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A patient performing a prone knee hang as shown in the image reports direct pressure and discomfort on the patellofemoral region. Which of the following actions would be the MOST appropriate to address the patient's comment and still maintain the goal of this exercise? 1. Place a folded towel under the patient's distal femur 2 Scoot the patient's body further up on the treatment table 3. Decrease the amount of weight in the ankle cuff weight 4. Apply ice to alleviate any discomfort during the stretch (Prone with legs hanging on the table)


D PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 47 A physical therapist examines a patient who reports abdominal pain. The patient's symptoms include left lower quadrant abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and nausea. The clinical presentation is MOST consistent with which of the following medical conditions? 1. Diverticulitis 2. Appendicitis 3. Peptic ulcer 4. Pancreatitis


D PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 82 A physical therapist examines a patient with a cerebrovascular disorder due to arterial occlusion. The patient exhibits an ataxic gait, intention tremors, and dysmetria. Which of the following arteries is the MOST likely vessel affected? 1. Anterior inferior cerebellar 2. Anterior spinal 3. Basilar 4. Middle cerebral


D. PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 87 A physical therapist recognizes that a child has significant difficulty flexing the neck while in a supine position. Failure to integrate which of the following reflexes would BEST explain the child's difficulty? 1. Symmetrical tonic labyrinthine 2. Moro 3. Asymmetrical tonic neck 4. Symmetrical tonic neck


L PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 50 A physical therapist enters a private treatment area and observes a patient collapsed on the floor. The patient appears to be moving slightly, however, seems to be in need of medical assistance. Which of the following actions should the therapist perform FIRST? 1. Check for unresponsiveness 2. Monitor airway, breathing, and circulation 3. Position the patient 4. Phone emergency medical services


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 101 A physical therapist designs an exercise program for a patient who is three weeks post cardiac transplantation. Which of the following treatment modifications would be the MOST essential to incorporate into the patient's exercise program based on the transplantation? 1. Increased warm-up and cool down period 2. Increased duration of training sessions 3. Increased target heart rate range during exercise 4. Increased monitoring of exercise intensity through heart rate


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 105 While reviewing a patient's medical record that recently underwent total knee arthroplasty, the physical therapist notes that the surgical incision was closed with staples. This form of wound closure is BEST classified as which type of healing by intention? 1. Primary 2. Delayed primary 3. Secondary 4. Tertiary


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 110 A physical therapist grades a patient's ankle strength as Good Plus (4+/5) for the dorsiflexors and Fair Plus (3+/5) for the plantar flexors. Assuming that the patient does not compensate for the muscular impairments, which deviation is the therapist MOST likely to observe during the foot flat to midstance phase of galt? 1. Excessive dorsiflexion 2. Foot maintained in plantar flexion 3. Inadequate toe off 4. Decreased knee flexion


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 115 A physical therapist attempts to implement a formal exercise program for a patient who is three weeks post cardiac transplantation. Which of the following physiologic responses should the therapist MOST anticipate based on the transplantation? 1. Increased resting heart rate 2. Increased heart rate response with exercise 3. Increased peak heart rate during exercise 4. Increased age-predicted maximal heart rate


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 116 A physical therapist receives a referral for a patient diagnosed with spondylolisthesis. Which of the following scenarios would be MOST consistent with the medical diagnosis? 1. A 13-year-old female gymnast with no significant medical history 2. A 17-year-old female tennis player with a 15 degree lateral curvature of the spine 3. A 28-year-old male machinist with a history of recurrent low back pain 4. A 67-year-old male with a previous diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 132 - A patient who has muscle weakness and compromised balance uses a four-point gait pattern with two canes. The physical therapist would like to instruct the patient to ascend and descend the stairs according to the normal flow of traffic. Which of the following methods is the MOST appropriate for the therapist to instruct when ascending stairs? 1. Use the handrail with the right hand and place the two canes in the left hand 2. Use the handrail with the left hand and place the two canes in the right hand 3. Place one cane in each hand and avoid using the handrail 4. Place the two canes in the left hand and avoid using the handrail


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 134 A physical therapist instructs a patient to perform a stretch as shown in the image. Which muscle is MOST likely stretched when using this technique? 1. Pectoralis minor 2. Triceps 3. Middle trapezius 4. Upper trapezius both arms behind the head


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 139 A physical therapist searches the literature to find an appropriate cardiovascular screening test to identify individuals with known cardiovascular disease who should have a medical examination before starting an exercise program. The therapist should choose a screening test that has which of the following characteristics? 1. High positive predictive value 2. Low positive predictive value 3. High discriminant validity 4. High internal consistency


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 145 A physical therapist assesses a patient who has significant biceps brachii weakness and suspects there may be underlying neurological damage that is causing the weakness. Damage to what cord of the brachial plexus would MOST likely explain this finding? 1. Lateral 2. Posterior 3. Medial 4. Anterior


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 147 A physical therapist conducts an examination on a patient with suspected ulnar nerve palsy. Which finding is the MOST consistent with the hypothesized diagnosis? 1. Wasting of the hypothenar eminence 2. Wrist drop with increased flexion of the wrist 3. Increased flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joint 4. Proximal interphalangeal joint hyperextension and slight flexion of the distal interphalangeal joint


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 149 A physical therapist observes that a patient is unable to heel walk during a neurological examination. This objective finding may indicate damage to which spinal tract? 1. Corticospinal 2. Reticulospinal 3. Rubrospinal 4. Tectospinal


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 155 A physical therapist attempts to quantify a patient's endurance level by administering a maximal exercise test. What is the PRIMARY limitation of a maximal exercise test? 1. It requires participants to exercise to the point of volitional fatigue 2. It does not typically allow a steady state heart rate at each work rate 3. It is not useful in diagnosing coronary artery disease 4. It requires progressive stages of increasing work intensities without rest intervals


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 157 A physical therapist would like to minimize the likelihood of a burn when using iontophoresis. Which action would be the MOST consistent with the therapist's objective? 1. Increase the size of the cathode relative to the anode 2. Decrease the space between the electrodes 3. Increase the current intensity 4. Decrease the moisture of the electrodes


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 162 A patient with Addison's disease reports fatigue and extreme weight loss. What mechanism is the MOST likely cause of this patient's symptoms? 1. Decreased production of cortisol 2. Hyperfunction of the thyroid gland 3. Decreased absorption of nutrients within the intestines 4. Hyperfunction of the adrenal gland


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 167 A physical therapist completes an examination on a patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. Results of the examination Include Good (4/5) strength in the lower extremities, 10 degrees flexion contracture at the hips, and exaggerated forward standing posture. The patient has difficulty initiating movement and requires manual assistance for gait on level surfaces. Which of the following activities is the MOST appropriate to incorporate into a home program for this patient? 1. Prone lying 2. Progressive relaxation exercises 3. Lower extremity resistive exercises with ankle weights 4. Postural awareness exercises in standing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 168 The medical record indicates a patient has been diagnosed with chronic respiratory alkalosis. Which laboratory finding is the MOST consistent with this condition? 1. Elevated arterial blood pH, low PaCO2 2. Low arterial blood pH, elevated PaCO2 3. Elevated arterial blood pH, elevated PaCO2 4. Low arterial blood pH, low PaCO2


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 176 A physical therapist treats a patient post traumatic brain injury by applying approximation to the pelvis to increase bilateral lower extremity weight bearing as shown in the image. The patient exhibits significant hypertonicity and the presence of the positive support reflex. Which of the following rationales is the MOST likely reason for why the therapist is using the therapeutic ball? 1. Avoid a mass extensor pattern in standing 2. Encourage active-assisted range of motion 3. Allow the patient partial weight bearing through the ball 4. Limit range of motion at the shoulder


