Final Exam

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Chondrichthian fishes never invaded freshwater

- they have high levels of urea which stops water from diffusing out.

2, Decrease conductance

- thick fur, fat layer, vasoconstriction

Terrestrial waste is

- urea, less toxic

jejunum and ileum

-absorption of nutrients: folds, villi, and microvilli

Nuchal organs


Motor unit -

1 motor neuron + muscle fibers , some are small while others are large

synapsid skull

1 temporal opening, attachment of differnt muscles, mammals

Stages of development

1. Fertilized egg (zygote), 2. Cleavage stage - zygote divides repeatedly by mitosis - no increase in size, 3. Blastula - hollow chamber develops in the center of the morula - blastoceol. 4. Gastrulation - invagination of cells forms the primitive gut (archenteron) 5. Neurogenesis - (only in Chordata) nerve cord develops 6. Organogenesis - formation of the organs of the body

Advantages of sexual reproduction:

1. Genetic recombination - offspring genetically unique

Disadvantages of asexual reproduction:

1. No recombination of genes

Advantages of asexual reproduction:

1. Only need one individual to reproduce, 2. No genetic change - good if environment is stable, 3. All individuals are producing offspring 4. More efficient at passing on genes

What are the levels of organization?

1. Protoplasmic grade 2. Cellular Grade 3. Cell-tissue grade 4. Tissue-organ grade 5. Organ-system grade

What is a hypostome?

A conical protuberance upon which the mouth is situated, found in hydras


A developing cnidocyte

Select all of the external features of the echinoderm class Asteroidea

A flattened body with five or more tapered rays emanating from a central disc, Open ambulacral grooves, each lined by tube feet, Papulae for respiration

characteristics of a typical cnidarian polyp

A gastrovascular cavity, Attachment to the substratum by a pedal disc or similar structure, Asexual reproduction through budding, fission, or pedal laceration, A mouth surrounded by tentacles at the oral end of the body

True bloodsuckers stay on their hosts for

A limited time

Fission :

A polyp divides in half and one side of the polyp pulls away from the other side

Animals possess a variety of physical barriers to infection including which of the following?

A sclerotized exoskeleton, Tough and cornified skin, A layer of mucus


A triggerlike structure that causes the specialized organelles of cnidocytes to discharge

deep (hyponeural system)

A unit of the nervous system that lies aboral to the oral system


Active at night

What kind of habitats do they live in

Adaptive radiation - live in a variety of habitats marine, freshwater, terrestrial (snails)

The barbs of a contour feather run parallel to each other at an angle relative to the shaft

Adjacent barbs interlock together to form the flat surface of the feather, also known as the. vane.

Which schistosome individual is broader and heavier?

Adult male

Which of the following statements are true about sponges?

Adult sponges do not have distinct cell layers, Sponges are not diploblastic.

Flow of air:

Air enters nose - nasal chambers - pharynx - trachea - bronchi - bronchioles - alveoli

What extraembryonic membrane of the amniotic egg forms a sac where metabolic wastes are stored?


Epitheliomuscular cells:

Allowing the body to contract and expand, similarly to true muscular cells

Are Cnidarias and ctenophoras sister taxa?

Although cnidarians and ctenophorans share many ancestral traits, they are probably not sister taxa.

When is the clitellum visible in earthworms and leeches?

Always in earthworms; during breeding season in leeches.

In sea stars, the area on the oral side of the organism that runs from the mouth to the tip of each arm is called the


Which of the following can be found in the mesohyl of sponges?

Ameboid cells

What statement accurately compares the lungs of amniotes with those of amphibians?

Amniote lungs have much more surface area and are ventilated by a different mechanism.

The two major extant branches of tetrapods are called the __________________and the ________________

Amphibians, amniote

In nematodes, which of the following are a pair of complex sensory organs that open on each side of the head?


The term metazoan would be used to describe which type of organism?


Select all foods which comprise the diet of hagfishes

Annelids, Dead fishes, Crustaceans, Molluscs

characteristics of members of class Anthozoa

Many forms produce a skeleton for support., They can be solitary or colonial., The gastrovascular cavity is partitioned by septa.

What are tracts used for

Many use tracts of cilia for feeding or locomotion (cilia helps move through muscus or feeding)

What type of platyhelminthes have a reduced or absent osmoregulatory system?

Marine turbellarians.

If the sponge has spicules that are straight or with 3 or 4 rays that typically surround the osculum, it is in the Class


What are examples materials of Sclerocytes

Calcium carbonate, silica(deposited in extracellular matrix)

What are examples materials of mineral spicules

Calcium carbonate, silica(deposited in extracellular matrix)

When was the first good fossil record for sponges seen?

Cambrian 500 mya

Select all of the following that are used to entrap food in polychaetes that are sedentary tube and burrow dwellers

Cilia, Tentacles

The Phylum Rotifera is named after what characteristic feature?

Ciliated crown

Class Polychaeta:

Clam worms, 10,000 species, marine worms

oral (ectoneural) system

Comprised of a nerve ring around the mouth and a main radial nerve in each arm; coordinates the podia

aboral system

Comprised of a ring around the anus and radial nerves along the roof of each arm

organisms that belong to Class Gastropoda

Conchs, Slugs, Snails, Limpets

What is the dermis made of?

Connective and adipose

What are the three primary germ layers (tissues) in developing embryos of animals

Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm

A flatworm egg is said to be ______________ if yolk is contained within an egg, as it is other animal phyla


__________ may cope with external temperature changes through behavioral modification, such as basking in the sun


In addition to providing a place of retreat, a spider's silk threads play a role in which of the following?

Egg sac construction, Prey capture, Nest lining

What life stage of the blood fluke causes the main problems in the human host?



Elongated oral-aboral axis; reduced ossicles

Phylum Echinodermata skeletal type?

Endoskeleton of mesodermal origin

Phylum Chordata other characteristics

Endoskeleton, Segmented muscles, Complete digestive system, bilateral symmetry, triploblastic, eucoelomate, closed circulatory system

Select all of the characteristics of the the class Mammalia

Endothermic, Very diverse in size, shape, and form

_________ and _______________ are the two classes found within Subphylum Hexapoda

Entognatha, Insecta

__________ are the main way food is chemically broken down


Cnidaria: What layer comes from the ectoderm?


Examples of analogy

Ex. Bats and birds. Bats are mammals while birds come from reptiles. They have no recent common ancestor.

Parts of a cestode include which of the following?

Mature proglottids, Germinative zone, Gravid proglottids (expel eggs or detach), Scolex

Structures found on the insect head may include which of the following?

Maxillae, Labium, Compound eyes, Antennae, Mandibles

Genetic variation comes from:

Exchange of genes between homologous chromosomes during crossing over. Shuffling of homologous chromosomes in meiosis. Random fusion of gametes


Excretory bladder leads to terminal pore

A biramous crustacean appendage consists of a lateral _______________, a basal ______________, and a medial ___________________

Exopod, Protopod, endopod

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide between an organism and its environment across a respiratory surface is termed ________________ respiration


Select all of the following that describe the cuticle of annelids, roundworms, and arthropods

External layer, Secreted by epidermis, Nonliving

True or false: Hagfishes are parasitic


True or false: Proteins are considered a principle extracellular electrolyte


True or false: Rotifers are most commonly found in marine environments


True or false: The head of an annelid is the first true segment


What is a single, unique feature that distinguishes birds from all other living animals?


Filter Feeders

Feed on suspended particles in water. Phagocyte by choanocyte

Select all functions of a rotifer's corona

Feeding, Locomotion

The _______ _______ is the structure formed by an egg to move sperm head down toward the nucleus

Fertilization cone

The vertebrate kidney performs which of the following functions?

Filtration of blood, Secretion of end products, Reabsorption of selective ions

Gill-breathing aquatic vertebrates with fins are collectively known as


____________ is composed of pepsinogen, HCL and rennin (in ruminant mammals)

Gastric juice

Intermediate Host

Growth out of a snail.

Examples of homology

Human, bat, porpoise, horse, frog

Select all of the following that describe spiral cleavage

It forms cells that are offset from the cells in the layer below It occurs with mosaic development It occurs in most protostomes

Select all true statements about the hemal system of sea stars

It includes an axial complex for filtering blood vascular fluids. It is found within the perihemal channels. It is comprised of a system of tissue strands that enclose unlined sinuses.

Which of the following are true of catch collagen?

It is able to quickly change from a more liquid to a more solid form. It is under the control of the nervous system. It allows an animal to hold a particular position without the use of its muscles.

What describes the coelom in most leeches?

It is filled with connective tissue and lacunae.

members of Phylum Cnidaria

Jellyfishes, Sea whips, Sea anemones, Corals

Phylum Rotifera

- (Roto-wheel, fera-bearing), Mostly freshwater, few marine species, Lophotrochozoan Protostomes, Trochophore larvae, Have pseudocoelom

Class Scyphozoa

Jellyfishes, Tentacles are lined with cnidocytes and are used to capture prey, Swim by rhythmic pulsation of bell, Medusa form dominates life cycle

What features are distinctly present in cestodes?

Muscles, Nervous system, Sensory endings in the tegument, Excretory system

Which of the following are distinguishing characteristics of all Nematodes?

Muscular body wall, Cylindrical shape

In bivalves, a _________ _______ is attached to the __________ mass, which is suspended from the dorsal midline

Muscular, foot, visceral

What kind of Musculature?

Musculature with longitudinal and circular muscles, peristalsis contraction for movement and undulation.

Schwann Cells

Myelin sheath, action potential jumping, increase speed

Hexapoda and Crustacea most likely sister taxa with

Myriapoda less closely related

Select the two clades of living, jawless fishes

Myxini. Petromyzontida

Describe the characteristic of scientific names

Names are latin Always underlined or in italics Genus - 1st letter is capitalized, noun Species - all letters are lowercase, adjective

examples of cephalopods

Nautilus, Octopus, Squid

Cnidocytes contain what organelle?


Members of the phylum ____________ inhabit tropical and polar climates, can be found in freshwater and salt water, and are parasitic to plants and animals, Although there are 25,000 named species within this phylum, it is estimated that nearly 500,000 species have not been named


Select the organisms that undergo holoblastic cleavage

Nemerteans Echinoderms Placental mammals

Phylum Hemichordata

- acornworms, post-anal tail, pharyngeal gill slits, hollow dorsal nerve cord, has 3 /5 chordata characteristics. Lacks a notochord - Buccal diverticulum (out pocket of gut)

Subphylum Trilobita

- all extinct. very successful from Pre-cambrian to Carboniferous (about 200my), body with head thorax and abdomen , two grooves running longitudinally

corpus callosum

- allows sharing of information between two sides. communicate right and left side


- allows side to side swiveling of skull, 5 other cervical (neck) vertebrae

Class Asteroidea Endoskeletal

- although calcareous plates (ossicles) of skeleton are covered by epidermis, spines protrude across surface

Class Holothuroidea tube feet

- ambulacral groove only found on the side the sea cucumber lays.


- associated with the hind limbs

Trichinella spiralis

- cause trichinellosis (very rare in U.S.)- enter through undercooked pork - young enter bloodstream and encyst in various tissues - especially muscle

Peripheral nervous system Sensory division

- cells carrying signal toward the brain

Spermatogonia (2n)

- cells found in semiferous tubles-diploid


- cephalopods move by using the mantle cavity to form a water jet. Octopuses usually walk

Oral cavity

- chemical and physical digestion

Infraclass: Metatheria

- marsupial mammals, kangaroos, koalas, opossum - young start out with placenta in uterus but are born and transferred to marsupium


- mastication by teeth breaks food into smaller particles and mixes in saliva


- may contain organs (esp. reprod) or be used in locomotion

Small intestine

- membrane enzymes


- mesoderm cells develop around the base of the archenteron. seen in Protostomes


- most posterior segment - tail spine, anus


- outer most region


- outermost layer


- outgrowth of cuticle, not a modified leg


- paired extensions on each segment, used in respiration and locomotion

Order Sphenisciformes

- penguins - web footed, use wings to swim

Class Asteroidea Tiedeman's bodies

- produce coelomocytes (cells in coelomic fluid) - get rid of waste, it is around the ring canal

Class Asteroidea Digestive glands (pyloric cecum)

- produce digestive enzymes and used for absorbing nutrients

Male: Testosterone

- produced in the Leydig cells found between the seminiferous tubules of the testes.

Asexual reproduction

- production of individuals without gametes


- protective outer-covering of the body


- protective plates or rings, from fibrous layer in epidermis

Cone snails

- radula modified into poisonous harpoon used to spear, subdue prey. inject toxin and quickly paralyzes it, brings the entire animal in mouth and eats it whole.

4, Light fur

- reflective


- the process of gamete production


- the union of two gametes to form a zygote.

Ectotherms may achieve temperature independence via _________

behavioral adjustment, metabolic adjustment

The special, hardened, form of keratin that is found in the epidermis of class Reptilia is called

beta keratin.

The hemal system of a sea cucumber is _______

better developed than that of a sea urchin

AV valves

between atria and ventricles

Turbellaria: Movement

bilateral symmetry cilia and muscular undulation

Order Falconiformes -

birds of prey, catch with talons

Food must be processed to release the nutrients and energy

breaking down to simpler forms for energy breaking chemical bonds


breathe in oxygen


brittle stars, basket stars

Asexual reproduction:

budding and fragmentation

Juvenile cestodes reproduce asexually through


Burrow polychaetes

burrow in sediments - may use tube to set up water currents.


by paired nephridia in each segment

How does a cestode reproduce?

can cross fertile (with another), or self fertilize.

Sperm are released through the osculum and are phagocytiozed by a ______________ of other sponge



choanocytes line chambers scattered throughout body. No (or greatly reduced) spongocoel. Scattered chambers, increase surface area. Most efficient. Large.

A colonial aquatic eukaryote characterized by a flagellum surrounded by a collar of microvilli best describes the



ciliated funnel to process waste from one segment to another


circulatory fluid and associated cells

What happens to the prey after the gastrovascular cavity?

Nutrients and small food particles are then taken in by the gastrodermis and undigested material is egested through the mouth/anus.

Although digestion in hydras is mostly extracellular, food particles can be drawn into what type of gastrodermal cells for intracellular digestion?

Nutritive-muscular cells

_____ are light-sensitive eyespots common in turbellarians, monogeneans, and larval trematodes


Although ______ can move by spurting jets of water through their funnel, they are better adapted to crawling over rocks and coral using their arms


Class Reptilia

While amphibians had the adult characteristics to break free of the water - the amniotic egg allowed the reptiles to be truly terrestrial vertebrates

Which of the following explains why some mammalian coats are white during the winter season?

White coats are thought to provide camouflage.

Chromatophores:( all in dermis)

Xanthophores - yellow, orange, red. Iridophores - guanine crystals (reflective). Melanophores - dark pigment. green combination of xanthophores and iridophores. Cryptic coloration - cameoflage

Is there a Trochophore Larvae?


The ____________ is a sensory area at the base of the incurrent siphon that is chemosensory in some forms, mechanosensory in some and unknown in other gastropods


The endoskeleton of sea stars is comprised of calcareous plates called______________, which are connected to one another by a specialized connective tissue made of an unusual mutable collagen called _____________collagen

Ossicles, catch

There is no cochlea - How do they hear?.

Otoliths, ear bones of fish


Outer layer of skin. Stratified squamous epithelial


Outgrowth, will break up and make new hydra.

members of the mollusc class Bivalvia

Oysters, Scallops, Mussels, Clams

What is the "brain" of an oligochaete?

Pair of cerebral ganglia

___________ is composed of trypsin, chymotrypsin, carboxypeptidase, lipase, amylase, nucleases and bicarbonate

Pancreatic juice

_______ includes only some, but not all of the descendants and the most recent common ancestor.


Class Trematoda

Parasitic flukes, anterior suckers, incomplete digestive tract present, often have vertebrate host/ mollusc intermediate host

Select all of the following that describe reproduction in nematodes

Parasitic forms may require an intermediate host, Internal fertilization, Four juvenile stages

Class Asteroidea Structures of epidermis:

Pedicellariae, Skin gills (papulae)

two parts of the annelid head

Peristomium, Prostomium

What structure in tubellarians can be simple, folded, or bulbous?


A bilateral pair of which of the following is located near the posterior end of parasitic nematodes?


What phyla is Segmentation (Metamerism) found in?

Phyla Annelida, Arthropoda, and Chordata

Example of Organ-system grade

Phyla Nematoda through Chordata

What is the lip-like structure that helps an earthworm to move its food into its mouth?


Select all of the major endocrine glands that are involved in insect development

Prothoracic gland Corpora allata

The segments that make up an insect's thorax are the __________ , __________ , and ______________

Prothorax, mesothorax, metathorax

What are two basic patterns of development?

Protostome, Deuterostome

Pinacocyte Function

Provide outer covering

What kind of symmetry does Cnidaria Have?

Radial Symmetry


Radially symmetrical; compact skeleton with closely fitting plates


a field of Biology concerned with classifying organisms based on evolutionary relationships

Leeches differ from other annelids in that they possess

a fixed number of segments.

Examples of variations in the typical cnidarian life cycle (sessile polyp, free-swimming medusa) include:

a missing medusa stage in anthozoans., a floating colony of polyps in some hydrozoans., a missing medusa stage in Hydra.

Most leeches possess

a proboscis, a coelom.

The evolution of the shelled egg allowed reptiles to become fully independent from the aquatic environment because

a shelled egg encloses a small aquatic environment, where development of the embryo can occur.

Select all of the characteristics of early mammals of the late Triassic period

Redesigned jaws, Enlarged cranium

What kind of body cavity do they have

Reduced coelom: eucoelomate body cavity (true coelm)

Reduced digestive system:

Rely on the host, no need for digestive tract because already digested


Reminants of life

_________ is a milk-curdling enzyme found in the stomachs of ruminants


Gland cells:

Secreting substances that aid in flotation and attachment to surfaces

Collencyte Function

Secretion of collagen

The two large clades within the Pleistoannelida are the __________ and the ________________

Sedentaria, Errants

What are the three types of neurons?

Sensory neuron, interneuron, motor neuron.

What describes reproduction in most amphibians?

Separate sexes; oviparous

Select all features that are found in beardworms

Sessile, Tentacles on forepart, Segmented opisthosoma

structures that can be found on a typical errant polychaete

Setae, Parapodia, Sensory organs

Put the life stages of a typical digenean in order, beginning at the top with the shelled embryo stage

Shelled embryo, miracidium, sporocyst, redia, cercaria, metacercaria.

Which of the following best characterize irregular echinoids?

Short spines Secondarily bilateral


Sides of body

Class Hexactinellida

Silica Spicules, in the deep ocean, glass

Maxilliped (first, second, and third)

Similar to fingers, bring food in and used as a sensory organ

describe members of the Class Calcarea

Spicules of calcium carbonate All canal types represented

What is the protein fibers in the extracellular material?


What is the protein fibers in the mesohyl?


Sporocytes in a typical digenean life cycle reproduce asexually to form either_________ or _______________

Sporocysts, redia

Which group of nonavian reptiles exhibits viviparity?


What are the three shapes of epithelium?

Squamous, cubodial, columnar

In bivalves, what organ contains a rotating crystalline rod that keeps food whirling and releases enzymes?


structures in the digestive system of a polychaete in order, from anterior to posterior

Stomodeum, pharynx, anterior esophagus, midgut, hindgut

Select the stimuli that are likely to cause a negative response in an earthworm

Strong mechanical stimuli, Strong light


Structures that appear similar but have different evolutionary origins


Study of the principles of classification, the systematic ordering and naming of organisms

male reproductive organs in order, from the site of gamete production to the point where the gametes exit the body

Testes, Vasa efferentia, vas deferens, Seminal Vesicle, copulatory organ

How do barbules help form the vane of a feather?

The barbules of one barb overlap those of an adjacent barb and are held together by tiny hooks.

Select all of the following that describe members of class Echinoidea

The body is enclosed within a test comprised of closely fitting ossicles. Some species are secondarily bilateral with short spines. They are found in a wide diversity of marine habitats, from intertidal areas to deep oceans.

Cope's Law

There is a general tendency for body size to increase in a lineage overtime

If a bird is plucked, small, hair-like degenerate feathers can be seen; they are made of a short shaft with a tuft of barbs at the tip

These feather are called _______________ feathers and their function is not known. filoplume

The bones of modern birds are very light yet very strong

These properties are due to the fact that the bones are laced with cavities, which is why they are also called_____________ bones. pneumatized

describe archaeocytes

They are ameboid cells They are phagocytes They differentiate into more specialized cells.

Which of the following accurately describes the arrangement of the longitudinal muscles of nematodes?

They are arranged in four bands separated by four hypodermal cords. Each muscle cell has a contractile fibrillar portion and a noncontractile sarcoplasmic portion.

Which of the following accurately compares mammalian hairs and bird feathers?

They are both dead structures.

Members of Class Pauropoda are characterized by which of the following?

