, South American and


The horizontal row is called


What is the name of PCl3?

phosphorus trichloride

When a substance changes and still retains its original properties the change is called


Grinding quartz crystals down to produce sand is an example of a

physical change

The slow wobble of the earth's axis is called


The atomic number of an element is the number of

protons and electrons

Knowing chemical properties will tell you how that substances

reacts with other substances

For the last 3 billion years the surface of the moon has been

relatively quiet

A measure of radiation that takes into account the possible biological damage produced by different types of radiation is called a


The reaction: 2 NaI + Cl2 ? 2 NaCl + I2 is an example of


The reaction: 2 NaI + Cl2 ® 2 NaCl + I2 is an example of


Isotopes of an element are atoms that have

same number of protons but different number of neutrons

When no more of a solute will dissolve in a solvent, the solution is said to be


The theory that explains the widening of the ocean is called

sea-floor spreading

If you were flying east on a jet across three times zones and your watch read 12:00 noon when you landed, you should

set it to 3:00 PM


silver chlorate

A radioactive decay reaction produces a

simpler, more stable nucleus than the reactant nucleus.

Which one of the following represents a chemical change? sugar dissolving in hot coffee heating water to form steam mixing sugar and cinnamon cutting a bar of sodium metal into pieces with a knife sliced apples, in contact with air, turning brown

sliced apples, in contact with air, turning brown


sodium carbonate


sodium sulfide

Which state of matter will hold it shape without a container?


In liquid solutions, the solute is

solid, liquid, gas

the solution concentration of parts per million, % by volume, % by weight are concerned with?

solute in the solution

The Milky Way galaxy is


The moon's light is from the


Hot, molten rock, welling up from the earth's interior, spreads the ocean floor, causing

the continents to drift apart.

In which part of a newborn star does the fusion reaction occur?

the core

The phases of the moon depend upon where the _____ is/are located.

the earth, moon, and sun

Robert Millikan discovered that

the electron carries the smallest unit of electrical charge.

Hydrogen bonding in water accounts for

the fact that snowflakes are 6-sided, water's higher than expected boiling temperature, and the fact that ice floats in liquid water.

Because of our belief in the law of conservation of mass, it seems reasonable that

the number of atoms of reactants must equal the number of atoms of products

A scale of values that expresses the hydronium (hydrogen) ion concentration of a solution is known as

the pH scale

a scale of values that expresses the hydronium (hydrogen) ion concentration of a solution is known as

the pH scale

When Rutherford found that some of the alpha particles fired at the gold foil were widely deflected, he concluded that

the positive charge in an atom is concentrated in a tiny nucleus.

When no more of a solute will dissolve in a solvent,

the solution is said to be saturated.

The asteroids forming a belt between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter were prevented from forming a planet by

the strong gravitational field of Jupiter.

The fact that there are seasons on the earth is largely due to

the tilt of the earth's axis

The San Andreas Fault is the site of a

transform boundary.

Nickel, Iron and copper are all classified as

transition metals

The lower layer of the atmosphere where weather occurs is called


true or false? When balancing a chemical equation, the number of H atoms in 2 CH4 is eight.


In all power plants the ____turns the generator.


What planet has its axis of rotation tilted so much that it appears to rotate on its side?


Consistent with vanadium being a transition metal, the name for VSO4 should be

vanadium(II) sulfate

The amount of space a substance occupies is its


a hydrogen bond is

what holds the atoms of a water molecule together

Which of the following does not represent a chemical change? bread rises when baking fermentation of sugar to alcohol when cooled, liquid water becomes ice a freshly cut apple turns brown milk turns sour on standing at room temperature

when cooled, liquid water becomes ice

The number of degrees of arc that Polaris is above the horizon depends on

your latitude

The division between metals and nonmetals is a


The alkali metal elements are found in _______ of the periodic table.

Group 1A

ammonium carbonate


Hydrogen bonding in water accounts for

-Water's higher than expected boiling temperature -the fact that ice floats in liquid water. -the fact that snowflakes are 6-sided

The amount of radiation we are naturally exposed to during a year is nearly

0.150 Rem

What is the most likely temperature of the water at the bottom of Lake Superior in the winter?