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 177 A physical therapist treats a patient rehabilitating from spinal fusion In the lumbar spine. The surgical procedure required a bone autograft to stabilize the lumbar segment. What postoperative finding would be MOST likely based on the utilization of the bone graft? 1. Hip pain 2. Spinal hypermobility 3. Hyporeflexia 4. Myotomal weakness


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 181 A physical therapist works on weight shifting activities with a patient who is sitting over the edge of a mat table with the feet positioned on the floor. The therapist facilitates an anterior weight shift through the patient's pelvis. What pattern of activity would be required for the patient to maintain an upright posture? 1. Spinal extension due to concentric contraction of the spinal extensors 2. Spinal flexion due to concentric contraction of the spinal flexors 3. Spinal extension due to eccentric contraction of the spinal extensors 4. Spinal flexion due to eccentric contraction of the spinal flexors


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 183 A physical therapist examines several pathological reflexes on a patient with a suspected upper motor neuron disease. What stimulus would be the MOST appropriate when assessing Hoffman's reflex? 1. Tapping the nail of the middle finger 2. Stroking the superior and medial thigh 3. Stroking the plantar aspect of the foot 4. Rapidly dorsiflexing the foot


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 195 A patient four weeks post anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction questions a physical therapist as to why they are still partial weight bearing. Which of the following impairments would be the MOST Ekely rationale for the patient's weight bearing status? 1. The patient lacks full active knee extension 2. The patient has good (4/5) quadriceps strength 3. The patient has fair (3/5) hamstrings strength 4. The patient has diminished superficial cutaneous sensation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 196 A physical therapist assesses several superficial reflexes as part of a neurological examination. Which grading system is the MOST appropriate when documenting the obtained results? 1. Present, absent 2. Ordinal scale from 0-4+ 3. Hypoactive, normal, hyperactive 4. Zero, trace, poor, fair, good, normal


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 40 A physical therapist reads in the medical record that a patient has an ejection fraction of 40%. Which class of medication Is the patient MOST likely to be taking? 1. Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor agents 2. Nitrate agents 3. Anticholinergic agents 4. Thrombolytic agents


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 42 A physical therapist receives a referral for a patient diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus. Which of the following patient profiles would be MOST consistent with the onset of this medical diagnosis? 1. A 29-year-old female 2. A 67-year-old female 3. A 27-year-old male 4. A 61-year-old male


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 43 A physical therapist prepares to perform volumetric measurements as a means of quantifying edema. Which patient would appear to be the MOST appropriate candidate for this type of objective measure? 1. A 38-year-old female with a Colles' fracture 2. A 27-year-old male with bicipital tendonitis 3. A 48-year-old male with a rotator cuff tear 4. A 57-year-old male with pulmonary edema


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 45 A physical therapist reads in the medical record that the foot progression angle of a four-year-old child was recorded as -10 degrees (minus 10 degrees). Which range of motion measurement at the hip would MOST likely be associated with the obtained foot progression angle? 1. 75 degrees of hip medial rotation and 25 degrees of hip lateral rotation 2. 35 degrees of hip medial rotation and 70 degrees of hip lateral rotation 3. 30 degrees of hip medial rotation and 20 degrees of hip lateral rotation 4. 45 degrees of hip medial rotation and 45 degrees of hip lateral rotation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 55 A physical therapist attempts to design an exercise program for a patient with a body mass index (BMI) of 34.5 kg/m². Which potential complication of exercise is the MOST relevant for this patient? 1. Heat intolerance 2. Asthma 3. Gastroesophageal reflux 4. Orthostatic hypotension


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 57 A physical therapist inspects a patient's wound prior to applying a dressing. When documenting the findings in the medical record, the therapist classifies the exudate from the wound as serous. Based on the documentation, what is the MOST likely color of the exudate? 1. Clear 2. Pink 3. Red 4. Yellow


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 61 A physical therapist administers an upper limb tension test with radial nerve bias on a patient in the supine position. Which of the following actions should the therapist perform FIRST? 1. Depression of the shoulder girdle 2. Lateral rotation of the shoulder 3. Extension of the elbow 4. Flexion of the wrist


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 67 A physical therapist designs an exercise program aimed at improving a patient's core and lower extremity strength. The physical therapist would like to avoid exercises that may elevate the patient's blood pressure. Which exercise would be the MOST likely to increase the patient's blood pressure? 1. Wall sits for 15 seconds for 10 repetitions 2. Leg press for 10 repetitions 3. Walking at 2.0 miles per hour on a treadmill for 10 minutes 4. Standing hip abduction using an elastic band for 10 repetitions


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 68 A patient who has right upper extremity lymphedema post radical mastectomy discusses the cause of lymphedema with her physician. The physician explains that both the venous system and the lymphatic system are responsible for collecting and transporting interstitial fluid. What percentage of interstitial fluid is collected by a normally functioning lymphatic system? 1. 15% 2. 35% 3. 55% 4. 75%


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 72 A physical therapist works with a child who has Legg-Calve-Perthes disease. Which of the following medical conditions is MOST often associated with this diagnosis? 1. Avascular necrosis 2. Congenital hip dysplasia 3. Osteomyelitis 4. Septic arthritis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 77 A patient who is four months post surgery to repair a torn biceps tendon still lacks 40 degrees of elbow extension. Because conservative efforts have failed, the physician orders serial casting to improve the patient's mobility. After one round of casting, what would be the MOST likely expected increase in range of motion? 1. 5 degrees 2. 15 degrees 3. 25 degrees 4. 35 degrees


➡ PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 59 A physical therapist participates in a community-based screening program designed to identify individuals who have osteoporosis. Which of the following groups would have the HIGHEST risk for developing osteoporosis? 1. Caucasian females over the age of 60 2. African American females over the age of 60 3. Caucasian females under the age of 40 4. African American females under the age of 40


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 173 A physical therapist works with a patient diagnosed with Down syndrome. The therapist determines that the patient has abnormalities in muscular tone consistent with the diagnosed condition. Which of the following techniques would be the MOST beneficial when treating the patient's tone abnormalities? 1. Quick stretch 2. Deep pressure 3. Prolonged icing 4. Neutral warmth


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 5 While reading the Methods section of a research report, a physical therapist notes the investigators used a repeated measures design. This type of experimental design is used to accomplish which of the following outcomes? 1. Controls for differences between subjects 2. Keeps the subjects "blind" to the identity of the treatment group 3. Ensures that subjects with similar characteristics are assigned to different treatment groups 4. Selects a homogenous group of subjects

1. Controls for differences between subjects

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 9 A patient was administered a narcotic medication one hour prior to the onset of their physical therapy session. What method of administration ensures that the medication will be 100 percent bioavailable? 1. Intravenous injection 2. Oral 3. Inhalation 4. Sublingual

1. Intravenous injection

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 12 A physical therapist performs segmental breathing exercises with a patient post atelectasis. Which of the following hand placements would be the MOST appropriate to emphasize expansion of the lingula? 1. On the left side of the chest below the axilla 2. Below the clavicle on the anterior chest wall 3. Over the posterior aspect of the lower ribs 4. On the right side of the chest below the axilla

1. On the left side of the chest below the axilla

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 25 A physical therapist working in an acute care hospital reads in a medical chart that a patient has a blood pH of 7.55. Which of the following scenarios could BEST explain the presence of the abnormal pH? 1. Prolonged use of antacids 2. Hypoventilation due to Guillain-Barre syndrome 3. Hypoventilation due to severe scoliosis 4. Diabetic ketoacidosis