They are soft-bodied.They average 2 mm or less in size.

Select all that best characterize fish

They are the most ancient vertebrates. Thy are the most diverse vertebrates.

Choose all functions of pedicellariae in echinoids

They can have venom glands and inject toxins into small prey. They keep the body clean. They prevent marine larvae from settling on the body.

How do cestodes digest their food?

They rely on their host.

The lateral line system allows fish to sense which of the following?

Vibrations, Water currents

In mammals, whiskers are long, modified sensory hairs that are also known as


Molluscs in the class Scaphopoda have a mantle that wraps around the _______ and fused to form a tube


After slow or fast block

Water diffuses in, fertilization membrane, Pronuclei of egg and sperm fuse to form zygotic nucleus

There are ______ living species in the phylum Mollusca

about 90,000

Mandibles are usually _______ in adult butterflies and moths but are always _______ in larvae

absent; present

Rhodopsin -

absorbs light and initiates the nerve impulse. The reaction breaks down rhodopsin.

Oligochaeta what does the intestines do?

absorbs the organic material

Thin filaments -


Contractile proteins

actin and myosin

frog reproduction:

aquatic: Males grab onto back of female - amplexus - gametes are released simultaneously - Indirect development. some frogs will protect young

Food engulfed by cells is passed to _____ for intracellular digestion occur in sponges


Viviparous animals

are those that retain the zygote in the mother who provides nourishment to the developing young.

Organ systems of cephalopods

are well-developed.

The most primitive flatworm nervous system most closely resembles a

cnidarian nerve net.

Blood _________ prevents rapid loss of body fluid after injury


Sounds with different wavelengths will stimulate hair cells in different regions along the


In earthworms, fertilization and embryonic development occur in the


Excretion and respiration in sea stars is facilitated by their spacious body__________, which is filled with fluid


The intracellular _________ is the term for all of the fluid inside the cells of an animal



composes the digestive tract

4, Counter current heat exchange:

extremities lose heat quickly

- Fibers are packaged into



feather stars, sea lilies

Coprophagy is the consumption of ______ by rabbits and many rodents to extract additional nutrients



female has special recepticalto hold sperm. occasionally will have enough fo life

Ancestral cephalopods shells

had straight shell which have been lost (octopi) or coiled (Nautilus - have a shell that has gas/water chambers to help with bouyancy). Squid only have a thin remnant of the shell

Support, air is less dense than water so animals have to support body off substrate

had to evolve limbs

The pronephros is the functional kidney found in adult _________


Living jawless fishes include

hagfishes and lampreys.

Compact bone


The stomach is a muscular chamber where food is exposed to

harsh conditions

Mesolecithal eggs

have yolk concentrated at the vegetal pole.

What is the Body composed of

head (mouth), foot(locomotion & increase inside), mantle (and associated shell), visceral mass(internal organs, digestive tract, cardiovascular, gonads)

Why is multicellular better than unicellular?

increase in the SA : V ratio. Helps metabolism grow

In syconoid sponges, water moves in through the ______ and out through the ______

incurrent canals; osculum

Development in most crustaceans is ______, meaning their eggs produce larvae which must go through many stages to reach adult form


Intracellular digestion

individual cell digest food inside the cell, ex. paramecium, porifera, cant break down food out side of cell

Reproduction - fertilization

internal , oviparous

Copulatory organ for

internal fertilization

Squalene is a lipid stored in the.

liver of sharks to make them more buoyant, little advantage

Skeletal muscle (also called striated or voluntary muscle)

long, tapered multinucleated cells ,Multinucleated, Striated

Cnidaria: What kind of musculature?

longitudinal and circular

at low O2 partial pressures, hemoglobin has

low affinity for it

The earthworm belongs to the genus


The pneumostome is an external opening of the ______ in pulmonate gastropods


Some fish already had lungs

lung fish, they use the swim bladder as respiratory surface

Air is brought into posterior air sacs and then flows through the

lung toward anterior air sacs.

Dermal scales.

made of connective tissue, arise from dermis. Scales in fish are from dermis, in reptiles is from epidermis

Female filarial worms live in the lymphatic system of its host where it releases live young called _________________ into the blood and lymphatic system


Regarding gender, leeches are


Some flatworms have sensory, motor, and association


The shell of cephalopods provides __________ buoyancy


In postecdysis (post molting)

new cuticle is stretched and unfolded, and endocuticle is secreted.

The epidermis of a rotifer is

next to bands of muscle., responsible for cuticle secretion., syncytial.

Antennae, compound eyes, and three are typically found on the insect head


The life stage of the beef tapeworm that is swallowed by a cow is the


Blood in veins is under low pressure

one way valves and pressure from muscles help drive it back to the heart.

Synchronous flight muscle control produces ______ wing stroke(s) per nerve impulse, while asynchronous flight muscle control produces ______ wing stroke(s) per nerve impulse

one; multiple

Why are neurons one way signal transmitters?

only goes one way, after depolarized, there is a refractory period (cant fire again)

Animals with diphyodont dentition replace their teeth

only once.

bilateral symmetry

only one plane along the main axis produces two identical halves - adaptive for motile animals, ex. lady bug


opening for outflow of water


opening in side for inflow of water. Thousands of pores to let water in

Turbellaria: Cephalization/ Sensory receptors

organs that collect information about the environment

The ____ is the opening through which water is able to exit the sponge.


As the fluid descends, water diffuses

out, salt diffuses in.

A unique feature of bird lungs is the presence of tubelike ______ instead of the sac-like alveoli found in the lungs of mammals


The chief respiratory structures of an errant polychaete are the


Definitive host

parasite can reproduce gamete

Parasites that always kill their hosts are termed


What is the advantage of metamerism?

parts of the body can be manipulated individually. help move through soil

In a syconoid sponge, small lateral openings called ______ let water into the radial canals from the incurrent canals


Anterior end of animal has a

prostomium - mouth, first segment

Fusion of vertebrae Humans

sacral vertebrae, caudal vertebrae


sexual: usually cross-fertilize , asexual: may be parthenogenetic

Class Demospongiae

spicules of silica (if present) Spongin - extracellular matrix


symbiotic dinoflagellates that live in the tissue of certain Cnidaria (especially stone corals), Fix carbond, provide nutrients, remove/recycle waste. Photosynthetic.

The ______ group of amniotes is characterized by a pair of temporal openings in the skull associated with jaw muscles


End of dendrites

synaptic terminals, to release neurotransmitter

Lymphatic system

system of blind end tubes that eventually empty into veins in the neck, Return fluid that "leaks" out of circulatory system.


system of grouping things based on some type of characteristic

In a double circulatory system, the _________ circuit provides oxygenated blood to the capillary beds of the body


When conditions worsen,

females produce haploid mictic eggs- if not fertilized, eggs develops into haploid males, -if males fertilize the eggs then develop into diploid zygote called a dormant egg

During fertilization the discharge of cortical granules creates a(n) __________________ membrane


Striated muscle (cardiac and straited) cells are called

fibers. (same as cells)

Thrombin changes fibrinogen into


Most bivalves are __________

filter feeders

Tracheae are the cuticle-lined tubes that are used for ______ in insects

gas exchange

Gills are used for

gas exchange and feeding. secrete mucus and trap food particles.


gastrulation of blastophore into the mouth.

Class Reptilia - Paraphyletic group -

gave rise to mammals and dinosaurs (birds)


gelatinous matrix containing spicules and protein fibers(spongin)

Asexual reproduction in sponges can occur by the formation of external buds or by the formation of internal buds called

gemmules or gemmulation

What are the parts of scientific names?

genus (noun) and specific epithet (adjective)


get rid of carbon dioxide

Oligochaeta what does the rectum do?

gets rid of the inorganic material

Oligochaeta what does the gizzard do?

grounds up the soil.

In the pelage of a mammal, course and longer ______ is used for protection against wear and to provide coloration

guard hair

The name of the family that includes the lampreys of the northern hemisphere is derived from their

habit of grasping a stone with their mouth.

Siboglinids absorb nutrients through the pinnules and microvilli of their


Path of sperm - urogenital system

testes , epididymis, vas deferens, urethra, cloaca (birds, reptiles)

Fishes - paraphyletic group (gave rise to.


Vibration of the oval window is transferred to the fluid inside

the cochlea.

Eucoelomate body plan

the coelomm is completely surrounded by mesoderm. True coelom (filled). Annelides.


used for swimming


when a certain stimuli is applied for long periods of time, the sensor adapts and begins to ignore it.

An obstacle that lampreys must overcome to breed is

ascending a fresh water stream.

A small, tube shaped sponge with a single osculum, and the simplest organization is a(n)

asconoid sponge

In crustaceans, a pair of __________________ _______________________le make up the brain and supply nerves to the antennae and eyes

Supraesophageal, ganglia

______ glands are tubular, highly coiled and occur over much of the body surface of most mammals


Evaporative cooling

Sweating or panting

species found in Class Calcarea

Sycon, Leucosolenia, Clathrina

The main components of a double circulation system are the_________________ circuit and the_________________ circuit

Systemic, pulmonary

What is the likely function of the free nerve endings in the epidermis of an earthworms?


Delicate projections of cuticle that cover the crustacean body are termed

Tactile hairs

The ______ body type is the simplest of sponge body forms. The ____ body type has choanocytes that line canals throughout the sponge body

asconoid; syconoid

How does the phylum Placozoa reproduce?

asexually and sexually

Class Asteroidea System of tubes that open to sea water

at madreporite (sea water enters) on aboral surface. Madreporite has small openings, works like a sieve (only allows small particles)

Chemotrophs and phototrophs are types of __________ organisms


Simple squamous epithelial

aveoli of the lungs

Speed of action potential - increases with

axon diameter.

As the fluid ascends, salt is actively transported

back out.


back side of animal

Elongation of the bones that support the

base of fins

The ability to produce the enzyme _________ is rare in the natural world and herbivorous animals depend on microorganisms in their gut to digest plant material


Centrolecithal means that the yolk is concentrated in the ____________ of the egg


Eggs that have a large mass of yolk at their center are called


2 Cell-mediated immunity -

certain cells will display antigens from engulfed cells, leading to an immune response


chamber that collects blood returning to the heart minimal contraction power


chemical barrier, lysozomes and tears

The majority of energy utilized by a siboglinid comes from a mutualistic relationship with

chemoautotrophic bacteria.

The tubes of beardworms are made of


The class Polyplacophora contains molluscs called



claws, first leg, used for defending territory

Functions of pedicellariae include

cleaning the body. protecting the papulae.

Orderly, early cell divisions of the zygote is called _______ and gives rise to smaller cells called blastomeres


Meroblastic cleavage -

cleavage only occurs in the active cytoplasm - results in layers of cells

The fat band of secretory cells around an earthworm about one-third of the body length from the anterior end is called a(n) ____________________


In ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________ circulatory systems, blood is confined to vessels


Oligochaeta Circulatory system:

closed in most, respiratory pigments (hemoglobin) dissolved in blood fluid - also contains amoeboid cells. aortic arches (more than one heart)

Cephalopods have a(n) ______ circulatory system and branchial ______ that increase blood pressure in the gills, which occur at the end of the molluscan circulatory system

closed; hearts

Cnidocytes produce one of twenty different types of organelles called __________, one of which is a nematocyst


In leeches that lack traditional blood vessels, blood is the equivalent of

coelomic fluid.

The testis are composed of

coiled tubes called seminiferous tubules

The cuticle of nematodes is primarily composed of the structural protein


Phylum Ctenophora

comb jellies, all marine, less than 150 species, 8 rows of cilia parallel to main body axis, tissue level of organization, bioluminescence

What does an Oligochaeta do when there is a flood?

come out of the soil so it doesn't drown.

Order Gymnophiona: Caecilians

confused as snakes, fossorial which means underground, Small, snake-like Many vertebraeNo legs,Limited vision, some blind , burrow, Internal fertilization, Most are viviparous (grow within the body)

Direct muscles

connected to wings - down strokes

Body of a neuron

contains the nucleus and other various organelles

Yolk sac -

contains yolk rich in energy

True horns are not shed, are not branched, and grow


Both the tracheal and excretory systems in spiders and insects are products of _________ evolution


The pelvic fins of males are called claspers which are modified for.


The ______ is a transparent area of cuticle which covers the surface of each eye and is divided into many ______

cornea: facets

The ciliated crown on the head of a rotifer is called a(n)


Progesterone is produced by the

corpus luteum

The high osmotic concentration in the medulla is produced by ______________ in the loop of Henle

countercurrent multiplication

Spiders usually precede mating with some type of _____________ ritual


A cortical reaction

creates an osmotic gradient near the egg cell surface. begins once a single sperm penetrates the egg cell membrane. lifts away all sperm except the sperm that first fused with the egg cell membrane.

most ancestrial


Bone strength is proportional to the

cross-sectional area As the size of an individual increases, the weight increases more rapidly than the strength of the bones, the bones need to be bigger proportionally to carry the weight.

Teeth of mammals:

crown( enamal, dentine) and root

Cattle rechew partial fermented balls of grass called ______ in order to crush the fiber and further extract nutrients


A nonliving external layer secreted by the epidermis of many protostomes is called a


A saprophagous insect feeds on ______________ tissue



decrease the angle, flex

Arctic mammals increase the thickness of their fur in the winter; this is an example of ____________ which is an adaptation for cold environments

decreased conductance

Cerebrum Paleocortex - part of the limbic system, controls behaviors important to feeding and sex

deep in the brain (cant see)

The host in which a trematode undergoes sexual reproduction is called the final or _____________________ host


Order Passeriformes -

derived group - very diverse (about 6000 species) finches, sparrows, warblers, etc.

In sponges, the openings of the invaginations of the body wall are called incurrent canals or

dermal pores

Incoming water enters a sponge through

dermal pores

Fever in mammals is thought to have a protective function by

destabilizing certain viruses and bacteria.

The neural tube

develops into the brain. develops into the spinal cord.

A period of winter dormancy within the life cycle of an insect is called ________


Small, platelike marine organisms that lack symmetry and organs are placed in the Phylum


Most of the drifting microscopic particles in the ocean are made up of _________ and disintegrating remains of dead plants and animals


The ancestral form of gastropod shell coiling is the ______ shell, where the whorls stay in a single plane


Insects that feed on _________ ingest and therefore excrete large quantities of fluid that contain residual sugars termed honeydew

plant fluids


plate-like cells that cover the outer surface of that sponge. The outside

Blood clotting

platelets adhere to areas where tissues have been damaged and stimulate activation of the enzyme Thrombin

The fibrin net captures a blood cells and forms a


The skeleton of birds is made of

pneumatized bone( hollow, light weight, reduce body mass) - some cavities are continuous with respiratory system

The "lung" in pulmonate gastropods opens to the outside by a small opening called the


Paraphyletic group

polycheate and oligochaete.

If a cnidarian colony is _________________, it is made up of polyps with a number of different morphologies


Stony Corals

polyps are embedded in a calcium carbonate substrate that they secrete as they grow. Create large coral reefs for protection.

Breathing is regulated by the

pons and medulla oblongata. The brain monitors CO2 and adjusts breathing accordingly.

Adaptations for parasitism:

reduced digestive system, Tough outer overing - tegument, Monoecious - large gonads


region near the forelimbs


region near the hindlimbs

If you remove a blastomere from the 2 cell stage and the result is two complete embryos, the type of development is called


In ______, each blastomere from the early embryo can develop into a complete embryo if separated from the others

regulative development

The trochophore larvae of mollusca indicate

relatedness with many other protostome Phyla. Rotifers, Annelids, Gastrotrichs


release of nitrogenous waste

Oviparous animals

release their eggs into environment before fertilization or zygotes after fertilization.


removal of undigested food (feces) from the body

Excretory system

removes nitrogenous waste and maintains water balance (osmoregulation) in body

Transport maximum is also known as the ________ threshold, which is the maximum about of substance that can be reabsorbed


In the nephron, the fluid in the collecting duct drains into the

renal pelvis

The ___________ returns blood from the capillaries in the nephron to the posterior vena cava

renal vein


reproduce from unfertilized eggs

Menstrual cycle:

reproductive cycle found in monkeys, apes, and humans. Females are receptive throughout cycle - Menstruation

Estrus cycle:

reproductive cycle of most mammals. Female only receptive to copulation during Estrus. Endometrium is absorbed if no pregnancy.

Class Aves Specialized for flight - evolved from

reptiles (dinosaur lineage)

Class Mammalia Evolved from

reptiles - lineage broke off early in reptile evolution

In molluscs, the mantle creates a space between itself and the visceral mass which houses the ______ organs


The mollusc ctenidium is an organ than provides __________ function


Water conservation is difficult, especially across

respiratory surfaces

Ovoviviparous animals

retain the fertilized egg (zygote) internally but do not supply any additional nutrients to the zygote.

Support System

retains the shape of the body, holds body off the ground.

Protective cells that can swell and form a protective sheath around a turbellarian are called


Order Crocodilia - Crocodiles, alligators, Caiman

Teeth set in sockets - thecodont dentition, Four chambered heart - completely separates oxy and deoxy blood , Gender of young is dependent on the incubation temperature

Cerebrum Neocortex - Higher thought and muscle control - area of processing for mammals

Temporal lobe, occiptal love(vision) parietal love (functions)

A ________________, or dorsal cuticular plate and two lateral plates called ________________ cover segments not protected by the carapace

Tergum, pleurites

Vibration of the tympanic membrane is transferred through the bones of middle ear

(malleus, incus, and stapes) to the oval window.


(produced in liver, stored in Gall bladder) is released into the duodenum and emulsifies fats and lipids


(shearing, cutting)

Invertebrates - epidermis

(single layer) , sometimes covered by a non-cellular cuticle (secreted by epidermis)

What are known environments for rotifers?

Terrestrial, Freshwater, Brackish water

Class Cephalopoda

(squid, octopuses, cuttlefishes) All marine predators with highly developed nervous systems

Class Holothuroidea Can use Cuvierian tubules

(sticky web) or release of internal organs as self defense.



Primary Oocyte (2n

) - undergo meiosis I. unequal cytokinesis - results in 1 secondary oocyte (n).

Osmotic conformers

- animals that allow the concentration of salts in the body to change as the salt concentration in the environment changes. spider crab, reflect sea


- animals that can only survive in a narrow range of salinities - typical of animals living in the ocean


- animals that can survive in a wide range of salinities - typical of animals in estuaries

Class Asteroidea Hemal system

- another system of fluid filled ducts - function unknown - no blood


- appendages used as sensory and feeding structure

There is no difference in the action potential from the eye, ear, or skin

The brain interprets the signal as light, sound or touch depending on which nerve pathways carry the signal

Fusion of vertebrae

has occurred when a more solid structure is needed to support the weight of the animal or to act as a support for muscle attachment. fusion of clavicle and pectoral girdle, provides additional strength without having to add more bones

Which of the following are characteristics of the nematode Class Secernentea?

Three esophageal glands, Free-living and parasitic, Some have phasmids

The body plan of trilobites consisted of which of the following?

Three tagmata, Chitinous exoskeleton, Compound eyes

Class Asteroidea Accessory parts:

Tiedeman's bodies, Polian vesicles


Tiny capsule containing a coiled thread or filament


Tissue on the side of a polyp develops into another polyp that stays attached to the parent polyp

Pedal laceration:

Tissue torn from the basal disc develops into tiny new polyps

Which of the following are functions of the cuticle in nematodes?

To contain the high hydrostatic pressure in the pseudocoel, To allow for some longitudinal elasticity, To protect against hostile environmental conditions

Select all of the adaptations for feeding exhibited by hagfishes

Toothed plates on the tongue, Knotting of the body

Symphyla possess which of the following features?

Tracheal tubes. Pair of spinnerets

Interstitial cells:

Transforming into other cell types, such as cnidoblasts, sex cells, buds, nerve cells, etc.

platyhelminths that do not have a ciliated tegument

Trematodes, Cestodes, Monogeneans

In many molluscs, a free-swimming ______ larva emerges from the egg stage


In general, embryos of marine bivalves go through three larval stages: , __________, ___________, and young spat

Trochophore, veliger

True or false: Echinoderms rarely inhabit brackish waters


True or false: Insect hemolymph has little role in oxygen transport


True or false: Some leeches have a circulatory system like that of oligochaetes


True or false: Sponges have a blastula stage during development, similar to that seen in other animals.:


True or false: Studies have shown that earthworms have the capacity to learn


True or false: The absence of antagonistic muscles in nematodes results in a greater hydrostatic pressure in the pseudocoel than that found in other invertebrates with hydrostatic skeletons


True or false: While they have well-developed eyes, most cephalopods are color-blind


_________ are hollow sheaths of kertinized epidermis that embrace a core of bone arising from the skull

True horns

Echinoderms have a unique set of hydraulic canals, tube feet, and dermal ossicles that collectively form the_________________ _________________system

Water vascular

After a cnidarian nematocyst receives a stimulus to discharge, ____ rushes into the capsule, causing the ____________ open and the filament to be turned inside out, This exposes the barbs, which can then be used to inject toxin

Water, operculum

What kind of digestive system

Well developed complete digestive system - radula (rasping tongue away from hard surface, scrap up food)


Well developed head - eyes, jaws, tentacles

Attacked cells:

When body cells are attacked by a virus - they incorporate some foreign proteins (antigens) in their cell membrane (antigen presenting cell). Cytotoxic T cells respond to antigens by lysing the marked cell


- aquatic gastropods have gills or mantle. Lungs (pulmonates)- modified mantle - cavity opens to outside through pneumostome. can change the volume of the lung through mantle contraction

1. Radial cleavage.

- as cells divide, the cells appear stacked parallel to a central axis, Found in amphibians and echinoderms - characteristic of deuterostomes

2. Spiral cleavage.

- as cells divide, the stacked layers lie in the furrows from the layer below, Found in annelids, mollusca, and arthropoda - characteristic of Protostomes

Hindbrain Medulla oblongata

- at the base of the brain (posterior). Controls many subconscious activities such as heartbeat and respiration.

