foto 1140 final exam review

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The aperture value (f/stop), shutter speed and ISO make up the extension triangle because those 3 things need to be balanced in order have proper exposure.


The shadows are on the right side of the histogram. The highlights are on the left side of the histogram.


These images are a good example of freezing motion with fast shutter speeds.


This image was probably shot at f/22 or the mountain icon.


This is a good example of panning. (a photo of a moving, blurred train in front of an unmoving clock tower)


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/250 @ f/5.6 = 1/500 @ f/22.


What does the acronym ISO stand for?

International Organization for Standardization

When shooting for maximum depth of field where everything is in focus, use the mountain icon or f/22 as a general rule. This image represents that idea since everything is in focus from up close to as far as you can see.


When shooting for shallow depth of field where one thing is in focus and everything else is blurry, use the portrait icon or a small f/stop # like f/1.4, f/1.2, f/2, f/2.8, etc. as a general rule.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/1000 @ f/2.8 = 1/500 @ f/4.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/1000 @ f/2.8 = 1/8 @ f/32.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/2000 @ f/2 = 1/1000 @ f/2.8.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/2000 @ f/2 = 1/30 @ f/16.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/250 @ f/5.6 = 1/500 @ f/4.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/30 @ f/16 = 1/500 @ f/4.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/60 @ f/2.8 = 1/125 @ f/2.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/60 @ f/4 = 1/125@ f/2.8.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/60 @ f/4 = 1/125@ f/22.


When solving for equivalent exposures, 1/60 @ f/4 = 1/60 @ f/4.


You need fast shutter speeds to freeze motion like people competing in sports, running from bulls, etc. Usually, 1/500 or faster, will freeze most human motion. Usually you need 1/1000 or faster to freeze man made machine action.


Zoom lenses are described with a range of focal lengths like 70-200mm, or 24-70mm or 16-35mm, etc.


What side of the f/stop scale would allow only one flower, in a field of flowers, to be in focus?

the f/2.8 side

1/125 @ f/4 = 1/60 @ f/4


Both images below are good examples of slow shutter speeds to emphasize motion.


Compression is a means of reducing the size of a digital image file in order to reduce storage requirements or transmission time across a network. "Lossless" compression permanently eliminate some information to obtain highly compressed,very small files. "Lossy" compression compresses images without losing any information in the file.


DOF - acronym for Development over Fast Shutters.


Diffused light is light shining directly on the subject and producing strong highlights and deep shadows.


Direct light is light that has been scattered by reflection or by passing through a translucent material. An even, often shadowless, light.


FIll light is a light source or reflector used to lighten highlight areas so that contrast is decreased.


High ISO numbers like 1600 or 3200 or higher allow our cameras to be less sensitive to light (when compared to ISO 100) so we can shoot in low light situations.


In order to achieve shallow depth of field (everything in focus) in your picture set your camera to f/22 or the mountain icon.


Matte finish tends to be very reflective on photo products.


Opening up the f/stop means you are letting in 1/2 the amount of light.


Shutter Priority mode is indicated by AV or A on your mode dial (depending on the camera brand).


Solve the equivalent exposure problem: 1/15 @ f/22 = 1/30 @ f/?


The ISO should you choose for inside/low light photography is 100 or 200 (whatever is your camera's lowest ISO settings).


Grayscale, RGB, and CMYK are all modes of color.


ISO (100, 200, 400, and so on) describes a sensor's sensitivity to light.


Write the shutter speed scale in one stop increments from 1 second to 1/1000.

1 sec, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/15, 1/30, 1/60, 1/125, 1/500, 1/1000

Listed below is the shutter speed scale. Which shutter speed is missing? 1 1/2 1/4 1/8 _____ 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000


If your goal is to have the waterfall blurry from movement but have everything that is not moving razor sharp you should mount your camera on a tripod (or some other steady surface) take a meter reading keeping your shutter speed around ______ or choose the slow/sync flash icon.


An ISO of 25 is two stops slower than an ISO of __.


