GEG 111 Exam 3

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The average elevation of the depth of the oceans is

-3800 m (-12,470 ft.)

What type of convergent boundary associated with orogeny is illustrated here?

Continental plate-continental plate collision

Africa is dominated by which topographic region?

Hills and low tablelands

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding mean sea level?

It is calculated based on average tidal levels recorded hourly at a given site over a period of many years

Boundaries between intervals of the geological time scale are determined by

Major events in Earth's history, such as major extinctions.

What type of convergent boundary associated with orogeny is illustrated here?

Oceanic plate-continental plate collision

What type of convergent boundary associated with orogeny is illustrated here?

Oceanic plate-oceanic plate collision

Which of the following is NOT a process than can cause metamorphism?

Solidification of magma

These rounded granite outcrops are the result of which weathering process?

Spheroidal weathering

________________________ grow downward from the roof of a limestone cave


Which of the following is NOT exogenic in nature?

Tectonic uplift

Which of the following is CORRECT regarding the geologic time scale?

The bulk of Earth's history has occurred during the Precambrian eon.

This landform results when water exists a constricted channel and loses velocity.

alluvial fan

________ is the general term for unconsolidated clay, silt, sand, gravel, and mineral fragments deposited by running water.


The feature labeled "A" below is _______________________.

an oxbow lake

Particles of sand, gravels, and shells that move along the shore form

beach drift

When coral expel their own nutrient-supplying algae, a phenomena called ________ often follows.


A depression created by deflation is known as a


The San Andreas system in California is an example of a

both a strike-slip and transform fault.

When the height of a wave exceeds its vertical stability, the wave is called a


These features create zones of still water near coastlines.


Karst topography is formed primarily by

carbonation and solution

Hydrolysis, hydration, oxidation, and carbonation are all examples of ________ weathering processes.


A __________________ is a small, cone-shaped hill usually less than 450 m (1500 ft) formed from material that accumulates from moderately explosive volcanoes.

cinder cone

An atoll is approximately ________ in shape because it forms ________.

circular; around submerged volcanic islands

A wave-cut platform is the erosional remnant of a


A drainage divide that separates drainage basins that empty into different bodies of water surrounding a continent are known as

continental divides

The nucleus of old crystalline rock in each of the principal continental masses is called a

continental shield, or craton

Areas of crustal collision and subduction occur along

convergent boundaries

Circular surface depressions usually found at or near the summit of a volcano are known as


The effect of urbanization on a typical stream hydrograph is to

decrease lag time between storm peak and peak stream discharge

The treelike drainage pattern shown below from Yemen is known as _______________________.


All processes that cause reduction and rearrangement of landforms are included in the term


The sediment load that travels in solution is

dissolved load

Areas of upwelling material from the mantle to form new seafloor occur along

divergent boundaries

An extensive area of sand and sand dunes is known as a(n)

erg desert, or sand sea.

The term eolian refers to

erosion, transportation, and deposition by wind

Sedimentary rocks are more a product of the ________ system whereas metamorphic and igneous rocks are more a product of the ________ system.

exogenic; endogenic

The relatively flat ground, bounded by bluffs, on either side of the meandering river illustrated below is known as a __________________________. The flat ground is labeled "B".


The science that specifically studies the origin, evolution, form, and spatial distribution of landforms is


The subfield of geography and geology concerned with the study of the origins, evolutions, form, and spatial distribution of Earth's landforms is


Continental crust is basically ________, whereas oceanic crust is basically ________.

granite; basalt

Chemical weathering is greatest under conditions of

higher rainfall and temperatures

Volcanic activity located away from plate boundaries is associated with

hot spots

________ are sites of upwelling of magma from the mantle independent of plate boundaries.

hot spots

The science of water and its global circulation, distribution, and properties is known as


________ streams have some groundwater input, but only flow for certain periods during a year.


The height of a tsunami grows as it approaches a coastline primarily because

its wavelength shortens

These features block material from blocking harbor entrances


A shallow saltwater body cut off from the ocean by a bay barrier is known as a


The photograph shows an example of which mass movement process?