The core of a typical star contains what fraction of the star's mass?


The Lanthanide series is in Period


The equation 2 C2H5OH + __O2 ® 4 CO2 + 6 H2O is balanced by making the coefficient of oxygen


When the equation __Li + __O2 ® __Li2O is correctly balanced, what is the sum of the coefficients


What is the formula weight of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3?


The formula weight of aluminum hydroxide, Al(OH)3 is

78 u

What is the atomic number, atomic mass, protons, electrons, and neutrons oxygen-16?

8, 16, 8, 8, 8

What is the atomic number, atomic mass, protons, electrons, and neutrons oxygen-17?

8, 17, 8, 8, 9

When radium (atomic number 88) emits an alpha particle, the remaining nucleus has an atomic number of


Balance the following equation using the smallest set of whole numbers, then add together the coefficients. Don't forget to count coefficients of one. The sum of the coefficients is _____Cr + _______H2SO4 --> ______Cr2(SO4)3 + _______H2


examples of heterogeneous mixtures

A big Mac hamburger, milk, concrete, Apple, paint

Barium Hydroxide


Copper (II) chlorite


When the value of something does not depend on the amount of the matter, what is this called?

Intensive property

The solution concentration of parts per million, % by volume, % by weight are concerned with?

Solute in the solution

When two things dissolve in each other the_____ dissolves into the_______ forming a ____.

Solute, solvent, solution

Which of the following are properties of basic solutions? They turn the dye litmus red. They feel slippery. They taste sour. They react with active metals to produce hydrogen gas.

They feel slippery.

Who discovered the electron and measured its charge to mass?


When 40/19 K undergoes beta-decay, the product is 40/18 Ar. True or False?

True 40/19K+0/-1e->40/18Ar

The last natural element is

Uranium (U)

Gold is usually found in a pure form and nature because it is

Very unreactive


calcium fluoride

The phase of the moon between new and 1st quarter is


What is mass divided by volume?


The earth rotates

from west to east.

Boiling point and melting point are

intensive properties.

More massive stars tend to use up their supply of hydrogen more rapidly than

less massive stars.


magnesium nitrate

Which one of the following represents a chemical change? water disappears from a beaker in a few days at room temperature water boils below 100ºC on a mountainAnswer Key lard when heated changes to liquid milk turns sour in a few days at room temperature sugar dissolving in water

milk turns sour in a few days at room temperature

Freezing is the change of state

of liquid to solid.

Where a main sequence star is located on the H-R diagram depends only on its


What is the name of P4Se3?

tetraphosphorus triselenide

The difference in brightness between two stars is related to

the amount of light and energy produced by the stars.

The findings from the Apollo space missions to the moon support the idea that

the moon formed from the impact of the earth with a very large object.

We always see the same side of the moon because

the moon's periods of rotation and revolution are the same.

Evidence that the earth is rotating is provided by

the motion of a pendulum

Most of the radioactivity we personally encounter comes from

the natural environment

Aluminum Nitrate


Matter is mostly empty space Said


Tin (IV) Sulfide


zinc phosphate



aluminum nitride

The law of conservation of mass states that mass cannot be

created or destroyed

The energy released by the sun is the result of

nuclear fusion

What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by magnesium and iodine?


The formula for magnesium sulfate is


The mass of the proton is______the mass of electron.

More than

Which of the following statements about comets is not true? Comets are thought to be dirty snowballs. The birthplace of comets is a cloud of icy, dusty aggregates beyond the orbit of Pluto Most comets have elliptical orbits with periods around one hundred years. The tail of a comet consists of dust and evaporated ices.

Most comets have elliptical orbits with periods around one hundred years.

Is a strong acid a concentrated solution of the acid?


sodium oxide


The formula for sodium sulfide is


Nickel (II) Phosphate


Which one of the following elements is a transition element? Sodium Calcium Sulfur Tin Nickel


The quantum number in indicates

energy level

Balance the equation: __ZnSO4+Li2CO3-->__ZnCO3+__Li2SO4

Already Balanced

This type of radiation is really the nucleus of a helium atom.


