Foner Ch. 3 Quiz

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What was one of Pennsylvania's only restrictions on religious liberty?

Holding office required an oath affirming a belief in Jesus Christ, which eliminated Jews from serving.

In what ways did England reduce colonial autonomy during the 1680s?

It created the Dominion of New England, run by a royal appointee without benefit of an elected assembly.

How did the new Massachusetts charter of 1691 change that colony's government?

It made Massachusetts a royal colony rather than under the control of Puritan saints."

What was the impact of King Philip's War (1675-1676)?

Native Americans destroyed twelve Massachusetts towns, which helped establish them in the minds of New Englanders as bloodthirsty savages.

The Glorious Revolution witnessed uprisings in colonial America, including ones in:

New York and Maryland.

What historical evidence demonstrates that blacks were being held as slaves for life by the 1640s?

Property registers list white servants with the number of years they were to work, but blacks (with higher valuations) had no terms of service associated with their names.

Of colonists in British North America, which group was the wealthiest?

South Carolina rice planters

As English colonial society became more structured in the eighteenth century, what were the effects on women?

Women's work became more clearly defined as tied closely to the home.

Who in the Pennsylvania colony was eligible to vote?

a majority of the male population

Slavery developed more slowly in North America than in the English West Indies because:

the high death rate among tobacco workers made it economically unappealing to pay more for a slave likely to die within a short time.

William Penn obtained the land for his Pennsylvania colony because:

the king wanted to cancel his debt to the Penn family and bolster the English presence in North America.

Bacon's Rebellion contributed to which of the following in Virginia?

the replacing of indentured servants with African slaves on Virginia's plantations

Unlike slavery in America, slavery in Africa:

was more likely to be based in the household than on an agricultural plantation.

Captain Jacob Leisler, the head of the rebel militia that took control of New York in 1689,:

was overthrown and killed in so grisly a manner that the rivalry between his friends and foes polarized New York politics for years.

Indians in eighteenth-century British America:

were well integrated into the British imperial system.

Which of the following best sums up population diversity in colonial British America?

Great Britain originally promoted emigration to the colonies as a means of ridding itself of excess population but cut back in the eighteenth century, opening the colonies to a more diverse group of settlers.

How did English rule affect the Iroquois Confederacy?

After a series of complex negotiations, both groups aided each other's imperial ambitions.

Which man was once a slave, only to be freed and own slaves himself?

Anthony Johnson

Which of the following was true of agriculture in the colonies during the eighteenth century?

Because New York's landlords had taken over so much land, agriculture grew more slowly in New York than in other colonies.

The first English Navigation Act, adopted during the rule of Oliver Cromwell:

aimed to wrest control of world trade from the Dutch.

Elizabeth Sprigs, an indentured servant in Maryland, found her experience to be:

extremely harsh, barely better than that of a slave's.

Spain's Las Siete Partidas, a series of laws touching on slavery:

gave slaves some opportunities to claim rights under the law in Spain's American empire.

Ideas of race and racism in seventeenth-century England:

had not fully developed as modern concepts

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