Advantage of synchromy

- atoke is still safe in burrow while epitoke make perilous journey to surface to mate.


- attaches to the skull

Physostomous .

- bladder connected to esophagus, gulping


- bladder not connected to esophagus, swim deeper, pressure increases while volume decreases.

Antennal gland

- blind end sacs attached to a bladder that opens to the ventral surface of head.

Malpighian tubules

- blind end sacs attached to the intestine.


- blind end system of tubules, flame cells


- body covered by a single plate, pseudometamerism (looks like metamerism (segements) but not)

Freshwater animal

- body has higher salt concentration than the water around it. Water diffuses in, salts diffuse out. Gills absorb salt, produce dilute urine

Saltwater animals

- body has lower salt concentration than the water around it. Water diffuses out, salts diffuse in. Gills secrete salt, produce concentrated urine


- body heat from an outside source


- body heat generated from inside the body. Birds and mammals


- body temperature held constant.


- body temperature varies with environ.

Appendicular skeleton

- bones of the limbs and supporting pectoral and pelvic girdles (where limbs attach to main body)

Webberian ossicles.

- bones which transmit vibrations from the swim bladder to the inner ear


- bowfin, gars, teleosts, homocercal caudal fin, Cycloid, Ctenoid scales

Class Holothuroidea Respiratory tree

- branching tube system off cloaca - respiration and excretion

Powder-down feathers

- breakdown to release waterproofing particles, ex. hawk beak down in life time. talc, water proof

3, Increase heat production

- brown fat, shivering

In warm environments

- burrows, noctural activity

Totipotent cell

- can develop into an embryo and eventually an individual

Ampullae of Lorenzini

- can pick up electric currents produced by muscle contractions and action potentials in a prey's body

Modified skeletons: Chondrichthian fishes

- cartilagenous

Class Chondrichthyes.

- cartilaginous fishes, no true bone, cartilagenous, evoluntionarily stable, 850 species, Primarily marine, sharks, skates, and rays, Heterocercal caudal fin - vertebral column continues into the upper lobe - lift , Skates and rays are dorso-ventrally flattened

Peripheral nervous system Motor division

- cells carrying signals away from brain

Dermal light receptors

- cells imbedded in tissue - can detect light levels but no image.

Contractile tissue

- cells that are specialized for contraction

Primordial germ cells

- cells that give rise to gametes through the process of meiosis and cytokinesis

Somatic cells

- cells that make up the body of an individual except gametes

Class Chilopoda

- centipedes - dorsoventrally flattened with many segments - one pair of legs per segment


- ciliated structure on anterior end used for generating water currents - feeding and locomotion

Class Bivalvia

- clams, mussels, oysters has two shells, no radula, little cephalization


- complex modifications of the reptile keratin scales - epidermally derived

Central nervous system

- composed of brain and spinal cord - processes nervous stimuli and coordinates responses to stimuli.

Peripheral nervous system

- contains somatic n.s. and Autonomic n.s.

Paired fins.

- control of pitch, yaw, and roll, pectoral - front pair, pelvic - rear pair

Right side

- controls movement on the left side of the body - spatial, artistic, and musical activities.

Left side

- controls right side of body - language, mathematics, logic, and reasoning activities.


- convergent evolution with birds

Neural crest cells split off tube, develop into:

- cranial nerves, - pigment cells - bones of the skull - parts of endocrine glands

Bowman's capsule

- cup structure that surrounds the glomerulus

Holoblastic cleavage

- cytokinesis divides the cell in two. Found in isolecithal and mesolecithal eggs, In mesolecithal eggs, the vegetal pole divides slower resulting in fewer cells than in animal pole. The blastocoel is in the animal pole.

Meroblastic cleavage

- cytokinesis does not divide the yolk of the egg, just the active cytoplasm in the blastodisc. Found in telolecithal eggs

Autonomic nervous system Parasympathetic division

- decrease heart rate and breathing increase digestion. Acetylcholine, Vagus (cranial nerve). rest and digest

Filoplumes feathers

- degenerate, few barbs at tip, sensory structure

Rods - 125 million per human eye

- detect light of any visible wavelength - black and white vision


- detection of light


- detection of vibrations in the air.

Neurogenesis (Chordata)

- development of the nerve cord from ectoderm tissue

Specific immunity

- develops after 1st experience with a microbe - response to second invasion is swift and strong. Involved lymphocytes and antibodies . requires previous exposure.


- different B Cells respond to specific molecules on the surface of antigens.


- dioecious - sexual dimorphism

Class Asteroidea Reproduction

- dioecious, fertilization external- synchronized reproduction; Asexual by fragmentation/ regeneration


- dioecious, sperm packaged in a structure called a spermatophore.

Polar bodies

- disregarded daughter cells


- duct that transports urine to bladder

Behavioral thermoregulation

- ectotherms can adjust temp. by moving within their habitat.


- energy from the environment in the form of light, heat, electrical, mechanical, chemical.


- enter through skin and migrate to intestine where they feed on hosts blood


- epidermal structure made of keratin, thermoregulation function, signaling (color), and sensory function


have a cavity but cavity is not entirely lined with mesoderm, incomplete digestion

Ruminates (mammals)

have a four-chambered stomach filled with bacteria that help digest cellulose, cecum plays a similar role in non-ruminant mammals

The ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________ is found inside the pericardium


Double circulation.:

heart - gills - heart - tissues

Hepatic Portal System:

heart - vessel - capillary - vessel - capillary - vessel - heart

The principal difference in the blood-vascular systems is the gradual separation of the ________ into two separate ________ as vertebrates evolved from gill to lung breathing

heart; pumps

A gradual or partial insect development with stages called nymphs is termed

hemimetabolous metamorphosis.

Schwann cells

- epithelial cells that wrap around axon and insulate membrane from action potential - Myelin sheath - speeds up signal transduction. saltatory conduction

Glial cells

- epithelial, support cells

In earthworms, the blood contains a respiratory pigment called


Browsers, grazer, and gnawers are all types of


Sponges are monoecious


Mammals have ______ teeth, meaning that teeth are differentiated and capable of performing specialized functions


Animals that are __________ must consume already synthesized organic compounds from other organisms


When mammals enter a prolonged state of dormancy due to scarcity of food and low temperatures it is termed _________


- at high O2 partial pressures, hemoglobin has

high affinity for it

The glomerulus acts as a mechanical filter that works as a result of _____________ across the capillary walls

high blood pressure

Slow fibers

high density of mitochondria, good supply of myoglobin, tissue has good blood supply, operates aerobically

Stronger stimuli cause impulses to be sent with

higher frequency.

1, temperature fluctuation

higher temperature to be hot

Small mammals have _________ metabolic rates and therefore must consume ________ food relative to body size when compared to larger mammals

higher; more

Inner Ear

- evolved as a balance organ called the labyrinth - used to determine orientation of body and detect sound.


- ex. dopamine, glutamine, ACH, NE, GABA, Glycine, seratonine. (exocytosized from axon)


- excretory system with a tube that takes in coelomic fluid and releases waste outside the body through a nephridiopore ex. Annelida


- excretory system with tubes ending at flame cells. ex. platyhelminthes


- excretory tube is open on both ends - out the nephridiopore

Class Asteroidea Tube feet

- extend out of ambulacral groove - tipped with sucker used to grasp substrate or prey.

Class Asteroidea Skin gills (papulae)

- extensions of coelom - aid in respiration and excretion (as do tube feet)

Class Ostracodermata.

- extinct , body covered with bony plates, bottom feeders.


- fats + proteins in duodenum ->

Sliding Filament Model of contraction

- filaments do not shorten.


- first exposure, If infection occur later, secondary immune - response will reduce severity and duration of the infection.


- first opening to digestive tract (blastopore) develops into the anus

Semi-circular canals

- fluid filled tubes oriented in three perpendicular planes

Collecting duct

- fluid will travel back through the medulla and into the renal pelvis.

Order Chiroptera (bats)

- forelimbs modified as wings - echolocation


- formation of the ovum occurs in the ovary


- found at intervals in a canal that runs the length of the fish just under the skin.

Sperm (n)

- found in the lumen of the seminiferous tubules


- full stomach, parasympathetic nerves ->

synaptic cleft

- gap


- generalized term for excretory systems that empty outside the organism

Primative streak

- groove down central axis of blstodisc

Tapetum lucidum

- guanine

Class Myxini.

- hagfishes jawless, no vertebral column, no scales, multiple gills, feed on dead things on the bottom of the ocean, ex. whale carcasses. Use mouth and keratinized teeth to feed. specialized niche, can exude copious amounts of slime, to prevent predators from grabbing on to them, knotting, to ripe away flesh.


- haploid sex cells (usually called sperm and egg)


- head and thorax fused; 2 simple, 2 compound eyes

vegetal pole

- hemisphere of the egg with the most yolk

animal pole

- hemisphere with the least yolk

They eat other organisms

- heterotrophs

In lungs - O2 diffuses into plasma

- high O2 - hemoglobin loads up

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)

- hormone produced by the developing embryo

Subphylum Chelicerata

- horseshoe crab, spiders, First pair of appendages modified into Chelicerae which are used to grasp food or inject poison, Four or five pairs of walking legs, No mandibles or antennae

Class Merostomata

- horseshoe crabs, Living fossils - have changed little through time, Synchronize mating by moon/ tides

Autoimmune diseases

- immune system responds to self cells, MS, Lupus, Rheumatoid arthritis


- important for enzyme activity - isozymes

Sertoli cells

- in seminiferous tubules, nourish sperm cells

Heterodont teeth

- incisors, canines, premolars, molars

Autonomic nervous system Sympathetic division

- increase heart rate and breathing decrease digestion. Norepinephrine. Fight or Flight response

Bones from jaw articulation in reptiles modified

- incus, malleus

Sequential hermaphroditism

- individual changes sex during life.

Vary from simple sacs in lung fishes and amphibians to

highly subdivided structures in mammals and birds

The brain in higher vertebrates:

hindbrain( meets spinal cord), midbrain, forebrain (complex thoughts)

The body's balancing of physiological processes to maintain the stability of pH, temperature, osmotic pressure, nutrients, and other variables is termed


The coordinated physiological activities of the body to maintain internal constancy is called


In terms of body temperature regulation, animals that can maintain a constant body temperature despite environmental variability are called


Structures that are similar because they are derived from the same ancestral structure are serially

homologous or homology

Bird feathers and reptilian scales are

homologous structures.

An animal that is infected by a pathogen or parasite is its


Filarial worms

- infect lymphatic system - associated with growth of connective tissue and swelling of extremities - Elephantiasis, river blindness, dog heartworm (45%)


- inner most - contains chitin (nitrogenous polysaccharide) proteins, and calcium salts - increase rigidity, made of two layers


- inner region, high salt conc.


- interneurons connect the sensory and motor nerves before signal is sent to brain - signal to muscle can be sent out from spine


- invagination of dorsal surface of digestive tract, increases surface area

Evolution of physiological traits that allow survival at a greater range of temperatures

- isozymes

Human Kidneys

- it filters 2000 liters of blood a day, - blood enters through renal artery and leaves through the renal vein, - only 10% of plasma is actually cleaned as blood flows through the kidney

Class Echinoidea Aristotle's lantern

- jaw like apparatus for masticating food - 5 sharp teeth, grab and masticate food from substrate. control the muscle.


- jawed vertebrates, exploit new niches

Superclass Agnathans .

- jawless vertebrates

Layers of the outer covering of mature egg (sea urchin)

- jelly layer, vitelline envelope, plasma membrane

Hindbrain Cerebellum

- just dorsal to the medulla and is involved with coordination, posture, and equilibrium.

Class Petromyzontida.

- lampreys, jawless, vertebrae, no scales, no paired appendages, 7 gill arches, very good at latching on to prey. mouth adapted for suction. use keratinized teeth to rip skin, connective tissue and muscle. leave gapping wounds, parasitic. larvae no eyes, llike amphixous filter feeders, get larger grow eyes and suction cup.

Subphylum Cephalochordata

- lancelets, small, benthic, marine, some in freshwater - also called Amphioxus, 25 species, Very simple animals with all 5 chordate characteristics in a free-living adults


- large cells within a fibrous sheath covered by an elastic sheath (replaced by vertebral column) flexible rod found in vertebrates ex. lamprey

Renal pelvis

- large duct in medulla

Class Malacostraca

- largest (and most diverse) taxa of Crustacea (20k species), includes crabs, crayfish, shrimps - mostly marine but some freshwater and terrestrial


- layer of cells of ectodermal origin


- layer of cells of mesodermal origin

Freshwater fish are ______ because they keep the salt concentrations of their fluids higher than that of the water in which they live

hyperosmotic regulators

Most of the family Perilampidae is a group of wasps that parasitize the larvae of flies and wasps that are moth parasites These Perilampid wasps are


Bone - Osteocytes

imbedded in a matrix of collagen and calcium phosphate salts. good blood flow so fast healing

The young of the earliest mammals probably hatched from eggs in a(n) _________ condition


Leukocytes (white blood cells)

immune response, phagocytize dead cells and invading cells

In order to maintain balance, birds replace their flight and tail feathers ________

in exact pairs

Vision - Lens is moved forward to focus on close objects

in mammals to focus shape of lens changes, in amphibians lens moves forward, position of lens

Fasciola hepatica adults live

in the bile duct of the host.

A paedomorphic organism is one

in which the adult form resembles the juvenile form of an ancestral species.

In mammals ________ are used for biting, cutting and striping


Phylum Hemichordata Development

includes a free-swimming bilateral larvae very similar to that seen in Echinodermata

Contour feathers

includes flight feathers

Fluid feeders:

ingest matter rich fluids - spiders (liquify insides), lampreys (suck blood), leeches (suck blood)

Deposit feeders:

ingest sediment or collect matter as it settles from water. not eating dirt, absorbing organic materials found in dirt

Schizocoelous coelom formation occurs when ___________ of cells from the lip of the blastopore form mesoderm


What happens when the cnidocyte is triggered?

injects neurotoxin into prey.

To utilize embryonic stem cells, a biologist would need to collect cells from the

inner cell mass.

Underhair and guard hairs make up a mammal's fur coat, which is also called their


Phylum Echinodermata symmetry

pentaradial symmetry - 5 limbs

chief cells:

pepsinogen - converted to pepsin (protease) by HCl

The _________ is a tough fibrous sac that houses the heart


The ______ of an errant polychaete surrounds the mouth and can bear setae, palps, or jaws


Freshwater turbellarians can reproduce asexually by constricting behind the __________ and splitting in two


In siboglinids, what light-sensing structures are similar to those found in clitellates?



physical barrier, has a lower pH

Coral bleaching

pigments or zooxanthellae are lost from animals so they appear white. due to global warming, the water gets to warm the zooxanthellae dies or gets kicked out.

The ______ are cells that form an epithelial-like outer covering of the sponge.:

pinacocytes, pinacocyte, or pinacoderm

The _________ is the outer layer of cells of a sponge.


Platelets (mammals)

pinched off of white blood cells - involved in clotting

The most common worm parasite in the United States is the


- Stratum Corneum

- layer of cells that have undergone keratinization, resistant to water. very top die due to lack of blood supply. Before they die they produce a lot of keratin (protein) to create tough and water proof barrier.

glucose levels

- liver/ insulin

Class Sarcopterygii.

- lobe-finned fishes, 2 Coelocanth and 6 species of lungfish

guard hairs

- long tough - protection

What is the setae like for Aquatic worms

- longer flexible setae to help swim


- mainly by diffusion across skin - gills and parapodia as accessory structures.

Osmotic regulators

- maintain the osmotic pressure in the bodies tissues by using active transport to take salt into the body or release it from the body. shore crab, tidal zone or estuaries

Primary spermatocyte (2n)

- makes 4 haploid sperm


- many birds travel great distances between winter feeding habitats in the south to summer breeding habitats in the north


- mesoderm forms as pouches off the archenteron - seen in Deuterostomes

Order Rodentia

- mice, rats- incisors specialized for gnawing, very successful group

Class Diplopoda

- millipedes - tubular, usually with many segments - two pair of legs per segment


- molecules that are produced in one part of the body and stimulate a response in another part of the body (target or receptor cells)


- more of a problem for terrestrial animals in water - ambient temperature does not vary much

Smell (olfaction)

- more sensitive than taste, can detect things at a distance. Noses, insect antennae

Distal convoluted tubule

- more water and salt are reabsorbed. substances (ions and drugs) can be secreted into the tubule.


- mosaic, with loss of one blastomere, can not develop, they depend on each other.


- most common nematode parasite (16% adults/ 30% children). Females migrate at night to lay eggs around anus. (tape test)

hormone levels

- negative feedbacks

Autonomic nervous system

- nerves of the motor division that control unconscious functions

Peripheral nervous system

- network of nervous tissues connecting all parts of the body to the central nervous system.

Class Asteroidea Nervous system

- no cephalization - simple ring with radial cords in each arm - light sensitive organs at tip of each arm - no brain, on central disc and radial cords.

polychaetes Reproduction

- no permanent sex orans - gonads develop in the wall of coelom and deposit eggs/ sperm into coelom.

Non-specific immunity

- no previous experience with invader required, broad defenses that are quickly activated. not specific to that foreign invader.

Nematoda Cuticle

- non-cellular, secreted by hypodermis (epidermis)


- octopuses can change their color and shape. Chromatophores


- octopuses used movements of the arms and color change to communicate


- one opening on skull for muscle attachment


- orientation

Accessory sex organs

- penis, vagina

Pinhole camera eye

- photoreceptive cells in a a pit - provides image

Infraclass Eutheria

- placental mammals - young develop in, placenta in uterus.

Modified skeletons: Birds

- pneumatizied bone - light but strong, hollow to reduce mass

oxygen levels

- pons/ medulla oblongata

Class AsteroideaPolian vesicles

- pouches off ring canal used for fluid storage

Order Struthioniformes

- primative group - flightless - ostriches, gotten bigger


- process of shedding old cuticle and secreting a new one


- process of shedding old cuticle and secreting a new one, to grow, they shed the hard exoskeleton.

Forebrain Thalamus

- processing of sensory information before it goes to the higher centers. relay or processing system

Tough dry skin, keratin scales

- protection, no water loss

Muscle can only contract

- pull - some muscle groups ave opposite movements

Class Actinopterygii.

- ray-finned fishes, over 25,000 species, Gills in common chamber - one operculum, gills covered by operculum, provides protection, more efficient flow of water, extract more oxygen out of water, Fins supported by dermal rays , swim bladder regulate buoyancy, neutral bouyancy don expend energy.

Sensory neurons

- receive a signal from a sensory receptor and send it to the brain.


- receive neurotransmitters, lock and key. only specific receptors.


- regulative, can live on and compensate for the loss of one blastomere

Gastric juices

- released by epithelium of stomach


- released by virus infected cells - induce resistance in other cells

Pain receptors

- respond to chemicals released by damaged cells


- respond to motion (pressure),monitor internal and external stimuli, stretching of muscles gives brain info about body position

Endoskeleton (chordates and echinoderms)

- rigid, from mesoderm origins


- saliva contains enzymes. Amylase breaks down starches and long chain carbohydrates. Saliva also lubricates food

Class Holothuroidea

- sea cucumbers, body elongate on the oral/aboral axis (different ends) - bilateral symmetry? Epidermis leathery- hydrostatic skeleton

Class Crinoidea

- sea lilies and feather stars, common fossils in midwest, attached to substrate aborally. feed on suspended materials

Class Asteroidea

- sea stars Central disk usually with five arms. Arms broad at base , Mouth on underside of animal (oral)

Class Echinoidea

- sea urchins, Body enclosed in hemispherical endoskeletonal test (incased body) dermal - some flattened and bilateral (sand dollars), Have tube feet and spines covering body, Has ambulacral groove, but it is wrapped upwards and around the body and is covered by the test. ,Has pedicellaria, Tests have spines with muscles that migrate around the body.


