Final POS1041

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Which of the following is NOT a power given to the president by the Constitution?

Power to declare war against a national enemy.

The president's annual address to Congress, during which the president reports on the current condition of the country and lays out their plan for addressing the needs of the nation, is officially known as the

President's State of the Union speech

Match each of the stages of the public policy process below with its associated description. You must match all of the selections correctly to earn any points for this question.

Problem Recognition B. Identification of an issue that concerns people and leads them to call for government action Policy Formulation D. Identification of various approaches to solving the problems recognized by government Policy Adoption A. The formal selection of which policies to implement Policy Implementation E. The process of administering the policies to address the identified problems Policy Evaluation C. Assessing whether policies succeed or fail

Which of the following is a monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve?

Raising or lowering interest rates

The Supreme Court decides which cases to hear based on a process referred to as __________, and in recent years the Court hears ________ cases per year.

Rule of Four; less than 100

The three women who are currently serving on the U.S. Supreme Court are:

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan

As a result of the U.S. foreign policy of containment during the post-WW II period, the United States fought a long and costly war in


From the list of current Supreme Court justices below, select ALL of the justices who are considered conservatives.

Samuel Alito Clarence Thomas John Roberts

Within the structure of the Executive Office of the President (EOP), the function that acts as the gatekeeper to the president, managing the president's meetings and daily schedule, is the

White house chief of staff

For those who support the foreign policy perspective of realism, the most important tool for promoting or protecting the country's national interest is

a strong national military

The total (gross) national debt of the United States in FY 2017 is expected to be

about 20 trillion

When federal bureaucracies make decisions about the best way to administer laws and programs passed by Congress, they issue rules and regulations that have the force of law. This is know as the bureaucracy's

administrative authority

The role of the Senate with respect to the president's power to make treaties and to appoint the officers of the executive branch is referred to as

advice and consent

The state of Florida is part of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. If someone loses their legal case in a federal district court in Florida, then they have a right to have their case heard a second time by the 11th Circuit Court under that court's __________ jurisdiction.


During the Cold War period, the type of government and economic system of the Soviet Union that the U.S. and its allies were trying to contain was


Upon being elected, every new president will make nearly _______ appointments to leadership and advisory positions throughout the executive branch of the federal government.


The financial contribution that individuals must make to Social Security equals approximately ______ of their salary or wages.


The primary function of the executive branch and the federal bureaucracy is not to implement, administer, and enforce federal laws, but instead to write, debate, and pass those laws.


The three-tiered structure of the federal court system is represented by which of the following in the correct order of hierarchy, lowest level to highest level?

District Courts → Courts of Appeal → Supreme Court

A presidential pardon entirely eliminates a conviction for a federal crime, while presidential clemency only reduces the penalty for those convicted.


All individuals nominated by the president to be a Supreme Court justice or a federal judge MUST first be confirmed by the U.S. Senate before they are given the position.


Although the executive branch and the president are preeminent in the area of foreign and defense policymaking, one way that Congress can exert influence is through the Senate's advice and consent role on treaties and presidential appointments to key foreign policy and defense positions in the executive branch.


Federal Courts of Appeal and District Courts are considered inferior, or lower, federal courts.


Government entitlement programs are part of the mandatory expenses of the federal budget.


Inflation occurs when the demand for goods and services is greater than the available supply of goods and services.


Justices who believe they should broadly interpret the constitution and use their judicial authority to make policy are called "activist" judges.


One way to accurately describe the role of the president is as the nation's chief law enforcer.


Public policy is an act of government to address a matter of public concern, for example, pollution of the environment.


The 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals is considered to be part of the "Lower Courts" within the federal judicial structure.


The September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States in New York and Washington, D.C. were planned and carried out by the al-Qaeda terrorist network.


The executive branch of the federal government dominates the foreign policy decision making process.


