final exam study guide from exam 4

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earths average overall albedo is

31 percent

the percent of organic matter in an average soil is


water covers _____ of earths surface


An areas defined by characteristics, long term weather pattern is called

A climatic region

Which of the following traits is the same for both Cw and Aw climates?

A distinct dry season

A biome is

A large, stable group of similar terrestrial ecosystems

on a weather map showing air pressure, what can you infer from a closer spacing of isobars

A steep pressure gradient creating a faster flow of air

which of the following is an example of a system?

A) A human body B) A mid latitude cyclonic storm c) leaf D) all of these are examples Correct answer: D

which of the following results from insolation imbalances between different latitudes

A) Ocean Currents B)Trade Winds C) Hurricanes D) All of these

In order to preserve their beaches, cities located along a coast will often build groins that protrude into the sea. What is the result of this process?

A) Sediment is located on the side of the groin facing into the current, resulting in deposition in the desired location. C) Less sediment is available to areas down shore so their beaches egin to erode

Which of these statements are true?

A) Subarctic climate regions with seasonally snow free ground are periglacial regions. B) Periglacial regions can sometimes feature polygonal ground patterns C) Permanently frozen subsurface ground is called permafrost D) Periglacial regions occupy about 20% of Earths land area E) All of these statements are correct Correct answer E

which of the following has been influenced by human activities?

A) atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide B) changes of surface albedo

what causes earths climate to change?

A) changes in earths orbit around sun B) changes in the strength of the sun C) human activities D) All of above Correct answer: D

an indicator of warming is

A) expansion of deserts B) the sift of vegetation zones to higher elevations and latitudes C) The changes in rainfall distribution D) All of these Correct Answer: D

The term biomass in an ecosystem refers to the mass of

A) plants B) animals C) fungi D) all of the above correct answer; D

Sediment grains are moved by wind through which process

A) saltation B) suspension C) surface creep D) all of these All of above

Which of the following is not true of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere

A) the amount of carbon dioxide has increased as a result of human activities B) It is critically important in regulating the temperature of the planet C) A natural product of life processes D) It occurs in only small amounts E) All are true Correct answer: E

The Pacific Northwest region of the u.s is a moist environment because of

A) the predominant direction the winds blow at the latitude B) the effect of maritime air masses C) the presence of mountains D All of above Correct answer: D

which of the following is true of high pressure areas?

Air descends and diverges within high pressures systems

Significant loess deposits are found in the

All of the above

which of the following can initiate hillslope failure?

All of these

The record heat and drought of 2016 are proof of...

All of these.

An Iso-line of equal pressure plotted on a weather map is known as

An isobar

Horns and cirques are typical features of...

Answer: A mountain range that was sculpted by alpine glaciers

A valley glacier that extends beyond the confines of its valley and coalesces with other valley glaciers along the base of a mountain range is termed

Answer: A piedmont glacier

Glacial polish results from:

Answer: Abrasion

The two continental ice sheets that exist in the world today are...

Answer: Antarctica and greenland

Bridal Veil Falls in Yosemite National Park is an example of a ________.

Answer: Arete

Which of the following is not true of the Pleistocene ice sheets in North America

Answer: At their maximum, they extended to the present day Canadian border

Given present global warming trends and predicted climate change for the next century, sea level is estimated to rise

Answer: Between 11cm and 88cm (4.3 in to 34.6 in)

An alpine glacier that is confined in a relatively small bowl shaped recess is called a...

Answer: Cirque glacier

The most important climatic factor for beginning of the accumulation of glacial ice is..

Answer: Cold summer temperatures

Which of the following is not generally true of the basal layer of a glacier?

Answer: Crevasses form in this region of the glacier

A winding hill of sorted sand and gravel deposits of an englacial "river" is known as an....and is deposited by a receding...glacier

Answer: Esker; continental

A beach acts to stabilize a shoreline by absorbing wave energy therefore it is a great place to build a house.

Answer: False

The Mississippi river has always flowed along the western edge of Illinois

Answer: False

The barrier islands off the Louisiana shore have been growing at rapid rates in recent decades..