- secreted after molting - forms tough durable shell


- secreted prior to molting - temporary protection

Arthropods exhibit much more specialization of appendages , Functions

- sensory, feeding, locomotion, reproduction

What is the setae like for Terrestrial worms

- short hard setae for gripping soil

Proximal convoluted tubule

- short section of the nephron, 60% of the filtrate is reabsorbed including sugars, amino acids, and other valuable nutrients.


- shorter, soft - insulation

Class Placodermata.

- similar to ostracoderms but with Jaws, Vertebrate Jaws evolved from two gill arches

Saccule and Utricle

- small chambers containing stony particles (mineral deposits) and lined with hairs

Class Gastropoda

- snails and slugs - most diverse group . snails have torsion. used to expel waste. if there was no torsion they would not be able to expel waste. Down fall expelling near the head and gills.

Electric organs

- some fishes use modified muscle to create electric charges to stun fish or electrolocate structure in the environment

Facultative Endothermy

- some normally ectothermic organisms will use metabolic heat to warm bodies under certain conditions

Regional Endothermy

- some normally ectothermic organisms will use metabolic heat to warm regions of their body.

Cones - 6 million per human eye

- specialized for detect either red, green, or blue. Responsible for color vision.

Fast fibers

- specialized for quick response - fatigues easily, lower density of mitochondria, little myoglobin, little vascular tissue, operate anaerobically


- species are Monoecious - each individual produces sperm and egg, individuals called hermaphrodites

Fertilization External

- sperm and egg are expelled from bodies

Cloacal kiss

- sperm transferred by pressing cloaca together, mlae invert cloacal and touch female cloacal, 1-2 seconds

Fertilization Internal

- sperm transferred from male and female - sperm may be stored in a spermatheca (seminal receptacle) for future use - common in invertebrates

Class Arachnida

- spiders, ticks, scorpions 80,000 species, 4 pr. walking legs, 1 pr. pedipalps, 1 pr. Chelicera (fangs), 4 pair of eyes


- spiral winding of the snail as it grows - can be right handed or left handed

Memory cells

- stay in the blood stream for years. If the same antigen infects the body again the immune response will be rapid and overpowering.

Receptor potential

- stimuli changes the membrane potential


- structure inside of cell, made of contractile proteins that are responsible for contraction


- structures associated with the forelimbs


- sturgeon, paddlefishes, heterocercal caudal fin, Notocord persists in adults, not replaced by vertebral colum, spiral valve, series of partioning in the intestines of sharks, to increase surface area, called valves - but not valuves. Ganoid scales, diamond shaped, reflective

2, Evaporative cooling

- sweating, last resort

Sarcoplasmic reticulum

- system of channels that surround the myofibrils and is continuous with the sarcolemma

Osteichthyes .

- taxonomically invalid term for bony fishes, referred to members of Classes Actinopterygii and Sarcopterygii

6, Hibernation

- temperature decreases to ambient, respiration and circulation decrease. Bears and raccoons - prolonged sleep: temperature does not drop - they can wake up!

Prevention of Polyspermy

- the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm


- the formation of spem occurs in the testis


- the functional unit of a myofibril


- the functional unit of the kidney - 1 million per kidney fluid enters the nephron from blood stream in the cortex.


- the fusion of segments to form a larger specialized body sections: Head - Thorax - Abdomen

Neural plate forms a neural folds that form a tube

- the hollow nerve cord


- the plasma membrane of the fiber


- the point at which a cell has differentiated so it cannot be induced to become a different type of cell.

1 Humoral immunity

- the presence of antibodies in blood and lymph bind to antigens. antibodies are being produced

During gastrulation, cells start to Differentiate

- the process by which a cell becomes specialized.

Sexual reproduction

- the production of new individuals by the union of gametes, usually from two different parents. (haploid to form diploid)


- the proportional sizes of structures compared to the body.

Stratified squamous epithelium

- the proximal layer undergoes mitosis

Axial skeleton

- the skull, vertebral column, rib cage, sternum

Fertilization - syngamy

- the union of sperm and egg, - restores diploid state in zygote, - stimulate mitotic division

Cranial nerves

- there are a few ganglia (bundles of neurons) that come directly off of the brain. Fish and amphibians have 10 pairs, Reptiles, birds, and mammals have 12 pairs

Convergent evolution

- there are morphologically similar species of marsupials and placental mammals in Australia and other continents

Sensors found in nasal cavity

- they have cilia in a mucus covering. Molecules bind to the cilia stimulating the initiation of a nerve impulse. 1000 kinds of sensors known in humans.

2. Cortical reaction (slow block).

- time frame of 1 minute - vesicles (cortical granules) fuse with the egg membrane

Class Asteroidea Pedicellariae

- tiny pincers used to clean skin of debris and in some to collect food.

Arthropods have various adaptations for gas exchange

- tracheal system - branching system of tube that deliver atmospheric gases directly to cells

Arthropods have various adaptations for gas exchange

- tracheal system branching system of tube that deliver atmospheric gases directly to cells


- transmit electrical impulses

Down feathers

- trap air for insulation, conserve heat

Class Scaphopoda

- tusk shells - have tubular shell - buries head end in sand, cycles water past mantle for respiration


- twisting of body plan during development distorts bilateral symmetry - anus and mantle cavity swing around to be anterior

Antagonistic muscles

- two separate muscles are needed to move a bone in two directions (flexor and extensor)

Secondary Oocyte (n)

- undergo meiosis II. unequal cytokinesis resulting in 1 (n) ovum.

sexual reproduction: Bisexual reproduction

- union of gamete from male (spermatozoon) and female (Ovum),

Spinning gland produces webbing

- used in capture of prey, creating shelter, protecting eggs

Phylum Echinodermata Unique water-vascular system

- used in locomotion and feeding - tube feet

complex camera eye

- uses a lens to focus the image


- very ancestral - worm-like burrowers. Feed off of organic material in soil

4, Feces

- water added to digestive tract during digestion

Threshold stimuli

- weakest stimuli that results in an action potential

Order Cetacea

- whales, dolphins - fore limbs flippers for swimming, hind limbs lost in some

Negative pressure breathing

- when diaphragm contracts it enlarges the thoracic cavity and air is drawn into the lungs

Primary sex organs

- where gametes are produced - also called gonads (testis and ovary)


- worm-like bottom dwellers - no radula. lost gills use mantle, reduced shell

Class Asteroidea Development

- zygote forms a ciliated bilateral larvae - metamorphosis ( when they find a substrate) into radial adult

Adaptive Radiation of the Amphibians during the


Pacemaker cells are specialized ________________ muscle cells that establish regular contractions of the heart


Select all of the nutritional modes found in leeches

Carnivores, Temporary parasites

Class Asteroidea feeding

Carnivorous - feed on mollusca (clam and oysters) - they use tube feet to pry open the shell, when abductor muscles get tired, sea star will invert the cardiac stomach into the shell, slowly digest clam.

Who created binomial nomenclature?

Carolus Linnaeus

Who first added plants as well as animals to taxonomy?

Carolus Linnaeus

Who is the grandfather of the Typological Species Concept?

Carolus Linnaeus

The class ____________ are mostly burrowers that orient themselves vertically, with the terminal mantle cavity and gills at the entrance of the burrow, They posses an oral shield as well as a radula and gills


What are the classes

Caudofoveata, Solenogastres, Monoplacophora, Polyplacophora, Scaphopoda, Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Cephalopoda

Red and white blood cells are ________ components of blood


Which statement correctly describes cellulose?

Cellulose is composed of long chains of glucose.

What molluscs have a closed circulatory system?


______ have the most elaborate nervous and sensory system of all of the molluscs


What area of the bird brain coordinates muscle position, equilibrium, and visual information used in movement and balance?


apply to asexual reproduction in freshwater turbellarians

Chains of zooids, Regeneration, Fission

What sensory structures do earthworms possess?

Chemoreceptors, Free nerve endings, Single-celled sense organs, Photoreceptors

In most gastropods there is an area called the osphradium located at the base of the incurrent siphon that is _________ in some forms


_________is another name for the collar cells in sponges.


What are the sperm and egg produced from?

Choanocytes and archaeocytes

Asconoid description

Choanocytes line a large, central spongocoel with a single, large osculum


Choanocytes line radial canals that surround the spongocoel. extra surface area for more choanocytes Spongocoel is smaller, there is canals with choanocytes (filtering chambers)


Choanocytes line spongocoel, only food on the edge going to be filtered. Normally a small sponge. Not effective.

What is the outgroup


Select the phyla that exhibit metamerism?

Chordata, Arthropoda, Annelida

In the polychaete nervous system, the dorsal cerebral ganglia connect to the subpharyngeal ganglion via a _____________ connective


common names associated with the Phylum Annelida

Clamworms, Oligochaetes, Parchment worms, Lugworms, Scaleworms

What are the two types of circulatory systems?

Closed and open

type of circulatory system

Closed circulatory system - blood leaving heart goes to body tissues, then to gills, accessory hearts increase blood pressure as blood enters gill

components that carry food wastes, and respiratory gases in an earthworm?

Closed vessels, Coelomic fluid

best characterize the circulatory system of a siboglinid

Closed, Well-developed


Closer to the medial of body

Tiny organelles contained within cnidocytes are called ___________


Sea whips, Hydra, corals, and sea anemones members of which phylum?


A complex series of chemical reactions that result in a tangled network of fibers of plasma proteins is blood


Phylum Echinodermata Coelom?

Coelomic cavities extensive (extending out into arms)

____________ or spiral winding of the shell occurs in the larval stage and originated in ancestral gastropods earlier than torsion


The cuticle of nematodes is primarily composed of what structural protein?


characteristics of members of the phylum Ctenophora

Colloblasts, Biradial symmetry, Eight comblike rows of cilia


Colonial flagella, trap food

When a ctenophore is swimming forward, the cilia on the ____________ plates beat in waves starting at the ____________ end of the animal and ending at the _____________ end

Comb, aboral, oral

What are the two layers of the placozoa called?

Dorsal Epithlium (top) Ventrial Layer (bottom)

The principal integrative center of birds controls complex behavior, such as singing, flying, reproduction Where is that center located?

Dorsal ventricular ridge

With the evolution of lungs between the heart and aorta, vertebrates were able to develop a high-pressure ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬________________ circulation that maintains pressure to the body tissues


What is the name of the soft feathers (barbules lack hooks) that are especially abundant on the breast and abdomen of water birds and serve to conserve heat?

Down feathers


Draw water in

Epidermal cells enlarge considerably during which stage of molting?

During molting but before ecdysis

structures that are typically contained in each annelid segment

Excretory structures, Coelom, Nervous structures, Respiratory structures

Waste removal from the body is handled by a/an ____________ system, while __________ systems control water balance

Excretory, osmoregulatory

True or false: The large clades within the Pleistoannelida are the oligpchaetes, the polychaetes, and the hirudineans


True or false: True segmentation is an accepted feature of the cestodes


True or false: Semilunar valves are also known as tricuspid valves

False The tricuspid valve is also known as the left atrioventricular valve.

True or false: Gastropods all have similar feeding habits

False, Gastropod feeding habits are as varied as their shapes and habitats.

Immature life stages of the fish tapeworm develop in which of the following?

Fish, Crustaceans

What drives fluid through a flame cell?


How does the excretory system work?

Flame cells have cilia that flicker like a flame, creates negative pressure that pushes the fluid through the tube out a pore on the side of the body. Network of tubes -freshwater have a hard time getting rid of water, but this way they can get rid of water and waste.

Phylum Platyhelminthes

Flatworms, Lophotrocozoan Protostomes, Triploblastic, Acoelomate, Most parasitic but some are free-living aquatic, Bodies dorso-ventrally flattened, incomplete digestive tract, monoecious.

What kind of cuticle?

Flexible cuticle - secreted by epidermis , matrix

Crustaceans possess __________ muscles which pull body parts inward and _______________muscles which extend body parts outward

Flexors, extensors

The arrangement of nerve processes in nematodes differs from most animals

Which of the following accurately describes the arrangement of nerve processes in nematodes?. The muscle arm extends to the ventral or dorsal nerve.

Protoplasmic grade

all functions necessary for life are carried out in each individual cell. Simplistic

Ion pumps

allow K+ to be secreted and uric acid to become crystralized solid, to minimize water loss, same with having valves.

Ectothermy vs Endothermy -

allows for constant internal environment - more efficient metabolic pathways - expensive energetically


also platyhelminthes. Has lophophore (feeding structure) or trochophore larva.

parietal cells:

HCl (pH of 1.5)

Which of the following correctly characterizes hair in mammals?

Hair is composed of dead epidermal cells packed with keratin. Hair grows from epidermally derived hair follicles.

The Crustacea are named after which of the following characteristics?

Hard shell

First maxilla

Head, bringing food in


Head, crush food

Second maxilla

Head, move water through gills

Antennule, antenna

Head, sensory organs

Characteristics of mature sperm

Head: Acrosome, Nucleus; Midpiece: Mitochondria ; Tail: Flagellum

While they typically have five arms, brittle stars have a distinct morphology that is very different from that of sea stars (Asteroidea) Select all of the following that are characteristic of brittle stars

Lack of papulae and pedicellariae Tube feet without suckers Ambulacral grooves closed and covered by ossicles

Navigation -

Landmarks( large bodies of water), Sun-azimuth (compass, sun on horizon), Magnetic fields ( north and south pole)


Jaws ( different modes to catch prey), Paired fins - Later, Modified as limbs (higher degree of mobility, evolve into limbs in tetrapods)

The hind legs for grasshoppers and crickets have enlarged femurs which allows them to


Which of the following structures make up the end sac?

Labyrinth, Saccule

Scorpion tagmata bear two to five pairs of small ___________________ eyes and one pair of larger __________________eyes

Lateral, median

What language is scientific names recorded in and why?

Latin. Because it is a dead language and can be used universally

features of the trematodes

Leaflike shape, Suckers, Adaptations for parasitism



Order Caudata: salamanders

Legs come off body parallel to ground, Larvae (when present) and adults are predators,Southern Appalachians Mnts are the center of salamander diversity, some adults retain gills

describe members of the Class Demospongiae

Leuconoid canal system Siliceous spicules Marine and freshwater forms

What statement correctly describes the skull of a modern bird?

Light and mostly fused; diapsid features not visible due to high specialization

What kind of system did Linnaeus devise?

Linnaeus devised a Hierarchical system with 7 (now 8) taxonomic levels


Living mainly in the ground

Nemertea: Proboscis?

Long tongue inverts out to catch prey, housed in the body. Separate hole from mouth. Feed on annelides. Some have a hook on the end to stab prey.

The function of a nematode hydrostatic skeleton differs from other invertebrates because the cuticle functions as an antagonist to the __________ muscles


Nematoda muscles

Longitudinal muscles are used to make the body wiggle for circular muscle!

What are the 5 types of connective tissue?

Loose connective tissue, Dense (fibrous) connective tissue, blood, cartilage, bone.

Phylum Mollusca are the

Lophotrochozoan Protostome

Phylum Annelida

Lophotrochozoan Protostome, 15,000 Species, Trochophore Larvae

Molecules - Antimicrobial proteins:

Lysozyme - breaks down cell wall of bacteria, Complement system - series of proteins in blood that kill bacteria (cascade of proteins, pierce bacteria cell wall and make it leak.)

In echinoderms, the calcareous sieve-like structure that leads to the water vascular system is known as the


Class Asteroidea Flow of water through system:

Madreporite - stone canal - ring canal - radial canals - lateral canals - tube feet (ampulla) - water is constantly flowing, tube feet manipulate the water.

The principle intracellular electrolytes are _________

Magnesium, phosphate ions, potassium

Select all of the characteristics that can be used to distinguish male nematodes from female nematodes

Males possess a pair of copulatory spicules. Males are smaller than females.

In insects, urine is produced by the

Malpighean tubules.

The unique type of excretory system found in insects and spiders are called ___________

Malpighian tubules

In spiders and other taxa, structures called _______________ ________________ work in conjunction with rectal glands and function as an excretory organ to remove wastes

Malpighian, tubules

Which of the following is true concerning mammalian feeding habits?

Mammals are divided into four trophic categories.The feeding apparatus is adapted to the habitat.


Marine worms

typical habitats of members belonging to the Phylum Sipuncula


______ mammals exhibit brief gestation and prolonged lactation



Masses with numerous oscula and flagellated chambers filled form incurrent canals and discharge into excurrent canals

Parts of cartilage

Matrix is rubbery, Chondrocyte inside lacuna, not a lot of blood flow so slow healing.

Examples of Extracellular structural components

Matrix of connective tissues (cartilage, bone) Cuticle (outer covering of insects)

Subphylum Urochordata

Members of Urochordata are small, sessile, marine animals called tunicates or sea squirts, 1600 species .A few are free-living, all have mobile tadpole larvae. larvae have all 5 characteristics - adults do not have only 2/5. adults sessile on substrate. incurrent and excurrent siphon

In cleavage the yolk does not divide completely, while in cleavage the yolk completely divides

Meroblastic, holoblastic

Cnidaria: What layer is non cellular?


What does Cindaria have instead of mesohyl?


Extracellular material


Insect wings evolved from outgrowths of the body wall of the _______ and ________ segments of the thorax

Mesothoracic, metathoracic

Which stage is missing from the life cycle of a blood fluke?


What kind of excretory system

Metanephridia - excretory system - filter fluid in coelom

Choanoflagelletes and ________ are sister groups


__________ are tiny processes in the intestine that increase the surface area


What are the two parts of fossils

Mineralization and Impressions

What habitat is preferred by earthworms?

Moist, rich soil

The mammalian dentition that is used for shearing, crushing or grinding are _____________

Molars, premolars

What is the phylogeny?

Molecular evidence (rRNA - component of ribosomes - highly conservative) indicates that Porifera differentiated from flagellated protistans


Molting, Arthropoda (shedding the exoskeleton)

Oligochaeta Reproduction:

Monoecious (Hermaphroditic) but cross-fertilize with another worm. Oligochaeta align and will give sperm of one into sperm receptacle to receive it

Sexual reproduction

Monoecious or dioecious, Trochophore larvae

_______ include all descendants and most recent common ancestor.


Serial repeated organs (such as gills and metanephridia) are characteristic of the molluscan class ________________


______ are small, have a low rounded shell, and a creeping foot, and until the 1950's, they were thought to be extinct


Radial Symmetry

More than two planes passing through the center of the body through the main axis produces two identical halves - Adaptive for sessile animals. Phyla Cnidaria

In what insects are mouthparts combined into a piercing, needlielike stylet and a food channel for sucking?


Select all of the following that describe the life cycle of human filarial worms

Mosquitos ingest microfilariae. Microfilariae enter human host through wound made by mosquitos. Females release microfilariae into the blood and lymphatic system.


Most active echinoderms; jointed muscular arms used for locomotion

Phylum Echinodermata Dioecious or Monoecious?

Most dioecious

Order Anura: (without a tail) Frogs and toads

Most diverse group - about 5000 species, Adult body specialized for jumping and swimming, Long hind legs, Fused avertebrae near pelvis - stiff spine( muscle attachment) , Skin has epidermis and underlying dermis - many glands to keep skin moist. Red eft - aposematic coloration (red coloration, warning, deadly, neurotoxin on back

Order Squamata - lizards, snakes and worm lizards

Most diverse group of reptiles, Kinetic skull allows for more mobility of bones - snake skull , Snake sensory organs:Ears internal, Jacobson's organ, Pits of pit vipers( sense heat)

Amphibians did not completely leave the aquatic habitat

Most eggs are laid in water and the young go through an aquatic larval stage before metamorphosing into adults.


Most inclusive taxon - all living things are divided into 3 domains

Select all of the following that characterize insect wings

Most insects have two pairs. Insect wings are outgrowths of the cuticle.

What are tetrapod adaptations to air-breathing?

Routing of blood to lungs, Increased vascularization of the air-filled cavity

Organ-system grade

Organisms which have organs arranged so that they can work together to perform a function. e.g. digestive system

Discharge is powered by what?

Osmotic Pressure

In a typical cnidarian life cycle, a newly formed zygote develops into a motile ______________________ larva, which then settles onto a hard surface to develop into a _____________

Planula, polyp

What different varieties of respiration is there in other species?

Plasma membrane, skin, gills, tracheae, lungs

What is another name for the Phylum Placozoa?

