Geo Exam 11-20 #2

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-"al" for aluminum, "f" for iron, 2 prominent elements in these soils -deciduous vegetation -warm, humid climate

55. What is the difference in direction that barchanoid and parabolic dunes point?

-Barchanoid:These dunes are crescent-shaped individual mounds. Barchanoid dunes are formed from the upwind slope, which is usually less than 15ƒ, is wind packed, and firm. Sizes of individual simple barchans range from a meter or so to perhaps a hundred meters from horn to horn. -Parabolic:These are U-shaped or V-shaped stack of well-sorted sand.Parabolic dunes extend downwind from blowouts in sand sheets only partly anchored by vegetation. Parabolic dunes can also originate from beach sands and extend inland into vegetated areas in coastal zones and on shores of large lakes.


-Greek histos, "living tissues"; these soils contain mostly organic matter -soils characterized by plentiful partly decayed plant material


-Greek spodos, "wood ash"; ashy soils


-Latin gelatino, "freezing"; soils in areas of permafrost


-Latin inceptum, "beginning"; young soils at the beginning of their "life"


-Latin mollis, "soft"; soft soils -highest rated soils for overall agricultural productivity


-Latin ultimus, "last"; soils that have had the last of their nutrient bases leached out -soils which are red with a surface layer containing much aluminum and iron


-Latin verto, "turn"; soils in which materials from O and A horizons fall through surface cracks and ends up below deeper horizons; the usual horizon order is inverted -soil order adapted to wet-dry cycles and having clayey surfaces

56. What is loess?

-a loamy deposit formed by wind, usually yellowish and calcareous, common in the Mississippi Valley and in Europe and Asia.


-andesite, rock formed from type of magma in Andes Mountains volcanoes; soils high in volcanic ash

58. What is the difference between a tributary and a distributary?

-dis-tributaries are branches of a river while tributaries are small channels or rivers which combine to form the main river.


-dominant pedogenic process in NA, Eurasia and subtropics -calcium salts are produced in this regime

Soil Taxonomy

-generic -system that is presently in use in the US


-last 3 letters in "recent"; these are recent formed soils -soil order covering the greatest surface area on Earth


-latin aridus, "dry"; dry soils


-soils with large amounts of oxygen-containing compounds - most weathered and leached soils


... is the spanish word for big table and is applied to flat topped landforms in the american west

In some places, Pleistocene glaciation depressed the Earth's crust as much as ________ meters.


Essay: Three types of glacial movement

1. Oozing- when a mass of ice attains a thickness of about 50 meters it begins to flow in response to the overlying weight. The entire mass does not move; rather there is an oozing outward from around the edge of an ice sheet or down-valley from the toe of an alpine glacier 2. Laminate flow- along interna planes which causes different portions of the glacier to move with different speeds 3. basal slip- occurs at the bottom of the glacier, in which the entire mass slides over its bed on a lubricating film of water

Essay: What are three conditions that are necessary in order for hydrothermal features to develop?

1. shallow magma pool providing a heat source 2. an abundance of water that can seep downward and become heated 3. a weak or broken ground surface that allows water to move and down easily

At its maximum extent, ice covered almost ___ of the Earth's land surface


At its maximum extent, ice covered almost ________ of the Earth's land surface.


The outer and inner cores together make up approximately ________ of the mass of the Earth.


Crustal plates are on the order of ________ kilometer(s) thick.


Oceans are being created and removed from the Earth on a cycling time of about ________.

100 million years

The deepest drill core into the Earth's crust is approximately ________ kilometers deep.


The oceanic tides rise and fall in a rhythmic cycle that takes place roughly once every ________ hours.


The approximate LAND surface of the Earth totals more than ________ square kilometers.

150 million

The Age of Dinosaurs persisted for some ________ years.

160 million

The current interest in continental drift was started with the notion of sea-floor spreading, which was propounded by Hess and Dietz in the ________.


In the system of stream orders, the smallest unit in the network is at the

1st order

In the system of stream orders, the smallest unit in the network is at the ________.

1st order

In the system of stream orders, the smallest unit in the network is the

1st order

In some places, the crust of the Earth is rising as much as ________ per decade because of crustal adjustment after the Pleistocene ice melted.`

2 centimeters

The Pleistocene Epoch began at least ________.

2.5 million years ago

Today, more than ________ percent of Earth's surface is affected by periglacial conditions.


The maximum world relief is CLOSEST to ________.

20 kilometers

How long ago did the Atlantic start to form as Pangaea started to rift apart?

200 million years

It has been deduced the mantle is composed of ________ concentric layers of various composition and density.


Approximately ... percent of the coterminous United States is covered by loess.


The longest recorded glacial advance in 24 hours was on the order of ________.

30 meters

About ________ percent of the world's land ice resides in places other than Greenland and Antarctica.


The approximate maximum thickness of contemporary glacial ice is ________ meters.


The Approximate maximum thickness of contemporary glacial ice is

4,000 meters

Approximately ________ different minerals are known.


Earth's age is ________ billion years old.


The present estimate of the Earth's age is about ________ years.

4.6 billion

Organic matter usually comprises about ________ percent of total soil volume


The sandy barrier islands, characteristic of the U.S. Atlantic and Gulf coasts, are as long as ________ kilometers.


In square kilometers, which of the following is CLOSEST to the amount of land surface covered by Pleistocene ice?

50 million

Which of the following numbers is CLOSEST to the number of active volcanoes on Earth's land surface?


The world system of interconnected ocean bottom ridges comes to a total of about ________ kilometers.


The Rocky Mountains started to be uplifted ________ years ago.

65 million

It is estimated that ________ percent of all contemporary erosion is accomplished by glaciers.


On the richer scale, "very large" earthquakes are assigned a number of ________ or above.


Which pH reading is suitable for most plants and soil microorganisms


) Based on the pH scale soils are neutral at ________


Spray from breaking waves has been found to move at more than ________ miles an hour


Sedimentary rocks are the most common bedrock on the continents and comprise about ________ percent of the surface.


Antarctica's ice sheet encompasses about __ percent of the world's total land ice


The Earth has been deglaciating for the last ________ years.


The Earth has be deglaciating for the last

9,000 years

The Alaskan earthquake of 1964 was extraordinarily violent and has been assigned a moment magnitude of ________.


Antarctica's ice sheet encompasses about ________ percent of the world's total land ice.


Currently, the valley floor of Death Valley ________. A) is underlain by hundreds of meters of sediments B) is covered with a deep, saline lake C) shows the influence of tightly folded rocks D) gathers enough moisture to make a small, thick forest E) is rising rapidly


Rivers like the Nile or Colorado which rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called ________ streams. A) exotic B) gibber C) playa D) barchan E) pediment


Which of the following landforms does not belong with the others? A) alluvial fan B) badlands C) butte D) natural bridge E) pillar


52. What is a tombolo?

A bar of sand or shingle joining an island to the mainland.


A bedrock surface resistant to erosion overlying a bed rock surface less resistant to erosion will help creat meas-and-scarp topography. The resistant bedrock surface is ________.

Essay: The landform feature in a glaciated mountains is the cirque- what is it

A cirque is a broad amphitheater hollowed out at the head of a glacial valley. It has very steep, often perpendicular, head and side walls and afloor that is either flat or gently sliping or else gouged enough to form a basin. A cirque marks the place where an alpine glacier originated- it is the first landform feature produced by alpine glaciation

are all in the western United States

A common characteristic of all the basins of interior drainage in the United States is that they _______.

desert vanish

A dark, shiny coat of iron and manganese oxides on pebble, stones, and larger outcrops is known as _______.


A major determinant of a soil's water holding capacity is its _______.

vertical slopes

A prominent feature of loess is its...


A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been delated is known as a deflation hollow or _______.

________ occurs first in the evolution of a single ocean wave.

A wave of oscillation

44. The oceanic tides rise and fall in a rhythmic cycle that takes place roughly once every ________ hours. A) 12 B) 18 C) 6 D) 24 E) 4

A) 12

In the system of stream orders, the smallest unit in the network is at the ________. A) 1st order B) 2nd order C) 3rd order D) 4th order E) a variable number

A) 1st order

Sedimentary rocks are the most common bedrock on the continents and comprise about ________ percent of the surface. A) 75 B) 55 C) 25 D) 5 E) 95

A) 75

Earth's inner core is thought to consist of _____. A) A rigid mass B) Hydrogen/helium gas C) Sulfur D) Magma E) Superheated water

A) A rigid mass

Which of the following landscapes is most closely associated with jointing? A) Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah B) the folded Appalachian Mountains C) the Front Range of the Rockies D) Hawaiian Volcanoes National Park E) Chief Mountain in Glacier National Park, Montana

A) Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah

The _____ is the thinnest layer. A) Crust B) Mantle C) Asthenosphere D) Outer core E) Inner core

A) Crust

Which of the following is LEAST important in the weathering processes? A) Earthquakes B) Faults C) Joints D) Lava vesicles E) Microscopic open spaces

A) Earthquakes

Niagara Falls tumbles over a massive bed of resistant limestone known as the Niagara ________. A) Escarpment B) Fault C) Anticline D) Syncline E) Basin

A) Escarpment

Which of the following is an advantage of the use of geothermal energy? A) It can be used in home applications. B) It is immune from seismic activity. C) EGS technology can be applied anywhere. D) Large amounts of useful carbon dioxide are released. E) Useful minerals can be "mined" along with hot water.

A) It can be used in home applications.

Which of the following DOES NOT describe a stream's capacity? A) It is always closely related to a stream's competence. B) It is the potential load a stream can transport. C) It is defined as a volume of sediment passing a given point during a given time. D) It varies tremendously from time to time. E) It depends mostly on fluctuations in the volume and velocity of flow.

A) It is always closely related to a stream's competence.

________ is a term which refers to solution landscapes and literally means "barren land"? A) Karst B) Speleothem C) Dolomite D) Fumarole E) Doline

A) Karst

________ is the term for solution topography in areas of limestone bedrock. A) Karst B) Dripstone C) Doline D) Hydrothermal E) Travertine

A) Karst

________ are formed from skeletal remains of coral and other lime-secreting sea animals. A) Limestones B) Schists C) Marbles D) Sandstones E) Shales

A) Limestones

________ does not generally determine the erosive effectiveness of a stream. A) Saltiness B) Volume of flow C) Gradient of the stream bed D) Speed of flow E) Turbulence of flow

A) Saltiness

________ have the most extensive occurrence at the surface of the continental United States? 59) A) Sedimentary rocks B) Metamorphic rocks C) Basaltic rocks D) Intrusive rocks E) Igneous rocks

A) Sedimentary rocks

________ often initiates mass wasting in subarctic and high latitudes. A) The heaving of frozen groundwater B) Short day lengths C) Heavy snow D) Cold temperatures E) Greater gravity nearer the poles

A) The heaving of frozen

Which of the following is NOT a property of minerals? A) They can be human-made. B) They all are composed of crystals. C) Each has a regular pattern of atoms. D) They are totally inorganic. E) Each always has the same chemical composition.

A) They can be human-made.

Which of the following is NOT a property of minerals? A) They can be human-made. B) They are totally inorganic. C) Each always has the same chemical composition. D) Each has a regular pattern of atoms. E) They all are composed of crystals.

A) They can be human-made.

Compared to Earth's crust as a whole, the sedimentary rocks beneath the ocean bottoms are _____. A) Very thin B) Not commonly found C) Laid down vertically instead of horizontally D) Much sandier E) Found almost as deep as is the Moho

A) Very thin

minerals and rocks of the crust? A) a quarter of them B) all of them C) none of them D) three quarters of them E) half of them

A) a quarter of them

Earth's inner core is thought to consist of ________. A) a rigid mass B) superheated water C) sulfur D) magma E) hydrogen/helium gas

A) a rigid mass

Water penetrating into soil promotes chemical weathering by acting as a weak ________. A) acid B) saline solution C) neutral agent D) base E) catalyst

A) acid

Karst landscapes ________. A) are formed by underground processes B) seldom have steep-sided terrain C) can be said to be the same as hydrothermal landscapes D) are somewhat less common in the U.S. than on Earth as a whole E) are formed in arid climates

A) are formed by underground processes

The elevation limit of a stream downcutting on a land mass is called ________. A) base level B) meandering C) ground zero D) a drainage anomaly E) talus

A) base level

Under most of the Earth's land surface, solid rock exists as a buried layer known as ________. A) bedrock B) soil C) an outcrop D) regolith E) sediments

A) bedrock

In rock, ________ is an end product of common solution reactions. A) bicarbonate B) chalk C) gypsum D) dolomite E) limestone

A) bicarbonate

A ________ stream has an interwoven network of small channels separated by much loose debris. A) braided B) meandering C) high-capacity D) thalweg-less E) competent

A) braided

Which material, accumulated from the remains of plants and animals, can produce limestone? A) calcium carbonate B) slate C) carbon dioxide D) clay E) carbon

A) calcium carbonate

The production of travertine first requires that ________ dissolves in hot water and makes an acid that dissolves great quantities of limestone. A) carbon dioxide B) argon C) xenon D) nitrogen E) oxygen

A) carbon dioxide

These rock-forming minerals are light-colored or colorless. They are common components of sedimentary rock and frequently combine with oxygen. A) carbonates B) native elements C) sulfates D) oxides E) halides

A) carbonates

A collapsed doline is the remains of a ________. A) cavern B) stalactite C) sinkhole D) mogote E) stalagmite

A) cavern

Which of the following is NOT descriptive of hill slope form as found in nature? A) concave B) planar C) irregular D) convex E) steep

A) concave

Calcium carbonate is most readily dissolved in ________. A) cool water B) caverns C) warm water D) the process of stalagtite formation E) water nearly saturated with bicarbonate

A) cool water

The lithosphere is sometimes defined as the ________. A) crust and upper mantle B) asthenosphere and mesosphere C) outer and inner core D) upper and lower mantle E) lower mantle and outer core

A) crust and upper mantle

All but one of the following would cause an increase in the erosive effectiveness of stream flow: ________. A) decrease of turbulence B) increase the flow speed C) decrease the resistance of the bedrock D) increase in channel roughness E) steepen the stream gradient

A) decrease of turbulence

Weathering and mass wasting can be classified as ________ processes. A) denudational B) tectonic C) mountain building D) quick E) constructive

A) denudational

Branching channels that cross a delta are known as ________. A) distributaries B) 3rd order streams C) graded streams D) youthful streams E) tributaries

A) distributaries

One of the common surface features of karst landscapes are sinkholes, also known as ________. A) dolines B) tufa C) geysers D) dripstone E) travertine

A) dolines

With the passage of time, all talus migrates ________. A) downslope B) upslope C) very quickly D) only when there are earthquakes E) out of the ravine

A) downslope

In percolating rainwater, dissolved gases and the decay products of local vegetation increases the water's capacity to ________. A) drive chemical reactions B) freeze C) undergo mechanical weathering D) condense E) evaporate

A) drive chemical reactions

Old Faithful is now less predictable because of ________. A) earthquakes in the 1980s B) human changes to the landscape around the geyser C) the natural damming of the Firehole River D) lessening rainfall because of climate change E) cooling of Yellowstone's underground magma chamber

A) earthquakes in the 1980s

The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as ________. A) erosion B) leaching C) sedimentation D) diastrophism E) regolith stripping

A) erosion

When hot water is ejected from a geyser, that flow is called a(n) ________. A) eruption B) tufa C) fumarole D) travertine E) motu

A) eruption

Which of the following is NOT a component of karst landscapes? A) extensive stream channels B) steep slopes C) sinkholes common D) dry stream valleys E) swallow holes common

A) extensive stream channels

The most numerous stream type on the landscape is the ________. A) first-order stream B) second-order stream C) third-order stream D) fourth-order stream E) fifth-order stream

A) first-order stream

Which of the following is NOT associated with biological weathering? A) formation of rock joints B) disintegration of rock by burrowing animals C) expansion of rock cracks by tree roots D) flaking of rock particles because of lichens present E) leaching of nutrient minerals from rocks

A) formation of rock joints

The surface of Yellowstone National Park's geyser basins is covered by whitish silica sinter known as ________. A) geyserite B) talc C) mica D) kimberlite E) frodoite

A) geyserite

Like limestone, ________ is highly susceptible to subsurface erosion. A) gypsum B) shale C) sandstone D) granite E) basalt

A) gypsum

Any stream may lengthen its valley by ________ and delta formation. A) headward erosion B) alluvial deposition C) saltation D) siltation E) delta erosion

A) headward erosion

The presence of a hot spring on the surface means ________. A) heated rocks or magma are underneath B) a volcano will soon erupt C) underground water is virtually absent D) a volcano will erupt within 1,000 years E) the end of Earth is drawing near

A) heated rocks or magma are underneath

Mass movements are likely to happen after ________. A) heavy rains B) denudation C) material has been moved to the talus cone D) summer E) erosion is finished

A) heavy rains

The rotting of rock by the various types of chemical weathering takes place best in ________. A) humid regions B) limestone regions C) arid lands D) polar regions E) upland montane forests

A) humid regions

Which of the following can occur far below the surface in the tropics? A) hydrolysis B) soil formation C) oxidation D) differential weathering E) carbonation

A) hydrolysis

Rhyolite, andesite, basalt, and obsidian are all rocks that are classified as ________. A) igneous and extrusive B) metamorphic and unfoliated C) metamorphic and foliated D) igneous and intrusive E) sedimentary and clastic

A) igneous and extrusive

A stream valley lengthens at the expense of the ________. A) interfluve B) peneplain C) levee D) delta E) alluvial fan

A) interfluve

The most widespread oxides are those that combine oxygen and ________. A) iron B) calcite C) silver D) water E) native elements

A) iron

Soil creep is unimportant in arid regions since lack of water removes the primary ________. A) lubricant B) reason for landslides C) binder D) cement E) catalyst

A) lubricant

The single most important mechanism of transport for weathered overburden in the subarctic zones is ________. A) mass wasting B) frost wedging C) hydrolysis D) exfoliation E) oxidation

A) mass wasting

Which of the following processes is most closely associated with "rusting"? A) oxidation B) carbonation C) hydrolysis D) hydration E) nivation

A) oxidation

Which of the following processes is NOT associated with the biological weathering of he landscape? A) photosynthesis B) wedging by roots C) ion exchange by lichens D) the burrowing of animals E) wetting and drying of lichens

A) photosynthesis

Sandstone is usually metamorphosed into ________. A) quartzite B) magma C) slate D) limestone E) chalcedony

A) quartzite

A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be ________. A) radial B) centripetal C) dendritic D) trellis E) antecedent

A) radial

The altitudinal difference between the highest and lowest points in an area is known as ________. A) relief B) regolith C) the strata D) landscape E) topography

A) relief

A yazoo stream is a type which ________. A) runs parallel to a larger stream for a long distance B) is named for a county in Croatia C) doesn't have natural levees D) flows quickly E) is usually very straight

A) runs parallel to a larger stream for a long distance

In dry climates, ________ is a (are) prevalent process(es). A) salt wedging B) landslides C) carbonation D) hydrolysis E) frost wedging

A) salt wedging

Erosion, compaction, and sedimentation are most closely associated with ________ rocks. A) sedimentary B) basaltic C) intrusive D) metamorphic E) igneous

A) sedimentary

The map of rock distribution in the United States clearly shows ________ rocks are the most extensive type. A) sedimentary B) big C) igneous extrusive D) igneous intrusive E) metamorphic

A) sedimentary

Which of the following describes the vast majority of rock exposed on Earth's land surface? A) sedimentary B) granite C) metamorphic D) foliated E) igneous

A) sedimentary

Shale, sandstone, breccia, and limestone are all rocks that are classified as ________. A) sedimentary and clastic B) metamorphic and foliated C) metamorphic and unfoliated D) igneous and extrusive E) igneous and intrusive

A) sedimentary and clastic

The vast majority of all sedimentary rocks are sandstones, limestones and ________. A) shales B) diamonds C) magmas D) detritus E) schists

A) shales

First order streams are the ________ of all streams. A) shortest B) deepest C) longest D) widest E) fastest

A) shortest

A valley bottom might be differentiated from valley sides in that valley if ________. A) sides commonly have "lips" or "rims" B) sides tend to take more area than valley bottoms C) sides have lesser slopes than valley bottoms D) bottoms are the sites of interfluves E) bottoms tend to be at a higher altitude

A) sides commonly have "lips" or "rims"

In karst landscapes of slight relief, ________ is(are) the most common feature(s). A) sinkholes B) hot springs C) mogotes D) travertine E) caverns

A) sinkholes

In karst topography, ________ are said to be the fundamental unit of both erosion and weathering. A) sinkholes B) joints C) caverns D) rivers E) geysers

A) sinkholes

The mass-wasting type characterized by a crescent-shaped scarp face is the ________. A) slump B) solifluction C) rock glacier D) debris flow E) primary joint

A) slump

Carbonate rock is closely associated with ________. A) solution cavities B) exfoliation C) vesicles D) hydration E) granular disintegration

A) solution cavities

Uplift and rejuvenation are indicated by the presence of landforms known as ________. A) stream terraces B) peneplains C) floodplains D) meanders E) V-shaped valleys

A) stream terraces

"The angle of repose" is a term most closely associated with ________. A) talus B) exfoliation C) chemical weathering D) mudflows E) mechanical weathering

A) talus

Equilibrium theory has serious shortcomings in deserts and areas which are ________. A) tectonically stable B) at high altitudes C) at high latitudes D) within drainage basins E) mountainous

A) tectonically stable

The deepest part of a stream channel is known as the ________. A) thalweg B) valley bottom C) rill D) levee E) deepest part of the stream channel

A) thalweg

The following is found at the base of Earth's crust: A) the Moho B) the mesosophere C) the geosphere D) the outer core E) the inner core

A) the Moho

In the section "An Example of Scale," it is apparent that ________. A) the smallest scale is related to the view from farthest away B) ordinary human experience transcends all the scales C) landform scale has precise definitions in kilometers D) scale is meaningless in landform study E) the largest scale would consider the North American continent

A) the smallest scale is related to the view from farthest away

Movement of underground water promotes solution where ________. A) the water is not saturated with bicarbonate B) the water is flowing in a stream C) high pressures are found D) high temperatures are found E) differences in rock resistance make the rock "softer"

A) the water is not saturated with bicarbonate

The largest sinkholes are in ________ regions. A) tropical B) polar C) ocean D) middle latitude E) high altitude

A) tropical

The process of creep works ________. A) universally B) only in deserts C) only in the tundra D) only in the mountains E) only in the tropics

A) universally

Downcutting is usually most prominent along the ________ part of a stream valley. A) upper B) widest C) lower D) delta E) interfluve

A) upper

The term "decoration stage" of cave development is related to all but one of the following terms: A) uvala B) stalactite C) stalagmite D) speleothem E) carbon dioxide and calcite

A) uvala

complex of intersecting dolines is known as a(n) ________. A) uvala B) cavern C) sinkhole D) speleothem E) geyser basin

A) uvala

Most processes which shape topography are ________. A) very slow B) very rapid C) unknown D) quite abrupt E) no longer active

A) very slow

Compared to Earth's crust as a whole, the sedimentary rocks beneath the ocean bottoms are ________. A) very thin B) much sandier C) laid down vertically instead of horizontally D) not commonly found E) found almost as deep as is the Moho

A) very thin

Lava ________ develop when gas is unable to escape as the lava solidifies. A) vesicles B) holes C) tubes D) cavities E) joints

A) vesicles

Which process must take place FIRST during the denudation of a landscape? A) weathering B) mass wasting C) erosion D) They must occur simultaneously. E) None of them must necessarily occur first.