An ISO of 400 is two stops more sensitive to light than an ISO of __.


Write the ISO scale in one stop increments from ISO 50 to 12,800.

50, 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200, 6400, 12800

An ISO of 200 is two stops slower than ISO of __.


1/1000 @ f/5.6 = 1/500 @ f/8


1sec 1/2 1/4 1/8 1/15 1/30 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/500 1/1000


A bleed mount means to mount a print so there is no border between the edges of the print and the edges of the mounting surface.


A full frame camera has a sensor that is 24mm x 36mm.


A guide number is a number rating for a flash unit that can be used to calculate the correct aperture for a particular ISO speed and flash to subject distance. Basically, this is a rating telling you how powerful your flash is.


A reflector can be any surface - a ceiling, a card, an umbrella, a white wall, for example - used to bounce light onto a subject.


Automatic flash is an electronic flash unit that uses its light-sensitive cell or the camera's to determine the duration of the flash for normal exposure by measuring the light reflected back from the subject.


Available light is light that already exists (as opposed to being added by the photographer) where a photograph is to be made.


Bit Depth is the number of bits used to represent each pixel in an image, determining the number of possible divisions or steps of color and tone between black and white.


Bounce light is indirect light produced by pointing the light source at a ceiling or other surface to reflect the light back toward the subject. Softer and less harsh than direct light.


Camera Raw is one of several proprietary file formats that preserves all the data from a digital camera picture with no after-capture interpretation (in the camera).


Chances are this photo below was shot around ¼ of a second to show the motion. The technique used is called controlled blur (motion control) which enables the photographer to create a contrast between moving objects and stationary ones. This is another good motion control technique that enhances subject motion. Typically, a tripod (or some other stable surface is needed) for the slow shutter speeds required.


Color Management is a means of coordinating the color output of various devices so the colors you see on a monitor, for example, will be the ones that will appear when you print the image.


Color Space is a system for defining specific colors, for example RGB or CMYK. It also refers to a predefined gamut, for example, sRGB, Adobe RGB (1998), or ProPhoto.


DPI means dots per inch; a measure of the resolution of a photomechanical halftone or the resolution capacity of a digital printer.


DSLR cameras will achieve DOF like traditional cameras but the concept of depth of field does not work (like traditional photograph) with point and shoot cameras (because the sensors are so small). In order to achieve very shallow depth of field (aside from selecting an f/stop like f/2.8 or the flower icon) move you and your camera back and zoom in on the subject.


Depth of Field is the range of acceptable focus.


Depth of field is governed by three factors: aperture, lens focal length and shooting distance.


Digital noise is typically found in the shadow areas of an image or/and in the blue channel of an image.


Flash is a short burst of light emitted by an electronic flash unit or strobe to illuminate the scene being photographed and a flash can also be defined as the equipment used to produce this light.


Generally speaking, the focal lengths 24mm to 35mm represents wide-angle lenses.


If you shoot a black wall and trust the meter, the camera will expose it to be grey wall. The meter is fooled. It improperly overexposes the black wall to make it grey. Use your exposure compensation to underexpose by two stops (-2), which will make the wall appear black, as it should be.


If you shoot a white wall and trust the meter, the camera will expose it to be grey wall. The meter is fooled. It improperly underexposes the white wall to make it grey. Use your exposure compensation to overexpose by two stops (+2), which will make the wall appear white, as it should be.


In order to freeze a fast moving subject, set your shutter speed to 1/1000 (or higher) or choose the running man icon.


In photography, shutter lag is the delay between triggering the shutter and when the photograph is actually recorded which is common in less expensive point and shoot cameras but is never a problem with DSLR or MILCs.


Inkjet is a digital printer that sprays microscopic droplets of ink onto a receptive surface to create the appearance of a continuous-tone photograph.


JPEG captures 8 bit depth images that equals 256 colors per pixel per each RGB color channel.


Key light is the primary source of illumination, casting the dominant shadows. Sometimes called the main light.


Midtone is an area of medium brightness, neither a very dark shadow nor a very bright highlight.


