Food and nutrition

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Describe the steps of how antidiuretic hormone (ADH) functions to maintain fluid homeostasis in the body. Be sure to explain how ADH hormone affects blood volume when the brain increases vs decreases ADH excretion

For antidiuretic hormone (ADH) functions to maintain fluid homeostasis in the body by the pituitary gland secreting the high amount of ADH, which makes the blood volume higher, and the pituitary gland then secrets a low amount of ADH, which makes the blood volume lower. It produces different amounts so that the body can stay at homeostasis. When the blood volume is higher, the pituitary gland tells the kidney to hold the water, and when the blood volume is lower the kidneys flush the water out.

Explain the difference between a nutrient dense and a calorie dense food. Give an example of a calorie dense combination food (ie pizza tacos, casserole ect), explain what makes it calorie dense, AND give 3 suggestions for ways to increase the nutrient density in that combination food.

A food is considered nutrient dense when it provides a large amount of nutrients a for a relatively small amount of calories compared to other foods. A food is considered calorie dense when it is high in calories and low in nutritional value. An example of a calorie dense food is a cheeseburger. It is calorie dense because of the cheese, choice of bread, the meat you choose, and most importantly if you made it from home or if it was bought from a fast food restaurant. Three ways to increase the nutrient density would to make it at home, eat a turkey burger, to avoid fats and oils, use low-fat cheese, and use a whole wheat bun to reduce sugars and calorie intake, or if you prefer a regular white bread bun, you could eat only half the bun to reduce carbohydrates and sugars. PASTA is a BETTER EXAMPLE

What is a limiting amino acid?

A limiting amino acid is a type of amino acid that is in lowest concentration in food or diet relative to body needs. It is also the amino acid that your body runs out of the fastest which as a result, your body cannot produce a specific amount of proteins.

Briefly explain why a person with true celiac disease who does not follow a gluten free diet will likely be underweight and why do they often gain weight after omitting gluten from their diet?

A person with true celiac disease who does not follow a gluten free diet will likely be underweight because the villi and the microvilli that line the outside of the small intestine will become shorter/flattened and unable to absorb nutrients that the body needs which as a result, the person will become malnourished and underweight. They often gain weight after omitting gluten from their diet because they have given the villi and microvilli that line their small intestine time to heal and recover, or "grow," which allows them to absorb nutrients better, and as a result, gain weight. Absorbing the nutrients helps them grow and become stronger and healthier.

A small bowl of Panera's Mac and Cheese contains 36 grams carbohydrate, 30 grams fat, and 17 grams protein. Calculate the percentage of calories derived from each macronutrient. Show your work for full and partial credit.

Carbohydrate- 36 x 4 = 144 144/ 482 = 0.2987 x 100 = 29.9% Fat- 30 x 9 = 270 270 / 482 = 0.5601 x 100 = 56% Protein- 17 x 4 = 68 68 / 482 = 0.1410 x 100 = 14.1% Carbohydrates = 29.9% Fats= 56% Protein= 14.1%

John weighed 89 kg before going for a 10 mile run on a 90 degree day. When John finished his run, he weighed 87.6kg. How much fluid (in ounces) should John drink to replace is losses? Show your work for full credit.

John should drink between 48-72 ounces to replace the amount of fluid lost while running. 89 kg x 2.2= 195.9 lbs 87.6 kg x 2.2= 192.71 lbs 195.8 - 192.71= 3.1 lbs 3.1 x 2= 6 cups 3.1 x 3= 9 cups 6 x 8= 48 oz 9 x 8 = 72 oz

Explain how lactose intolerance is different from a milk allergy. Include typical symptoms for each and diet management for intolerance vs allergy.

Lactose intolerance is different from a milk allergy by those who are lactose intolerant are missing the enzyme lactase. Lactase is the enzyme that breaks down lactose, which is a sugar found in milk and dairy products. It is because of this, that people that are lactose intolerant cannot digest these foods. Symptoms for those that are lactose intolerance include nausea, cramps, gas, bloating and diarrhea, and may be extremely uncomfortable but are ultimately not life threating like a milk allergy. Symptoms for a milk allergy include rashes, hives, itching, swelling, severe trouble breathing, wheezing, loss of consciousness, etc. and can be life threatening. These symptoms are triggered by the proteins in the cow's milk when they bind with the persons IgE antibodies in their immune system. Some children may outgrow this, and for some this will be a lifelong issue. The diet of those that are lactose intolerant includes finding food substitutes that are lactose free and don't have any milk products in them. While the diet for those who have a milk allergy should avoid milk products altogether and should not have anything with milk.