A) weathering

Surface indicators of turbulence in stream flows include eddies and ________. A) whirlpools B) dissolved load C) meandering D) braided streams E) fluvial processes

A) whirlpools

By Earth history standards, the Grand Canyon is ________. A) young B) as old as the Earth C) not important D) very old E) becoming a first-order landform

A) young

The classical definition of world zoogeographic regions is credited to the 19th century British naturalist?

A.R. Wallace

________ tends to smooth the surface over which a glacier moves.


Both steppe and tundra vegetation zones have what in common?

Absence of trees

57. What is an advantage and a disadvantage of building a dam on a river?

Advantage: -Clean Energy Hydroelectricity harnesses the kinetic energy of moving water to move turbines, which in turn generate electricity. Hydropower is renewable and reduces dependence on fossil fuels. -Regulates Water Supply When a river is dammed, the water pools and forms a reservoir. This allows population centers to collect fresh water during periods of heavy rainfall to be used during droughts and dry spells. Dams can also be used to control flood water and supply a regulated amount of water to surrounding areas for irrigation. Consequently, dams provide a buffer to extreme or irregular weather. Disadvantage: -Floods Surrounding Areas When a river is dammed, water is displaced and surrounding dry areas are flooded. Often this results in the displacement local populations and the inability to use land previously accessible. This can disrupt local activities like agriculture. Moreover, when vegetation is engulfed in water, the dead vegetation releases methane into the atmosphere, increasing the production of greenhouse gases. Additionally, the loss of forestland slows the uptake of carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas. - Disrupts Ecosystems The flooding of surrounding areas displaces existing wildlife and can disrupt whole ecosystems. Furthermore, marine life that relies on the unobstructed flow of the river (e.g. migratory fish) can be adversely affected

The Great Rift Valley is on the continent of ________.


Which region had the LEAST coverage (square kilometers) of glacial ice during the Pleistocene?


Of the states below, which has the greatest number of volcanoes (active or inactive)?


The Bering Glacier is in the United States. It is located in the state of ________.


The largest contemporary U.S. glacier is in ________.


________ is the part of the United States where one could see terranes.


FIB The ___ is a depositional feature that accumulates at the mouths of desert canyons

Alluvial fan


Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as a _______.

The vertical distance from the still water level to the crest of a wave is called the ________.


________ is composed of stratified (layered) drift.

An esker

Essay: What is an exotic river

An exotic stream is a stream that flows from a humid region through the desert to reach the ocean. Examples: Nile River, Colorade River

What is an exotic river - define and provide an example of one?

An exotic stream is a stream that flows from a humid region through the desert to reach the ocean. Examples: Nile River; Colorado River.

The Linnaean classification system is based mainly on ?

Anatomical similarities

Along with a few conifer species, this type of plant has dominated Earth for the last 50 or 60 million years?


These plants perish during times of climatic stress?


The world's largest contemporary ice sheet is in


The world's largest contemporary ice sheet is in ________.


Which of the following does NOT have a major concentration of contemporary mountain glaciers?

Appalachian Mountains

Which of the following are not vertebrates?



As water percolates into soil, it picks up fine particles of mineral matter from the upper layers and carries them downward

A(n) ________ is a landform which almost always assumes a circular shape.


The Great Barrier Reef is associated with ________.


Trees of the genus Eucalyptus dominate the vegetation of?


________ was(were) NOT partially covered with substantial by glacial ice during the Pleistocene epoch.


________ was(were) NOT partially covered with substantial by glacial ice during the Pleistocene epoch.


Most alluvial fans are ________. A) in mountain canyons B) composed of poorly sorted debris C) composed of bedrock D) aeolian deposits E) in the centers of basins


The barren surface composed of consolidated material, usually of exposed bedrock, is ________. A) an erg B) a hamada C) desert armor D) a reg E) none of the above


The main dune form in most deserts is crescent shaped and is migrating across a non-sand surface; it is called a(n) ________. A) seif B) barchan C) alluvial D) bajada E) transverse


The most common landscape forms in the dry western U.S. are the basin and range and the ________. A) bajada B) mesa and scarp C) hamada D) claypan E) playa


The wind rolling pebbles across the desert surface is an example of ________. A) scree B) traction C) abrasion D) creep E) deposition


Which of the following features is SMALLEST in area? A) butte B) pillar C) stripped plain D) mesa E) plateau


Which of the following is associated with weathering in arid environments as opposed to humid environments? A) greater amounts of chemical weathering B) more angular products of weathering C) faster chemical weathering D) none of the above E) faster mechanical weathering


31. At its maximum extent, ice covered almost ________ of the Earth's land surface. A) 4/5 B) 1/3 C) 3/4 D) 1/2 E) 1/10

B) 1/3

Soluble carbonate rocks are at or near approximately ________ percent of Earth's land surface. A) 100 B) 10 C) 1 D) 50 E) 5

B) 10

The deepest drill core into the Earth's crust is approximately _____ kilometers deep. A) 0.5 B) 12 C) 31 D) 360 E) 6,702

B) 12

The deepest drill core into the Earth's crust is approximately ________ kilometers deep. A) 6,702 B) 12 C) 360 D) 0.5 E) 31

B) 12

The approximate LAND surface of the Earth totals more than ________ square kilometers. A) 15 thousand B) 150 million C) 1.5 billion D) 15 trillion E) 1.5 thousand

B) 150 million

________ is a dark, fine-grained extrusive rock. A) Granite B) Basalt C) Tufa D) Shale E) Conglomerate

B) Basalt

________ is the end product of the solution of limestone in water. A) Dolomite B) Calcium bicarbonate C) Carbon dioxide D) Nitric acid E) Gypsum

B) Calcium bicarbonate

________ is a facilitator of mass wasting. A) Talus B) Clay C) Gravel D) Friction E) Calcium carbonate

B) Clay

________ is an "internal" process. A) Weathering B) Diastrophism C) Aeolian D) Fluvial E) Mass wasting

B) Diastrophism

________ might happen directly as the result of the removal of an overlying weight from the landscape. A) Hydrolysis B) Exfoliation C) A slump D) Soil creep E) Mass wasting

B) Exfoliation

Which of the following associations is generally TRUE? A) Internal processes: wearing-down and destructive B) External processes: decrease local relief C) External processes: creative and uplifting D) Internal processes: well understood E) External processes: poorly understood

B) External processes: decrease local relief

________ is the counterpart of "scouring." A) Erosion B) Filling C) Turbulence D) Corrosion E) Degradation

B) Filling

Yellowstone National Park is the world's classic location for hydrothermal activity and the ________ River drainage basin contains most of the hydrothermal activity. So, this river basin is the world's best spot to observe hydrothermal activity. A) Bear B) Firehole C) Snake D) Wind E) Teton

B) Firehole

________ is(are) the most obvious result of weathering. A) Slumps B) Fragmentation of bedrock C) Earthquakes D) Joints E) Landslides

B) Fragmentation of bedrock

________ is an example of a native element. A) Lead B) Gold C) Calcite D) Halite E) Iron

B) Gold

The theory of continental drift was revived, expanded, and put into its present form _____. A) Last year B) In the 1960s C) In the 1910s D) In the 1800s E) In the 1700s

B) In the 1960s

Which of the following does NOT fit the requirement to be a mineral? A) It must be made up of inorganic substances. B) It must have economic value. C) It must have the same chemical composition wherever found. D) It must form a regular pattern of crystals. E) It must be found in nature.

B) It must have economic value.

________ move downslope as much as 160 kilometers per hour. A) Solifluction lobes B) Landslides C) Slump blocks D) Rock glaciers E) Debris flows

B) Landslides

The thickest of Earth's interior layers is the _____. A) Crust B) Mantle C) Outer core D) Inner core E) Moho

B) Mantle

________ are karst features also known as "haystack hills." A) Speleothems B) Mogotes C) Sinkholes D) Fumaroles E) Dolines

B) Mogotes

The inferential knowledge concerning the nature of the interior of the Earth has been accumulated by _____. A) Computer modeling B) Seismic wave analysis C) Gravity studies D) Lunar cycles E) Astronomy

B) Seismic wave analysis

________ is a sedimentary rock formed mechanically from fine silt and clay particles. A) Sandstone B) Shale C) Basalt D) Limestone E) Granite

B) Shale

________ are typically found at the intersections of joints. A) Uvala B) Sinkholes C) Rivers D) Tower karst E) Magma chambers

B) Sinkholes

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with large landslides? A) Earthquakes B) Solifluction C) Fault zones D) Heavy rains E) Large joints

B) Solifluction

Tower karst forms spectacular scenery in which part of the world? A) Yellowstone National Park B) Southeastern China C) Most of Alaska D) The Alps of Europe E) The Rocky Mountains near Denver

B) Southeastern China

Crustal movements of various kinds in the Earth's crust is collectively called _____ activity. A) 1st order B) Tectonic C) Detrital D) Clastic E) Metamorphic

B) Tectonic

Rivers downcutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ________-shaped form. A) U B) V C) groove D) flat bottomed E) delta

B) V

Among all the hydrothermal areas in the world, the greatest concentration of activity is along the Firehole River in ________. A) California B) Wyoming C) Spain D) South Africa E) Iceland

B) Wyoming

Which of the following would be most likely to develop a radial drainage pattern? A) flat-lying, sedimentary rocks B) a cone-shaped volcano C) a delta D) mountain ridges caused by faulting E) folded, ridge-and-valley topography

B) a cone-shaped volcano

Niagara Falls is a large waterfall on a river, so it can be considered as an example of ________. A) stream capture B) a knickpoint C) a rill D) a water gap E) lateral erosion

B) a knickpoint

The final result of the classical theory of the geomorphic cycle concept is ________. A) maturity B) a peneplain C) an initial surface D) old age E) youth

B) a peneplain

When a first-order stream joins a second-order stream, the result is always ________. A) a first-order stream B) a second-order stream C) a third-order stream D) a fourth-order stream E) a variable-order stream

B) a second-order stream

Creep associated with animals and resembling a faint network of trails is called ________. A) oxidation B) a terracette C) a seiche D) hydrolysis E) solifluction

B) a terracette

Clay is a facilitator for mass wasting because clay ________. A) dissolves when wet B) absorbs water C) particles are larger than sand D) has solution cavities E) particles are so small

B) absorbs water

Life appeared on Earth ________. A) the day before yesterday B) as one-celled organisms and remained so over most of Earth's history C) after most of Earth's history was already over D) within the last one million years E) very early in Earth's history

B) as one-celled organisms and remained so over most of Earth's history

In the original language, "karst" means "________". A) cavern B) barren land C) solution D) flat E) limestone

B) barren land

Limestone caverns are closely associated with ________. A) granite bedrock B) bedding and jointing planes C) bicarbonate acting as an acid to dissolve rocks D) hot springs and geysers E) dissolution of minerals as they enter the caverns

B) bedding and jointing planes

Of the following fluvial terms, which is most closely associated with stream capture? A) braided B) beheaded C) meander D) interfluve E) thalweg

B) beheaded

The rapid appearance of new sinkholes in Florida can be explained by which of the following? A) the rise of the water table B) buildings built on top of bedrock cavities C) several years of above-normal rainfall D) sandstone E) climate change

B) buildings built on top of bedrock cavities

Underground water is a weak ________ acid. A) sulfuric B) carbonic C) nitric D) tannic E) citric

B) carbonic

One sub-surface material which intensifies the process of earthquakes and mass movement is ________. A) batholiths B) clay C) calcium carbonate D) boulders E) scree

B) clay

The major end product of chemical weathering is(are) ________. A) sands B) clays C) airborne dust D) talus E) silts

B) clays

The cation exchange capacity is most closely associated with ________

B) colloids

In the text, West Virginia is offered as a superb example of ________. A) annular and radial patterns B) contrasts between dendritic and trellis drainage C) drainage basins D) antecedent streams E) superimposed streams

B) contrasts between dendritic and trellis drainage

The slowest and least perceptible form of mass wasting is ________. A) exfoliation B) creep C) solifluction D) landslide E) mudflow

B) creep

A mudflow including numerous larger blocks of material is a(n) ________. A) slump B) debris flow C) earth slide D) earth flow E) rock glacier

B) debris flow

The solubility of carbon dioxide ________ as water temperature ________. A) stays the same, decreases B) decreases, increases C) increases, increases D) decreases, stays the same E) decreases, decreases

B) decreases, increases

This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf: A) radial B) dendritic C) centripetal D) annular E) trellis

B) dendritic

Which is the most common type of drainage pattern? A) trellis B) dendritic C) centripetal D) annular E) radial

B) dendritic

Which of the following is the major concept which all the others are part of? A) drainage divide B) drainage basin C) valley bottom D) valley side E) interfluve

B) drainage basin

Frost wedging is NOT a significant agent in producing ________. A) sand B) dust C) mechanical weathering effects D) clay E) large boulders

B) dust

A(n) ________ forms when a stream has been beheaded by stream capture. 82) A) waterfall B) elbow C) floodplain D) trellis drainage pattern E) knickpoint

B) elbow

If a stream carries water only during and immediately after a rain, it is classified as ________. A) dendritic B) ephemeral C) perennial D) intermittent E) exotic

B) ephemeral

Water is a major agent of weathering because of its property that, when it freezes, it decreases in density and ________. A) evaporates B) expands in volume C) turns acidic D) turns white E) stays in liquid form below 0°Celsius

B) expands in volume

Igneous rocks deposited on the surface and then cooled are known as ________. A) intrusive B) extrusive C) detrital D) clastic E) core

B) extrusive

Jointing is most regularly patterned in ________. A) soil B) fine-grained rocks C) coarse-grained rocks D) exfoliated rocks E) faulted rocks

B) fine-grained rocks

Which of the following mass movements involves the greatest amount of water? A) slump B) flow C) slide D) solifluction E) rockfall

B) flow

The banding characteristic of metamorphic rocks is ________. A) relief B) foliation C) stratification D) uniformitarianism E) magma

B) foliation

A ________ is similar to a geyser except that it erupts no liquid water; it sends out only steam. A) travertine B) fumarole C) geyser D) sinter E) hot spring

B) fumarole

Where the land is flat, ________ exerts a minimal influence on topographic development. A) biological weathering B) gravity C) mechanical weathering D) water E) chemical weathering

B) gravity

Mass wasting is most likely during ________. A) the perihelion of Earth to the Sun B) heavy rain C) joint formation D) freezing temperatures E) daytime

B) heavy rain

Density ________ depth in the Earth's crust. A) remains largely the same with B) increases with C) is insignificant with D) decreases with E) is not described by any of the above with respect to

B) increases with

The land separating adjoining valleys is known as a(n) ________. A) rill B) interfluve C) gulley D) levee E) valley side

B) interfluve

Which of the following is LEAST affected by the action of channelized water? A) valley bottoms B) interfluves C) valley sides D) stream channels E) floodplains

B) interfluves

The geographer's concern with the Earth's interior ________. A) makes up most of the content of physical geography B) is restricted to its influence on Earth surface features C) is not important D) is mainly concerned with the drilling for natural gas and oil E) created the science of geology

B) is restricted to its influence on Earth surface features

Within the Earth is molten mineral matter called ________. A) extrusive material B) magma C) bedrock D) rock E) soil

B) magma

The ________ is NOT a portion of Earth's interior. A) asthenosphere B) magnetosphere C) lithosphere D) Moho E) outer core

B) magnetosphere

A fumarole has ________. A) sandstone, usually, as its bedrock B) many of the characteristics of a hot spring C) a direct connection to a cave D) liquid water as its principal product E) a large amount of water involved in its functions

B) many of the characteristics of a hot spring

Large ________ extend for considerable distances and depths through rock. Below the surface, there is minimal separation between the blocks on either side. A) faults B) master joints C) solution cavities D) glory holes E) vesicles

B) master joints

A flat alluvium-floored valley with fairly steep walls and a stream beginning to meander would be in the ________ stage of the erosion cycle. A) old age B) mature C) bajada D) peneplain E) youth

B) mature

Where is the daily temperature change the most significant in rock weathering? A) the humid tropics B) mountain summits C) the Arctic region D) the subtropical deserts E) midlatitude valleys

B) mountain summits

Flow in a stream usually is fastest ________. A) near the mouth B) near the center and slightly below the surface C) near the sides D) during low-flow conditions E) near the bottom

B) near the center and slightly below the surface

On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the ________. A) inner edge of the meanders B) outer edge of the meanders C) bottom D) places with the slowest flow E) islands

B) outer edge of the meanders

When a stalactite meets a stalagmite the result is a ________. A) doline B) pillar C) tombolo D) dripstone E) hydrothermal

B) pillar

Yellowstone National Park has the three necessary ingredients for hydrothermal activity: molten material close to the surface, broken rock material close to the surface, and ________. A) acidic groundwater B) plentiful precipitation C) relatively high altitude D) steep slopes E) much limestone

B) plentiful precipitation

In a cavernas compared with its bedrock surroundingslime readily precipitates from solution because ________. A) the water is purer B) pressure is lowered and evaporation is possible C) pressures are greater D) the water can run in streams E) temperatures are greater

B) pressure is lowered and evaporation is possible

An oxbow lake was formerly a ________. A) knickpoint B) river meander C) natural levee D) marsh E) stream terrace

B) river meander

The process in which small particles are moved along by streamflow or wind in a series of jumps or bounces is ________. A) traction B) saltation C) base level D) meandering E) turbulence

B) saltation

A strongly metamorphosed rock with narrow foliation is ________. A) basalt B) schist C) gneiss D) limestone E) tufa

B) schist

Which of the following represents the largest and most important group of rock-forming minerals? The bulk of the crust of the Earth is composed of these minerals. A) oxides B) silicates C) native elements D) sulfates E) carbonates

B) silicates

The slopes of these features have angles of repose of 20° to 30°. A) cavern walls B) sinkholes C) stalagmites D) geyser basins E) pillars

B) sinkholes

Shale is usually metamorphosed into ________. A) gneiss B) slate C) tufa D) marble E) basalt

B) slate

When magma cools rapidly, it results in ________. A) large crystals B) small crystals C) detritus D) foliation E) earthquakes

B) small crystals

Which of the following is not very resistant to solution in water? A) iron B) sodium C) diamond D) aluminum E) silicon

B) sodium

Which of the following terms does NOT belong with the others? A) hydrothermal activity B) speleothem C) hot spring D) geyser E) fumarole

B) speleothem

The direct collision of a raindrop with the ground, laterally shifting fine particles a few millimeters, is ________. A) valley cutting B) splash erosion C) plucking D) rill formation E) peds pushing

B) splash erosion

Sedimentary deposits built into relatively regular layers are known as ________. A) intrusive exfoliation B) strata C) granite D) detrital striations E) clastic inclusions

B) strata

A joint can be distinguished from a fault in that ________. A) joints are a feature of cold climates exclusively B) there is no movement along joints C) there is wider separation between two sides D) joints are not found in metamorphic rocks E) there is no difference between joints and faults

B) there is no movement along joints

A(n) ________ pattern of drainage usually develops on alternating bands of hard and soft strata. A) dendritic B) trellis C) centripetal D) annular E) radial

B) trellis

In rock, ________ is another term for pressure release. A) rusting B) unloading C) slumping D) creep E) oxidation

B) unloading

Foliation refers to this characteristic of rocks: A) small crystals B) wavy, banded lines C) large crystals D) hollow cores E) numerous joints

B) wavy, banded lines

A steep walled defile with a V-shaped profile and narrow valley floor would, according to the geomorphic cycle, be in the ________ stage. A) peneplain B) youthful C) old age D) mature E) equilibrium

B) youthful

Which of the following is NOT a property of soil clay? 45) A) occurs as thin laminar sheets B) made primarily of silt C) colloidal in size D) It is able to hold water to itself. E) Many chemical reactions occur on its surfaces.


The soil-forming factor which is said to make soil more than "just dirt" is the ________ factor.


________ is a dark, fine-grained extrusive rock.



Based on the pH scale soils are neutral at _____.

Which of the following is a zone of active deposition of materials by waves?


An interfluve can be found ________.

Between Valleys

The geographic study of living organisms is?


What is the total complex of plant and animal life in an area?


Which country has the largest expanse of tropical rainforest?


Badlands are closely associated with Badlands National Park in South Dakota and ...

Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah

Because of short steep canyons on the east side of Death Valley no ________ are found there. A) horsts B) mesas C) bajadas D) pedestal rocks E) salt pans


One of the primary special characteristics of deserts is their ________. A) lack of trees other than palms B) prevalence of soil creep C) basins of internal drainage D) complete absence of precipitation E) complete absence of vegetation


Sand dunes are composed mainly of individual grains of ________. A) sodium B) lime C) quartz D) calcium carbonate E) loess


Sapping is an erosional process closely associated with ________. A) playas B) sand dunes C) rock joints D) metamorphism in arid lands E) volcanoes in arid lands


The ________ is a type of very long dune which might form as an adjustment to two seasonal wind systems. A) crescent B) transverse C) seif D) blowout E) barchan


The ________ zone at the base of desert mountain ranges is one of the most prominent areas of active fluvial deposition. A) deflation B) gibber C) piedmont D) wadi E) none of the above


The unconsolidated parent materials beneath the level of roots is called the ________ horizon of soil.


