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Variations in human skin color

Balance the danger of exposure to sunlight with the need for Vitamin D

The first Africans were introduced into colonial society as:

Indentured servants

Which city was founded first

Sante Fe, New Mexico

Slavery was founded on and maintained by


Much of the southwest became U.S. territory in _____ as a result of:

1848; the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

In US immigration law, quotas for each origin country were established in what year?


Approximately what percentage of Southern whites owned slaves?


As late as the 1920's, _________ of employed Irish-born women in the United States worked as domestics


Which intermarriage best illustrates Kennedy's concept of the "triple melting pot?"

A marriage between a Polish Jew man and a Russian Jewish woman

According to Marxism, the capitalist class in the early twentieth century controlled the racially mixed working class by:

A strategy of divide and conquer

Marx believed that conflict between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat was inevitable and that the ultimate result of this class struggle would be:

ALL OF THE ABOVE The Victory of the working class, The creation of a utopian society without exploitation, coercion, or inequality, A classless society

The movement to abolish slavery in the United States was called


The intensity, strength, and popularity of anti-black southern racism actually reached its height:

Almost 200 years after slavery began to emerge

The process of assimilation could be illustrated by:

An immigrant learning the language of her new country

Which group benefited the most from the Gold Rush of 1849


The two groups projected to increase dramatically in the United States over the next half century are:

Asian and Pacific Islanders and Hispanic Americans

In the plantation hierarchy, who had the least power

Black women

According to the preference hierarchy of immigrants, which of the following groups would have encountered the most prejudice in America?

Catholic, non-English speaking Italian immigrants

According to the text, which of the following prominent Americans espoused anti-semantic views?

Charles Lindbergh

Which of the following is thought to be an important cause of authoritarian personalities?

Childhood experiences in excessively strict home situations

Tamara comments to her partner that their neighbor, Sam, must be a "welfare cheat" because Sam receives food stamps but just purchased a new smartphone. Tamara's comment illustrates an example of

Cognitive prejudice

The Robber's Cave experiment supports that idea that prejudice can be caused by:

Conflict situations between groups

Marxism also explains a group competition and prejudice by suggesting

Elites control the means of production and also the ideas and intellectual activity in a society

____________ is the tendency to judge other groups, societies, or lifestyles by the standards of one's own culture


Which of the following is not an example of a cultural trait that may be associated with minority status?

Facial features

Many years ago, a European American storeowner in a racist town succombed to pressures from others and agreed to ban African Americans from his shop, even though he himself was not prejudiced at all. This merchant was an example of Merton's:

Fair-weather liberal

Researchers taking a "nurture" perspective argue that women and men are different because

Girls and boys are taught to act in different ways

According to Weber, a princess who was rich but "fell on hard times" and lost all of her wealth would be

High on prestige, low on class

Strong norms of patriarchy determined the appropriate work for Italian female immigrants. They tended to work:

In jobs that could be done at home and with older men in factory settings

The creation of slavery is best understood by the concept(s) of:

Institutional discrimination, power, Inequality

Which of the following are documented ways slaves could express resistance or non-cooperation to their situation and their "masters"?

Intentional carelessness, creating work slowdowns, running away, open rebellion such as the revolt led by Nat Turner

Social structure is divided into primary and secondary sectors. Primary sector; refers to:

Interpersonal relationships that are intimate and personal such as families and friendship groups

Which immigrant group was the most active in labor unions during the early 20th century?


Which of the following illustrates a limitation of human capital theory?

It assumes that society is equally open and fair to all groups.

Which of the following characteristics is not typical of ascribed status?

It can be altered through hard work and motivation

How did the Triangle Shirtwaist Company fire of 1911 affect labor relations?

It inspired the drive for improved work conditions and safety regulations

When minority groups in a society are exploited and held in a powerless status by the dominant group, which of the following stereotypes is most likely to emerge about that minority group?


Michelle is a poor African America woman. Her race, class, and gender may combine to produce a unique kind of inequality. The concept that describes this phenomenon is known as:

Matrix of domination

One difference in the situations of Mexican Americans and African Americans in the nineteenth century was that:

Mexican Americans were able to retain much more of theor culture

The idea that racism is changing form to a more subtle way of expressing negative feelings is called:

Modern racism

Some research suggests prejudice is declining in the United States. What suggests it might not be declining?

Modern racism & hate crimes

In which state did the Mexican Americans retain political power during the contact situation

New Mexico

According to the text, which term most accurately describes all societies?


Societies that have a tradition of male dominance where men have more control over the economy and leadership positions in religion, politics, and other institutions are:


Which of the following best explains "irrational" forms of prejudice?

Personality- centered theories

Which of the following is an example of Max Weber's prestige stratification system?

Physical appearance

What is the common thread among the three power/conflict models of group competition and prejudice?

Prejudice exists because someone or some group gains by it

In Milton Gordon's stages of Assimilation, what phase immediately precedes marital assimilation?