If a president wants to enter into a formal international agreement with a foreign government without having to get a two-thirds majority vote of approval by the Senate, he can often do so by

Entering into an executive agreement

Identify the two key areas that domestic social policy seeks to address from the list below (check both that apply)

Income security and health care

Click on ALL of the areas below that are part of the formal organization of the federal bureaucracy. All answers must be correct to receive any points for the question.

Independent regulatory agencies Government corporations Cabinet departments Independent executive agencies

In the First Gulf War in 1991, the United States went to war against the country of ___________ in order to stop its aggression against one of its neighbors.


Foreign policy tools that are used by the United States to influence the actions of other countries include all of the following EXCEPT


The current chairperson of the Federal Reserve Board who oversees the nation's central bank is

Janet Yellen

Two constitutional qualifications that must be met in order for someone to be elected President of the United States are:

Must be at least 35 years of age Must have been born a U.S. citizen

The feeling among Americans that the U.S. should not get entangled in foreign affairs or foreign conflicts and instead focus primarily on what is happening within its own borders is referred to as


Judicial opinions are

issued after a court's decision explaining the legal reasoning that was used by the judges in making their decision

One positive benefit that possibly could result from a large annual federal budget deficit is that

it can replace some private sector spending in the economy that is reduced during periods of recession

Another way to describe the common law legal system is

judge-made law

When the Supreme Court ruled in June of 2015 that all state laws prohibiting same-sex marriage were unconstitutional, thus invalidating them and making same-sex marriage immediately legal in all 50 states, the Court was exercising its power of __________.

judicial review

A court's _________ determines the types of cases it can hear.


The outcome of U.S. Supreme Court cases is decided by a ________ vote of its members.


The current Supreme Court is called the Roberts Court because it is identified by the

sitting Chief Justice

Lowering the Fed discount rate is intended to

stimulate a slowing economy

U.S. fiscal policy is associated with the

taxing and spending policies of the government

When U.S. foreign & defense policy is formulated with the goal of doing what is considered best for the country as a whole, then it is said to be protecting or advancing

the national interest

If a country acts alone in pursuing its foreign policy objectives without consulting or cooperating with other countries, then it is said to be acting


The length of time Supreme Court justices and federal judges can serve in office after their appointments is


The military-industrial complex refers to

the powerful political force created by the shared interests of the military establishment and defense industries

An "executive order" is when

the president orders the government to implement or enforce a law in a particular way

Nearly all federal legal cases are heard for the first time by ___________ because it is the court of original jurisdiction.

A U.S. district court

In the aftermath of the September 11, 2001 attacks on U.S. territory, the United States began a war to dismantle the Al-Qaeda terrorist network operating in


The judicial branch of the U.S. federal government is established by ________ of the constitution.

Article III

Which two tiers of the federal court system were established by the Judiciary Act of 1789? Check all that apply in the list below.

Court of appeals District Courts

The largest discretionary expense in the U.S. FY 2017 federal budget is for


Match each of the following cabinet departments with its associated area of responsibility in the government. You must match all of the selections correctly to earn any credit for this question.

Department of State C. Develops and implements American foreign policy Department of Veterans Affairs A. Administers programs for assisting those who have served in the U.S. military Department of Labor D. Develops and administers programs to support the interests of workers Department of the Interior F. Manages all federally owned lands Department of the Treasury B. Manages U.S. government financial accounts and implements tax policy Department of Commerce E. Implements and administers programs designed to facilitate business development and trade

President Bill Clinton's foreign policy of enlargement during the 1990s sought to

Expand democracy and free trade principles around the world.

A federal budget surplus occurs when government outlays (spending) exceed receipts (revenue).


Article III of the Constitution establishes the executive branch of the federal government and the powers of the presidency.


If the national economy is in recession, one way for the Fed to address it would be to reduce the money supply


Since Florida is the closest American state to Cuba and has the nation's largest population of Cuban-Americans, Florida's governor, the state's chief executive, develops official U.S. foreign policy toward Cuba.


The amount of money the U.S. government spends on defense each year is no more than other powerful individual countries spend.


The difference between mandatory and discretionary spending in the federal budget is that spending on mandatory programs is optional whereas spending on discretionary programs is required by law.