It has been deduced the mantle is composed of ________ concentric layers of various composition and density. A) 9 B) 51 C) 3 D) 153 E) 27

C) 3

Within 5%, the typical angle of repose is ________. A) 15% B) 90% C) 35% D) 55% E) 5%

C) 35%

The Rocky Mountains started to be uplifted ________ years ago. A) 6.5 billion B) 0.65 million C) 65 million D) 650 million E) 6.5 million

C) 65 million

________ is a calcium magnesium carbonate rock which dissolves almost as easily as limestone. A) Shale B) Gneiss C) Dolomite D) Granite E) Basalt

C) Dolomite

________ is NOT a direct cause of sedimentary deposits forming into rock. A) Chemical cementation B) Pressure C) Erosion D) Weight of the overburden E) Precipitation of materials from water

C) Erosion

With respect to minerals, which of the following is TRUE? A) "Mineral" is a synonym for "rock" B) All minerals have probably been discovered C) Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust D) Over 500,000 minerals exist E) All minerals crystals are too small to be seen

C) Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust

From the text's description it is clear that sinkholes conflict with urban land uses in ________. A) Los Angeles B) New York city C) Florida D) Iowa E) Chicago

C) Florida

Which is a fundamental question at the heart of any geographic inquiry? A) How often? B) What? C) If so? D) Why? E) So what?

C) If so?

Density _____ depth in the Earth's crust. A) decreases with B) Remains largely the same with C) Increases with D) Is insignificant with E) Is not described by any of the above with respect to

C) Increases with

Which of the following rivers has the largest delta in the world? A) Amazon B) Thames C) Indus D) Mississippi E) Ob

C) Indus

Which of the following does NOT fit the requirement to be a mineral? A) It must be found in nature. B) It must be made up of inorganic substances. C) It must have economic value. D) It must have the same chemical composition wherever found. E) It must form a regular pattern of crystals.

C) It must have economic value.

________ are the most common structural features of rocks. A) Solution cavities B) Lava vesicles C) Joints D) Fractures E) Faults

C) Joints

The "plates" in plate tectonics are in the _____. A) Crust B) Asthenosphere C) Lithosphere D) Outer core E) Inner core

C) Lithosphere

________ is the basic characteristic that occurs in overland flow and not in stream flow. A) Sediment transport B) Gravitational influence C) Non-channelized-channelized flow D) Erosion E) Traction

C) Non-channelized-channelized flow

The earliest era in the geologic time scale is ________. A) Archaeozoic B) Mesozoic C) Precambrian D) Cenozoic E) Paleozoic

C) Precambrian

The largest and most important mineral family consists of the _____. A) Sulfides B) Oxides C) Silicates D) Bromides E) Halides

C) Silicates

The term "karst" is derived from the language in a section of ________. A) Brazil B) Australia C) Slovenia D) New York City E) the former Soviet Union

C) Slovenia

________ refers to the analytical element of landscape study concerned with the nature, arrangement, and orientation of the materials comprising the observed feature(s). A) Isostasy B) Drainage C) Structure D) Slope E) Process

C) Structure

Over time, which of the following has happened to Niagara Falls? A) They have migrated several kilometers downstream. B) They have become rapids. C) They have migrated several kilometers upstream. D) They have drained away most of Lake Ontario's water. E) They have evolved into the world's most famous example of stream capture.

C) They have migrated several kilometers upstream.

Which of the following is a landscape feature that would be LAST to form on a karst landscape? A) Cavern B) Sinkholes C) Tower karst D) Collapsed doline E) Disappearing stream

C) Tower karst

40. Glaciers carve ________-shaped valleys. A) V B) T C) U D) Q E) S

C) U

"The present is the key to the past" is the summarization of the doctrine of ________. A) Fundamentalism B) Earth history C) Uniformitarianism D) Precambrian time E) Analogy

C) Uniformitarianism

14. Rivers down cutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ________-shaped form. A) U B) delta C) V D) groove E) flat bottomed

C) V

By far, the world's largest concentration of hydrothermal features occurs in ________. A) Florida B) Chile C) Wyoming D) Siberia E) Switzerland

C) Wyoming

Which of the following is a feature associated with a yazoo stream? A) a V-shaped valley B) lack of a floodplain C) a flow parallel to a large stream D) mountainous terrain E) an escarpment

C) a flow parallel to a large stream

Which of the following enhances the rate of solution of bedrock? A) rock including great amounts of aluminum B) stagnation of underground water C) a profusion of joints and bedding planes D) an arid climate E) a cold climate

C) a profusion of joints and bedding planes

The eventual result of ________ is to reduce almost all stream-carried debris to very small silt particles. A) sheet erosion B) rill erosion C) abrasion D) splash erosion E) precipitation

C) abrasion

Niagara Falls were formed ________. A) during Precambrian time approximately a billion years ago B) after a series of spectacular earthquakes which are still helping the falls evolve C) after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets a few thousand years ago D) by humans as a result of the damming of the St. Lawrence River E) so long ago that the river's knickpoint is now gone

C) after the retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheets a few thousand years ago

A(n) ________ stream flows over a landscape that has been lifted so slowly so that the stream is able to maintain its course (even through mountains). A) consequent B) subsequent C) antecedent D) channelized E) superimposed

C) antecedent

Which of the following DECREASES with increasing stream order number? A) average watershed area B) average stream capacity C) average stream gradient D) average stream length E) average stream discharge

C) average stream gradient

A slump is a downslope movement with a ________. A) sag pond B) lava vesicle C) backwards rotation D) tsunami E) plateau formation

C) backwards rotation

Which of the following is NOT a type of opening along which weathering agents attack bedrock? A) joints B) solution cavities C) batholiths D) lava vesicles E) faults

C) batholiths

Limestone is composed primarily of ________. A) cations B) igneous material C) calcite D) tufa E) silt

C) calcite

The chemical binder for many sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, is ________. A) phosphorous B) boron C) calcium carbonate D) basalt E) nitrogen

C) calcium carbonate

Travertine and tufa are both composed of ________. A) granite B) igneous rock C) calcium carbonate D) non-soluble minerals E) heat-resistant algae

C) calcium carbonate

Salt wedging is most closely associated with ________. A) chemical weathering B) plant roots C) capillary action D) freeze/thaw cycles E) humid climates

C) capillary action

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with hydrothermal activity? A) hot springs B) Yellowstone National Park C) caverns D) geysers E) fumaroles

C) caverns

Some sedimentary rocks are formed chemically and known as ________. A) magma B) igneous intrusive rocks C) chemical sedimentary rocks D) granites E) basalts

C) chemical sedimentary rocks

Solution and hydrolysis combine to create ________ in streams. A) abrasion B) saltation C) corrosion D) stream load E) hydraulic head

C) corrosion

The chemical erosion of stream channels is known as ________. A) turbulence B) erosion C) corrosion D) competence E) abrasion

C) corrosion

The ________ is the thinnest layer. A) mantle B) inner core C) crust D) asthenosphere E) outer core

C) crust

Which of the following is NOT an external geomorphic process? A) deposition B) weathering C) diastrophism D) mass wasting E) erosion D) mass wasting E) erosion

C) diastrophism

Which of the following is the SHORTEST amount of time? A) period B) Earth history C) epoch D) the Precambrian E) era

C) epoch

Which of the following is NOT associated with sedimentary rocks? A) fragmented parts of preexisting rocks B) cementation C) extrusion of magma D) skeletal remains of coral E) stratification

C) extrusion of magma

Rapid cooling in molten, extrusive materials makes the resulting materials ________. A) dense B) hard C) fine-grained D) large-grained E) soft

C) fine-grained

The most prominent of all depositional landscapes is the ________. A) oxbow lake B) backswamps C) floodplain D) cut-off E) meander scar

C) floodplain

Frost wedging is associated with ________ in coarse-grained rocks. A) hydrolysis B) slumping C) granular disintegration D) solution cavities E) faults

C) granular disintegration

Which type of erosion involves the most sediment per square meter in the places where it occurs? A) splash erosion B) sheet erosion C) gully erosion D) erosion by raindrops E) rill erosion

C) gully erosion

In hydrothermal situations, superheating of water is possible because of the presence of ________. A) bedding planes B) joints C) high pressure D) lava E) sodium bicarbonate

C) high pressure

The most rapid landscape solution occurs in ________ areas. A) dry B) middle latitude C) humid D) cold E) granite

C) humid

Exfoliation is probably the result of unloading and ________. A) jointing B) glaciation C) hydration D) salt wedging E) mechanical weathering

C) hydration

Gravity is the main force impelling movement in all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) slide B) creep C) hydrolysis D) solifluction E) fall

C) hydrolysis

The chemical union of water with another substance is called ________. A) oxidation B) talus C) hydrolysis D) solifluction E) magma

C) hydrolysis

Granite, diorite, gabbro, and peridotite are ________ rocks. A) metamorphic foliated B) igneous extrusive C) igneous intrusive D) sedimentary clastic E) sedimentary chemical and organic

C) igneous intrusive

Where is one unlikely find much alluvium deposited in a stream valley? A) at the bottom of the thalweg B) in overflow areas C) in places where velocity increases D) in the center of the stream E) along the stream sides

C) in places where velocity increases

The concept of plate tectonics ________. A) shows the astenosphere is floating on top of plates B) is a theory with few proofs C) is related to faulting and volcanic activity D) would definitely be true if the Earth were far older E) was proven hundreds of years ago

C) is related to faulting and volcanic activity

An earthflow is most conspicuous in ________ where a bulging lobe of material pushes out onto a valley floor. A) its center B) landslide zones C) its lower reaches D) its upper reaches E) rock glacier zones

C) its lower reaches

Marble is metamorphosed ________. A) shale B) gneiss C) limestone D) slate E) schist

C) limestone

The process of solifluction works ________. A) universally B) mainly in the tropical rainforest C) mainly in the tundra D) underwater E) mainly in the midlatitudes

C) mainly in the tundra

Slate, schist, and gneiss are all rocks which are classified as ________. A) metamorphic and unfoliated B) igneous and intrusive C) metamorphic and foliated D) sedimentary and clastic E) igneous and extrusive

C) metamorphic and foliated

If no water is involved, rocks can mechanically weather if they undergo ________ temperature change cycles. A) a dozen B) two C) millions of D) hundreds of E) thousands of

C) millions of

All major geyser basins are similar in that they are covered with ________. A) a gravel layer B) tufa layers C) mineral deposits D) a salt glaze E) a thick sulfur layer

C) mineral deposits

Which of the following form of mass wasting is relatively fast and wet compared to the others? A) solifluction B) slump C) mudflow D) rock glacier E) creep

C) mudflow

The basic elements for an analytical approach to landform development do NOT include which of the following? A) structure B) slope C) normality D) drainage E) process

C) normality

A peneplain is the ________ of the classical geomorphic cycle of erosion. A) youthful stage B) end product C) old age stage D) beginning E) mature stage

C) old age stage

Which stream channels tend to be most turbulent? A) ones with smooth channel bottoms B) wide ones C) ones with high speeds of flow D) deep ones E) the ones having the slowest flow

C) ones with high speeds of flow

The basic classification of rock types is based on their ________. A) color B) crystal structure C) origin D) petrology E) pH

C) origin

Mechanically formed sedimentary rocks are those formed from ________. A) granite B) oxygen C) pieces of other rocks D) silt E) magma

C) pieces of other rocks

Which material is most resistant to chemical weathering? A) limestone B) gypsum C) quartz D) dolomite E) iron-bearing rocks

C) quartz

Clays which change to a near-liquid state as a result of sudden disturbance are ________ clays. A) sandy B) scree C) quick D) talus E) mudflow

C) quick

Jointing systems cause many caverns to have a(n) ________ pattern. A) circular B) inconspicuous C) rectangular D) linear E) random

C) rectangular

Oxidation of aluminum causes which of the following colors on the surfaces of rocks? A) light purple B) grayish-blue C) reddish brown D) black E) lime green

C) reddish brown

A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT ________. A) digging mines B) studying seismic waves C) sampling rocks from Earth's core D) studying Earth's magnetism E) drilling wells

C) sampling rocks from Earth's core

In a section of the chapter "Introduction to Landform Study," the authors write about Horseshoe Park in the Colorado Rockies and about looking back at North America from a spacecraft. The point of this is to understand more about ________ and the landscape. A) local relief B) folding C) scale D) volcanoes E) rocks

C) scale

The most widely distributed type of metamorphic rock is ________. A) quartz B) granite C) schist D) opal E) sandstone

C) schist

The best example of a product of mass wasting is ________. A) limestone B) faults C) scree D) exfoliation domes E) sandstone monoliths

C) scree

The inferential knowledge concerning the nature of the interior of the Earth has been accumulated by ________. A) gravity studies B) lunar cycles C) seismic wave analysis D) computer modeling E) astronomy

C) seismic wave analysis

The most common sedimentary rock is ________. A) marble B) limestone C) shale D) basalt E) sandstone

C) shale

Which feature is created by solution? A) stalagmites B) stalactites C) sinkholes D) pillars E) speleothems

C) sinkholes

The rock type which results from metamorphosed shale is ________. A) quartz B) marble C) slate D) gneiss E) limestone

C) slate

In the formation of igneous rocks, large crystal size is closely related to ________. A) absence of light B) percentage of silica C) slow cooling D) fast cooling E) percentage of oxygen

C) slow cooling

Caverns are most closely associated with ________. A) joints B) lava vesicles C) solution cavities D) microscopic open spaces E) faults

C) solution cavities

Which of the following is uncommon along streams? A) alluvium B) floodplains C) straight channels D) natural levees E) thalwegs

C) straight channels

The degree of turbulence in stream flow is determined by the velocity and the ________. A) tidal bore B) solar incidence C) stream channel roughness D) bedrock chemistry E) water density

C) stream channel roughness

Lechuguilla Cave in New Mexico is special because a significant amount of the dissolution of its carbonate rocks was accomplished by ________. A) jointing B) carbonic acid C) sulfuric acid D) earthquakes E) sinter corrosion

C) sulfuric acid

Invariably, hydrolysis makes a mineral ________. A) redder B) denser C) take up more volume D) more acidic E) more beautiful

C) take up more volume

The relief we see today is best thought of as ________. 88) A) not very diverse B) everlasting in terms of Earth history C) temporary D) unexplainable E) a product of internal, rather than external, processes

C) temporary

Which of the following illustrates the concept of "relief"? A) uplift of sediments after erosion of overlying sediments B) the substitution of one subaerial process for another C) the vertical distance between lowest and highest points in an area D) altitude E) the cessation of volcanic activity

C) the vertical distance between lowest and highest points in an area

The viewpoint that past processes are the same as the present ones which created our present land surface is known as ________. A) foliation B) diastrophism C) uniformitarianism D) plate tectonics E) volcanism

C) uniformitarianism

Which three substances are required to interact to form calcium bicarbonate? A) plants, magnesium, dolomite B) carbon dioxide, sunlight, and plants C) water, carbon dioxide, and lime D) water, carbon dioxide, and dolomite E) oxygen, water, magnesium bicarbonate

C) water, carbon dioxide, and lime

Which is NOT a main soil-forming factors? A) geologic B) climatic C) human activity D) chronological E) topographic


Which location does NOT possess a fjorded coastline?


________ is the location of the highest tides in the world. 33)


The present binomial system of biological classification was devised by?

Carolus Linnaeus

The most recent Era on the Earth is ________.


A large component of the world's selva is located in?

Central Africa

Essay: Briefly discuss what would cause a landscape and its streams to be rejuvenated.

Changes in the base level of a stream can occur as a result of either tectonic process or climatic change. Landmasses may rise in response to faulting or other tectonic uplift. Perhaps sea level may drop in response to the growth of glaciers. As a result of either of these streams would be rejuvneated and begin to cut down to reach base level

Which of the following is NOT associated with beaches?


What is most associated with environmental equilibrium in a vegetation community?

Climax vegetation

33. According to the map in the textbook, the southernmost extent of contemporary glaciers in the United States is in California and ________. A) Maine B) Florida C) Minnesota D) Colorado E) Wyoming


According to the map in the textbook, the southernmost extent of contemporary glaciers in the United States is in California and ________.


Flood basalts cover much of the ocean floor, India, and in North America, the ________.

Columbia Plateau

________ is least available to plants because it is held in chemical combination with the minerals in the soil

Combined water

20. ________ is a measure of the particle size a stream can transport. A) Gradient B) Force C) Equilibrium D) Capacity E) Competence


Essay: What is the difference between competence and stream capacity

Competence is a measure of the particle size a stream can transport, expressed by the diameter of the largest particles that can be moved. Capacity is a measure of the amount of solid material a stream has the potential to transport normally expressed as the volume of material passing a given point in the stream channel during a given time interval.

The chemical erosion of stream channels is known as ________.


Which of the following is NOT a landscape caused by faulting?

Crater Lake, Oregon

Bornhardts are ________. A) also known as alluvial fans B) a type of steep-walled gulley C) formed by depositional processes D) a type of inselberg E) formed by aeolian processes


High salt concentrations give a striking whitish surface to ________. A) wadis B) alcove arches C) pedestals D) salinas E) mesas


If a salty playa lake evaporates, a ________ might be left behind. A) scarp B) gulley C) wadi D) salina E) pediment


In the creation of rock escarpments in dry lands, much of the undermining is accomplished by a process called ________. A) erosion B) evapotranspiration C) sandblasting D) sapping E) particulate sorting


Which of the following is NOT an area thickly covered with loess? A) portions of eastern China B) portions of Russia C) portions of the central United States D) portions of Antarctica E) portions of Argentina


________ is the primary agent that anchors sand dunes to prevent their migration. A) Liquid water B) Soil C) Wind D) Vegetation E) Ice


________ represents the largest region with continuing desertification. A) The North American Great Plains B) The Amazon rainforest C) The basin-and-range D) The Sahel E) The Sahara


The outer and inner cores together make up approximately ________ of the mass of the Earth. A) 1/3,000 B) 1/30,000 C) 1/300 D) 1/3 E) 1/30 E) 1/30

D) 1/3

________ is an expression of the total load a stream can transport. A) Competence B) Corrosion C) Volume D) Capacity E) Bedload

D) Capacity

________ is a measure of the particle size a stream can transport. A) Capacity B) Gradient C) Force D) Competence E) Equilibrium

D) Competence

The geographer's concern with Earth's interior is restricted primarily to its influence on ________. A) magnet fields B) oxidation C) foliation D) Earth surface features E) magma intrusions

D) Earth surface features

_____ and nickel are thought to comprise significant portions of Earth's inner and outer cores. A) Aluminum B) Quartz C) Basalt D) Iron E) Titanium

D) Iron

________ and nickel are thought to comprise significant portions of Earth's inner and outer cores. A) Titanium B) Basalt C) Quartz D) Iron E) Aluminum

D) Iron

The concept of plate tectonics _____. A) Shows the asthenosphere is floating on top of plates B) Is a theory with few proofs C) Was proven hundreds of years ago D) Is related to faulting and volcanic activity E) Would definitely be true if the Earth were far older

D) Is related to faulting and volcanic activity

Which of the following is out of order if we are considering the Earth from the atmosphere to the center? A) mantle B) inner core C) outer core D) Moho E) cust

D) Moho

100) Which of the following scientists is closely associated with the theory of crustal change and development? A) Wegener B) Richter C) Davis D) Penck E) Bacon

D) Penck

________ is the detailed knowledge of characteristics of different kinds of rock. A) Tectonics B) Geology C) Seismology D) Petrology E) Metamorphism

D) Petrology

The Pleistocene is a part of the ________ period. A) Cambrian B) Silurian C) Tertiary D) Quaternary E) Permian

D) Quaternary

________ and amount of moisture present can be used to classify types of mass wasting. A) Amount of mechanical weathering B) Gravity C) Temperature D) Speed of movement E) Amount of chemical weathering

D) Speed of movement

________ are cave decoration features growing upward from a cavern floor A) "Zombies" B) Stalactites C) Theodolites D) Stalagmites E) Mogotes

D) Stalagmites

________ are residual karst features having very steep sides riddled with caves. A) Travertine terraces B) Sinkholes C) Sinter cones D) Tower karst E) Calderas

D) Tower karst

The term "exfoliation dome" is best applied to ________. A) Bryce National Park, Utah B) unweathered parent material C) subarctic hillslopes D) Yosemite National Park E) Bunker Hill, Massachusetts

D) Yosemite National Park

Undercutting of a bank by its stream may trigger ________. A) solifluction B) movement of a rock glacier C) soil creep D) a landslide E) an earthquake

D) a landslide

In ________ there is a rough sorting of particles, with larger pieces farther downslope. A) faulting B) a flow C) a mudslide D) a rockfall E) soil creep

D) a rockfall

Clays are sometimes instrumental in mass movements because of their ability to ________. A) move uphill B) capture sunlight C) become translucent D) absorb water E) become smaller over time

D) absorb water

During low water cycles, any channel bottom change is likely to undergo ________. A) nivation B) degradation C) saltation D) aggradation E) privation

D) aggradation

Which of the following Earth materials is MOST resistant to solution? A) limestone B) sodium C) magnesium D) aluminum E) calcium

D) aluminum

When fragments deposited by mass movement are at the ________, they are in a fine balance between the pull of gravity and the cohesion and friction of the rock material. A) size of clay B) bottom of the talus slope C) terminal velocity D) angle of repose E) top of the hill

D) angle of repose

In earthquakes, P waves________.

