Fire Extinguisher Use
When pointing the extinguisher it should be aimed at:
A) At the base of the fire.
Which of the following is true:
A) Never go into an unknown area to fight a fire.
What three components make a fire
A) Oxygen, Heat, Fuel.
Class B fires consist of:
B) Flammable liquids, petroleum oil & paint, gas.
What does the word PASS stand for:
B) Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep.
When you dial 911 on a campus phone the call will be received at:
B) University of Kentucky Dispatcher.
What type of Extinguisher will you see on University of Kentucky property:
C) ABC Multi-purpose.
Who should use an extinguisher:
C) Those who feel comfortable and have been trained.
When extinguishing a fire which of the following is true:
D) Never allow the fire to get between you and an escape route.
To activate the Fire Alarm system a person should:
D) Pull the nearest Pull Station.