1. Prolonged use of antacids

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 21 A physical therapist observes the galt of a patient following a lateral ankle sprain. The patient walks without crutches, but it is evident that walking is extremely painful. Which of the following descriptions is the MOST accurate when describing the anticipated compensation with the unaffected extremity during gait? 1. Shorter swing phase and shorter step length 2. Shorter swing phase and longer step length 3. Longer swing phase and shorter step length 4. Longer swing phase and longer step length

1. Shorter swing phase and shorter step length

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 15 A physical therapist reviews the results of pulmonary function testing on a patient who has emphysema. Assuming the patient's testing was classified as unremarkable, which of the following lung volumes would MOST likely approximate 10 percent of the patient's total lung capacity? 1. Tidal volume 2. Inspiratory reserve volume 3. Residual volume 4. Functional residual capacity

1. Tidal volume

DPTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 63 A physical therapist uses the Six-Minute Walk Test as a means of quantifying functional status in a patient who has heart disease. During testing the patient expresses to the therapist that they need to rest. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate for the therapist to utilize in this situation? 1. Allow the patient to rest, however, stop the elapsed time during the rest period 2. Allow the patient to rest, however, allow the elapsed time to continue 3. Allow the patient to rest, however, discontinue the test 4. Offer encouragement to the patient in order to avoid or delay the rest period


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 100 A physical therapist attempts to strengthen the lumbricals on a patient who has a low metatarsal arch. Which of the following exercises would be the MOST appropriate? 1. Resisted extension of the metatarsophalangeal joint 2. Resisted flexion of the metatarsophalangeal joint 3. Resisted abduction of the metatarsophalangeal joint 4. Resisted adduction of the metatarsophalangeal joint


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 103 A physical therapist administers a special test to a patient with suspected hand pathology. The pinch test shown in the image would be used to assess the integrity of which nerve? 1. Posterior interosseous 2. Anterior interosseous 3. Deep radial 4. Ulnar (money sign)


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 108 A patient attending her third physical therapy session transitions from a hospital bed to standing in preparation for ambulation activities. Which blood pressure response would BEST support the physical therapist's decision to return the patient to a recumbent position? 1. Increase in systolic blood pressure of 18 mm Hg and an increase in diastolic blood pressure of 5 mm Hg 2. Decrease in systolic blood pressure of 5 mm Hg and a decrease in diastolic blood pressure of 12 mm Hg 3. Increase in systolic blood pressure of 20 mm Hg and a decrease in diastolic blood pressure of 7 mm Hg 4. Decrease in systolic blood pressure of 13 mm Hg and an increase in diastolic blood pressure of 2 mm Hg


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 119 A physical therapist works with a patient who has right hemiplegia post CVA. Which of the following therapeutic positions would be the MOST difficult for this patient to maintain? 1. Half-kneel with involved leg anterior 2. Half-kneel with involved leg posterior 3. Bilateral tall kneeling 4. Bilateral lower extremity bridge


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 120 A physical therapist treats a patient diagnosed with Parkinson's disease. When working on controlled mobility, which of the following activities would BEST describe the therapist's objective? 1. Facilitate postural muscle control 2. Promote weight shifting and rotational trunk control 3. Emphasize reciprocal extremity movement 4. Facilitate tone and rigidity


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 127 A physical therapist prepares to initiate an examination procedure by placing a patient in the long sitting position on a mat table. This position would be the MOST appropriate to initiate which of the following tests? 1. Craig's 2. Dix-Hallplke 3. Ely's 4. Vertebral artery


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 129 A physical therapist administers the Mini-Mental State Examination to a patient recently admitted to the hospital. What is the MINIMUM patient score necessary in order to avoid being classified as possessing a cognitive impairment? 1. 18 2. 24 3. 30 4. 34


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 138 A physical therapist discusses the process of learning to drive an adapted van with a patient post spinal cord injury. What is the HIGHEST spinal cord injury level where this activity would be a realistic Independent functional outcome? 1. C4 2. C6 3. TI 4. T3


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 140 A physical therapist uses repeated contractions to strengthen the quadriceps of a patient who fails to exhibit the desired muscular response throughout a portion of the range of motion. Which of the following methods is the MOST appropriate when applying this proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) technique? 1. Place the extremity into a shortened range within the pattern 2. Apply at the point where the desired muscular response begins to diminish 3. Apply at the end of the available range of motion 4. Apply a maximal contraction of the antagonistic muscle group


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 141 During palpation, a physical therapist determines that the spine of a patient's scapula is level with the spinous process of T2. Which postural deformity is MOST likely to be associated with this clinical finding? 1. Forward head. 2. Shoulder elevation 3. Rounded shoulders 4. Scapular winging


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 146 A patient rehabilitating from extensive burns to the right upper extremity often reports severe pain in the arm during physical therapy treatment sessions. The present plan of care emphasizes range of motion, stretching, and positioning. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate to address the patient's pain intensity? 1. Reduce the frequency and duration of the treatment sessions 2. Schedule treatment sessions when the patient's pain medication is most effective 3. Avoid treatment activities that are uncomfortable for the patient 4. Request that the referring physician increase the dosage of the patient's pain medication


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 150 A physical therapist works with a patient who has been on bed rest for one month. Which of the following muscle groups should the therapist anticipate being the MOST affected by the prolonged immobilization? 1. Extensor muscles of the upper extremities 2. Flexor muscles of the upper extremities 3. Extensor muscles of the lower extremities 4. Flexor muscles of the lower extremities


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 152 A physical therapist completes a series of resisted movements on a patient with a lower extremity injury. The patient denies pain initially, but reports increasing pain after performing a number of repetitions. This scenario is MOST consistent with which of the following conditions? 1. Complete rupture of a tendon 2. Intermittent claudication 3. Ligamentous laxity 4. Emotional hypersensitivity


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 156 A physical therapist prepares to complete a sensory examination on a patient who sustained a lower extremity burn. Which of the following factors would serve as the BEST predictor of altered sensation? 1. Presence of a skin graft 2. Depth of burn injury 3. Percentage of body surface affected 4. Extent of hypertrophic scarring


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 158 A physical therapist reviews a patient coverage form that lists the following parameters used during a recent ultrasound treatment: 1.5 W/cm², pulsed 20%, 1 MHz, 6 minutes. If the objective of the ultrasound treatment was to increase tissue temperature, what parameter would be the MOST critical for the therapist to alter? 1. Time 2. Duty cycle 3. Frequency 4. Intensity


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 160 A physical therapist prepares to apply a topical antibiotic to a small portion of the proximal forearm of a patient with a deep partial thickness burn. When applying the topical antibiotic, the therapist should utilize which form of medical asepsis? 1. Non-sterile gloves 2. Sterile gloves 3. Sterile gloves, gown 4. Sterile gloves, gown, mask


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 161 A physical therapist examines a patient with coordination deficits who exhibits excessive involuntary and extraneous movements including hemiballismus. This clinical presentation is MOST consistent with damage or a lesion in what area of the brain? 1. Cerebellum 2. Basal ganglia 3. Frontal lobe 4. Medulla oblongata


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 164 A physical therapist examines a patient with a suspected injury to the thoracodorsal nerve. Which objective finding would be the MOST consistent with this injury? 1. Shoulder medial rotation weakness 2. Shoulder extension weakness 3. Paralysis of the rhomboids 4. Paralysis of the diaphragm


