Final exam question bank

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Dr. Kelly, "spinal 3 needs their dressing changed." Nurse Deepa, "should I also change femur's dressing?" These health care providers are demonstrating . A. not listed here B. reactance C. decentralization D. clinical efficacy E. congruence


1 Correctly match each term with its corresponding example. - Compliance or adherence - Non-adherence - Creative non-adherence

- A. last year, Tom's doctor recommended that he walks 2 kilometres every day. Since then, Tom has walked 2 kilometres everyday/ - last month, Michelle's doctor recommended that she give up consuming dairy. However, Michelle's been consuming ice cream every night since receiving her doctor's recommendation. - last week, Marcel's doctor recommended that he begin stretching gently at home every morning. Marcel took it one step further and joined a hot yoga class.

List the three stages of Selye's general adaptation syndrome: 1. Alarm 2. Resistance 3. Exhaustion


List the factors that are used to determine the healthiness of a built environment. 1. proximity 2. density 3. connectivity 4. land use mix


Overall, research has shown a connection between being overweight and depressed. A. bidirectional B. unidirectional C. mutually exclusive D. sporadic E. inconclusive


Imagine you designed a study to assess the impact of test-taking on someone's stress response. Match the dependent and independent variables to their appropriate destination. A. Stress response B. Independent variable 1. Dependent variable 2. Test-taking

1:A, 2:B

The social-ecological model acknowledges that the individual is influenced by a collection of larger, inter-related, and cumulative contexts, such as organizations, communities, and governments. Pair each term with its corresponding description. A. Design, access, connectedness, and spaces B. Family, friends, and social networks C. Knowledge, attitudes, and skills D. National, provincial/territorial/local laws and policy E. Organizations, schools, and workplaces 1. Community 2. Interpersonal 3. Public policy 4. Individual 5. Organizational

1:A, 2:B, 3:D, 4:C, 5:E

Temporal situational factors are important with regard to stress appraisal. Match each factor with its corresponding example. A. Imminence B. Temporal uncertainty C. Duration 1. Lidia has been preparing for her thesis defence for the last month. The closer she gets to the defence date, the more she thinks about how stressed she'll be. 2. Norah is always anxious about visiting the dentist. The longer her appointments last, the more stressed she feels. 3. Yash has been waiting anxiously for his grades to be released on OWL. However, because he's unsure when they'll be released, he's become more anxious.

1:A, 2:C, 3:B

Cognitive transactional models include numerous factors that influence the process of stress appraisal. Match each factor with its corresponding example. A. Novelty B. Event uncertainty C. Predictability 1. Fredrick is about to get into a fight, but he does not feel stressed since he has been involved in plenty of fights before. 2. Nasir is about to complete an obstacle course on the television show American Ninja Warrior. He does not feel stressed about completing the course because he's had time to study each obstacle. 3. Millions of Americans experienced quite a bit of stress during the presidential election because it took several days to count the ballots and nobody knew for sure when a winner would be declared. 4. Aasiyah is about to go on her first date. She feels stressed because she has no dating experience.

1:A, 2:C, 3:B, 4:A

Hospital patients range in their degree of control. Pair each term with its corresponding example. A. Paulo is at St. Joseph's hospital for mental health care. The hospital is responsible for all of his care and has complete control over him B. Leslie would like to feed herself, but her community nurse insists that she's feed by someone else because it's faster. Leslie no longer asks and relies on others to feed her. C. Rutger has been quarantined at the hospital since testing positive for COVID-19. However, he's grown frustrated with the hospital's restrictions and has stopped wearing his mask and social distancing from other patients. D. Despite losing a great deal of coordination, the nursing staff gave Hank the opportunity to dress himself every day. He's now able to get dressed quickly. 1. Total institution 2. Reactance 3. Empowering care 4. Disempowering care

1:A, 2:C, 3:D, 4:B

There are several ways to measure pain. One method is to ask patients to describe their pain through conversation or by completing a rating scale. Pair each measurement technique with its corresponding example. A. Dr. Santos chats with each patient to better understand the history of their pain problem B. Dr. Solo uses a chart that asks each patient to single out the phrase that approximates the pain they're experiencing C. Dr. Grape uses a horizontal arrow that says "not suffering" on the far left and "suffering the most" on the far right. Each patient must indicate where on the arrow their pain is represented D. Dr. Solo has each patient select a number from a spectrum that accurately reflects the degree of pain they're experiencing, which ranges from "pain absence" to unmanageable pain" 1. Interview 2. Box scale 3. Verbal descriptor scale 4. Visual analog scale

