Fruits and Vegetables Exam 1

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What is the recommended irrigation amount for a single irrigation event?


Most fruits/vegetables need at least _________ of water per week in the growing season


A method of seeding that involves scattering seed, by hand or mechanically, over a relatively large area

Broadcast Seeding

Joining a bud with a rootstock


Nutrients are recycled through the nutrient solution.

Closed Nutrient System

Type of tillage that leaves at least 30% residue coverage on the soil.

Conservation Tillage

Full-width tillage which disturbs all of the soil surface and is performed prior to and/or during planting.

Conventional Tillage

With the application of biofumigation biocontrol to kill perennial weeds and seed, irrigation must be used to initiate the proper reaction after incorporation into the soil

Correct. The vaporization can't occur without water

Developing a plant from a detached plant part


Roots hang into a nutrient solution

Deep Flow Hydroponics (DFH)

What are some advantages of growing in a Greenhouse? Choose all that apply.

Easier to control most pests and pathogens, Longer growing season, Often higher yields

It is better to eat raw fruits rather than cooked fruits because:

Enzymes and some nutrients are destroyed in cooking

The proper C:N ratio when you add organic matter to your soils should be >30:1.


Joining a twig with a root stock


Fruit trees need how much full light for fruit bud initiation?

Greater than 30%

Which of the following are used as cover crops?

Legumes, Radishes, Sudan-Sorghum

When utilizing "Controlled Environment Agriculture" growers can control.....

Light, temperature, humidity, water, nutrients, carbon dioxide, growing media

The most preferable soils for vegetables, generally speaking, are:

Loams (either sandy or silty)

It is better to buy fruits and vegetables in season because of all of the following except:

Local farmers do not use fertilizers

Field capacity is the

Maximum soil water capacity after drainage due to gravity.

A singlecrop is grown in a field and other vegetation is excluded during the production cycle."


By using legumes as a cover crop, what nutrient can be added to the soil?


What nutrient deficiencies show up first on older leaves? (mobile in plant tissue)

Nitrogen, Phosphorous, Potassium, Magnesium

Seeds/transplants are placed directly into the previous season's crop residue.

No Till

A system of hydroponic that has a film of nutrient solution flowing by the plant roots is:

Nutrient Film Technique (NFT)

I want to plant a crop of apples on my land. I have various potential sites on my land. In order to avoid late spring freezes of blossoms I plant:

On a northeast slope

How much lime is recommended per acre?

2 tons

How deep do you plant seeds?

3-5 times the diameter

The highest number of Fruit and vegetable farmers are found in which age bracket?

65 and older

The transpiration component makes up what percentage of ET


Where is the best place to plant fruit trees?

On the top of a slope facing north.

One-way passage of nutrient solution through irrigation system. The used nutrient solution often is distributed on the ground surface or collected and redistributed on other plants (e.g. outdoor crops).

Open Nutrient System

The botanical definition of a fruit says that fruit is developed of the _________________ of a seeding plant.


A seed is a mature, fertilized _______________.


Which nutrient is represented by the 30 in a bloom booster that reads "10-30-20"

Phosphorus (NPK)

What is responsible for Photosynthesis andthe conversion of light energy to chemical energy

Photosynthetic Active Radiation (PAR)

What Can Influence seed germination, Flower Bud Induction and Plant Morphology

Photosynthetic Active radiation (PAR)

The P in PAR stands for

Photosynthetically (or Photosynthetic)

If it is drier and hotter than what is recommended, what should you do with your seeds when planting?

Place seed deeper in soil.

When using Biofumigation you must cover the plant with what?


When selecting fruit, you should look for

Pleasant smell

The art and science pertaining to fruit is


What are four ways you can increase light into the canopy?

Pruning, Ground Cloth, Mulches, Kaolin Spray

Usually done with a chisel plow and leaves 15% to 30% residue coverage on the soil.