The president's veto power is not usually effective because when it is used, it is almost always overridden by Congress.


U.S. foreign policy deals with how the nation can best protect itself from its foreign enemies, while defense policy involves establishing relations with foreign countries in order to best protect U.S. national interests around the world.


When a president signs an executive agreement with a foreign country it is binding on future presidents, but treaties are not.


While the First Lady is obviously an important position, it is not considered to be part of the presidential establishment.


Another way to refer to the U.S. Supreme Court is the

High Court

The radical fighters currently trying to establish an Islamic state encompassing the countries of Syria and Iraq are referred to as


If someone is below retirement age and belongs to a 4-member household with total annual income of less than $24,300 per year, then they most likely qualify for which of the following means-tested social welfare programs? Check ALL that apply.

Medicaid Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

A non-means-tested social welfare program in place today that addresses the health care needs of the elderly is known as


If the president orders American military forces to engage in a foreign conflict on May 1st, and they are still involved in the war on June 19th without having received congressional approval, is the president in violation of the War Powers act?


The largest mandatory expense in the U.S. federal budget is for

Social Security

The group of top military leaders from each branch of the armed forces is called

The Joint Chiefs of staff

In addition to the executive branch and Congress, U.S. foreign & defense policy is shaped and influenced by all of the following EXCEPT

The Judicial Branch

In the Bipolar Cold War international system that existed during the years 1947 - 1989 the two major centers of power in the world were

The U.S. and the Soviet Union

All of the following executive branch organizations are key advisors to the president in the formulation of U.S. foreign & defense policy EXCEPT

The military-industrial complex

Identify ALL of the powers listed below that are NOT SPECIFICALLY given to the president by the constitution.

The power to make laws The power to declare war

The executive branch is the most powerful branch of government in the formulation and implementation of U.S. foreign policy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

The president has the authority to declare war against foreign countries

The first step in the process of someone becoming a justice of the U.S. Supreme Court is

To be nominated by the president of the United States

The U.S. government's budget deficit is funded in large part by the sale of

U.S. Treasury bonds

The 2017 fiscal year period of the federal government

begins on October 1, 2016 and ends on September 30, 2017

The two general types of legal cases that are heard in American courts are (check both that apply from the list below)

civil criminal

The foreign policy strategy of opposing the expansion of communism during the Cold War with the Soviet Union was known as


The FY 2017 federal budget plans for a _________ of __________.

deficit; $503 billion

U.S monetary policy is associated with the

regulation of the nation's money supply and interest rates

The belief that international organizations such as the United Nations are necessary in order to promote greater international cooperation between countries and to better address world problems and avoid conflict is associated with the foreign policy perspective of

foreign policy liberalism

A written brief submitted to the Court on behalf of a third party is referred to as a(an) _________ brief, which means ___________. Select TWO answers from the list below that correctly fill in the two blanks of the question. You must get BOTH correct to earn the points for this question.

friend of the court amicus curiae

The intelligence community supports the foreign & defense policy goals of the country by

gathering and analyzing information about international activities

Vice presidents are often selected for their position on the basis of

how well they balance out the presidential ticket to improve chances of winning

If your income is below a threshold established by the government, then you may qualify to benefit from certain

means-tested programs

When a judge looks to the decisions of previous cases when deciding a current case of a similar nature, the judge is said to be relying on


"The Fed" is an abbrieviated way to refer to

the Federal Reserve System, the nation's central bank

Independent regulatory commissions, which are created to regulate a specific economic activity or public interest of great importance, are considered independent because

their members have more protection from political pressure

When presidents make appointments to the executive branch positions of the government, they usually appoint people who

they believe will be loyal to the president's policy agenda in carrying out their duties

The official spokesperson for the president's administration and the president's policies is the

white house press secretary

Someone who wants to have their case heard on appeal by the U.S. Supreme Court must first file an application asking the court to issue a _____________, which means ____________.

writ of certiorari; to call up the recors of their case from the lower court.

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