1:A, 2:D, 3:B, 4:C

Labonte proposed a three-level framework for the successful implementation of community-oriented health promotion. Pair each level (term) with its corresponding example. A. A community-driven program to promote physical activity among youth B. A community-driven program to help stroke patients recover C. The legislation of safe injection sites 1. Medical 2. Public health 3. Socioenvironmental

1:B, 2:A, 3:C

Health promotion strategies can either include loss-framed messages or gain-framed messages. Pair each example with its corresponding style of message. A. Gained-framed B. Loss-framed C. None of the Above 1. It is important to exercise regularly. If you do not, you increase the risk of heart disease and stroke in your adult life 2. Social distancing is important to maintain during the pandemic because it keeps your immune system as healthy as possible 3. Smoking is a risky health behaviour. Not smoking increases your lung capacity and overall cardiovascular endurance 4. Eating a balanced diet is something everyone should do because the alternative is unhealthy and considered dangerous

1:B, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B

Social support can be divided into two categories based on the source of support. Pair each example into its appropriate category. A. Agency-provided support B. Naturally occurring support 1. Since injuring his back this winter, Levi's neighbours have been shovelling his driveway and sidewalk to help him out. 2. Chalie's been grieving the death of his wife for the last two weeks. Since his wife's passing, his best friend has visited every day to share some hot tea and keep him company. 3. Abdulla has struggled to connect with others since being discharged from the mental health hospital. Today, he connected with the Canadian Mental Health Institute, which helped him sign up for a weekly peer support group to discuss recovery. 4. Dimitra recently moved to Canada from Greece to complete her Ph.D. at Western. She recently connected with the International and Exchange Students at Western, where she learned about The Global Cafe, which is a virtual event aimed at connecting fellow international students.

1:B, 2:B, 3:A, 4:A

Pair each term with its corresponding example. A. Nicco experiences incessant joint pain and its slowly gotten more painful as his joints deteriorate B. Trent experiences sporadic bouts of severe back pain C. Essa experiences constant neck pain, but it tends to ache more in the mornings 1. Chronic recurrent pain 2. Chronic intractable benign pain 3. Chronic progressive pain

1:B, 2:C, 3:A

There are three types of stressful appraisal. Pair each example with its corresponding appraisal. A. Challenge appraisal B. Threat appraisal C. Harm/loss appraisal D. Threat appraisal 1. Joey just learned that he might have to euthanize his dog. He's preparing for the worst. 2. Bruno's girlfriend is on her way over to his house. Bruno is nervous because he suspects that she's going to break up with him. 3. Jemma just signed up for her first full marathon. Although it's going to be a physical grind, Jemma believes that completing this marathon is going to improve her overall well-being 4. Lyana just filed for divorce. She feels devastated, especially for her children.

1:B, 2:D, 3:A, 4:C

The "stages of change" can be applied to the decision-making process involved in drug use. Match each scenario to the appropriate stage. A. Action B. Pre-contemplation C. Preparation D. Contemplation E. Maintenance 1. Marta has never thought about smoking cannabis 2. Oxana has recently considered drinking alcohol for the first time 3. Mirela has one gram of magic mushrooms and plans to eat them at the party this Friday night 4. Anja just took her first hit of acid 5. Júpiter has been smoking cigarettes for 5 years

1:B, 2:D, 3:C, 4:A, 5:E

Kimura's been in the hospital for 4 days. She's just woken up and realizes that she's in the intensive care unit. Pair the terms that describe Kimura's actions. A. Kimura just realized that her breathing is being supported by a ventilator and that she can't muster the strength to sit up B. Kimura doesn't know why she's in the intense care unit, but she's desperately trying to remember the last thing she did before waking up in the hospital C. Kimura has just woken but is barely conscious 1. Incommunication stage 2. Readaptation stage 3. Reflection stage

1:C, 2:A, 3:B

There are eight principles used to assess the quality of health-related websites. Pair each principle with its corresponding example. A. Attribution B. Complementary C. Authority 1. A website dedicated to diet and nutrition, which provides advice from clinical nutritionists. 2. A mental health app that is designed to connect new patients with a mental health care provider. 3. A physical activity website that provides daily exercise videos. Each video includes a link to an academic journal supporting its efficacy.