Most of today s point and shoot digital cameras have some type of close-up capabilities already built in. The macro mode is usually accessed via a button labeled with the stylized tulip or through the menu listings. Once the macro mode is selected the camera is enabled to shoot at very close focusing distances.


Panning is a technique where you use a slow shutter speed and follow the subject and the subject comes out sharp and the background goes blurry showing motion.


Proof is a test print made for the purpose of evaluating density, contrast, color balance, subject composition, and the like.


Rear curtain sync allows you to combine flash with a slow shutter speed to get something frozen and blurry in the same shot.


Rule of 3rds is a visual recipe for success that is great for beginners. Place your main subject in the intersection of the "imaginary" vertical and horizontal lines which helps break the habit of centering your images habitually.


Shallow Depth of Field is when the subject is the only thing in focus but the background is very out of focus.


Stop - A step up or down in the exposure. for example: 1/125 is one stop more light than 1/250 for example: f11 is one stop more light than f/16


TTL metering is through the lens light metering.


The aperture value (f/stop), shutter speed and ISO make up the exposure triangle because those 3 things need to be balanced in order have proper exposure.


The aspect ratio is the ratio of width to height, a measure of the shape of a rectangle. A camera that uses a sensor with 1 1/2 time the pixels measured horizontally as vertically has a 3:2 aspect ratio.


The camera's meter averages everything to middle grey or 18% grey, which works well for average scenes. But for tricky scenes the meter can be fooled.


The f/stop or aperture adjusts from larger (letting more light pass from the lens to the light-sensitive surface) to smaller (letting less light pass). This is a general statement but remember a low f/stop # like f/2.8 has a large aperture (large opening in the lens like the pupil in your eye) and a high f/stop # like f/22 has a small aperture (small opening in the lens like the pupil in your eye).


The rule of thumb, is if you are not using a tripod, your shutter speed needs to be no less than the focal length of your lens. So, a 200mm lens would need no less than 1/250 to handhold (unless you use a tripod or have Vibration reduction or Image Stabilization).


The scales below represent the standard full stop scale that we will start with. Shutter speeds actually go up to 1/10,000 of a second and can be many seconds, minutes and even hours long. F/stops can go down to f/256 on large view cameras but again...this is the basic full stop scale. Your camera may show you 1/2 or 1/3 stops which are the numbers between these full stops. Shutter Speed Scale: 1/1000 1/500 1/250 1/125 1/60 1/30 1/15 1/8 1/4 1/2 1 sec Aperture or F/stop Scale: f/1.4 f/2 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 f/11 f/16 f/22 f/32


The shutter is a mechanism that stays closed most of time. It is only open for a precisely measured amount of time, usually measured in fractions of a second.


These three things control DOF: Aperture, Focal length, and camera to subject distance.


This histogram is reasonably appropriate for this image. (a black and white image with mostly white; a histogram that is high on the right side)


This image is an example of RGB colors overlapping to make white light.


This is the f/stop scale in full stops from f/1.4 to f/32.


This is the shutter speed scale in full stops. (1/1000, 1/500, 1/250, 1/60, 1/30, 1/15, 1/8, 1/4, 1/2, 1)


Vibration reduction or Image Stabilization is a feature that helps eliminate unwanted camera movement when shooting at slow shutter speeds. Not all cameras or lenses have this feature.


When shooting for maximum depth of field where everything is in focus, use the mountain icon or f/22 as a general rule.


Listed below is the f/stop scale. Identify the missing f/stop: f/1.4 f/2 f/2.8 f/4 f/5.6 f/8 _____ f/16 f/22


Write the f/stop scale in one stop increments from f/2 to f/22.

f/2, f/2.8, f/4, f/5.6, f/8, f/11, f/16, f/22

In order to achieve the shallowest depth of field (only one thing in focus) in your picture, set your camera to around ________ or the flower icon or portrait icon.


In order to achieve maximum depth of field (everything in focus) in your picture set your camera to __________ or the mountain icon.


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