Answer: False

Tsunami is the Japanese word for tidal wave?

Answer: False

The Great Lakes of North America were formed as:

Answer: Glacier carved deep troughs that filled with meltwater

The greatest area of earths cryosphere is currently in

Answer: Greenland and Antarctica

Today, we are living in a(n) ___________ period of climate.

Answer: Interglacial

The phenomenon that explains the depression and rebound of continental crust due to adding or removing weight called..

Answer: Isostatic adjustment

Why specifically, is glacial ice analogous to a metamorphic rock?

Answer: It forms as result of recrystallization caused by pressure

The height of an ocean wave increases as is approaches a coastline primarily because:

Answer: Its wavelength decreases

Thoreau walden pond is an example of which of the following?

Answer: Kettle

When people go swimming along a coast they often find after spending time in the water that they are no longer in the spot where they first entered the water. They moved down shore even though they did not ove in that direction...

Answer: Long shore drift

_______developed the theory that small variations in Earth-Sun relationships are responsible for short term climatic oscillations

Answer: M. Milankovitch

When the Sun, Moon, and Earth are in alignment

Answer: Maximum tidal range occurs

As Deltas are depositional features of fluvial processes, so are depositional features of glacial processes...

Answer: Moraines

Desertification is not accelerated by

Answer: Overgrazing

The distinctive geometric shapes of rock and soil debris within the periglacial zone are known as

Answer: Patterned ground

If input for a glacier system occurs in the accumulation zone, the output occurs in the...

Answer: Regelation zone

The north American pacific coast can be characterized as...

Answer: Tectonically active and emerging

Abrasion and plucking generally involve what part of a glacier?

Answer: The basal, sliding zone

Which of the following is false regarding tides?

Answer: They are produced solely by the gravitational pull of the moon

Which of the following is not true of tides

Answer: They are produced solely by the gravitational pull of the sun

Human intervention along a coastline intended to interrupt beach drift is almost always futile, because long-shore drift, storm energy, and wave action eventually exceed human engineering capabilities.

Answer: True

More than 50% of Illinois has been covered by glaciers at least once.

Answer: True

The thickness of the active layer in a permafrost region decreases toward the poles.

Answer: True

When two glaciers with lateral moraines join, a medial moraine may be formed.

Answer: True

Worldwide, most alpine glaciers are presently decreasing in size and thickness.

Answer: True

Till plains, common here in the Midwest, refers to...

Answer: Unsorted deposits characterized by low, rolling relief

Extensive pluvial lakes formed in a result of....

Answer: Western U.S. a wetter climate and/or lower evaporation rates

Which of the following prominent landforms, located in now arid areas from the Wasatch range westward to the Sierra Nevada during the Pleistocene glacial episodes.

Answer; Old shorelines of large pluvial lakes

A water bearing rock stratum is called what?


A savanna climate is denoted on Koppen classification as?


Desertification has been particularly well documented over the past 50 years in

B) The Sahel along the southern margin of the Sahara Desert

If the earth did not experience endogenic processes, the landscape would:

Be of very low relief as a result of weathering and erosion in the absence of uplift.

which of the following is not true of biomes?

Biomes are delimited mainly by temperature and precipitation patterns

concrete buried below ground will usually weather faster than concrete above ground. this is because

Carbonic acid solution attacks the concrete and water is more abundant in the soil

Which of the following is not one of the geologic cycles

Circadian cycle

As a stream's carrying capacity decreases, which of the following sizes of sediments will be deposited last?


In the tropical rain forests of south America, a species of frog lives its life cycle in small ponds of water caught in large leaves in the tops of trees. the frogs plus plants and animals they interact with, constitute a ______ and the rain forest itself- with all its interacting biotic and abiotic components - constitutes a ____?

Community; ecosystem

The volcanoes scattered from Alaska to southernmost South America formed as a result of:

Continental-oceanic plate collisions

which of the following is not a factor that supports eolian processes?

