General workplace skills

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Business ethics

how a company interacts with customers and employees

Manifest conflict

the behavioral or action stage of conflict -often characterized by verbal or written threats or physical actions

What should you do before presenting your new ideas to others?

-Organize what you want to communicate first -Prepare answers to potential audience questions

A customer is complaining in an angry voice that a product is defective. You notice that the product is not defective; rather, the customer needs to be trained on how to use the product correctly.

-Stay calm to try to influence the customer to calm down -Use good manners when speaking to the customer to show your respect

What benefits do companies get from hiring a diverse workforce?

-a great pool of candidates to hire -retention of valuable employees -better understanding of a global market -different perspectives to solve problems

Of the choices below, which qualities in an employee are usually the most desired by employers?

-a positive attitude -an open mind -the ability to think critically

e-mail address includes:

-a username -the @ symbol -a domain name -example, in [email protected], julie is the username and is the domain name.

Techniques for resolving conflict:

-address the conflict immediately -listen to an employee's issue, which is the first and most important step in resolving conflict -get everyone to agree on the problem -have both sides brainstorm possible solutions so that everyone will feel satisfied with the resolution

What are techniques for active listening?

-asking clarifying questions, without interrupting -keeping eye contact

Positive workplace behaviors may include:

-being prompt -meeting deadlines -following through on commitments -working diligently -offering suggestions that may help the company work more efficiently

A team leader should demonstrate leadership skills by doing the following:

-being supportive of other team members -having a vision of the "big picture" of the project in mind and not getting hung up on small details -providing effective and frequent communication with team members to make sure they understand your vision for the project -having patience with team members. Do not focus on small mistakes and never embarrass one member in front of the rest of the team. Fix the mistake quietly and move on

different tones with different people in the workplace:

-best to be more formal when communicating with supervisors -alright to be less formal with coworkers who have the same position as you, but it is still important to use professional language and to treat them with respect

Racial diversity

-can bring new ideas, attitudes, experiences, and thinking patterns to the workplace -help minimize "group think," which occurs when a group makes consistent and sometimes faulty decisions based on everyone thinking the same thing and not allowing alternative ideas to surface

What is considered appropriate dress for men and women in the workplace?

-clean, pressed pants or skirts -dress shirts and ties -subdued dresses or pant suits

To demonstrate a willingness and ability to collaborate at work:

-consult with a coworker while developing a program or project -ask the opinions of your boss as well as coworkers while you are in the process of writing or creating something -willingly contribute your ideas when placed in a team with others

E-mail has many capabilities, including the ability to:

-contact hundreds of people at the same time -communicate a consistent, identical message to large groups of recipients at the same time -offer a way for people to keep written records of their conversations and other information without using paper -keep communications organized

body field

-contains the main text, or message, of the e-mail -message can be personal or professional, long or short

What are the advantages of a diverse workforce?

-creates an atmosphere of innovation and creativity through diverse viewpoints -companies committed to diversity set themselves apart from their competition and spark loyalty in their employees and customers -makes it easier to recruit new employees -access to a greater pool of candidates means better odds of hiring the best person for the job

how to receive constructive criticism:

-don't interrupt or speak until you are sure the speakers are finished making their point -demonstrate to the speaker that you are actively listening by making eye contact -treat the other person respectfully by using positive body language and facial expressions -do not frown, sneer, or fold your arms in front of you defensively

What qualities in an employee are highly desired by employers?

-flexibility and open-mindedness -being quick to adapt to technology changes -having a positive attitude -taking initiative to solve problems -thinking critically to find the best solutions to problems -not just following old ideas; always looking for new solutions or processes

To solve a problem:

-formulate a plan to collaborate to solve an IT problem -meet as a team and examine the problem -have one person keep notes on what various team members can contribute -divide the work according to skill and ability, and reconvene periodically until the problem is solved -keep in communication with your collaborators often through e-mail or by speaking to each other personally


-helps you grow as a person and promotes ideas that can increase the value of products and services to global customers

Ethical behaviors include:

-honesty -fairness -honoring commitments -product safety -sound financial accounting practices -taking responsibility for one's own errors -ensuring customers receive the service they paid for and are entitled to

It is usually OK to quote from an e-mail when:

-information in the original quote does not reveal anything private, embarrassing, or confidential -asking for or providing clarification or more information, such as understanding the original intent, context, or tone of e-mail -part of a series of e-mails written by several people - this keeps everyone informed -forwarding to another uninvolved person who may not have been part of the original conversation

What should you do if you receive criticism at work?

-listen respectfully even if you don't like what's being said -show that you are actively listening to the speaker

How could you nonverbally express interest while speaking to a customer in person?

-making eye contact -nodding my head -smiling -sitting up straight

Inappropriate workplace behaviors may include:

-missing deadlines -chronic tardiness -passing off assigned work to coworkers -refusing to collaborate on team projects -shifting blame in a negative situation -gossiping or undermining authority -harassing coworkers

Workplace policies are communicated through:

-new employee orientation -employee handbooks -other training materials

What techniques are required to accept constructive criticism?

