Game Laws

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How much is a Lifetime Combination Hunting and Fishing License?


How much is a super combo?


For alligator gar, the daily bag limit is ________ fish of any size


The daily bag limit is _____ for allowable shark species?



1/2 hour before sunrise to sunset

Gear tags for crab traps are only valid for _____________?

10 Days

In fresh water, it is unlawful to fish with more than __________ hooks on all devices combined.


The daily bag limit for Dove is:


The daily bag limit for dove in all Texas hunting zones is?


Only licensed hunters __________ years of age or younger are eligible to participate in youth seasons which generally occur before (or directly after) general hunting seasons


The overall surface area of folding panel traps may not exceed _______________.

16 ft²

To participate in youth only seasons, hunters have to be ________________________.

16 years of age or younger

The daily bag limit for Flathead Catfish is 5 and they must be a minimum of ______ inches in length?


The minimum size limit for striped bass is _____ inches in length?


You do not need a fishing license if you are under the age of _________?


The daily bag limit for Dove cannot include more than _______ white-tipped dove.


A seine may not be longer than _________ feet in length?

20 feet

No person may possess a DBS ram skull obtained after Sept. 1, __________, unless the skull has been plugged by TPWD or the individual has proof that the skull was legally obtained outside of Texas.


The minimum size limit for blacktip sharks is ______ inches in length?


Daily bag limit for white bass is ____________ with a minimum length of __________.

25, 10"

An individual hunting using falconry may take the following daily bag limit for migratory game birds


Each calendar year, the owner of any property in Texas is required to have all mortalities of exotic CWD-susceptible species CWD tested until valid test results are obtained for how many animals?


The daily bag limit for Pheasant is:

3 cocks

Daily bag limit for red drum is ____________ with a maximum length of _____________.

3, 28"

Alligators: Hook and line (line set) must be secured on private property with a portion of the line above water. Minimum ________ lb. test line.


On a hunting license, what tag number is Eastern or Rio Grande Turkey?


What is the possession limit of Dove in Texas?


DBS skulls found in the wild may be possessed, provided the individual did not cause or participate in the death of the ram, and TPWD is notified within __________ hours of the skull/horns being found.


Hunters who harvest mule deer, white-tailed deer, elk, or other exotic CWD-susceptible species within the CWD Zones are REQUIRED to bring their animals to a TPWD check station within ________ hours of harvest.


The daily bag limit for Chachalaca is:


How many hooks can be on a trotline?


Only _________ crab traps at a time may be fished for non-commercial purposes.


The daily bag limit or Early Teal is:


How deep do you bury inedible parts of CWD animals?

6 feet

How long does a person need to live in a state to be considered a resident?

6 months

Squirrels, pheasants, and quail may be hunted with air guns that ire a projectile of at least .177 caliber in diameter producing a muzzle velocity of at least _____ feet per second?


How many Texas CWD check station locations are there currently?


Federal waters start how many miles off the coast of Texas?


The minimum size limit for hammerhead sharks is _______ inches in length?


A resident fishing license is not required for all of the reasons EXCEPT:

All choices are exceptions to having a fishing license

All of the following are unlawful, except:

All choices are unlawful

Which of the following is NOT a recreational crabbing device?

All listed are recreational crabbing devices (Sand pumps, folding panel traps, & umbrella net)

A baited area is any public or private area where bait is found. It is unlawful to hunt ________________________ in a baited area

All of the Above (Migratory game birds, Sandhill cranes, Easter wild Turkeys)

Which of the following birds are not protected by any state or federal law?

All of the above (Eurasian collared dove, Rock dove, and English Sparrow)

Which of the following birds are protected?

All of the above (Hawks, Owls, Eagles, Song birds, & non-game birds except for listed unprotected birds)

A youth hunting license is valid for any ________________________________.

All of the above (Person under 17 years of age, resident under 17 years of age, non-resident under 17 years of age)

When harvesting a white-tailed deer, tagging requirements are ________________________?

