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Pamela Katian makes cloth dolls, which shes sells to friends and relatives. Her total inventory includes over 200 yards of fabric, 100 yards of ribbon, a box of eyes, stuffing 20 dolls in various stages of completing and 15 competed dolls. How many items are in Katian's work in process inventory?


For which of the following positions would the hiring organization be most likely to require someone who has high degree of emotional stability?

911 operator

Which of the following statements about employee separation is true?

All of the statements about employee separation are true

There have been several studies of managers who fail (derailers) and managers who succeed in climbing the organizational hierarchy (arrivers). Which of the following statement describes one of the facts learned from these studies?

Arrivers are sensitive to the feelings of others

Linda Stein is the manager of an ad agency. Recently her employees have shown an unwillingness to work as a team. Linda has decided to use reinforcement to encourage more team cohesiveness. What advice can you give her on how to motivate with reinforcement theory?

Don't reinforce the wrong behaviors

Which of the following statements about economic value added (EVA) is true?

EVA is the amount by which profits (after expenses) exceed the cost of capital in a given year

Management theorist ____ is best known for his role in the Hawthorne Studies

Elton Mayo

In the past, battlefield surgery was crude and often ineffective. Which of the following management theorists would have most likely have used their understanding of how work is is done to help surgeons eliminate unnecessary motions, operate more efficiently, and save more lives by closely studying how surgeries were performed?

Frank and Lilian Gilbreth

____ is a compensation system in which companies share the financial value of performance gains such as productivity, cost savings, or quality with their workers.


Which of the following questions is deemed acceptable (legal) for employers to ask applicants during the selection process?

Have you ever been convicted of a crime?

Which of the following statements about intranets is true?

Intranets are Web-based

Which of the following is one of the critical issues companies need to address in order to sustain a competitive advantage through information technology?

Is the firm's use of information technology difficult for another company to create or buy?

A U.S. Marine drill instructor motivating new recruits to challenge themselves is engaged in which management function?


Robert Rothschild Farm boosted morale and showed it gratitude to its 75 employees at its retail store by hosting its first employee appreciation week. It used the management function of ___ to boost morale.


___ was the management theorist who said "as conflict is here in this world, as we cannot avoid it, we should, I think, use it to to work for us. Instead of condemning it, we should set it to work for us."

Mary Parker Follett

Which of the following statement about informal communication in organizations is true?

None of these statements about informal communication in organizations is true

____ plans direct the behavior, efforts, and priorities of operative employees for periods ranging from one to six months.


___ involved managing the daily production of good and services

Operations management

After the makers of Wonder Bread declared bankruptcy, their objectives were to increase revenues by at least 5 percent and reduce net losses by at least 80 percent. Which management function is used to set these goals and help the company meet them?


Wainscott Finch, a Fortune 500 management consulting firm, conducts Project Management Preparatory Academies for its clients in which participants spend 70 hours learning how to create differential competitive advantage through their employees. Why?

Satisfied employees yield satisfied customers

Many orthopedic parts are almost identical in size and shape. Stryker Howmedica Osteonics in New jersey used a semi-autonomous work group to develop Product Recognition Technology that makes sure parts are identified correctly and orders are filled correctly. What happened when the team reached the storming stage of team development?

Team members began to work together, and different personalities and work styles clashed

Which of the following statements about the organic form on organization design is true?

The organic form of organization design is characterized by broadly defined jobs and responsibility; loosely defined, frequently changing roles; and decentralized authority and horizontal communication based on task knowledge

A contractor was feeling defeated because the job he was working on was so far behind schedule. As he looked at the job site, he saw one working moving bricks by carrying two at a time from where they were unloaded to where they were needed. He saw another climbing up a ladder with a few shingles, climbing back down to get more, and then repeating the process. Which management process could be used to determine how the workers could perform their tasks more efficiently?

Time and motion studies

According to Henri Fayol's fourteen principles of management, ____ requires that each employee should report to and recieve orders from just one boss.

Unity of command

The European Union (EU) bans the importation of hormone fed US beef and bioengineered corn and soybeans of safety grounds. This ban is so consumers in the EU will buy domestic beef and products from domestically produced corn and soybeans. This ban is an example of ____

a government import standard

Which of the following is an external recruiting method?


