Flash Cards - COM101 Test 1

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According to the textbook, first impressions Select one: a. are based on comparisons to ourselves. b. provide accuracy in our perceptions of others. c. involve group communication among different groups. d. occur independent of the communication context

a. are based on comparisons to ourselves.

The tendency to fill in missing information to complete an otherwise incomplete figure or statement is called: Select one: a. closure b. proximity c. similarity d. verbal communication e. perception checking

a. closure

Which of the following is the least public form of communication? Select one: a. intrapersonal b. interpersonal c. group d. organizational

a. intrapersonal

Language that puts down people for being young or old is

ageist language

In reference to chronemics, polychronic people might ________, whereas monochronic people might ________.

arrive and leave late; arrive and leave on time or early

Which of the following is NOT an example of a cliché? Select one: a. "You only get out of it what you put in it." b. "Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot." c. "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer." d. "No pain, no gain."

b. "Our country is more of a banquet than a melting pot"

The word communication comes from the Latin communicare, which means Select one: a. "to speak with understanding." b. "to make common." c. "to form a community of believers." d. "to care for others."

b. "to make common."

Which of the following is the best example of how role affects perception? Select one: a. I am a Cuban American whose parents fled Havana in 1906. b. I am an honor student and president of the student body. c. I am a biracial person. d. Although few know it, I am a former Baptist.

b. I am an honor student and president of the student body.

Which statement about stereotyping is true? Select one: a. Stereotyping occurs when we have had a long time to form an informed opinion about someone. b. Some stereotypes are positive. c. Our stereotypes of people from different groups are often positive. d. We try to find similarities between ourselves and the people we stereotype.

b. Some stereotypes are positive

Which of the following statements about touch is FALSE? Select one: a. Men value touch more than women do. b. Fathers touch sons less than mothers do. c. Female students are touched more than male students. d. Female children are touched more than male children.

a. Men value touch more than women do

If Anu was unable to control his communication in a way that presented an "idealized" version of himself, he would be lacking in Select one: a. self-accrual. b. impression management. c. interaction control. d. symbolic portrayal.

b. impression management.

As he drove out of the driveway, he saw his wife waving but did not realize that she wanted him to stop to avoid running over the tricycle. He thought she was just waving good-bye. The problem in this nonverbal episode is that we Select one: a. use a variety of cues to communicate the same meaning. b. use the same cue to communicate a variety of meanings. c. have a one-to-one relationship between signal and meaning, so that one cue has one meaning. d. have many ways to say good-bye, including handshakes, hugging, and waving.

b. use the same cue to communicate a variety of meanings.

Which of the following would be the reason an individual looking at a class picture might see his or her own face first?

because it is figure and the rest of the class is ground

Which of the following statements is descriptive as opposed to evaluative? Select one: a. That test was the toughest torture I've experienced. b. The test made my hair stand on end. c. I counted twenty questions of which I was uncertain. d. I think I flunked the test because it was unfair.

c. I counted twenty questions of which I was uncertain

Which of the following best typifies the meaning of the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis? Select one: a. The thought is the father to the deed. b. If you can't say it, you can't think it. c. Your language shapes your perception. d. Your perceptions shape your language.

c. Your language shapes your perception.

Paralinguistic cues can indicate all of the following EXCEPT Select one: a. emotional states. b. personality characteristics. c. intelligence. d. physical characteristics.

c. intelligence

Public communication is commonly referred to as: Select one: a. small group communication b. interpersonal communication c. public speaking d. interpersonal communication e. mass communication

c. public speaking

Which of the following findings is true of the relationship between dress and personality? Select one: a. People who dress with comfort in mind tend to be low in self-control and introverted. b. People who dress in a decorative style tend to be unsociable and intellectual. c. People who are conformist in dress are expressive, dominant, and unrestrained in social situations. d. People who conform to current styles seek to be accepted and liked.

d. People who conform to current styles seek to be accepted and liked

Which of the following statements about language is FALSE? Select one: a. Words only have meanings that people give them. b. Words also have connotative meanings. c. The context in which a word occurs helps us determine which of the possible meanings is intended. d. The meaning of a word does not change once it is included in the dictionary.

d. The meaning of a word does not change once it is included in the dictionary.

Nonverbal codes: Select one: a. consist of symbols and their grammatical arrangement. b. are a systematic arrangement of symbols used to create meanings in the mind of another person or persons. c. are all symbols that are not words, including bodily movements, the use of space and time, and sounds other than words. d. are any interference in the encoding and decoding processes that reduces the clarity of a message. e. are the location where communication takes place.

c. are all symbols that are not words, including bodily movements, the use of space and time, and sounds other than words.

The term that refers to the arrangement of words is Select one: a. grammar. b. code. c. encoding. d. syntax.

d. syntax.

Understanding what aspects of communication will make a significant difference in your life and in the lives of people from around the world? Select one: a. historical elements b. communication habits c. traditional communication elements d. theory, research, and application e. nonverbal communication

d. theory, research, and application

Carmella and Jésus are sitting in a coffee shop having a friendly conversation. What descriptor of their communication interaction is most accurate?

dyadic communication

When a person leans forward and has a positive facial expression, he or she is exhibiting the concept of


James is at home watching a politically oriented discussion show on cable TV. One of the commentators is making arguments that are faulty, which makes James very angry. But James cannot express that to the commentator on TV. James is feeling the frustrations of which context of communication?

mass context

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