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(True or False). A good sportsman reports wildlife violations.


(True or False). A shotgun is pointed at a target, not aimed as a rifle.


(True or False). A turkey hunter should avoid wearing red, white , and blue colors to prevent being mistaken for a male turkey.


(True or False). ATV users do not have to be concerned about travel on farm land because they are so light.


(True or False). Bows must have a minimum draw weight of 35 pounds to legally hunt in North Carolina.


(True or False). Carrying capacity refers to the number of birds or animals that can be legally taken each day.


(True or False). Firearm accidents happen as a result of ignorance and disregard of safety rules.


(True or False). Firearms should be transported and unloaded with the safety on, and the firearm should be in a case.


(True or False). Game laws give each hunter an opportunity to harvest his fair share and assure an adequate breeding supply.


(True or False). Habitat destruction is a major factor in declining wildlife population.


(True or False). Hunting is a privilege, not a right.


(True or False). Mixing alcohol or drugs with hunting or driving can lead to injury or death.


(True or False). Modern hunting arrows are made with aluminum, fiberglass, graphite, carbon fiber, and wood.


(True or False). Most firearm accidents in the field occur at long range.


(True or False). Only black powder, or pyrodex, should be used in muzzle-loading firearms.


(True or False). Stalking is the least safe and least successful method of hunting turkey.


(True or False). The health of wildlife around us is a good environmental barometer.


(True or False). The safety is a mechanical device and is used in addition to proper gun handling practices.


(True or False). The three main parts of a firearm are: Action, Stock, and Barrel.


(True or False). The two major threats to sportsmen, on or around the water, are drowning and hypothermia.


(True or False). There is a special deer season for muzzle-loading firearms and bowhunting.


(True or False). To stop minor bleeding, apply direct pressure to the cut.


(True or False). You can assume that it is OK to hunt another person's land as long as it is not posted.


(True or False). You must always control the direction of your muzzle and be aware of the direction it is pointed.

c. Beyond 1 mile

A .22 Rim Fire rifle is dangerous for: a. Less than 1 mile b. 1 mile c. Beyond 1 mile

c. Unloaded and cased

A firearm transported in a vehicle should be: a. Stored in the trunk or gun rack b. Hidden behind the seat c. Unloaded and cased

b. over 200 yards

A shotgun with small shot is dangerous for a. less than 100 yards b. over 200 yards c. over 500 yards

b. Reduce skill, judgement, reaction time, and coordination

Alcohol use while hunting will: a. Cover your human scent b. Reduce skill, judgement, reaction time, and coordination c. Keep you warm

d. where you are hunting and when you expect to return

Before leaving on a hunting trip, you should prepare a hunting plan and leave it with a family member or friend. What should the hunting plan include? a. next of kin and contact information b. social security number and birthdate c. whom to contact in case of emergency d. where you are hunting and when you expect to return

a. Hundredths, Thousandths, and Millimeters

Bullets are measured in: a. Hundredths, Thousandths, and Millimeters b. Inches, Tenths, and Metric c. Caliber, Gauge, and Bore

b. The number of animals the habitat can support all year.

Carrying Capacity is: a. The number of game animals allowed to be harvested per season. b. The number of animals the habitat can support all year. c. The difference between the birth rate and death rate of wildlife populations. d. The measured effect of limiting factors. (Answer: Page# 84 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. Wise use of natural resources, without wasting them

Conservation is defined as: a. The saving natural resources with no consumptive use. b. Science and practice of maintaining wildlife populations. c. The conservation of viable wildlife habitat. d. Wise use of natural resources, without wasting them. (Answer: Page#81 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. Upland birds

Doves are considered which of the basic categories of wild animals? a. Waterfowl b. Small game c. Upland birds d. Marsh birds (Answer: Page #32 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Wildlife Refuge & National Parks

Examples of areas set aside for wildlife protection are: a. Wildlife Refuge & National Parks b. Game Farm & Shooting Preserves c. Wetlands & Cultivated Lands

c. In separate locked cabinets

Guns and ammunition at home should be stored: a. On a wall above the reach of small children b. Ready for emergency use in a horizontal position c. In separate locked cabinets

d. gauge

How are shotguns classified? a. caliber b. bore c. choke d. gauge

b. two to four quarts

How much water do you need each day? a. two to four gallons b. two to four quarts c. two to four pints d. two to four cups

c. in a locked location, separate from the ammunition

How should a firearm be stored to be safe? a. in a locked gun case along with the ammunition b. in a closed gun case c. in a locked location, separate from the ammunition d. in a sheepskin scabbard

b. Mountain Goat

Identify: Long white fur that turns yellowish in winter, black hooves and horns that curve slightly backward, and a distinctive beard. a. Collared Peccary b. Mountain Goat c. Pronghorn d. Big Horn Sheep (Answer: Page# 89 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Coyote