1:C, 2:B, 3:A

There are three kinds of primary appraisal. Pair each example with its corresponding appraisal. 1.0/ 1.0 Points A. Benign-positive appraisal B. Stressful appraisal C. Irrelevant appraisal 1. Amir recently learned about a shooting in his city. However, Amir isn't concerned about his safety because he never hangs out in the area where the shooting occurred. 2. Lindsay was just fired from her job and is very concerned about surviving financially until she finds another job. 3. Mackenzie was just chosen to be the team captain of her field lacrosse team. Mackenzie knows that her captaincy requires a lot of responsibility, but she believes this opportunity will actually help her become a better player and improve her self-confidence. 4. Asha was just promoted to the general manager position at her workplace. Asha immediately felt uneasy about the many problems this new position will bring into her work- life.

1:C, 2:B, 3:A, 4:B

It's been proposed that people experience a series of reactions to their impending death. Pair each reaction with its corresponding example. A. Sally lashed out at her oncologist when she was told that she must prepare for the end of life. B. Kwan's amyotrophic sclerosis (ALS) has worsened significantly. She's lost the will to live and believes that nothing can save her. C. Gorgio's lung cancer has spread, and his death is imminent. Yet, Gorgio has embarked on a new fitness routine and has drastically changed his diet with the hopes that his new lifestyle will extend his life for a few more years. D. Cairo says goodbye to his loved ones and is comforted by the fact that he will no longer experience pain. E. Jinder was told that he had 4 months to live. Despite this news, he's booked several vacations for the next two years. 1. Denial 2. Anger 3. Bargaining 4. Depression 5. Acceptance

1:E, 2:A, 3:C, 4:B, 5:D

The number one method used to quit smoking on one's own is to: A. reduce the number of daily cigarettes smoked B. switch to e-cigarettes C. use nicotine-replacement therapy D. quit "cold turkey." E. use aversion therapy rationale


Wendy is 62-years-old. Last winter she experienced a heart attack while playing tennis. Although Wendy had a successful rehabilitation, she hasn't played tennis since the heart attack. In fact, she's ceased all physical activity due to the fear of experiencing another heart attack. Wendy's adjusted behaviour demonstrates which of the following options? A. Cardiac invalidism B. Cardiac determinism C. False-sense-of-security phenomenon D. Stationary lifestyle adjustment E. Rehabilitation-incapacitation


Which of the following options is not a situation where cannabis has been used medicinally? A. Cure bipolar disorder B. Pain relief C. Treat glaucoma D. Stimulate the appetites of AIDS patients E. Prevent nausea and vomiting from chemotherapy


Which of the theoretical approaches listed below would best explain the following scenario: Kain acknowledges and accepts that he's sexually active. As such, Kain is always prepared to have safe sex because he purchases condoms regularly and refuses to have sex if drugs or alcohol are involved. Furthermore, Kain has withdrawn from several sexual encounters because his partners have refused to wear contraception. A. not listed here B. sexual-transaction skills theory C. STD-prevention theory D. information-transaction-behavioural skills theory E. model of safe-sex behavioural control


a. Patient: I have a bump the size of a tennis ball on my ankle Physician: ok we're going to treat your tennis ball bump with anti-inflammatories with the hopes of reducing it to the size of a golf ball A. Non-discrepant response or B. Multilevel explanation


a. Patient: the pain in my lower back is fiery hot and razor-sharp Physician: ok, we're going to cool off and dull your lower back pain with an ice bath A. Non-discrepant response or B. Multilevel explanation


Based on the definition of health promotion, which of the following options would be considered a health promotion strategy? A. Western's smoke-free campus policy B. Mandatory face-coverings for indoor public spaces C. Ontario's vaccine and immunization program D. Safe injection sites E. Canada's Food Guide

A, B, C, D, E

Which of the following options are behaviours representative of the type A behaviour pattern? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Time urgency B. Hostility C. Aggressiveness D. Competitiveness E. Impatience

A, B, C, D, E

There are a number of steps to follow to assist with the development of psychotherapeutic treatment strategies for patients who are chronically ill. These steps have shown promising results for cancer patients and their families. What are the steps? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers A. Assess the patient's response to the illness and their psychological status B. A theoretical orientation must be integrated C. Assess the patient's social support system D. Obtain adequate medical information E. Assess the patient's spiritual perspective

