Geog 205 final study guide sansom

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Warmer ocean currents can cut away _________ glaciers and ice sheets.


If using temperature to define the Arctic, then the Arctic would be considered in high latitudes where the average summer temperature does not reach above ________.

10C or 50F

Starting around the __________ scientists began noticing a significant thinning of the ozone


There are currently ____ ice sheets on earth.


About ____ million people live in the Arctic. _______ a million are indigenous to the area.

4, half

There are _____ number of layers that make up the atmosphere


_______ are finely divided solid or liquid particles that are dispersed in the atmosphere


Scientists define the Arctic as the region above the _______ _______. This line occurs at ~ about ______ and _______ North.

Arctic circle, 66 degrees, 34 mins

The ocean surrounding the region surround land around the North Pole is the _________ ______

Arctic ocean

Another definition for the Arctic is the area above the _______ _______.

Arctic treeline

_______ and ________ by humans can increase aerosols

Burning of biomass, creating industrial emissions

Scientists debate on who will the battle between net increases of ________ being stored from increased vegetation against ________ being released by microbes.

CO2, methane

With the Santee River being diverted, the sediment was began to be deposited into the ________ _________ which became problematic because the added sediment lead to a smaller __________

Charleston Harbor, sedimentation of the santee delta

_______ is the country who (in 2005) produced the highest amounts of sulfur dioxide emissions


The ______ _____ ________ is a program started under Obama's Climate Action Plan in 2014 to reduced emissions from industry. _________ communities are more likely to be impacted from climate change issues. This program saves _______ and _______ by reducing medical costs and death.

Clean Power Plan, marginalized, lives, money

The ______ Line or _____ ______ _____ Line, was the line of protection created in the Arctic in case the Soviet Union attacked the United States during the Cold War.

DEW, distant early warning

______ cause sediment to be trapped in reservoirs


In the summer of 2019, President Trump made an offer to buy ________, and offer that had been made by U.S. presidents before him.


The ______ cell is the air circulation closest to the equator


____-____ radiation is the radiation emitted from the earth


In 1987, counties adopted the _________ ________ that pledged to phase out CFC's

Montreal Protocol

Serpent Mound an example of a result from ______

Native Americans

When thinking about earth's atmosphere, _______ & _____ are the two variables that are observed

Precipitation, temperature

____-____ radiation is the radiation coming from the sun


_____, _____, ______ are the three layers of the atmosphere closest to the earth

Troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere

The ozone layer shields the earth from incoming ________ _________

UV radiation

Landslides can also be known as _______ ______ ________

accelerated mass movements

Clay is so small, that is it has a higher ability to _________ to material


On a positive note, technology is ______, global _______ are shifting, there is a deeper understanding of tradeoffs and _________loops, and there is improved _________ to scientific information.

advancing, values, feedback, access

_____, _____, ______, & _______ all impact the earth's temperature and precipitation

aerosols, greenhouse gases, albedo, & evapotranspiration

With the mosaic of the land possibly changing every year, _________ are affected when looking for food. And wildlife is affected by being forced to change _________ paths.

animals, migratory

Agricultural dust & soot are examples of an _________ aerosol


______ _______ is the phenomenon of the Arctic growing vegetation due to the more available water and increased temperatures

arctic greening

Aerosols, changes in the amount of greenhouse gases, and ozone depletion are all examples of _____________ change.


The __________ is contains all of the air in the Earth's system


Ice shelves are floating sheets of ice permanently _________ to a land mass.


Deforestation, overfishing, invasive species, land use/land cover change are all examples of changes in the _________.


The ____________ is the sphere that contains all life and all ecosystems on earth


__________ ___________ is the idea that the world only has enough resources to carry a certain amount of people and can be modified by including factors such as affluence and technology.

carrying capacity

The ________ from the broken-down CFC's bonds with _________ to destroy ozone

chlorine, oxygen

The most famous ozone depleting substance is _____________ (______)

chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)

In Aberfan, South Wales the landslide that occurred in 1966 was the result of a ____________________

coal spoil tip mass movement

Most Inuit communities live along the ________.


The Atacama Desert is an example of a _________ desert


________ _________ leads to property loss.

coastal erosion

Humans attempt to engage in water regulation activities in an attempt to protect infrastructure from _____ _____ and ________.

coastal erosion, flooding

______ ocean currents bring in cold water & cools the air, making this the environment that forms coastal deserts


Water wars, fighting over territory with strategic resources, and biodiversity conflicts are all examples of ________ over resources.