-not interrupting or speaking until the other person is finished making a point -not frowning, sneering, or defensively folding arms in front of you

Some conversations should not be had over e-mail because they are too personal:

-not usually appropriate to fire someone over email because it is a very personal thing to tell someone -can be hard to know the tone of an e-mail, so you should avoid giving criticism over e-mail

To demonstrate teamwork:

-treat everyone equally -keep an open mind about your teammates' ideas -be aware of what other team members' duties are

Examples of using courtesy in the workplace are:

-using "please" and "thank you" and exchanging greetings when you pass a coworker in the hallway -making sure to consult with a coworker before interfering with a part of a project they have been assigned

Demonstrating Motivation:

-willingness to learn new skills -signing up for advanced education courses -submitting quality work and meeting deadlines -verbally expressing interest in additional advancement opportunities -volunteering for additional projects


a person's decision to take action without being asked -an extremely important and attractive quality to employers -as an employee, you should always be thinking about how to embody and display this quality.


a personal, responsible decision to take action

cc field

an optional field where you can put the addresses of people you want to receive a copy of the e-mail -use the cc option when you want someone else to receive the message but the message is not addressed to them

When explaining technical information to a non-technical audience, it is best to

avoid the use of technical terms in your explanations

Latent conflict

conflict that exists but is not expressed -this type of conflict can be dangerous, as resentments can fester and build without conflict resolution -important to encourage employees to constructively express resentments

e-mail address book

contains all of your contacts' information

Sally's company needed better ways to gather customer feedback at a lower cost. She suggests using social media to connect with customers. This is an example of

creative thinking

Constructive criticism

criticism that is meant to help someone get better at something -not meant to make someone feel bad -provides ideas for ways in which the employee can do a better job next time

subject field of an e-mail

gives a brief idea of what the e-mail is about -enter information into the subject field so that the recipient will know what your e-mail is about

Racial diversity helps minimizes ______________, which occurs when a group makes faulty decisions due to similar thinking and not allowing alternative ideas to surface

group think


showing politeness in one's attitude and behavior toward others -courtesy and good manners are important in all walks of life, but are particularly important in the workplace


someone your e-mail program has stored information about

Critical thinking

the ability to critique ideas and approaches to processes and find the best solution -does not mean being critical of others

customer service mindset

the ability to stay positive and focused on finding a solution that satisfies the customer


the act of working together for a common purpose or benefit -you can demonstrate cooperation by listening respectfully to your bosses when they give you direction


the art of cleaning and maintaining parts of the body -includes practices like hair styling, shaving, the care of clothing, and dressing appropriately for social and work situations

You are an employee caught up on all of your work. Another employee is struggling with what should be a five-minute software task that you know how to do. What is the best action for you to take?

Help the other employee with the five-minute software task

Good Writing Habits for the Workplace:

-Be clear and concise -Adjust your writing style to the audience. Do not use technical terms or abbreviations if the reader is not familiar with the subject -Check for errors and misspellings. Make sure you are using the right version of a word; for example, check to see that you used their, there, and they're correctly

techniques for effective communication in the workplace:

-Be clear and concise when speaking -Use the preferred communication style for the person with whom you are talking -Use good writing habits for the workplace

What steps are needed to organize oral or written IT messages to ensure that the audience fully understands the ideas being communicated?

-Clarify in your own mind what you want to communicate first -Prepare answers to potential audience questions -Limit use of technical terms

Leadership skills:

-planning - organize a plan or schedule for workflow that the team can follow to accomplish the goal -monitoring progress - support and encourage team members, answer any questions or search for more information if that suddenly becomes necessary -supporting others - make sure all team members have all the resources they need to accomplish their parts of the project -managing expectations - make sure all team members are aware of deadlines and speak privately to any members who seems to be lagging or having challenge with their work

special challenges in communicating with customers:

-remember to always treat customers with courtesy and good manners, regardless of whether customers treat you with the same courtesy -keep in mind that customers are important to businesses' success

People use e-mail to:

-send information quickly and conveniently -involve participants in a conversation when working on a common project -create a written record of a conversation -use written communication across long distances -communicate when face-to-face communication is not possible or feasible

E-mail is an easy way to:

-share information, including meeting reports, event notices, or announcements -send data and information in the form of files -provide updates that are not time-sensitive

You can exhibit a positive attitude in the workplace through these behaviors:

-show enthusiasm for and genuine interest in your work and the company itself -demonstrate your willingness to take on increased responsibility — employers are always happy to let employees stretch their skills -remember to follow policy, be punctual, be a team player, and be open to constructive criticism and suggestions

Inappropriate Workplace Communication

-slang -profanity -off-color remarks

Most e-mail software programs have similar functions:

-store contacts -access contact information -sort e-mail by date, sender, or other category -set an e-mail's priority -create signature text that is automatically included at the end of a message -set automatic messages and replies

Today's workforce spans four generations:

-traditionalists (born before 1946) -baby boomers (born 1946-1964) -generation Xers (born 1965-1981) -millennials (born 1982-2000)

face-to-face conversation

people unknowingly reveal feelings of frustration or boredom through facial expressions and body posture

Which of the following is the best way to make sure you understand what someone has said?