D) are faster than S waves

An imaginary surface extending beneath the continents which limits how deep streams may cut is ________. A) a knickpoint B) a trellis C) grade D) base level E) traction

D) base level

In freeze/thaw or wet/dry conditions in soil creep, an individual soil particle tends to ________. A) slide downhill and then be lifted vertically B) be lifted vertically C) be lifted vertically and placed at the same spot D) be lifted vertically from the ground surface and placed slightly downhill E) slide downhill

D) be lifted vertically from the ground surface and placed slightly downhill

An interfluve can be found ________. A) in valley bottoms B) on valley sides C) in a delta D) between valleys E) in valleys

D) between valleys

Marking the outer edge of floodplains are landforms called ________. A) mesas B) meanders C) levees D) bluffs E) ox bow lakes

D) bluffs

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others? A) tufa B) sinter C) travertine D) caverns E) hot springs

D) caverns

Which of the following drainage patterns results when streams from all directions converge into a basin? A) trellis B) dendritic C) radial D) centripetal E) annular

D) centripetal

The primary way in which underground water shapes topography is through ________. A) mechanical erosion B) abrasion C) hydraulic pounding D) chemical action E) dilution

D) chemical action

Isostasy refers to the recognition that the ________ floats on the denser mantle. A) atmosphere B) inner core C) aluminum D) crust E) outer core

D) crust

Speleothems are associated with the ________ stage of cavern formation. A) dead B) room C) solution D) decoration E) initial excavation

D) decoration

The main types of erosion processes do NOT include ________. A) solution B) glacial C) aeolian D) diastrophism E) fluvial

D) diastrophism

A stream's ________ is (are) chemically altered and transported. A) saltation materials B) bedload C) traction materials D) dissolved load E) suspended load

D) dissolved load

The brilliant colors around hot springs and geysers are ________. A) largely unexplained B) due to high pressure C) best seen in the winter D) due to algae E) very short-lived

D) due to algae

When a meandering stream is incised into a gradually rising crust or bedrock, the result is a(n) ________. A) delayed tributary junction B) cut off C) peneplain D) entrenched meander E) stream terrace

D) entrenched meander

A weathering type associated with curved and concentric sets of joints break away in successive layers is called ________. A) hydrolysis B) solifluction C) creep D) exfoliation E) landslide

D) exfoliation

The most important type of mechanical weathering process is ________. A) salt wedging B) oxidation C) hydrolysis D) frost shattering E) uniformitarianism

D) frost shattering

Davis's theory is usually referred to as the ________. A) stream development theorem B) rejuvenation theory C) equilibrium theory D) geomorphic cycle E) idea of concave slopes

D) geomorphic cycle

The cycle of erosion is also know as ________. A) theory of crustal change and slope development B) floodplain theory C) equilibrium theory D) geomorphic cycle E) isostasy

D) geomorphic cycle

As they are created, sedimentary rock strata align ________. A) vertically B) along folds C) along faults D) horizontally E) with Earth's magnetic field

D) horizontally

Weathering may reach as far as ________ below Earth's surface. A) a few meters B) the outer core C) the bottom of the crust D) hundreds of meters E) a few centimeters

D) hundreds of meters

The theory of continental drift was revived, expanded, and put into its present form ________. A) last year B) in the 1700s C) in the 1800s D) in the 1960s E) in the 1910s

D) in the 1960s

Weathering is deepest ________. A) at high latitudes B) on ocean floors C) in the middle latitudes D) in the humid tropics E) at high altitudes

D) in the humid tropics

If a stream's velocity is doubled, its competence ________. A) doubles B) increases by half C) remains the same D) increases sixty-four times E) drops by half

D) increases sixty-four times

Calcium bicarbonate produced in the chemical weathering process of carbonation ________. A) is rare B) eventually transforms into diamonds C) is difficult to remove from the spot where it was formed D) is very soluble E) is very resistant to erosion

D) is very soluble

Landslides are often responsible for the formation of ________. A) hydrolysis B) reverse faults C) basins D) lakes E) jointing

D) lakes

A massive pile of highly irregular debris in the form of a low-lying ridge or cone on a valley bottom is a topographic result of a ________. A) rock glacier B) fault C) joint D) landslide E) rock fall

D) landslide

Caves are found in most parts of the world where there are thick ________ deposits under the surface. A) till B) tufa C) dripstone D) limestone E) sandstone

D) limestone

The "plates" in plate tectonics are in the ________. A) outer core B) inner core C) crust D) lithosphere E) asthenosphere

D) lithosphere

Just beneath the surface of Yellowstone National Park is a large ________. A) karst cavern B) aquifer C) area of tower karst D) magma chamber E) volcano

D) magma chamber

An inner segment of the Earth which is rigid, dense, and solid and lies directly beneath the Moho is called the ________. A) inner core B) outer core C) magma D) mantle E) crust

D) mantle

The Moho is the boundary between the crust and the ________. A) outer core B) inner core C) ocean basins D) mantle E) continents

D) mantle

The thickest of Earth's interior layers is the ________. A) inner core B) crust C) Moho D) mantle E) outer core

D) mantle

Niagara Falls is the most famous set of falls in North America because they ________. A) are the tallest falls in the world B) flow "backwards" from what would be expected C) are the widest falls in the word D) pass an enormous volume of water over them E) date from almost the beginning of Earth history

D) pass an enormous volume of water over them

Most limestone is ________ mechanical surface weathering. A) neutral to the effects of B) the cause of C) compatible with D) resistant to E) prone to

D) resistant to

In mountain areas, when large amounts of rock fragments move downslope of their own weight, they are called ________. A) veins B) laccolith C) slumps D) rock glaciers E) dikes

D) rock glaciers

A swallow hole is most closely associated with ________. A) tower karst B) a magma chamber C) fumaroles D) sinkholes E) geysers

D) sinkholes

During sedimentation, materials are often sorted by ________. A) shape B) color C) porosity D) size E) atomic weight

D) size

Cavern openings to the surface are usually ________. A) triangular in shape B) the largest part of the cavern C) warm D) small E) the site of hot springs

D) small

The slight displacement of human-built structures such as fence posts and telephone poles is subtle evidence that ________ has(have) occurred. A) rock glaciers B) landslides C) rockfalls D) soil creep E) mudflows

D) soil creep

The main downslope movement of subarctic and arctic landscapes is ________. A) mud slide B) permafrost C) rock glacier D) solifluction E) mass wasting

D) solifluction

Which of the following is the slowest of all types of mass movement? A) landslide B) slump C) rockfall D) solifluction E) earthflow

D) solifluction

Which openings in rocks are associated with calcareous rocks? A) joints B) faults C) microscopic openings D) solution cavities E) lava vesicles

D) solution cavities

Karst landscapes are noteworthy because ________ are absent. A) chemical weathering processes B) limestone and dolomite C) hills of any size D) surface streams E) caverns

D) surface streams

The greatest amount of material transported by a stream is carried in its ________. A) traction B) dissolved load C) saltation D) suspended load E) bed load

D) suspended load

Water flowing into sinkholes frequently disappears into ________. A) geysers B) joints C) karst D) swallow holes E) bedding planes

D) swallow holes

Crustal movements of various kinds in the Earth's crust is collectively called ________ activity. A) detrital B) clastic C) metamorphic D) tectonic E) 1st order

D) tectonic

The term "landforms" is synonymous with ________. A) relief B) physical geography C) local relief D) topography E) geology

D) topography

A lava ________ is a small hole which develops in cooling lava when gas is unable to escape as the lava solidifies. A) cavity B) chamber C) pore space D) vesicle E) cavern

D) vesicle

Which of the following is NOT closely related to jointing? A) contraction of sediments after they dry out B) ease of percolation of water into rock C) horizontal and vertical orientation D) vesicles E) Zion Canyon National Park, Utah

D) vesicles

In frost wedging, the principal force is exerted against the ________ of the confining rock. A) microscopic openings B) bottom C) outside D) walls E) top

D) walls

The main chemical weathering processes all take place more or less simultaneously because they all require the presence of ________. A) plants B) air C) hydrogen D) water E) salt crystal growth

D) water

The single most important weathering agent is ________. A) nitrogen B) water vapor C) oxygen D) water E) carbon dioxide

D) water

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with the former position of a river channel? A) cutoff meanders B) oxbow lakes C) meander scars D) yazoo stream E) oxbow swamps

D) yazoo stream


Death Valley floor elevation is ______ [feet].

Which is the most common type of drainage pattern?


Xerophytes are plants of which region?


FIB ___ is a shiny coating that forms on the outside of rocks and pebbles

Desert Varnish

________ is a shiny coating that forms on the outside of rocks and pebbles.

Desert varnish

A stream's ________ is (are) chemically altered and transported.

Dessolved Load

________ is an "internal" process.


Which of the following doesn't belong with the others?


flat narrow bottom with near vertical sides

Drainage channels in the desert usually have a _______ profile.

In southwestern Wisconsin and parts of surrounding states is a non-glaciated area referred to as the ________ Area.



Dry lake beds with espcailly heavy salt concentrations are ______.

In the tropical deciduous forest, trees shed their leaves because of a short but pronounced?

Dry season

Essay: Sand dunes are classified as active or stablized- what generally causes a sand dune to become stabilized

Dunes are normally fixed or stabilized by vegetation

Sand dunes are classified as active (live) or stabilized (fixed) - what generally causes a sand dune to be stabilized (anchored)?

Dunes are normally fixed or stabilized by vegetation.

A dark, shiny coat of iron and manganese oxides on pebbles, stones, and larger outcrops is known as ________. A) a hamada B) an erg C) a reg D) pediment E) desert varnish


Another term for "wadi" is ________. A) bajada B) butte C) loess D) mesa E) arroyo


As loess erodes, it ________. A) weathers to a darker color B) can be deposited to make sand dunes C) weathers to gravel size D) forms floodplains E) forms bluffs


It is now clear that desertification is A) human-caused. B) natural. C) related to the enhanced greenhouse effect. D) intensified by the planting of shrubs and trees. E) caused by a mix of natural and human circumstances.


Of the following, which is the LEAST important in creating most desert landforms? A) impermeable surfaces B) lack of vegetation C) prominence of mechanical weathering D) intense precipitation E) wind


The Great Salt Lake is a remnant of ________. A) Salton Sea B) Mono Lake C) Tulare Lake D) Lake Mead E) Lake Bonneville


The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is ________. A) solution B) creep C) geologic uplift D) wind E) water


The outer and inner cores together make up approximately _____ of the mass of the Earth. A) 1/30,000 B) 1/3,000 C) 1/300 D) 1/30 E) 1/3

E) 1/3

As water freezes it expands almost ________ percent and is able to mechanically weather rock. A) 1 B) 75 C) 100 D) 50 E) 10

E) 10

The Age of Dinosaurs persisted for some ________ years. A) 1.60 billion B) 160 thousand C) 160 D) 160 billion E) 160 million

E) 160 million

The maximum world relief is CLOSEST to ________. A) 1 meter B) 50 kilometers C) 40,000 kilometers D) 1 kilometer E) 20 kilometers

E) 20 kilometers

Approximately ________ different minerals are known. A) 440,000 B) 440 C) 4,400,000 D) 44 E) 4,400

E) 4,400

Earth's age is ________ billion years old. A) .046 B) .46 C) 46 D) 460 E) 4.6

E) 4.6

The present estimate of the Earth's age is about ________ years. A) 2.8 trillion B) 500 million C) 50 million D) 2.8 billion E) 4.6 billion

E) 4.6 billion

Yellowstone National Park is known for its hydrothermal features. Yellowstone contains about ________ all the world's hydrothermal features. A) 75% B) 10% C) 1% D) virtually 100% (99.999%) E) 50%

E) 50%

The largest river in the world without a delta is the ________ River. A) Hwang Ho B) Nile C) Indus D) Mississippi E) Amazon

E) Amazon

The most recent Era on the Earth is ________. A) Miocene B) Eocene C) Permian D) Precambrian E) Cenozoic

E) Cenozoic

According to the text, tower karst exists in ________. A) the former U.S.S.R. and Iran B) Hawaii and Alaska C) the U.S. and Canada D) Japan and India E) China and Vietnam

E) China and Vietnam

The geographer's concern with Earth's interior is restricted primarily to its influence on _____. A) Magnet fields B) Magma intrusions C) Foliation D) Oxidation E) Earth surface features

E) Earth surface features

With respect to minerals, which of the following is TRUE? A) All minerals have probably been discovered B) Over 500,000 minerals exist C) "Mineral" is a synonym for "rock" D) All minerals crystals are too small to be seen E) Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust

E) Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust

The _____ is NOT a portion of Earth's interior. A) Outer core B) Asthenosphere C) Moho D) Lithosphere E) Magnetosphere

E) Magnetosphere

An outstanding example of stream capture on a grand scale can be found along the ________. A) Red River in Oklahoma B) Yukon River in Alaska C) Amazon River in Brazil D) Mississippi River in Arkansas E) Niger River in Africa

E) Niger River in Africa

Which of the following is the specific name given to the study of the characteristics of rocks? A) Limnology B) Radiology C) Opthamology D) Epistomology E) Petrology

E) Petrology

________ makes lime precipitate out of a water solution. A) Water squeezed into rock joints B) Sublimation of liquid water C) Rain falling out of clouds D) Photosynthesis in heat-loving algae E) Reduction of temperature and pressure

E) Reduction of temperature and pressure

A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT _____. A) Drilling wells B) Digging mines C) Studying seismic waves D) Studying Earth's magnetism E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core

E) Sampling rocks from Earth's core

________ transport(s) materials directly after they are loosened by splash erosion. A) Earthquake slumps B) Stream flow C) Rill erosion D) Gully erosion E) Sheet erosion

E) Sheet erosion

________ are the karst analogs of river valleys in that they are the fundamental unit in both erosion and weathering. A) Caverns B) Haystack hills C) Disappearing streams D) Mogotes E) Sinkholes

E) Sinkholes

________ is a deposit of hydrothermal materials. A) Limestone B) Stalagmite C) Stalactite D) Karst E) Travertine

E) Travertine

Which of the following is an example of a speleothem? A) a sinkhole B) a doline C) a cavern D) a mogote E) a stalactite

E) a stalactite

A result of soil creep might be ________. A) an earthquake along a fault B) a house engulfed in mud C) a landslide D) a sinking land surface E) a tilted fence post

E) a tilted fence post

Mass wasting is associated with which speed of movement? A) imperceptibly slow B) a few centimeters per day C) 100 kilometers per hour D) a few meters per year E) a wide variety of speeds

E) a wide variety of speeds

The general term applied to stream-deposited debris is ________. A) bedload B) discharge C) refuse D) capacity E) alluvium

E) alluvium

Which of the following is NOT a component of stream load? A) dissolved load B) bedload C) sediments undergoing saltation D) suspended load E) alluvium

E) alluvium

The proof for the long-doubted idea of drifting continents came in the form of ________. A) animal distributions B) glacial ice C) understanding of mountains D) observation of coastlines E) analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns

E) analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns

Residual rock that has not experienced erosion is termed ________. A) talus B) basalt C) block D) dome E) bedrock

E) bedrock

In terms of Earth history, life appeared ________. A) before the first true "landscapes" B) after 99% of the time had elapsed C) after the continents started to drift D) almost directly after the beginning E) before the Grand Canyon began

E) before the Grand Canyon began

From a chemical standpoint, the three reacting agents of greatest importance to weathering are ________. A) hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen B) oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide C) argon, aluminum, and calcium D) water vapor, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide E) carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water

E) carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water

Typically, solifluction lobes move a few ________ per year. A) kilometers (miles) B) meters (feet) C) tens of meters (tens of feet) D) tens of kilometers (tens of miles) E) centimeters (inches)

E) centimeters (inches)

The La Conchita landslides are most closely associated with ________. A) problems in Mexico B) an earthquake C) causes that are no longer active D) an unsafe dam E) cracks underneath cliff houses

E) cracks underneath cliff houses

No matter where you go, which of the following is almost certainly acting on the landscape around you? A) mudflow B) rock glaciers C) solifluction D) landslides E) creep

E) creep

The existence of a stream terrace is sure evidence of ________. A) rejuvenation B) volcanic activity C) knickpoint D) entrenched meanders E) delayed tributary junction

E) delayed tributary junction

The general term signifying the overall lowering of the rock material on the Earth's crust is ________. A) weathering B) jointing C) slumping D) mass wasting E) denudation

E) denudation

As a stream-related measure, competence is expressed as a ________. A) velocity (meters per second) B) time (seconds) C) discharge (cubic meters per second) D) gradient (meters per kilometer) E) diameter (millimeters)

E) diameter (millimeters)

The idealized sequence of slope retreat, according to Davis, would result in ________. A) plate tectonics B) parallel retreat of slopes C) stream piracy D) parallel valleys E) diminishing slope angles

E) diminishing slope angles

15. The total volume of flow in streams is termed ________. A) the delta coefficient B) turbulence C) overland flow D) the interfluve E) discharge

E) discharge

The total volume of flow in streams is termed ________. A) overland flow B) turbulence C) the interfluve D) the delta coefficient E) discharge

E) discharge

Commonly, materials flowing out of hot springs build a ________. A) cavern B) doline C) sinkhole D) geyser E) dome

E) dome

In arid climates, most small streams are ________. A) without channels B) intermittent C) nonexistent D) perennial E) ephemeral

E) ephemeral

Geysers are best described as ________. A) an integral part of karst landscapes B) rarely disturbed by earthquakes C) common over most of Earth's land surface D) usually faithful in the timing of their eruptions E) eruptions of steam and water

E) eruptions of steam and water

The peeling of thin layers of stone off a large rock is ________. A) explosion B) carbonation C) hydrolysis D) scree E) exfoliation

E) exfoliation

Running water is referred to as a(an) ________ process in terms of being a landform creator. A) aeolian B) localized C) insignificant D) weak E) fluvial

E) fluvial

Which of the following is most effective in weathering rock? A) salt wedging B) daily heating and cooling C) fire D) plant roots E) freeze/thaw cycles

E) freeze/thaw cycles

Granular disintegration is most closely associated with ________. A) biological weathering B) mass wasting C) landslides D) hydrolysis E) frost wedging

E) frost wedging

This word is from the Icelandic for "gush" or "rage." A) mogote B) superheated C) tufa D) sinter E) geyser

E) geyser

Part of Kentucky has karst topography. Knowing this, it would NOT be logical to find ________ there. A) dry streambeds B) stalactites C) sinkholes D) soluble bedrock E) geysers

E) geysers

Chemical weathering is speeded because mechanical weathering tends to ________. A) make coarse-grained materials decompose more rapidly than fine-grained materials B) stop when chemical weathering starts C) deliver rocks to where chemical processes are dominant D) prevent moisture from washing away the chemicals E) greatly increase the surface area to be weathered

E) greatly increase the surface area to be weathered

Salt wedging is of slight consequence in ________. A) arid regions B) volcanic regions C) regions above the treeline D) marshes E) humid regions

E) humid regions

Which sort of rocks are most susceptible to hydrolysis? A) metamorphic B) sedimentary C) plutonic D) unjointed E) igneous

E) igneous

Streams which flow for only a part of the year are ________. A) superimposed B) consequent C) antecedent D) dry E) intermittent

E) intermittent

Denudation is NOT closely related to ________. A) erosion B) biologic weathering C) atmospheric weathering D) mass wasting E) internal processes

E) internal processes

The eruptions of Yellowstone's geysers as well as most of the others on Earth can be characterized as ________. A) containing only steam B) becoming much more frequent over time C) regular D) mysterious as to how they come to be E) irregular

E) irregular

Like faults, a ________ is a separation in a rock body. A) graben B) slump C) dike D) sill E) joint

E) joint

________ develops along a streambed containing bedrock of differential resistance. A) scree B) fault C) distributary D) water gap E) knickpoint

E) knickpoint

The point of confluence of a tributary with a higher order stream is a(n) ________. A) knickpoint B) delta C) ultimate base level D) joint E) local base level

E) local base level

Death Valley is below sea level. Therefore, in Death Valley, base level is ________ ultimate base level. A) not related to B) unchanging with respect to C) equal to D) higher than E) lower than

E) lower than

The initial formation of Earth involved the solidification and cooling of ________. A) strata B) sediments C) metamorphic rocks D) ice E) magma

E) magma

When subjected to metamorphism, limestone usually becomes ________. A) basalt B) sandstone C) schist D) gneiss E) marble

E) marble

The location of features, such as cliffs and valleys might be strongly influenced by the position of ________. A) talus slopes B) rocks which can be exfoliated C) systems of microspaces D) scree E) master joints

E) master joints

Three-quarters of the soil's metabolic activity is generated by ________

E) microorganisms

A large, steep-sided, circular hill of residual limestone bedrock is known as a ________. A) stalagtite B) doline C) sinkhole D) cavern E) mogote

E) mogote

"Fracking" is associated with all but the ________. A) making of small earthquakes B) pollution of groundwater C) roc k formations known as plays D) fracturing of rocks E) most oil production from Saudi Arabia

E) most oil production from Saudi Arabia

"Fracking" is most closely associated with ________. A) conventional extraction B) an environmentally safe extraction method C) fossil fuels in sandstones D) oil E) natural gas

E) natural gas

Splash erosion does all of the following EXCEPT ________. A) moves eroded particles downhill B) is sometimes minimal because of vegetation C) moves eroded particles uphill D) blasts fine soil particles upward and outward E) occurring in channelized flow

E) occurring in channelized flow

Which of the following is thought to be liquid? A) mantle B) crust C) inner core D) asthenosphere E) outer core

E) outer core

Fluvial process includes both the stream flow within valleys as well as ________. A) underground solution B) groundwater C) rock glaciers D) hydrolysis E) overland flow

E) overland flow

Which of the following is NOT one of the principal categories of rock-forming minerals? A) halides B) sulfides C) oxides D) native elements E) peptides

E) peptides

In terms of erosion, a gulley is a larger example of a feature called a(n) ________. A) interfluve B) radial C) dendritic pattern D) alluvial fan E) rill

E) rill

A "birds foot" pattern is indicative of a ________. A) knickpoint B) downcutting stream C) peneplain D) captured stream E) river delta

E) river delta

Which of the following is thought to transfer materials WITHOUT the lubricating effect of water? A) mudflow B) landslides C) solifluction D) debris flows E) rock glaciers

E) rock glaciers

The most common oxidation effect in the lithosphere is ________. A) talus B) hydrolysis C) scree D) exfoliation E) rusting

E) rusting

The most commonly occurring type of metamorphic rocks are gneiss and ________. A) shale B) coal C) limestone D) magma E) schist

E) schist

Geyser deposits tend to form ________. A) mesas B) fumaroles C) terraces D) volcanic cinder cones E) sheets of precipitated matter

E) sheets of precipitated matter

Which of the following is NOT associated with streams over time? A) deposition of sediments B) erosion of sediments C) widening of valleys D) lengthening of valleys E) shortening of valleys

E) shortening of valleys

The largest and most important mineral family consists of the ________. A) bromides B) sulfides C) halides D) oxides E) silicates

E) silicates

A slope collapse with a backward rotation is a ________. A) debris flow B) rock slide C) rock glacier D) talus slope E) slump

E) slump

The new substances made through oxidation of existing minerals are ________ than the original minerals. A) less oxygen rich B) less voluminous C) less easily eroded D) more organic E) softer

E) softer

In terms of underground water, ________ is the most effective shaper of landforms. A) mechanical erosion B) corrosion C) hydraulic power D) channelized flow E) solution

E) solution

A(n) ________ stream has developed a channel along a zone of structural weakness. A) channelized B) superimposed C) consequent D) antecedent E) subsequent

E) subsequent

The "internal plumbing system" of hydrothermal landscapes is capable of heating water to temperatures above 100°C while the water remains in liquid form; this water is referred to as ________. A) crystallized B) vaporized C) soil moisture D) mineralized E) superheated

E) superheated

The rock debris which accumulates at the base of steep slopes by gravitational action is called ________. A) exfoliation B) creep C) vesicles D) slump E) talus

E) talus

A prime example of the application of equilibrium theory can be seen in any hilly area where ________. A) terraces are found on hillsides B) floodplains dominate the valley bottoms C) tectonic plate boundaries are close by D) peneplains exist E) tectonic uplift and fluvial erosion are simultaneous

E) tectonic uplift and fluvial erosion are simultaneous

Which of the following is a MASSIVE accumulation of calcium carbonate? A) tufa B) carbonic acid C) sinter D) granite E) travertine

E) travertine

The drainage pattern common in ridge and valley landscapes is ________. A) centripetal B) disorganized C) dendritic D) annular E) trellis

E) trellis

Deposition of dissolved minerals in caverns leaves deposits such as the icicle-like ________. A) sinkholes B) stalactites C) stalagmites D) dolines E) tufa

E) tufa

The portion of the terrain in which a drainage system is most clearly established is known as a(n) ________. A) interfluve B) valley side C) drainage divide D) valley bottom E) valley

E) valley

Frost shattering is also called frost ________. A) weathering B) exfoliation C) creep D) slump E) wedging

E) wedging

Earthworms ________.


