Final Exam SOE 230

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All of the above (increases the ability to absorb nutrients, increases the ability of wastes to diffuse out of the organism, increases the surface tension to prevent it from sinking)

A small size is advantageous for marine organisms because it ...

Small organisms

For organisms with the same shape, what has larger surface/volume ratios?


Nutrient flow in an ecosystem is ...

Geological uplifting of ocean basin

Recent worldwide sea level rise cannot be attributed to which of the following?

Greater; higher

Red muscle tissue in fish supplies a much _____ amount of oxygen and supports a much _____ metabolic rate than white tissue

The largest catch that can be taken without overfishing

What is maximum sustainable yield (MSY)?

When an organism benefits without harming the host

What is the definition for commensalism?

When two or more organisms associate in a way that benefits at least one of them

What is the definition for symbiosis?

When both organisms benefit

What is the definition of mutualism?

When an organism benefits at the expense of the host

What is the definition of parasitism?

The maximum amount of fishing you can do without overfishing

What is the maximum sustainable yield?

Marine fish have high concentrations of salt which could cause them to dehydrate due to osmosis

What is the problem requiring osmotic regulation faced by hypnotic fish in the ocean? What would be the consequence in these fish if they did not regulate osmosis?

Side/volume = 1 Surface = 6 S/V = 6/1 = 6

What is the surface to volume ratio of a cube where each side = 1?


What is the term for animals that live buried in the mud or sand on the bottom of the ocean?


What is the term for organisms that are attached to bottom (e.g., Sea Anemones) and those that move over it (e.g., Crabs)?

Order Carnivora

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal fur seal?

Order Cetacea, Suborder Mysticeti

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal grey whale?

Order Cetacea, Suborder Odontoceti

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal killer whale?

Order Sirenia

What taxonomic classification best characterizes the marine mammal manatee?


Which of the following animals compensates for not having a swim bladder by using large and flat pectoral fins and an asymmetrical fin to produce lift?

Sea urchins

Which of the following animals feed directly on living kelp?


Which of the following compose the majority of the ocean's zooplankton biomass?


Which of the following digests the edible tissue inside a mussel shell by turning its stomach inside out and slipping it through the crack in the shell?


Which of the following domains has cells that house DNA in a discrete nucleus and contain structures that supply energy to build the cell and maintain its functions?


Which of the following have tentacles armed with stinging cells called nematocysts?

Carbon dioxide

Which of the following human generated gases makes the greatest relative contribution to increasing the greenhouse effect?


Which of the following is a member of the phylum Cnidaria?

Explosion of the Deepwater Horizon oil-drilling platform in 2010

Which of the following is considered the world's largest accidental spill?

Intentional dumping by the Iraqi army in 1991

Which of the following is considered the world's largest oil spill?

Decreasing ocean acidity

Which of the following is not an effect of climate change in oceans?


Which of the following is not part of Earth's climate system?


Which of the following kingdoms contains the multi-celled animals?


Which of the following sediment-covered shores represents the lowest energy environment?

Square; cube

Surface area increases by the _______, volume increases by the _______


98% of marine species belong to which of the following?

Contain carbon in their chemical makeup

A good working definition of life does not need to incorporate that living things ...


All organisms that drift with ocean currents are ...


All organisms that live on or in the ocean bottom are classified as ...

Coastal upwelling zones

Although primary productivity in tropical areas is generally low, which of the following top locations have unusually high productivity rates?


An organism that lives in benthic sediments is classified as ...


An organism that lives on top of benthic sediments is classified as ...

Non-target species that are caught along with commercial species

Bycatch or incidental catch refers to ...


Carnivores, Bacteriovores, Herbivores, and Omnivores are ...

Cause overfishing

Catches above the maximum sustainable yield ...

Elevated temperatures

Coral bleaching often occurs in response to ...

Small organisms

Does diffusion work more efficiently in small or large organisms?


Energy flow in an ecosystem is ...

Can capture, store, and transmit energy Capable of reproduction Can adapt to environment/change through time

How do you define life?

60 degrees in a minute 180 degrees from N pole to S pole 180 x 60 = 10,800

How many nautical miles on a pole to pole meridian?


Humans are part of which of the following domains?

Less; Side = 2 Surface 2^2 x 6 = 24 Volume = 2^3 = 8 S/V = 24/8 = 3

If the size doubled (side = 2) would the surface to volume ratio be greater or less?

Because seawater is made up of salt and because of osmosis the high concentration of salt will draw the water out of your body to try to equalize the two substance (water and salt)

If you are dying of thirst, why will drinking sea water further dehydrate you?

Light and nutrients

In middle latitude (temperate) oceans, primary productivity is limited by ...

There is a net gain in organic carbon by organisms

In primary production ...