Paraphrase the information

Your company is getting negative feedback on the current customer service process. It's your job to make sure customers are happy. How would you approach the problem?

Review the process and to see where it needs adjusting


a disagreement between individuals or groups -involves the perception of a threat to an individual's or group's needs or interests -faced with new ideas, cultures, and different ways of doing things, people may feel threatened, and conflict can result


a characteristic that denotes positive, virtuous attributes such as integrity, truthfulness, and straightforwardness along with the absence of lying, cheating, or theft -you can demonstrate honesty in the workplace by refraining from dishonest behavior, such as exaggerating or fabricating your accomplishments

Active listening requires asking ____________ during a conversation. This technique is used when receiving constructive criticism as well

a clarifying question

Conflict resolution

a collection of methods for creating a peaceful resolution to a disagreement or conflict -inevitable in the workplace, so it is important to resolve conflict with positive and honest interactions among the parties involved

Workplace diversity

a company is inclusive of people of all backgrounds -gender -age -ethnicity -race -professionals should be open minded toward working with people of different backgrounds

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

a federal law that protects the rights of people with disabilities in the workplace -employers must make reasonable accommodations for a disabled employee to successfully perform the job's basic duties

e-mail attachment

a file that a sender includes in an e-mail -file can be a word-processing document, an image, or another type of file

Body language

a form of nonverbal communication by which people use posture, facial expressions, eye movements, and gestures to communicate their thoughts and attitudes -demonstrated and interpreted almost entirely subconsciously

Work ethic

a person's set of values based on the belief that hard work and diligence enhances personal character and pride

Active listening

being fully engaged and participating as a listener -stay focused and pay attention to the speaker -try not to interrupt the speaker while he or she is talking -look at the speaker -don't engage in any other activities while you listen unless you need to take notes to help you remember the information


faithfulness or a devotion to a person, country, group, or cause -employers consider loyalty an extremely important quality in an employee

reply all

feature allows you to reply to everyone who was included in the original message -can be helpful when you need to share your response with everyone


feature allows you to respond to the person who e-mailed you

Appropriate dress

may vary from office to office, but it is always better to dress in more formal business clothing. If there is an official dress code, follow it

Electronic communications

often more casual than other types of business communications, but if your e-mails are too casual, they may seem unprofessional -get to the point as quickly as possible -be professional, use appropriate business language, and avoid using abbreviations like OMG or LOL

Experienced customer service people

often very good at maintaining this mindset, even when dealing with an upset or rude customer

positive relationship

one in which customers feel happy and satisfied with their interactions with a company

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) says that employers must make ______________ for disabled workers to perform their jobs

reasonable accommodations

Conflict can arise in the workplace because of personality issues, cultural differences, and ____________

religious beliefs

human resources department

responsible for hiring employees, managing their benefits, and presenting company policies


restating something in your own words -assures the speaker that you understood the message and lets the speaker correct any mistakes or misunderstandings

Forwarding an e-mail

sending an e-mail you received from someone else to other people -helpful when you want to share information from an e-mail with someone who did not receive the original e-mail


the characteristic of being able to complete a required task or fulfill an obligation before or at a previously designated time -arriving at work and getting to your desk by the designated starting time in the morning -attending meetings on time and meeting your coworkers at the time agreed upon demonstrates punctuality as well

Customer service

the collection of interactions a company has with customers who have purchased a product or who will purchase one -good customer service team may be able to restore a relationship with an upset customer


the moral principles of right and wrong that govern the behavior of a person or group


the person who will receive the e-mail


the set of practices associated with healthy living and the preservation of health -includes the washing and cleaning of the body, hair, and teeth

Verbal communication skills

the skills of speaking and listening -used when speaking on the phone, in meetings, or in face-to-face conversations -to interact with customers, coworkers, supervisors, vendors, and others

Nonverbal communication skills

the skills of using and interpreting body language and behavior -can be misread because gestures often have multiple interpretations

Companies benefit from older workers because

they often have a lot of experience


thinking and doing things in new and different ways

customer service person's task

to find out what is wrong and what is needed to restore positive relations with customers -different customers may require different solutions

bcc field

used to send someone a copy of an e-mail without the main recipient's knowledge -can be an appropriate way to track mailings or to ensure that you do not share individual e-mail addresses with other people in a mass e-mail -use the bcc option cautiously

"from" field of an e-mail

where the sender's name and e-mail address appear -tells the recipient who sent the e-mail

"to" field of an e-mail

where you type in the e-mail address of the recipient


work performed by a number of people all working toward the accomplishment of a common goal -can increase work production and improve team morale

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