Identify: Medium-sized with gray to reddish-gray fur, more red on legs, feet, and ears; dark-tipped tail; whitish belly and throat. a. Coyote b. Gray Wolf (Timber Wolf) c. Bobcat d. Lynx (Answer: Page #88 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Common Muskrat

Identify: Small-sized with brown to grayish underside: black, scaly tail; partially-webbed hind feet. a. Common Muskrat b. Nutria c. River Otter d. Beaver (Answer: Page#91 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. It's illegal

If a deer is swimming in the water, what is required to take the deer? a. Fishing license b. Hunting license c. Trapping License d. It's Illegal

c. Shock & Hypothermia

If a hunter panics, the hunter is most likely to die of: a. Frostbite and exhaustion b. Lack of water and starvation c. Shock & Hypothermia

d. Old designation of 30 grains of powder.

In the caliber designation .30-.30. The second 30 is......... a. The year it was developed, 1930 b. The weight of the bullet in grains c. The length of the case in millimeters d. Old designation of 30 grains of powder. (Answer: Page #17 in Hunter Ed. book)

B. Market Hunting

In the early 1800's wildlife populations were reduced by: a. Habitat destruction b. Market Hunting c. Disease and Railroads

a. when crossing a fence

In which situation should a firearm be unloaded? a. when crossing a fence b. when calling game c. when stalking game d. when approaching downed game

b. Self-inflicted wounds with the broadhead

Most bowhunting accidents occur as a results of: a. Victim mistaken for game b. Self-inflicted wounds with the broadhead c. Falling out of tree stands

a. prone

Of the four standard rifle shooting positions, which is the steadiest? a. prone b. standing c. sitting d. kneeling

c. An uphill direction

Sharply tapered contour lines are indicators of............ a. A downhill direction b. Steep slope c. An uphill direction d. River systems (Answer: Page# 72 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. becoming a responsible sportsman

Teaching others, working with landowners, and cooperating with game wardens is part of what process? a. becoming a responsible sportsman b. becoming a method stage hunter c. becoming an unethical hunter d. becoming a conservationist

b. Heat, Dirt, & Moisture

The 3 main causes of game spoilage are: a. Hair, Feathers, & Lead b. Heat, Dirt, & Moisture c. Bacteria, Leaves, & Wind

c. selecting, restoring, and improving wildlife habitats

The Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act (Pittman-Robertson Act) provides funds for which of the following? a. protecting endangered species b. operating national parks c. selecting, restoring, and improving wildlife habitats d. promoting environmental issues through national advertising campaigns

b. Spread the shot pattern too soon.

The bore of a shotgun barrel is smooth because rifling would........? a. Cause the barrel to wrap b. Spread the shot pattern too soon. c. Force the shot pattern to stay intact longer. d. Reduce the effective range of the shotshell. (Answer: Page #16 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. Blaze Orange

The color that has proven most visible in nature is: a. Red b. Blaze Orange c. Yellow

c. Yew

The early longbow was 5-6 feet in length. It was typically made from what wood? a. Hickory b. Osage c. Yew d. Ash (Answer: Page#44 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Break, Slide, Bolt, Lever, and Semi-auto

The firearms action types are: a. Break, Slide, Bolt, Lever, and Semi-auto b. Peep, Open, Iron, and Scope c. Stock, Cylinder, Action, and Barrel

b. Point it in a safe direction

The first thing that should be done when you pick up a gun is: a. Check the safety b. Point it in a safe direction c. See if it is loaded

b. Case, Powder, Primer, and Projectile

The four components of a cartridge are: a. Bullet, Powder, Wad, and Shot b. Case, Powder, Primer, and Projectile c. Rim, Shoulder, Neck and Flash Hole

d. Hunter judgement mistakes

The most common hunting incidents result from............. a. Equipment failure b. Poor weather c. Low light situations d. Hunter judgement mistakes (Answer: Page#50 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. Chamber

