Frankenstein Test Review

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Who took care of Frankenstein during his illness?

Henry Clerval did

What did the creature tell Frankenstein about the locket?

He said he found the locket on the boy, and took it. Later when he saw Justine sleeping, he put it in her pocket, intending that she should take the blame for the murder

What threat did the creature make when he saw Frankenstein destroy his second creation?

He said, "I will be with you on your wedding night."


a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable. it's a figure of speech, used normally in literature, that compares two things without using "like" or "as." Metaphor is a figure of speech which makes an implicit, implied or hidden comparison between two things that are unrelated but share some common characteristics. In other words, a resemblance of two contradictory or different objects is made based on a single or some common characteristics


a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind, used to make a description more emphatic or vivid (e.g., as brave as a lion, crazy like a fox )

"Noble Savage"

"natural Man" is not corrupted by society. Frankenstein's monster is peaceful at first, with no reason for violence, but his ugliness caused hatred and fear, enraging him. The monster is no longer the "noble savage" once he has been corrupted by society.


A doppelganger is a German term, literally meaning a 'double-goer', an apparition or double of a living person. The monster becomes a kind of external embodiment of Frankenstein's increasingly divided and conflicted personality. He is living proof that Victor has become separated from the best in himself and the potential for using his intelligence and skill for beneficial purposes. As he obsessively pursues his studies, Frankenstein divides his head from his heart; his intellect and desire for scientific knowledge separate from his emotions, affections and responsibilities to other people. The monster's ugliness makes him the image of a purely intellectual, heartless Victor, the opposite of the young man who begins his studies with hope and the desire to contribute to the improvement of humanity.

William Frankenstein

A young boy who was the creature's first victim

Examine how the creature sees himself as different from Adam in Paradise Lost (The creature's assessment of and relationship to: Adam)

Adam is created, cared for, and communicates with loving creator. The creature was abandoned by Victor, his creature, and feels lonely and bitter.

What was the reaction of the rest of the De Lacey family when they saw the creature?

Agatha fainted, Safie fled, and Felix hit him with a stick until he left the cottage


Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance. It does not describe in detail the person or thing to which it refers

How did Frankenstein react to this request? (Creature requesting to make female companion)

At first he refused, but as the creature continued his argument, Frankenstein felt compassion for him, and finally agreed to create a female

How did Elizabeth come to live with the Frankensteins?

Caroline Frankenstein saw her with a peasant family, and offered to raise her in better circumstances

Victor Frankenstein

Creator of the creature and protagonist of the story

Alphonse Frankenstein

Died of grief in his son's arms after learning that Elizabeth was dead

Robert Walton

Explorer who met Frankenstein on the Arctic ice

Percy Shelley

Famous real-life British poet and Frankenstein author's husband


Frankenstein as Prometheus:Prometheus rebels against God, just as Frankenstein opposes God too through creating the monster. Prometheus is a (Greek) Titan who creates man out of clay and also provided man with fire by stealing it from the gods (Zeus) and is punished by Zeus by having his liver pecked by an eagle every day. (Romantics: to them Prometheus was a hero , a figure who never gives up even when faced with incredible suffering. Victor is also punished as he to uses fire to create life and ends in the deaths of his loved ones and the community horror and dies himself.

Caroline Beaufort

Frankenstein family matriarch; Victor Frankenstein's mother

How did Frankenstein and Clerval spend the next several months?

Frankenstein introduced Clerval to the professors. They studied and went for walks

What request does Frankenstein make of Robert Walton?

Frankenstein knows his strength is failing. He asks Robert Walton to destroy the creature if he ever has the opportunity

What does the creature learn to do, and how does he learn this?

He learns to speak, and then to read, by observing and listening to the cottagers. He found a portmanteau that had several books in it, and he read them. He then read the letters that were in the pocket of the coat he had taken from Victor Frankenstein

How did Robert feel about his guest?

He liked Frankenstein, and hoped they would become friends

What event occurred next in Frankenstein's life? (Chapters 21-24 after Victor's Trial)

He married Elizabeth

Whom did Frankenstein meet after he had ascended to the summit of Montanvert?

He met his creature

Henry Clerval

Frankenstein's best friend who is murdered by the creature

What news did the letter from Frankenstein's father bring?

Frankenstein's youngest brother, William, had been murdered

How did he meet Victor Frankenstein?

He and the crew found Frankenstein stuck on a large piece of ice. They rescued him and brought him aboard their vessel

What did Frankenstein do about his dilemma? (Justine murdering William)

He appealed to the courts to let Justine go free, and told his family that she was innocent, but he did not tell anyone about the creature

What did the creature ask Frankenstein to do, and why?

He asked Frankenstein to create a female for him. He said that he was malicious because he was unhappy, and that if he were content he would not bother any more humans

What happened to Frankenstein the day after he completed his creation?

He became ill with a fever and delirium for several months

What happened to the creature?