A situational analysis for a manufacturer for pet food might reveal which of the following facts _____

all of these

Due to ____, the intentional pollution of a metropolitan water supply would have greater ethical intensity than insider trading in which a few participants netted less than $10,000

all of these

The manual capture of information is ___

all of these

Which of the following is an organizational impediment to creativity in a work environment?

all of these

Which of the following is a characteristic of successful organizational cultures?

all of these (adaptability, consistency, involvement, a clear mission)

According to Mary Parker Follett _____.

all of these are true

Which of the following statements about firewalls is true?

all of these statements about firewalls is true

According to the stakeholder model, which primary stakeholder group is theoretically more important to the company?

all primary stakeholders are of equal importance

The job of the concepts managers at Starbucks is to use a cross-functional team to develop four to six new beverages annually. Starbucks uses a cross-functional team because it ____

allows the company to use employees from various departments with varying perspectives to attack the task

The ___ states that we all have the basic need to understand and explain the causes of other people's behavior

attribution theory

___ are procedures used to verify the truthfulness and accuracy of information that applicants provide about themselves and to uncover negative, job related background information not provided by applicants

background checks

To minimize the problem inherent in firing employees, managers should do which of the following?

before firing employees, managers should give them a change to improve

Which of the following is an example of a subjective performance measure?

behavioral observation scales

An increase in ____ can lead to opportunistic behavior in which one party benefits at the expense of the other

buyer dependence

Which of the following is an internal recruiting method?

career paths

Where standardization is important, it is appropriate to ____

centralize authority

Clorox Corporation controls 60 percent of the bleach market. imagine you are an entrepreneur who was considering developing and marketing a new brand of bleach. Which of Michael Porter's industry forces should you be most concerned about?

character of the rivalry

Which of the following methods for managing resistance to change should only be used as a last resort or under crisis conditions?


The term ____ refers to both the financial and non-financial rewards organizations give employees in exchange for their work


The highly fragmented chemical industry in Europe has experienced decreasing profits in an industry reluctance to change the way it conducts business, especially in how it completes against lower-priced US imports. This is an example of ____.

competitive inertia

It is appropriate to use a ____ approach to manage innovation in more certain environments during periods of incremental change, in which the goals are lower costs and incremental improvements in the performance and function of the existing technological design


The ____ approach to managing innovation assumes that innovation is a predictable process made up of a series of steps and that compressing the time it takes to complete those steps can speed up innovation.


According to Mary Parker Follett, if managers use ___ to settle of reduce conflict, each of the parties involved give up some of what they want.


Which skills increase in their importance to success as managers' rise through the managerial ranks?

conceptual skills and the motivation to manage

IN terms of leadership behavior, the term ____ refers to the extent to which a leader is friendly, approachable, supportive, and shows concern for employees


Water Reed Army Institute of Research has made a study of how important it is for military leaders to be friendly with and to show concern for their troops. It shows that a leadership behavior that is high in ___ positively influences soldiers and their ability to adapt to stressful environments


A company decided to solicit ___ from the company's best customers. From the information gathered, the company learned that it needed to modify its invoice form and that the sales staff needed to engage in more follow up

constructive feedback

What are the strategies that can be used to minimize or adapt to the political risk inherent to global business?

control, avoidance, and cooperative strategies

Specialized Bicycle Components Inc. introduced the first major production mountain bike in 1980. Since then, the company has maintained a technological leadership in the production of bike and bike accessories and an organizational culture that encourages innovation. Technological leadership, as well as its organizational culture, are the company's _____.

core capabilities

____ is communication with someone about non-job-related issues that may be affecting or interfering with the person's performance


The author of "The Science of Good and Evil" describes his meeting with the founders of Google in the book. He described them has visionary leaders, which means their primary goal for being in business is to ___

create a positive image of the future

A leading coatings and pants manufacturer established a team that resulted in a significant increase in plant availability and a decrease in plant downtime. Previously, the plant had lost considerable time daily because the assembly line had to be cleaned whenever the production schedule called for a different color, etc. to be produced. This team, which was composed of employees from several different departments, exemplifies a _____

cross-functional team

The three principles that characterize TQM are continuous improvement, teamwork, and ___

customer focus and satisfaction

Which of the following statements about data mining is true?