Continuous vegetation cover

Mediterranean climates are associated with which Koppen climate type?


The Falkland Islands in the S. Atlantic rarely warm above 10°C but remain above freezing. The Koppen Classification for these islands is:


If the surface of Earth were to suddenly turn white, the temperature of the planet would ________ because ________ insolation would be absorbed.

Decrease; less

deserts, by definition, are


The physical characteristics of plants in the chaparral (scrubland) biome are adaptions to?

Dryness and fire

Which of the following is not a erosional landform produced by winds?


As deltas are depositional features of fluvial processes, so ______ are depositional features of eolian processes


waves hitting the beaches are normally stronger

During the winter

The Greenland icecap and the Antarctic plateau would be classified as ____ climates


in 1973 part of the nearly flat ground on which a subdivision was located became saturated and began to move toward the saint Lawrence river at speeds up to 26 kmph.

Earth flow

The Milankovitch cycle explains long term natural climate variations based on

Earths orbital cycles

The uneven distribution of insolation by latitude is primarily a result of

Earths sphericity, which presents varied angles to incoming solar rays

A self regulating association of living plants and animals and their non living physical environment is termed


The lowest average annual temperatures on Earth would be found in ___ climates


a decrease in air pressure will cause the fluid in a borrow meter


A climograph is an electronic instrument used for measuring climates


Antarctica is buried under thousands of feet of ice because heavy snowfalls occur there each year


Clouds moderate temperatures producing lower daily maximums and higher nightly minimums.


Mediterranean climate zone is only located around the Mediterranean sea


The fact that nature produces more pollution than humans do means that anthropogenic pollution is insignificant, and we need not worry about it.


The itcz migrates with high sun position and influences the micro thermal climates


The sediment in a high elevation dust cloud consists primarily of wind blown sand


savannas of Africa, south America, and elsewhere are tropical because of very high, uniformly distributed rainfall?


Mediterranean climates occur in all of these except?


the highest frequency of thunderstorm days in the U.S occurs in


generally the annual temperature range of places located in the interior of a continent is ______ those located along the coast at the same latitude

Greater than

The largest portion of surface fresh water on earth is located in

Ice caps and glaciers

damming a river that supplies sediment to coastal areas will result

In erosion of the coastline

B climates can be found in what?

In the subtropics

The low latitude hot desert climates occur?

In the tropics and subtropics

Based on principles discussed earlier in this course, you know that the other things being equal as distance from the equator increases, seasonal variation in temperature tends to


The ability of wind to move materials

Increase with decreased wind speed

which of the following describes the Coriolis effect

It causes the apparent deflection of winds from a straight path

Which of the is incorrect relative to the Pleistocene epoch?

It represents a single continuous cold spell

Microthermal [D] climates are characterized by a(n) ___ annual temperature range


microthermal climates are characterized by an _____annual temperature range


Which of the following is easily determined using the position of the sun or the stars?


The effect of concentration of wave energies on headlines is to

Make the coastlines straighter.

Which of the following is not a sedimentary rock?


the most inclusive term for unit movements of materials propelled and controlled by gravity is

Mass Movement

A scale used to classify and describe earthquake damage on structures is the:

Mercalli scale

A batholith forms from:

Metamorphic rocks during mountain building

all of the following are erosional features of alpine glaciers except


What are H climates

Mountain climates

In which region does the mid latitude grassland not occur

North Africa

in which region does the mid latitude grassland not occur?

North Africa

The names taiga and boreal forest apply to the biome also designated

Northern needle leaf forest

Evidence of climatic variation prior to instrumented data is called____

Proxy data

Warm and wet temperatures and prediction patterns (Af) are characteristics of what?

Rain forests in the equatorial tropics

An assemblage of minerals bound together is called


Subgroups of C climates are mainly based on:

Seasonal precipitation patterns

Limestone is an example of which type of rock forming process


alpine tundra, as compared to arctic tundra is?

Similar in many ways and occur at lower latitudes due to high elevation

Tornado ally is located in____ of the U.S

Southern plain states

The rocks of earths crust are classified into three principle types based on what?