Plate animals

3. Cell fragments

Platelets, Thrombocytes

Primitive (ancestral) traits

Plesimorphies - Being multicellular, mitochondria

Tusk shells and tooth shells are burrowing marine molluscs in the class _______


_________ cleavage results in blastomeres that sit on top of one another in an early embryo


The class Solenogastres is similar to the class Caudofoveata except that they usually lack _______ and ________

Radula, gills

Sensory cells:

Recepting chemical and tactile stimuli and transferring that information to nerve cells

In cephalopods, the ink sac directly empties into the ______, which can then release ink to confuse an enemy,


Oligochaeta Respiration

Respiration: no specialized structures for gas exchange, Must keep cuticle moist for oxygen to diffuse into body

Hemoglobin -

Respiratory pigment found in all vertebrates, many invertebrates

Phylum Nemertea

Ribbon worms, About 1000 marine species, most small < 20 cm longSimilar to Planaria, but, dioecious, proboscis, complete digestive system, Simple circulatory system

Blood enters the pulmonary circuit from the

Right ventricle

The class ___________ is a small group of bottom-dwelling marine organisms that usually lack radula and gills


Most bivalves have a unique developmental stage called a _______ which is a juvenile shelled form


What kind of respiratory organs

Special respiratory organs - lungs and gills

Cell-tissue grade

Specialized cells are organized to perform a specific function. Body is made up of tissues

Select all of the following that are arthropods

Spiders, Centipedes, Insects, Crustaceans

________ cleavage is characteristic of most protostomes and forms tightly packed cells


______ mouthparts usually form a tube that can easily pierce animal or plant tissues


Which of the following are disaccharidases?

Sucrase, Maltase, Lactase

What is the function of the pair of supraesophageal ganglion in crustaceans?

Supply nerves to the eyes. Supply nerves to the antennae.

In the ______, horns consist of hairlike, keratinized filaments cemented together and not attached to the skull, while in the ______, horns are similar to antlers but maintain their skin covering and not shed

rhinoceros; giraffe

As a feather develops, the feather bud

rolls into a hollow cylinder.

Flatworm protonephridia

run the length of the tubellarian.

Thrombocytes (other vertebrates)

same role as platelets

Sharks can detect animals buried in the


What are the three types of symmetry?

spherical, radial, bilateral

describe Class Hexactinellida

spicules made of silica cylindrical or funnel-shaped body found only in marine habitats

A spider's abdominal silk gland is connected to a web-spinning organ called a


In terrestrial insects, air enters the tracheal system through the


A fruit fly possesses a ______ mouthpart, whereas a grasshopper possesses a ______ mouthpart

sponging; chewing

The ________ is the same as the central cavity of the sponge.



square shaped

In cephalopods called ______, the shell has been lost leaving only a thin, proteinaceous strip called a pen


Fertilization functions to

start the process of development. restore diploid number.

A saclike pore that bears sensory setae and is located on the basal segment of each first antenna of crayfishes is a(n) _______


The basal segment of each first antenna of crayfishes houses a saclike ________________, or opening to the surface by a dorsal pore


Oogonia (2n) -

stem cells

Allantois -

storage of metabolic waste - blood vessels in the membrane used for gas exchange

What is the epidermis made of?

stratified squamous epithelial

Fusion of vertebrae Birds

strength, to fly

Insects such as water ____________ can walk on the surface of water



string like, to provide support, so the trachae don't collapse.


structural similarity that stems from having a common ancestor


structure composed of more than one type of tissue

The _______ nerve plexus is the most primitive flatworm nervous system


There is a range of wavelengths that will stimulate each type of cone, By comparing the proportion of cones stimulated the brain interprets all

the colors visible

A zygote is formed when

the egg and sperm pronuclei merge.

In holoblastic cleavage

the egg divides completely. there is little yolk in the egg.

All mammal integumentary glands, such as sweat glands, mammary glands, and scent glands, are derivatives of

the epidermis.

Captured prey are ingested into what?

the gastrovascular cavity


the head end of the animal

In paedomorphosis, __________, resulting in the retention of ancestral juvenile characters by descendant adults

the latest stages of development are deleted

At ecdysis (molting)

the old epicuticle and exocuticle are discarded

In bivalves, the umbo is

the oldest part of the shell.


the process by which specialization becomes localized in the head end of animals.

Temperature effects

the rate at which chemical reactions take place.


the tail end of the animal

Indirect flight muscles are connected to

the thorax only.

Class Asteroidea Contraction of muscles in ampulla forces

the tube foot to extend - makes longer

Nonavian reptiles (except turtles) have polyphyodont teeth, which means that

their teeth are replaced many times.


there are many layers of cells, multiple layers on top of each other

Immune response -

there are two responses to detection of invaders (antigens).

The living mammals are divided into the clades ________ and _______

therians, monotremes

Embryonic gill arches are important for terrestrial vertebrates because

they form structures like the tonsils and thymus gland.

What does an Oligochaeta do when there is a drought?

they go deeper in to the soil to reach moisture

Terrestrial animals are in a similar situation to saltwater fishes -

they need to conserve water.

Dendrites of a neuron

they receive stimuli from receptors or other neurons.

Lungs are housed in the

thoracic cavity - surrounded by ribs, diaphragm underneath

The body section of the insect that bears the wings and therefore powers flight is the


More efficient circulation,

three chambered heart provides ability to shunt blood away from lungs while diving or estivation.

The ear of a bird consists of

three regions: external, middle, and inner ear.


tissue composed of a single layer of cells

The membrane is permeable

to K+ but not to Na+ and Cl- . K+ leaks out

bissel threads

to attach to substrate in fast flowing water

Hirudinida Leeches release Hirudin into wound when feeding for

to stop clotting, so the leech can keep feeding


very small vessels, come in close proximity to all cells in the body. Capillaries can be closed off with smooth muscle.


vessels that carry blood back to heart - venules flow into veins


vessels that carry blood leaving the heart, arteries branch into smaller arterioles

Right side of reproductive system in female is

vestigial - reduced in size and non functional (ovary)

Placental mammals exhibit ______ reproduction


Scorpions are ____________, meaning that their offspring develop within the female's reproductive tract


Contractile vacuoles are an organ of balance used by freshwater unicellular eukaryotes to expel excess _______ gained by osmosis


The final functional region of the alimentary canal, or digestive tract, is ___________

water absorption an d concentration of solids

The colonization of land by spiders and insects is attributable to the retention of ______, made possible by their excretory system

water and potassium

Osmoregulation is the maintenance of internal ______ levels

water and salt

Gills do not function out of water

water has a lower concentration of oxygen that air. when gills are outside of water they collapse in on themselves


water on body, take energy into form of heat transfer to liquid to gas

How does the nematocyst come out?

water rushes into nematocyst and the organelle everts thrusting out the filament

Freshwater fish maintain lower internal osmotic concentrations than those of marine organisms to help keep excess ______ from moving into the body and to prevent the loss of ______

water; solutes

Spongocyte Function

Secretes spongin


- fur

Indirect muscles

Changes the shape of the thorax - upstroke

Molluscs called chitons belong to the class


Which body system is not present in the leech?


Scorpions are more common in _______ zones

Subtropical, tropical


Taller than cuboidal

In terms of gastropod shell coiling, ______ shells are more compact



extending arm downwards

While placoderms were very successful during Devonian, the lineage went.

extinct closely related group gave rise to most extant vertebrates

In platyhelminthes with a digestive system, food is digested ______, and undigested food is egested through the ______

extracellularly and intracellularly; pharynx


from trachea to tracheoles, smaller tubes that directly transfer gases to cells.

how many Sacral Vertebrae are there

5 fused together

how many Lumbar Vertebrae are there

5 lower back

Elasmobranchs usually have ______ pairs of gills slits

5 to 7

There are about ______ species of mammals


how many cervical vertebrae in humans and most mammals


Gastropoda is the largest class of molluscs with about ______ extant species and 15,000 extinct species described


How many marine species and freshwater species are there of Porifera

8600 marine species 150 freshwater species

Torsion is a two-step process where the shell and enclosed viscera rotate ______ degrees counterclockwise relative to the head


How many species are there


characteristics of members of class Scyphozoa

: A scalloped bell margin, with the number of notches ranging from 4 to 16, A medusa bell that typically ranges from 2 to 40 cm in diameter, Lappets and rhopalia occurring at marginal notches

Telolecithal egg

: large amount of yolk, unevenly distributed (fish, reptiles, birds), cytoplasm found in blastodisc

Isolecithal egg

: little yolk, yolk evenly distributed (echinoderms, mammals)

Mesolecithal egg

: moderate amount of yolk, unevenly distributed (amphibians)

Suspension feeders

: use mucus or hairs to collect matter from water.

Regenerative powers:

Planarians can survive fragmentation

In terms of gastropod coiling, a __________shell lays all whorls in a single plane and a ____________ shell lays each successive whorl to the side of the preceding whorl

Planospiral, conispiral

Hirudinida Digestive tract

modified for storage of large volumes of blood from host

Trematoda: Intermediate host is?


As new exocuticle is secreted

molting fluid dissolves old endocuticle, and solution products are reabsorbed.

Hyperosmotic regulators maintain body fluids ______ the surrounding water

more concentrated than

Acid chyme( acidic component of the stomach, along witht he food)

passes through the pyloric sphincter into the duodenum, first section of the small intestine

Better nervous system - sensory organs eyes

pecten for nutrients and oxygen to retina, multiple foveae for higher density of cones

Thickening of the support structures for the pelvic and

pectoral fins

On the aboral surface, the pincerlike structures that occur around the bases of echinoderm spines and that function in keeping the body clean, protecting papulae, and capturing food are called


In spiders a leglike structure called a ______ has sensory functions and also serves to transfer sperm in males


Class Asteroidea Contraction of muscles arranged longitudinally

shorten tube foot

What are the two types of layering?

simple and stratified, transitional stratified

Double circulation - also seen in lungfishes

single ventricle - aorta, rest of body, pulmonary artery, to lungs

The _________ node is often referred to as the heart's primary pacemaker because it regulates the heartbeat


The surface area =

size of a tennis court

2, evaporation at body covering


Slow fibers - specialized for sustained contractions -

slow to react but have holding power

How big is the Phylum Placozoa?

small 2-3mm

Scorpions have ______ chelicerae and ______ pedipalps, which are modified claws used for feeding


Horses millions of years ago

smaller, different feet and teeth. Feet: used to have 3 digits, now they only have 1 Teeth: they used to eat Bushes and trees, not they eat grass.

Vertebrae fused to provide

solid frame for flight (in digis and arm bones)


somatic embryogenesis single parent breaks into parts that regenerate into new individuals

Kinds of Polychaetes

some are predatory (such as errant polycheate) while others are filter feeders (christmas tree worm) or deposit feeders (planktonic rain)

Certain Orthopterans have tympanal organs to aid in detecting _________


Extracellular digestion

specialized cells in gastrodermis secrete digestive enzymes that break apart prey organisms

Great American Interchange

species from the north america went to the south and did well, while very little animals going from south to north did well

When a neuron at rest is stimulated,

the action potential is formed

Air is also used to cool

the birds body. During flight, heat production can be over 20 times that at rest.

In meroblastic cleavage

the cells sit on top the yolk. the yolk does not completely divide.

>30,000 species - more than all other.

vertebrates combined

Blood plasma

(but no cells or blood proteins) enters nephron.


(grasping cutting)

and molars



- Contains many organs and legs used for locomotion


("hair")-hair-like spikes that can be used to grip sediment

Resting membrane potential

(-70 millivolts):


(1) the presence of a horseshoeshaped crown of ciliated tentacles (lophophores), and (2) a minute, translucent top-shaped ciliated larvae (trochophores).

Cuticle contains two layers

, Epicuticle, Procuticle

Colonial forms may show dimorphism in polyps

, Gonangium - reproductive, Hydranth - feeding, GVC's are connected, Polyp form dominates lifecycle


, a specialized tentacle transfers a spermatophore to the mantle cavity of the female.

When the sperm contact the vitelline envelope

, species specific proteins bind to receptors.

When neural stimulation stops

, the calcium is removed from the myofibril and the actin and myosin are no longer able to attach.

The food mass (bolus)

,Esophagus , cardiac sphincter, stomach. epiglottis covers trachea so food doesnt go under

Subphylum Hexapoda

- "6 foot", Over 1 million species described (250 k beetles), One pair of antennae, Appendages uniramous (contrast with crustacean biramous legs), Terrestrial adaptations: trachea and malpigian tubules, Mouth with mandibles, Three tagmata - head, thorax, abdomen, Typically 2 pair of wings

Phylum Arthropoda

- "jointed foot", about 1.1 million species described, Body composed repeated segments (metamerism) but septa have been lost, In contrast to annelids, much specialization of segments is seen

Subphylum Myriapoda

- "many footed", One pair of antennae, Appendages uniramous (contrast with crustaceans), Mandibles, Terrestrial adaptations: trachea and malpighian tubules

Subphylum Crustacea

- "shell", 70,000 species described, Most are marine but are important and abundant in freshwater- there are a few terrestrial species, Most mobile, some sessile, 2 pair of antennae, Pair of mandibles - bi-ramous legs modified for masticating food, Exoskeleton of crustaceans is very strong, fortified with calcium. Areas around joints are not calcified so flexibility is not lost.

Order Primates

- (chimps, apes, humans) - large brain - hands and feet specialized for grasping (arboreal)

Lateral line system

- (fish, aquatic amphibians) detects vibrations in the water.

Phylum Nematoda

- (nematos = thread), 25,000 species described, Have Pseudocoelom, Density of billions per acre, Ecdysozoan protostomes - molt as they grow, Many are parasitic - infect most plants and animals, Ascaris lumbricoides - large roundworm of humans - infect 25% of human population in some SE US areas, Often pass through stomach during life cycle


- (sharks) detect weak electric fields in the water.


- African lungfishes have reduced metabolism, breakdown protein, store urea

1, stout bodies

- Allen's rule, reduced surface area to volume ration, loss of heat is slower

Malpighian tubules

- An Arthropod adaptation for terrestrial life - excretory vessels that release waste into digestive tract.

Excretory system

- Antennal glands function mostly in osmoregulation (maintaining water balance) - ammonia diffuses across thin parts of cuticle


- Antidiuretic Hormone (pituitary gland) increases uptake of water from the collecting duct.

Taste buds

- Bitter, sour, salty, sweet, and umami

Class Ophiuroidea

- Brittle stars, similar shape to sea star but longer (usually) flexible arms that are narrow at the central disc. No epidermal structures, No ambulacral groove, Madreporite on oral surface, Incomplete digestive tract. still penta radial symmetry, narrower arms at the base, long, narrow, flexible arms.


- Chitons - body covered by multiple plates - can be large (30cm)


- Chondrocytes imbedded in a protein gel with strands of collagen (another protein) ex. sharks, rays, skates


- Development of the organs of the body. embryo (2 weeks to 2 months) - organ systems are developing

Skeletal Systems Hydrostatic support

- Exoskeleton - Endoskeleton

Forebrain Hypothalamus

- Important in the maintenance of homeostasis. Produces hormones that target the pituitary gland - important for endocrine system, hunger, thirst, temperature

Dioecious species

- Individuals either male or female

Vertebrate Eye

- Light stimulates photoreceptors in the retina

Specific immunity

- Lymphocytes ( T-cells and B-cells) respond to specific foreign material (antigens - specific induce immunce response) with antibodies.


- Maintenance of an internal steady state by means of self-regulation. Keeps the internal environment of the body constant.

In tissues - O2 used in cell respiration

- O2 diffuses into tissues - plasma level drops and hemoglobin unloads

Subclass Prototheria

- Order Monotremata - lay amniotic eggs - ancestral condition, (platypus, echidna)


- Secreted after molting - forms tough durable shell


- The cuticle of Arthropods is greatly modified - more durable, specialized for molting

Patterns of cleavage

- The differences in the amount and distribution of yolk will affect how cleavage proceeds.


- Y shaped molecules that bind to specific antigens


- a ball of capillaries, small blood vessels

Loop of Henle

- a long, thin section of the tube takes the filtrate into the medulla and then back into the cortex.

Fovea centralis

- a pit in the center of retina - contains only cones and is the region of sharpest vision.


- ability to resist invading organisms and the process by which an organism defends itself


- acid chyme in duodenum ->

Aquatic waste is

- ammonia , dissipates quickly in water

Hindbrain Pons

- an area connecting the two sides of the cerebellum - above medulla

5, Daily torpor

- animals cool down at night

Plasma cells

-release antibodies into the blood.


-the multiple by which a reaction will increase with a 10C increase in temperature.

Members of what cnidarian class are solitary or colonial marine polyps that lack a medusa stage?


1. Fast block

. - time frame of seconds - a change in the electrical potential of the plasma membrane prevents any other sperm from fusing with it.

More efficient jaws

. Temporal openings on skull provide attachment sites for powerful jaw muscles

Swim bladder for respiration

., when on land.

A beef tapeworm has a scolex that is characterized by

0 hooks and 4 suckers.

Monoestrus mammals have _________ estrus per breeding season


Disadvantages of sexual reproduction:

1. Need two parents - must expend energy to find, identify (court), and copulate with mate. 2. Genetic recombination is counter productive if conditions are stable. 3. Only half the individuals are producing offspring. Males use resources and contribute little energy to producing new members of the population. 4. Less efficient at passing on genes - offspring are only half your genes - a clone is 100% your offspring

Water is gained by:

1. drinking, eating, 2. metabolic water -O2 accepts the electron at the ETS and binds to H's.

Characteristics of Animal Bodies

1. Symmetry 2. Cephalization 3. Anatomy of Bilateral animals 4. Patterns of Development 5. Protostomes Ecdysozoan vs Lophotrochozoa 6. Body Cavity 7. Segementation 8. Digestive Tract 9. Circulatory System 10. Respiration 11. Organs for excretion 12. Support System

how many Thoracic Vertebrae are there

12. ribs

The class Caudofoveata contains about ________ species


The soft-bodied Symphyla consists of _______ segments


Scorpions make up approximately ______ species and are distributed worldwide


How many species are there in annelida?

15,000 Species

Crayfishes and their counterparts possess ____ different but serially _____ appendage types

17: homologous

Vertebrate integument

2 basic layers. Epidermis, Dermis

How many layers of cells does the Phylum Placozoa have?

2 cell layers


2 chambered heart heart - gills - body - heart

diapsid skull

2 temporal openings, all amniotes except mammals

How many segments can be found in the body of Nereis?


Class Asteroidea Sucker at end of tube foot can exert

25-30 grams of force, allow sea star to live in very turbulent areas.

Amphibians, Reptiles

3 chambered heart (2 atria, 1 ventricle), double circulation heart - lung - heart - body - heart Pulmonary circuit Systemic circuit

spinal nerves?

31 spinal nerves come off the spine - one per vertebrae

Ruminants use a _______ chambered stomach to ferment vegetation and digest cellulose


how many Caudal vertebrae are there

4 coccyx

Amniotic egg contains

4 membranes:

The life cycle of a typical cnidarian includes both a medusa and polyp stage, However, members of class ___________________ lack a medusa stage due to likely separating from an ancestor before the medusa evolved


Phylogenetic Species Concept

A basal grouping of organisms diagnosibly distinct from other such groupings with a shared pattern of ancestry. How organisms relate to each other and shared characteristics

Which of the following species of Ascaris is a human parasite?

A. lumbricoides

Sodium potassium pump:

Active transport (ATP) is used to move Na+ out of cell and K+ inside.

______ are comprised of bone and are shed after the breeding season


Derived traits

Apomorphies - changed through evolution

Cnidaria: Are they normally aquatic or freshwater?


Amniotes with skulls that have no openings in the temporal area (behind the opening for the eye) are known as


What type of skull has a temporal region with no fenestrae and that is completely roofed by dermal bones?


truly segmented phyla include which of the following?

Annelida, Arthropoda, Chordata

Select all of the following that are found in the group Lophotrochozoa

Annelids Molluscs

earthworm locomotion in order, beginning with the anterior end of the earthworm at the top

Anterior circular muscles contract, body lengthens and pushes forward; sea anchor, longitudinal muscles in anterior contract, posterior part of body is pulled forward.

Trematoda: Suckers or hooks?

Anterior suckers.

Salamander reproduction:

Aquatic: release egg and sperm into water. larval stage with gills - indirect development, Terrestrial: spermatophore passed from male to female. Young hatch out as miniature adults (no larval aquatic phase) - direct development

Who created the Typological Species Concept?

Aristotle and Linneaus


Arms with open grooves for planktonic and suspension feeding

Capillaries are the blood vessels that connect ________________ to ________________

Arteries, veins

Arthropodization (tagmosis) may have happened a few times in evolutionary history -

Arthropoda may be polyphyletic

Cell Fates

As cells divide and the number of cells in the body increase, the cells are induced to use different genes. During this process, called differentiation, the cells turn into one of the mature cell types.


As lymphocytes (macrophages and B cells) attack an antigen - they incorporate foreign proteins (antigens) in their cell membrane. Helper T cells respond to antigens by stimulating the immune response

What are the three basic body plans?

Asconoid, Syconoid, Leuconoid

The members of what taxon have a flattened body composed of a central disc connected to tapering rays and is covered by a ciliated, often brightly colored epidermis?


Where does the mouth open in trematodes and monogeneans?

At or near the anterior end.

When does a clitellum develop on an earthworm?