Suppose you started with 500 g of substance X. After 3 days, 125 g of substance X remains. The half-life of X is

1.5 days

The radioactive isotope Z has a half-life of 12 hours. After 2 days, the fraction of the original amount remaining is


The expected life span of a star the size of the sun is

10 billion years

Correctly balance this nuclear fission reaction. 1/0n+235/92U->131/53I+3|1/0n+


What is the coefficient of H2O when the following equation is properly balanced with smallest set of whole numbers? ___ Al4C3 + ___ H2O ? ___ Al(OH)3 + ___ CH4


What is the number of oxygen atoms in Al2(SO4)3?


About how old is the universe?

13.7 billion years

Calculate the molecular mass of potassium permanganate, KMnO4.

158 amu

The formula weight of methane, CH4 is

16 u

What is the formula weight of methane, CH4?

16 u

Electron Configuration Phosphorus

1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p3

What is the electron configuration for silicon?


What is the electron configuration for tungsten?


What is the electron configuration for bromine?


What is the coefficient of H2O when the following equation is properly balanced with the smallest set of whole numbers? ___ Na + ___ H2O ? ___ NaOH + ___ H2


Which of these chemical equations describes a hydrogen displacement reaction? 2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) ? 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ? 2NH3(g) CaBr2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ? CaSO4(s) + 2HBr(g) 2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ? Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g) 2KBr(aq) + Cl2(g) ? 2KCl(aq) + Br2(l)

2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ? Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g)

Which of these chemical equations describes a combustion reaction? 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ? 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g) 2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ? Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g) N2(g) + 3H2(g) ? 2NH3(g) 2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) ? 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l) LiOH(aq) + HNO3(aq) ? LiNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

2C2H6(g) + 7O2(g) ? 4CO2(g) + 6H2O(l)

Which of these chemical equations describes a halogen displacement reaction? CaBr2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ? CaSO4(s) + 2HBr(g) 2LiOH(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ? Li2SO4(aq) + 2H2O(l) 2KBr(aq) + Cl2(g) ? 2KCl(aq) + Br2(l) 2KNO3(s) ? 2KNO2(s) + O2(g) 2Na(s) + 2H2O(l) ? 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

2KBr(aq) + Cl2(g) ? 2KCl(aq) + Br2(l)

Balance the equation: ___NaNo3 + ____PbO-->____Pb(NO3)2+____Na2O

2NaNo3 + PbO-->Pb(NO3)2+Na2O

Balance the equation below using the smallest set of whole numbers. What is the coefficient of H2O? ___ PCl3(l) + ___ H2O(l) ? ___ H3PO3(aq) + ___ HCl(aq)


What is the coefficient of H2SO4 when the following equation is properly balanced with the smallest set of whole numbers? ___ Ca3(PO4)2 + ___ H2SO4 ? ___ CaSO4 + ___ H3PO4


When balanced with the smallest set of whole numbers, the coefficient of O2 in the following equation is: _____C2H4 + _____O2--> _____CO2 + _____H2O


Balance the equation: ___AgBr+___GaPO4-->__Ag3PO4+__GaBr3


Balance the equation: ____H2SO4+___B(OH)3-->___B2(SO4)3+___H2O


What is the mass percent of sodium in washing soda, Na2CO3?


When thorium (atomic number 90) loses a beta particle, it becomes atomic number


A bottle of vinegar is 4% by weight so you know it has 4 units of pure vinegar per?

96 units of water

A bottle of vinegar is 4% by weight, so you know that the solution contains 4 units of pure vinegar per

96 units of water

A solution is

A homogeneous mixture of two or more substances

Which of the following is an example of a physical change? A. Dissolving salt in water B. Burning wood into charcoal C. Cooking an egg D. Rusting iron

A. Dissolving salt in water

What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d104s24p64d105s1?


The symbols for silver, gold, copper and zinc are:

Ag, Au, Cu, and Zn

Aluminum nitride


Examples of physical change

Alcohol Evaporating, melting butter, kicking a football, ice melting, salt dissolving in water, hammering hot iron into a sheet

Adams or elements are _______, but atoms and compounds are_______.

Alike, different

The name of column 1 is

Alkali Metals

Which of the following are properties of acidic solutions? They taste sour. They turn the dye litmus red. All of these are true. They react with active metals to produce hydrogen gas.