Specific rock forming processes the manner in which they formed

When geologist or archaeologist dog downward through units of rock or sediment, they are digging back in time. This fact is based in the principle of what?


Which of the following surface conditions limit the effectiveness of wind as an erosional agent?

Surface materials consisting of pebble sized particles only

Heat energy and mineral matter are brought to the crust from earths interior by the

Tectonic plate

The Koppen climate classification system is based on

Temperature and precipitation

Deposits composed of pulverized rock ejected violently during a volcanic eruption are called:


Which factor determines whether a volcano will have an explosive, violent eruption

The amount of silica

Why do polar ice caps not melt in the long summer daylight?

The high reflection of solar insolation

At which of the following areas is new ocean crust being formed?

The mid-Atlantic rift zone

in a Hadley cell, cooled air sinks

The subtropic 25-35 degrees N or S

which of the following is not true of Hadley Cells

They dominate the polar circulation

which of the following is not true of Hadley cells?

They dominate the polar circulation

Crust is neither created nor destroyed at which types of plate boundaries?

Transform boundary

The attic and alpine tundra are approximately described by which of the following?

Treeless with dwarf shrubs

Continental crust is less dense than oceanic crust


In india, monsoon winds bring extensive rains in the summer season


Pumice is an extrusive igneous Rick, granite is an intrusive igneous Rock?


a globe is the only map that accurately portrays all spatial relationships characteristics of earth surface without distortion


photo chemical smog results from interaction of sunlight with combustion products of automobiles


Unlike a young stream cut valley that assumes a characteristic shape

V; U

Which of the following is powered by endogenic forces?


the dynamic equilibrium model refers to

a balancing act between tectonic uplift and rates of reduction in a given landscape.

The water table is

a boundary between saturated rock below and unsaturated rock above

When a river reaches a base level, its forward velocity rapidly decelerates as it enters a larger body of standing water and ______ is formed

a delta

the term cone depression refers to

a depression in the earths surface formed by ground water withdrawl

A fjord is...

a u shaped stream valley, deepened by glacial erosion, that floods as sea level rises

light, temperature, water, and climate are examples of

abiotic system components

the ozonosphere is critical to life because it

absorbs most ultraviolet wavelengths

After a geomorphic threshold is crossed, the landscape:

adjusts to a new equilibrium condition

Excess surface water percolates through the zone of ________ to reach the zone of ________ and the water table.

aeration; saturation

the uplift of mountains is caused by?


the reflective quality of a surface is known as


The rate at which rocks weather depends upon

all of the above

the eruption of mount Pinatubo in june 1991

all of the effects occur

if you want to build a nice fishing cabin along a river especially a graded stream you should locate your cabin _____ to minimize its lifetime

along the point bar

if you wanted to build a nice fishing cabinalong a river, especially a graded stream, you should locate your cabin _____ to maximize its lifetime

along the point bar

which factor determines weather a volcano will have an explosive, violent eruption

amount silica

the steepness of a slope of loose material at rest is the

angle of response

which of the following best describes the dust bowl

areas of severe wind erosion on the great plains, 1930s

areas located poleward of which imaginary lines experience a minimum of 24 hours of daylight and 24 hours of darkness at sometime during the year

artic and Antarctic circle

according to classical hypothesis for the evolution of a fluvial landscape, the stage of maturity is reached when a stream has

begun to cut laterally into banks shaping a floodplain

an erosional feature created by deflation is known as

blowout depression

The taiga vegetation [in Df climate] includes

boreal forests

the winds that flow down off the ice sheets of antartica and Greenland are

called katabatic winds

karst topography and caves are formed primarily by

carbonic acid solution

as a stream carrying capacity decreases, which of the following sediment will be deposited last


climate differs from weather in that

climate is the composite of weather conditions over time

almost all tornadoes in the northern hemisphere exhibit ___ rotation because they originate within ______ pressure systems


thunderstorms and heavy rains often occur when a passes in mid latitude cyclone

cold front

an interacting group of living animals, plants, and other organisms in an area from a what?