Primary structural integration

Most reported hate crimes are

Racially motivated, with blacks as a target

Rosa was an Italian woman who immigrated to the United States in 1900 with her parents and sister. Which member of Rosa's family would most likely be completely assimilated?

Rosa's great granddaughter

Which of the following people best illustrates the difference between prestige and class?

Shirley Umphlett, the African American whose parents moved to New York from Alabama in the 1920s.

Which of the following is not one of the defining characteristics of a minority group?

Small group size

Which of the following are true about the stratification in American Indian societies prior to European contact?

Some American Indian societies were highly stratified, and many practiced various forms of slavery. Some American Indian societies were patriarchal and followed a strict, gender-based division of labor, but others were more equal. In many tribes, women held positions of great responsibility, including roles in religion, politics, warfare, and the economy.

You hear someone say that "all women are bad drivers," "all Asians are smart," and "all Latinos drive low-riders." These are examples of:


A person sees a Mexican American male and assumes he is an illegal immigrant. This is an example of:


Which of the following is not an example of the effective dimension of prejudice?

Stereotyping and overgeneralizations

_________________ assimilation occurs when a minority group enters the secondary sector of the larger society and occupies the same public institutions such as churches, clubs, schools, and workplaces


Friends are to the primary sector as __________ are to the secondary sector.

Task oriented groups

Why do the majority of American Indians now live in the western two thirds of the nation?

The Indian Removal Act of 1930 required that all eastern tribes move to new lands west of the Mississippi

Which experiment illustrated the connection between group competition and prejudice?

The Robber's Cave experiment

The concept of multiculturalism includes:

The idea of mutual respect for all groups and heritages

Which form of agricultural production involves large tracts of land and a large, cheap labor force?

The plantation system

Which two factors had the most influence on the growth of slavery?

The plantation system and the dwindling supply of white indentured servants

Melting pot is a term for:

The traditional perspective on assimilation, how diverse peoples helped to construct US society, assimilation as egalitarian and benign, a process that emphasizes sharing and inclusion

Women can be viewed as a minority group because:

They are physically identifiable as different from men and they have less property, prestige and power in our society

White statement is true about female immigrants?

They played multiple roles in immigration and assimilation

How did slave owners use Christianity to brainwash slaves into accepting their status?

They stressed obedience and the rewards of the next life.

What is one similarity among the three minority groups discussed in the chapter?

They were all victims of the expansion of British power

Prejudice is to discrimination as:

Thinking is to doing

Emory Bogardus specified a total of seven degrees of social distance. Which of the following is not one of them?

To my church as fellow parishioners

You work at the local bank as a loan processor. Although you believe that whites and African Americans should be treated equally, your boss demands that you turn down any loans requested by African Americans. According to your text, you are a(n):

Unprejudiced nondiscriminator

Which of the following were false regarding slave women's experiences?

Women tended to work fewer hours than male slaves

According to the National Origins Act of 1924, what was the quota for immigrants form Africa?


The "feeling" aspect of prejudice is called the ________ dimension


All of the following are beliefs of modern racists except

an awareness that they themselves are prejudiced

Compared to separatists, minority groups who promote revolution seek to:

become the ruling elite

Which group was considered to be at the bottom of the system in the antebellum south?

black, female slaves

Concerns about undocumented immigrants, resistance to racial change, and fear about increased diversity are examples of how prejudice

can be used to defend a dominant group's position

According to Weber, a person who became rich by cleaning septic tanks would be higher on ______ but lower on ______.

class, prestige

One of the major criticisms of modern racism is it seems to:

confuse prejudice with political conservatism

According to the text, the most important factor in the creation of minority group status is the

contact situation

Ethnocentrism, competition, and differential in power are the three components of the

contact situation

The reduction in overt prejudice over the past six decades is likely due to a decline in _________ prejudice.


Human capital theorists believe that the greater investment in ______, the higher the person's chances of success.

education, personal values, and skills

The increasing interconnectedness of people, groups, organizations, and nations is referred to as


Research suggests that immigration to the United States was largely a(n) ___________ phenomenon.


Pluralism exists when:

groups remain separate, and their cultural and social differences persist over time

One reason the jigsaw method is so effective at reducing prejudice in children is

it taps into students' motives of self-interest

Our understanding of the experiences of minority groups is typically based on the voices of

minority males

In colonial America, slavery became synonymous with


instituitional discrimination helps _________ the respective positions of dominant and minority groups


The spontaneous and emotional nature of many hate crimes suggests that many involve ____ directed at minority groups


When the goal of a minority group is to server all ties with the larger society, this is called


Gender is best thought of as a(n)

social construction

Compared to the past, American prejudice today can best be descirbed as more


The revival of white ethnicity in the 1960's was primarily fueled by

the competition for resources and opportunities

According to the text, what is the single most important factor in the development of dominant-minority relations?

the contact situation

Self-fulfilling prophecy and reinforcement are key components of

the vicious cycle

Prejudice is to ______ as discrimination is to _________

thinking; behaving

Modern research suggests that genetic variation ________ traditional racial groups is greater than the variation ______ those groups

within; between

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