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 166 A patient utilizing a prosthesis following a right transfemoral amputation demonstrates a right lateral bend with galt. Which testing procedure would be MOST anticipated based on the observed finding? 1. Patient is positioned in right sidelying; downward pressure is applied to the distal aspect of the left limb 2. Patient is positioned in left sidelying; downward pressure is applied to the distal aspect of the right limb 3. Patient is positioned in unsupported sitting; therapist applies a lateral force to the patient's right shoulder 4. Patient is positioned in unsupported sitting; therapist applies a lateral force to the patient's left shoulder


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 169 A patient involved in a motor vehicle accident sustains a proximal fibula fracture. The fracture damaged the motor component of the common peroneal nerve. Ankle dorsiflexion and eversion are tested as Poor (2/5). Which of the following interventions is the MOST appropriate to assist the patient with activities of daily living? patient to com 1. Diaphra 2. Pacing 3. Pursed 4. Ventila Correct Pacing function 1. Dia de ind m D 2. 1. Electrical stimulation 2. Use of an orthosis 3. Exercise program 4. Aquatic program


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 170 A physical therapist instructs a patient with chronic pulmonary dysfunction in energy conservation techniques. Which of the following techniques would be the MOST effective when assisting a patient to complete a selected activity without dyspnea? 1. Diaphragmatic breathing 2. Pacing 3. Pursed-lip breathing 4. Ventilatory muscle training


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 171 During an examination, a physical therapist notes a yellow discoloration of the patient's skin and sclera of the eye. This discoloration would be LEAST likely observed with which of the following conditions? 1. Cholecystitis 2. Ulcerative colitis 3. Pancreatitis 4. Hepatitis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 172 1033 A physical therapist consults with the teacher of a nine-year-old child with dyspraxia. Which of the following school-based activities would likely be the MOST challenging for the child? 1. Maintaining upright sitting posture in a classroom chair 2. Negotiating a crowded hallway between classrooms 3. Opening and closing a locker 4. Writing their name


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 174 A physical therapist treats a patient diagnosed with osteonecrosis of the femoral condyle. Which patient profile is the MOST typical with this medical condition? 1. A 42-year-old female with osteonecrosis of the lateral femoral condyle 2. A 64-year-old female with osteonecrosis of the medial femoral condyle 3. A 46-year-old male with osteonecrosis of the medial femoral condyle 4. A 68-year-old male with osteonecrosis of the lateral femoral condyle


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 178 A physical therapist utilizes a special test in which the therapist passively performs the required motion without the need for active participation by the patient. Which test would meet this criterion? 1. Adson maneuver 2. Hawkins-Kennedy impingement test 3. Roos test 4. Speed's test


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 180 A physical therapist initiates gait training on a patient who has T10 spina bifida. Initially, the BEST method to teach the patient how to maintain standing is with the use of which of the following devices? 1. Bilateral hip-knee-ankle-foot orthoses (HKAFO) and forearm crutches 2. Parapodium and the parallel bars 3. Bilateral knee-ankle-foot orthoses (KAFO) and the parallel bars 4. Bilateral ankle-foot orthoses (AFO) and the parallel bars


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 182 A physical therapist observes a patient running on a treadmill at an intensity of approximately 75 percent of their estimated maximum oxygen consumption. What is the PRIMARY source for the adenosine triphosphate (ATP) produced during this activity? 1. Amino acids 2. Carbohydrates 3. Fats 4. Proteins


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 187 While performing gait analysis on a patient, a physical therapist observes a posterior trunk lean during heel strike (initial contact) to foot flat (loading response). Which of the following interventions would be the MOST appropriate to address the observed gait pattern? 1. Strengthening exercises for the quadriceps 2. Strengthening exercises for the gluteus maximus 3. Stretching exercises for the hip extensors 4. Stretching exercises for the hip internal rotators


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 188 A physical therapist treats a patient with a suspected rupture of the patellar tendon. Which of the following objective findings would be the MOST indicative of this condition? 1. Marked tenderness along the anterior surface of the knee joint 2. Inability to actively extend the knee against gravity 3. Limited ability to complete range of motion due to hemarthrosis 4. Resistive isometrics are strong and painful for knee extension


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 190 A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a patient who has been admitted to the Intensive care unit. A note from the patient's physician indicates an order for arterial blood gas analysis six times daily. Which of the following indwelling lines would be used to collect the necessary samples? 1. Intravenous 2. Arterial 3. Central venous 4. Pulmonary artery


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 191 A physical therapist examines a patient with a suspected lesion of the common fibular nerve. Which objective finding would be the MOST useful to rule out the possibility of a sciatic nerve lesion? 1. Inability to actively dorsiflex the foot 2. Preservation of the Achilles reflex 3. Presence of a steppage gait 4. Weakness of the quadriceps muscle


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 200 A therapist completes a family training session with a patient rehabilitating from a spinal cord injury. During the training, the patient asks a question regarding their functional ability following rehabilitation. Which of the following responses is the MOST appropriate option for the therapist to utilize? 1. Explain that it is difficult to predict since all patients progress differently 2. Provide information on the expected prognosis based on the nature and severity of the injury 3. Refer the patient to the director of rehabilitation 4. Refer the patient to the physiatrist


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 39 A physical therapist completes a study that examines the effect of goniometer size on the reliability of passive shoulder joint measurements. The therapist concludes that goniometric measurements of passive shoulder range of motion can be highly consistent when taken by a single therapist, regardless of the size of the goniometer. The results of this study demonstrate a high degree of which of the following measures? 1. Interrater reliability 2. Intrarater reliability 3. Internal validity 4. External validity


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 44 A physical therapist is asked by the clinic manager to help develop a fall prevention program. What would be the FIRST step when developing this type of program? 1. Set goals and objectives for the program 2. Identify the intended audience 3. Identify valid and reliable screening tools 4. Develop a plan for each class


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 48 A patient reports to physical therapy after being fit for an upper extremity splint. Which type of splint would MOST likely be prescribed for a patient that demonstrates a positive Finkelstein's test? 1. Ulnar gutter 2. Thumb spica 3. Radial gutter 4. Dorsal forearm


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 49 A physical therapist attempts to perform mediate percussion over a patient's spleen. Which anatomical structure would be placed firmly on the surface to be percussed? 1. Distal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger of the dominant hand 2. Distal Interphalangeal joint of the middle finger of the nondominant hand 3. Proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger of the dominant hand 4. Proximal interphalangeal joint of the middle finger of the nondominant hand


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 51 A physical therapist works with a patient who experiences hyperfunction of the parathyroid glands secondary to a tumor. This condition would MOST likely contribute to the development of which of the following disorders? 1. Cardiac arrhythmias 2. Osteopenia 3. Muscle spasms 4. Obesity


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 52 A physical therapist observes that a patient with a history of recurrent lateral ankle sprains exhibits excessive supination during gait. Which of the following conditions would MOST likely be associated with this type of observation? 1. Tarsal tunnel syndrome 2. Peroneal tenosynovitis 3. Plantar fasciitis 4. Posterior tibial tenosynovitis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 54 A patient post modified radical mastectomy is referred for treatment of associated soft tissue restrictions and pain. During the examination, the physical therapist becomes concerned since the surgical site is extremely warm to touch, tender, and discolored, as shown in the image. Given the patient's recent history, which of the following conditions is the MOST likely cause of this complication? 1. Dermatitis 2. Cellulitis 3. Mastitis 4. Erysipelas


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 56 A physical therapist assigns a manual muscle test grade of 4 to patient A and a grade of 2 to patient B after assessing the strength of the tibialis anterior. Which of the following descriptions is the BEST interpretation of the patients' strength? 1. Patients A and B have equal strength 2. Patient A is stronger than patient B 3. Patient A is twice as strong as patient B 4. Patient B is twice as strong as patient A


