Gen psych exam 2

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The human sleep cycle repeats itself about ever?

90 Minutes

Circadian Rhythm refers to?

A pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle

Nageeb thought all nurses were young females until a middle-aged male nurse took care of him. Nageeb's altered conception of a "nurse" illustrates the process of?


One of the most consistently damaging teratogens is?


Edith abuses both her 3-year-old and 1-year-old daughters. Her behavior is most likely related to a lack of?

An early and secure attachment to her own parents

Incorporating new information existing theories is to ___________ as modifying existing theories in light of new information is to _____________?

Assimilation; Accommodation

Little Karen will approach and play with unfamiliar animals only if her mother first reassures her that it is safe to do so. This best illustrates the adaptive value of?


An impaired theory of mind is most closely associated with?


Studies of monkeys raised with artificial mother suggests that mother-infant emotional bonds result primarily from mothers providing infants with?

Body contact

When golden hamsters repeatedly threatened and attacked while young, they suffered long-term changes in?

Brain Chemistry

The symptoms of fetal alcohol syndrome are most likely to include?

Brain abnormalities

According to Piaget, children come to understand that the volume of a substance remains constant despite changes in its shape during the__________ stage.

Concrete Operational

According to Piaget, the ability to think logically about events first develops during the__________ stages?

Concrete operational

Mrs. Pearson cut Judy's hot dog into eight pieces and Sylvia's into six pieces. Sylvia cried because she felt she wasn't getting as much hot dog as Judy. Piaget would say that Sylvia doesn't understand the principles of?


Sleep deprivation has been shown to?

Diminish immuunity to disease

Three hours after going to sleep, Shoshanna's heart rate increases, her breathing becomes more rapid, and her eyes move rapidly under her closed lids. Resreach suggests that Shoshanna is?


Which of the following is bad advice for a person trying to overcome insomnia?

Drink a glass of wine 15 minutes before bedtime

Night terrors typically occur?

During NREM-3&4 sleep

Four-year-old Jennifer Mistakenly believes that her mother would like to receive a toy doll as a Christmas present. This best illustrates Piaget's concept of?


Newborns have been observes to show the greatest visual interest in a?

Facelike image

Susan is a political cartoonist whose work requires her to think imaginatively and present ideas in visually novel ways. Her work is most likely to be facilitated by?

Full nights of sleep

Hypnosis involves a state of?

Heightened openness of suggestion

If asked to watch a video and press a key each time a black-shirted player passed a basketball, most research participants remained unaware of an umbrella toting woman strolling across the video screen, This illustrated?

Inattentional Blindness

Traffic accidents rates have been found to _________ after the spring change to daylight savings time and to _________ after the fall change back to standard time?

Increase; Decrease

People who regularly sleep less than normal experience a(n) __________ risk of depression and a(n) __________ risk of obesity?

Increased; Increased

Research indicates that total time spent in REM sleep is especially high in?


A mother who is slow in responding to her infant's cries of distress is most likely to encourage?

Insecure attachment

A recurring difficulty in falling or staying asleep is called?


Horace, the youngest child of a high school athletic director, was able to roll over at 1 months, crawl at 6 months and walk at 12months. This ordered sequence of motor development was largely due to?


Compared with adults, children are?

More likely to experience night terrors and more likely to experience sleepwalking

Bed-wetting is most likely to occur at the end of ________ sleep?


During a heated argument with his teenage daughter, Mr. Reid suddenly lapsed into a state of REM sleep. Mr. Reid apparently suffers from?


Particularly among men, sleep apnea is linked with?


Consciousness is?

Our awareness of ourselves and our environment

REM sleep is called paradoxical sleep because?

Our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move.

According to Piaget, schemas are?

People's conceptual frameworks for understanding their experiences

According to Piaget, a child can represent things with words and images but cannot reason with logic during the _____________ stage?


At 3'oclock in the morning, john has already slept for 4 hours. As long as his sleep continues, we can except an increasing occurrence of?

REM sleep

Evidence suggests that we consolidate our memories of recent life events through?

REM sleep

The occasional experience of sleep paralysis is most likely as you awaken from?

REM sleep

During the course of a full night's sleep, people are most likely to spend more time in?

REM sleep than in NREM-1 sleep

According to Piaget, during the formal operational stages people begin to?

Reason abstractly

If children cannot grasp the principle of conservation, they are unable to?

Recognize that the quality of a substance remains the same despite changes in its shape.

Which of the following is the best advice for a person concerned about occasional insomnia?

Relax and drink a glass of milk before bedtime

Which of the following factors contributes post positively to the development to secure attachment between humans infants and their mothers?

Responsive Parenting

Infants develop a fear of stranger at about 8 months of age because they can't assimilate unfamiliar face into their?


Providing children with a safe haven in times of stress contributes most directly to?

Secure Attachment

One plausible theory suggests that hypnotic pain relief may result from?

Selective Attention

When tommy's mother hides his favorite toy under a blanket, he acts as though it no longer exists and makes no attempt to retrieve it. Tommy is clearly near the beginning of Piaget's ____________ Stage?


An air pump that keeps the sleeper's airway open and breathing regular is often prescribed for serious cases of?

Sleep apnea

Mr. Oates always sleeps restlessly, snorting and gasping throughout the night. It is most likely that Mr. Oates suffers from?

Sleep apnea

Research on sleep patterns indicates that?

Sleep patterns may be genetically influenced

An ongoing study of 1100 children in 10 American cities found that those who had spent the most time in day-care facilities had?

Slightly advances thinking and language skills and an increased rate of aggressiveness

Production of the human growth hormone necessary for muscle developments is most strongly associated with?

Slow-wave sleep

Compared with when they were only 20 years old, 60-years-old?

Spend less time in deep sleep

Sleep deprivation____________ the production of body fat by _______ levels of stress hormone cortisol?

Stimulates; increasing

At about 8 months, children become increasingly likely to react to newcomers with tears and distress. This best illustrates?

Stranger Anxiety

Severe and prolonged child sexual abuse places children at risk for?

Substance abuse

REM rebound involves the?

Tendency for REM sleep to increase following REM sleep deprivation

A preference for our mother's voice over our father's voice has been detected as early as?

The day after birth

Psychologists who view the developmental process as a sequence of distinct stages generally believe that __________ is (are) the same for everyone?

The order but not the timing of the stages

Five-year-olds who were surprised to discover that a Band-aids boy contained pencils were able to anticipate their friend's false belief about the contents of the box. This best illustrates that the children had developed a?

Theory of Mind

Mrs. Carmichael secretly dabs some lipstick on the nose of her 2-year-old son and then allows him to see his face in the mirror. The child is most likely to?

Touch his own nose

Forty-year-old Lance insists that he never dreams. Research suggests that he probably?

Would report a vivid dream if he were awakened during REM sleep

During the course of successful prenatal development, a human organism begins as a(n)?

Zygote and finally develops into an embryo

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