The part of a firearm that is the base of the barrel used to hold the cartridge or shot shell. a. Bolt b. Chamber c. Magazine d. Muzzle (Answer: Page #7 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Broadside

The preferred shot angle on a wild turkey for a bowhunter is................? a. Broadside b. Quartering away c. Quartering toward d. Head-on (Answer: Page #36 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. Spin the bullet

The purpose of rifling (lands & grooves) are to a. Control the spread of shot b. Reduce recoil c. Spin the bullet

c. Be worn next to the body; it should release moisture from the skin

The purpose of the vapor transmission layer is to: a. Serve as a clothing layer that holds warm air around you b. Serve as a clothing layer that protects the inner layer from water and wind c. Be worn next to the body; it should release moisture from the skin d. Provide a fluorescent orange outer layer (Answer: Page# 71 on Hunter Ed. book)

b. Prevent gas from escaping through the shot and hold the shot together as it passes through the barrel.

The purpose of the wad in a shot shell is to: a. Hold the gunpowder in place. b. Prevent gas from escaping through the shot and hold the shot together as it passes through the barrel. c. Provide a secure and weatherproof location for the primer. d. Allow the spent shotshell to be properly ejected following firing. (Answer: Page #9 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. Excise Tax, Licenses, and Duck Stamps

Three sources of funds for wildlife management are: a. Sale, Income, and Property Taxes b. Excise Tax, Licenses, and Duck Stamps c. Sale of Firearms, Wildlife, and Guide Fees

b. 3 Shots, 3 Fires, or 3 Mirror Signals

Three ways to create a signal are: a. HELP, LOSS, or SOS b. 3 Shots, 3 Fires, or 3 Mirror Signals c. Chain Saw, Whistle, or Smoke

a. Ask permission & respect property

To ensure good hunter-landowner relations the hunter should: a. Ask permission & respect property b. Hunt along public roads to stay out of fields. c. Put all litter in one pile

b. Success is judged by quality rather than quantity.

Trophy Stage is defined as: a. Success is defined as bagging the limit b. Success is judged by quality rather than quantity c. The process of hunting becomes the focus d. Success is measured by the total experience (Answer: Page# 68 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. Barrel

Typically, where on a rifle or shotgun is the gauge or caliber stamped? a. Receiver b. Stock c. Trigger guard d. Barrel (Answer: Page #17 & #19 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. Waste products

What accumulates in the flesh of wounded game that has to be chased down creating strong flavored meat? a. Blood b. Fat c. Waste products d. Water (Answer: Page #39 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. case, primer, powder, and projectile

What are the basic components of ammunition? a. case, primer, powder, and projectile b. case, powder, wad, and slug c. case, powder, projectile, and wad d. case, powder, projectile, and shot

d. rifling

What causes the bullet to spin as it travels out of the barrel of a rifle or handgun? a. primer b. action c. cartridge d. rifling

c. habitat

What do you call all the environmental requirements that an animal has for survival (food, water, cover, space, and arrangement)? a. carrying capacity b. edge effect c. habitat d. conservation

c. Personal Flotation Device

What does PFD mean? a. Physical Fitness Data b. Proper Food Diet c. Personal Flotation Device

d. the process of adjusting the sights to hit a target at a specific range

What is sighting-in a rifle? a. the process of lining up the rear and front sights. b. the process of determining your dominant, or master eye c. the foundation for good shooting and hunting safety d. the process of adjusting the sights to hit a target at a specific range

c. zone-of-fire

What is the area in which a hunter may shoot safely when hunting in a group? a. firing lane b. shooting alley c. zone-of-fire d. game zone

c. apply slow, steady pressure until the gun fires

What is the best way to pull the trigger for an accurate shot? a. pull quickly with abrupt pressure b. pull quickly with only the fingertip c. apply slow, steady pressure until the gun fires d. apply fast, steady pressure until the gun fires

a. choke

What is the degree of narrowing at the muzzle end of the shotgun barrel called? a. choke b. caliber c. bore d. gauge

b. Match the information on the barrel to the information on the box.

What is the final step in correctly matching the proper ammunition to a firearm? a. Determine whether a magnum load is designated on the barrel. b. Match the information on the barrel to the information on the box. c. Carefully read the information on the lid of the ammunition box d. Carefully read the information on the side of the barrel.

b. Point the muzzle in a safe direction.