A, B, D

The Teens Against Drinking and Driving group focused on four elements. Which four were they? A. The consequences of driving while impaired B. Attitudes about alcohol and drug use C. Law enforcement D. Alternatives to impaired driving E. The act of driving while impaired

A, B, D, E

Among the five forms of physical activity, three involve placing demands on or overloading the muscles. Which three are they? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Isokinetic B. Isometric C. Aerobic D. Anaerobic E. Isotonic

A, B, E

The focus of psychoneuroimmunology is the interaction of three of the body's major systems. Which are they? ` A. Immune system B. Endocrine system C. Integumentary system D. Cardiovascular system E. Nervous system

A, B, E

Which of the following people are more likely to be dependent on drugs and/or alcohol? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Nadia is a divorced woman with three children. She never graduated high school and lives on social assistance B. Maja was born in Mexico and recently moved to Toronto C. Miigwan is an Indigenous, single male living on a reserve in Québec D. Zillah is 17-years-old and has no money in the bank E. Sanjay is a 30-year-old medical student from India

A, C, D

Based on the information provided below, which of the following people are the least likely to be 0.0/ 1.0 Points obese? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Ezekiel is a 35-year-old man from a middle-income family B. Milán is a 62-year-old man who makes $120,000/year C. Shayma is a 45-year-old woman who makes $150,000/year D. Diane is a 39-year-old woman living on social assistance E. Mickey is a 10-year-old boy from a low-income family

A, C, E

At the very least, there are two major goals included in programs designed for people with diabetes. What are these two goals? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Treat psychological distress B. Treat any other physical comorbidities first C. Physician-patient congruence D. Patient autonomy E. Ensure cooperation with the disease-management regimen

A, E

1 Dr. Ling has a Great reputation for being a friendly physician. She always dedicates plenty of time to discuss mental health and interpersonal relationships with her patients. Dr. Ling demonstrates which of the following communication patterns?

A. Psychosocial communication

1 According to Poole, Matheson, and Cox, which of the following options might be the most common medical condition brought on or worsened by stress? A. Hypertension B. Upper respiratory tract infection C. Coronary heart disease D. Endometriosis


1 Primary appraisals are concerned with the initial evaluation of a situation. Which of the following options represents a cognitive process by which an event is appraised as having no implications for the individual's well-being? A. Distressful appraisal B. Irrelevant appraisal C. Stressful appraisal D. Non-appraisal E. Benign-positiveappraisal


1 is a theory that suggests that behaviour is preceded by intention and that beliefs about the behaviour and subjective norms influence our intention. A. Theory of planned action B. Theory of reasoned action C. Theory of planned behaviour D. Theoryofperceivedbehavior


Anja fell hard while snowboarding last week. Initially, she didn't feel any pain. However, she's begun to experience worsening back pain as each day passes. Which fibres of the peripheral nervous system are responsible for the type of pain Anja's experiencing? A. B-beta fibres B. C-fibres C. E-gamma fibres D. A-delta fibres E. D-fibres


Chang was diagnosed and successfully treated for lung cancer in 2009. However, after watching a documentary about cancer survivors, Chang began to worry that his cancer would return. Chang is demonstrating a cognitive process known as ______ . A. flashback syndrome B. intrusive cognitions C. second-wave phenomenon D. hopeless/helpless logic pattern E. false suspicion


Communicating support for cancer patients is incredibly valuable, especially when it includes emotional support. This particular type of support is known as: A. Help-oriented care B. Not listed here C. Unsolicited-assistance D. Emo-care E. Sustainable care


Rani is a second-year university student. He doesn't go out much, but when he does, he feels obligated to drink beer because all of his housemates like to drink brewskis, and they celebrate every time he "shotguns" a cold one. From the options listed below, which one best explains Rani's drinking behaviours? A. alcohol myopia B. social learning model C. tension reduction hypothesis D. stress response dampening effect E. self-awareness model


Whenever Jackie goes for sushi with her sorority, she tends to eat more compared to when she 1.0/ 1.0 Points orders sushi for take-out. Which of the following options best explains Jackie's behaviour? A. Impression management approach B. Social facilitation C. The modelling or matching effect D. Externality matching effect E. Social modelling approach