The geographer's concern with Earth's interior is restricted primarily to its influence on ________.

Earth surface features

Concerning the biosphere, the geographic viewpoint is most often concerned with?


The boundary between middle latitude forest and middle latitude grassland is most closely related to the concept of the?


Plants that live above ground and out of contact with the soil, usually growing on trees or shrubs are?


________ is NOT a direct cause of sedimentary deposits forming into rock.


________are most closely associated with a change in the volume of ocean water?

Eustatic forces

Plants introduced into new habitats in which they were not originally raised are?


Rivers like the Nile or Colorado which rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called ________ streams.


Which of the following associations is generally TRUE?

External processes: decrease local relief

A common maximum speed for landslides is about 500 kilometers per hour.


A fault is any break in the Earth's surface or crust.


A mudflow is a slope collapse with a backward rotation.


Earth is probably 14.6 billion years old.


Internal forces of the Earth tend to be better understood and more predictable than the external forces of the Earth.


Mechanical weathering is more effective than chemical weathering in the breakdown of the individual grains of a large rock.


Metamorphic rocks must be exposed to sunlight for cementation.


Prior to Mt. St. Helens in 1980 there had never been an active volcano in the United States.


Rock glaciers form on flat surfaces.


Salt wedging is a form of physical weathering especially prevalent in the humid tropics.


Several organic minerals are found in nature.


The angle of repose is the same for all materials.


Uniformitarianism is the study of the interior of the Earth.


Usually, the number of faults in an area is a much greater number than the number of joints.


A batholith is an igneous extrusive landform.


A braided stream is one which has become adjusted so that its flow is just able to carry its sediment load True/False


A common maximum speed for landslides is about 500 kilometers per hour. True/False


A crescent-shaped scarp on a high slope often appears above a rock glacier. True/False


A fault is a break in the Earth's surface or crust without horizontal or vertical displacement.


A mudflow is a slope collapse with a backward rotation. True/False


A normal fault results from compressional forces.


A pediment is the same thing as a piedmont slope.Death Valley contains few alluvial fans.


A rock is defined as a mixture of elements


A rock is defined as a mixture of elements True/False


A salina is the same thing as a wash


A sand surface is the main criterion for identifying a region as a desert.


According to our best estimates, humans (Homo sapiens) have been on Earth for about half of Earth's history.


According to our best estimates, humans (Homo sapiens) have been on Earth for about half of Earth's history. True/False


Aeolian processes are a subdivision of the internal geomorphic processes.


Aeolian processes are a subdivision of the internal geomorphic processes. True/False


Aggradation occurs on geologically uplifted parts of Earth's crust. True/False


All natural deltas are in a triangular shape True/False


All surface expressions of faults are on a north-south axis.


An example of a large syncline is the Sierra Nevada.


Basalt is an example of a rock type with very large crystals.


Basalt is an example of a rock type with very large crystals. True/False


Cavern development is facilitated by the presence of sandstone. True/False


Chemical weathering is at its peak in high northern latitudes. True/False


Compared to other causes, wind is a minor generator of wave action along coasts.


Continental crust is recycled "quickly" while oceanic crust tends to be conserved for much greater times.


Coral flourishes best in cool water.


Coral is usually localized in areas having relatively cool ocean currents in Tropical Latitudes.


Death Valley contains few alluvial fans.


Deltas are built as sediments erode from near the mouth of a stream. True/False


Earth is probably 14.6 billion years old.


Earth is probably 14.6 billion years old. True/False


Exfoliation is a type of weathering which is produced by hydrolysis. True/False


Fault lines tend to block magma from reaching the surface.


Foliation occurs when rock composed of a single material is subjected to heat and pressure.


Foliation occurs when rock composed of a single material is subjected to heat and pressure. True/False


Friction has little impact on the energy of water moving down a channel. True/False


Generally, joints do not exist below one meter from Earth's surface. True/False


Geysers are associated with karst topography and sandstone bedrock. True/False


Hot springs are common features on Earth's landscapes. True/False


Hutton was the scientist who discovered catastrophism.


Hutton was the scientist who discovered catastrophism. True/False


In extreme cases, soil creep can carry materials as much as a kilometer downhill in a single year. True/False


In recent Earth history, submergence has been rare over most of the world's coasts.


In the "peneplain" stage of the geomorphic cycle, there are no hills on the landscape. True/False


Internal forces of the Earth tend to be better understood and more predictable than the external forces of the Earth.


Internal forces of the Earth tend to be better understood and more predictable than the external forces of the Earth. True/False


It appears that the numbers of large dams will increase into the future. True/False


It is clear that some rocks will never weather, waste, or erode. True/False


Joints and solution cavities are different names for the same feature. True/False


Landslides are the most common form of mass wasting. True/False


Like a mesa in its shape, but smaller in its extent, is the bajada.


Like climate and vegetation, landforms have "predictable" worldwide distributions.


Like climate and vegetation, landforms have "predictable" worldwide distributions. True/False


Limestone is so soluble that it usually produces a very subdued topographyvirtually flat surfaces. True/False


Mass wasting and denudation are synonymous terms. True/False


Mass wasting and weathering are synonymous terms. True/False


Mechanical weathering is more effective than chemical weathering in the breakdown of the individual grains of a large rock. True/False


Metamorphic rocks are probably the most common rock type found in the Earth's crust.


Metamorphic rocks are probably the most common rock type found in the Earth's crust. True/False


Metamorphic rocks must be exposed to sunlight for cementation.


Metamorphic rocks must be exposed to sunlight for cementation. True/False


Mid-oceanic ridges contain the oldest rocks in the ocean basins.


Most geyser deposits take the form of miniature speleothems. True/False


Most of a stream's transported material is classified as bedload. True/False


Most waves approach the coast parallel to the coast.


Old Faithful, in Yellowstone Park, is an example of a fumarole. True/False


On the Richter scale, an earthquake number of 8 releases twice as much energy as an earthquake number of 4.


Our understanding of the Earth's crust and upper mantle has remained virtually the same for a very long time (a couple of centuries)


Our understanding of the Earth's crust and upper mantle has remained virtually the same for a very long time (a couple of centuries) .True/False


Oxbow lakes are an erosional feature characteristic of all stages of the geomorphic cycle. True/False


Perennial streams are closely identified with desert landscapes. True/False


Prior to Mt. St. Helens in 1980 there had never been an active volcano in the United States.


Pure water is an excellent solvent. True/False


Rock glaciers form on flat surfaces. True/False


Salt wedging is a form of physical weathering especially prevalent in the humid tropics. True/False


Sandstone is the most common metamorphic rock.


Sandstone is the most common metamorphic rock. True/False


Sedimentary rocks are the most common rock type found within the Earth's entire crust.


Sedimentary rocks are the most common rock type found within the Earth's entire crust. True/False


Several organic minerals are found in nature.


Several organic minerals are found in nature. True/False


Shield volcanoes tend to be the most explosive of all volcanoes.


Sinkholes are associated with igneous rock formations. True/False


Sodium is a rock-forming mineral which is very resistant to erosion. True/False


Soil creep, because it is so common, produces a rich array of landforms. True/False


Streams flowing into a structural basin form radial drainage patterns. True/False


T/F A salina is the same thing as a wash


T/F A sand surface is the main criterion for identifying a region as a desert


T/F Aggradation occurs on geologically uplifted parts of Earth's crust


T/F Alaska was completely covered by a pleistocene ice sheet


T/F Cavern development is facilitated by the presence of sandstone


T/F Death Valley contains few alluvial fans


T/F Fjords are glacial features found only in the southern hemisphere


T/F Friction has little impact on the energy of water moving down a channel


T/F Glacial erosion invariably produces smooth valley slopes


T/F Glaciation smooths out the landscapes so that lakes are rare on the postglacial landscape


T/F Like a mesa in its shape, but smaller in its extent is the bajada


T/F Most of a stream transported material is classified as bedload


T/F Old Faithful, in Yellowstone Park, is an example of a fumarole


T/F Sinkholes are associated with igneous rock formations


T/F Streams flowing into a structural basin form radial drainage patterns


T/F The great lakes of U.S/Canadian border are classic examples of paternoster lakes


T/F The great lakes of us/canadian border are classic examples of paternoster lakes


T/F The seif is the most common type of sand dune in North American deserts


T/F The valley train is the same thing as an outwash plain


T/F The world's largest streams are intermittent


T/F Underground water has little importance in the shaping of landforms


T/F Usually 4th order streams are more numerous than 1st order streams


T/F Usually 4th order streams are more numerous that 1st order streams


T/F Weathering is faster in deserts than in other environments


T/F a pediment is the same thing as a piedmont slope


Terraces are usually closer to the coastline than are wave-cut benches.


The "active layer" of permafrost must melt for solifluction to occur. True/False


The "signature" of an actively downcutting stream is a V-shaped valley. True/False


The Black Hills of South Dakota provide an example of a structure formed by a dike.


The Earth's crust is a layer of the lithosphere about 1,000 kilometers thick.


The Earth's crust is a layer of the lithosphere about 1,000 kilometers thick. True/False


The Great Barrier Reef is a huge, continuous mass of coral.


The Haiti earthquake of 2010 was "surprising" because there were no major faults in the vicinity.


The Lewis Overthrust is a well known feature in the Appalachian Mountains.


The Niger River in Africa has built the largest delta in the world. True/False


The U.S. Government is developing an Earthquake Early Warning System (EEW)


The amount of friction per cubic area in streamflow is maximized in wide, deep, smooth-bottomed rivers. True/False


The angle of repose is the same for all materials. True/False


The geographerWilliam M. Davis was the principal researcher who developed what we now know to be equilibrium theory. True/False


The internal processes working on Earth's landscapes are energized by heat inside the Earth; they work without any regard to atmospheric influences.


The internal processes working on Earth's landscapes are energized by heat inside the Earth; they work without any regard to atmospheric influences. True/False


The lower course of a stream is dominated by landforms created by erosion. True/False


The use of hydropower seems to have impacts that are not "green." True/False


The world's largest streams are intermittent. True/False


Tides and currents carry a very small amount of debris.


Topography is a synonym for geomorphology.


Topography is a synonym for geomorphology. True/False


Travertine deposits are relatively porous compared to sinter, which is relatively dense True/False


Underground water has little importance in the shaping of landforms. True/False


Uniformitarianism is another term for the theory of massive crustal deformation.


Uniformitarianism is another term for the theory of massive crustal deformation. True/False


Uniformitarianism is the study of the interior of the Earth


Uniformitarianism is the study of the interior of the Earth True/False


Using the idea of "mantle plumes," it is obvious that the crust associated with the Hawaiian islands is moving from southwest to northeast.


Usually 4th order streams are more numerous than 1st order streams. True/False


Usually, the number of faults in an area is a much greater number than the number of joints. True/False


Valley bluffs are remnants of previous knickpoints in a drainage basin. True/False


Water is the energizing force in mass wasting. True/False


Wave action on coastlines is entirely a mechanical weathering process.


Wave height" and "fetch" are synonymous.


Waves of translation become waves of oscillation.


Your textbook notes that earthquake prediction is soon to be a reality.


T/F Geysers are associated with karst topography and sandstone bedrock


FIB The lowest area in North America is in Death Valley which was created by


With respect to minerals, which of the following is TRUE?

Fewer than 20 minerals make up 95% of the crust

Yellowstone National Park is the world's classic location for hydrothermal activity and the drainage basin contains most of the hydrothermal activity.


From the texts description it is clear that sinkholes conflict with urban land uses in


The world's longest expanse of coastal dunes is located in


The force of ________, in conjunction with the wind, is the cause of most waves.


Which of the following is a term associated with coral reefs adjacent to shorelines?


Globally, the influence of this soil-forming factor fades with time.


Parent material is closely associated with which soil-forming factor


Which of the following is FALSE?

Glacial debris is rarely larger than one meter across.

________ is an example of a native element.


The Indian subcontinent was originally attached to ________.


Of the below, the best example of the remnant of a Pleistocene lake in the western United States is ...

Great Salt Lake

Of the below, the best example of the remnant of a Pleistocene lake in the western United States is ________.

Great Salt Lake

The best example of the remnant of a Pleistocene lake in the United States is ________.

Great Salt Lake

The best example of the remnant of pleistocene lake in the united states is

Great Salt Lake

Which of the following has a contemporary ice sheet?


Which type of erosion involves the most sediment per square meter in the places where it occurs?

Gully Erosion

The plant type that carries its seeds in cones is the?


_______ are the most prominent erosional features created by waves.


________ are the most prominent erosional features created by waves.


Compared to today, sea level 125,0000 years ago (in an interglacial part of the Pleistocene) was ________.


The time since 10,000 B.P. is most properly known as the ________ epoch.


Ungulates are?

Hoofed animals

The most rapid landscape solution occurs in ________ areas.


Which of the following is a plant that is exotic to Florida and has had disastrous environmental consequences?


Plants adapted to environments with surplus moisture are called?


Earthworms ________.


What is not one of the world's biomes?

Ice Field

Which is a fundamental question at the heart of any geographic inquiry?

If so?

Rhyolite, andesite, basalt, and obsidian are all rocks that are classified as ________.

Igneous and extrusive


In arid lands, intricately rifled and barren terrain is called _______.


In basin and range topography, the lowest areas are frequently occupied by a ________.

The theory of continental drift was revived, expanded, and put into its present form ________.

In the 1960s


In the desert climate ______ is an easily eroded.

Limestone and shale

In the desert climate _________ is a more resistant rock.

In terms of plate tectonics, Indian is a part of the ________ plate.


________ and nickel are thought to comprise significant portions of Earth's inner and outer cores.


Mount Saint Helens exploded in 1980. Which of the following is NOT true?

It is quite unlike the other mountains near it.

Which of the following does NOT fit the requirement to be a mineral?

It must have economic value.

The Unzen volcanic complex is a composite of overlapping composite volcanoes and has had recent pyroclastic flows, lazars, and loss of life. This complex is in the country of ________.


The island of Krakatau disappeared in a volcanic explosion. Krakatau was located in the ________.

Java Sea

FIB ___ are relatively steep-sided mounds or conical hills of stratified drift made from meltwater deposition in a region of stagnant ice


__ is the term for solution topography in areas of limestone bedrock


A wave-cut platform closely resembles the letter ________.


Soils are considered part of the...


The Great Salt Lake is a remnant of ...

Lake Bonneville

The great salt lake is a remnant of

Lake Bonneville

The best example of the remnant of a Pleistocene lake in the United States is

Lake Huron

during recent geologic time, Death Valley was occupied by a large lake called

Lake Manly

Concerning lake shores, which of the following is FALSE?

Lakeshore landforms are less conspicuous than ocean shore landforms.

Which of the following is NOT associated with tides? 32)

Large amounts of erosion on most coasts

________ are the largest landforms produced by mountain glaciation.

Lateral moraines

According to the concept of vertical zonation, what is the counterpart of changes in altitude?


During the Pleistocene, the ________ ice was the most extensive continental ice sheet in the world.


In a roche moutonnee, the ________ side faces the direction to which the ice is traveling.


________ are formed from skeletal remains of coral and other lime-secreting sea animals.


________ is a soil texture in which none of the three main soil separates dominates the other two



Many of today's loess deposits date from the time of the ________ glaciation.

What is a biome adapted to summer fires and rapid vegetative recovery?

Mediterranean Woodland

__ is the spanish word for "table" and applied to flat topped landforms in the Americas


________ is the Spanish world for "table" and is applied to flat topped landforms in the American West.


________ is the spanish word for table and is applied to the flat toppedlandforms in the American West


Which of the following is NOT a major, recognized glacial stage of the Pleistocene Epoch?


Which of the following is out of order if we are considering the Earth from the atmosphere to the center?


Which scale is now the most commonly used to measure the size of LARGE earthquakes?

Moment magnitude

The egg-laying mammals of the Australian region are the?


________ are strings of closely-spaced coral islets separated by narrow channels of water.


The origins of which of the following are less well understood than the other features on the list?

Mountains in the middle of plates

Crater Lake, Oregon, is a remnant of a larger volcano named ________.

Mt. Mazama

Most North America , including the USA and Canada, lies within?

Nearctic zoogeographic realm

The South American continent falls within the?

Neotropical zoogeographic region

Of the states below, ... has the greatest extent of interior drainage basins.


___ is granualr snow which is beginning to coalesce into glacial ice


The zoogeographic region dominated by flightless birds is the?

New Zealand

________ is granular snow which is beginning to coalesce into glacial ice.


________ is compressed snow which might change into glacial ice.


23. Africa's best example of an exotic river is the ________. A) Congo B) Nile C) Orange D) Rhine E) Amazon


Africa"s best example of an exotic river is the ...


Africa's best example of an exotic river is the


Africa's best example of an exotic river is the ________.


Africa's best example of anexotic river is the ...


Africas best example of an exotic river is the


51. Compare the height of normal waves and tsunami waves in the open ocean.

Normal ocean waves are caused by the wind, weather, tides, and currents.Tsunami waves do not resemble normal sea waves, because their wavelength is far longer. Rather than appearing as a breaking wave, a tsunami may instead initially resemble a rapidly rising tide, and for this reason they are often referred to as tidal waves.

According to the map in the textbook, which continent had the greatest total of ice-covered land?

North America

Among layers of the soil horizon, the one with the most organic material is ________.


In terms of topography, the deepest soils are ________.


Most soil development takes place ________.



On the standard pH scale, the number 10 indicates a(n) ________ soil

________ is the longest barrier island along the coast of the United States.

Padre Island

Which zoogeographic region covers most of Asia?


The original large continental mass containing all of the present continents prior to separation millions of years ago has been named ________.


Which of the following was the single "supercontinent" which existed before individual continents broke apart from it a quarter of a billion years ago?


Savannas usually include some trees dotting the landscape. This type of savanna is known as ?

Park savannas

FIB ___ is the generic name applied to various geometric patterns that repeatedly appear over large areas of the Artic

Patterned ground

Which of the following scientist is closely associated with the theory of crustal change and development


Plants which survive seasonal climatic fluctuations from year to year are?


The zone beyond a glacier's limit and not directly touched by ice is the ________ zone.


________ is a measure of the ease with which water moves through the soil


Which of the following is the specific name given to the study of the characteristics of rocks?


________ is the detailed knowledge of characteristics of different kinds of rock.


FIB Many of today's loess deposits date from the time of the ___ glaciation


Which of the following is NOT a shaper of the oceanic coastlines?

Poisonous blooms of algae

The earliest era in the geologic time scale is ________.


Some of the spore-bearing plants are termed?


The Pleistocene is a part of the ________ period.


Which of the following horizons is found furthest from the surface of the soil


The weathered layer of loose inorganic material overlaying unfragmented rock below is __


A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be


Pedogenic regimes

Regimes where soil-forming physical-chemical-biological processes occur - Laterization, podsolization, gliezation, calcification and salinization

Most limestone is ________ mechanical surface weathering.

Resistant to

A(n) ________ shoreline is one with numerous estuaries.


Vegetation growing alongside streams is termed?


The ________ is the world's largest ice shelf.

Ross Ice Shelf

Which earthquake wave type travels most slowly?


Much soil material is actually wasted bits of rocks and composed of ________.


The B horizon is usually called ________.


The process in which small particles are moved along by streamflow or wind in a series of jumps or bounces is ________.


Which of the following coastline EFFECTS is best matched with CAUSE?

Sand transport : Longshore currents

Most of the eastern USA was originally covered with?


FIB ___ is a term that means steep cliffs


________ is a term that means steep cliffs.


Which of the following is FALSE?

Sea level is higher today than at any time in Earth's history.

________ have the most extensive occurrence at the surface of the continental United States?

Sedimentary rocks

An alternate term for tropical rainforest biomes is?


________ is a sedimentary rock formed mechanically from fine silt and clay particles.


________ transport(s) materials directly after they are loosened by splash erosion.

Sheet Erosion

Which of the following are fault-block mountains?

Sierra Nevada

Which of the following is not very resistant to solution in water?


Currently, the greatest rate of deforestation of the tropical rainforest is on the continent of?

South America

10. ________ and amount of moisture present can be used to classify types of mass wasting. A) Amount of chemical weathering B) Gravity C) Amount of mechanical weathering D) Temperature E) Speed of movement

Speed of movement

________ are cave decoration features growing upward from a cavern floor.


Which of the following NOT a reason earthworms increase the fertility of the soils in which they reside?

Stimulation by plowing for agriculture

________ refers to the analytical element of landscape study concerned with the nature, arrangement, and orientation of the materials comprising the observed feature(s).


What is a natural but variable sequential change in vegetation pattern?


The cascading forward motion of breaking waves as they rush upon the shore is called ________.


What is the arrangement in which two dissimilar organisms live together?


A foreshock sometimes comes before a major earthquake.


A simple symmetrical upfold in topography is an anticline.


A talus slope has a characteristic angle of repose of about 35 degrees.


According to the concepts of plate tectonics, the continents of Africa and South America are gradually changing their distance from each other.


Any downward movement of broken rocks owing to gravity is called mass wasting.


Deep fault zones apparently serve as conduits allowing water and heat to approach the surface.


Diastrophism is considered an internal geomorphic process.


Fragmented mineral material is called sediment.


Granite is a type of rock which has cooled from magma.


Igneous rocks apparently make up the bulk of Earth's entire crust.


In physical geography, comprehending the dynamics of topographic development is more important than any amount of detailed landform distribution study.


In the Cascade Range, there are many peaks larger or taller than Mount Saint Helens which exploded.


In the Earth system, internal and external geomorphic processes act more or less in direct opposition to each other.