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 70 A physical therapist prepares to treat a patient using continuous ultrasound. What general rule BEST determines the length of treatment time when using ultrasound? 1. Two minutes for an area that is two times the size of the transducer face 2. Five minutes for an area that is two times the size of the transducer face 3. Five minutes is the maximum treatment time regardless of the treatment area 4. Ten minutes is the maximum treatment time regardless of the treatment area


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 73 A physical therapist reviews a patient's medical history prior to administering Intermittent compression. Which of the following conditions would be considered a contraindication when using this type of mechanical 1. Venous stasis ulcer 2. Acute pulmonary edema 3. Intermittent claudication 4. Lymphedema


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 80 A physical therapist documents in the medical record that a patient has moved from stage 5 to stage 6 of Brunnstrom's Stages of Recovery. This type of transition is characterized by which of the following changes in movement patterns? 1. Absence of associated reactions 2. Disappearance of spasticity 3. Voluntary movement begins outside of synergy patterns 4. Return of normal motor function


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 88 An older adult is referred to physical therapy secondary to a recent fall. The patient reports difficulty seeing objects directly in front of them. This description is MOST consistent with the presence of which of the following visual impairments? 1. Cataracts 2. Macular degeneration 3. Presbyopia 4. Glaucoma


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 91 GILES 202 A physical therapist completes a series of upper extremity resisted tests on a patient with suspected cervical spine pathology. Which myotome would BEST be assessed using the test shown in the image? 1. C4 2. C5 3. C6 4. C7 (pt sitting with b shoulders in 90 degrees and the PT is resisting the movement (


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 92 A five-month-old infant is able to sit in a propped position. Which objective finding would be the MOST essential for the child to progress to ring sitting? 1. Increased strength of the trunk flexors 2. Increased strength of the trunk extensors 3. Integration of the symmetrical tonic neck reflex 4. Integration of the asymmetrical tonic neck reflex


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 93 A physical therapist works with a child who walks with an equinus gait pattern. Which of the following interventions would be the MOST appropriate to address the muscle shortening associated with this gait pattern? 1. Side stepping 2. Backward stepping 3. Activities in single leg stance 4. Toe walking


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 97 A physical therapist records a patient's resting blood pressure as 115/75 mm Hg prior to initiating running activities on a treadmill. After five minutes of running at speeds ranging from 4.0-6.0 miles per hour, what diastolic blood pressure value would be MOST anticipated? 1. 64 mm Hg 2. 76 mm Hg 3. 84 mm Hg 4. 98 mm Hg


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 118 After palpating a patient's foot and ankle, a physical therapist concludes that the majority of the patient's discomfort is located in an area depicted by the red marking on the Image. This type of finding Is MOST consistent with which of the following medical conditions? 1. Ganglion cyst 2. Sever's disease 3. Tarsal tunnel syndrome 4. Plantar fasciitis (Achilles tendon)


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 148 A physical therapist instructs a patient to perform a standing stretch as shown in the image. This type of stretch would MOST likely be used to stretch which of the following tissues? 1. Horizontal abductors 2. Inferior capsule 3. Pectoralis major 4. Pectoralis minor


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 175 A physical therapist reads in the medical record that a patient was recently prescribed a thrombolytic agent. Which condition would be considered a contraindication to this type of pharmacological agent? 1. Myocardial infarction 2. Hemorrhagic stroke 3. Pulmonary embolism 4. Venous thrombosis


DPTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 38 A patient is asked to complete a pain questionnaire. The patient selects words such as cramping, dull, and aching to describe the pain. What structure is MOST often associated with this type of pain description? 1. Nerve root 2. Muscle 3. Bone 4. Vascular


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 24 An individual is asked to complete the PAR-Q & You. Which scenario would be MOST consistent with the use of this tool? 1. A 13-year-old male with a congenital heart condition 2. A 62-year-old female planning to become more physically active 3. A 57-year-old male rehabilitating from a recent cardiac event 4. A 72-year-old female with no known cardiac pathology

2. A 62-year-old female planning to become more physically active

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 32 An entry in the medical record indicates that electromyography revealed denervation of the flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus, and pronator quadratus muscles. This finding would MOST likely be associated with which of the following conditions? 1. Anterior compartment syndrome 2. Anterior interosseous syndrome 3. Cubital tunnel syndrome 4. Erb's palsy

2. Anterior interosseous syndrome

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 23 A physical therapist develops a chart detailing expected functional outcomes for a variety of spinal cord injuries. Which is the HIGHEST spinal cord injury level at which independent transfers with a sliding board would be feasible? An Wo 1. C4 2. C6 3. T1 4. T3

2. C6

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 36 A physical therapist treats a patient who has rheumatoid arthritis. During the patient interview, the patient indicates that they are diabetic. Which type of agent would be the LEAST likely to be used to treat rheumatoid arthritis given the stated comorbidity? 1. Nonopioid analgesic agents 2. Corticosteroid agents 3. Biologic response modifiers 4. Disease-modifying antirheumatic agents

2. Corticosteroid agents

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 33 A physical therapist treats a patient post CVA who presents with speech and language deficits. The therapist incorporates phonetics into the plan of care. This intervention would be MOST essential for a patient diagnosed with which of the following disorders? 1. Broca's aphasia 2. Dysarthria 3. Verbal apraxia 4. Dysphagia

2. Dysarthria

DPTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 6 A physical therapist reviews the parameters of several pain modulation theories using transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS). When comparing sensory stimulation to motor stimulation, sensory stimulation requires which of the following modifications to the parameters? 1. Greater phase duration 2. Greater frequency 3. Stronger amplitude 4. Shorter treatment time

2. Greater frequency

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 19 A pregnant patient indicates that her physician ordered genetic testing. Which condition would be the LEAST likely to be identified through the testing process? 1. Cystic fibrosis 2. Meningitis 3. Phenylketonuria 4. Tay-Sachs disease

2. Meningitis

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 16 A physical therapist measures a patient's shoulder complex medial rotation in the standard position. The therapist records the patient's shoulder medial rotation as 0-70 degrees and classifies the end-feel as firm. Which portion of the joint capsule is PRIMARILY responsible for the firm end-feel? 1. Anterior 2. Posterior 3. Inferior 4. Superior

2. Posterior

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 3 An 11-month-old child who has cerebral palsy attempts to maintain a quadruped position. Which of the following reflexes would MOST likely interfere with this activity if it was not integrated? 1. Galant 2. Symmetrical tonic neck 3. Plantar grasp 4. Positive support

2. Symmetrical tonic neck

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 13 A physical therapist administers a submaximal exercise test to a patient in a cardiac rehabilitation program. The protocol requires the patient to ride a cycle ergometer for a predetermined amount of time using progressive workloads. In order to predict the patient's maximum oxygen uptake, it is necessary to determine the relationship between which of the following parameters? 1. Heart rate and rate of perceived exertion 2. Heart rate and workload 3. Blood pressure and rate of perceived exertion 4. Blood and workload

2. heart rate and workload

D PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 65 A physical therapist serves as an accessibility consultant for a local retail store. What is the MINIMUM width in inches required for a patient using a wheelchair to safely traverse through a doorway? 1 24 2. 30 3. 32 4. 36


DPTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 106 A physical therapist works with a patient who has been instructed to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to help control the symptoms of arthritis. The therapist educates the patient that overuse of NSAIDS can result in gastrointestinal damage. This side effect is caused by the inhibition of the production of which hormone? 1. Angiotensin 2. Erythropoietin 3. Prostaglandins 4. Gastrin