All of the above (Tagging immediately upon kill, Filling out the harvest log, & Completely cutting out dates on the tag)

Which of the following is required to hunt Sandhill Crane in Texas?

All of the above (a valid Texas hunting license, a Texas Migratory Game Bird Endorsement, & A federal Sandhill Crane Hunting Permit)

These wildlife parts may be purchased or sold if lawfully taken or possessed?

All of the above (feathers, bones, or feet of game birds, Hair hide, and antlers from game animals, & Hooves and sinew from game animals)

A fishing license is not required when:

All of the above (fishing on private property, fishing in Texas state parks, & fishing on the 1st Saturday in June)

Which of the following is required for a crossbow to be a legal hunting weapon?

All of the above (minimum pull of 125 lbs., Equipped with a mechanical safety, & Stock must be less than 25 inches)

Which is NOT considered baiting of migratory birds?

All of these (Standing crops, standing flooded crops, & natural vegetation)

Youth-only hunting seasons occur for ___________________.

All of these (Turkey, White-tailed deer, and Waterfowl)

Which is true about hunting non-game species?

All the above (No closed seasons, no bag limits, and no possession limits)

Which of the following is false?

Anglers and hunters may harvest marine mammals such as porpoises, dolphins, and whales with the appropriate permits

What age must one be to shoot a crowwbow?

Any age

Suppressors may be used to take ___________________________.

Any wildlife resource

Fishing licenses are valid from the date of purchase through ____________________ of the following year?

August 31st

A person taking shrimp from salt water for non-commercial purposes is required to have a _____________________.

B & C (Valid fishing license and Saltwater fishing endorsement)

Which of the following species do not have a bag limit?


The Exclusive Economic Zone deals with aquatic life caught ____________________________ nautical miles in the Gulf of Mexico?

Between 9 to 200

Which of the following is NOT a game fish?

Black Drum

Which of the following is NOT a bass species found in Texas?

Bluegill Bass

White is NOT a fur-bearing animal?


Waterfowl may be hunted using the following shot?

Both A and C (Steel & Tungsten-iron)

Only lawfully harvested alligators may be sold and only to _________________.

Both A&B (Licensed wholesale dealer and Alligator farmer)

A low floating device concealing a person below the surface of the water is:

Both B & C (Unlawful and called a sinkbox)

Out-of-state hunters born after September 2, 1971 must:

Both a & b (Possess a valid out of state hunting license and Successfully complete hunter education)

Which of the following is NOT true in regards to violation of fishing and wildlife laws?

Class C is $500-$4,000 and/or 1 year in jail

You can properly indicate the date and month on a deer, turkey, or red drum tag by:

Completely cutting out the day and month

Hunting licenses are required of any person, of any age, to hunt any animal, bird, frog, or turtle in this state, EXCEPT:

Depredating non-game animals

A ________________________ is a mesh bag suspended from a frame attached to a handle.

Dip Net

Alligators, game animals, furbearers, squirrels, and non-migratory game birds may be hunted with legal airguns and arrow guns except __________________________.

Eastern Turkey

True/False: In fresh water, it is unlawful to fish with more than 50 hooks on all devices combined


True/False: A Super Combo Hunting and All-Water Fishing Package includes all stamps and endorsements required for hunting waterfowl?


True/False: A buck is defined as a deer with an antler point protruding through the skin or a deer with antler growth in velvet of great than one half inch?


True/False: A dove breast that is bloodshot is still considered in edible condition and must be finally processed.


True/False: A hunting license in the state of Texas go on sale August 1st?


True/False: A hunting license is NOT required for the take of nongame species?


True/False: A hunting license is required to hunt depredating feral hogs if a person is taking feral hogs causing damage to his/her own land?


True/False: A sink box which is a low floating device concealing a person below the surface of the water is legal for hunting waterfowl?


True/False: A valid Hunter Education Certification is required to purchase a hunting license.


True/False: Black bears that are depredating livestock may be taken by a person with a valid hunting license.


True/False: Fifteen years old is the maximum age to participate in the youth-only season?


True/False: Is it legal to hunt game animals with artificial illumination?