Which group of immigrants is the least likely to acculturate to Canadian living and has collectively demonstrated minor changes in their body weight since moving to Canada? A. Brazilian B. Chinese C. Korean D. East Indian E. Italian


a. Patient: What's wrong with my neck, doc? Physician: You've got a mild herniation in your C5 intervertebral disc. This means that you've got a bone bulging in the lower neck A. Non-discrepant response or B. Multilevel explanation


a. Patient: Why do I feel severely winded every time I walk up the stairs? Physician: You've been experiencing dyspnea, which means you have shortness of breath A. Non-discrepant response or B. Multilevel explanation


Generally, psychological interventions for people living with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome have been shown to improve their psychological status. There is also some evidence that these interventions improve functioning. A. cardiovascular B. endocrine levels C. immune system D. memory E. muscular

B, C

One Canadian study found that several factors reduced the possibility of childhood obesity. Select the factors identified in this study. (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Leptin supplementation B. Sufficient sleep every night C. Physical activity D. Breastfeeding exclusively for half a year E. Ghrelin suppression treatment

B, C, D

Three important issues have been identified with regard to gender differences and pain. What are they? (You will receive full credit only if they choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers). A. The ethical issues involved in trying to understand pain from a binary perspective B. How men and women respond to and perceive pain C. The biopsychosocial factors that may influence the gender variations in pain experience D. The healthcare system's response to the pain presented by men and women E. The manner in which pain is measured

B, C, D

Breast cancer patients have plenty to worry about, but the most common concerns during the early stages of their illness include: (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Self-worth B. Being afraid of radiation therapy C. Passing away D. Relapse of cancer E. Issues related to body integrity

B, C, D, E

Some populations are at a greater risk of contracting acquired immune deficiency syndrome compared to other populations. Which populations are they? (You will receive full credit only if they choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. People of higher socioeconomic status B. Aboriginal peoples C. People who receive blood and blood products D. People who inject drugs E. Sexually active homosexual men

B, C, D, E

Regarding alcohol abuse, there are three particular forms of relapse. Select the correct three from the options below. (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers). A. positive affect B. craving/cue C. social pressure D. accidental/inadvertent E. negative affect

B, C, E

1 The stress-diathesis model examines the interaction between and . (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers. No part marks) A. Stress hormones B. Nature C. Medications D. Nurture E. Animals

B, D

In order for health promotion campaigns to be effective in Canada, where segments of the population do not speak English or French, they must be either____or____. (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. funny B. highly visual C. serious D. multilingual E. informal

B, D

It's been said that pain serves at least three functions. What are they? (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Produce resilience B. Prevent further injury C. Teach us the hard lessons in life D. Sets limits on activity, enforces rest and inactivity E. Survival

B, D, E

1 An acute stressor is a stressor that is immediate in its and . (You will receive full credit only if you choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers. No part marks) A. Intensity B. Duration C. Location D. Longevity E. Proximity

B, E

Although Dirk has a healthy relationship with his family, as well as a very successful career, he cannot abstain from drinking alcohol. Dirk has a particular type of alcoholism called A. phi alcoholism B. gamma alcoholism C. delta alcoholism D. alpha alcoholism E. beta alcoholism


For people with severe coronary heart disease, one episode of intensely expressed can result in a deadly heart attack. A. fear B. sadness C. anger D. laughter E. anxiety


Imagine you are creating an anti-drinking and driving program for high school students and you have to include at least two individuals to promote the program. Which of the following options would be considered the most effective at promoting this program? A. Paramedic and social worker B. Social worker and lawyer C. Police officer and president of the school D. Police officer and social worker E. Paramedic and police officer


The burdens of cancer have been categorized into three general areas. What are they? (You will receive full credit only if they choose all of the correct answers and none of the incorrect answers) A. Metaphysical B. Spiritual C. Psychological D. Physical E. Social

C, D, E

For patients with diabetes, two of the most common psychological problems include which of the following options? A. Frustration B. Embarrassment C. Depression D. Anger E. Fear

C, E

_________ represents the practices, values, behaviours, and assumptions learned from our membership in groups that share them.


1 ____ increase the body's capacity to product inflammation, help health wounds, and fight infection.


