General Info and North America

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Be able to recognize a transaction taking place in the informal economy?


Know characteristics of the green revolution


What percent of Native Americans were killed by infections diseases within 100 years of first European contract?


What percentage of the world's population does NOT have access to clean water?


Baby boomers- who are they?

1947 - 1964

Most of the Earth's population lives between ____ latitude and ____ latitude.

20, 60

What percentage of the Earth's population now lives in cities?


Approximately how many people live in North America?

542 million

The dominant world language today:


The main source of moisture east of the Rockies is:

Gulf of Mexico

After World War II, what accelerated suburban growth?

Interstate Highway System, air transportation

What is NAFTA?

North American Free Trade Agreement

Through which ocean does the longitude line at 180 run?

Pacific Ocean

Geography as a discipline links the ____ with the _____

Physical Sciences, Social Sciences

Which mountain range dominates western North America?

Rocky Mountains

Define domestication

adaption to intimate association with human beings

Define purchasing power parity

amount of local currency equivalent of $1 will purchase in a given country

Farmers on the Great Plains have turned to using fossil water from:


What two variables are accounted for in the rate of natural increase?

births and deaths

The push/pull phenomenon of urbanization

changes in food production = push out, manufacturing and service = pull in

Difference between climate and weather

climate = pattern day to day over long periods, weather = atmosphere conditions at a given time

Where would one find the most extreme change in temperature and air pressure over a year?

continental interior

How did humans first come into North America?

crossing the Bering Strait

What was the Dust Bowl?

dust storms blew away most of the top soil

Arguments for free trade

efficiency, lowers prices, more consumer choices

Define sustainable development

effort to improve present living standards in ways that will not jeopardize those of future generations

The globe is divided into the Northern and Southern Hemisphers at the:


Similarities between the US and Canada

former British colonies, democratic, federations, similar legal systems

The study of the growth and decline of the numbers of people on Earth, their distribution across the Earth's surface, age and sex distributions, and migration patterns is the study of:


The Greak Lakes were formed by:

glacier movement

In some of the countries of Central Europe, the population is aging and declining due to:

low birth rate

Know gross domestic product

measures only what goes on in the formal economy

Know gentrification

movement of middle class people into deteriorated areas of the city center

The largest concentration of Canadians is located in what part of Canda?

nearest the Canada-US border, Ontario

Temperatures in the continental interior of North America are more extreme than in North American coastal areas because

oceans provide both cold and warm currents

In the US, a disproportionate amount of hazardous waste is disposed of in locations inhabited by:

poor populations (american south)

The leading cause of death among girls 15-19 worldwide is:


What is the thesis of the film "Food Inc."?

products grown locally and organically are better for you

Consequence of the development of agriculture?

rapid population growth, dense settlement, extreme social inequalities, environmental degradation, occasional famine

Which of the following terms refers to the unit of the Earth's surface that contains distinct patterns of physical features of of human activities?


Define weathering

rock fractures into tiny pieces

Difference between sex and gender

sex = biological, gender = social rules

Factors contributing to the culture of poverty?

single parent family, flight of middle class to suburbs, economic and spatial segregation

The rising levels of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere is attributable to?

slow shifting of climate patterns due to general cooling or warming of the atmosphere

Characterisitcs of shantytowns

slum, built on the peripheral of cities, poor sanitations

Know the components of culture

social institutions, beliefs and values, material culture

The "Bible Belt"

southern and midwestern US and wester Canada were protestants practice

What mechanisms have national governments used to protect their economies and industries from foreign competition?

tariffs and import quotas

Define democratization

transition toward political systems guided by competitive elections

Define free trade

unrestricted international exchange of goods, services, and capital

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