data mining typically uses date from a data warehouse

The data used in data mining typically come from ___ that store huge amounts of data that have been prepared for data mining analysis by being cleaned of errors and redundancy

data warehouses

A systems view of management allows managers to ____

deal with the complex environment in which their companies operate

A manager, hired to make the company profitable, made sweeping changes in the company. This manager was guilty of belittling the efforts of his managers and making them feel incompetent. In other words, he engaged in ____

destructive feedback

The ___ approach to decision-making is a method in which an individual or a subgroup is assigned the role of a critic.

devil's advocacy

_____ is a method of investment in which a company builds a new business or buys an existing business in a foreign country

direct foreign investment

Kodak is a company associated with photography. The company has recognized that digital photography is a threat to the future growth of the company's film business. Therefore, the company has decided to become a market leader in digital imaging. As Kodak tried to compete in this new innovation stream, it entered _____

discontinuous cchange

Darlene Jespersen worked in a sports bar. She was an outstanding employee, but she didn't wear makeup because she felt it "took away from her credibility" and interfered with her ability to be an effective bartender, which sometimes required her to deal with unruly, intoxicated guests. This changed when the sports bar implemented a "beverage department image transformation" program. Female employees were told they would be fired if they did not wear makeup. Jespersen contended that it was an example of ____ because male employees did not have to wear makeup.

disparate treatement

The International Gay Rodeo Association (IGRA) began in 1976. By the end of the 1980s, gay rodeos were being held in more than a dozen states, and today there are 24 chapters that have raised millions for charity. But even the IGRA is not exempt from concerns about discrimination. To avoid claims of _____, straights are allowed to participate in IGRA events.

disparate treatement

____ is a term that describes a situation in organizations when there is a variety of demographic, cultural, and personal differences among the people who work there and the customers who do business there.


In a recent meeting, San Mateo County Supervisors voted unanimously to conduct a ___, which would provide an accounting of how well the makeup of local boards and commissions reflects the racial, gender, cultural, geographic, and ethnic diversity of the county.

diversity audit

To make sure that people will disabilities have the same opportunities as everyone else, organizations can ____

do all of these

Ford Motor Company has always attracted and nurtured capable managers, but it has failed to do the same for leaders. Ford is embarking on a sweeping attempt to mass-manufacture leaders. It wants to build an army of "warrior-entrepreneurs" For's "warriors" will be expected to ____

do all of these things

The product quality characteristic of ____ is defined as the mean time before product failure


The most important factor used by a globalizing company for determining if a country or a region has an attractive business climate is ____

easy access to growing markets

Organizational silence occurs when ____

employees believe that telling managers about problems will not makes a difference

The first step managers use to make sense of their changing environments is ____

environmental scanning

As a company that manufactures janitorial cleaning supplies tries to develop more environmentally friendly products that can clean as well as its current ones, the company's manager must select among alternatives derived from oranges, parsley, lemon, or a combination of these ingredients. This is the ___ step in the rational decision-making model

evaluate each alternative

___ control is a method of gathering information about performance deficiencies before they occur


Novo Nordisk is a European manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. An employee, Rikke NedergaardBischoff, who is a clinical-development scientist, contends that Novo upholds the standards expected of public institutions without the stifling bureaucracy. She says, "there's a great deal of empowerment at Novo Nordisk" Novo Nordisk provides NedergaardBischoff with ____

feelings of intrinsic motivation

In a ____ reinforcement schedule, consequences are delivered following a specific number of behaviors

fixed ratio

Which of the following statements about productivity is true?

for companies, higher productivity can lead to lower costs

The ____ is the system of official channels that carry organizationally approved messages and information

formal communication channel

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of functional departmentalization?

functional departmentalization produces managers with broader experience and expertise

Organizations operate in two kinds of complex environments. These are _____

general and specific environments

In a multinational firm, managers at company headquarters typically prefer an emphasis on ____ because it simplifies decisions

global consistency

France has 14 million smokers. More importantly, smokers in France are closely associated with the French culture. So when the French government waged a war against smoking, it set as its ____ to reduce smoking by 30 percent by the end of the decade/