the condensation process requires

condensation nuclei and saturated air

if you were afraid of earthquakes, which of the following areas would be the safest in which to live?

continental craton

O3 in the lower troposphere

contributes to air pollution

what type of lifting is caused as air moves over a blacktop parking lot on a sunny day


If human activities had not begun to impact climate some 2000 years ago, our climate would be ___ than what we are experiencing now.


during summer, mid latitude cities located near the coast are often _____ than those in the interior at the same latitude while in the winter they are often ____

cooler; warmer

clouds that have significant vertical development and produce precipitation are called


summer thunderstorms in Illinois are often characterized by towering _____ clouds that from by _____

cumulonimbus; low pressure convergence

in many temperate climates, the soil A horizon _______ underlying layers because ________

darker than; it contains humus

the affect urbanization recorded on a typically stream hydrograph is to

decrease lag time between storm peak and peak stream discharge

surface roughness such as that associated with vegetation will

decrease wind erosion

as temperature increases during the day, relative humidity usually


as the temperature of liquid water approaches within several degrees of the freezing point, its density


if a rivers base level is lowered it will respond by

decreasing erosion

When a river reaches a base level, its forward velocity rapidly decelerates as it enters a larger body of standing water and ______ is formed


straight line, high speed, damaging winds produced by mid latitude storms are


Areas between 25 degrees to 35 degrees latitude usually become ________ because this area is dominated by air that is sinking and being ________.

deserts; heated by compression

on a cloudy day, earths surface receives more _____ than on a clear day

diffuse radiation

accreted terranes refer to

displaced pieces of crust that do not match geologically

accreted terranes refer to:

displaced pieces of crust that do not match geologically

which of the following is not considered a main type of uplift for precipitation


the basis for defining the length of a day is the fact that

earth rotates once around its axis in approx. 24 hours

The surface point marking the origin of an earthquake is the


the term eolian refers to...

erosion, transportation, and deposition by the wind

on cool spring mornings, vells of fog can often be seen rising above warm lakes and ponds. this is an example of ______ fog.


Stalactites and stalagmites formation in caves develop while the caves are full of groundwater


karst topography involves the chemical weathering of granite landscapes


most karst features develop above ground


rivers make excellent political boundaries since they are permanent landform features


teleconnection in the context of atmospheric circulation suggest that an event in the southern hemisphere trade winds cannot affect locations under the northern hemisphere westerlies


the total quantity of water on earth is constantly fluctuating as evidence by changes in sea level


tornado are mini hurricanes


natural levees develop during


which of the following is incorrect

fog= a stratus cloud that is high in elevation off the ground

the fact that water expands as much s 9% by volume as it freezes is the weathering force of

frost wedging

confliction forces interact to establish an optimum incline angle on a slope. when any of these conditions are disturbed or altered the materials on the slope may pass a

geomorphic threshold

Sediments of various sizes are carried at the base of glaciers and deposited as poorly sorted _____.

glacial till

the insolation received at earths surface is

greatest over low-latitude deserts with their cloudless skies

D climates generally have:

harsh winters and mild summers

water is a good solvent because it

has a asymmetrical charged distribution

water is a good solvent because it...

has asymmetrical charge distribution

what two factors speed up rates of chemical reaction and weathering in rocks and soils

high temperature, very moist

which of the following has the highest albedo

ice and snow

john Wesley powell developed the idea base level, which refers to

imagines surface that extends inland from sea level and is clinches gently upward and a level below which a stream cannot erode its valley

in which of the following areas will thunderstorms probably not develop

in areas of strong high pressure

natural levees develop during

in floods

in most computer climate models, the greatest warming is predicted to occur

in the article latitudes

the principle natural soil forming factors

include climate, parent material, topography, biotic processes, and time

The effect of urbanization recorded on a typical stream hydrograph

increase lag time between storm peak and peak stream discharge

an increase in water turbulence

increases the rivers erosive power

natural sources of potential air pollutants include all of the following except

industrial activity

if the earth did not rotate upper air winds would flow parallel to the


water is a good solvent because

it has an asymmetrical charge distribution (one end is positive and the other negative).