He came into the cabin and saw the dead Frankenstein. He told Walton that he was going to travel in the far north and kill himself. We last see the creature as he floats away into the darkness on an ice raft

What did Frankenstein do after he left the magistrate?

He decided to pursue the monster and kill him

What happened to Frankenstein's father as a result of this latest tragedy? (Elizabeth's murder)

He died of grief

What happened to Frankenstein?

He died of natural causes while in the cabin on the ship

How did the creature feel when he first felt life?

He felt confused because of all of the new sensations

What did Clerval give Frankenstein when he was better?

He gave him a letter from Elisabeth

What observations did the creature make about the people in the cottage?

He saw that they cared for each other, that the two younger people treated the older man with great respect, and that they were often sad and hungry

What did Frankenstein see just outside the gates of Geneva as he was returning home?

He saw the monster he had created

What discovery did the creature make when he approached another human?

He seized a small boy, and discovered that he was William Frankenstein

What did the creature do to the cottage when he returned and found that the De Laceys had moved out?

He set fire to it in a rage

Where did the creature take shelter?

He stayed in a lean-to attached to a cottage

What did the creature do to this person? (William)

He strangled the boy

What was the reaction of the man whose daughter was saved from drowning by the creature?

He took the girl from the creature's arms, and shot the creature when he pursued the pair

Where did Frankenstein go to seek relief? (After Justine's execution)

He traveled to the Alpine valley and the village of Chamounix

What did the creature want of Frankenstein?

He wanted Frankenstein to listen to the account of his life so far

What goal did Frankenstein decide to pursue?

He wanted to try to renew life in a corpse, to "bestow animation upon lifeless matter."

What happened to Frankenstein when he landed his boat?

He was accused of murder

How did the creature feel after his deed? (Murdering William)

He was delighted that he was able to create despair for his creator

What was Frankenstein's state of mind after the trial and its conclusion? (Justine's)

He was filled with remorse for all he had done. He was also fearful that the creature would commit other crimes

How did Frankenstein react to this meeting? (With creature)

He was full of rage and horror. He threatened to kill the creature

How did Frankenstein feel when his experiment succeeded, and the creature came to life?

He was horrified and disgusted

Where was the writer, and why was he there?

He was in the Arctic, exploring unknown regions

Why was Frankenstein in the Arctic?

He was pursuing the creature

What was Frankenstein's reaction to this accusation? (Justine murdering William)

He was sure the creature had committed the murder. He was torn between wanting to save Justine and not wanting to reveal his horrible secret to anyone. He considered himself the real murderer

What natural phenomena influenced Frankenstein?

He watched a tree being hit by lightning during a storm. He became interested in the theories of electricity and galvanism

What two major events happened to Frankenstein when he was seventeen?

His mother died and he went to the university at Ingolstadt to study


In literature, a foil is a character that has characteristics that oppose another character, usually the protagonist. ... The foil character is used to highlight some particular quality or qualities of the main character. A subplot can also work as a foil to the main plot.


In poetry, the repetition of the sound of a vowel or diphthong in nonrhyming stressed syllables near enough to each other for the echo to be discernible (e.g., penitence, reticence ) Assonance takes place when two or more words close to one another repeat the same vowel sound but start with different consonant sounds. For instance, "Men sell the wedding bells."Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds in nearby words. It is used to reinforce the meanings of words or to set the mood


In writing or speech, the deliberate repetition of the first part of the sentence in order to achieve an artistic effect is known as Anaphora. Anaphora, possibly the oldest literary device, has its roots in Biblical Psalms used to emphasize certain words or phrases. The use of a word referring to or replacing a word used earlier in a sentence, to avoid repetition, such as do in I like it and so do they. the repetition of a word or phrase at the beginning of successive clauses."Every day, every night, in every way, I am getting better and better"

What is the structure, or form, of the novel?

It is an epistolary novel. This means it is written as a series of letters

Romantic:Generalize how Victor learns about alchemy and natural science. How does this fit with the characteristics of Romanticism?

It reflects a Romantic focus on self-education and parallels Robert Walton educating himself about sailing the world;The monster is a Romantic hero because of the rejection he must bear from normal society;Romantic writers are concerned with nature, human feelings, compassion for mankind, freedom of the individual and Romantic hero, and rebellion against society

Who had been the creature's most recent victim? (Chapters 21-24)

It was Henry Clerval

Who was Frankenstein's closest friend?

It was Henry Clerval

Mary Shelley

Real-life author of the novel Frankenstein; she wrote the story while on vacation with Percy Shelley (her husband) and Lord Byron (her friend) while on vacation in Switzerland; both Percy Shelley and Lord Byron became world-famous British poets

Who was accused of committing the murder, and why?