________is the process of constructing mound and embankments and the creations of dry land where none previously existed

construction and dumping

The sea ice contributes to the ocean's global _______ _______ _______.

conveyor belt circulation

Reflected radiation via ice keeps the climate ______


The word "cryosphere" comes from the Greek word ________.


The __________ contains all ________ in the Earth's system

cryosphere, ice

"Our" food may not be a part of "their" diet, and the _________ shift in transitioning diets and gathering food could be huge by having a need for money and losing part of their identity.


For a few weeks in 2014, water was released from the ____ in what is known as a pulse flow to observe vegetation change and sediment load.


Human influences to desertification include but aren't limited to: _______, ___________, _________, and ________ _________

deforestation, overgrazing, overcultivation, Inappropriate Irrigation

Straightening a river for flood control is a ________ change of water channels


________ is the dropping off of that material


Desertification potential is highest at the _________ ________

desert margins

A _______ is an area of land where the ________ exceeds the precipitation

desert, evapotranspiration

________ is the transformation of arable or habitable land to desert due to climate change or destructive land use


The complexities of the different cycles make studying trends a bit more _________ along a global scale


Some Native Alaskan communities are faced with the serious threat of _______ or forced migration


________ forces promote downslope movement of material


_______ is the removal of sediments and debris from the bottom of lakes, rivers, harbors, and other water bodies.


_______ _______ occur in areas that currently collapsing and are a sign of permafrost thawing in the area

drunken trees

The _________ ________ is an event in the 1930s in the plains region of the U.S. in which a series of hot, dry years led to depleted vegetation cover and soils dry enough to be susceptible to wind erosion

dust bowl

Agricultural dust can lead to the creation of a ____ _____

dust pall

Oil extraction can also lead to human-induced ____________


Solar radiation is especially strong at the ________


The outside area of a river bend is the area of ___________


________ is the breaking down of material


The velocity of water impacts 3 things: ________, ________, and ________

erosion, deposition, transportaion

________ are depressions in the earth dug by humans


When salt water freezes, salt is ________ from the ice crystals in a process called _______ ______. As a result of this process, the surrounding sea water becomes saltier and more ______.

excluded, brine rejection, dense

The ________ that water moves, the more material and heavy material it can carry


In the center of the stream right below the water's surface, the velocity of the water is the ________.


In places where availability or access is limited, we talk about ______ __________

food insecurity

Armed conflicts can also result from __________________

food security

_____ _____ is the concept about measuring the availability of food and one's access to it

food security

Food insecurity can lead to ______ _________

forced migrations

The _________ between the stream bed and the water makes water slower.


The region of the cryosphere is the considered the _______ ________ part of the Earth's system.

frozen water

The ________ away from the stream bed, the faster the water will go.


Increased agriculture, reduced access to fresh water, more intense storms, and more days of drought and flooding are all pressures that global communities will face in the _________.


_______ are large tubes filled with sand that are supposed to act as a seawall but aren't very effective.


A __________ is a large mass of that is resting on land or floating on sea adjacent to land.


In the news clip shown, Iceland hiked to hold a memorial for the death of a _________.


If temperatures were to increase, sea ice would have the ability to still bounce back and regrow as opposed to _______ which do have a temperature tipping point.


_____ _____ is the event since the 1990s of solar radiation reducing due to a decrease in aerosols

global brightening

From the years of 1960-1990, the earth went through an event called ______ ______ where solar radiation reaching the surface declined due to increased aerosols reflecting sunlight

global dimming

The _____ ____ is the phenomenon which traps heat in the earth's atmosphere

greenhouse effect

______ are structures perpendicular on the coast and trap sediment moving alongshore leading to deposition and erosion downstream.


Permafrost is not about frozen ice, but about how much frozen _______.