What is the first step in cleaning your firearm? a. Clean from the breech end. b. Point the muzzle in a safe direction. c. Field strip the firearm. d. Use cleaning solvents in a well-ventilated area.

b. Point the muzzle in a safe direction

What is the first step when cleaning a firearm? a. Remove all ammunition from the firearm b. Point the muzzle in a safe direction c. Use cleaning solvents outside d. Open the action and inspect the magazine (Answer: Page #21 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. ensure the wise use and management of renewable resources

What is the goal of wildlife conservation? a. protect endangered species b. protect game and non-game species for future generations c. ensure the wise use and management of renewable resources d. ensure unlimited resources for hunters

d. three of any signal

What is the international emergency sign for distress? a. flashing a mirror b. marking an X in the snow, grass, or sand c. signaling with a whistle d. three of any signal

d. Rimfire ammunition has the primer contained in the rim of the casing.

What is the main difference between centerfire and rimfire ammunition? a. Centerfire ammunition is used for muzzleloaders. b. Centerfire ammunition is limited to low pressure loads. c. Rimfire ammunition is limited to high pressure loads. d. Rimfire ammunition has the primer contained in the rim of the casing.

a. fletching

What is the name of the plastic vanes or feathers on an arrow that provide stability and accuracy in flight? a. fletching b. nock c. nocking point d. crest

a. hypothermia

What is the number one cause of outdoor fatalities? a. hypothermia b. falls c. snakebites d. accidental shooting

c. heat

What is the number one concern in preventing meat spoilage? a. moisture b. smoke c. heat d. dirt

a. broadhead

What is the only arrowhead that may be used for big game hunting? a. broadhead b. bullet point c. field point d. JUDO point

b. full, modified, improved cylinder and cylinder (unchoked)

What is the order of the most common chokes from tightest to widest? a. modified, improved cylinder, full and cylinder (unchoked) b. full, modified, improved cylinder and cylinder (unchoked) c. cylinder (unchoked), improved cylinder, modified and full d. improved cylinder, cylinder (unchoked), modified and full

d. Point the muzzle in a safe direction.

What is the very first step in checking for an obstruction in the barrel of a firearm? a. Check for debris in the barrel. b. Open the action. c. Unload the firearm. d. Point the muzzle in a safe direction.

c. action

What part of a modern firearm can be compared to locks on muzzleloaders? a. safety b. trigger c. action d. barrel

b. action

What part of the firearm loads, fires, and ejects the shells or cartridges? a. stock b. action c. barrel d. trigger

d. vital organs

What part of the game animal is the most effective place to shoot? a. head b. neck c. stomach d. vital organs

b. becoming educated about the game you will hunt

What preparatory step will increase your hunting success and add to your enjoyment of the experience? a. becoming a wildlife expert b. becoming educated about the game you will hunt c. becoming involved in an environmental group d. improving relations with non-hunters

b. fall-arrest system

What should be worn at all times while climbing a tree and when on a tree stand? a. safety helmet b. fall-arrest system c. safety rope d. safety goggles

d. first-aid kit

What should every prepared hunter carry along on hunting trips for outdoor emergencies? a. hunting plan b. fanny pack c. global positioning system d. first-aid kit

d. Field dress it

What should you do as soon as possible after the game has been tagged? a. Transport it back to camp. b. Hang it up. c. Allow it to cool. d. Field dress it.

a. to conserve wildlife for future generations

What was the primary reason hunting laws were passed? a. to conserve wildlife for future generations b. to protect landowners property c. to promote hunting d. to discourage hunting

c. Point the gun in a safe direction, open action, check if loaded

When accepting a firearm from another person: a. Ask if it is loaded b. Check to be sure the safety is on c. Point the gun in a safe direction, open action, check if loaded

a. Middle Ages

When did the concept of fair chase begin? a. Middle Ages b. Iron Age c. Bronze Age d. Industrial Age (Answer: Page #65 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. when the hunter is climbing up or down a tree

When do most tree stand falls occur? a. when the hunter is about to shoot b. when the hunter is hauling the firearm into a stand c. when the hunter is climbing up or down a tree d. when the hunter falls asleep while in the stand

b. Use a safety belt or harness to secure yourself to a tree

When hunting from a tree stand, you should: a. Be at least 10 ft. off the ground b. Use a safety belt or harness to secure yourself to a tree c. Drive nails to secure your stand

b. Judo point

When stump shooting which arrowhead would you typically use? a. Field point b. Judo point c. Blunt point d. Bullet point (Answer: Page#46 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. A predetermined area in which each hunter can safely fire.

