France, Germany, The Benelux Countries, And Switzerland and Austria

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What do the French sometimes call their country?

"The Hexagon" because if you smooth out the country's borders it has six sides.

Fill in the Blank: _______ materials are shipped to _________ from other parts of France.

1. Raw 2. Paris

What percent was France's unemployment rate in 2003?

10 percent

How long was the wall of Berlin?

103 miles

How high does the tallest mountain in the Alps reach?

15,771 feet above sea level.

What century did the Protestant Reformation reach Germany?


When did the French Revolution begin?


When was the triple alliance formed?


When was Flemish made the official language of Belgium?


When was Germany defeated in WW2?


When was the Federal Republic of Germany set up?


When was the Berlin wall built?


Fill in the Blank: For over ______ years French Kings exercised absolute control over their lands.


How many cantons make up switzerland?


How many sides of France borders water?


How many times did the Germans invade France and overrun Northern France?

3 times.

What percent of Belgian citizens speak French?


What percent of Belgian citizens speak Flemish?


When did Charlemagne die?


What two countries are the most densely populated in Europe?

Belgium and the Netherlands

What is the capital of Germany?


Who was one of the most famous conquerors of all time?


True or False: Switzerland and Austria are both members of NATO


True or False: Germany hosts a cold climate

False it hosts a mild one,

True or False: Before the 1700s the language that is now called French was only spoken around Paris.

False. Before the 1500s.

True or False: The Holy Roman Empire thrived even after it's leader's death.

False. The empire crumbled after Charlemagne's death in 814.

What was France known as when the Romans owned it?


What plant is grown in massive numbers in the Southwest of France?

Grape vines

Who predicted that a highway would someday be built under Mount Blanc? How long did it take for his vision to come to pass?

Horace de Sausure. 178 years!

What city in France, due to it's location near northern European countries, has helped France recover in recent years from economic problems and high unemployment?


What town holds France's deposit of Iron Ore?


What three countries make up the Benelux Countries?

Luxemburg, Netherlands, and Belguim

What is France's busiest port?


What two mountain ranges reside in France?

Massiff Central, and the Alps

What is the capital of France?


Where is France's major economic heart?


What different economic activities fuel France's market economy?

Rich farming areas, urban manufactoring, and commercial centers.

Where were huge coal deposits found in germany?


What are the Alps known for worldwide?

Skiing resorts

What two countries do the Alps tower over?

Switzerland and Austria

Who built the Berlin Wall?

The Communist East German Government.

What empire did Charlemagne control?

The Holy Roman Empire

Name the most famous art Museum in France

The Lourve

Where in France, does the land lie flat?

The Northeast

What is France's busiest waterway?

The Rhine River

What valley is rich with minerals?

The Rhine Valley

What is the thin strip of low-lying coastal land called?

The Riviera

Why did the East German Government build the wall of Berlin?

To keep people from escaping to West Germany

True or False: The French population takes much pride in their identity as a country.


True or False: France is a highly unified country?


What drink is France famous for?


Define: Perishable Good

a good that doesn't stay fresh for long

What forms of government did France go through after the Revolution?

a republic of the people, a constitutional monarchy, and empires under Napoleon Bonaparte.

define: Lignite

a soft brown coal of sorts.

Define: Impressionism

a style of painting usually capturing fleeting visual "impressions" made by color, light and shadows.

Define: recession

an extended decline in business activity

Define: nationalized

brought under state control

Define: dikes

embankments of earth and rock

How big is Luxembourg?

it covers only 990 square miles. Smaller than rhode Island.

When in Germany did the East and the West part of the country merge into one confederation?


Define: Confederation

loose political union

What are some economic activities that Germany participates in?

manufacturing and trade

Define: reparations

money for war damages

Fill in the Blank: The Dutch have created __________ of their country's land by reclaiming it from swamps and lakes.

one fifth

Fill in the Blank: Almost ______________ of the Benelux countries land is below sea level

one third

Define: inflation

sharply rising prices

Define: Canton


Define: polder

to pump out water to make room for land

Define: decentralize

transfer power to smaller regions

Define: Dialects

variations of a language that are unique to a region or community.

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