_______ _____ is the sinking of ground surface due to the removal of fluids (oil, gas, or water) or underground mining

ground subsidence

Permafrost is considered _______ ice and is _______ that has been at a temperature of _____ or below for two years or more.

ground, ground, 0C

In the Vajont Dam Disaster in Italy in 1963 the construction of the dam added pore-pressure in the __________ conditions and affected the ___________ of rock mass at reservoir margins

groundwater, stability

______ are landforms created by soil erosion via running water and resembles valleys cut into the landscape


The atmospheric global circulation cycle redistributes _______ away from the poles


Water can retain a lot of ________


The bigger the sediment particle is, the _________ it is


Decreased vegetation leads to a ________ albedo


Deserts can be formed at mid-latitudes because in those latitudes there is a semi-permanent ____ pressure system


The snow and ice have a _______ albedo which reflects sunlight. This process helps to regulate the Earth's temperature.


Models predict that the _____ latitudes will be more affected by climate change


The Amazon River has a _________ velocity when compared to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone River. This example shows that _________ impacts velocity more than slope.

higher, depth

_________ ________, _________ _____ and access to the ________ _____ are all reasons why us "lower 48-staters" should care about the Arctic.

homeland security, resource extraction, arctic ocean

Slope re-profiling embankments, groundwater flow perturbation, and vibrations and explosives are all examples of what can cause ______-_________ landslides


________ are a major driver of environmental change


Consumptive water uses, dams, marine pollution, and aquatic habitat destruction are all examples of ____________ change.


The ____________ is the sphere that contains all water on earth.


As opposed to glaciers, ______ _______ and _____ _______are not constrained by topography.

ice fields, ice sheets

The _______/_________ ______ feedback loop is one Earth's most effective air-conditioning systems

ice/albedo climate

______ are sections of broken ice away from land ice or ice shelves.


The price of staple fuels relies heavily on _______ price for transportation, making access to healthier foods difficult.


Affecting cloud formation is an example of an ______ effect. Aerosols lead to clouds containing _____ and ______ water droplets.

indirect, more, smaller

Higher sea levels mean that deadly storm surges can push farther ________ than they once did.


Melting ice can lead to food __________, animals changing their _________ patterns, forced migration and __________ among humans, and surface ________ change.

inssecurity, migratory, displacement, albedo

Aerosols have a direct effect on the atmosphere by _______ and ____ a small portion of radiation from the sun. This is an example of a ________ effect of aerosols

intercepting, scattering, direct

__________ are long narrow structures that are built to protect the coastline from currents and tides.


A ___ ______ event is thought to have occurred before the Dust Bowl where water temperature ________ in the Pacific preventing rainfall

la nina, cools

The largest part of the cryosphere includes ________ ice.


During the last Ice Age, there was a _____ ______ between Alaska and Russia.

land bridge

Permafrost thaw can lead to ____ ____ which causes infrastructure damage and displacement.

land subsidence

The three main components of the cryosphere consist of _______ ice, ______ ice, and _____ ice.

land, ground, sea

____ amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide lead to _____ amounts in heat in the atmosphere

large, higher

The heavier the sediment material is, the ________the velocity to keep the particle from being deposited


Sunlight hits the equator with __________ surface area than at the poles, with the same amount of energy


Excavations, constructing mounds, ground subsidence, and shore-protection structures are all examples of ______________ change.


The __________ is the Earth's solid crust and land surface layer


Most places in the world are witnessing net ________ in ice.


Cooler ground leads to _________ rainfall


Decreased rainfall leads to ________ vegetation


Big rivers tend to be in low-lying areas with a ________ slope, while mountain streams are in areas with a _______ slope

low, high

Salt water freezes at a _______ temperature than fresh water.


As the permafrost thaws, anaerobic microbes which can live in the flooded areas are able to decompose plant material and produce the greenhouse gas ________ which traps ______ in the atmosphere

methane, heat

The Sahara Desert is an example of a _____-______desert


There are 4 main types of deserts. They are ____-_______ deserts, ________ deserts, _______ ______ deserts, and _____ deserts

mid-latitudes, coastal, rain shadow, interior

The equator receives ________ radiation than at the poles


The sun rays hit _________ directly at the equator than at the poles


In the events that led to the Great Depression, massive farming destroyed ________ grasses which exposed more soil


Volcanic dust is an example of a _______ aerosol


Changes occur as a result of both _______ and _________ causes

natural, anthropogenic

Velocity and channel roughness have a _________ relationship


Permafrost thawing can lead to ______ ______ or ______ _______ across large swaths of land.

new lakes, large depressions

Most Inuits lead ______ lives, moving from camp to camp through the seasons hunting herds of animals


Removal of vegetation, sediment waste from mining, and channel enlargement are examples of ___-________ change of water channels


Human behavior is ______ easy to predict


The cryosphere is ________ limited to the North Pole.