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 107 A physical therapist treats a 30-year-old individual who was admitted to the hospital with insidious respiratory issues and small, red granulomas on their face, particularly surrounding the mouth. These clinical findings are typical of which of the following conditions? 1. Systemic sclerosis 2. Bronchiectasis 3. Sarcoidosis 4. Phenylketonuria


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 109 A physical therapist suspects that a patient's chronic lower extremity swelling is due to lymphedema. Which of the following symptoms is the MOST consistent with the later stages of this condition? 1. Swelling that is relieved by elevation 2. Swelling proximal to the site of lymph dysfunction 3. Fibrotic changes of the dermis 4. Pitting edema


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 111 A 16-year-old patient walks with a toe-in gait. Which of the following objective findings would MOST likely contribute to this type of gait deviation? 1. 15 degree Q angle 2. 20 degree Q angle 3. 18 degrees of femoral anteversion 4. 7 degrees of femoral anteversion


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 111 A 16-year-old patient walks with a toe-in gait. Which of the following objective findings would MOST likely contribute to this type of gait deviation? 1. 15 degree Q angle 2. 20 degree Q angle 3. 18 degrees of femoral anteversion 4. 7 degrees of femoral anteversion


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 112 A physical therapist works with a patient diagnosed with congestive heart failure who presents with dyspnea during ambulation. The patient has an ejection fraction of 40 percent. Which of the following interventions would be the MOST appropriate? 1. Instruction in pursed-lip breathing 2. Progressive resistive exercises 3. Education on energy conservation 4. Instruction in diaphragmatic breathing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 112 A physical therapist works with a patient diagnosed with congestive heart failure who presents with dyspnea during ambulation. The patient has an ejection fraction of 40 percent. Which of the following interventions would be the MOST appropriate? 1. Instruction in pursed-lip breathing 2. Progressive resistive exercises 3. Education on energy conservation 4. Instruction in diaphragmatic breathing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 117 A patient diagnosed with Cushing's syndrome is referred to physical therapy. Which of the following signs and symptoms is NOT consistent with this syndrome? 1. Distension of the abdomen 2. Swelling in the facial area 3. Adrenal hypoplasia 4. Cardiac hypertrophy


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 123 A 13-year-old girl discusses the possibility of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with an orthopedic surgeon. The patient injured her knee while playing soccer and is concerned about the future impact of the injury on her athletic career. Which of the following factors would have the GREATEST influence on her candidacy for surgery? 1. Anthropometric measurements 2. Hamstrings/quadriceps strength ratio 3. Skeletal maturity 4. Somatotype


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 123 A 13-year-old girl discusses the possibility of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with an orthopedic surgeon. The patient injured her knee while playing soccer and is concerned about the future impact of the injury on her athletic career. Which of the following factors would have the GREATEST influence on her candidacy for surgery? 1. Anthropometric measurements 2. Hamstrings/quadriceps strength ratio 3. Skeletal maturity 4. Somatotype


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 124 A physical therapist performs reflex testing on a patient with a suspected upper motor neuron lesion. The testing procedure shown in the image would MOST likely assess the status of which of the following nerves? 1. Glossopharyngeal 2. Oculomotor 3. Trigeminal 4. Trochlear (jaw reflex)


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 124 A physical therapist performs reflex testing on a patient with a suspected upper motor neuron lesion. The testing procedure shown in the image would MOST likely assess the status of which of the following nerves? 1. Glossopharyngeal 2. Oculomotor 3. Trigeminal 4. Trochlear


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 128 A physical therapist observes a 10-year-old patient attempt to move from the floor to a standing position. During the activity, the patient has to push on their legs with their hands in order to attain an upright position. This finding is MOST commonly associated with which of the following medical conditions? 1. Cystic fibrosis 2. Down syndrome 3. Duchenne muscular dystrophy 4. Spinal muscular atrophy


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 130 A physical therapist works with a patient who is post total knee arthroplasty. Which of the following activities would be the MOST appropriate to delegate to a physical therapy aide? 1. Monitoring vital signs 2. Measuring knee range of motion with a goniometer 3. Observing a patient complete a mat exercise program 4. Recording modality parameters in the medical record


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 131 A physical therapist notices a small area of skin irritation under the chin of a patient wearing a Philadelphia collar. The patient reports that the area is not painful, but is becoming increasingly itchy. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate for the therapist to take? 1. Instruct the patient to apply 1% hydrocortisone cream to the area twice daily 2. Apply powder to the area and instruct the patient to avoid scratching 3. Provide the patient with a liner to use as a barrier between the skin and the orthosis 4. Discontinue use of the orthosis until the skin has become less irritated


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 133 A patient post total hip arthroplasty receives home physical therapy services. The patient is currently full weight bearing and is able to ascend and descend stairs independently. The patient expresses that their goal following rehabilitation is to walk one mile each day. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate for the physical therapist to implement to accomplish the patient's goal? 1. Continue home physical therapy services until the patient's goal is attained 2. Refer the patient to an outpatient orthopedic physical therapy clinic 3. Design a home exercise program that emphasizes progressive ambulation 4. Recommend admission of the patient to a rehabilitation hospital


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 135 A patient requires inpatient physical therapy after sustaining brain damage in a motor vehicle accident. Upon entering the patient's room, the physical therapist finds the patient as shown in the image. Which of the following perceptual deficits is the MOST likely cause of the patient's behavior? 1. Diplopia 2. Apraxia -3. Somatoagnosia 4. Anosognosia


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 136 A physical therapist is treating a patient diagnosed with leukemia who is currently receiving chemotherapy. The patient has been referred to physical therapy to improve their functional mobility and endurance. Which activity would be the LEAST desirable to accomplish the stated goal? 1. Yoga 2. Bike riding 3. Jumping rope 4. Swimming


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 137 A physical therapist conducts an interview with a patient referred to physical therapy with low back pain. Which subjective statement would BEST support the belief that the pain is of musculoskeletal origin instead of neuromuscular origin? 1. "Physical activity causes pain and tingling in my buttocks and the back of my thighs." 2. "My legs have suddenly become very weak and have difficulty traversing stairs." 3. "When am resting in a comfortable position, my back pain is significantly diminished." 4. "The pain has not diminished with anti-inflammatories and has become much worse at night."


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 142 A patient with several motor and sensory abnormalities exhibits signs of autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Which of the following physiological responses is a parasympathetic response, rather than an indicator of increased sympathetic involvement? 1. Anxiety, distractibility 2. Mottled, cold, shiny skin 3. Constriction of the pupils 4. Rapid, shallow breathing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 151 A physical therapist observes the gait of a child with spastic cerebral palsy. The therapist notes that the child exhibits excessive lordosis during ambulation. Which of the following surgical procedures would BEST address this postural deformity? 1. Hamstrings tendon lengthening 2. Adductor longus tendon lengthening 3. Iliopsoas tendon lengthening 4. Lumbar laminectomy


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 153 A physical therapist applies a transparent film dressing to a patient's forearm. Which objective finding would MOST warrant the use of this type of dressing? 1. Bacterial infection 2. Fragile skin 3. Minimal drainage 4. Peri-wound maceration


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 163 A physical therapist observes a patient complete an arm curl with a dumbbell in the standing position using the starting and ending positions as shown in the image. Which scenario would produce the GREATEST power? 1. Lifting a two pound dumbbell lifted in two seconds 2. Lifting a two pound dumbbell lifted in three seconds 3. Lifting a four pound dumbbell lifted in one second 4. Lifting a four pound dumbbell lifted in four seconds