Why is meeting the need for essential amino acids a potential concern when following a strict a vegan diet?

Meeting the needs for essential amino acids is a potential concern when following a strict vegan diet because when you are a vegan you do not consume any animal products or animal derivatives which as a result you lack the 9 essential amino acids that those products provide.

A friend posts on social media that they are about to start a 10-day juice cleanse that promises "miracle weight loss." Using what you have learned about fad diets and extreme calorie restriction, provide an evidence-based platform for whether your friend should or should not attempt this cleanse.

My friend should not attempt this cleanse for multiple reasons. The first being you are restricting calories by only consuming the juices for a long period of time. This is also considered a fad diet because it is promises fast results that are not sustainable. Lastly, doing this juice cleanse will be extremely hard on your liver and kidney and it will allow you to miss most, if not all, of your macronutrients and micronutrients.

Are protein supplements always inappropriate? In what state of health might protein supplements benefit nutritional status?

No, protein supplements are not always inappropriate because some people need them for digestive purposes. Protein supplements might benefit nutritional status when someone is in a catabolic nutritional state.

Briefly explain how the benefits of organic foods are sometimes misrepresented in media, marketing, and social media. For what reason should a person consume organic foods? What is the benefit (if any) to consuming organic foods, and what is the nutritional benefit (if any) in consuming organic foods? Use only EVIDENCE BASED information in your answers. This is not an opinion question.

Results of the benefits of organic foods are sometimes misrepresented in media, marketing and social media by saying the foods are better for you nutritionally but it really is more just personal preference rather than good versus bad. A person should consume organic foods for personal preference or if they prefer foods that have less pesticides used. There is no major nutritional benefit other than the fact that less pesticides are used so they are more natural and can be perceived as better.

What adjustments should a person following a vegan diet make to their food choices to compensate for limiting amino acids in their eating pattern? Provide some examples of how this can be achieved.

Some adjustments a person following a vegan diet should make to their food choices is to add complimentary proteins to their diet. Some examples of how this could be achieved is by eating beans, rice, or salads with nuts.

Which body organs are involved in the regulation of body water?

The body organs that are involved in the regulation of body water are large intestine, kidney, and brain.

What will happen to the cells that line the small intestine as a result of starvation or undernutrition? Why does this occur? (hint: it has to do with the absorptive ability of that organ)

The cells that line the small intestine would shrink. The microvilli and villi rapidly shrink due to nutrient deficiencies, as a result of starvation.

If the human body cannot digest insoluble fibers like cellulose, hemicellulose, lignans, and pectin what is the health benefit to consuming these types of foods?

The health benefit to consuming these types of foods are to help control blood sugar. They take longer to digest but they aim to help control the blood sugar levels as the food is being digested and the fibers also keep you fuller longer while consuming less calories.

Explain the hormonal response from the pancreas in the fed AND unfed states. Explanations should describe the hormone released in each state and the impact to blood sugar levels rising after consuming glucose fuel from a meal.

The hormonal response from the pancreas in the fed state is after you have just eaten a meal, your blood sugar is high, your insulin levels are high, and your glycogen levels are low. In the unfed state you are hungry and have not ate recently, your blood sugar is low, your insulin levels are low, and your glucagon levels are high.

How might the ingredients of reduced fat cookies differ from the "regular" version? Why do manufactures make this adjustment to their recipes?

The ingredients of reduced fat cookies might differ from the "regular" version because when they take out one ingredient, they must replace it with something else, for example, salt or sugar. They do this to maintain the flavor and overall taste of the original recipe.

What organ(s) are involved in regulating blood glucose (blood sugar

The organs that are involved in regulating blood glucose (blood sugar) are the pancreas and the liver. The liver functions to store nutrient metabolism. While the pancreas functions to secrete specific hormones in response to high or low blood sugar levels.

How does the participation in the digestion and absorption process differ in organs of the GI tract compared to the accessory organs of the GI tract?

The participation in the digestion and absorption process differ in organs of the GI tract compared to the accessory organs of the GI tract by the GI tract processes and allows both food and nutrients to go through, while the accessory organs will never have food be processed/absorbed through them, and only nutrients will be absorbed here.

Explain how the percent of calories consumed from fat in the typical American diet compares to the Dietary Guideline's recommendation for fat intake?

The percent of calories consumed from fat in the typical American diet is much higher compared to the Dietary Guideline's recommendation for fat intake. The recommendation is 10% of total calories and we consume far more fats in comparison to this recommendation.

What populations are at increased risk for dehydration? WHY are they at increased risk?

