Fundamentals of Nursing Ch 7: Legal Dimensions of Nursing Practice Key Term

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(1) crime punishable by imprisonment in a state or federal penitentiary for more than 1 year (2) crime of greater offense than a misdemeanor


a person who informs on a person or organization engaged in an illicit activity.


act of negligence as applied to a professional person such as a physician, nurse, or dentist

defamation of character

an intentional tort in which one party makes derogatory remarks about another that diminishes the other party's reputation; slander is oral defamation of character, libel is written defamation of character

sentinel event

an unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury, or the risk thereof


assault that is carried out


crime of lesser offense than a felony and punishable by fines, imprisonment (usually for less than 1 year) or both


general term that refers to ways in which professional competence is maintained


is oral defamation of character


is written defamation of character

statutory law

law enacting by a legislative body

common law

law resulting from court decisions that is then followed when other cases involving similar circumstances and facts arise; common law is binding as civil law


legal responsibility for one's acts (and failure to act); includes responsibility for financial restitution of harms resulting from negligent acts

expert witness

nurse who explains to the judge and jury what happened based on the patient's record and who offers an opinion as to whether the nursing care met acceptable standards of practice.

fact witness

nurse who has knowledge of the actual incident prompting a legal case; bases testimony on firsthand knowledge of the incident, not on a assumptions


offense against people of property the act is considered to be against the government, referred to in a lawsuit as "the people" and the accused is prosecuted by the state


performing an act that a reasonably prudent under similar circumstances would not do, or failing to perform an act that a reasonably prudent person under similar circumstances would do


person or government bringing a lawsuit against another


process bu which a person who has met certain criteria established by a nongovernmental association is granted recognition


process by which an educational program is evaluated and then recognized as having met certain predetermined standards of education


process of a lawsuit


the one being accused of a crime of tort


threat or an attempt to make bodily contact with another person without that person's permission


to be given a license to practice nursing in a state or province after successfully meeting requirements


wrong committed by a person against another person or that person's property

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