Foundations of Nursing APA Quiz

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How do I format the title page?

The title page should consist of the running head, page number, title, author information, institution information (in that order).

Each source listed in the Reference list must be cited in text.


For direct quotes, in-text citations should include the last name of the author, the year of publication, and the page number of the quote.


I should create a block quote when my quotation is 40 or more words in length.


If an entry in a Reference list is longer than one line, second and all subsequent lines need to be indented half an inch.


In APA style, separate title page is required for a research paper or an essay.


Which of the following is the correct APA Reference list entry?

Reese, G. (2000). Database Programming with JDBC and Java. Beijing: O'Reilly Media.

In APA style, personal communications (email, memos, letters)

...are not included in the Reference list. ...need to include the author's initials as well as the surname and the exact date of communication.

What should I include in the running head?

An abbreviated form of the title

Page numbers are placed in the header on all pages of the manuscript flush to the right. What other information goes in the header (flush to the left)?

An abbreviated title in all caps

What would an APA in-text citation include in parentheses when the source is quoted directly and the author's name is not mentioned in the text?

Author, followed by year of publication, and page number preceded by p.: (Doe, 2007, p. 25)

How are entries ordered in a Reference list?

By author's last name first, then date of publication, then title.

How do I format block quotations?

Don't use quotation marks. Indent one-half inch from the left margin, double space the quotation, and include the citation at the end.

In the reference list, the order of my sources is not important.


The reference page should list all the sources I read, not just the sources cited directly in the paper.


Which of the following is cited in APA style?

H. M. Dietel and P. J. Dietel (1999) define pointers as "variables that contain as their values addresses of other variables"

What should I include for the in-text citation if my quotation has no page number?

Include the author's last name, the year, and the paragraph number where you found the quotation.

When should et al. be used in APA style?

It should be for the first and all subsequent citations when the work has more than 6 authors.

What would an in-text citation include when the author of a source is unknown?

It would include the first few words of the Reference list entry of that work and the year. It would only include the word anonymous if the work's author is stated as anonymous.

What is a running head in APA style?

It's an abbreviated form of the title that is printed at the top of the pages of manuscript that is up to 50 characters long, including letters, punctuation, and spaces between words. It is capitalized and included at the top of each page, including the title page.

What is the abstract?

The abstract is a 150-250 word summary of your paper, including your thesis and main points. It should be as brief as possible.

How do I format the reference page?

The first line of each source should be flush against the left side, while the second line (if any) should be indented one-half inch. Every line of the reference page should be double spaced.

There is a strict system for formatting headings and subheadings that I must adhere to in my paper.


In APA style, the first name of the author in a Reference list:

is not spelled out.

In APA style, a long quotation which is more than 40 words long needs...

to be double-spaced, indented half an inch, and not enclosed in quotation marks.

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