Process modification, material/product substitution and ___ are the three strategies used for waste prevention and reduction/

good housekeeping

In the ___ type of grapevine communication network one highly connected individual shares information with many other managers and workers

gossip chain

The Japanese government has proclaimed that its snow is different from that found in any other region of the world and as a result ensures that all snow skis marketed for sale in Japan must be manufactured in Japan. This is an example of a ____-

government import standard

A news article on Latin America read, "Mexico is the closest Latin America gets to the US both geographically and culturally" According to Hofstede, this means the Mexican culture ____

has a masculine orientation

The U.S Sentencing Commission Guidelines impose smaller fines on companies that ___

have already established a specific type of compliance program

According to a survey done on teaching evaluations, engineering students consider the improvement of teaching to be the most important outcome of the evaluation process. For engineering students who believe their efforts will lead to better teaching, the motivation to fill out a teaching evaluation would have a ____

high valence

After identifying the problem in the basic model of ethical decision making, the next step is to _____

identify the constituents

Diversity helps companies grow by ____

improving the quality of problem solving

US based Mckinsey & Co. the global consultancy, draws its consultants from more than 40 countries. A benefit of its global hiring is that it raises cultural sensitivity. In other words, this benefits McKinsey & Co by _____

improving the quality of problem solving

Transformational leaders that pay special attention to followers' individual needs by creating learning opportunities, accepting and tolerating individual difference, and encouraging two-way communication, and practice being a good listener describes the component of transformational leadership known as ____

individualized consideration

A table showing the order frequencies as well as the average dollar value of the orders of different segments of a catalog retailer's market would be an example of ____


Which of the following is a potential disadvantage associated with the use of work teams?

initially high employee turnover

United Fruit Company is the owner of the Chiquita brand of bananas. United Fruit emphasized how the fruit was to be picked and packed for transportation and shows no concern for the workers. United Fruit can be considered using ___ type of managing

initiating structure

Which of the following is NOT a part of the experiential approach to innovation?

initiative conversations

Organizational ____ is the successful implementation of creative ideas in organizations


An article on public libraries contained the following statement: "The Balanced Scorecard helps organize and run the library according to a specific strategic plan, while demonstrating the library's value to the community as a whole" When dealing with the ___ area of the Balanced Scorecard, the article advised librarians to ask "how can the library continue to improve and create value?"

innovation and learning perspective

The central concern of the job characteristics model (JCM) is ____

internal motivation

The first step in the service-profit chain is the establishment of ____

internal service quality

ISO 14000 ____

is a series of international standards for managing, monitoring, and minimizing an organization's harmful effect on the environment

Which of the following is a component of the specific environment that would directly influence a restaurant's day to day operation?

its regular customers

In Canada, two automobile companies have entered into a ____ to create CAMI Automotive. one firm's management runs the plane, which makes the other's cars. The agreement gives one access to the other's dealers to sell its brand of vehicles

joint venture

Which of the following is NOT a step in the management by objectives (MBO) process?

jointly develop operational plans

____ is the process of influencing others to achieve group or organizational goals


The marketing manager of Interstate Bakeries was asked to meet with the organization's research and development department to explain why the company needed to change its 25-year-old package design for Twinkies. The marketing manager took on an interpersonal role as:


A chain of specialty fashion stores has interviewed a sample of its female customers and learned that a customer can be expected to visit the store looking for new merchandise on average of every two weeks. The chain of stores was able to set this standard through ___

listening to customers

Under conditions of ____, a competitive attack by the stronger rival is more likely to produce sustained competitive advantage.

low resources similarity

The last step in effective planning is to ___.

maintain flexibility in planning

In a ____ organization, the normal procedure for dealing with any matter lying outside the boundaries of one individual's functional responsibility is to refer it to the point in the system where such responsibility is known to reside, or, failing that, to lay it before one's superior.


When higher management in a ____ organization admits there is a need for better communication, the response is to tether subordinates to their jobs and to appoint newly hired employees who specialize in establishing liaison relationships


Typical responsibilities for ___ include coordinating and linking groups, departments, and divisions within a company.

middle managers

Marriott's top managers decided that there was need for a serious effort to "put democracy back in the company" and make employees feel "involved in the success of the company". Employees asked special corporate guests to comment on the good and bad issues of their stay and also tot tell what the competition is doing that is better that Marriott. Then employees acted accordingly. Marriott adopted ___ control.


A group in Great Britain has been established to improve the employment, retention, and promotion prospects of black and other ethnic minorities as well as women in the Fire and Rescue Service, which at present has largely white, male demographic. By the ___ stage of team development, the group members will have resolved petty differences, developed friendships, and established strong group cohesiveness.