The populations at in increased risk for dehydration are infants, because they are unable to communicate that they need fluids. The elderly because they consciously don't drink as much because of mobility issues. Athletes are also at an increased risk for dehydration because they are unable to replace what they are perspiring.

What are the potential risks for consuming amino acid supplements as recommended by main-stream media?

The potential risks for consuming amino acid supplements are it can overwhelm absorptive mechanisms in small intestine, excess amino acids can cause toxicity. Methionine, cysteine, and histidine are the most likely to cause toxicity.

What is the reason for weight loss in a person who does not have true celiac disease but follows a gluten free diet?

The reason for weight loss in a person who does not have true celiac disease but follows a gluten free diet is mindful eating. While following the gluten free diet, the individual is eating more fruits and vegetables, healthier foods, less fast foods, looking at nutrition labels more often and overall being more mindful of the foods they are eating and their portion sizes. It is because of this that they are able to lose some weight. But it is important to note that this diet is extremely hard to maintain and keep the weight off because of the amount of foods you must cut out of your diet. It is also important to note that just because something is gluten free, that does not make it healthier. Some gluten free foods are higher in fats and calories to compensate for the other missing components, like gluten. Ultimately, the main reason for weight loss for a person who does not have true celiac disease but follows a gluten free diet is mindfulness.

What is it about the structure of the small intestine that allows this organ to have better absorption of nutrients compared to the other organs of the gastrointestinal tract?

The small intestine has structures on the outside surface wall called villi but are on the inside of the GI tract. The villi function to aid in digestion and absorption of food. The villi work alongside the small intestines enzymes which is why this organ is so successful in absorption of nutrients.

Which type of lipid is considered more desirable for health and WHY?

The type of lipid that is considered more desirable for health is a monosaturated fat or polyunsaturated fat. These are more desirable because they are known as the "good fats" and help in regulating cholesterol. They help increase the HDL cholesterol levels while lowering the LDL cholesterol levels.

Briefly explain why the use of amino acid supplements for most athletes is unnecessary. If this is true, what is the best way for most athletes to meet their protein needs?

The use of amino acid supplements for most athletes is unnecessary because athletes consume enough amino acids from their daily intake of food and meals. Therefore, the best way to consume their protein needs is by the food they eat.

You read the nutrition label for cashew milk and note that there is saturated fat, but no cholesterol, listed on the nutrition label. Briefly explain why there is no cholesterol in this food?

There is no cholesterol in this food because the cashew milk is an alternative to cow's milk. This alternative is plant based which means it contains no cholesterol. Cholesterol is what causes the clogging of arteries or heart diseases which is why cashew milk is a healthier alternative to cow's milk.

If cholesterol is necessary for biological functions in the body, why is there no need to consume cholesterol from foods in the diet?

There is no need to consume cholesterol from foods in the diet because the liver produces enough cholesterol for our body on its known, and there is no need for any outside sources of cholesterol.

Why is thirst a poor indicator of hydration status?

Thirst is considered a poor indicator of hydration because when you are thirsty, you are already 1% to 2% dehydrated so you are behind on hydration.

List three sources of water or fluid in a typical day's intake

Three sources of water or fluid in a typical day's intake are fruits, vegetables, and pop.

Explain the molecular, nutritional, and food source differences between unsaturated fat, saturated fat, and trans-fat.

Trans-fat has two or more carbon double bonds. Foods that are high in trans-fat are soybean and corn oil. Saturated fatty acids lack double bonds between the individual carbon atoms. Foods that saturated fats are found in are coconut oil and butter. Unsaturated fats have at least one double bond in the fatty acid chain. Foods that unsaturated fats are found in are olive oil and canola oil. In conclusion, the nutritional differences are that saturated fats are higher in protein, trans-fats are higher in sugars, and unsaturated fats are higher in sodium.

Briefly explain what you should expect from a nutrition professional. How is this different than the type of information that is often disseminated from non-nutrition professionals?

When meeting with an expert nutrition professional you should expect to be asked questions about your medical history, lifestyle, and current eating habits. Also, a about dietary plan that is tailored to your specific needs. They will also do this while consulting with your primary health care provider and making sure to include family members in the dietary plans. This information is different than the type of information that is often disseminated from non-nutrition professionals because nutrition professionals have data and evidence to back up their plans and specific ways to carry it out and make it successful and multiple different approaches, whereas non nutrition professionals have very little background information or evidence to come up with successful plans and diets for each specific individual.

List the accessory organs of the gastrointestinal tract

liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

List all of the organs of thegastrointestinal tract

mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum and anus.

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