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 184 A physical therapist examines the integrity of the L4 spinal level on a patient. What deep tendon reflex should the therapist use to assess the L4 spinal level? 1. Lateral hamstrings 2. Medial hamstrings 3. Patellar 4. Achilles


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 186 A patient uses patient-controlled analgesia with a lockout interval following an inpatient surgical procedure. Which medication would be MOST consistent with this delivery model? 1. Atorvastatin (Lipitor) 2. Baclofen (Lioresal) 3. Meperidine (Demerol) 4. Methotrexate (Trexall)


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 189 A patient sustained a proximal humerus fracture that is non displaced. Which of the following clinical findings would provide the BEST support for the patient being cleared to perform active assisted exercise? Hematoma formation 2. Diminished pain 3. Callus formation 4. Remodeling


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 198 A patient post CVA requires an orthosis due to occasional dragging of the toe during the swing phase of gait. The patient presents with weakness of the dorsiflexors and has good medial/lateral stability at the ankle. Which of the following orthotic options is the MOST appropriate for this patient? 1. Solid ankle-foot orthosis 2. Tone reducing foot orthosis 3. Posterior leaf spring orthosis 4. Custom articulating ankle-foot orthosis with anterior trim lines


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 199 A physical therapist treats a patient who was in good health prior to being diagnosed with Guillain-Barre syndrome two weeks ago. Which of the following symptoms would result in the LEAST favorable prognosis for this patient? Weakness that begins in the lower extremities 2. Loss of sensation throughout the extremities 3. Respiratory impairment 4. Bladder dysfunction


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 37 A physical therapist performs postural drainage to the anterior basal segments of the lower lobes. During the treatment session, the patient suddenly complains of dizziness and mild dyspnea. Which of the following actions is the most appropriate INITIAL response for the therapist to take? 1. Reassure the patient that the response is normal 2. Assess the patient's vital signs 3. Elevate the patient's head 4. Call for assistance


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 46 A physical therapist performs a chart review of a new patient and finds the patient is positive for the Helicobacter pylori bacterium. The therapist should anticipate that the patient presents with which of the following medical conditions? 1. Meningitis 2. Pneumonia 3. Gastric ulcer disease 4. Tetanus


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 53 A physical therapist works with a patient who sustained a torn anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) and a medial meniscus tear. Which of the following scenarios would result in the GREATEST likelihood of a successful surgical meniscus repair? 1. A tear involving the inner third of the meniscus with reconstruction of the ACL 2. A tear involving the inner third of the meniscus with conservative management of the ACL 3. A tear Involving the outer third of the meniscus with reconstruction of the ACL 4. A tear involving the outer third of the meniscus with conservative management of the ACL


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 58 A patient coverage form indicates selective debridement is to be performed on a patient who has a lower extremity burn. Which of the following interventions would the physical therapist MOST likely perform to accomplish this type of treatment? 1. Whirlpool 2. Wet-to-dry dressings 3. Enzymatic debridement 4. Wound irrigation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 64 A patient who has chronic pulmonary dysfunction is placed on a corticosteroid medication to reduce mucosal edema and inflammation. Which of the following cardiovascular side effects is the MOST common with use of corticosteroids? 1. Palpitations 2. Arrhythmias 3. Increased blood pressure 4. Tachycardia


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 71 A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a patient with known cardiovascular pathology. The patient's past medical history Includes gastroesophageal reflux disease. Which of the following activities would potentially be the MOST problematic for this patient? 1. Performing diaphragmatic breathing exercises in a semi Fowler position 2. Initiating a progressive ambulation program on a treadmill 3. Administering percussion to the anterior basal segments of the lower lobes 4. Assessing tactile fremitus while palpating the chest wall in sitting


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 74 A physical therapist attempts to prevent alveolar collapse in a patient post thoracic surgery. Which of the following respiratory devices would be the MOST beneficial to achieve the established goal? 1. Inspiratory muscle trainer 2. Mechanical percussors 3. Incentive spirometer 4. Flutter valve


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 78 A physical therapist completes a cognitive function test on a patient post CVA. As part of the test, the therapist examines the patient's abstract ability. Which of the following tasks would be the MOST appropriate to assess this type of cognitive function? 1. Orientation to time, person, and place 2. Copy drawn figures of varying size and shape 3. Discuss how two objects are similar 4. Identify letters or numbers traced on the skin


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 85 A patient with increased sympathetic output is examined in physical therapy. Which of the following treatment techniques would be the LEAST beneficial in decreasing the level of sympathetic activity? 1. Connective tissue massage 2. Rotating the lower trunk in hooklying 3. Slow reversal hold of the quadriceps and hamstrings 4. Gentle manual pressure to the abdomen


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 90 A physical therapist designs a home exercise program for a patient who has a lower extremity injury. Which of the following steps would be the MOST appropriate to maximize patient adherence? 1. Limit the exercise program to 10 minutes 2. Select a maximum of five different exercises 3. Select exercises consistent with the patient's goals 4. Avoid physically demanding exercises


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 94 A physical therapist reviews the medical record of a patient with a suspected head injury. During testing using the Glasgow Coma Scale, the patient exhibited spontaneous eye opening, was able to follow selected motor commands, and was considered to be "oriented" based on verbal responses. What score should the therapist assign to this patient? 1. 6 2. 12 3. 15 4. 18


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 96 A physical therapist prepares to use phonophoresis as a component of a patient's plan of care, but is concerned about the potential of the ultrasound to exacerbate the patient's current inflammation. Which of the following methods would be the MOST effective to address the therapist's concerns? 1. Utilize ultrasound with a frequency of 1 MHz 2. Limit treatment time to five minutes 3. Incorporate a pulsed 20% duty cycle 4. Select an ultrasound intensity less than 1.5 W/cm²


»PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 69 A physical therapist examines a patient with suspected vascular compression in the shoulder region. Which of the following special tests would be the LEAST beneficial to confirm the therapist's suspicions? 1. Adson maneuver 2. Halstead maneuver 3. Froment's sign 4. Wright test


► PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 41 A patient who has a peripheral nerve injury is examined in physical therapy. The patient's primary symptoms result from an injury to the superficial peroneal nerve. What location should the physical therapist expect to be the MOST likely area of sensory alteration? 1. Sole of the foot 2. Plantar surface of the toes 3. Lateral aspect of the leg and dorsum of the foot 4. Triangular area between the first and second toes


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 154 Members of a community health task force evaluate a proposal for a new adolescent screening program. Several members of the task force raise questions as to the validity of the screening instrument. Which measure of validity examines the instrument's ability to identify individuals with a disease by comparing true positives? 1. Adaptability 2. Selectivity 3. Sensitivity 4. Specificity


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 76 A physical therapist conducts a sensory assessment on numerous areas of a patient's face. What cranial nerve is MOST likely assessed using this type of testing procedure? 1. Facial nerve 2. Oculomotor nerve 3. Trigeminal nerve 4. Trochlear nerve


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 7 A patient reports shoulder pain during active shoulder range of motion testing. The pain is most pronounced when the shoulder is in 170 to 180 degrees of abduction. This finding is MOST commonly associated with which of the following conditions? 1. Anterior glenohumeral instability 2. Posterior glenohumeral instability 3. Acromioclavicular arthritis 4. Bicipital tendonitis

3. Acromioclavicular arthritis

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 22 A physical therapist attempts to examine the relationship between scores on a functional Independence measure and another measurement whose validity is known. This type of example BEST describes which type of validity? 1. Face 2. Predictive 3. Concurrent 4. Content