At sexual maturation

As it develops, a bipinnaria will grow three adhesive arms and a sucker at its anterior end

At this point, the sea star larva is called a ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_________ and it attaches to a substratum, where it undergoes metamorphosis. brachiolaria

polychaetes specialized reproductive segments posteriorly

Atoke - anterior section, Epitoke - posterior reproduction section

How do sea stars exchange gases with the outside and excrete their wastes?

Both gases and wastes can leave the body by diffusion through papulae and tube feet.


Basic unit of taxonomy

Select all of the following that are wingless insects

Bedbugs Lice Fleas

Examples of Plesimorphies

Being multicellular, mitochondria

What kind of symmetry

Bilateral symmetry - well developed nervous system in some

What kind of symmetry does Ctenophora have?

Biradial symmetry, paired tentacles.

Select the organisms that undergo meroblastic cleavage

Birds Monotreme mammals Cephalopod molluscs

What is a separate monophyletic group within the reptiles (as defined by modern cladistics)?

Birds and crocodilian

Which of the following comparisons between birds and other vertebrates is NOT correct?

Birds have a lower jaw made of a single bone, while that of mammals is made of 5 or 6 bones.

Mollusks called ______ are mostly sedentary filter feeders and have two shells, no head, and no radula


Select all of the following spiders that render harmful and sometimes fatal bites

Black widow, Brown recluse

A silverfish whose juveniles and adults look the same undergo __________ metamorphosis/development, while a butterfly whose juveniles and adults look completely different undergo __________ metamorphosis

Blank 1: direct, ametabolous, incomplete, or hemimetabolous Blank 2: complete or holometabolous

Right atrium

Blood enters the heart from the systemic circuit

Right ventricle

Blood enters the pulmonary circuit

Systemic Circuit

Blood flows through smaller vessels to capillary beds were O2 is released and CO2 is absorbed, Blood flows into larger vessels (venules and veins) and flows in the vena cave back to the heart (right atrium)

Left ventricle

Blood leaves the heart to the systemic circuit

Left atrium

Blood returns from the pulmonary circuit

Circulatory system

Blood travels throughout body delivering oxygen and nutrients, collecting nitrogenous waste and carbon dioxide


Body cavity (usually filled with water)

What do oligochaetes use for osmoregulation?

Body surface, Nephridia, Gut, Dorsal pores

What are 3 main parts to a neuron?

Body, Dendrites, axon

Diffusion of CO2 into plasma changes the pH resulting in hemoglobin dumping more O2 - called the

Bohr effect



Cestoda: Suckers or hooks?


In the liver fluke Clonorchis, miracidia pass out in feces

Both ______ and _______ stages develop if ingested by water snails, and free-swimming cercariae emerge. sporocyst and redia

_______________ houses the glomerulus and is where filtration occurs

Bowman's capsule

What are the three types of asexual reproduction?

Budding, Fragmentation/Regeneration, Gemmules

The asexual reproductive process involving tissue on the side of a polyp developing into another functioning polyp is known as ________________; if the new polyp stays attached to the parent polyp, a(n) _____________ is formed

Budding, colony


Buds can break off and form their own sponge

Select all features that are characteristic of the Echiurans

Burrow in mud, Vary in length, Cylindrical body shape

How did Aristotle classify organisms?

By splitting up physical characteristics

Nemertea: Complete or incomplete digestive system:


Oligochaeta, what kind of digestive system and the parts?

Complete digestive system: mouth - pharynx - esophagus - crop - gizzard - intestine - rectum - anus

Phylum Echinodermata digestive tract?

Complete digestive tract with anus on aboral surface ( away from mouth)

Ctenophora: Complete or incomplete digestive system?

Complete digestive tract, but little linear specialization.

Complete or incomplete digestion?

Complete digestive tract, specialized organs for digestion


Composes the outercovering of bodies, also the nervous system and skin

The nervous system of a planarian (a turbellarian) consists of which of the following?

Connecting nerves, Longitudinal nerve cords, Mass of ganglion cells

epidermal nerve plexus

Connects the other components of the nervous system to the body wall and related structures

Which of the following are common sources of Ascaris lumbricoides infection?

Contaminated soil, Raw vegetables, Contaminated water

Sea stars can use their tube feet for locomotion by applying pressure to the liquid in the tube feet using various sets of muscles, Which of the following statements accurately describe those processes? Select all that apply

Contraction of longitudinal muscles in the tube foot retracts the podium. Contraction of muscles on one side of the tube foot causes the tube foot to bend toward that side. Contraction of muscles in the ampulla forces liquid into the podium of the tube foot, extending it.

Class Anthazoa

Corals, Sea Anemones, Sea Whips - no medusa stage, GVC partitioned by septa, Stony corals

The process of increasing the osmotic concentration of urine by opposite moving fluids within the loop of Henle is

Countercurrent multiplication


Covers over the end of cnidae within cnidocytes

Choanocytes Function

Create a water current

Respiration in most gastropods is performed by a ________


The majority of what group of organisms is bioluminescent?



Cut off a piece and regenerate


Cutaneous - most salamanders get at least some of their oxygen across skin. Skin must be kept moist,. Gills - larval forms often have feathery gills off of the neck. They are lost in species that metamorphose into terr. adults. Lungs - seen in many terrestrial forms. But not in Plethodontids - no gills or lungs

Nematodes are characterized as having a flexible, nonliving_____________________ , the presence of longitudinal _____________along their body wall, and no motile cilia or flagella

Cuticle, muscles

Bivalves are laterally compressed, with the two shells hinged at the _________margin


Phylum Echinodermata Larvae state?

Development includes a free-swimming bilateral larvae

Which features of leech reproduction are similar to oligochaete reproduction? Select all that apply

Developmental patterns, Cocoon secreted by clitellum, Hermaphroditism

Transition to land started in the


In terms of gastropod coiled shell formation, shells are classified as ________(right handed) or __________ (left handed)

Dextral, sinistral

Intracellular digestion

Digested in the cell

Cnidaria: What is the tissue level?



Direct contact to a cooler surface

An organism that displays ________ development has telolecithal eggs while an organism that displays ___________ development has mesolecithal eggs

Direct, indirect

In sea anemones, the mouth is in the center of a flat, oral _______, and the gastrovascular cavity is divided into radial chambers by pairs of primary _______

Disc, septa

Who created the Biological Species Concept?

Dobzhansky and Mayr

Kidney process

Each nephron begins with an expanded chamber, the Bowman's capsule, containing a ball of intertwined capillaries, the glomerulus (glo-mer′yoo-lus), which together form the renal corpuscle. Blood pressure in the glomerular capillaries forces an almost protein-free filtrate into a Bowman's capsule and along a renal tubule, consisting of several segments that perform the functions of reabsorption and secretion in the process of urine formation. The filtrate passes first into a proximal convoluted tubule, then into a long, thin-walled loop of Henle, which may extend deep into the inner portion of the kidney (the medulla) before returning to the outer portion (the cortex) where it becomes a distal convoluted tubule. From the distal tubule the fluid empties into a collecting duct, which drains into the renal pelvis. Here the urine collects before being carried by the ureter to the urinary bladder.




Eat other things to get energy

Members of what phylum are characterized by having a spiny calcareous endoskeleton, pentaradial symmetry, and a water-vascular system?


Sea stars, brittle stars, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies are all members of what phylum?


The class Sedentaria includes which of the following?

Echiura, Clitellata

types of annelids that are contained in Class Sedentaria

Echiurids, Clitellates, Polychaetes, Oligochaetes

During gastrulation the three germ layers are generated

Ectoderm, Mesoderm, Endoderm

Subphylum Vertebrata Members of vertebrata are characterized by being chordates with:

Endoskeleton of cartilage or bone, includes vertebrae in axial skeleton, Well-developed nervous system with cephalization - brain, Paired limbs (appendages) - first used for stabilization in water, later support on land - pelvic and pectoral girdles. Well-developed respiratory system - pharyngeal gill arches become infused with capillary beds - as water filtered, oxygen is added to blood

Resting potential:

Enzymes in the membrane of a neuron create a difference in the ion concentration inside and outside of the cell, negative or positive ion concentration

Cuticle contains two layers

Epicuticle - outermost layer, Procuticle - inner most - contains chitin (nitrogenous polysaccharide), proteins, and calcium salts - increase rigidity, made of two layers. Cuticle secreted by the epidermis, cuticle secreted by the epidermis, nonliving layer, acellular

The cuticle consists of an outermost layer called a(n)______________ and several layers of _______________, which is composed of an exocuticle, an endocuticle, a principle layer, and a membranous layer

Epicuticle, procuticle

What are the types of tissue the skin has?

Epithelial, connective, muscle, nerves

What are the four types of tissue?

Epithelium, Connective, Muscular, Nervous

2. Blood cells

Erythrocytes, Leukocytes

Cells of follicle produce


What are some of the major threats to freshwater environments?

Evaporation, Depletion of oxygen

_______ feeding is characteristic of parasites, but is seen in free living animals as well


Interstitial fluid

Fluid filled area between cells-the fluid is very similar to blood plasma


Fluid filled chamber

Blood Plasma

Fluid portion of blood

Osmoregulation and excretion can be combined when these things are released together from the body,

Fluid, Waste

Pituitary gland of brain produces:

Follicle- stimulating hormone (FSH), Luteinizing hormone (LH)

Extracellular digestion

Food that is being ingested, travel digestive tract and undergo digeston, broken down before absorbed. digestive tract stillout side of the body.

How is the foot modified in cephalopoda

Foot is modified for directing water as it is forced out of the mantle cavity and is fringed with tentacles (jet propulstion)

The longitudinal muscles of nematodes are arranged in _____________bands, separated by ______________ hypodermal cords, Each muscle cell has a contractile ____________portion and a noncontractile _____________portion

Four, four, fibrillar, sarcoplasmic

characteristics that can be found in members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes

Free-living forms, Ribbon-like body, Parasitic forms, Leaf-like body, Length varies

Lophotrocozoan Protostomes

From 1 mm to more than a meter. Blastopore in blastula forms the mouth.

Freshwater clams exhibit internal fertilization while most bivalves exhibit external fertilization discharging _________ via excurrent flow


Cnidaria: What layer comes from the endoderm?


Snails, slugs, and limpets are examples of molluscs in the class ____________


With over 70,000 living species, the Class ____________ is the largest class of molluscs


Select all of the functions of the water vascular system in sea stars

Gathering food, Respiration, Excretion, Locomotion


Genus name is shared among closely related species

Select all of the characteristics of elasmobranchs called rays

Gill openings on underside of head, Large spiracles behind eyes, Prey on molluscs, crustaceans, and small fish

The mollusc ctenidia is also known as ______


What "excretory organ" is involved in excreting nitrogenous waste, mainly ammonia, from the body of crustaceans?


What structures in bivalves have cilia that direct water to flow over the gills?


Gametes leave the polychaete body through which of the following?

Gonoducts, The body wall, Metanephridia.

Lungs - internal - gas is pumped in and out

Good for terrestrial environments when O2 demands are high. Positive pressure in frogs

Echinoderms can be found living under what conditions?

Great ocean depths, Intertidal zones

Molting, the process of making a larger cuticle, affects which of the following processes?

Growth, Reproduction, Behavior

respiratory pigments that are utilized by polychaetes

Hemoglobin, Chlorocruorin, Hemerythrin

Many gastropods that are ______ use their rasping tongue to scape algae from hard surfaces


Broad classifications:

Herbivores ( only plants) , Carnivores ( only other animals) , Omnivores ( plants and animals), Saprophagous ( decayed organic material, carcasses in soil)

Six-rayed siliceous spicules are characteristic of the class


Nematoda pressure

High coelomic pressure

Echinoderms that have an elongated, cylindrical body with reduced ossicles and a leathery body wall are members of what class?


Select all of the parasitic nematodes that are common in humans in North America

Hookworm, Trichina worm, Pinworm

Select all of the following that are members of the subphylum Chelicerata

Horseshoe crabs, Ticks, Sea Spiders

Initially, the rachis and the barbs of a developing contour feather are soft

How are they transformed into hard structures?. By keratin deposition

Consider the quadrate bone in the skulls of reptiles

How is that bone modified in the kinetic skulls of snakes and lizards?. It has a joint at its dorsal end, instead of being fused to the skull as in other reptiles.

Comparing _______ genes provides evidence that pycnogonids belong to subphylum ________, rather than being considered the sister taxon to all other arthropods


Class Hydrozoa

Hydra (freshwater, solitary), Typically marine and colonial

In hydrozoans, what feature lends support to the body and allows longitudinal extension of the body and tentacles?

Hydrostatic skeleton

What are the three types of support systems?

Hydrostatic skeleton, Exoskeleton, Endoskeleton

In hydrozoans, support and longitudinal extension of the body are achieved through the _____________ skeleton, created when the beating of cilia on the nutritive-muscular cells brings water into the ______________ cavity

Hydrostatic, gastrovascular

The cuticle of nematodes functions to contain the high ____________ pressure exerted by fluid in the ________________, and as protection against hostile environmental conditions

Hydrostatic, pseudocoel

What cnidarian class is characterized by an asexual polyp stage with a sexual medusa stage, and often occurs in marine habitats and in a colonial form?


In hydras, the mouth is located on a conical protuberance called the _______


What animals fall under Phylum Cnidaria?

Hyrda, Corals, Sea Anemones

Are Animals in a taxonomic groups more closely related to each other or to species in other groups

In taxonomic groups

A bat contracts white nose syndrome, expressing symptoms such as white fungal growth on the nose and abnormal behavior

In terms of its relationship with the pathogen, the bat was ________. susceptible

Tissue -organ grade

Organism consists of organs - aggregates of more than one type of tissue, they perform one (i.e., a common) function.

Cnidaria: Complete or incomplete digestive system?


Platyhelminthes: Complete or incomplete digestive tract?


Trematoda: Complete or incomplete digestive tract?


What are the two types of digestive tract?

Incomplete and complete

What digestive tract does cnidaria have?

Incomplete, it is not efficient

Trace the flow of water through a syconoid sponge, starting at the top of the list with the incurrent canals

Incurrent canals, Radial canals, apopyles, spongocoel, osculum

Which of the following statements best describes why Ascaris infection rates are higher in some areas than others?

Infection rates are higher in areas where contaminated soil and water is contaminated by improper disposal of human fecal material.

Subclass Theria -

Infraclass: Metatheria, Infraclass Eutheria

What is the function of the proboscis of a leech?

Ingest small invertebrates, Take blood from cold-blooded vertebrates

Stages of food processing:

Ingestion (swallowing), digestion (break down), absorption (nutrients diffuse into the blood stream), egestion (products not absorbed, expelled out the anus)

Syconoid description

Inner choanoderm is folded into canals that lead to a spongocoel with a single osculum

Hormones from pancreas regulate blood sugar:

Insulin allows tissues (liver) to stor most of the glucose as glycogen, Glucagon stimulates release of glucose from glycogen

Biological Species Concept

Interbreeding population of individuals that have a common descent - If they can breed together, they are the same species.


Internal buds, archaeocytes, aggregate and are surrounded by a spongin coat. Survive harsh conditions. Adults die in autumn, releash gemmule (little sacs) when conditions are better they can grow

The exploration of land by aquatic species was aided by the presence of these structures connected to the pharynx

Internal nares, An air-filled cavity

__________ digestion occurs when food particles are enclosed within a food vacuole by phagocytosis



Is found between the ectoderm and endoderm, makes bone and muscle

What is the assumption of the typological species concept?

It is under the assumption that species aren't changing all the time

Select all of the following that are true of the madreporite of sea stars

It leads to the water vascular system. It is circular in shape. It is found on the body's exterior.

Select all of the following that describe the water vascular system

It often plays an important role in locomotion. It is only found in echinoderms. It includes the tube feet. It opens to the outside through pores in the madreporite.

The arthropod exoskeleton confers which of the following selective advantages?

It provides protection.,It provides a point of attachment for muscles.,It permits moveable joints.

Where is the mouth and pharynx?

Mouth on underside, extend out of the pharynx

Class Asteroidea Digestive system

Mouth(facing the ground) - esophagus - cardiac stomach (can invert outside of the body) - pyloric stomach - intestine - anus (aboral side)

____________ is secreted from the goblet cells of the stomach's tubular gland


What does the parchment worm use to obtain food?

Mucus net

Characteristics of Kingdom Animalia

Multicellular, Heterotrophic, Eukaryotes

Example of Cellular grade

Multicellular: Phylum Porifera

What is the arrector pili muscle made of (make hair stand up)?

Muscle tissue

In nematodes, a ___________arm extends from each cell body to the _________ or ____________ nerve

Muscle, ventral, dorsal

A small song-bird has a keeled sternum and is a very good flier, This bird belongs to the




Cnidaria: What type of nervous system do they have?

Nerve net, no cephalization

White blood cells will phagocytize invading bacteria

Neutrophils , Macrophages , Eosinophils ( allergy, break intracellular parasites) , NK cells( natural killer cells, lumphocytes killing viruses)

describe the life cycle of a typical colonial hydrozoan

New feeding polyps are produced through the process of budding, The zygote develops into a free-swimming planula larva.

Where are the new segments added?

New segments are added in front of the pygidium during growth


No coelom ( no body cavity) all mesodermal tissue

Larval stage

No free-living larval stage.

What is asexual reproduction?

No gamete mixing

Nemertea: Simple circulatory system?

No heart, deliver nutrients and oxygen and get rid of waste products. Blood vessels of the worm.

Smooth muscle (also called non-striated or involuntary muscle)

No striations, uninucleate, Encircle blood vessels, the intestine and other ducts. Vessels and ducts regulate fluid flow.

Does cnidaria colonies have separate Gastrovascular cavities?

No they have a common gastrovascular cavity.

The signal jumps along gaps between Schwann cells,

Nodes of Ranvier.

The dorsal lobe of the parapodium in errant polychaetes is called the ________________, while the ventral lobe is called the ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬____________________

Notopodium, neuropodium


Nuclear membrane, mitochondria

Smart octopuses

Octopuses are very smart, can learn quickly through positive and negative reinforcement, observational learning

What group of annelids lack parapodia?


Prosobranchs have ____ pair(s) of tentacles, and generally separate sexes


how many set of gills

One set of gills - use mantle to force water flow

How many temporal openings does a mammal have?

One, synapsid

What kind of circulatory system do they have?

Open circulatory system (blood sometimes opens into vessels but opening into sinuses. Not efficient. does not allow a high metabolism. Good for mollusca because they do not need a closed circulatory system)


Opening where water exits, strong enough to push far so the water doesn't get sucked back in

Harvestmen belong to Order


____________ show partial or complete detorsion resulting in the anus and gill being displaced to the right side or rear of the body



Optic lobes in lower verts- process optical, auditory information.

In a polyp, which side is the oral and aboral?

Oral is on the top near the tentacles, and aboral on the bottom near the substrate.

Subclass Diapsida: have two temporal openings in the side of skull

Order Testudines, Order Squamata, Order Sphenodonta, Order Crocodilia

As the vibrations travel in the cochlea, hairs of the

Organ of Corti are stimulated sending an impulse to the brain

What is considered to be the most species-rich and diverse phylum in the animal kingdom?

Phylum Arthropoda

Example of Cell-tissue grade

Phylum Cnidaria: Hydra, jellyfish, sea anenome

Example of Tissue -organ grade

Phylum Platyhelminthes: flatworms

The________________ condition is the more ancestral method of expelling air from the swim bladder


__________ insects feed on the fluids and/or tissues of plants


Select all of the nutritional strategies common in insects

Phytophagy, Saprophagy

Some snakes can detect the heat emitted by a warm-bodied prey animal even in complete darkness a nd aim a highly effective strike at their prey, What structure allows them to do that?

Pit organs

What annelid groupings are now believed to be paraphyletic?

Polychaetes, Oligochaetes

Within certain cnidarian colonies, a polyp may be able to reproduce asexually to form new individuals with different morphologies, Such colonies are _______


Unlike the medusa form, a typical cnidarian ___________________ has a body that is tubular in shape with a mouth surrounded by tentacles and a pedal disc or similar structure at the aboral end


Cnidarians are dimorphic; the larval or __________________ is sessile and attached to the substrate with tentacles extended into the water column, and the adult or _______________ form is umbrella-shaped and adapted for a floating, free-swimming lifestyle

Polyp, medusa

Characteristics of the Phylum Porifera

Pore bearing, siphon water, sessile

_____ are tubular cells that form pores, while ______ are ameboid cells in the mesohyl with various functions

Porocytes; archaeocytes


Possess all of the ancestrial traits that the other species have. Does not have derived traits

________, _________ and ________ are some of the ions that are reabsorbed by ion pumps during tubular reabsorption

Potassium, Phosphate, Sodium

Select all features are found in the class Chondrichthyes

Predaceous habits, Well-developed sense organs, Powerful jaws

Health implications of the immune response

Pregnancy - baby = invader Rh factor - crosses placenta , Organ donation , AIDS - attack T-helper cells

Phylum Chordata Membership based on 5 main characteristics:

Presence of a notochord, post-anal tail, pharyngeal slits, dorsal hollow nerve cord, and endostyle. all chordata larvae will have all 5.