1 Primary appraisals are concerned with the initial evaluation of a situation. Which of the following options represents a cognitive process by which an event is appraised to involve harm/loss, threat, or challenge at the time of the primary appraisal? A. Distressful appraisal B. Non-appraisal C. Irrelevant appraisal D. Stressful appraisal E. Benign-positiveappraisal


1 Primary appraisals are concerned with the initial evaluation of a situation. Which of the following options represents a cognitive process by which an event is appraised to involve outcomes that are positive and may enhance well-being? A. Non-appraisal B. Irrelevant appraisal C. Distressful appraisal D. Benign-positive appraisal E. Stressfulappraisal


1 The long-term physiological impact of chronic exposure to stress is known as: A. Distress intrusion B. Stress debt C. Stress tolerance D. Allostatic load E. Physiologicaldegradation


1 Which of the following options refers to the accelerated rate of decline observed in cancer patients after these patients gave up hope for survival? A. No hope - no faith complex B. Down-on-the-upside theory C. Slow-and-low phenomenon D. Giving up-given up complex E. Fastride-shortlandingsyndrome


Gustav was recently diagnosed with stage 2 prostate cancer. Since then, Gustav has been reading scientific literature to help him understand how he can adjust his lifestyle to prevent cancer from spreading in his body. Which type of coping is Gustav demonstrating? A. Cognitive focused B. Emotional-approach C. Affect-focused D. Not listed here E. Emotion-focused


In the decade before the turn of the millennium, a large Canadian city made the change listed below to reduce the harms associated with alcohol consumption A. temporarily legalized cannabis to provide a healthier alternative B. temporarily reduced the legal drinking age to 17 C. banned retailers from selling drinks with more than 40% alcohol D. adjusted retail hours to increase access to "safer" forms of alcohol E. prohibited the sale of alcohol to Indigenous Canadians


Shekhar enjoys eating from the buffet at the Mandarin. Whenever he goes to the Mandarin with his family, he tends to eat as much or as little as everyone else does. Which of the following options best explains Shekhar's behaviour? A. The buffet effect hypothesis A. The externality effect C. Social facilitation approach D. Modelling or matching effect E. Impression management approach


1 People with generalized anxiety disorder experience greater impact from stressful events, or, in the language of stress research, their are high. A. Distress-protrusion scores B. Stress hormones C. Distress settings D. Stress-protrusion scores E. Stress-intrusionscores


1 Primary appraisals are concerned with the initial evaluation of a situation. Which of the following options represents a cognitive process by which an event is appraised to involve outcomes that are positive and may enhance well-being? A. Irrelevant appraisal B. Non-appraisal C. Distressful appraisal D. Stressful appraisal E. Benign-positive appraisal


A classic study assessing pain inhibition among rats encouraged future researchers to search for the neurochemical foundation of pain. As a result, was discovered. A. codeine B. exogenous opioids C. heroin D. morphine E.notlisted here


At every appointment, Jack and his doctor chat about mental health and the importance of friendships and family. Which type of physician-patient communication pattern are Jack and his doctor demonstrating? A. Consumerist communication B. Biopsychosocial communication C. Swampy communication D. Expanded biomedical communication E. Psychosocial communication


Danique has several serious concerns about her condition. These concerns include kidney failure, stroke, amputation, cardiovascular disease, neurological problems, and blindness. Based on these concerns, which disease does Danique have? A. Multiple sclerosis (MS) B. Parkinson's disease C. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) D. Cancer E. Not listed here


Lenny sliced his finger while preparing dinner. Lenny felt the pain immediately. Which fibres of the peripheral nervous system are responsible for transmitting the type of pain signal that Lenny experienced? A. C-fibres B. D-beta fibres C. F-gamma fibres D. E-fibres E. A-delta fibres


Lex was recently in a motorcycle accident which rendered him comatose (unconscious). Lex is unable to participate in the decision-making with his healthcare team at the hospital. Which model of physician-patient interaction is being described in this situation? A. Interchangeable model B. Mutual participation model C. Inactive model D. Guidance-cooperation model E. Active-passive model


Psychological distress is closely associated with cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, ________ has been shown to result in a poorer quality of life for cardiac patients. A. State depression B. Trait depression C. Not listed here D. State anxiety E. Trait anxiety


Walter is pulled over to the side of the highway because of a flat tire. He immediately felt nervous about the idea of attempting to change a tire on the shoulder of the highway. He's been sitting in his vehicle for the last five minutes wondering how he's able to steady his nerves to get the job done. Which form of appraisal has Walter demonstrated over the last five minutes? A. Not listed here B. Tertiary appraisal C. Primary appraisal D. Reappraisal E. Secondary appraisal


What is the best way to address the obesity epidemic that we're currently experiencing? A. Intervention B. Rehabilitation C. Not listed here D. Harm reduction E. Prevention


Which of the following options is considered to be Canada's most health-compromising behaviour? A. drinking alcohol B. overeating C. illicit drug use D. unprotected sex E. smoking tobacco


Yulia doesn't think that her psychological stress impacts her physical health. Yulia's thoughts about stress demonstrate which of the following terms? A. Stress knowledge B. Stress education C. Stress understanding D. Stress beliefs E. Stress literacy


1 Dr. Douglas only asks his patients closed ended medical questions and very rarely inquires about their mental health or interpersonal relationships. Which of the following communication pattern does Dr. Douglas use?