The destruction of a mangrove swamp might lead to

loss of species and coastal erosion

Molten rock beneath Earth's surface is known as ________, whereas molten rock on Earth's surface is called ________.

magma; lava

An element or combination of elements that forms an inorganic, natural compound is called a


The magnitude of earthquakes is measured by the ________________ scale

moment magnitude

When the Sun and Moon are neither in conjunction or opposition, the ________ tide occurs and results in the ________ tidal range between low and high tides.

neap; lowest

Drainage basins are ________ systems


This drainage pattern is associated with steep slopes


________ streams flow year-round, fed by snowmelt, rainfall, groundwater, or a combination thereof.


Exfoliation and pressure-release jointing are examples of ________ weathering processes.


Frost wedging is an example of ________ weathering processes.


A large region identifiable by several topographic or geological traits is known as a

physiographic province.

A topographic region that is characterized by local relief of less than 100 m (325 ft.) is considered a


A coral is a type of ________ that secretes ________ to form a hard external skeleton.

polyp; calcium carbonate

The drainage pattern that flows of the Bazman volcano in Iran is known as ______________. An image of the Bazman volcano is shown below


Metamorphism that occurs over broad areas when the pressure and associated heat of of overlaying rocks or other tectonic forces cause the rocks to undergo deformation is known as

regional metamorphism

In most areas, the upper surface of bedrock is partially weathered to broken-up rock called


Vertical elevation differences in a local landscape are referred to as


Within the deep cold zone, average temperature and salinity

remain fairly constant with depth

Overland flow can concentrate in small grooves called ________, which can enlarge to form ________.

rills; gullies

An assemblage of minerals bound together is called a


Factors influencing the weathering process include

rock composition and structure, climate, and vegetation

A niche in sandstone, such as that in Arizona's Canyon de Chelly, is indicative of which weathering process?

salt crystal growth

The ultimate base level is

sea level

The three basic rock types are

sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous.

Stream transport involves all of the following EXCEPT

sheet flow

The weathering of limestone can create circular depressions known as


A slow persistent mass movement of surface soil is called

soil creep

The bent trees, leaning utility posts, and fences in this diagram indicate which type of mass movement?

soil creep

When the Sun and Moon are on the same side Earth or on opposite sides of earth, the ________ tide occurs and results in the ________ tidal range between low and high tides.

spring; greatest

When lateral shear causes horizontal movement along a fault plane, the resulting fault is called a

strike-slip fault

Desert pavement refers to

surfaces of concentrated pebbles and gravels

The photograph is an example of a

talus slope

Normal faults are associated with

tensional forces

Uniformitarianism assumes that

the same physical processes we see today are a key to understanding the processes that have been operating throughout geologic time

a zone of compression and folding.

the sharp release of energy in Earth's crust that creates seismic waves

If you live in an area that was flooded by the 100-year flood last year, you can conclude that

there is a 1% chance you could be flooded by the 100-year flood again this year.

Areas where plates slide past one another, usually ar right angles to a seafloor spreading are

transform boundaries

This drainage pattern is characteristic of dipping or folded topography


Which of the following is an endogenic process?


The process that breaks down rock at Earth's surface through disintegration of rocks into mineral particles or dissolving it into water is known as


Which of the following is an exogenic process?


Within the United States, which area has the highest earthquake hazards?

west coast

Cones and cockpit karst develop in

wet tropical areas

In 1912, the theory of continental drift was proposed by _______________________________.

Alfred Wegener

Of the world's largest rivers, which has the greatest discharge?

Amazon River

Which of the following is NOT a criteria to be classified as a mineral?


A major difference between a barrier island and a barrier spit is

a barrier spit is connected to the mainland, whereas a barrier island is not

Orogenesis refers to

a general term for a mountain-building episode that thickens continental crust.

The Zagros mountains of Iran is an example of

a zone of compression and folding.

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