When two or more hunters are together, a zone of fire is: a. To your left or your right b. The effective range of their firearm c. A predetermined area in which each hunter can safely fire

b. In the muzzle end of the barrel

When using a collimator for sighting in a rifle, where is it placed? a. In the bore, with the bolt removed. b. In the muzzle end of the barrel c. In the scope rings or ring adaptors d. Attached to the underside of the barrel just in front of the stock (Answer: Page #25 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. cheek

When you shoulder your shotgun, what part of your body should fit snugly against the stock? a. chin b. cheek c. neck d. arm

c. in a quiver with a cover

Where should broadheads be kept while you are traveling to and from the field? a. firmly in your hands b. in a carrier attached to the bow c. in a quiver with a cover d. in a plastic bag to protect from moisture

d. Type IV

Which Type Personal Flotation Device is throwable; not wearable? a. Type I b. Type II c. Type III d. Type IV (Answer: Page #62 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. Flintlock ignition

Which firearm ignition system uses a frizzen? a. Matchlock ignition b. Wheel lock ignition c. Flintlock ignition d. Percussion ignition (Answer: Page #20 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. elevated stand

Which hunting strategy allows the hunter to sit concealed in one spot above the level of the quarry? a. elevated stand b. posting c. ground blind d. still hunting

d. Lowering the head and cheek down to the stock

Which is a common error when shooting a shotgun? a. Slap the trigger b. Point the shotgun c. Using a swing-through method when engaging moving targets d. Lowering the head and cheek down to the stock (Answer: Page #30 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. The hunter walks the stand up the tree

Which is not a characteristic of the hang-on tree stand? a. Secured to the tree with belts or chains b. Require climbing aids c. Provide approximately four square feet of space d. The hunter walks the stand up the tree (Answer: Page#60 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. Slurred speech

Which is not a symptom of frostbite? a. Slurred speech b. Skin turns off-white c. Prickly or tingling feeling occurs as ice crystal forms. d. Pain initially then disappears as frostbite progresses (Answer: Page#77 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. All of the above

Which of the following apply to all firearm field carries? a. Muzzle pointed in a safe direction and under control b. Safety on, until ready to shoot c. Keep your finger outside the trigger d. All of the above (Answer: Page#56 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. All of the above

Which of the following are wildlife management practices? a. Habitat Improvement b. Hunting Regulations c. Management Funds / Programs d. All of the above (Answer: Page# 85 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. pointing the muzzle in an unsafe direction

Which of the following is a safety rule violation that can result in a hunting incident? a. properly clearing an obstructed barrel b. unloading a firearm before crossing a fence c. firing at the intended target with an adequate backstop d. pointing the muzzle in an unsafe direction

a. A modified choke increases the range of the shot over an improved cylinder.

Which of the following is a true statement about chokes? a. A modified choke increases the range of the shot over an improved cylinder. b. The cylinder choke provides a higher shot velocity than a modified choke. c. Full chokes generally produce poor patterns with steel shot. d. Full chokes typically have the most power.

c. NC Wildlife Resources Commission

Which of the following is not an example of a non-governmental organization? a. Ducks Unlimited b. National Wildlife Federation c. NC Wildlife Resources Commission d. National Rifle Association (Answer: Page #5 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. Hunting sounds

Which of the following is not an imitated sound used to draw game to the hunter? a. Distress sounds b. Hunting sounds c. Territorial sounds d. Feeding sounds (Answer: Page #34 in Hunting Ed. book)

b. to teach hunters to limit out whenever possible

Which of the following is not an objective of hunter education? a. to improve hunters' skills and knowledge b. to teach hunters to limit out whenever possible c. to encourage personal involvement in the sport by hunters d. to instill responsible, ethical behavior in hunters

a. Proper equipment

Which of the following is not one of the three fundamentals of good marksmanship? a. Proper equipment b. Practice c. Proper shooting technique d. Proper sight alignment or patterning (Answer: Page #23 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. pull trigger, firing pin strikes primer, primer sparks, gunpowder ignites, gunpowder converts to expanding gas, projectile(s) exits barrel