microthermal climates are characterized a _____ blank annual temperature range


the more important control on global average temperature is


karst landforms most commonly form in these rock types

limestones and dolostones

the geographic center of Illinois is best placed in which of the fundamental themes of geography


An angular distance measured north or south of the equator is termed


in the 1800s mariners needed two accurate clocks to precisely determine which of the following


in summer, a ____ air mass often brings warm, humid weather to our region

maritime tropical

which of the following is not a feature fluvial transport

meander load

the worlds breadbaskets refer to which biome?

midlatitude grassland

Tundra vegetation [in E climates] includes:

mosses, lichen, and stunted trees

the gulf stream

moves northward in the western Atlantic, moderating temperatures in iceland

niagra falls is an example of


The two most abundant gases in the atmosphere are

nitrogen and oxygen

the three most common gases in the atmosphere, in order of abundance from most to least are

nitrogen, oxygen and argon

which of the following is true regarding location at high elevations

none are true

in which region does the mid latitude grassland not occur

north africa

which location experiences the greatest continentality

north central asia

which of the following is not correctly matched?

one community = one biome

The three most abundant elements in Earth's crust are

oxygen, silicon, aluminum

When rock is broken and disintegrated without dissolving, the process in operation is

physical weathering

the Celsius scale

places freezing at 0 degrees and is sometimes cales centigrade

Coal is a fossil fuel formed from


coal is fossil formed from


which of the following is incorrectly matched

point bar: area of substantial erosion

"Cold and dry" temperature and precipitation patterns are characteristics of

polar climates

if a system responds to a change in input by moving even further away from its equilibrium condition, what type of feedback has occurred?


if increase levels of methane in the atmosphere lead to further increasing temperature thus promoting the release of even more methane as permafrost melts this means that _____feedback had occurred and that the planet is probaby_______

positive; out of equilibrium

Air flow is initiated by

pressure gradient force

the dramtic domes and arch shaped features found in granitic mountain masses, such as half dome in Yosemite national park, result from

pressure release jointing, exfoliation and sheeting

a central peal or a dome of a volcanic mountain generally produces drainage patterns


Our planet and our lives are powered by

radiant energy from the sun

The lower case f, as in Af, Cf and Df in the Köppen climate classification represents:

rainfall throughout the year

what are the five principles themes of modern geographic education

region, location, earth-human relations, place and movement

As reported by the National Weather Service, the heat index

relates temperature and relative humidity

in increase of airpressure will cause the fluid in a borrow meter to


of these weathering types which one is biological

root action

which type of weathering is limited mostly to arid environments

salt crystal growth

The ___ biome is like a very large ecotone between tropical forests and deserts


which one of the following statements concerning soil erosion is not true

sheet erosion, rills, and gullies develop mainly during prolonged droughts

which is the correct sequence of water flowing cross earths surface after raindrops hit the ground

sheetflow, ephemeral gully, permanent channel

because of the processes responsible for the formation of the Himalayan mountains, the crust in this region of the world has been;

shortened and folded

What size material composes the sediment in a dust cloud thousands of meters above the ground

silts and clay

The weathering of limestone can create circular depressions known as


as a result of the specific heat characteristics of water, cities located near a coast usually experience a daily temperature range that is ____ those of cities located in the interior at the same latitude

smaller than

generally temperate karst features will form more rapidly in an area with

steep relief

moat damage and fatalities associated with hurricanes are due to

storm sage

drowned river mouths characterize

submerged coasts

for monsoon climates in india most precipitation occurs in the


for monsoon climates in india, most precipitation occurs in the?