All of these are true.

This type of radiation is released when 224/86 Rn decays to 220/84 Po


What type of radiation is released when Rn-224 decays to Po-220?


what type of radiation is really the nucleus of a helium atom?


Which of the following is most likely to be radioactivity? A. a nucleus with even numbers of protons and neutrons B. A nucleus with odd number of protons and neutrons C. A nucleus with the same number of protons and neutrons D. Protons and neutrons have nothing to do with radioactivity

B. A nucleus with odd number of proton and neutrons

Which of the following is an example of a gas liquid Mixture? A. The air we breathe B. a carbonated drink C. Soap suds D. Ice cubes

B. a carbonated drink

Which of the following is an example of a chemical change? A. Ice Melting B. Paint fading C. Pounding gold into a coin D. Puddle of water evaporating

B. paint fading

Which statement about the atomic nucleus is correct? A. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a negative charge B. The nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge C. The nucleus is made of electrons and has a positive charge D. The nucleus is made of electrons and has a negative charge

B. the nucleus is made of protons and neutrons and has a positive charge

Which of the following about Jupiter is not true? Jupiter is mostly made of light elements like hydrogen and helium. Much of the planet is composed of hydrogen compressed so greatly that it is liquid. The colored bands in Jupiter's atmosphere are believed to result from atmospheric convection Because Jupiter is mostly hydrogen, it is only slightly more massive than the earth.

Because Jupiter is mostly hydrogen, it is only slightly more massive than the earth.

What is a high-energy electron ejected from the nucleus?

Beta Particles

If you wanted to find the age of a fossil bone, which isotope would you use?


Which is not a part of Dalton's theory? A. All matter is composed of Atoms B. Atoms cannot be broken apart C. Isotopes of the same elements have different masses D. Atoms of different elements are different

C. Isotopes of the same element have different masses

Which of the following is not an example of a physical property? A. Freezing point be. Boiling point C. Reactivity D. Density

C. Reactivity

carbon tetrachloride


What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by calcium ions and nitrate ions?


Which one of the following formulas of ionic compounds is the least likely to be correct?


The formula for calcium phosphate is


calcium bromide


What is the formula for the ionic compound formed by calcium and selenium?


The science of what matter is made of and how it changes is called


Cobalt (III) Nitrate



Copper (II) fluoride

What element is represented by the electron configuration 1s22s22p63s23p63d54s1?


chromium (III) acetate


Copper hydroxide


Which is the correct formula for copper(II) phosphate?

Cu3(PO4 )2

Which is the correct formula for copper (II) phosphate?


Write a general location on the periodic table for these: Metals, nonmetals, metalloids, groups, periods, halogens, noble gases, transition metals, and alkali metals.

Groups are the horizontal columns. Periods are the vertical rows. Metalloids are the zigzag line separating metals and nonmetals starting with boron. Nobles gases is group 18. Halogens are group 17. Transition metals are group 3 to 10. Non-metals are to the right of the table. Alkali metals are group 1.

What is the general location on the periodic table for these: metals, nonmetals, metalloids, groups, periods, halogens, noble gases, transition metals, and alkali metals.

Groups are the horizontal columns. Periods are the vertical rows. Metalloids are the zigzag line separating metals/nonmetals starting with Boron. Noble gases is group 18. Halogens are group 17. Transition metals are group 3 to 10. Non-metals are to the right of the table. Alkali metals are group 1.

Which of the following is the formula for hydrobromic acid?


hydrochloric acid


Examples of physical intensive

Heat conductivity, is red, dissolves in gasoline, is Malleable , brittleness, conducts electricity, boils at 88 Celsius, is Ductile

Examples of elements

Iron nail, calcium, copper, aluminum foil, arsenic

Compared to a star like the sun, a blue-white star

Is more massive, has a higher surface temperature, and burns its fuel at a greater rate

Which element has the following ground-state electron configuration, 1s22s22p63s2?


All of the following are properties of sodium. Which one is a physical property of sodium? When placed in water it sizzles and a gas is formed. It is a solid at 25ºC and changes to a liquid when heated to 98ºC. It's surface turns black when first exposed to air. When placed in contact with chlorine it forms a compound that melts at 801ºC. Sodium is never found as the pure metal in nature.

