Frankenstein Quiz 2 Chapter 6-10; Vocabulary

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The death's of William and Justine

What is victors fault and that he is responsible for?

What am I? Who am I? Whence or Where did I come [from]? What was my destination?

What question continually plagued the monster in regard to himself?

That his brother is dead.

What sobering reminder does the monster give Victor before Victor tries to attack him?

The fact that the Arabian women Safie was being taught English. The arrival of Safie and the fact that they are teaching her to speak and read their language.

What sped up the monster's education?

To drown himself.

What thought tempted Victor while he was out on the lake?

He learns how to talk like them. That language is most-likely french.

What valuable application did the monster learn over the course of the winter?

That God gave him a partner or a companion.

What was Adam's supplication (request) to God to which the monster referred?

She had to leave because her mother called her to come home. She came back after her mother died.

According to Elizabeth's letter, why did Justine Moritz have to leave the Frankenstein family?

When he is able to master their language and hope that they will over look his appearance by the good works that he has done.

According to the monster, when would he reveal his presence to the family? Why then?

Because she is not sure how she obtained the locket in her pocket. Because nobody but Elizabeth supports her and believes that the crime that she committed was not terrible. She said that she was the criminal because she knew that no one else was going to stand up for her.

After her sentence, why does Justine confess to the crime?

Because she is not sure how she obtained the locket in her pocket. Because nobody but Elizabeth supports her and believes that the crime that she committed was not terrible. She said that she was the criminal because she knew that no one else was going to stand up for her.

After her sentence, why does Justine confess to the crime? (look at this again)

He is sad and feels that this is all her fault. He wants to tell them who the real criminal is, but he knows that if he does then they will think that he is crazy. He is tortured by the fact that the innocent is dead while the murder, him, should be the one that was hung.

Describe Victor's countenance and inner conflict during and after Justine's sentencing.

He was murdered. He was strangled. They think that he was murdered because he was wearing their mother's locket. Elizabeth believes that this is her fault because she let him wear the locket.

How did Victor's William brother die?

Oriental Languages-what to go to the east and learn the asian culture (probably for business).

For what reason did Clerval come to Ingolstadt? ( What did he want to study?)

Oriental Languages- what to go to the east and learn the Asian culture (probably for business)

For what reason did Clerval come to Ingolstadt? (What did he want to study?)

He was murdered. He was strangled. They think that he was murdered because he was wearing their mothers locket. Elizabeth believes that this is her fault because she let him wear the locket.

How did Victor's brother William die?

He decided to make his move when the children had left to go on a long walk in the country. When the children leave their father who is blind and defenses. He knocks on the door when the children have left in hopes that he will be treated normally.

How did the monster gain access tot he cottage? (When did he make his move?)

That they would end up loving them after they hear what he has done and possibly except them as a part of their family.

How did the monster imagine their reception of him?

They hurt him, people fainted, people run, and people scream.

How do the people in the village treat the monster?

He had a violent hatred toward science- the thought of his lab, and lab instruments angers him. Hates even the thought of science. Annoying

How does Victor feel about natural science since..."the fatal night, the end of [his] labors, and the beginning of [his] misfortunes"?

He had a violent hatred toward science- the thought of his lab, and lab instruments angers him. Hates event he thought of science. Annoying

How does Victor feel about natural science since..."the fatal night, the end of [his] labors, and the beginning of [his] misfortunes"?

They met during Safie's fathers court sentence. Safie's father was put to death and Felix was in the court accidentally when it happened. They fall in love from letter. The family is exiled for helping Safie's father. The father goes back on his word, incriminates the family, and does not allow for Safie to marry Felix. Safie comes back to find Felix and most-likely get married along with the learning of their language.

Summarize the history between Safie and Felix. How did they come to know each other?

The monster feels that before man became civilized they were very similar with their everyday activities. He is disconnected from everyone else on Earth. He is disconnected from the family now.

What did the monster learn about himself as he was taught about ancient civilizations and the nature of man? (What does he say about monster vs. man?)

He sees the monster. He thinks that the monster probably killed his brother.

What does Victor see in the tress during the storm? What does he conclude from the creature's presence? (This represents a change and foreshadowing p 84-88)

He sees the monster. He thinks that the monster probably killed his brother.

What does Victor see in the tress during the storm? What does he conclude from the creature's presence? (this represents a change and foreshadowing p. 84-88)

Wants to a part of their family.

What does the creature want from Victor?

It calms him and gives him a choice of how he can escape his pain and torment.

What effect does being out in nature have on Victor? (remember the elements of Romanticism?)

He sees him, screams, and then runs away.

What happened when the monster entered the shepherd's hut?


that cannot be eliminated , forgotten, changed, or the like.

He is overcome by emotion. He has to turn away from the window because he has never experienced this before.

What was the monster's emotional response as he watched the cottage family through his hovel's peep-hole?

Poverty He stops taking their food because he realizes that this action is hurting them. He chops wood for them.

What was the one cause of the family's distress and uneasiness? When the monster learned this, what was his response?

They fainted, ran away, beat him. He could have killed Felix but instead he ran away and hid.

What was the response of Felix, Safie, and Agatha when they enter the cottage?

He's going home to Geneva to see his family. It's been almost 6 years since he was home.

Where does Victor go when he hears this news?

He goes home to Geneva to see his family. It's been almost 6 years since he was home.

Where does Victor so when he heaers this news?

Paradise lost, a volume of Plutarch's lives, and the Sorrows of Werter. That the character in this book is very similar to the character that he portrays. That he is like Adam but he is not loved like Adam was to God. That he is like Satan. That he was given no one to love him or to protect him or to encourage him.

Which literary work had the greatest impact on the monster? What did he realize about himself thorough reading this work?

The Old Man, the Young Women, the Young man, and the Arabian. Old Man- Old DeLacey Young Women- Agatha Young Man- Felix They are unhappy because they are poor.

Who are the cottagers? What are their names? Why are they not happy?

The monster.

Who does Victor come face to face with up in the snowy mountains?

They think that Justine Moritz-the servant killed William because of her troubled child life. When she was questioned she was very confused. The lock was found in Justine's Dress pocket- confused which made her guiltiness more real.

Who does the town think murdered William? Why?

They think that Justine Mortiz- the servant- killed William because of her terrible child life. When she was questioned she was very confused. The locket was found in her dress pocket- confused which made her guiltiness more real .

Who does the town think murdered William? Why?

He was scared because of the treatment that he received before.

Why didn't the monster make himself known to the cottagers?

Because everyone would think that he was crazy, since he had recently been sick. He knows that no one would believe him. The monster can't really be caught anyway.

Why does Victor decide not to mention the creature to anyone?

Because everyone would think that he was crazy, since he had recently been sick. He knows that no one would believe him. The monster can't really be caught anyway.

Why does Victor decide not to mention the creature to anyone?

Because he did not speak up for the innocent and claim his rightful spot.

Why does Victor repeatedly call himself "the true murderer"?

That he will be discovered as well as his creation.

Why does Victor say he "lived in daily fear"?


a case or bag to carry clothing in while traveling, especially a leather trunk or a large suitcase that opens into two halves. Large suitcase


cheerless; downcast


discemment or wisdom


discouragement or hopelessness.


not allowing entrance or passage; unaffected by.


to morn or express sorrow or regret for.


to reason earnestly with someone against something that person intends to do or has done; remonstrate.

The Monster - wants him to listen to him

who is narrating when chapter 11 begins?

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