Reduced Tillage

The part of a plant which attaches it to the ground or to a support, typically underground, conveying water and nourishment to the rest of the plant via numerous branches and fibers.


A shoot, branch, or twig springing from the root. Also called a "stolon"


Phytonutrients are ______________.

Secondary metabolites in plants

Plant is broken into two or more parts, each with root and crown kept in tact


Growing two or more crops in sequence in 1 year in the same field

Sequential Cropping

Shoots from true roots


What are two characteristics of drip irrigation

Small-acreage fields and integration with fertigation

The primary reason to use raised beds is:

Soil drainage

In woody plants, __________________ is regulated by physiological factors inside the plant structure.


Because fruits and vegetables are high in fat, they are also high in calories


Boiling is a good method to use for vegetables because more nutrients are retained


Canned fruits are generally more nutritious then fresh fruits


Endodormancy in plants is regulated by environmental factors outside of the plant.


Vegetables need more of a slope than fruit, generally


The temperature of soil on a hot summer day can be lowered the most with which type of mulch?


What is a reason NOT to use transplants?

inexpensive seed

Name three factors that delay or reduces cold acclimation?

late harvest, late summer pruning, excess nitration applied late in the growing season.

NFT technique would most often be used for:


Name three influences of the environment on fruit and vegetable crops.

light, temperature. wind

The light saturation point of a particular crop is important for indoor producers because it allows them to:

optimize the intensity of artificial lighting for maximum PAR

What is the biggest danger to plants that are covered for cold protection, whether by plastic, in high tunnels, in low tunnels, or by fabric?

over heating

PAR stands for

photosynthetic active radiation

Solar radiation is affected by all of the following.

season, latitude, altitude

Hydroponics means growing plants in _________________.

soil-less media

Garlic is propagated by separation of bulbs and a bulb is:

storage in swollen scale leaves

Which plant is not normally started from transplants?

sweet corn

Photoperiodism refers to the regulation of plant growth stages by ________________.

the day length

If I had a choice where to plant a peach orchard to avoid spring frosts during bloom, where would I plant?

towards the top of a slope facing north

Enzymatic browning of cut fruit can be prevented by coating the fruit with lemon juice or ascorbic acid


Good fruit should give when pressed, be heavy, and be full of color


Nutrients are lost when cooking fruits and vegetables


Plants that are asexually propagated are normally identical clones


Potatoes should be stored in a cool, dry place


Unpleasant, bitter flavors can develop when overcooking vegetables


Weed killer CAN be used with organic crops if applied 3 years before to eliminate weeds


CH2O storage in short, thicken horizontal underground stems

tuber (rhizome)

Olericulture refers to the production of:

vegetable crops

What time of year are hardwood cuttings done


When asexually propagating by grafting, it is very important not only to not let the graft union desiccate but to match ____________.


When trying to change a variety of an apple out, which type of graft would you use to change an old tree out by top-working the tree?

cleft graft

An underground compressed swollen stem, used in banana asexual propagation is a:


Which crop requires the most light for optimal production?


Name three examples of freeze damage include:

damage to the seed, damage to the fuit, southwest injury

White plastic mulch tends to _______________ soil temperature.


Rooting offspring while still attached to the mother plant.


What Type of Seed is the best to save for generations?


Growing two or more crops together at the same time on the same land is called:


Two or more crops are grown simultaneously on the same land


What is caused by rapid freezing after a warm day?

Southwest Injury

Only the narrow strip of land needed for the crop row is tilled.

Strip Tillage

Name three secondary nutrients.

Sulfur, Magnesium, Calcium

What time of year are softwood cuttings done?


Name three effects of heat stress in the summer?

Sunburn necrosis, Sunburn browning, Photo-oxidative sunburn

Propagating from a meristem

Tissue Culture

Name the 5 types of Asexual Reproduction

Tissue Culture, Separation, Layering, Cuttings, Grafting, Budding

Most crops are sensitive to water deficit stress during reproductive growth stages.


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