It is a solid at 25ºC and changes to a liquid when heated to 98ºC.

Which of the following is true about the surface of Mars? There are numerous active volcanoes. It is much too cold for liquid water to exist. The polar ice caps are frozen water. The greenish areas are due to low, scrubby vegetation

It is much too cold for liquid water to exist.

During which month of the year does the earth receive the greatest average energy from the sun?


Which one of the following planets does not belong with the others? Mars Jupiter Mercury Venus


Potassium oxide


Potassium permanganate is a strong oxidizer that reacts explosively with easily oxidized materials. What is its formula?


Matter cannot be created nor destroyed said Lavoisier. This is called the

Law of conservation of mass


Lead (II) Sulfate

Which of these is an example of a physical property? Toxicity of cyanide Neutralization of stomach acid with an antacid Corrosiveness of sulfuric acid Lead becomes a liquid when heated to 601°C Flammability of gasoline

Lead becomes a liquid when heated to 601°C

Examples of physical extensive

Length, is 1.5 m long

Lithium Carbonate


Which of these reactions is an acid-base reaction? N2 + 3H2 --> 2 NH3 LiOH + HNO3 --> LiNO3 + H2O C2H6 + 7O2---> 4CO2 + 6H2O 2 Na + 2 H2O --> 2NaOH + H2

LiOH + HNO3 --> LiNO3 + H2O

Which of these chemical equations describes an acid-base neutralization reaction? 2KBr(aq) + Cl2(g) ? 2KCl(aq) + Br2(l) CaBr2(aq) + H2SO4(aq) ? CaSO4(s) + 2HBr(g) SO2(g) + H2O(l) ? H2SO3(g) LiOH(aq) + HNO3(aq) ? LiNO3(aq) + H2O(l) 2Al(s) + 3H2SO4(aq) ? Al2(SO4)3(aq) + 3H2(g)

LiOH(aq) + HNO3(aq) ? LiNO3(aq) + H2O(l)

Evaporation refers to the change of state from a

Liquid to gas


Lithium Sulfide

The Stock system name for Mn2O7 is

Manganese (VII) oxide

Which of the following is an extensive property of oxygen? Mass Temperature Density Boiling point Average kinetic energy of molecules


Any substances that has mass and volume is


The smallest planet in the solar system is


Which planet(s) has (have) no moons?

Mercury and Venus

Which of the following statements about the length of a planet's day is true? The closer the planet is to the sun, the shorter is its day. The more massive the planet, the longer its day. The four gas giants barely rotate at all.

None of these are true.

Carbon, Silicon, Nitrogen, and Oxygen would be classified as


When uranium emits a beta particle, the result is


What is the nuclear process called where small nuclei are combined into larger ones?

Nuclear fusion

In the equation below, what particle or type of radiation needs to be included to balance the equation? 234Th -->? ? + beta particle


Which is the correct formula for lead(IV) chloride?


What is the formula for lead (II) oxide?


examples of chemical

Reacts with water, resists corrosion, combustible, does not react with acid, A charging battery, an explosion, digesting food, silver tarnishing, woodburning, milk souring and forming cheese

Who discovered the nucleus in his Gold Foil experiment?


examples of solutions

Salt water, brass (copper and tin alloy) , Soft drink, air, clear aftershave, perfume, 3% hydrogen peroxide

When a piece of paper is burned the amount of matter before is _____the amount after.


Strontium Phosphide


Water ice and______ are different states of the same hoMogenous substance.


When we refer to the shape of the orbital, we are really implying


When solid change directly into a gas this is called


Substance A has a pH of 2 and substance B has a pH of 8. This means that

Substance A has more Acidic properties than substance B.

U-238--> alpha particle +


Uranium-235 decays by alpha emission, what is the product of this radioactive decay?


Millikan Performed the old drop experiment to measure

The charge on the electron

What do solutions of acids, bases, and salts have in common?

They are electrolytes

What do solutions of acids, bases, and salts have in common?

They are electrolytes.

