Food science quiz #2 (nutritionism)

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What should we have more of and why?

Minimally processed foods because they make the population healthier. ex. whole grains/ vegetables/ fiber/ fish

Why is nutrition science so flawed?

1. Inaccurate methodology= asking people to remember their meals 2. Self- reporting bias= people responding in ways they think the researcher wants them to 3. Cofounding variables= Unclear what is leading to a change when multiple variables are adjusted at once

Benefits of composting?

1. Reduces inputs to the waste stream= food scraps and garden waste make up 28% of what we throw away annually 2. Cuts methane emissions from landfills= we get clean compost when organic matter decomposes naturally with oxygen and microorganisms 3. Improves soil health= good compost has large quantities of 3 primary nutrients, which are NITROGEN, PHOSPHORUS, and POTASSIUM 4. Conserves water= agriculture is a large consumer of water in the US (80% of the rations are water) and compost and other organic matter help retain water in soil.

What are the four types of food processing?

1. Unprocessed/ minimally processed= natural edible parts of plants and animals 2. Processed culinary ingredients= food ingredients derived from minimally processed foods 3. Processed foods= added salts, sugars, and fats 4. Ultra- processed foods= lots of added salts, sugars, fats, artificial flavors and colors, and chemicals

What is composting?

Composting is a controlled process that converts organic materials into nutrient rich soil, which enhances soil and plant health.

What is the "Western Diet"

High consumption of ultra-processed foods, prepackaged foods, artificial flavors, and refined grains. And low consumption of whole foods, vegetables, fruits, and fiber.

What has the "Western Diet" led to?

The "Western Diet" has led to increased chronic diseases which are obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

What is meant by the term nutritionism?

This is an ideology which says the most important part of food are the individual molecules

What should we have less of and why?

Ultra- processed foods because they make the population unhealthier. ex. cereals/ packaged chips/ sodas/ deli meat

Why do we care about food processing?

We care about food processing because 60% of the food Americans eat are ultra-processed and create an unhealthy lifestyle, which leads to increased chances of chronic diseases.

Why should we compost?

We should compost because the scraps we throw away have a lot of nutrients in them came from soil.. so, we should put them back into the soil

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