Mudflows are potentially more dangerous to humanity than earthflow


Our understanding of the crust and upper mantle has fundamentally improved in the last few decades.


Oxidation in rocks is often initiated by oxygen dissolved in water.


Paleomagnetism is used to show that the continents drifted apart.


Plutonic rocks are the same thing as intrusive rocks.


Soil creep is generally faster on water-saturated slopes than on dry ones.


The Andesite Line refers to the numerous volcanoes which dot the rim of the Pacific Ocean.


The Earth's crust is rigid as compared to the mantle directly underneath.


The Lewis Overthrust in Glacier National Park in Montana is such a large thrust fault that sediments have been displaced as much as 30 kilometers.


The largest recorded earthquake had a moment magnitude of 9.5 and occurred in Chile.


The southern portion of the "super continent" envisioned by Wegener is called Gondwanaland.


The steepest angle that can be assumed by loose fragments on a slope without downslope movement is the angle of repose.


When water freezes, it decreases in density and expands in volume.


The processes that deepen and age soils include all but the following


The true soil layer is known as ________.


Crustal movements of various kinds in the Earth's crust is collectively called ________ activity.



The "four-corners country" of the United States is dominated by a major landform assemblage called ______.


The A or A/O horizon combination

After the Sahara, which of the following is the world's major location of ergs?

The Arabian desert

By far, the zoogeographic region with the most distinctive fauna is ?

The Australian region

Which of the following facilitated the interchange of animals between the Nearctic and Palearctic zoogeographic regions?

The Bering Land Bridge

________ is an area of extensive flood basalts.

The Columbia Plateau

Speculate on which of the following landscapes exists as the result of glaciation.

The Great Lakes

Lake Bonneville

The Great Salt Lake is a remnant of...

The richest assemblage of flora and fauna outside the tropics are in ?

The Midlatitude deciduous forest biome

At its maximum extent, continental glacial ice in NOrth America extended as far south as

The Ohio River

At its maximum extent, continental glacial ice in North America extended as far south as ________.

The Ohio River

The classic example of the effects of the environment on a species is shown by what?

The Size of ears on a fox

Great Salt Lake

The best example of the remnant of a Pleistocene lake in the United States is _______.


The boreal forest in subarctic locations is the typical setting for _________. -(gray soil)

Soil water balance

The dynamic relationship between precipitation and evaporation in any given location


The evaporating water leaves behind various salts in or on the surface of the soil, sometimes in such quantity as to impart a brilliant white surface color to the land


The measure of a soil's capacity to hold water and air

mesa and scarp [stair-step]

The most common landscape forms in the dry western U.S. are the basin and range and the ______.


The most single important agent of landscape formation in deserts is ______.


The process of shifting loose particles by blowing them into the air or rolling them on the ground is called _______.


The productive wheat lands of parts of Washington, Oregon and Idaho are underlain by soils incorporating volcanic ash and classified as _______.

soil separates

The size groups within the standard classification of soil particle sizes

In the section "An Example of Scale," it is apparent that ________.

The smallest scale is related to the view from farthest away


The soil forming factor which relates to the parent material composition is the ________ forming factor

C horizon

The soil horizon comprising unconsolidated parent material beyond the reach of most roots

parent material

The source of the rock fragments that make up soil

slip face

The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a _______.

Essay: Define the term Karst

The term karst connotes both a set of processes and an assemblage of landforms. The word is used as the catchall name of a cornerstone concept that describes the special landforms that develop on exceptionally soluble rocks. Typical landforms in karst regions include sinkholes, disrupted surface drainage and underground drainage networks that have openings formed from solution action


The weathered layer of loose inorganic material overlaying unfragmented rock.


The wind-caused etching or pitting of rock surfaces is termed _______.

Which of the following is NOT true of the terranes of North America?

They are the largest of the crustal plate types

Many of today's desert lakes are NOT described by which phrase?

They are usually freshwater in nature

Concerning tsunamis, which of the following is FALSE? 26)

They are very tall in the open sea.

Which of the following is NOT a property of minerals?

They can be human-made.

Overtime, which of the following has happened to Niagara Falls

They have migrated several kilometers upstream

Which of the following is TRUE of tides?

They have small effects on landforms.

Hygroscopic water

This type of water is held to soil particles by adhesion and is normally unavailable to plants

A ________ is formed when converging waves deposit sand from two directions.


The ________ physically separates East Antarctica from West Antarctica.

Transantarctic Mountains

) ________ brings soil materials from the A horizon to the B horizon.


The drainage pattern common in ridge and valley landscapes is ________.


In the interior of which biome would you find the aroma of mold and decomposition, has high humidity and much plant litter on the forest floor

Tropical Rainforest

Most of the "big game" mammals in Africa are naturally adapted to the

Tropical Savanna Biome

A centripetal drainage pattern is essentially the opposite of a radial pattern. True/False


A consequence of vegetation removal is accelerated stream erosion. True/False


A drop in sea level causes stream rejuvenation on land. True/False


A foreshock sometimes comes before a major earthquake.


A megathrust was responsible for generating the disastrous tsunami of 2004.


A minor volcanic eruption releases the energy equivalent to a cluster of atomic bombs.


A monadnock is an erosional remnant on a peneplain surface. True/False


A remnant of a previous valley floor is called a stream terrace. True/False


A simple symmetrical upfold in topography is an anticline.


A stream may occupy all of its valley bottom. True/False


A talus slope has a characteristic angle of repose of about 35 degrees. True/False


A volcano is "active" if it has had at least one eruption in recorded history.


A yazoo stream is a tributary which is prevented by a natural levee from entering the main stream and runs for a considerable distance parallel to the main stream before finding an entrance. True/False


According to Wegener, all the continents were once joined together in one continent.


Aeolian processes are at their maximum in areas with sand surfaces.


Angular rocks and boulders on high mountain peaks were produced by frost shattering. True/False


Any downward movement of broken rocks owing to gravity is called mass wasting. True/False


At one time, sea level was higher than it is today.


Beaches are ephemeral in longevity and are very temporary in form.


Beaches are generally wider in the summer than in the winter.


Brush fires and forest fires speed the process of mechanical weathering. True/False


Burrowing animals, earthquakes, and thunder are all significant contributors to soil creep. True/False


Clayey soils or clayey subsoils greatly facilitate mass movement. True/False


Complex geologic structures in North Africa, North America, and Europe correlate very well with one another in terms of continental drift.


Considerable energy of a stream's action is used up by frictional retardation. True/False


Consideration of the scale of landform observation means that the aspects of the landscape one observes in a close-up view are different from those observed from a more distant view.


Consideration of the scale of landform observation means that the aspects of the landscape one observes in a close-up view are different from those observed from a more distant view. True/False


Coral fringes nearly all tropical coastlines.


Current theory likens the world's sea floors to conveyor belts moving ever outward from the oceanic ridges.


Debris flows are mass movements that occur on slopes in arid regions. True/False


Deep fault zones apparently serve as conduits allowing water and heat to approach the surface.


Diastrophism is considered a set of internal geomorphic processes.


Diastrophism is considered a set of internal geomorphic processes. True/False


Drainage in karst areas is often beneath the surface. True/False


Drainage patterns are most commonly a response to geologic structure. True/False


During subduction, oceanic crust melts as it is pushed down into the hot mantle.


Earth's topography is more varied than that of any known planet.


Earth's topography is more varied than that of any known planet. True/False


Equilibrium theory is the currently accepted explanation of landform development. True/False


Erosion is increased with increases in a stream's turbulent flow. True/False


Exfoliation appears to involve both mechanical and chemical weathering agents. True/False


External geomorphic processes are mainly subaerial.


External geomorphic processes are mainly subaerial. True/False


Faulting can take place many kilometers below the surface.


Floodplains are caused by floods. True/False


Floodplains can grow by lateral erosion. True/False


Fragmented mineral material is called sediment.


Fragmented mineral material is called sediment. True/False


Generally, a relatively small amount of material is transported by saltation as compared to other means of stream transport. True/False


Granite is a type of rock which has cooled from magma.


Granite is a type of rock which has cooled from magma. True/False


Gravity is the energizing force in mass wasting. True/False


Hot watersuch as that in hot springsis a potent dissolver of minerals. True/False


Huge mountain ranges and shallow-focus earthquakes are common along convergent boundaries between pairs of continental plates


Humans have drilled less than one-thousandth of the distance from the surface to the center of the Earth.


Humans have drilled less than one-thousandth of the distance from the surface to the center of the Earth. True/False


Ice push is significant in modifying shoreline formations at the edges of water bodies that freeze over.


If the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were to melt, the result would be a significant increase in sea level.


Igneous rocks apparently make up the bulk of Earth's entire crust.


Igneous rocks apparently make up the bulk of Earth's entire crust. True/False


Igneous rocks can be directly derived from the deformation of metamorphic rocks.


Igneous rocks can be directly derived from the deformation of metamorphic rocks. True/False


In a flow, the center moves faster than the outer edges True/False


In a stream, water erodes more on the outside of bends than on the inside of bends. True/False


In basin-and-range topography, the basin floor altitude tends to increase with time.


In general a desert has many impermeable surfaces which reduce potential water infiltration.


In general, the slow cooling of molten rock leads to formation of large crystals.


In general, the slow cooling of molten rock leads to formation of large crystals. True/False


In the 1920s, Alfred Wegener assembled much scientific evidence suggesting that the continents drift.


In the Cascade Range, there are many peaks larger or taller than Mount Saint Helens which exploded.


In the Earth system, internal and external geomorphic processes act more or less in direct opposition to each other.


In the Earth system, internal and external geomorphic processes act more or less in direct opposition to each other. True/False


Isostasy can cause land lifting when groundwater dissolves limestone.


Isostasy can cause land lifting when groundwater dissolves limestone. True/False


Knickpoints are irregularities in otherwise graded channel profiles. True/False


Limestone surfaces are resistant to mechanical weathering processes. True/False


Mafic lava is likely to be hotter and more fluid, causing non-explosive volcanic eruptions.


Many coastal mudflats were once lagoons.


Many extensive wave-cut benches are buried by sediment.


Many of the larger barrier islands may have been formed when sea level was lower than today.


Many of the most important ore minerals are sulfides.


Many of the most important ore minerals are sulfides. True/False


Many streams have drainage patterns unrelated to the underlying geologic structure. True/False


Mass wasting is generally the second step in a three-step system of denudation True/False


Mechanical and chemical weathering usually act in concert with one another. True/False


Mound or terrace build-up is often a side effect of hot springs True/False


Mudflows are potentially more dangerous to humanity than earthflow True/False


Mudflows tend to follow the local drainage network. True/False


Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust.


Oceanic crust is denser than continental crust. True/False


Offset streams are caused by strike-slip faults.


Our understanding of the crust and upper mantle has fundamentally improved in the last few decades.


Our understanding of the crust and upper mantle has fundamentally improved in the last few decades. True/False


Over long amounts of time, without tectonic activity, all local base levels would be eliminated. True/False


Oxidation in rocks is often initiated by oxygen dissolved in water. True/False


Oxidation produces compounds which are more easily eroded than the original rock. True/False


Paleomagnetism is used to show that the continents drifted apart.


Parallel structure, also known as stratification, is a characteristic of most sedimentary rocks.


Parallel structure, also known as stratification, is a characteristic of most sedimentary rocks. True/False


Plant roots are agents of weathering. True/False


Plate tectonics is another term for lithospheric rearrangement.


Plate tectonics is another term for lithospheric rearrangement. True/False


Plutonic rocks are the same thing as intrusive rocks.


Plutonic rocks are the same thing as intrusive rocks. True/False


Polyps are the individual creatures making coral.


Process refers to the analytical element of landscape study which considers the actions that have combined to produce the landform.


Process refers to the analytical element of landscape study which considers the actions that have combined to produce the landform. True/False


Rejuvenation results from the uplift of a regional landscape and creates new slope angles to be weathered. True/False


Salt wedging is a weathering process which is unimportant in humid regions. True/False


Scale differences in landform studies are complex and of significance


Scale differences in landform studies are complex and of significance True/False


Sea level is the base level, or lower limit, of stream downcutting. True/False


Sedimentary strata are always formed horizontally.


Sedimentary strata are always formed horizontally. True/False


Soil creep is generally faster on water-saturated slopes than on dry ones. True/False


Some geysers erupt continuously. True/False


Sometimes, landslides come down into a valley and then race upslope on the other side. True/False


Strata are the layers in sedimentary rock.


Strata are the layers in sedimentary rock. True/False


Streams carving large valleys do most of their erosional work during flood stage. True/False


Surface limestone is far more resistant to erosion than the same rock underground. True/False


Surface streams are relatively rare in karst regions, but many streams flow in caverns below karst surfaces. True/False


T/F A piedmont glacier is a type of mountain glacier


T/F A remnant of a previously valley floor is called stream terrace


T/F Aeolian processes are at their maximum in areas with sand surfaces


T/F Cirques are located at elevations high about sea level


T/F Cirques are located at elevations high above sea level


T/F Drainage in karst areas is often beneath the surface


T/F Drainage patterns are most commonly a response to geologic structure


T/F Floodplains are caused by floods


T/F Hanging valleys occur where the mouths of tributary valleys are perched high along the side of stream valleys


T/F Hot water- such as that in hot springs- is a potent dissolver of minerals


T/F In basin-and-range topography, the basin floor altitude tends to increase with time


T/F In general a desert has many impermeable surfaces which reduce potential water inflitration


T/F Knickpoints are irregularities in otherwise graded channel profiles


T/F Limestone surfaces are resistant to mechanical weathering processes


T/F Most sediment in glacial regions consists of glacial flour


T/F Mound or terrace build-up is often a side effect of hot springs


T/F Rejuvenation results from the uplift of regional landscape and creates new slope angles to be weathered


T/F Relict ergs are sometimes found in non-desert areas


T/F Streams carving large valleys do most of their erosional work during flood stage


T/F Surface limestone is far more resistant to erosion than the same rock underground


T/F Surface streams are relatively rare in karst regions, but many streams flow in caverns below karst surfaces


T/F The fastest moving of all types of dunes are barchan dunes


T/F The main constituent of desert sand is usually quartz crystals


T/F U-Shaped stream valleys are indicators that a stream valley has been glaciated


T/F Water in hot spring is usually impregnated with a great deal of dissolved mineral water


T/F a glacier grows when the accumulation zone grows faster than the ablation zone


Talus slopes are normally gently concave upward, with the steepest angle near the apex of the cone. True/False


The Andesite Line refers to the numerous volcanoes which dot the rim of the Pacific Ocean.


The Deccan Plateau of India is associated with flood basalts.


The Earth's crust is rigid as compared to the mantle directly underneath.


The Gulf Coast of the United States is fringed by a long string of barrier islands.


The Haiti earthquake was so devastating because of poor construction of buildings.


The Lewis Overthrust in Glacier National Park in Montana is such a large thrust fault that sediments have been displaced horizontally as much as 30 kilometers.


The angle of response on the side of a sinkhole is usually 20 to 30 degrees. True/False


The asthenosphere is the portion of Earth's interior between the lithosphere and lower mantle.


The asthenosphere is the portion of Earth's interior between the lithosphere and lower mantle. True/False


The crust under the ocean bottom is thinner than the crust under the continental surface.


The crust under the ocean bottom is thinner than the crust under the continental surface. True/False


The drainage basin of a principal river encompasses the smaller drainage basins of all its tributaries. True/False


The eruptions of Old Faithful are no longer faithful. True/False


The fastest moving of all types of dunes are barchan dunes.


The fate of most coastal lagoons is to be filled in and become part of the land itself.


The flow of underground water is largely unchanneled. True/False


The heat emanating from a geyser basin is hundreds of times greater than the heat emanating from a non-geyser area of the same size. True/False


The lack of silts and clays along beaches indicate that beaches are zones of high energy where small-sized materials cannot settle out.


The largest recorded earthquake had a moment magnitude of 9.5 and occurred in Chile.


The load carried by overland flow past a point is generally small in comparison to what a stream can transport past a point. True/False


The main constituent of desert sand is usually quartz crystals.


The mantle is located beneath the Moho.


The mantle is located beneath the Moho. True/False


The most widely distributed intrusive rock is granite


The most widely distributed intrusive rock is granite True/False


The motive force behind continental drift appears to be convection.


The slight difference in time of observation between the arrival of P and S waves at a seismographic station allows scientists to determine the distance to the focus of an earthquake.


The southern portion of the "super continent" envisioned by Wegener is called Gondwanaland.


The steepest angle that can be assumed by loose fragments on a slope without downslope movement is the angle of repose. True/False


The term "mountains without roots" is used to refer to mountains in overthrust fault zones.


The terms "drainage basin" and "watershed" are synonymous True/False


Travertine and tufa are closely related deposits. True/False


Turbulent flow in streams is a main means of dissipating energy into erosion True/False


Underground water is almost totally ineffective in terms of hydraulic power, erosion, and other kinds of mechanical erosion. True/False


Valleys in karst terrain are generally dry and small. True/False


Valleys lengthen at the expense of interfluves becoming smaller. True/False


Water in hot springs is usually impregnated with a great deal of dissolved mineral water. True/False


Water is more important than wind in its role as a sculptor of terrain True/False


Water is the leading external shaper of landforms because of its ubiquity over the planet. True/False


Wave shape changes usually occur in zones near the coast rather than in open water.


When water freezes, it decreases in density and expands in volume. True/False


Whenever soil is present, it makes up the upper portion of the regolith.


Whenever soil is present, it makes up the upper portion of the regolith. True/False


Where solifluction occurs, drainage channels are usually scarce. True/False


What is one of the features distinguishing mammals from all other groups?

True Hair

Glaciers carve ________-shaped valleys.


FIB The Finger Lakes district of upstate New York is a prime example of the glacial feature called

U-Shaped Troughs

The Finger Lakes Region of upstate New York is a prime example of ________

U-shaped troughs

A slope struck by a low sun angle has relatively low evaporation and thus supports a relatively luxuriant vegetation growth and is known as ?

Ubac slope

"The present is the key to the past" is the summarization of the doctrine of ________.


Rivers downcutting into a land surface, in the absence of other forces, usually tend to erode a ___ shaped form


... is a notable characteristic of mesa-and-scarp topography.

Vivid color

Most present atolls are on former ________ islands


After Alaska, ________ is the state with the greatest number of glaciers and greatest amount of surface area covered by glaciers.


The state having the greatest extent of flood basalts is ________.


The distance between one wave crest and the next is known as the ________.


The single most important force in shaping coastal topography is the ________.


The first comprehensive theory of continental drift was propounded by ________.


The first person to write about the possibility of continental drift was ________.


The following area would appear as a series of islands if it were to lose its glacial ice.

West Antarctica

A floristic association dominated by tall grasslands and found in the middle latitudes is?


Wilting point

When the available soil water has been completely depleted

Most waves are generated by ________.


The Driftless Area is in ________.


The most recent glacial stage of the Pleistocene in North America was the ________.


In Europe the Wisconsin ice advance is known as the "________".


By Far, the world's largest concentration of hydrothermal features occurs in


On the Modified Mercalli scale, the largest earthquakes would be assigned a value of ________.


FIB The ___ is a river which recieved its name from the color of the loess sediment it carries


Mollisols, Alfisols

________ and _______ are the 2 most agriculturally productive soil orders.


________ is the primary agent that anchors sand dunes to prevent their mirgration.


a brown or black, gelatinous, chemically stable organic matter -catalyst for chemical reactions and a reservoir for plant nutrients and soil water.

one would find the piedmont angle

a change in slope at a mountain base

Relatively cooler magma in an erupting volcano is apparently the result of ________.

a high amount of silica present

48. Water moving roughly parallel to the shoreline is called ________. A) swash B) oblique waves C) backwash D) stream outflow E) a longshore current

a longshore current

Water moving roughly parallel to the shoreline is called ________.

a longshore current

Which of the following glacial landforms is composed of bedrock?

a nunatak

the final result of the classical theory of the gemoorphic cycle concept is

a peneplain

When a stalacite meets a stalagmite the result is

a pillar

Which of the following enhances the rate of solution of bedrock

a profusion of joints and bedding planes

minerals and rocks of the crust?

a quarter of them


a regime restricted to waterlogged areas, normally in a cool climate. -(muddy soils)

11) Which of the following concepts does not belong with the others?

a rigid crust with fixed continents

Earth's inner core is thought to consist of ________.

a rigid mass

A coast embayed with numerous estuaries is likely to be ________.

a shoreline of submergence

Which of the following is an example of speleothem

a stalactite

Gravitational water is ________.

a temporary form of soil moisture

Drift is ________.

a term which is a misnomer out of biblical literature


a texture in which none of the 3 principal separates dominates the other 2

Which of the following is termed "conservative"?

a transform plate boundary

Bornhardts are

a type of inselberg

Bornhardts are ________.

a type of inselberg

38. The lower part of a glacier where there is a net annual loss of ice from melting and sublimation is the zone of ________. A) ablation B) evaporation C) névé D) till E) striation


The lower part of a glacier where there is a net annual loss of ice from melting and sublimation is the zone of ________.


The glacial scouring by bedrock embedded in ice is erosion by


The glacial scouring by bedrock embedded in ice is erosion by ________.


The wind-caused etching or pitting of rock surfaces is termed


The wind-caused etching or pitting of rock surfaces is termed ...


The wind-caused etching or pitting of rock surfaces is termed ________.


the wind-caused etching or pitting of rock surfaces is termed


B horizon

accumulation of clay, iron and aluminum from above

The disastrous tsunami of 2004 ________.

affected the Indian Ocean

The ... is a depositional feature that accumulates at the mouths of desert canyons.

alluvial fan

The ________ is a depositional feature that accumulates at the mouths of desert canyons.

alluvial fan

Which of the following landforms does not belong with the others?

alluvial fan

The general term applied to stream-deposited debris is


Where is one plate being subducted under another plate?

along the Aleutian Trench

Where would one find a convergent plate boundary?

along the Pacific coast of South America

The most advanced stage of tropical reef formation is exhibited in ________.

an atoll

when hot water is ejected from a geyser, that flow is called

an eruption

The barren surface composed of consolidate material, usually of exposed bed rock is ...

an hamada

During the Pleistocene, ________ was a time of ice retreat.

an interglacial

The proof for the long-doubted idea of drifting continents came in the form of ________.

analysis of magnetic and seismic patterns

A tsunami is ________.

another term for a seismic sea wave

A simple symmetrical upfold is called a(n) ________.


A common characteristic of all the basins of the interior drainage in the United States is that they...

are all in the western United States

As they travel on the open sea, tsunamis ________.

are inconspicuous

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?


