geology labs Plate Tectonics

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Type 28 04 27.04N 86 55 26.84E into the Google Earth search bar. What type of tectonic plates are present?

Continent and Continent

Type 38°56'10.0"S 91°53'56.0"W into the Google Earth search bar. What type of plate tectonic boundary is at the location?


How fast was the Pacific plate moving from 7.2 million years ago to 4.7 million years ago between the formation of Kauai and Nihoa in cm/year? To calculate this divide the distance (in centimeters) between the two islands by the difference in their ages. Show your work.

speed = distance/ difference in age Given, Distance between Kauai and Nihoa = 26,981,924 cm Time=7.2 million - 4.7 million =2.5 million years Unknown, Speed=? Speed= Distance /Time 10cm/y

1. Brazil (Latitude and Longitude): 2. Angola (Latitude and Longitude):

1. Brazil Latitude 7o31'39"S Longitude 34o58'04"W 2. Angola Latitude 11o30'51"S Longitude 13o50'07"W

Using figure 4.1 and the locations of fossils A and B, how far have the snake fossils moved apart since they were originally deposited? (do your best to measure on the screen, using the bar scale as a measure of distance).

2150 miles

Given that this portion of the Australian plate moves at a speed of 2.2 inches per year, how old are the snake fossils? (Hint: there are 63,360 inches in 1 mile). Approximately....

62 million years old

There are fossils such as Glossopteris and Lystrosaurus that are found in rocks in South America and Africa that indicate they were part of Pangaea approximately 200 million years ago. These same fossils can be found in Australia, which indicates it, along with Antarctica, was also part of Pangaea at that time. Based on what you learned in question 3 and your answer to question 6, which of the following statements about the break-up of Pangaea is TRUE?

Australia and Antarctica separated after the break-up of Pangaea

As was mentioned above one of the most striking things about the geography of the continents today is how they appear to fit together like puzzle pieces. The reason for this is clear: they once were connected in the past and have since separated shifting into their current positions. Open Google Earth and zoom out to an eye altitude of ~8000 miles. Examine the coastlines of eastern South America and Western Africa and notice how well they match in shape. There are scientifically important rock deposits in southern Brazil, South America and Angola, Africa that show the northernmost glacial deposits on the ancient continent of Pangaea, which indicates these two areas were once connected.

Based on the shape of the two coastlines, give the present day latitude and longitude of two sites along the coast of these countries that used to be connected when the two continents were joined as a part of Pangaea (note: select a point in Brazil that aligned with a location in Angola when Pangaea was united- note there are multiple correct answers and numerous incorrect answers too). (Latitude and longitude are given in degrees, minutes and seconds, and are shown at the right hand bottom of the screen. As an example, the latitude and longitude of Columbia, Maryland is: 39o13'44"N, 76o59'32"W. Columbia is North of the Equator and West of the Prime Meridian that runs through Greenwich, England, hence the N and W - please give the numbers and the directions).

Brainstorm- Zoom around and look at the topography of each island. Compare the highest points. What are some explanations as to why the highest elevations are different on the islands? Be specific and provide at least 2 possible explanations with details.

Big Island: it's the highest elevation is 4183m around Mauna loa according to my search of elevation via google earth Maui: it's highest elevation is 3038m around Red hill area. (according to my measurements through google earth) Kauai Kawaikini Peak is it's the highest elevation with the height of 1574m (according to my measurements through google earth) Nihoa it's the highest elevation is 160 m (according to my measurements through google earth) As seen in the google earth I have come to notice the highest elevation tends to fall towards the center of the islands. That is where the volcanic mountains are situated. For example, in the Big Island, the highest elevation is aground Mauna Loa a volcanic mountain. The Hawaiian Islands are formed above the hotspot. The eruption of the hot spot causes the formation of a volcano which continues to grow as long as there is a hot spot underneath and magma sprouting out. As the magma cools it becomes part of the land adding up to its elevation. As the Hawaiian volcanoes ages, it gets worn out due to landslide and erosion and it shrinks and submerges under the ocean.

Now zoom out. Given that San Francisco is located on the North American Plate and Los Angles is located on the Pacific Plate, are these two cities getting closer together or farther apart over time?