The group of medical specialists that work in the neonatal unit of a large teaching hospital has assumed that one of the ____ they should follow is to explain to students the "whys" of specific procedures as they are performed. There is not hospital rule mandating that they students be told an explanation


____ are informally agreed-on standards that regulate team behavior


In the process of capturing information, ASCII text is generated by ____

optical character recognition software

____ is the collection of activities that transform inputs into outputs that customer's value

organizational process

When susan stated work at Henderson Textile Co. she was amazed at its employees who would take 30 minute restroom breaks, leave for the day at 2pm, and generally belittle the company's management. Such employees' action most likely developed over time as a result of faulty _____

organizational structure

Modular organizations ____

outsource all but the core business activities that they can perform best

Which type of inequity occurs more frequently in theory than in practice


Which of the following is a possible outcome of planning?

planning may harm individual and organizational performance

Fear of lawsuit prevents many employers from giving totally honest recommendation to former employees. This reflects a change in the ___ component of the general environment


Users of credit and debit cards that earn the owners money or rewards towards future purchases, is an example of ____

positive reinforcement

McClellend's Learned Needs Theory identifies three needs. They are the needs for ____

power, achievement, and affiliation

According to Kohlberg's model of moral development, people at the ____ make decision that are based on selfish reason

preconventional level

In the 1960's, Coca-Cola executives in Atlanta learned there was a bottler in the Colombian jungle that was bottling pirated Coke in dumped bottles. The company recognized this unauthorized bottler as a _____.


Classifying manufacturing operations in terms of the amount of assembly that occurs after an order is received from customers is the same as classifying those operations in terms of ____


According to the ____ theory, companies go through long, simply periods of environmental stability, followed by short, complex periods of dynamic, fundamental environmental change, finishing with a return to environmental stability

punctuated equilibrium theory

Which of the following factors helps a company determine the growth potential of a foreign market?

purchasing power

Currently in the US Olympic Committee (USOC) pays Olympic athletes $25,000 for each gold medal, $15,000 for a silver medal, and $10,000 for a bronze medal. Since 1960, the Paralympics for disabled athletes has been a part of the Olympic games, yet the USOC pays disabled athletes only 10 percent of what the Olympic athletes are paid, and Paralympic athletes are not allowed to participate in opening ceremonies. Paralympic athletes are angry at being treated unfairly. These athletes view Olympic athletes as ____


Which of the following is a basic component of equity theory?


___ costs are the costs associated with implementing or monitoring control


Which of the following factors can help managers determine whether more or different control is worthwhile?

regulation costs

Which of the following is an important characteristic of a quality product


___ is the degree to which an organization's external environment has an abundance or scarcity of critical organizational resources

resource scarcity

In an attempt to stop declining profitability, ICI, a British chemical company, deleted petrochemical products from its production and concentrated on specialty chemicals, a less capital-intensive, less cyclical business. wshat type of a grand strategy was ICI using?


Marie-Helene de Taillac is a well-known European designer of understated, very delicate jewelry. Once she determined that further growth was impossible without changing how she distributed her product, she decided to open her own retail outlet to sell her products rather than letting department stores sell it. Since she made the decision without really examining how much the costs involved in implementing her decision, she has engaged in ____ behavior


Although firewalls can protect personal computers and network services connected to the corporate network, people away from their offices who interact with their company networks via the Internet face a safety risk. Which of the following technologies has proven to be a viable solution to this problem

secure sockets layer (SLL) encryption

Mike plays all kinds of competitive sports, and was excited to read that his company was sponsoring a softball team. Non-athletic Kenneth typically walks by the same bulletin board at least three times every day and has yet to see the softball notice. The fact that one saw the notice and the other did not is due to ____

selective perception

Which of the following types of teams has the authority to change their composition as well as all of their tasks and work methods?

self-designing teams

The ___ model holds that the only social responsibility that businesses have is to maximize profit


____ are a type of operational plan

single-use plans

A ___, also called a SWOT analysis for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, is an assessment of the strengths and weaknesses in an organization's internal environment and the opportunities and threats in its external environment.

situational analysis

A producer of mobile aerial work platforms rewards employees for the number of basic skills they can perform rather than for the jobs to which they are assigned. Prior to initiating this system, pay increases were based on a merit system. The merit system is still in effect; however, the new program emphasizes continued acquisition of new skills. The company uses _____

skill-based pay

When the worlds biggest manufacturer of locks looked at its employee composition, it discovered that its workers were either over 50 or under 30 because the company had done little hiring during the 1980s and 1990s. ____ was needed to get these two groups to respect each other's work abilities

social integration

In an article about BP Amoco, its CEO said that the company's commitment to ____ is all about trying to align its policies, values, and behavior with those of the societies in which it operates because, ultimately, superior performance means being in touch

social responsibility

As described by Mintzberg, a marketing manager who was hired y a manufacturer of plumbing fixtures to operate information booths would have the informational role of:


In October 2005, Cadbury Schweppes losses caused it to scale back its financial projections for the remainder of the year. These financial projections were ____ for the beverage company


Top management is responsible for developing long-term ___ that make clear how the company will serve customers and position itself against competitors in the next two to five years.

strategic plans

For companies whose main products will not be seen by consumers and whose skills lie in productivity anonymity, a ____ could be to create a brand image to create a distinctive competence.

strategic reference point

Which of the following is NOT a component of transformational leadership?

supportive influence

Top-Flite manufactures Stata golf balls and prices these balls at about three times what ordinary golf balls cost. The Stata ball sells exceptionally well because customers percieve its patented three-layer construction to improve handling and increase distance. the patent on these golf balls gives Top-Flite a _____

sustainable competitive advantage

____ is the degree to which a job is perceived to have a substantial impact on others inside or outside the organization

task significance

Bill Belichick is the coach of the New England Patriots football team. As a successful coach, he has to schedule structured practices, emphasize careful planning, and assign tasks. He also has to show the players that he genuinely cares about them as people. According to the Black and Mouton grid, Belichick's leadership style would be characterized as ____

team mangement

Ethical intensity depends in part upon ______

temporal immediacy

Which of the following paradigms for managing diversity is similar to the business growth advantage of diversity?

the access and legitimacy and paradigm

The basic control process of business begins with ____

the establishment of clear standards of performance

The three key parts of material requirement planning (MRP) are ____

the master production schedule, the bill of materials, and inventory records

Under the stakeholder model, ____ would be an example of a stakeholder group that does not engage in regular transactions with the company and is not critical to its long-term survival but can still affect public perceptions and opinions about the company's socially responsible behavior.

the media

Which of the following is a secondary stakeholder group?

the media

Companies need to excel at managing ____ in order to successfully manage innovation streams

the sources of innovation

After six months as a manager, new managers typically believe their job is:

to solve problems for subordinates

A company expressing its ongoing commitment to continuous product improvement and premium quality products is committed to ____

total quality management

With surface-level diversity, differences are immediately observable, easy to measure, and ____

typically unchangable

When a merger of South Carolina-based Springs Industries with the Brazilian textile producer Coteminas was announced, the CEO of springs was quoted as saying, "It is unclear what effect this move will have on our employees though no immediate layoffs are planned. There may be some in the future." In this state of the organizational change, _____ the CEO should use empathy and communicate specific details of the merger


The three steps in the basic process of managing organizational change outlined by Kurt Lewin are _____

unfreezing, change intervention, and refreezing

Starbucks, the operator of Starbucks coffeehouses, also markets a line of compilation CDs and other non-coffee items. The making and marketing of the CDs and other non-coffee products would be an example of ____.

unrelated diversification

To make sure that people of all racial and ethnic backgrounds have the same opportunities, companies should ____

use autonomous hiring programs

Which of the following is a category of reinforcement schedules?

variable interval

The establishment of ___ is an information procedure that encrypts Internet data at both ends of the transmission process.

virtual private networks

A mace is commonly used at a university or college convocation ceremony. The mace was originally a weapon, then became a symbol of government, and now has become the symbol of authority of the institution to grant diplomas or degrees. In terms of organizational culture, the mace is an example of a _____

visible artifact

Organizations use behavior addition, behavioral substitution, and ____ to their organizational culture.

visible artifacts

In which of the following cases would written communication be preferable to oral communication?

when messages are straightforward

Ernst & Young, an international accounting and management consulting company, entered Hungary first by establishing a joint venture with a local firm. Ernst & Young later acquired the compnay with which it had the alliance. As a result Ernst Young then had a ____ in Hungary

wholly owned affiliate

When Jack Welch, Former Chairman of General Electric, a Fortune 5 company, assumed the role of CEO, he immediately began to make drastic changes in the company's structure and product lines. He envisioned a bloated, inefficient General Electric becoming an efficient, profitable organization over time. He inspired and motivated his employees to change. Jack Welch ____

would be characterized as a leader

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