Ice in water includes ice that is found in the _______ and frozen ______ and _______.

ocean, rivers, lakes

With a decrease in ice coverage, solar radiation is absorbed by the _________ which has a low albedo


The sun sets and rises _______ time per year.


In the Ethiopia desertification example: the desertification feedback cycle began with the ____________________ and ended with _____________________

overharvesting wood, total collapse

Ozone is comprised of 3 ______ molecules


Ozone depletion in this area is also referred to as the _________ _______ also not necessarily a hole

ozone hole

Most Inuits see themselves as a ________ of their ecosystem


"Permafrost" means ______ __________.

permanently frozen

_________ _________ is a mixture of smoke and fog and is produced when nitrous oxides react with ______

photochemical smog, sunlight

______ counties rely heavily on coal, oil, and wood


Velocity and channel slope have a __________ relationship


Velocity and depth have a ________ relationship


Loss of arable land can lead to ________&___________

poverty, famine

Models are used to _____ factors and trends such as amounts of CO2 and air temperature


Black Rock Desert in Nevada is an example of a _______ ______ desert

rain shadow

The Gobi Desert in China is an example of an ____ ____ desert

rain shadow

________ rainfall and _______ ________ with ______ rainfall is a result of anthropogenic aerosol pollution

reduced, extreme events, heavy

The federal approach of bringing in _______ _______ to low-income communities is supposed to help by creating jobs in local areas, reducing overall and local pollution, and reduce cost of power.

renewable energy

A common reason for human-induced earthquakes is the creation of large ____________ after building dams


________ forces restrict downslope movement of material


People have been relocating from _______ to ___________ regions

rural, urban

________ is the sediment particle that requires the least amount of velocity necessary for erosion


Through _________ _________ scientists can predict trend and how some scenarios could play out

scientific models

________ are used to provide protection but can end up leading to more erosion


Mass movements occur as a result of _______ instability


Velocity of water is impacted by 3 things: ______________, ________________, and ____________

slope of the channel, depth of the water, roughness of the channel

The ____ _____ of a river bend is the area of deposition

slower area

Due to a colder environment, rate of plant decomposition is ________ than at temperate latitudes and as a result a layer of detritus that is frozen into the permafrost. This permafrost is thought to contain more than twice the amount of ______ than is stored in the Amazon forest.

slower, carbon

Bad ozone also known as _________ forms at the _________ level

smog, ground

Once diffused into the atmosphere, CFC's are broken down by _____ _____

solar radiation

Ozone depletion is most noticeable in the _________ _________ region

southern pole

The _______ the slope is, the faster the water is going to move down the slope


The ozone layer is in the ________


_____-_____ permafrost is permafrost under the ocean.


The use of the coal, etc. leads to increased amounts in _________ (_____) which can get into your lungs

suspended particulate matter (SPM)

_____ and ______ are the two layers of the atmosphere furthest from the earth

thermosphere, exosphere

_______ sea ice means _______ access for arctic communities because it's either not there or isn't thick enough for travel

thinning, less

Air density ______ the higher up in the atmosphere it travels


Arsenic, lead, cadmium, mercury are all examples of _______ ______ _____ because of their role as _______. These pollutants have been found to be in mostly ________ areas.

toxic base metals, carcinogens, urban

________ knowledge might not be as adapted to sea ice changes


________ is the movement of that material


Politicians use the ________ from this modeling to debate or dismiss the science that goes into creating such models.


Humans can promote downslope movement by _________ support, _________ disturbing forces such as spoil tips, transitory earth stresses such as _____________________, and increased internal pressure such as a the _________ of irrigation water.

underlying, increased, continual passing of heavy traffic, buildup

Most researches agree that we are living past our carrying capacity and we are living completely __________.


______ centers are growing in population


Humans are able to quickly fall in to the mentality of _______ vs. _______

us, them

Rain shadow deserts form when air rises and cools on one mountainside, then sinks and ______ on the other side which becomes the desert.


As permafrost thaws, Arctic communities lose _____ to land through land subsidence


With an increased demand in population in urban centers, ________ will continue to play a critical role in the future


Interior deserts form as a result from being far from a ________ source and ______, ______ air masses

water, moist, coastal

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