Type 6 21 49.68 S 29 35 37.87 E into the Google Earth search bar. What type of process is going on at this location?

Continental rifting

What type of boundary is present at 28 04 27.04N 86 55 26.84E?


What type of plate tectonic boundary is present? (How do you know? What features do you see?)


What type of plate tectonic boundary is present at 6 21 49.68 S 29 35 37.87 E?


Type/ Copy and Paste 34 46 16.16 N 118 44 58.19 W into the search bar in Google Earth and zoom out to an eye latitude of 10 miles. Quail Lake is a dammed river that is sitting directly over top of the San Andres Fault, which is a well-known transform boundary with the North American Plate on the northern side and the Pacific Plate on the southern side. This boundary is running East-West in this area and you may be able to see the boundary better by zooming out. Examine the path of the river that feeds into and flows out of Quail Lake. Keep in mind that the lake is there because of both the dam and the fact that the river has separated in this area due to plate motion. Imagine that the river flowing into the lake was once connected to the river flowing out of the lake and the lake is the boundary. What direction is the North American plate moving in comparison to the Pacific Plate at this location?


How fast was the Pacific plate moving during the last 1.1 million years between the formation of the Big Island and Maui in cm/year? To calculate this divide the distance (in centimeters) between the two islands by the difference in their ages. "Show" your work in the space.

Given, Distance between Big Island and Maui= 15,405,077cm Time= 1.1 million = 1,100,000,00 million years (big island is still active) Unknown, Speed=? Speed= Distance /Time 15405077 cm/110000000year 14cm/year

When will the next supercontinent form? Examine the Western Coast of South America, the Eastern Coast of Asia, and the Pacific Ocean. If South America and Africa are separating and the Atlantic Ocean is growing, then the opposite must be occurring on the other side of the earth (the Americas are getting closer to Asia and the Pacific Ocean is shrinking). How far apart are North America and Mainland Asia in cm? (measure the distance across the Pacific at 40 degrees north latitude- basically measure between Northern California and North Korea)? Take that distance and divide it by the speed you calculated in question 3 to estimate when the next supercontinent will form. Show your work!

Given, Distance between North California and North Korea. 1,034,798,921cm Speed. 2.69cm/years Unknown, Time, when the next supercontinent will form? Speed = Distance/Time Time= Distance/Speed 1034798921cm/ 2.69 cm/years 384683613.8 years It takes approximately 384.7 million years to form a next super continent.

Measure in centimeters the distance (Map Length) between the two points you recorded in the previous question. Given that this portion of Pangaea broke apart 200,000,000 years ago, calculate how fast South America and Africa are separating in cm/year? (Hint: Speed= Distance/Time). "Show" your work. Don't just enter in a number. Explain what you used to get your answer and how you calculated it.

Given, The distance between the two points. 537,057,000 cm (used google earth's scale tool) Time since separation. 200,000,000 years Unknown, Speed. ? Speed = Distance/Time 537,057,000 cm / 200,000,000 years 2.685285 = 2.69cm/year (rounding off)

Consider the ages and positions of the islands listed above along with what you know about plate tectonics and hotspots. In what general direction is the Pacific Plate moving? Remember that the hotspot remains in the same location and the lithosphere moves over it (as shown in the Hot Spot video).


Enter 15 19 48.78 S 75 12 03.41 W into the Google Earth search bar. Zoom in and out and explore this area. What type of tectonic plates are present?


Explore: Enter San Andreas Fault into the Google Earth search bar and explore some of the San Andreas Fault. What do you see? Do you see evidence of movement?

San Andrea Fault is a transform boundary, formed by two plates rubbing against each other Pacific Plate and North American Plate. Along with the fault line pressure, ridges can be seen. From question 1 the river flowing in and out of the Quail Lake shows the movement.

Which island is currently sitting over the hot spot?

The Big Island

Examine the headings (directions-N/S/E/W, NW/SW, etc) of the measurements that you took for the previous two questions. The headings indicate the direction the Pacific Plate is moving over the hot spot. How does the direction of motion of the Pacific Plate during the last 1.1 million years differ from direction of movement between 4.7 and 7.2 million years ago? The direction of plate movement in the last 1.1 million years________.

has become more northerly

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