True/False: Is it legal to hunt whooping cranes and swans in Texas?


True/False: It is illegal to utilize a suppressor to take game animals


True/False: It is lawful to use dogs to hunt deer in the state of Texas?


True/False: It is legal to take fur-bearing animals with a foothold trap as long as you check your traps every 72 hours.


True/False: It is unlawful to enter property that is agricultural, fenced, and/or marked with red paint


True/False: Lawful broadhead hunting points must have a minimum of one cutting edge?


True/False: With a few exceptions, in Texas possession limits are twice the statewide daily bag limit?


A Super Combo includes all of the following EXCEPT:

Federal Duck Stamp

All of the Hunting Endorsements are less than $10 EXCEPT:

Federal Duck Stamp

For Texas residents, a Super Combo License Package does NOT contain which of the following:

Federal Duck Stamp

Which of the following does NOT have a daily bag limit of 1?

Gag grouper

Which of the following is FALSE in regards to proof of sex requirements?

LAMPS permit from the landowner or landowner agent

It is _______________ to bait for upland game birds?


Which of the following is NOT true about siene?

May not be longer than 10 feet

Which of the species of quail listed below does NOT have an open season?

Mean's Quail

Which of the following cannot be hunted from a motor vehicle, moving boat, or sailboat?

Migratory waterfowl

Which of the following does NOT have a youth only season?

Mule Deer

The bag limit for squirrel in counties with year-round season is:

No bag limit

During the special White-winged dove season, legal shooting hours are defined as:

Noon to sunset

CWD infectious prions concentrate in all of the following areas of the deer's body EXCEPT:


The harvest of pronghorn is by _______________ only.


Alligators may only be taken on _____________________________?

Private property

Which of the following groups of animals are ALL non-game species?

Rabbits, ground squirrels, flying squirrels, & prairie dogs

Which of the following is NOT an endorsement?

Reptile and Amphibian

Which dove is NOT considered a migratory bird?


Which of the following CAN be hunted?

Sandhill Cranes

Every hunter born on after this date must have hunter education?

September 2, 1971

Hunter education training is required for hunters 17 years and older born after _____________________?

September 2, 1971

Which is not considered a fur-bearing animal by TPWD?


Which state agency regulates the movement of feral swine for disease control purposes in Texas?


What is the bag limit for furbearers?

There is no bag limit

The minimum draw requirement for longbows and recurve bows is ______ pounds?

There is no minimum

True/False: A day is defined as a 24 hour period that begins at midnight and ends at midnight?


True/False: An air gun (min .30 caliber) is a legal method of harvest for Rio Grande Turkey.


True/False: Beginning this license year (2022-2023) Texas residents can purchase a specific electronic license with digital tags, no printed license or tags needed.


True/False: CWD zones have been established in certain areas of Texas that require any mule deer harvested to be presented at a designated check station within 48 hours of harvest?


True/False: Eurasian collared-doves have no season and may be harvested at any time?


True/False: Hunters who harvest a CWD-susceptible species within the CWD Zones are required to bring their animals to a TPWD check station within 48 hours and receive a CWD receipt before taking any part of that animal from the CWD Zone?


True/False: If part of an animal is bruised or "bloodshot" from a bullet, you do not have to utilize that meat?


True/False: Migratory game birds may be dressed for immediate cooking at a hunting camp?


True/False: Non-residents under 17 years of age are considered residents for the purchase of the youth hunting license?


True/False: Pheasants may not be hunted by means of a cable, chain, or rope connected to or between moving objects?


True/False: The four quarters and two backstraps are the only parts of a game animal required by law to be kept in edible condititon.


True/False: While trapping, a person 17 years of age or older must carry a driver's license or personal identification certification?


All of the following are unlawful, except:

Use decoys to hunt game animals and game birds

All of the following are legal EXCEPT:

Use electronic calls to hunt migratory game birds

All of the following are exempt from vessel titling EXCEPT:

Vessels over 14 feet in length when paddled, pole, oared or windblown

Which species of fish does NOT have a daily bag limit of 5?

White Bass

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