Another term for "wadi" is ...


another term for wadi is


How many major glacial episodes are included in the Pleistocene Epoch?

as many as 18 or 19

Life appeared on Earth ________.

as one-celled organisms and remained so over most of Earth's history

Along coastal cliffs, the most effective erosion takes place ________.

at sea level

46. A ________ is a landform which almost always assumes a circular shape. A) atoll B) spit C) tombolo D) hook E) none of the above


The difference between field capacity and the wilting point is called ________.

available soil moisture

Presently, the North American and Eurasian plates are moving ________.

away from each other

FIB The natural levees on floodplains along large rivers merge outwardly and almost imperceptibly well drained and lower portions of the floodplains, generally refered to as the


In arid lands, intricately rifled and barren terrain is called


In arid lands, intricately rifled and barren terrain is called ________.


a densely-packed stream network on erodible sedimentary rocks produces


24. Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as a(n) ________. A) bajada B) plinth C) slip face D) sand plain E) alkali flat


Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as a(n) ________.


Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape freature known as an


alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as a


Alluvial fans which have expanded and joined over time form a landscape feature known as ...


Because of short steep canyons on the east side of Death Valley no _______ are found there


Because of short steep canyons on the east side of Death Valley, no ... are found there.


The main dune form in most deserts is crescent shaped and is migrating across a non-sand surface is called


The main dune form in most deserts is crescent shaped and is migrating across a non-sand surface; it is called a(n) ________.


the main dune form in most deserts is crescent shaped and is migrating across a non-sand dune; it is called a ______


Only after ________ have attained large size, do they begin to migrate toward the shore.

barrier bars

The movement of a glacier along its bottom, lubricated by meltwater is known as

basal slip

The movement of a glacier along its bottom, lubricated by meltwater, is known as ________.

basal slip

13. An imaginary surface extending beneath the continents which limits how deep streams may cut is ________. A) a trellis B) base level C) a knickpoint D) grade E) traction

base level

An imaginary surface extending beneath the continents which limits how deep streams may cut

base level

FIB Sea level is the ___ or lower limit of stream downcutting

base level

The elevation limit of a stream downcutting on a land mass is called

base level

The minerals that form cations are known as ________.


On the standard pH scale, the number 10 indicates a ________ soil


One of the primary special characteristics of deserts is their

basins of internal drainage

One of the primary special characteristics of deserts is their ...

basins of internal drainage

One of the primary special characteristics of deserts is their ________.

basins of internal drainage

one of the primary special characteristics of deserts is their

basins of internal drainage

The ________ is an igneous intrusion which has a surface area of at least 100 square kilometers.


The most massive form of igneous intrusion is a ________.


A ________ transforms a bay into a lagoon.

baymouth bar

In deserts, wind can be said to ...

be more effective than elsewhere

45. Beach sand moves along the shore in a movement of materials called ________. A) tombolo genesis B) barrier bar deposition C) beach drifting D) karst solution E) spit organization

beach drifting

Beach sand moves along the shore in a movement of materials called ________.

beach drifting

Limestone caverns are closely associated with ________.

bedding and jointing planes

Under most of the Earth's land surface, solid rock exists as a buried layer known as ________.


In terms of Earth history, life appeared ________.

before the Grand Canyon began

The Holocene is NOT ________.

before the Pleistocene in Earth history

Of fluvial terms, which is most closely associated with stream capture


Where can one find a glacier's equilibrium line

between the accumulation and ablation zones

Where can one find a glacier's equilibrium line?

between the accumulation and ablation zones

An interfluve can be found

between valleys

In rock, ___ is an end product of common solution reactions


A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been deflated is known as a deflation hollow or


A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been deflated is known as a deflation hollow or ...


A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been deflated is known as a deflation hollow or ________.


A shallow depression from which an abundance of fine material has been deflated is known as hollow or


A vegetation of type dominated by coniferous needle-leaf evergreen trees is the?

boreal forest

An arroyo is to a wadi as an inselberg is to a ...


Most of the material carried by a glacier is moved at the


Most of the material carried by a glacier is moved at the ________.



brick-red color of the soil -associated with the tropical moist climates

Limestone is composed primarily of ________.


Some coastal landforms are built by sea creatures capable of producing rocklike material called ________.

calcium carbonate

The chemical binder for many sedimentary rocks, such as limestone, is ________.

calcium carbonate

The main "ingredient" in the formation of coral is ________.

calcium carbonate

Which material, accumulated from the remains of plants and animals, can produce limestone?

calcium carbonate

Crater Lake, Oregon, is an example of a volcanic ________.


Which of the following is NOT an intrusive volcanic landform?


) The main "type" of water that plants use is ________.


After gravitational water has drained away, ________ is the water that remains in the soil and is available for use by plants.

capillary water

A bedrock surface resistant to erosion overlying a bedrock surface less resistant to erosion will help create mesa-and-scarp topography. The resistant bedrock surface is a ...


Air within the soil is usually highly saturated and rich in ________.

carbon dioxide

The production of travertine first requires that ___ dissolves in hot water and makes an acid and dissolves great quantities of limestone

carbon dioxide

8. From a chemical standpoint, the three reacting agents of greatest importance to weathering are ________. A) hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen B) water vapor, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide C) oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide D) carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor E) none of the above

carbon dioxide, oxygen, and water vapor

These rock-forming minerals are light-colored or colorless. They are common components of sedimentary rock and frequently combine with oxygen.


Underground water is a weak ________ acid.


FIB A hot springs location, hot water, carbon dioxide and other gases rise from magma and mineral ground water the result is

carbonic acid

It is now clear that desertification is

caused by a mix of natural and human circumstances

It is now clear that desertification is ________.

caused by a mix of natural and human circumstances

A collapse doline is the remains of a


35. The movement of a glacier is normally measured in ________ per day. A) tens of kilometers B) meters C) centimeters D) kilometers E) tens of meters


The movement of a glacier is normally measured in ___ per day


The movement of a glacier is normally measured in ________ per day.


The movement of a glacier is normally meausred in __ per deay


Which of the following is most closely related to eustatic forces?

change in sea level

Which of the following is the causal mechanism for the Pleistocene climate changes?

changes in a combination of mechanisms

FIB Lake Missoula drained catastrophically and created the __ in Washington State

channeled scablands

The primary way in which underground water shapes topography is through

chemical action

The primary way in which underground water shapes topography is through ________.

chemical action

Some sedimentary rocks are formed chemically and known as ________.

chemical sedimentary rocks

The nature of a volcanic eruption is determined largely by the ________ of the magma.


The first feature carved by a mountain glacier is a(n) ________.


The shape of a ___ can be likened to an ampitheater


The shape of a(n) ________ can be likened to an amphitheater.


) Like ________, humus is a catalyst for chemical reactions and a reservoir for plant nutrients and soil water.


In the soil, which of the separates are associated with significant chemical activity in soil?


The smallest-sized pieces of a soil are ________.


Today, Antarctic ice shelves are ________.


Most alluvial fans are ...

composed of poorly sorted debris

most alluvial fans are

composed of poorly sorted debris

Research since the 1970s has identified the cause of plate tectonics to be ________.


The Himalayas were formed by crumpling of plate edges in a ________ zone.


The plate boundaries which are ________ are likely to make island arcs.

convergent between oceanic plates

Calcium carbonate is most readily dissolved in

cool water

A group of anthozoan animals is responsible for the formation of ________.

coral reefs

A chain of mountains encompassing many ranges is known as a(n) ________.


Most blowouts are

created by wind deposition

5. The slowest and least perceptible form of mass wasting is ________. A) solifluction B) exfoliation C) mudflow D) landslide E) creep


Isostasy refers to the recognition that the ________ floats on the denser mantle.


The ________ is the thinnest layer.


The lithosphere is sometimes defined as the ________.

crust and upper mantle

FIB Initial excavation and ___ are two principal stages in cave formation


In arid lands, the flow of exotic rivers ... with increasing distance towards the mouth.


The solubility of carbon dioxide ________ as water temperature ________.

decreases, increases

The process of shifting loose particles by blowing them into the air or rolling them on the ground


The process of shifting loose particles by blowing them into the air or rolling them on the ground is called ________.


the process of shifting loose particles by blowing them into the air or rolling them on the ground is called


11. This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of a leaf: A) dendritic. B) trellis. C) centripetal. D) radial. E) annular.


FIB ____ Drainage patterns are more numerous than all other drainage patterns combined


This drainage pattern looks like the veins on the underside of the leaf


The largest storm waves stir the subsurface water down to the ________.

depth of tens of meters

Inselbergs are associated with ... landscapes.

desert plain

"Exotic" is a term closely associated with ...

desert streams

FIB ___ is a shiny coating that forms on the outside of rocks and pebbles

desert varnish

"Dust Bowl" conditions in the North American Great Plains of the 1930s represented ...


The main types of erosion processes do NOT include ________.


Which of the following is NOT an external geomorphic process?


Great vertical escarpments are associated with .. of sedimentary strata in desert climates.

differential erosion

Great vertical escarpments are associated with .... of sedimentary strata in desert climates.

differential erosion

Great vertical escarpments are associated with ___ of sedimentary strata in desert climates

differential erosion

Variations in rock type and structure affect the slope and shape of landforms. These landforms are produced by

differential erosion

Variations in rock type and structure affect the slope and shape of landforms. These landforms are produced by ________.

differential erosion

Variations in rock type and structure affect the slope and shape of landforms. These landforms by

differential erosion

The most widespread of all intrusive forms is the ________.


Radial walls extending outward from a volcano are ________.


The total volume in streams is termed


16. Branching channels that cross a delta are known as ________. A) 3rd order streams B) tributaries C) graded streams D) youthful streams E) distributaries


Branching channels that cross a delta are known as


Hot, plastic material of the asthenosphere is most conspicuous at ________.

divergent plate boundaries

Which two terms are usually used to refer to the SAME plate boundary?

divergent, constructive

One of the common surface features of karst landscapes are sinkholes also known as


A glacier will start to move of its own weight when it reaches a thickness of a few ________.

dozen meters

The most prominent result of coastal submergence is the ________.

drowning of river valleys

Which of the following features is NOT composed of stratified drift?


FIB The few ice-free valleys in the interior of Antarctica are called the

dry valleys

The brilliant colors around hot springs and geysers is

due to algea

The following is not an important soil microorganism


When a meandering stream is incised into a gradually rising crust or bedrock the result is an

entrenched meander

Which of the following refers to the surface of the Earth directly above the center of an earthquake?


) For all soil orders, the surface layer is the ________.


Which of the following is the SHORTEST amount of time?


A desert consisting of a large area of sand dunes is termed a


A desert consisting of a large area of sand dunes is termed a(n) ...


A desert consisting of a large area of sand dunes is termed a(n) ________.


a desert consisting of a large area of sand dunes is termed an


18. The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as ________. A) erosion B) diastrophism C) leaching D) regolith stripping E) sedimentation


Mesa and scarp topography is most clearly associated with


Mesa-and-scarp topography is most closely associated with ...


Mesa-and-scarp topography is mostly associated with


The detachment and removal of fragmented rock material is known as ________.


34. A huge boulder resting on a completely different type of bedrock in glacial zones is a(n) ________. A) outwash plain B) cirque C) till D) nunatak E) erratic


A huge boulder resting on a completely different type of bedrock in glacial zones is


A huge boulder resting on a completely different type of bedrock in glacial zones is a(n) ________.


The flow of glaciers is best described as ________.


Geyers are best described as

eruptions of steam and water

37. Long sinuous ridges of stratified drift are termed ________. A) kettles B) kames C) outwash plains D) aretes E) eskers


Long sinuous ridges of stratified drift are termed


Long sinuous ridges of stratified drift are termed ________.


Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?


Most desert streamflow eventually

evaporates or seeps into the landscape

Most desert streamflow eventually ...

evaporates or seeps into the landscape

Rivers like the Nile or Colorado which rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called ... streams


Rivers like the Nile or Colorado which rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called ________ streams.


Rivers like the Nile or Colorado which rise in most regions and then flow through arid landscapes are ___ streams


Rivers like the Nile and Colorodo whih rise in moist regions and then flow through arid landscapes are called

exotic streams

In the Sahel, desertification is likely to continue because of ...

expanding population

4. Water is a major agent of weathering because of its property that, when it freezes, it decreases in density and ________. A) expands in volume B) turns acidic C) turns white D) evaporates E) stays in liquid form below 0° Celsius

expands in volume

Which of the following is NOT associated with sedimentary rocks?

extrusion of magma

Igneous rocks deposited on the surface and then cooled are known as ________.


Wegener's early proposal of continental drift was not taken seriously because of his ________.

failure to provide a plausible cause

A pediment is the same thing as a piedmont slope.


A salina is the same thing as a wash.


Approximately 5 percent of all desert streams are ephemeral.


Death Valley contains few alluvial fans.


Death Valley was formerly occupied by glacial Lake Bonneville.


Dunes are rarely associated with vegetation.


Free-moving sand is usually found near centers of desert basins.


In basin-and-range landscapes, loess tends to accumulate in the center of the basins.


It seems likely that once "normal" rains come again, the desertification of the Sahel will cease.


Most mesas become inselbergs in their final stage of erosion.


The Sahel is in the central portion of the Sahara.


The largest basins of internal drainage in the United States are founded in Iowa.


The lowest point in an interior basin is a gibber.


The process of pediment formation is easily explained because scientists understand desert erosion.


The seif is the most common type of sand dune in North American deserts.


Weathering is faster in deserts than in other environments.


the seif is the most common type of sand dine in north american deserts


A sag pond is caused by collection of water from springs or runoff after movement along ________.

fault lines

Structurally, the most complicated of the list below is the ________.

fault scarp

The east face of the Sierra Nevadas presents an excellent example of a(n) ________.

fault scarp

The lowest area in North America is in Death Valley which was created by ________.


) A soil with a high cation exchange would likely be ________.


Rapid cooling in molten, extrusive materials makes the resulting materials ________.


Lava flows often create ________.

flat plains

Which is formed on top of Earth's crust?

flood basalt

Evidence of former surface volcanic activity is often found in the vast accumulations of lava called ________.

flood basalts

The most prominent of all depositional landscapes is the


Running water is referred to as a __ process in terms of being a landform creator


The banding characteristic of metamorphic rocks is ________.


Waves generated by wind are also known as ________.

forced waves

The ________ is regularly covered and uncovered by the rise and fall of tides.

foreshore zone

As loes erodes it

forms bluffs

As loess erodes, it ...

forms bluffs

Concerning desertification, which of the following is FALSE?

fortunately, it is a major problem only in Africa

The world's longest expanse of coastal dunes is located in ...


9. Which of the following is most effective in weathering rock? A) plant roots B) daily heating and cooling C) freeze/thaw cycles D) salt wedging E) fire

freeze/thaw cycles

A(n) ________ is attached to and built out from the shoreline.

fringing reef

Most atolls began as ________ around volcanic islands which later subsided beneath the sea.

fringing reefs

2. The most important type of mechanical weathering process is ________. A) uniformitarianism B) frost shattering C) oxidation D) hydrolysis E) salt wedging

frost shattering

Which of the following is NOT true of soil air

full of nutrients

A hot spring that steam is expelled from is known as a


Humus has a consistency not unlike that of ________.


FIB This word is from Icelandic for "gush" or "rage"


FIB The Surface of Yellowstone's geyser basins is covered by whitish silica sinter known as ____


The main sediment type carried by streams in glacial regions is

glacial flour

The main sediment type carried by streams in glacial regions is ________.

glacial flour

Which of the following terms is synonymous for "ablation"?

glacier ablation

Which of the following is most closely associated with fjords?


A crustal block which is down thrown with a steep fault scarp on either side is a ________.


FIB A ___ is one which has become adjusted so that its flow is just able to carry its sediment load


Which of the following terms is usually confused with but is not directly descriptive of soil moisture


Like limestone, __ is highly susceptible to subsurface erosion


As they are created, sedimentary rock strata align ________.


36. A(n) ________ is created by a group of cirques eroding into a mountain peak. A) cyclopean step B) truncated spur C) arete D) tarn E) horn


A ___ is created by a group of criques eroding into a mountain peak


A(n) ________ is created by a group of cirques eroding into a mountain peak.


An uplift of a block of land between two parallel faults is a ________.


Grabens are commonly found in association with ________.


Which of the following is NOT associated with volcanoes?


Which of the following is NOT a main glacial characteristic that any satisfactory theory of ice age causes must account for?

how snow transforms into glacial ice

6. The rotting of rock by the various types of chemical weathering takes place best in ________. A) arid lands B) humid regions C) limestone regions D) upland montane forests E) polar regions

humid regions

The most effective coastal erosion is accomplished by ________.

hydraulic pounding

1. The chemical union of water with another substance is called ________. A) hydrolysis B) oxidation C) solifluction D) talus E) magma


This type of water is held to soil particles by adhesion and is normally unavailable to plants.

hygroscopic water

A nanatak is a rocky pinnacle poking through a

ice field

A nunatak is a rocky pinnacle poking through a(n) ________.

ice field

Coastal landform modifications are sometimes caused by a localized increase in the volume of water. The modification process is called ________.

ice push

Which of the following is most important in creating landforms along lake shorelines?

ice push

Granite, diorite, gabbro, and peridotite are ________ rocks.

igneous intrusive

Where is the Antarctic ice generally deepest?

in West Antarctica

Debris in seawater is usually carried ________ along the beach.

in a zigzag path

Where are tides significant agents in coastal erosion?

in narrow bays

Glacial runoff primarily occurs ________.

in the daytime

Glacial runoff primarly occurs

in the daytime

The blunt edge of a drumlin faces ________.

in the direction opposite to the flow of ice

Which of the following is NOT one of the pluvial developments of the Pleistocene Epoch?

increased mass of glacial ice

Density ________ depth in the Earth's crust.

increases with

If you travel away from a midocean ridge you will find ________.

increasingly older rocks


individual particles of most soils tend to aggregate into clumps

Rounded hills or mountain prominence surrounded by extensive plains and basins are


Rounded hills or mountain prominence surrounded by extensive plains and basins are ...


Rounded hills or mountain prominence surrounded by extensive plains and basins are ....


The land separating adjoining valleys is known as an


12. Streams which flow for only a part of the year are ________. A) antecedent B) superimposed C) dry D) consequent E) intermittent


Streams which flow for only part of the year are


Global warming would cause ________.

inundation of coastal plains

The most widespread oxides are those that combine oxygen and ________.


The long profile of a glaciated valley floor is ________.


Earthquake forecasting ________.

is being studied

The concept of plate tectonics ________.

is related to faulting and volcanic activity

The geographer's concern with the Earth's interior ________.

is restricted to its influence on Earth surface features

Currently, the valley floor of Death Valley ...

is underlain by hundreds of meters of sediments

28. Rainfall in deserts A) is usually intense. B) totals just as much as in humid areas. C) is incapable of moving much material. D) is usually associated with slow runoff. E) lasts for many days when it does come.

is usually intense

rainfall in deserts ...

is usually intense

Which of the following is NOT closely associated with the large system of ridges on the ocean floors?

island arcs

FIB Morainal surfaces containing a number of mounds and depressions are called

kame and kettle topography

Morainal surfaces containing a number of mounds and depressions are called ________ topography.


Which of the following is NOT a periglacial landform?


The slow melting of blocks of stagnant ice in the land surface is the cause of

kettle holes

The slow melting of blocks of stagnant ice in the land surface is the cause of ________.

kettle holes

FIB The ultimate destiny for any ___ is to be graded from falls into rapids and eventually, eliminated


The Black Hills, South Dakota, is a dome-shaped mass which is built over a ________.


Asia was not heavily glaciated in the Pleistocene because of ________.

lack of adequate precipitation

Which of the following shoreline features does NOT belong with the others?


A ________ is another name for a volcanic mudflow.


A volcanic mud flow is known as a(n) ________.


A pluvial consequence of the Pleistocene glaciation has been the formation of ________.


The most prominent pluvial development of the Pleistocene was the appearance of many ________.


Antarctica does NOT have ________.

large amounts of non-glaciated land

Which of the below is NOT found in loess?

large amounts of sand

Currently, the rate of sea-floor spreading in the Atlantic is thought to be ________,

less than 1 centimeter per year

Mt. St. Helens is ________.

likely to vigorously erupt again

Caves are found in most parts of the world where there are thick ________ deposits under the surface.


Caves are found in most parts of the world where these are thick ___ deposits under the surface


Marble is metamorphosed ________.


In mesa-and-scarp topography, ... are typically the most resistant layers which form a caprock.

limestone and sandstone

Loose, water-saturated sediments may undergo ________ during an earthquake.


The "plates" in plate tectonics are in the ________.


Dead plant parts are known as ________ when they accumulate on the surface of the soil.


Which of the following is NOT considered part of the soil?

living plants

A fine grained wind-deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid-latitudes is


A fine-grained wind-deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid-latitudes is ...


A fine-grained wind-deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid-latitudes is ________.


a fine grained wind deposited surface material with extensive deposits in the mid latitudes is


O horizon

loose and partly decayed organic matter - has the most organic matter

On the cliff/bench/terrace coastline, the terrace consists of ________.

loose rocks

The initial formation of Earth involved the solidification and cooling of ________.


Within the Earth is molten mineral matter called ________.


Just beneath the surface of Yellowstone National park is a large

magma chamber

The ________ is NOT a portion of Earth's interior.


An inner segment of the Earth which is rigid, dense, and solid and lies directly beneath the Moho is called the ________.


The Moho is the boundary between the crust and the ________.


The thickest of Earth's interior layers is the ________.


Over the past 100 million years of Earth history, it is known that the magnetic poles have reversed themselves ________ times.


When subjected to metamorphism, limestone usually becomes ________.


Tectonically rising coasts are most closely associated with ______

marine terraces

Over time, most coastal lagoons become ________.


A flat alluvium-floored valley fairly steep walls and a stream beginning to meander would be in ___ stage of the erosion cycle


The Pleistocene Epoch ________.

may not yet have ended

A dark band of rock debris down the middle of a glacier from the union of two adjacent glaciers ___

medial moraine

A dark band of rock debris down the middle of a glacier from the union of two adjacent glaciers is a(n) ________.

medial moraine

Where several valley glaciers have joined together, one result is ________.

medial moraines

Lubrication for downslope glacial movement is provided by ________.


the most common landscape forms in the dry western united States are the basin and range and the ...

mesa and scarp

the most common landscape forms int he dry western US are the basin and range and the

mesa and scarp

FIB The "four-couners country" of the united states is dominated by a major landform assemblage


The "four-corners country" of the United States is dominated by a major landform assemblage called ________.