Path of ovum

Produced in follicles (tissue surrounding the developing egg) in ovary, the release is called ovulation. Egg enters oviduct - a shell may be formed around the egg (zygote) (birds, reptiles). Zygote enters uterus.

______ horns are similar to true horns except the keratinized portion is forked and shed annually


The sperm _________ fuses with the egg ________ to form a zygote

Pronucleus, pronucleus

The ______ contain most of the marine snails and some freshwater and terrestrial gastropods


The subclass ________ includes most terrestrial and freshwater snails and slugs


Gastropods called ______ usually lack gills, but a vascularized mantle wall has become a lung


What can archaeocytes turn into


Members of what cnidarian class have the following characteristics: a medusa stage ranging from 2 cm to 2 m in diameter, a bell that lacks a velum and can vary from a shallow saucer shape to a deep helmet or goblet shape, and sense organs called rhopalia?


What cnidarian often enters into mutualistic relationships with other organisms including dinoflagellates, hermit crabs, and damselfishes?

Sea anemones

Pedal Laceration

Sea anemones crawl across the ocean floor leaving pieces of cells that will grow into new cnidaria.

Select all of the following that are members of phylum Echinodermata

Sea cucumbers, Sea lilies, Sea urchins, Brittle stars

Polychaete tube-dwellers can construct their tubes from which of the following?

Seaweed, Sand, Mucus


Sodium channels in membrane open - sodium diffuses in, K+ now diffuses out because of the reversed polarity. The sodium-potassium pumps kicks ion, restores resting potential. one way and all or none.

Lophocyte Function

Secretes large quantities of collagen

Sclerocyte Function

Secretes spicules

characteristics of an asconoid sponge

Simple choanocyte layer lining the spongoecoel, Slender individuals attached to a common stolon, Small and tube-shaped

What are the three types of muscle?

Skeletal muscle, cardiac muscle, smooth muscle

What are Phylum Placozoa characteristics?

Small 2-3mm Body arranged in 2 cell layers Reproduce both asexually and sexually May be related to the diploblastic (containing 2 primary tissue types)

Sea stars can easily move up vertical surfaces, How do they generate the necessary suction force in their tube feet?

Small muscles lift the middle of the foot's disk-like end, which produces a suction force when the foot is applied to a hard surface.

Select the senses used by hagfishes to find food

Smell, Touch


The electrical impulse travels down the axon to synaptic terminals where the signal is passed to the next neuron.

ATP is used to separate the head of the myosin the actin molecule

The energized myosin reattaches and pulls on the actin (sliding the two filaments by each other)

What organ system of echinoderms plays a role in distributing digested nutrients throughout the body and includes the axial complex for pressure-filtering blood vascular fluids?

The hemal system

What is stereom in echinoderms?

The meshwork of spaces found in echinoderm ossicles that usually contains fibers and dermal cells.

Law of Priority

The person that discovered it first should be able to keep their name there

Terrestrial insects keep at least ____ of their six legs on the ground at all times for stability


How is the person who discovered the species listed?

The person who gave that name is listed after the scientific name. If the name is in brackets it means the name has changed due to evidence of changing taxonomy, if there is not brackets it means it is in the right genus and species.

dimorphic nature of cnidarians

The polyp stage is sessile, while the medusa stage is free-swimming/floating

Select all features that characterize Branchiurans

The possess compound eyes. They are fish ectoparasites. They possess modified maxillae for sucking.

Radiate animals have which of the following characteristics?

The process of gastrulation during development, Two embryonic cell layers (endoderm and ectoderm), Presence of a gut cavity

Sometimes when tissue has been damaged and the inflammatory process has been more severe, localized areas of pus can appear

The pus in these areas is made of _______. spent leukocytes and tissue fluid

Signal transmission:

The signal travels along the neuron as an electrical impulse (action potential) and between cells as a chemical signal (neurotransmitter)

How is the metabolic rate of a bird related to its size? Metabolic rate is defined as the amount of oxygen consumed per gram of weight in a resting animal

The smaller the bird, the higher its metabolic rate.

Select all of the following that are true of the digestive system of sea stars

The stomach can be everted through the mouth to facilitate prey capture. The stomach is comprised of two parts.

What feature of the jaws in snakes allows them even greater flexibility when swallowing large prey?

The two parts of the lower jaw are only joined by muscle and skin.

What describes the flow of blood in the ventricle of reptiles (except crocodilians)?

The ventricle is incompletely partitioned, but flow patterns limit the mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood.

In hydroid colonies, polyps may be _________, indicating that the perisarc creates a protective cup around the polyp and functions in protection, or ___________ when there is no such protective cup

Thecate, athecate

describe feeding in hydras

Their diet often consists of small crustaceans, insect larvae, and annelid worms. The mouth opens into the gastrovascular cavity.Nematocysts found in the tentacles are used to subdue prey.

characteristics of the turbellarians?

Their gut can be simple, branched, or absent. They can be up to 50 cm long. Most are free-living.

What can be said of lamprey larvae?

They are called ammocoete larvae. They are suspension feeders.

Which of the following are true of reproduction in sea stars?

They are capable of both sexual and asexual reproduction. Gonads occur in pairs in each interradial space. Most species have separate sexes.

Select all of the following that describe members of Order Acari

They are free-living scavengers. They are ectoparasitic. They are vectors for disease.

true about leeches

They are hermaphrodites. They are cross-fertilizers.

What are typical characteristics of flatworm sexual reproduction?

They are monoecious individuals, Eggs are fertilized by a different individual (cross-fertilization).

describe errant polychaetes

They are motile, They may have bright coloration, They are marine.

How do flatworms increase their offspring production?

They fertilize another worm's eggs while allowing that worm to fertilize their eggs.

Until recently, the Homoscleromorphs were placed within the Class Demospongiae. What characteristic listed below required scientists to place them in their own class?

They have a true basement membrane

features that sponges share with other animals

They have same cell-signaling proteins as other animals They have a blastula stage during development.

How do modern turtles grip their food?

They have tough keratinized plates on their jaws.

Select all of the following that describe deuterostomes

They include vertebrates The blastopore becomes the anus

describe oligochaetes

They lack parapodia, Most are terrestrial or freshwater, Some are parasitic.

describe choanocytes

They maintain a current of water through the canals of the sponge They are flagellated collar cells They can trap and phagocytize food particles

In a vaned feather, how are the barbules of two adjacent barbs oriented?

They overlap in a herringbone pattern.

Select all of the following that are characteristics of the phylum Nematoda

They parasitize plants and animals. They live in topsoil. They inhabit saltwater and freshwater.

Select all of the characteristics of members of phylum Echinodermata

They possess a calcareous endoskeleton composed of plates or ossicles. They exhibit pentaradial symmetry. They possess a water-vascular system. They exhibit external spines and pedicellariae.

Choose all features of Paleognathae

They possess a flat sternum. They have poorly developed pectoral muscles. They are flightless birds.

Select all true statements about scorpion feeding

They seize prey with their pedipalps., They are nocturnal feeders.

Select all of the characteristics of hookworms

They suck more blood than they need for food which may cause anemia in the host. Mouth plates are used to cut into the intestines of the host. Heavy infections in children may retard mental and physical development.

characteristics of sea anemones

They use pedal discs to attach to submerged objects. A structure called a siphonoglyph draws water into the animal through the movement of cilia. They are relatively large polyps, especially compared to those of hydrozoans.

The earthworm has a pump, arterial distribution and venous return

This system also has a system of___________________ that interface with body cells. Capillaries

True or false: Direction of gastropod shell coiling is genetically controlled and dextral shells are far more common

True. Dexal is right side.


True: Endoderm, Mesoderm (muscle) and Ectoderm


Tube feet with suckers; many are star-shaped; 5 arms broadly connected to central disc

What modern group of nonavian reptiles lacks teeth?


Opisthobranchs usually have _______ pair(s) of tentacles with the one pair often further modified for chemoreception



Two canals join to form excretory bladder that opens by a terminal pore.


Two lateral excretory pores open laterally

Order Sphenodonta - Tuatara

Two species in New Zealand - ancient morphology similar to that of many Mesozoic diapsids, Parietal eye - third eye under top of skull with cornea, lens and retina

What are the two concepts of Typological Species Concept?

Type Locality and Type Specimen

In bivalves the shell grows in concentric circles around the _________


What is the assumption of the biological species concept?

Under the assumption of only reproducing sexually and not asexually

Examples of Protoplasmic grade

Unicellular : Kingdom Protista paramecium

Types of asexual reproduction:

Unicellular: Fission - mitosis; Multicellular organisms: mitosis, Budding (outgrowth), Gemmulation (survive harsh conditions) , Fragmentation/ regeneration (cutaway and grow new organisms) , Parthenogenesis (reproduce unisexually from unfertilized eggs)

Where does a cestode latch on to the host?

Upper intestine.

Urine is carried by the ________ to the bladder


Chemoreception (taste, olfaction)

Used to detect food, mates, territories, etc.


Uses energy from sunlight to make food. Fixation carbonation

Scallops swim with a jerky motion that creates jet propulsion by clapping their ______ together


A dense amount of yolk concentrated in the _________ pole describes telolecithal eggs


Which of the following is found in the circulatory system of the earthworm?

Ventral vessels delivering blood posteriorly, Dorsal vessels delivering blood anteriorly

The semilunar valves prevent backflow of blood from arteries to


Trematoda: Definitive host is?


Which of the following structures are termed homologous because they all developed from a common biramous appendage?

Walking legs Chelipeds Swimmerets

The components of plasma are dissolved proteins, dissolved gases and


The largest component (by volume) of the blood plasma is _______


Select the problems faced by a hyperosmotic regulator

Water tends to flow into the body. Solutes tend to diffuse out of the body.

Select the problems faced by a hypoosmotic regulator

Water tends to flow out of the body. Salts tend to diffuse into the body.

Do echinoids have tube feet, and if so, where are they located?

Yes, tube feet extend through pores in the five rows of ambulacral plates.

what makes the patterning

actin and myosin

Much of the reabsorption of valuable nutrients in the proximal convoluted tubule occurs by ___________

active transport

When a section of the membrane depolarizes, it stimulates depolarization in

adjacent sections - the signal (action potential) travels toward axon - until axon terminal

The juxatglomerular apparatus, that secretes renin, is located at the junction of the glomerulus and the __________

afferent arteriole

A scorpion mother carries her young on her back until

after their first molt.

Insects use hairs and

air chambers to detect sounds

Water is a much more stable in its physical characteristics than


3, urine production

always lose some water

The ____________are a pair of sensory organs that open on each side of a nematode's head


Phylogenetic Systematics (cladistics)

an approach to systematics that uses derived traits to produce phylogenies (evolutionary histories) of group

Anaphylaxis is best defined as

an immediate hypersensitivity that becomes widespread in the body.

Colon (large intestine)

and rectum remove water before defecation through the anus.

The sperm penetrates the vitelline membrane

and the sperm membrane fuses with the plasma membrane

Presence of _______ and __________ are important taxonomic characters

antenna, mandible

Antennal glands are excretory organs that open at the base of the ______ and maxillary glands are excretory organs that open at the base of the second _______

antennae: maxillae

Maxillary glands or _______________ glands consist of a pair of tubular excretory structures located in the ventral portion of a crustacean head anterior to the esophagus


The excretory organs or _________________ glands function to regulate osmotic balance in freshwater crustaceans by forming a dilute, low salt urine to counter the active intake of water


Nervous systems planaria

anterior ganglia, nerve trunks

Spherical Symmetry

any plane passing through the center of the body produces two identical halves - Protists

Gills - useful in

aquatic environment - counter current orientation allows for efficient transfer of oxygen

Sponge cells that can phagocytize food particles and differentiate into other cell types like spongocytes are called


The ancestral form of the vertebrate kidney is called the _________



are cells that react to environmental stimuli and stimulate sensory neurons. (rods, cones, pressure receptors) - chemical


are surrounded by spongin., are an adaptation to harsh conditions., remain dormant for extended periods

Extracellular space

area not within the cells of an organism but inside the body

Intracellular space

area within the cells of an organism- cytoplasm and nucleus.


arrangement of body parts to the central axis of the body.

The vessels that transport blood away from the heart are termed ________



belly side of animal

Intermolt condition

between molting

Nervous system:

bi-lobed brain - cephalization

Oligochaeta, Nervous system:

bi-lobed brain, ventral nerve cord, a pair of ganglia branch off in each segment. cerebral ganglia leads to ventral nerve cord. No eyes but simple photoreceptors in epidermis (sense changes in light and dark)

Nervous systems earthworm

bilateral brain, segmental ganglia

When metacercariae of the liver fluke Clonorchis are eaten in raw fish, the juveniles will migrate to the ______ and may survive there for 15 to 30 years

bile passages


blastopore becomes anus


blastopore becomes mouth


blocks binding site that myosin binds to relaxed state

The fertilization membrane

blocks entry of additional sperm to the egg.

Closed system

blood always inside of a vessel

Countercurrent orientation -

blood and water flow in opposite directions - more efficient transfer of genes

Open system

blood called hemolymph

Systemic circuit

blood flows from the left ventricle to the aorta. Vessels come off aortic arch to supply the head and forelimbs

Pulmonary Circuit

blood flows from the right ventricle into the pulmonary arteries blood flows into the capillaries in the lung picks up O2 and releases CO2, Oxygenated blood flows into the pulmonary veins that lead back to the left atrium

Schistosomiasis is an infection with a

blood fluke.


blood fluke/trematoda, 200 million people effected, Africa, south america, asia, veins of liver (portal system)

closed circulatory system

blood is always inside of a vessel.

open circulatory system

blood is released from vessels into the interstitial spaces and slowly flows back to the heart

Circulatory system

blood transports gases and nutrients throughout body

Segmentation (Metamerism)

body is composed of repeated units called metameres or somites.

Cutaneous respiration- gases diffuse across

body surface Not efficient - supplemental resp. for fishes, amphibians

Antlers found in animals of the family Cervidae are branched and comprised of solid ______ when mature


endoskeleton of cartilage, later replaced by .

cellular bone, vertebral column - replaces the notochord

Female: Hormones

from the brain and ovaries function to control the release of gametes and the state of the uterus.

A metanephridium is an excretory system that is open at ______ ends



both asexual and sexual, Parthenogenesis - Most of year, reproduction is asexual - population is composed of females that produce diploid amictic eggs

What are the types of asexual reproduction?

budding, fragmentation/ regeneration, pedal laceration, gonangium (release medusa)

A contour feather has a quill, or_________ and a shaft, or ___________ which is a continuation of the quill and supports numerous barbs

calamus, rachis

A tubular or vase-shaped sponge with spicules composed of calcium carbonate is a

calcareous sponge

Class Calcarea

calcium carbonate spicules. CaCO3

When stimulated by a motor neuron, the sarcoplasmic reticulum releases

calcium into the myofibril

Order Solpugida contains the

camel spiders.


can be temporarily stored in bladder, will expand

In mammals, ________ are used for seizing, piercing and tearing


Hep Port vein

capillary connect to another capillary

Rete mirabile, gas gland.

capillary network, counter multiplier network, can dump oxygen to make more buoyant.

Acarines are characterized by their ______, an anterior projection that contains their mouthparts


When the dorsal cuticle extends posteriorly to cover all or most crustacean body parts, it is called a ________________


Spinal cord - hollow Ventral portion

carries information from the brain to the tissues - Motor

Spinal cord - hollow Dorsal portion

carries information from the tissues to the brain - Sensory

Levels of metabolic waste - ammonia is produced in protein

catabolism - ammonia is toxic.

Echinoderms have a unique kind of connective tissue called_____________collagen that is under neurological control, allowing it to change quickly from a looser, more liquid form to a solid form


The cellular components of mammalian blood include ___________

cell fragments, erythrocytes, leukocytes


cells (Osteocytes) embedded in a hard calcified matrix


cells (chondrocytes) and fibers embedded in a spongy matrix


cells (erythrocytes{RBC/oxygen}, leukocytes{WBC/Infection}) and particles (platelets{clotting}) dispersed in a fluid matrix (plasma)

Loose connective tissue

cells and fibers are interspersed in matrix

Nervous Tissue

cells are specialized for communication.


cells of nervous tissue, communicate impulses


cells that form mineral spicules


cells that form tubes through which water flows to enter the sponge


cells that travel through the body and are thought to distribute nutrients from chaonocytes to the rest of the cells.

In small aquatic animals ammonia simply

diffuses out.

Nematoda Sexual

dimorphism - copulatory spicules, sperm have no flagellum - ameboid movement, Females can release 200,000 eggs/day

In terms of reproduction, polychates are usually _______


Nemertea: Monoecious or dioecious?


Most molluscs are


Early mammals had_____________________ dentition, in which teeth are only replaced once


In reference to chromosome number, fertilization restores the ________ number of chromosomes



directly from the sun

Asteroidea and ophiuroidea

diverged separately, to form a clade. still unknown.

The ocean is a highly stable environment, meaning that osmoconformers living in the open sea

do not experience osmotic fluctuations.

specific epithet

does not indicate relatedness

The mantle fold edges in bivalves are modified to form ______ excurrent and ______ incurrent openings

dorsal; ventral

Hookworms are so named because the anterior end of the hookworm curves _______ forming a hook shape


The portion of the polychaete nervous system that runs the length of the body is the _________

double ventral nerve cord

3, Concentrated urine and feces


Simple cubodial epithelial

ducts of body, kidney ducts


during life-cycle, individuals may have different body shapes.

The Ecdysozoa are unique among protostome organisms in that they undergo a process of _______ in which the organism sheds its outer covering


Arthropods were once thought to have evolved from Annelids, current phylogenies place them with


most derived

echinoidea and holothuroides

Trematodes, monogeneans, cestodes, and some turbellarians exhibit a derived condition called ______ development, in which female gametes contain little or no yolk, and yolk is contributed by cells that surround the zygote


In terms of the source of heat used to regulate their body temperature, nonavian reptiles are ______


Spiders typically have ______ eyes, which are used to sense movement

eight, simple

The pores around the nostrils and mouth of shark detect ____________

electrical stimuli

Meiosis I begins in developing

embryo. meiosis II is not complete until after sperm enters the egg

Direct development occurs when

embryos develop into miniature adults. eggs are telolecithal.

In _________, the ___________ or gut cavity is formed from the inward bending of the blastula

enterocoely, archenteron

Freshwater animals - water

enters body

The epidermal layer of Hydra contains numerous different cell types with different functions, For example, most of the epidermis is comprised of __________ cells, which function to cover the body and for muscular contraction


Motile polychaetes that are mostly marine and have parapodia are called

errant polychaetes.

In sea stars, the mouth connects to a stomach via a short


Many female mammals are only receptive to copulation during a brief period called


Sweating is an example of ____________ used by endotherms in order to adapt to hot environments

evaporative cooling

The clitellum of a leech is

evident only during the breeding season.


exchange of gases, intake of O2 and release of CO2

All arthropods have a distinctive, lightweight __________ which is composed of chitin and proteins and provides protection while allowing efficient locomotion


Sclerites are plates that form the __________


Arteries are thicker than veins

exposed to higher blood pressure

How do Porifera feed?

filter feeders, intracellular digestion. Bring in large amounts of water to get food and oxygen and get rid of waste products. Singular flagellum that will beat and when it beats back and forth it will bring the water in from an area made of microvilli (act as a net)


fixed in one place; immobile, on corals or ocean floor

Choanocytes (collar cells)

flagellated cells with a netlike structure for filtering food from water.

The protonephridia of most platyhelminthes end in specialized cells called

flame cells.


flattened, form thin lining

Sternum modified for attachment of

flight muscles

The lymphatic system collects ___________ that is forced out of capillaries by blood pressure


Body cavity

fluid filled cavity in body that gives support and flexibility to the body -classification based on position in primary germ layers

Trematodes are known as ______, and almost all are ______ of vertebrates

flukes; endoparasites

Bivalves initiate movement by extending their muscular ___________ between the valves, pumping blood into it, and causing it to swell and act as an anchor in mud or sand




Swim bladder.

for buoyancy/respiration. gas filled


for reproduction, male - transfer sperm, female - carry eggs

Class Holothuroidea Modified tube feet

form a ring of tentacles around mouth- cloaca at anus


form the outer layer of cells of a sponge can phagocytize food trapped on the surface of the sponge are similar to epithelial tissue but lack a basal membrane.

Select all of the following that describe radial cleavage

forms cells which lie directly on top of the lower layer, occurs with regulative development, found in echinoderms, chordates, and hemichordates

Intramembranous bone

forms directly into bone, face, skull and clavicle bone.