Nutrient concentrations are high, solar input is low, and water temperature decreases

In temperate oceans of the northern hemisphere during the winter months ...

Small organisms because they tend to have larger surface area/volume ratios which better brings in nutrients in and take out waste they don't want

In terms of diffusion, does this process work more efficiently in small or large organisms? Why?

Seals can't sit up Sea lions can sit up Seals have rear flippers that can't move forward Sea lions have rear flippers that can move forward

List the differences between seals and sea lions

Dolphins and other mammals

Marine Mammal Protection Act protects ...

Primarily as stabilizers

Most active swimming fish use dorsal and anal fins ...

To turn, brake, and balance

Most active swimming fish use pelvic fins and pectoral fins ...

For swim propulsion

Most high speed fish use their caudal fins ...


Most marine animals have specifically designed fibrous respiratory organs called


Organisms that live in the spaces between sediment particles are called ...


Organisms with an ecosystem that nourish themselves through either photosynthesis or chemosynthesis are ...


Planktonic organisms that spend part of their life in planktonic form and the rest of their life as either benthos or nekton are called ...

Sulfur oxidizing archaea

Primary produces in hydrothermal vent communities are ...

Light limited

Productivity in polar oceans is ...

Nutrient limited

Productivity in tropical oceans are generally ...


Squid, fish, sea turtles, and marine mammals are examples of _________ organisms

Strong wave activity

Strong attachment threads, biological adhesives, a muscular foot, multiple legs, or hundreds of tube feet are adaptations to cope with which of the following adverse conditions of the rocky intertidal zone?

Water vapor

The atmospheric component that naturally contributes to the majority of greenhouse warming on Earth is ...


The body shape illustrated in the diagram allows fish to cope with which of the following properties?


The color we see represents wavelengths of the visible electromagnetic spectrum that are ...

Eating the coral polyps

The crowns of thorns sea star destroys coral reefs by ...

Compensation depth

The depth at which the cellular respiration rate equal the photosynthetic rate is referred to as the ... for photosynthesis rate

Length of its siphon

The depth to which a bivalve can bury itself depends primarily on the ...


The distribution of benthic biomass closely matches the distribution of _______ in surface waters.

Primary productivity

The distribution of benthic biomass is related to ...


The efficiency of trophic transfers in ecosystems is on average around ...

100 meters

The euphotic zone in the open ocean extends from the surface down to approximately ...


The fundamental unit of taxonomic classification is ...


The internal organ illustrated in the diagram allows the fist to adapt to changes in

Loss of zooxanthellae

The loss of color (coral bleaching) in coral reef organisms can be a result of...


The most important limiting factor in rocky intertidal communities is ...

Burrowing into the sediment

The most successful adaptation for living on a sediment covered shore is ...

Nitrogen and phosphorus

The nutrients that tend to limit photosynthesis in marine environments ...


The process by which energy is derived from solar radiation that is used by certain organisms to form organic matter is called ...


The process of water molecules moving through semipermeable membrane from a less concentrated solution to a more concentrated solution is called ...

Mutualistic symbiosis

The relationship between the protistan zooxanthellae and the polyps of reef-building corals is best described as a/an ...

Polar waters, temperate waters, tropical waters

The relative productivity in the world's oceans from most productive to least productive is ...

Euphotic zone

The zone that extends from the surface to a depth where enough light still exits to support photosynthesis is called

Aphotic zone

The zone that has no light is called the

Eccentricity, obliquity, precession

Variations in Earth's orbit that influence long-term climate changes include ...


Water warm enough to support coral growth is found primarily in the ________ regions of the ocean?


What accounts fo the greatest biomass in the oceans, pelagic or benthic species?


What accounts for the greatest diversity of life in the Ocean's pelagic or benthic species?

Organisms that live on or in the seafloor

What are animals of the benthic environment?

Thermal expansion, melting of ice sheets and glaciers

What are the major components of rising sea levels?

Plankton and nekton

What are the names of the two primary groups of marine organisms based on how they move?

Bony fish, jawless fish, cartilage fish

What are the three classes of fish?

Carnivora, Sirenia, Cetacea

What are the three orders of marine mammals?

The availability of solar radiation and availability of nutrients

What are the two main factors affecting primary productivity?

Toothed whales Baleen whales

What are the two suborders of Cetaceans?


Which of the following swims it's entire life?


Which of the following types of plankton are heterotrophic, non-photosynthetic and must get their energy from consuming other organisms?


Which of the following types of plankton can photosynthesize and produce its own food?

Lower; lower

White muscle tissue in fish supplies a much _____ amount of oxygen and supports a much _____ metabolic rate than red tissue

Because of the nutrient rich water at depth brings it at the surface

Why do areas of upwelling typically have high primary productivity?


With respect to their marine environment, these organisms can be referred to as

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