E. Narrowly biomedical communication

1 Vaccinations work by introducing toxic amounts of certain antigens into the body so that the immune system can develop specific immunities toward them. True False


Children with supportive parents who nag them to test their blood sugars regularly; tend to control their diabetes better. True False


Chronic conditions and serious conditions are mutually exclusive. True False


Eating behaviours and hunger are controlled exclusively by biological factors (i.e., genetics, hormones, fat cells). T/F


Habitual smokers benefit from smoking as they achieve positive affect and reduce negative affect simultaneously. T/F


It is a lot less challenging to create a national health promotion strategy compared to a local health promotion strategy. The reason for this is because it is easier for people in health promotion to make an educated guess about a larger group's knowledge level than it is to make an educated guess about a smaller group's knowledge level. True False


Not only does restricted sleep lead to an increase in food consumption, but it also alters one's energy expenditure and resting energy expenditure. T/F


People from the lowest income brackets are more likely to exceed the low-risk drinking guidelines established by the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse. True False


Rakel doesn't go to the gym or workout at home, but she believes that she gets enough physical activity by vacuuming, doing laundry, and washing the dishes at home. However, housework is not considered physical activity. T/F


Social determinants of health are important factors affecting the health of a population. However, there is strong evidence that medical science has an even greater impact on the health of a population. T/F


The feature that distinguishes the body mass index as the most effective measurement of healthy/unhealthy body-fat is that its measurements are accurate for all populations T/F


The greatest benefit of Canada's socialized healthcare system is preventing health inequities. In other words, the Canadian healthcare system promotes fairness for all. True False


When someone engages in social comparison, they only look towards people who are in worse condition. This way, they're more informed about which treatment options are effective. True False


The process of killing tumour cells is known as

NK cell lysis

____________ are actual experiences of mastery, and are considered to be the most influential source of self-efficacy.

Performance accomplishments

__________suggests that framing health promotion strategies using a loss-frame approach works optimally in some situations; whereas, a gain-frame approach works optimally in others.

Prospect theory

1 An enumerative assay is a lab test done to count cells (typically red blood cells) as they exist in the bloodstream. T/F


1 Definitions of stress and coping are highly subjective and reflect an individual's unique lived experiences. True False


1 Patient adherence can either increase or decrease with age, depending on the specific illness, the timeframe, and the treatment regimen prescribed. T/F


An enumerative assay is a lab test done to count cells (typically red blood cells) as they exist in 1.0/ 1.0 Points the bloodstream. T/F


Breast cancer patients have a tendency to cope better when they've had a lumpectomy compared to a mastectomy. T/F


Younger drivers are more likely to operate an automobile after they've consumed marijuana compared to younger drivers who've consumed booze True False


Andre has ALS and has been in palliative care for the last two weeks. Due to his condition, Andre is unable to participate in his own care or make any decisions related to his care. Andre's situation demonstrates the type of physician-patient interaction known as the ________

active passive model

Pierre has been receiving chemotherapy for the last eight weeks. Recently, Pierre has begun to feel sick to his stomach as soon as he enters the hospital. Right before he receives treatment, his urge to vomit intensifies significantly. Pierre seems to be experiencing ________.

anticipatory nausea

Michael throws up often when he receives radiation treatment. As such, Michael has requested that his oncologist prescribe him _______ before each treatment to reduce his urges to vomit.

antiemetic medication

Ranjit is currently engaged in an intense rehab program after fracturing his neck in a serious automobile accident. Ranjit has adopted a new attitude that helps him see the "silver-lining in the cloud." This specific type of attitude is referred to as _______

benefit finding

Case study: Michelle is a professional figure skater who experiences _______ in her knees. Riley is an anesthesiology resident who experienced ________ in his back after playing basketball.