Which of the following is NOT closely associated with basin-and-range topography?


Slate, schist, and gneiss are all rocks which are classified as

metamorphic and foliated

The centers of spread for Pleistocene ice sheets were in ________ latitudes.


39. Snow is changed by ________ into glacial ice. A) rain B) millions of years of time C) ablation D) pressure and weathering E) basal slip

millions of years of time

All major geyser basins are similar in that they are covered with

mineral deposits

A horizon

mineral matter mixed with humus

A large-steep sided, circular hill of residual limestone bedrock is known as a


FIB ___ are karst features also know as "haystack hills"


FIB A ___ is an erosional remnant on a peneplain surface


A(n) ________ is a one-sided fold connecting horizontal or gently inclined strata.


Which of the following is associated with weathering in arid environments as opposed to humid environments?

more angular products of weathering

which of the following is associated with weathering in arid environments as opposed to humid environments?

more angular products of weathering

"Fracking" is associated with all but the ________.

most oil production from Saudi Arabia

Worldwide, volcanic eruptions are ________.

mostly underwater

Comparing two locations on a mountain glacier, it is likely they are ________.

moving at different rates

During the last Ice Age, sea level was ________.

much lower than today's sea level

In arid regions, differential erosion tends to be best developed in areas of ________.

multiple sedimentary layers

"Fracking" is most closely associated with ________.

natural gas

The laminar sheets which are clay particles are ________.

negatively charged

A soil pH measuring 7 on the standard pH scale is considered

neutral hence most suitable for majority of plants and microorganisms

of the states below _______ has the greatest extent of interior drainage basins


___ is granular snow which is beginning to calesce into glacial ice


Which of the below correctly describes the ice in a mountain glacier?

never stops moving downhill

The basic elements for an analytical approach to landform development do NOT include which of the following?


In Hawaii, the direction of movement of the "hot spot" means that the ________ is the oldest part of the island chain.

northwestern islands

Consider the location of New York City. In terms of crustal plates, New York City is ________.

not on a plate boundary

The combination of hydraulic pounding, abrasion and other forces at the base of a sea cliff produces a(n) ________.


FIB Some geysers erupt from open pools of water and others are of the __ types


A(n)________ is the same thing as a pyroclastic flow.

nuée ardente

Which of the following is NOT a type of spit?

offshore bar

The ________ is the area where waves break and surf action is greatest.

offshore zone

The basic classification of rock types is based on their ________.


Generally, ________ waves are gentle phenomena.


Which of the following is thought to be liquid?

outer core

19. On a meandering stream, maximum erosion takes place along the ________. A) outer edge of the meanders B) bottom C) places with the slowest flow D) islands E) inner edge of the meanders

outer edge of the meanders

Long tongues of ice which surround the margin of continental ice sheets are called ________.

outlet glaciers

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?

outlet glaciers

Which of the following is NOT found BEHIND a terminal moraine?

outwash plains

The Glacier Park, Montana area, provides a classic example of large scale ________.

overthrust faulting


particles are deposited in a lower level

The steepest beaches tend to be those with ________.

particles larger than sand


particles smaller than about 0.1 micrometer in diameter

A gently inclined bedrock platform is a(n) ________.


a gently inclined bedrock platform is a


a gently inclined bedrock platform is an


Basin-and-range topography is characterized by ... found above the basin floor and underneath the alluvial fans.


Soil structure is usually determined by clumps called ________.


Which of the following is NOT one of the principal categories of rock-forming minerals?


Which of the following represents an addition to soil water


The zone beyond a glacier's limit and not directly touched by ice is the ________ zone.


The amount of erosion done by glaciation is NOT affected by the ________.

periglacial conditions

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others?

periglacial processes

Mechanically formed sedimentary rocks are those formed from ________.

pieces of other rocks

The ... zone at the base of desert mountain ranges is one of the most prominent areas of active fluvial deposition.


Which of the following features is SMALLEST in area?


Identify the next word in the following series: plateau, mesa, butte, and ...


Which of the following does NOT belong on the list?


In basin and range topography, the lowest areas are frequently occupied by a


In basin and range topography, the lowest areas are frequently occupied by a(n) ________.


In basin and range topography, the lowest areas are frequently occupied by an


In general, large boulders will not be found on


The most significant erosive work of glaciers is accomplished by


The most significant erosive work of glaciers is accomplished by ________.


Volcanic activity that takes place deep under the crust is termed ________.


The creation of many glacial lakes during the Pleistocene is labeled a(n) ________ development.


Which of the following is most closely associated with the compression of air in coastline rocks?

pneumatic action

Calcium carbonate affects coastal landforms because it is produced in huge amounts by ________.


Roughly one half of the volume of an "average" soil type is composed of ________

pore spaces

The measure of a soil's capacity to hold water and air is called ________.


A soil with a large percentage of clay would be ________ and ________

porous, non-permeable

Which of the following is NOT an area thickly covered with loess?

portion of Southern Africa


positively charged particles which are essential for soil fertility and plant growth

FIB Yellowstone Park has the three necessary ingredients for hydrothermal activity: molten material, broken surface, and


Snow is changed by ________ into glacial ice.

pressure and weathering

Tides _______

produce currents scouring the bottom

The totality of materials ejected from a volcano, including liquid material, ashes and dust is termed ________.

pyroclastic material

27. Sand dunes are composed mainly of individual grains of ________. A) calcium carbonate B) sodium C) quartz D) lime E) loess


Sand dunes are composed mainly of individual grains of


Sandstone is usually metamorphosed into ________.


A typical drainage pattern on conic volcanic mountains would be


Which of the following is postulated as the ultimate source of energy causing continental drift?

radioactive decay

Materials deposited during a lengthy pause in glacial retreat form ________.

recessional moraines


recognizable layers in soil

43. The phenomenon of waves changing direction as they approach the shoreline is known as ________. A) eruption B) refraction C) magic D) submergence E) carbonation


As a wave approaches an irregular shoreline, one portion of the wave reaches shallow waters sooner than other portions and is thus slowed down. This slowing down causes the wave line to bend and the bending is called ________.


The phenomenon of waves changing direction as they approach the shoreline is known as ________.


A __ is a desert which is covered with coarse gravel, pebbles and boulders and from which dust has been removed


A ________ is a desert which is covered with coarse gravel, pebbles, and boulders and from which all sand and dust have been removed


A ________ is a desert which is covered with coarse gravel, pebbles, and boulders and from which all sand and dust have been removed.


A(n) ... is a desert which is covered with coarse gravel, pebbles, and boulders and from which all sand and dust have been removed.


The Arabic word for "stone" describes a desert surface with coarse gravel, pebbles, and/or boulders. This word is ...


desert pavement is another term for a


FIB A drop in sea level or a tectonic uplift of the land surface causes stream ___


FIB A drop in sea level or tectonic uplift of the land surface causes stream



relatively thin surface layer of mineral matter that normally contains a considerable amount of organic material and is capable of supporting living plants.

The altitudinal difference between the highest and lowest points in an area is known as ________.


field capacity

remaining volume of water

The Appalachian Mountains are famous for their ________ structure.

ridge and valley

Which of the following is not a form of folding?

rift valley

In terms of erosions, a gully is a larger example of a feature called


If all the ice in Antarctica were to melt, sea level would ________.

rise significantly

Hills rounded and sheared off by glacial erosion are called ___

roche moutonnees

Hills rounded and sheared off by glacial erosion are called ________.

roche moutonnees

Sapping is an erosional process closely associated with ...

rock joints

Humus is associated with ________

rotted and rotting plant and animal remains

Water collected in small bodies along a recently active fault line forms ________.

sag ponds

If a salty playa lake evaporates, a ... might be left behind.


Dry lake beds with especially heavy salt concentrations are


Dry lake beds with especially heavy salt concentrations are ...


High salt concentrations give a striking whitish surface to ...


17. The process in which small particles are moved along by streamflow or wind in a series of jumps or bounces is ________. A) meandering B) turbulence C) traction D) base level E) saltation


The process in which small particles are moved along by streamflow or wind in a series of jumps and bounces


A considerable body of knowledge concerning Earth's interior has been amassed through all these methods EXCEPT ________.

sampling rocks from Earth's core

FIB ___ is the desert material that allows rapid inflitration of rainwater, is readily moved by heavy rains and can be shifted and shaped by the winds


The channel of a desert stream is usually covered with

sandy debris

The channel of a desert stream is usually covered with ...

sandy debris

In the creation of rock escarpments in dry lands, much of the underfermining is accomplished by a process called


In a section of the chapter "Introduction to Landform Study," the authors write about Horseshoe Park in the Colorado Rockies and about looking back at North America from a spacecraft. The point of this is to understand more about ________ and the landscape.


A strongly metamorphosed rock with narrow foliation is ________.


The most commonly occurring type of metamorphic rocks are gneiss and ________.


The most widely distributed type of metamorphic rock is ________.


Erosion, compaction, and sedimentation are most closely associated with ________ rocks.


The map of rock distribution in the United States clearly shows ________ rocks are the most extensive type.


Which of the following describes the vast majority of rock exposed on Earth's land surface?


Shale, sandstone, breccia, and limestone are all rocks that are classified as ________.

sedimentary and clastic

Stream outflow is important to coastal landscapes because streams provide ________ to the coastal environment.


The ... is a type of very long dune which might form as an adjustment to two seasonal wind systems.


The inferential knowledge concerning the nature of the interior of the Earth has been accumulated by ________.

seismic wave analysis

) The size groups within the standard classification of soil particle sizes are termed ________


Earth's crust appears to be composed of ________ major plates and an equally number of intermediate ones.


The presence of multiple medial moraines indicates ________.

several glaciers have joined

In mesa-and-scarp topography, less resistant rock erodes more quickly than caprock. Which type of rock is noted as a less resistant rock in such areas?


The most common sedimentary rock is ________.


The vast majority of all sedimentary rocks are sandstones, limestones and ________.


Geyser deposits tend to form

sheets of precipitated matter

In Alaska, glaciers are ________.

shrinking significantly

The largest and most important mineral family consists of the ________.


Which of the following represents the largest and most important group of rock-forming minerals? The bulk of the crust of the Earth is composed of these minerals.


In karst landscapes of slight relief, ___ is the most common features


During sedimentation, materials are often sorted by ________.


Shale is usually metamorphosed into ________.


The rock type which results from metamorphosed shale is ________.


25. The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a ________. A) seif B) slip face C) bajada D) playa E) gibber

slip face

The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called

slip face

The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a ...

slip face

The steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a ________.

slip face

caused by a mix of natural and human circumstances

slip face

the steeper leeward side of a sand dune is called a

slip face

In the formation of igneous rocks, large crystal size is closely related to ________.

slow cooling

Cavern openings to the surface are usually ________.


When magma cools rapidly, it results in ________.

small crystals


smallest particles in the soil -usually a combination of silica and of oxides of aluminum and iron

Which of the following is NOT a specialized feature of arid environments?

soil creep determines slope development

Several soil horizons together make up a ________.

soil profile

The dynamic relationship between precipitation and evaporation in any given location is the ________.

soil-water balance

3. The main downslope movement of subarctic and arctic landscapes is ________. A) mass wasting B) permafrost C) mudslide D) solifluction E) rock glacier


30. Which of the following is NOT associated with the work of the wind? A) saltation B) sandblasting C) traction D) solution E) deflation


In terms of underground water ___ is the most effective shaper of landforms


Which of the following is NOT associated with the work of the wind?


The mechanism of formation of the Hawaiian Islands is directly responsible for the ________ island being the youngest and having current volcanic activity.


In Alaska, most of the contemporary glaciers are found mainly in the ________ portion of the state.


A linear extension of sand from the shore into the ocean is a ________.


The direct collision of raindrop with the ground, laterally shifting fine particles a few milimeters

splash erosion

In terms of a typical soil-water balance in Most of the United States, which season is associated with a soil water surplus?


Deposition of dissolved minerals in caverns leaves deposits such as the icicle-like


Depostion of dissolved minerals in caverns leaves deposits such as the icicle-like


FIB A __ is a feature that grows upward from a cavern floor


Continental ice sheets smooth and round the terrain while mountain glaciations tend to ________.

steepen slopes and increase local relief

Similar in nature to a batholith but much smaller in size is a______


After they are glaciated, mountain valleys tend to be __ than before the glaciated


After they are glaciated, mountain valleys tend to be ________ than before they were glaciated.


Sedimentary deposits built into relatively regular layers are known as ________.


Glaciers often polish rock to form grooves and smaller, similar features called ________.


Glaciers often polish rock to from grooves and smaller, similar features called


Instead of the vertical displacement of other faults, a ________ fault has horizontal displacement between the two sides


Flattish erosional platforms with no well-defined scarps or edges are

stripped plains

A major determinant of a soil's water holding capacity is its ________


Which of the following is NOT a major effect of mountain glaciation upon mountain topography?


Almost all of the world's oceanic coastlines show evidence of ________ during the past 15,000 years.


Which of the following categories of coastline is most closely associated with fjords?


A __ stream has developed a channel along a zone of structural weakness


FIB The internal plumbing system of hydrothermal landscapes is capable of heating water to temperatures excess of 200C. The water so heated and remaining in liquid form is called ___ water


Which of the following is most closely associated with waves of oscillation?

surface waves on deep water

The greatest amount of material transported by a stream is carried in its

suspended load

Waves become ________ when they travel beyond the influence of the wind that generates them.


In folded terrain, a simple symmetrical down fold is termed a(n) ________.


A deglaciated cirque often contains a basin in which a(n) ________ can be found.


Deformation of the Earth's crust is called ________.


The relief we see today is best thought of as ________.


32. The maximum extent of a glacier is marked by a ________. A) terminal moraine B) hanging valley C) valley train D) tarn E) lateral moraine

terminal moraine

The maximum extent of a glacier is marked by a

terminal moraine

The maximum extent of a glacier is marked by a ________.

terminal moraine

Most material eroded from a coastal cliff ends up as a ________.


What is the term for a piece of crust which has been in a collision along a convergent crustal boundary and become accreted to another crustal plate?


The term "clay" is a reference to ________


Which of the following is most closely associated with a mantle plume?

the Hawaiian Islands

The following is found at the base of Earth's crust:

the Moho

Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons scientists strongly believe in plate tectonics?

the ability to explain Earth's crust is rigid

The most widespread of all coastal depositional features is ________.

the beach

Which of the following is NOT a beach area regularly covered by water?

the berm

49. A wave will "break" because ________. A) of random molecular motion in wave forms B) the bottom interferes with its oscillatory motion C) the wind increases its speed near shorelines D) the sediment load of water is greater near the shore E) the density of water increases closer to shore

the bottom interferes with its oscillatory motion

A wave will "break" because ________.

the bottom interferes with its oscillatory motion

In the last few thousand years, sea level changes have resulted from all but ________.

the change of the total volume of water in the Earth system

There is a prominent oceanic trench off of ________.

the coast of Alaska's Aleutian Islands

In an idealized beach profile, which feature would occur at the highest elevation?

the dunes

Which of the following was NOT associated with the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens?

the end of life in the local ecosystem for at least 1,000 years

21. The process of shifting loose particles by blowing them into the air or rolling them on the ground is called ________. A) deflation B) the arid cycle C) aggradation D) sand motion E) the fluvial process

the fluvial process

The rapid appearance of new sinkholes in Flordia can be explained by

the lowering of the water table


the main "type" of water plants use is ________.

In a "true sandstorm," ...

the moving sand rarely reaches head level

In a 'true standstorm'

the moving sand rarely reaches head level

Which of the following is NOT a necessary condition needed for the growth of coral?

the presence of an underwater volcano

Which of the following has origins linked to lowered Pleistocene sea levels?

the presence of the large barrier islands

The Glomar Challenger proved ________.

the seafloors are spreading

The angle of the beach slope is controlled by ________.

the size of the materials

Soil order

the smallest scale of generalization of the soil taxonomy

"Shortly" BEFORE the existence of Pangaea, ________.

the supercontinent Rodinia had existed

the solum

the true soil layer

Which of the following illustrates the concept of "relief"?

the vertical distance between lowest and highest points in an area

Earthworms are important in soil processes due to

their excreted casts increasing amounts of nutrients

By the nature of its deposition, which of the following has the largest spatial extent (covers the most area)?


Unsorted debris from ice sheets, after deposition is known as ___


Unsorted debris from ice sheets, after deposition, is known as ________.


A(n) ________ is an irregularly undulating surface of broad, low rises and shallow depressions. It is composed of unsorted materials deposited by an ice sheet.

till plain

FIB A ___ is an irregualarly undulating surface of broad, low rises and shallow depressions. It is composed of unsorted glacially-deposited materials which can cover the landscapes to the extent that the preglacial shape is obliterated

till plain

FIB A ___ is an irregularly undulated surface of broad, low rises and shallow depressions. It is composed of unsorted glacially-deposited materials which can cover the landscapes to the extent that the pre-glacial shape is obliterated

till plain

A(n) ________ detects swelling and possible eruption in a volcano.


The vast majority of North America is moving ________,

to the west

An island connected to the coastline by a sandy spit is a relatively rare occurrence called a ________.


The term "landforms" is synonymous with ________.


26. The wind rolling pebbles across the desert surface is an example of ________. A) scree B) creep C) abrasion D) deposition E) traction


The wind rolling pebbles across the desert surface is an example of


The wind rolling pebbles across the desert surface is and example of


A ________ plate boundary is associated with lateral slippage, conservation of existing crust, and the San Andreas fault system.


Where the landscape is covered by sand and crests of the sand dunes are perpendicular to the wind, the dunes are labeled ...


A deflation hollow is an example of aeolian erosion.


Death Valley is present because of faulting.


Desert stream channels contain plentiful rock debris.


Drainage channels on the basin floor in basin-and-range topography tend to be shallow and ill-defined.


Drainage networks of arid lands are frequently incomplete or underdeveloped.


Fluvial depositional features are common in desert regions.


In basin-and-range topography, the basin floor altitude tends to increase with time.


In general a desert has many impermeable surfaces which reduce potential water infiltration.


In mesa-and-scarp topography, natural bridges are associated with entrenched river meanders.


In mesa-and-scarpe topography, natural bridges are associated with entrenched river meanders.


Loess is associated with high agricultural fertility.


Mechanical weathering is dominant in arid landscapes.


Much loess deposition in eastern Asia resulted from deflation.


Pediments are often covered with a veneer of rocky debris.


Stream channels in desert areas tend to be deeply incised.


T/F The load carried by overland flow past a point is generally small in comparison to what a stream can transport past a point


The fastest moving of all types of dunes are barchan dunes.


The main constituent of desert sand is usually quartz crystals.


Utah's Great Salt Lake is a small remnant of a much larger lake which existed when the climate was wetter


Basin-and-range terrain consists of the ranges, the piedmont zone, and the basins.

true false

41. Seismic sea waves may also be referred to as ________. A) waves of translation B) tombolos C) forced waves D) breakers E) tsunamis


Seismic sea waves may also be referred to as ________.


Which of the following are waves generated by earthquakes?


How many contiental ice sheets are in existance


How many continental ice sheets are in existence?


Where UNDER the surface of the Earth would one expect a convection current directed towards the surface?

under midocean ridges

The origin of tsunamis is associated with ________.

underseas tectonic events

The viewpoint that past processes are the same as the present ones which created our present land surface is known as ________.


If you were to dig into a drumlin, you would find ________.

unsorted glacial till

R horizon

unweathered parent material

47. If you were floating in the middle of the ocean and a wave passed by, your motion would be ________. A) in the direction opposite to that of the wave B) first in the direction of the wave and then in the direction opposite to that of the wave C) up and down D) in the direction of the wave E) none of the above

up and down

If you were floating in the middle of the ocean and a wave passed by, your motion would be ________.

up and down

Downcutting is usually most prominent along the ___ part of a stream valley


The term decoration stage of cave development is related to all but one of the following


Which of the following is NOT a type of desert landform?


FIB A ___ is a lenghy deposti of glaciofluvial alluvial confined to a valley bottom and found beyond the outwash plain

valley train

A prominent feature of loess is its ...

vertical slopes

Most processes which shape topography are ________.

very slow

Compared to Earth's crust as a whole, the sedimentary rocks beneath the ocean bottoms are ________.

very thin

Which of the following is NOT a form of tectonism?


The Pacific "ring of fire" refers to the ________.

volcanoes around the Pacific Ocean

The Arabic word for a dry desert stream bed is ...


The Arabic word for a dry desert stream bed is ________.


The arabic word for a dry desert stream bed is


the arabic word for a dry desert stream bed is


Coral is _______

waste material from animals

22. The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is ________. A) solution B) creep C) water D) wind E) geologic uplift


The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is


The single most important agent of landscape formation in deserts is ________.


Mountain streams running from a tributary valley to a main valley that has been glaciated frequently create ________.


Which of the following coastal features does NOT belong with the others?

wave-cut bench

42. The single most important force in shaping coastal topography is (are) the ________. A) ice push B) longshore current C) waves D) stream outflow E) tidal movement


The single most important force in shaping coastal topography is the ________.


Which of the following is most important to shoreline erosion?


Foliation refers to this characteristic of rocks:

wavy, banded lines

The textbook concludes that ________.

we are too close to the Ice Age to say any of the above definitively

7. Which of the following must take place FIRST during the denudation of a landscape? A) erosion B) mass wasting C) weathering D) They must occur simultaneously. E) None of them must occur first.


The major batholiths of North America occur on which part of the continent?


Surface indicators of turbulence in stream flows include eddies and


Shield volcanoes are ________ than composite volcanoes.


29. Aeolian processes refer to those involving ________. A) groundwater B) ice C) running water D) wind E) chemical weathering


Aeolian Process refer to the involving ...


Aeolian processes refer to those involving ...


Aeolian processes refer to those involving ________.


Most waves are generated by ________.


50. In what time of year do beaches get smaller? A) winter B) summer C) At no time; there is no seasonal pattern. D) spring E) fall


In what time of year do beaches get smaller?


FIB A tributary which is prevented by a natural levee from entering the main stream and runs for a distance parallel to the main stream before finding an entrance is known as a ____ stream


By Earth history standards, the Grand Canyon is ________.


A steep walled defile with a V-shaped profile and narrow valley floor would, according to the geomorphic cycle would be in the ___ stage


E horizon

zone of eluviation and leaching

53. What are three erosional landforms associated with alpine (mountain) glaciers?

• Glacial valleys and arêtes. • Hanging valleys. • Cirques, horns, and cols.

54. What are three depositional landforms associated with continental glaciers?

• Moraines. • Drumlins. • Outwash plains. • Kettles. • Eskers.

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