Being ___________ or active underground is an adaption for living in hot environments


Birds and Mammals

four chambered heart - no mixing of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood

An asexual form of reproduction where a sponge breaks into parts that go on to form new individuals is called



further from medial of body


gained from the surface, touching earth or rock

Gas exchange often occurs through thin areas of cuticle in smaller crustaceans and via ______ in larger crustaceans


Connective tissue

gives support or protection, Cells and associated extracellular materials, extracellular fibers (mainly collagen), ground substace (matrix)

With a few exceptions (for example, penguins), the feathers of birds are shed

gradually, as a highly ordered process.

Epidermis gives rise to

hair, feathers, scales and claws

Some insects, such as flies, have one wing pair, and the other pair is represented by greatly reduced structures termed


When invaded by an intracellular parasite, for example, a virus, many different types of eukaryotic cells release low molecular weight glycoproteins, called ______


Trematodes undergo asexual reproduction in their

intermediate host

Neurons that transmit a signal from one neuron to another are called

interneuron. ,

Terrestrial oligochaetes increase surface area of their _________ with the typhlosole, an inward folding that runs the full length


Simple columnar epithelial

intestine ( small intestine) microvilli to speed up absorption.

Digestion in sponges takes place within individual cells rather than in a cavity. This type of digestion is referred to as

intracellular digestion

Non-specific immunity - no previous experience with

invader required.

Cardiac muscle

involuntary, uninucleated, striated muscle found only in the heart of vertebrates. , Branched, Intercalated discs, pacemaker

In sponges, the pinacoderm

is a layer of cells containing incurrent pores.


is a type of asexual reproduction in sponges


is an adaptation seen in insect Arthropods that decreases competition between larvae and adults - the body form changes between larvae and adult

Mosaic development

is characteristic of most Lophotrochozoans. will cause a lack of a particular structure in the adult form if a blastomere is removed.

The trophoblast

is found only in placental mammals. is the outer blastocyst.

The cuticle of Arthropods

is greatly modified from that of annelids - more durable, specialized for molting

Cephalopod eye

is not homologous with vertebrate eye but is remarkable similarity - neural connections .has lens, retina, optic nerve like humans but their neural connections are different, we have a blind spot. ours is over the retina while their is connected to the back of the retina.


is prevalent in deuterostomes. results from pouches that arise along the archenteron. is a type of coelom formation.

Pancreatic juice

is released into the duodenum, it neutralizes the acid (pH = 7). Pancreatic juice also contains proteases, nucleases, and lipases. as bicarbonate


is the gap before the presynaptic cells (send ) and post synaptic cells (recieve)

Nervous system

is very well developed- largest brain of any invertebrate

If an egg had very little yolk and the yolk is evenly distributed throughout the egg, the egg would be


Some of the disadvantages of aquatic breathing when compared to air breathing include _______ ___

it is energetically expensive, water can hold far less oxygen than air

Gill arches form the gills and their associated structures in fish, but in other vertebrates these embryological structures form

jaws and the inner ear.

The complex of cells located at the junction of the afferent arteriole and the glomerulus, called the ___________, produces the enzyme renin

juxtaglomerular apparatus

In the skin of amniotes, ______ provides protection from physical trauma, while ______ lipids limit the loss of water

keratin; hydrophobic

Most lizards and snakes have skulls that are modified from the ancestral diapsid condition by loss of dermal bone near the lower temporal opening, This has allowed the evolution in those animals of a(n) ______ skull that has movable joints


The end sac is made up of a spongy mass called a


The Phylum Placozoa

lacks symmetry and organs has only one species represented.


lacteals in the intestine absorb fats fig

In leeches, the coelomic cavity consists of a series of spaces called


Osteocytes housed in the



large chamber in the middle


large gonads, in proglottids, both eggs and sperm

sexual reproduction

male and female medusa produce egg and sperm, zygote settles to substrate and forms a polyp.

Glochidium larva

larva of mussels unique disperion either released, or use fish to disperse. using the fish they have a modified mantle that will look like a fish species that other predatory species might want to eat. And when the fish goes to take a bite, the larva will get stuck in the gills of the predatory fish and feed off the blood supply of the gills of the fish until they get big and fall off.

Phylum: Chordata sub phylum, Earliest fossil vertebrates appear similar to.

larvae of modern lampreys

The juvenile stages of holometabolous insects are known as


Sensory organs need to be modified to work in air

lateral line lost in terrestrial forms (retained in larval forms ex. tadpoles) , development of ear - uses bones from the second gill arch, Eye lids to keep eyes moist

Basement membrane

layer of extracellular material that separates epithelium from the tissue it is covering. transitional epithelium ex. bladder

Marine animals - salt in environment - water

leaves body

Terrestrial animals - water

leaves body

Class Hirudinida:

leeches, Mostly freshwater but a few terrestrial and marine, Usually < 6 cm but up to 30 cm

Insects use organs on the ______ to detect vibrations of the substrate


Hypoosmotic regulators maintain body fluids ______ the surrounding seawater

less concentrated than

the excretory system, often after being converted to

less toxic forms

Feathers may have first evolved as insulation and later were modified for

lift in flight (pre-adaptation/ex-adaptation).

Dense (fibrous) connective tissue

ligaments, tendons, fascia

Fusion of vertebrae Frogs

limbs, jumping

Mammalian kidneys are able to produce concentrated urine due to the interactions of the ____________ with the collecting ducts

loop of Henle

Mesohyl in sponges can be described as

loosely arranged cells and skeletal elements in a gelatinous matrix.


maintains water balance

Hearing - One bone (columella) in the middle ear

mammals have 3 ear bones, amphibians have only 1

The four classes of mammal integumentary glands are scent glands, sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and ___________ glands


Endotherms may regulate their body temperature behaviorally by _________

managing exposure to solar radiation

In general, cephalopods move by forcefully expelling water from the _______ through the siphon

mantle cavity

Extracellular structural components

materials produced by cells and secreted into interstitial spaces (mesohyl, sponge)

The gizzard is used for the ________ breakdown of food


The gelatinous, jelly-like layer that lies between the epidermis and gastrodermis in cnidarians is called _________


The functional kidney of embryonic amniotes is the _______________


_______________ water is the water formed in cells by oxidation of fats, lipids, carbohydrates and other fuel molecules


Water that is formed by the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats is termed ________

metabolic water

Body composed repeated segments (________) separated by septa - little specialization of segments (ancestral)

metamerism - true metamerism

The process in which a juvenile form changes into an adult form with different structure and characteristics is called


Hemimetabolous metamorphosis

metamorphosis is more gradual: Egg, nymph, adult

Holometabolous metamorphosis

metamorphosis is rapid :egg, larva (specialized for feeding), pupa (larva undergoes drastic metamorphosis into adult), adult (specialized for dispersal and reproduction)

The microvili-like projections on the tegument of a cestode are called


What is the tegument like on a cestode?

microvilli, microtriches


midline of body

The evolutionary transition to life on land took place over

millions of years.


mobile, body plan with tentacles on bottom. Free floating, muscle cells to pulsate the bells to swim a little.

Class Asteroidea Water-vascular system -

modified coelom that functions as a hydraulic system to manipulate tube feet in ambulacral groove

The yolk of an egg contains components that direct activation in development called

morphogenetic determinants.


most appendages are branches - two branches

specific epithet/ Species

most exclusive taxon

1. Plasma

mostly water with proteins, electrolytes (ions), glucose and dissolved gases

Are Porifera larvae sessile or motile?

motile, they swim around until they find a good place to grow

Contraction of the fiber is stimulated by a

motor neuron.

Neurons that transmit a signal to a gland or muscle fiber are called

motor neurons.

Taste - sensors found in the

mouth, and on skin in some species.

In bivalves, respiratory currents bring in both oxygen and organic particles to the gills, where ciliary action and mucous eventually take food to the


The fertilization cone is produced to

move sperm nucleus toward the egg nucleus.


multicellular organisms and after animals and kingdom animalia

Cellular grade

multicellular, specialized cells, no tissues. More than one cell working together.

Transitional Stratified

multiple layers that allow stretching

Sperm competition

multiple males one female. will remove past sperm, or female will destroy some sperm. male can seal female reproductive tract from other males.

Polyspermy refers to

multiple sperm entering an egg.




muscle cells are called fibers. They are elongated cells specialized to contract. actin and myosin

- Fasicles are packaged into


Thick filaments -


1, evaporation at respiratory surfaces

nasal cavities or lungs

Development is usually indirect with a larval form called a


The crustacean larva is called a ______ and has an unsegmented body, a frontal eye, and three pairs of appendages


mammary glands allow mother to supply

nutrients to young - allowing continued development to occur before young are independent

The parapodia of Nereis are controlled by

oblique muscles.

More efficient lungs,

negative pressure breathing, use of ribs in respiration, circulation, jaws, ...

The ________ is a tubular structure that maintains osmotic balance


The most common type of invertebrate excretory organ is the


In all vertebrate groups, the functional unit of the kidney is the _________


The end of the excretory organ that opens into a coelomic compartment in the polychaete body is the _______


The diffuse nervous system of cnidarians can best be described as a:

nerve net

Nervous systems hydra

nerve network

Vibrations rock the cupula and stimulate the


The brown recluse spider venom is hemolytic, whereas the black widow spider venom is ______ in nature


Chemical transmission of signal between cells, When the action potential reaches the end of the axon,

neurotransmitters are released from the membrane

Acoelomate body plan

no body cavity

Erythrocytes (red blood cells) contain hemoglobin in mammals

no nucleus, other vertebrates have nucleated RBCs.

Class Asteroidea Excretion:

no specialized structures - diffusion across skin gills and tube feet

Order Testudines - turtles,

no temporal opening in skull (openings lost?), Body protected by shell of bone and keratin, Turtle jaw is composed of bony plates , All turtles bury their eggs in the ground, gender of young is temperature dependent

anapsid skull

no temporal opening, lead to synapsid and diapsid


non-nervous cells that support the nerve cells. Glia cells provide substances needed by the neurons. schwann cells.

Is the Portuguese Man-of-War a jelly fish?

not a jellyfish

The single, unique feature that is shared by all members of the Phylum Platyhelminthes is

not present--there is no such feature.

Spongy bone

not rigided, spaced out. respond to different forces

Superficial cleavage

occurs in Drosophila. cleaves only within the cytoplasm. is a highly unusual form of cleavage.


of hemoglobin for oxygen changes in a non-linear fashion. As hemoglobin attaches to additional O2, its affinity increases

In preecdysis (beginning of molting)

old procuticle separates from epidermis, which secretes new epicuticle.

Class Oligochaeta:

oligo = few, chaeta = long hairs , 3,000 species, mostly terrestrial and freshwater, normally small but Australian earthworm can be meters long

The tapering units that make up the compound eyes in many crustaceans are called ___________


Mammals that consume both plants and animals are called


The branches of the planarian intestine include

one anterior branch and two posterior branches.


one branch

Better respiratory system - air runs through lung in

one direction

Mollusca is ______ animal phyla

one of the largest

incomplete digestive tract

one opening serves as mouth and anus

Mammals and their closest extinct relatives are synapsids, and their skull has

one pair of openings in the temporal region.

Dermal bone in the skull - Foramen magnum

opening in the skull to attach to the spine, attaches to the spine with: atlas, axis


openings to tubes

Most marine invertebrates are ______, meaning they are incapable of regulating the osmotic pressure of their body and are in osmotic equilibrium with their environment


An organism's maintenance of internal water and salt concentrations using its own physiological methods is called


Osmotic pressure - created by


The endoskeleton of sea stars and other echinoderms is comprised predominantly of


Dermal placoid scales, made same as.

our teeth

Oligochaeta, what kind of Excretory System:

pair of nephridia per segment . fluid from previous cavity goes into the cavity behind nephrostome goes through capillary networks and waste leaves nephridiopore.

Of the 3 types that make up the tubular glands of the stomach, ________ cells secrete hydrochloric acid


Taenia solium

pork tapeworm. juveniles (cysticerci) can encyst in human muscle and nervous tissue. can cause cysts in the brain.

Which cells form the ostia (pores)?


Leeches may be

predaceous. parasitic.fluid feeders.

The principle advantage of a double circulation system is that blood _________ is not reduced to the body tissues as in a single circuit system


The suctorial ____________ of the sea spider enables it to siphon juices from cnidarians and other organisms


The difference between thecate and athecate hydroid polyp forms is the presence of a:

protective cup formed by an extension of the perisarc.

A spider's silk is composed of _______, which hardens to form a silk thread


Fleas have a unique ________ called resilin in their hind legs that allows them to jump great heights


The cuticle which covers crustacean bodies is composed of

protein. calcareous salts. chitin.

In flatworms, excretion and osmoregulation can be handled by


A ____________ is a closed excretory system typically found in acoelomates


Pseudocoelomate body plan

pseudocoelom is between the endoderm and the mesoderm. Looks like a coelom but there is no coelom. EX. nematode

The body plan of a rotifer is


Birds have a four chambered heart separating the systemic and

pulmonary circuits higher blood pressure

Insects with holometabolous development are the only type to have a(n) ______ stage


The anus of an annelid is located in the terminal portion of the body, which is called the


Posterior end of animal has a

pygidium - anusm last segment

The ________ sphincter regulates the flow of food into the intestines


Amphibians can be described as ______ because they are adapted for terrestrial existence, but their life cycle is still tied to water


Although mobile-they metamorphose into

radially symmetrical adults

Class Asteroidea Ambulacral grooves

radiating down each arm - part of water-vascular system - tube feet line ambulacral grooves - locomotion, feeding, grabbing substrate - water vascular system in central disc and extends through arms - manipulate tube feet.

The _______ is a rasping, protrusible, tongue-like organ that is found in almost all molluscs except bivalves


The radula is a ______ tongue-like organ with rows of chitinous ______

rasping; teeth

Right atrium

receives blood from body low O2 high CO2

Left atrium

receives blood from lungs high O2 low CO2

Signal path:

receptor - sensory neuron - interneuron - motor neuron - muscles

In the United States, the black widow spider is characterized by a ______ on the underside of the abdomen, while the brown recluse has a ______ on the cephalothorax

red "hourglass"; violin-shaped dorsal stripe

The coelom develops by ______ in protostomes and by ______ in many deuterostomes

schizocoely; enterocoely


sea cucumbers


sea stars


sea urchins, sand dollars, heart urchins

Sebaceous glands secrete a greasy mixture called


Primary immune response,

secondary immune response


secrete spongin

Oligochaete Mucus band

secreted by clitellum accepts eggs and sperm, fertilization is external. clitellum forms slime tube (cocoon) to deposit sperm

A metamere is the same as a(n)


Nervous systems grasshopper

segmental ganglia.

The characteristic gut movement termed __________ is the alternate constriction of smooth muscle rings of the intestine that divide and squeeze contents back and forth


In marine crustaceans, the salt composition of hemolymph is regulated by

selective adjustment of salt from urine.

distinguish between

self vs. non-self

Oligochaeta Sperm are transferred to the mates by

seminal recepticle

Highly developed brain and

sense organs

Mechanical stimuli such as touch and pressure are detected by ______ in the epidermis


The central annulus of each segment of a leech contains a row of sense organs known as


Sensory neurons transmit a signal from a

sensory receptor toward the brain,

Semilunar valves

separate the ventricles from the arteries

Are Porifera sessile or motile?


Larvae swim until they find a substrate they become ___________



sessile body plan with tentacles (oral surface) on top, attached to substrate with aboral surface.

Mechanical stimuli are detected by a sensillum, which may be a ______or hairlike structure connected to a nerve cell


In most earthworms, each segment bears pairs of ______ which anchor the body during locomotion


A scorpion's pectines or tactile organs serve what function(s)?

sex recognition, ground exploration

How do sponges reproduce?

sexually and asexually


sheets of cells that cover an internal or external surface. Categories are based on shape and layering

As zygote travels down oviduct, Albumin (egg white) and then

shell is added to it, oviparous

The ______ of early amniotes allowed those animals to fully live on land because it provided an enclosed aquatic environment, in which an embryo can develop

shelled egg

The valves, or ______, of bivalves are drawn together by adductor muscles


Because they are ineffective on soft substrates, many sand-dwelling sea stars don't have _________________on their tube feet


The scolex of a pork tapeworm has

suckers and hooks.

_________ cleavage is a specialized form of cleavage that occurs in Drosophilia where the cytoplasm will not divide until several nuclear divisions have occured



support structures cover soft tissue


support structures inside soft tissues

Organisms larger than 1mm diameter may still utilize cutaneous respiration by increasing the relative ___________ of their body

surface area

The more subdivisions the higher the

surface area for diffusion - human lung has 50 time SA of skin

Amnion -

surrounds the developing embryo

Chorion -

surrounds the other three membranes and exchanges gases with the environment

Water bugs and many beetles have paddle-shaped appendages for _______


Vibrissae are long, modified hairs in mammals that function in

tactile sensing of their physical environment.

The head, thorax and abdomen are the three ______ in Hexapoda



takes blood from atrium contraction forcefully contracts sending blood throughout the body


takes gases from the swim bladder and put it back into circulation, sink more

Class Cestoda

tapeworms, endoparasites, Scolex and proglottids, no digestive tract(microtriches on tegument to increase absoption), hooks and suckers. Latch on to upper intestine. Cannot complete life cycle without a host.

Tough outer covering:

tegument, protective layer from the host - absorb through tegument

Tactile hairs, or delicate projections of cuticle are distributed across the crustacean body and are abundant on

telson. mouthparts. chelae.

A poikilotherm is an animal whose body __________ fluctuates with environmental temperature


Oligochaeta what does the crop do?

temporarily stores food

A typical echinoid test is made of _____________

ten sets of plates, which have many movable, stiff spines

Although Dipnoi is a very small group, it is of great interest because this lineage gave rise to the.


In gastropods, during the veliger stage the relative positions of the shell, digestive tract, anus and mantle cavity all change in a process called ______


Pacinian corpuscles-


keratin and lipids produce

tough waterproof barrier

The syncytial layer of the hexactinellid sponges is called the

trabecular reticulum

Adult terrestrial insects use ______ to exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide while restricting water loss

tracheal systems

In some terrestrial invertebrates, spiracles eventually give rise to smaller branches called


The calcium binds to

troponin and troponin shifts over allowing the myosin to attach to the actin.

What structures are found within or bordering the ambulacral groove of sea stars? Select all that apply

tube feet, a radial nerve, spines

Insects have a _________ heart that moves hemolymph forward through the dorsal aorta


Foreign organic materials such as pharmaceutical drugs are removed from the body into urine by ______________

tubular secretion

Characteristics of sea daisies include

two concentric ring canals. either a velum or shallow, saclike stomach with no intestine. presence of a hydropore.

A pair of mating earthworms consists of

two hermaphrodites.

For excretory organs, most polychaetes have

two metanephridia per segment.

complete digestive tract

two openings (mouth and anus) allows for specialization

Sounds vibrate the

tympanic membrane (ear drum).

Insects may detect sound by hairlike sensilla or __________ organs that function by enclosing an airspace with a thin membrane

tympanic or tympanal

Chondrichthian fishes, Amphibians, and mammals convert the ammonia into

urea, which is non-toxic

Birds share many characteristics with reptiles

uric acid, one middle ear bone, lower jaw of multiple bones, similar early development, diapsid skull.

Reptiles, birds and many terrestrial insects convert urea to

uric acid. Uric acid is a solid and thus can be excreted with minimal water loss.

The kidney regulates internal fluid volume by producing _________


Second walking leg

used for walking


used to pump blood through system

Hirudinida Body plan:

usually 34 segments (may look like more due to superficial annuli), septa between segments lost, Sucker at both ends, Dorsoventrally flattened, No setae

Class Turbellaria

usually free-living, dorso-ventrally flattened body, Cephalization, bilateral symmetry cilia and muscular undulation

A contractile ________ is not a true excretory organs like nephridium and is found in unicellular eukaryotes and freshwater sponges



vary from simple photo sensors to image-resolving eyes with a lens for focusing

In oligochaetes, the setae

vary in shape, length, and arrangement.

An egg that has a moderate amount of yolk concentrated at the ___________ pole is a mesolecithal egg


Capillaries drain into ________________, the less elastic and generally larger diameter blood vessel


The blood vessels that returns blood to the heart are termed ______


Ontogenetic torsion occurs in the gastropod


Which layer of the Placozoa digests food?

ventral layer

Endochondral bone

when growing there is first cartilage model then replaced by bone, most human bones.


where nitrogenous waste exits

The lymphatic system also plays a role in: Immunity

white blood cells (lymphocytes) are produced in lymph nodes and macrophages protect the body from infection.


wind, hot wind, cold wind

In synchromy

with other members of the population, the epitokes separate from the atoke and swim to surface where they rupture releasing gametes.

Recruitment -

you can use more motor neurons, when you need more strength.

Egg and sperm unite to form a(n)


The first cell formed after the sperm penetrates the egg is the


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