Justine, who lived with the family, was accused. She had not been with the family on the night William was murdered. Several people had seen her the next morning looking confused and frightened. A servant found the locket that Elizabeth had given to William in Justine's pocket

Elizabeth Lavenza

Lived with Frankenstein family; married Frankenstein

Aspects of Romanticism

Mary uses Coleridge's The Rime of the Ancient Mariner several times in her novel to align her misguided monster with Coleridge's ancient Mariner. Thus, she ties her novel to one of the most authentically Romantic works

Margaret Saville

Recipient of a series of letters from her brother, Robert Walton

What happened at Frankenstein's trial?

Witnesses were able to prove that he was on the Orkney Islands at the time the body of Clerval was found. He was acquitted and released

The creature's assessment of and relationship to: Satan

Satan is ambitious, like Frankenstein, as both are not happy with their current life. - Frankenstein and Satan isolate themselves in order to fulfill an ambition. - Satan disregards God's laws when convincing Eve to eat the forbidden fruit by claiming that God was testing their courage. Likewise, Frankenstein does not respect God's laws. - Satan's actions bring pain, sin and death to humanity, as do Frankenstein's actions.

What happened to the accused person? (Justine)

She confessed under pressure from her priest. She was convicted and hanged

In the preface, what does the author say she is trying to preserve?

She is trying to "preserve the truth of the elementary principles of human nature."

What discussions influenced the development of her idea?

She was listening to her husband, Shelley, and Lord Byron talk about the nature of life, and the possibility of creating a creature

Why did Mary Shelley write Frankenstein?

She wrote it as a response to a challenge to a contest by Lord Byron and her husband, Percy Shelley, to think of a horror story. Whoever wrote the best story would be declared the winner


The ability to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences; sensitivity. Victor Frankenstein displays Sensibility in that he is often intellectual and philosophical in nature. The Creature demonstrates higher levels of Sensibility than Victor. The higher levels of Sensibility suggest that The Creature possesses more humanity than Victor, even though he is referred to as a non-human being. Despite possessing no formal education, The Creature is also an intensely intelligent and insightful individual who often questions the world around him.

Who was writing the letters?

They were written by Robert Walton

To whom were the letters written?

They were written to Walton's sister, Mrs. Margaret Saville, in England

What was one of the themes of the writers who influenced Frankenstein?

The authors he liked wrote about raising ghosts or devils. He tried to mimic them

What happened on Frankenstein and Elizabeth's wedding night?

The creature broke into the room and killed Elizabeth

Contrast the creature's assessment of the DeLacey's lifestyle with its reality (The creature's assessment of and relationship to: The DeLacey's)

The creature thinks the DeLaceys live luxuriously since they have shelter, fire, food, clothing, and each other. In reality, the DeLacey's work hard for everything they have, are deep in poverty, and struggle just to eat

What was the elder De Lacey's reaction when the creature entered the cottage and began speaking with him?

The elder man was blind, and therefore could not see how hideous the creature looked. He invited the creature in and agreed to listen to his story

What was the magistrate's response when Frankenstein told him the entire story of the creature?

The magistrate believed him, but said that he didn't think he and his men would be successful incatching the creature


The sublime, a notion in aesthetic and literary theory, is a striking grandeur of thought and emotion.Longinus defines literary sublimity as "excellence in language," the "expression of a great spirit," and the power to provoke "ecstasy." The Sublime is a literary and philosophical concept that referred to the feeling we get when we encountering something in nature that's a mixture of terror and beauty, like a thunderstorm or a giant waterfall or a massive glacier.

What was the reaction of the villagers the creature encountered?

They shrieked, and threw rocks and other things at him, and drove him away from the village

Felix De Lacey

Unknowingly taught the creature to read and write

Who told this part of the story? (Chapters 1-5)

Victor Frankenstein told his story to Robert Walton

Determine the irony in the creature looking upon the DeLaceys as "superior beings." (The creature's assessment of and relationship to : The DeLaceys)

When Victor made the creature, he felt that he was forming a race of superior beings. Now the supposedly "superior" creature thinks that a family who most humans would look down on is truly superior

Justine Moritz

Wrongly executed for the accused murder of young William Frankenstein


a word or phrase that is not formal or literary, typically one used in ordinary or familiar conversation (the use of ordinary or familiar words or phrases) Ex: go bananas - go insane or be very angry. In literature, colloquialism is the use of informal words, phrases or even slang in a piece of writing. Colloquial expressions tend to sneak in as writers, being part of a society, are influenced by the way people speak in that society


the attribution of a personal nature or human characteristics to something nonhuman, or the representation of an abstract quality in human form Ex: The stars danced playfully in the moonlit sky


the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect (placing two elements or words side by side and letting the reader or viewer compare them. This act compares and contrasts the two elements and can show irony, humor or sadness)Juxtaposition is a literary technique in which two or more ideas, places, characters and their actions are placed side by side in a narrative or a poem for the purpose of developing comparisons and contrasts


the occurrence of the same letter or sound at the beginning of adjacent or closely connected words

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