General Culinary Terms
A cold egg and oil emulsion with olive oil and garlic. Many variations of this sauce are made.
Acidulated water
A mixture of water and a small amount of vinegar or lemon juice, used to purify or prevent discoloration in meats and vegetables.
A small half-moon shaped ravioli.
Al Pastor
A term used in Spanish and Italian referring to a dish cooked in the style of shepherd cooking, usually over a grill or spit.
Achar - Very spicy relish from the cuisine of India and the Caribbean Islands. Achar may be made from fruits an//d vegetables.
French word for "garlic"
Al Dente
Italian for "to the tooth." It describes pasta that is cooked until it offers a slight resistance when bitten into, rather than cooked until soft.
Al Forno
Italian term describing a dish cooked in the oven.
Long, thin slices of poultry breast or some other meats.
The protein of egg whites