the wind chill index

takes into account wind speed

Lush forest of middle and high latitudes occurring along narrow margins of the pacific northwest, southern china, japan, and areas of northern Australia fall within the climate zone

temperate rain forest

lush forests of middle and high latitudes occurring along narrow margins of the pacific northwest, southern china, japan, and areas of northern Australia fall within the climate zone named

temperate rain forest

land surfaces cool off more rapidly at night than do water surfaces because

the amount of energy stored in the land is less than that stored in the water column

talus slopes form at

the base of cliffs

which statement is true with regard to the Atlantic ocean?

the deepest part of the Atlantic ocean is found right at the center

which of the following is an accurate definition of stream gradient

the drop in elevation of a stream divided by the distance the water travels

which of the following sequence about earth is correct

the equatorial diameter is 42 km greater than the polar diameter

An example of chemical weathering is

the limestone features in cave of the mounds, wisconsin

Drumlins are smooth, elliptical shaped mounds of till. How do they help us determine the directional flow of continental ice sheets?

the long axis of the elliptical shaped drumlin is parallel to the directional flow

conduction refers to

the molecule-to-molecule transfer of heat energy that diffuses through the material

weather is

the short-term condition of the atmosphere.

which of the following is likely to occur if the gradient of a stream increases

the stream will more rapidly erode its channel and/or its banks

In a Hadley cell, cooled air sinks at:

the subtropics

in Hadley cell, cooled air sinks

the subtropics

in a Hadley cell, cooled air sinks at

the subtropics

An isoline that connects all points of highest mean temperature on a world map is called

the thermal equator

solar constant

the total solar energy reaching the top of the atmosphere

the solar constant is

the total solar energy reaching the top of the atmosphere

hurricanes often tend to dissipate when

they cross land and cooler water

which of the following is true of chlorofluorocarbons

they have been used in refrigeration systems and they have been used as propellants in spray cans

which of the following is not a condition that can lead to karst topography

thick layer of granite

which of the following is easily determined using the position of the sun or stars


which of the following landforms is incorrectly matched with a drainage pattern

topographically disrupted areas-parallel

most of the big game mammals of Africa are well adapted to this biome because they migrate following the ITCZ?

tropical savanna

the most extreme northern and southern parallels to experience perpendicular rays of the sun at noon on the local summer solstice are located at the

tropics of cancer and capicorn

Abundant moisture and warm temperatures result in high rates of chemical weathering.


a line on a weather map marked with half circles designates a warm front


a valley wall consisting of shales will likely exhibit gentler slopes than one composed of limestone


air pressure is produced by motion, size, and number of air molecules in a given volume


atmospheric/oceanic circulation may teleconnect all places on earth to one another


cyclones, typhoon, and hurricanes are similar in physical structure and properties, although they occur in different parts of the world


iron oxidation often imparts red and yellow stains to rock and soil


mass wasting occurs when gravity overcomes friction


physical and chemical weathering processes are not necessarily sperate they often operate in concert to decompose and dissolve rock


the amount of solar energy received at earths surface at most location is not exactly constant it varies depending upon the season


the construction of artificial levees can increase the risk of a catastrophic flood


denudation by weathering, erosion, and transportation tends to reduce the landscape toward

ultimate base level namely sea level

the surface temperature on a cloudy night is likely to be ____ than on a clear night

warmer than

which of these cannot be considered a C climate?

warmest month average is 9 degrees

Tectonic forces

warp, fold, and uplift rock.

in winter, freezing water can break pipes and even crack engine blocks. why does this happen?

water expands in volume as it freezes, controlled by hydrogen bonding

which two gaseous compounds are primarily responsible for the greenhouse effect because of their ability to absorb infrared energy

water vapor and carbon dioxide

which of the following are principle active agents involved in chemical weathering

water, oxygen, carbon dioxide

which of the following is an exogenic process


which list of exogenic processes is in the correct sequence

weathering, erosion, transport, deposition

A mT air mass is likely to be ________ than a cT air mass because the mT air mass ________.

wetter; is warmer than the cT air mass

the horizontal motion of air relative to earths surface is


in the northern hemisphere the wetter, intercepting slope of a mountain is termed the _____ slope; whereas the rain shadow side is termed the ______ slope

windward; leeward

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