Which of the following is the correct sequence of events that takes place when a shotgun, rifle, or handgun fires? a. pull trigger, primer sparks, firing pin strikes primer, gunpowder ignites, gunpowder converts to expanding gas, projectile(s) exits barrel b. pull trigger, primer sparks, firing pin strikes primer, gunpowder coverts to expanding gas, gunpowder ignites, projectile(s) exits barrel c. pull trigger, firing pin strikes primer, primer sparks, gunpowder converts to expanding gas, gunpowder ignites, projectile(s) exits barrel d. pull trigger, firing pin strikes primer, primer sparks, gunpowder ignites, gunpowder converts to expanding gas, projectile(s) exits barrel

a. No. 9 shot

Which of the following shot has the smallest diameter? a. No. 9 shot b. No. 2 shot c. 00 buckshot

d. T Shot

Which of the following shot size has the largest diameter? a. #4 Buckshot b. BBB Shot c. 1 Shot d. T Shot (Answer: Page #10 in Hunter Ed. book)

d. A safety is a mechanical device that could fail.

Which of the following statements about firearm safeties is true? a. A safety can take the place of safe firearm handling. b. A safety ensures that a firearm will not fire accidentally. c. It's best to release a safety as soon as you spot your quarry. d. A safety is a mechanical device that could fail.

c. heat exhaustion

Which potential outdoor emergency can be prevented by drinking plenty of water, taking frequent breaks, and dressing in layers? a. hypothermia b. snakebite c. heat exhaustion d. frostbite

b. Cross-bolt safety

Which safety is described as a simple, push button action that blocks the trigger or hammer? It is usually located at the trigger guard or ahead of the hammer. a. Tang safety b. Cross-bolt safety c. Hammer safety d. Pivot safety (Answer: Page # 14 in Hunter Ed. book)

a. quartering-away

Which shot offers a good opportunity for a clean kill on antelope, deer, black bear, and other big game of similar size or smaller? a. quartering-away b. quartering-toward c. rear-end d. head-on

b. FFg

Which size of black powder is typically used in rifles of .50 to .75 caliber? a. Fg b. FFg c. FFFg d. FFFFg (Answer: Page #41 in Hunter Ed. book)

c. two-handed or ready carry

Which technique for carrying a firearm provides the best control of the firearm? a. trail carry b. elbow or side carry c. two-handed or ready carry d. shoulder carry

a. preserve the hunter's opportunity to hunt

While hunting laws preserve wildlife, what do hunter ethics accomplish? a. preserve the hunter's opportunity to hunt b. preserve the right to own firearms c. ensure the hunter's right to hunt d. ensure that hunting licenses remain within the reach of most hunters

b. Ethics

While hunting laws preserve wildlife, what preserves the hunter's opportunity to hunt? a. Hunting license b. Ethics c. Organizations d. Limits (Answer: Page# 66 in Hunter Ed. book)

b. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Who provides federal aid (money) to state wildlife agencies to pay for hunting projects? a. U.S. Department of Agriculture b. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service c. U.S. Department of Safety

c. It is critical for a clean kill.

Why is good marksmanship (accuracy & consistency) important? a. It ensures that the hunter will always bag the limit. b. It ensures that the hunter will bag trophy game. c. It is critical for a clean kill. d. It is essential for a hunter to become a true sportsman.

b. It produces knowledgeable and responsible hunters.

Why is hunter education important? a. It gives hunters the skills to limit out when hunting b. It produces knowledgeable and responsible hunters c. It promotes longer hunting seasons. d. It helps control the animal population.

a. Other hunters see you more easily.

Why should hunters wear daylight fluorescent orange clothing? a. Other hunters see you more easily. b. It is a federal law. c. It reflects sunlight. d. Game cannot see it.

a. increase your accuracy

Why should you aim with your dominant eye? a. increase your accuracy b. increase your ability to find game. c. ensure limiting out. d. ensure that you become a true sportsman.

d. When magnetic north and true north are both aligned at 0 degrees.

Zero degrees declination occurs when? a. When magnetic north is 1 degree more than true north. b. When magnetic north is 1 degree and true north is 1 degree. c. When magnetic north and true north are exactly 5 degrees apart. d. When magnetic north and true north are both aligned at 0 degrees. (Answer: Page#73 in Hunter Ed. book)

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