All of the following are properties of tin. Which one is a chemical property of tin? Tin melts at 231.9ºC. At 40ºC a sheet of tin crumbles to a gray powder. When a bar of tin is bent, it emits an audible "cry". Tin can be hammered into a thin sheet. Tin dissolves slowly in cold, dilute hydrochloric acid, but it dissolves readily in concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Tin dissolves slowly in cold, dilute hydrochloric acid, but it dissolves readily in concentrated hydrochloric acid.

Which one of these represents a physical change? Bleach turns hair yellow Apples, when exposed to air, turn brown Sugar, when heated, becomes brown Milk turns sour Water, when heated, forms steam

Water, when heated, forms steam

The ground-state electron configuration of a calcium atom is ___________.


The ground-state electron configuration for an atom of indium is ___________.


The solubility of a gas in water decreases

as the water temperature increases.

According to the modern definition, NH3 is

a base because it can accept H+ ions from water.

The ejection of an alpha particle results in

a decrease in the atomic number by two

A hydrogen bond is

a force between a hydrogen atom of one polar molecule and another polar molecule.

An alpha particle is the same as a

a helium-4 nucleus

An example of a hydrogen bond is a weak to moderate bond between

a hydrogen atom on one polar molecule and an oxygen atom on another polar molecule

The presence of solute molecules makes a solution freeze at

a lower temperature than the pure solvent.

Which of the following is a sign of an ion exchange reaction?

a precipitate is formed

In an acid and base reaction, water and a _________.

a salt

When a solution of an acid and a base are mixed together,

a salt and water are formed, they lose their acid and base properties, and they are neutralized

Air is considered to be a homogeneous mixture that is 79 percent nitrogen gas, 20 percent oxygen gas and 1 percent all the other gases. In this mixture, nitrogen can be considered

a solvent

The eventual fate of our sun is to become

a white dwarf

Reactor control rods are made of a substance that

absorbs neutrons

The elements in Group 2A are known by what name?

alkaline earth metals

The correct name for NH4NO3 is

ammonium nitrate.

The smallest unit of a substance that behaves like that substance is

an atom

A substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances is

an element

When an isotope releases gamma radiation the atomic number

and the mass number remain the same.


are nearly pure water.

The principle components of the earth's atmosphere are nitrogen, oxygen and


All changes of states of matter require


Which of the following is not a solution? a. seawater B. carbonated water c. sand d. Brass, an alloy

c. Sand

Which of the following is not a solution? a. seawater b. carbonated water c. sand d. brass, an alloy

c. Sand

The atmosphere of Venus is predominantly

carbon dioxide

Which of the following solutions is likely to have a pH less than 7? pure water ammonia carbonic acid sodium chloride

carbonic acid

J.J. Thomson discovered that

cathode rays were really a stream of electrons

Digesting food is an example of

chemical change

Rusting of a piece of iron under environmental conditions is a

chemical change.

The ripening of fruit is an example of

chemical property.

The chemical name for ClO3- is "chlorate ion". What is the common name for HClO3?

chloric acid

The stock system name for CrSO3 is:

chromium(II) sulfite

The stock system name for Cr2O3 is:

chromium(III) oxide

The Stock system name for CrO3 is:

chromium(VI) oxide

A chemical reaction is balanced by changing (the)


Which would have a pH more than 7? A. carbon acid b. pure water c. sodium chloride solution d. sodium hydroxide solution

d. sodium hydroxide solution

The reaction: potassium chlorate potassium chloride and oxygen gas is an example of


The reaction: potassium chlorate---> potassium chloride and oxygen gas is an example of


The Stock system name for As2S5 is

diarsenic pentasulfide


dichlorine heptoxide

According to the plate tectonics theory, sea-floor spreading occurs at a

divergent boundary.

According to plate tectonics, new crustal material is created at

divergent plate boundaries.

In the fission of uranium a chain reaction is caused by

ejected neutrons

Water solutions of ionic substances that conduct electricity are called


A Geiger counter measures radiation indirectly by measuring

electrons released by ionization

A ginger counter measures radiation indirectly by measuring

electrons released by ionization

Aluminum oxygen and carbon are examples of


John Dalton reasoned that atoms exist from the evidence that

elements could not be broken down into simpler substances.

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