chronic pain, acute pain

___________is the study of changing patterns of disease and health across geographic areas and populations.


Dr. Beáta begins every appointment by trying to understand her patients' quality of life. To accomplish this, Dr. Beátausesan's assessment asks only one question. This type of assessment is known as ______

global measures of quality of life

The ____________ is the gradual weakening of a behaviour the further it gets in time from the reinforcement of that behaviour.

gradient of reinforcement

Cindy is thinking about trying a different medication to treat her hypertension. On her last visit with her family doctor, Cindy sought advice about three different types of medication. However, Cindy's family doctor chose to remain with the existing medication and did not take her perspective into consideration. Cindy's physician-patient interaction demonstrates the _______

guidance cooperation model

Needle-exchange programs, free condom distribution, legalizing cannabis, and decriminalizing sex work are all examples of _______. These types of initiatives are non-judgemental in nature but may be difficult for the public to accept.

harm reduction

The ______ is an organization that provides accreditation for health-related websites.

health on the net foundation

1 The body's attempt to maintain a stable internal state is known as


1 Motivational models of health behavior are based on the assumption that behavior follows ______


Livie has a normal body weight and only feels hungry when her body tells her to eat. Nikomedes is obese and becomes hungry whenever he sees or smells food. The ___________ was a highly influential proposition put forth to provide an explanation for these types of responses to hunger.

internality-externality hypothesis

Dr. Brookbank is a neurologist who specializes in conditions such as multiple sclerosis. However, Dr. Brookbank has a tendency to use technical language and big words that are not always understood by his patients. His use of this type of language is known as

medical jargon

Hank subscribes to the belief that he has a responsibility to look out for the health and safety of his parents, siblings, partner, best friend, and the members of his local community. Hank's belief reflects a health promotion mechanism known as ________

mutual aid

Jackie is recovering from a torn rotator cuff injury. Jackie and her doctor have been working together in the planning of her rehabilitation. Jackie's physician-patient interaction demonstrates the _______

mutual participation model

Linda is a social worker who sometimes helps cancer patients find their way around the hospital and often provides informational sessions to help them understand the treatment options available. Linda's assistance in these two areas fits the role of a ______


Johnny is a social worker who occasionally has to apprehend children from their parents. Sometimes, Johnny smokes tobacco to decrease the guilt he experiences from this part of his job. Johnny is considered to be a ______ smoker.

negative affect

The neuromatrix theory suggests that the brain includes a wide network of genetically determined neurons that form patterns to process pain-related information. This network of patterns are called

neurosignature patterns

Annabelle's parents smoke inside her family home. Although Annabelle doesn't smoke, she still breathes in the vapours from her parents' cigarettes. Breathing tobacco smoke this way is known as _________.

passive smoking

Although the results typically plateau between 3 to 6 months, __________has demonstrated the efficacy to suppress appetite and produce an 8-10% weight loss.


1 In any order, list the three forms of appraisal that influence the coping process

primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, and reappraisal.

Health psychology is defined as the application of __________ to the diagnosis and treatment of illness as well as to people's attempts to maintain health and well-being.

psychological principles

Dr. Silva is interested in the degree to which her stroke patient's symptoms and pharmacotherapy have affected her body, interpersonal relationships, decision making, and mental health. In other words, Dr. Silva is interested in her patient's _________ and wants to know how her patient values and prioritizes these areas of health.

quality of life

Rachel is always concerned with what her social media followers think about her body weight. As such, Rachel regularly goes on 48-hour fasts to keep her slim figure but then binges on fast food immediately after. Given the information presented, we can apply a specific hypothesis/concept/ approach/theory known as _________ to most effectively explain Rachel's eating behaviours.

restraint theory

A dozen patients recently arrived at the emergency department. Collectively, the patients have self-reported a variety of symptoms. Chloe is the nurse responsible for sorting and classifying her patients to determine the priority of care. Chloe's engaging in a clinical practice known as ______


The belief that every patient should receive the same amount of information to prepare for their hospital visitation regardless of their coping strategies is known as the ______

uniformity myth

Losing and regaining the same 10 pounds by dieting is a cycle known as _________

yo-yo diet

1 Correctly match each stage of the general adaptation syndrome with its corresponding example. A. Resistance B. Exhaustion C. Alarm

à a mouse scurries to a hiding spot while being chased by a house cat à a lab rat dies from being exposed to chronic stressors à a rabbit hears a rustle in the bushes and raises its ears

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