3. Concurrent

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 2 After completing a wheelchair seating and mobility assessment, a physical therapist determines the wheelchair has excessive seat width. Which of the following adverse effects would MOST likely result from excessive seat width? 1. Difficulty changing position within the wheelchair 2. Insufficient trunk support 3. Difficulty propelling the wheelchair 4. Increased pressure to the distal posterior thighs

3. Difficulty propelling the wheelchair

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 27 A physical therapist treats a patient who has a closed head injury and is presently functioning at the confused-agitated level of cognitive functioning (level IV). The therapist treats the patient in their home for 60 minute sessions, three times per week. Recently the therapist has noticed that the patient becomes increasingly combative as the session progresses and believes the deterioration in behavior is linked to the patient becoming fatigued. Which of the following treatment modifications is the MOST appropriate to assist in reducing patient fatigue? 1. Reduce the treatment sessions to 30 minutes, three times per week 2. Reduce the frequency of the treatment sessions to two times per week 3. Increase the rest periods during existing treatment sessions 4. Increase the treatment sessions to 90 minutes, two times per week

3. Increase the rest periods during existing treatment sessions

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 34 A physical therapist determines that a patient has 0-135 degrees of passive knee flexion and 0-120 degrees of active knee flexion. Which of the following tests would be the MOST appropriate to help determine the reason for the difference in the range of motion values? 1. Passive joint motion testing 2. Special tests isolating flexibility 3. Manual muscle testing 4. Diagnostic imaging

3. Manual muscle testing

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 10 A patient who has been on bed rest for three weeks has developed a plantar flexion contracture. Which phase of the gait cycle would be the MOST problematic for the patient based on the described impairment? 1. Heel strike to foot flat 2. Foot flat to midstance 3. Midstance to heel off 4. Heel off to toe off

3. Midstance to heel off

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 17 A physical therapist asks a patient to lie in the prone position to measure passive knee flexion. Range of motion may be limited in this position due to which of the following reasons? 1. Active insufficiency of the knee extensors 2. Active insufficiency of the knee flexors 3. Passive insufficiency of the knee extensors 4. Passive insufficiency of the knee flexors

3. Passive insufficiency of the knee extensors

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 26 20 A patient reports recurrent ankle pain. As part of the treatment program, the therapist decides to use ultrasound over the peroneus longus and brevis tendons. What location is the MOST appropriate for application of this ultrasound? 1. Inferior to the sustentaculum tali 2. Over the sinus tarsi 3. Posterior to the lateral malleolus 4. Anterior to the lateral malleolus

3. Posterior to the lateral malleolus

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 4 A physical therapist attempts to schedule a patient for an additional therapy session after completing the examination. The physician referral indicates the patient is to be seen two times a week. The therapist suggests several possible times to the patient, but the patient insists they can only come in on Wednesday at 4:30 that week for a second visit. The therapist would like to accommodate the patient, but already has two patients scheduled at that time. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate for the therapist to take? 1. Schedule the patient on Wednesday at 4:30 2. Attempt to move one of the patients scheduled on Wednesday at 4:30 to a different time 3. Schedule the patient with another physical therapist on Wednesday at 4:30 4. Inform the referring physician the patient will only be seen once this week in therapy

3. Schedule the patient with another physical therapist on Wednesday at 4:30

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 29 A physical therapist examines a patient diagnosed with left-sided heart failure. Which of the following findings is the LEAST likely to be associated with this condition? 1. Pulmonary edema 2. Persistent cough 3. Dependent edema. 4. Muscular weakness

3. dependent edema

DPTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 122 A physical therapist performs sensation testing on a patient post CVA. During the examination, the therapist identifies significant sensory deficits in the anterolateral spinothalamic system. Which type of sensation should the therapist expect to be the MOST affected? 1. Barognosis 2. Kinesthesia 3. Graphesthesia 4. Temperature


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 102 During a patient interview, the physical therapist becomes concerned that a patient might be contemplating suicide based on several verbal statements. The patient was recently prescribed a new medication to treat depression. Which of the following actions would be the MOST appropriate initial step by the therapist? 1. Remind the patient it normally takes a period of time for this type of medication to be helpful 2. Use the impact suicide would have on the patient's family as a deterrent 3. Recommend the patient make an appointment to return to the physician 4. Ask questions to determine if the patient is considering suicide


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 104 A physical therapist applies passive overpressure to the spine of a patient with low back pain. The patient reports back and leg symptoms with extension overpressure, however, denies the presence of symptoms with flexion. This finding is MOST consistent with which of the following conditions? 1. Lumbar disk lesion 2. Lumbar muscle strain 3. Sacroiliac joint sprain 4. Spinal stenosis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 113 A physical therapist treats a patient who has end-stage renal disease for general deconditioning. Which of the following signs and symptoms would this patient MOST likely demonstrate? 1. Increased urine output and polycythemia 2. Increased urine output and anemia 3. Decreased urine output and polycythemia 4. Decreased urine output and anemia


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 114 A physical therapist attempts to determine if a patient with known heart disease is an appropriate candidate for an exercise program. Which of the following findings would MOST likely exclude this patient from participating? nd 1. Ejection fraction of 45% 2. Uncomplicated myocardial infarction two months ago 3. ST segment depression of one millimeter on an electrocardiogram 4. Ventricular arrhythmias at rest


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 114 A physical therapist attempts to determine if a patient with known heart disease is an appropriate candidate for an exercise program. Which of the following findings would MOST likely exclude this patient from participating? 1. Ejection fraction of 45% 2. Uncomplicated myocardial infarction two months ago 3. ST segment depression of one millimeter on an electrocardiogram 4. Ventricular arrhythmias at rest


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 121 A physical therapist performs a manual muscle test on a patient as shown in the image. This test would be MOST effective to examine the strength of what muscles at the hip? 1. Abductors 2. Adductors 3. Medial rotators 4. Lateral rotators (pt sitting. PT applies pressure to the medial side of the leg above ankle(


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 125 A physical therapist treats a patient diagnosed with plantar fasciitis. During the treatment session, the therapist attempts to strengthen the muscles that support the medial longitudinal arch. Which of the following muscles would be MOST important to emphasize in the strengthening program? 1. Gastrocnemius, soleus, and plantaris 2. Fibularis (peroneus) longus and brevis 3. Tibialis anterior and extensor hallucis longus 4. Tibialis posterior and flexor digitorum longus


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 126 A physical therapist treats a patient who has incontinence and reports that her difficulty began after the birth of her son. After completing an examination, the therapist determines that the patient has extremely weak pelvic floor muscles. When instructing the patient in a pelvic floor muscle strengthening program, which of the following positions is the MOST appropriate to initiate treatment? 1. Sidelying 2. Sitting 3. Standing 4. Supine


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 143 A physical therapist works with a patient who has right hemiparesis post stroke. As the patient lies in the supine position on the mat, the therapist applies resistance to right elbow flexion and notes mass flexion of the right lower extremity as the resistance is applied. The therapist should document this response as which of the following associated reactions? A ch on a 1. 2 3 2020 1. Raimiste's phenomenon 2. Souques' phenomenon 3. Coordination synkinesis 4. Homolateral synkinesis


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 144 A child with a unilateral hip disarticulation using a prosthesis works on advanced gait training activities. Which of the following activities would be the MOST difficult for the patient to perform? 1. Rising from a wheelchair 2. Ascending stairs with a handrail 3. Descending stairs with a handrail 4. Ascending a curb


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 159 A physical therapist attempts to assess the integrity of the vestibulocochlear nerve by administering the Rinne test on a patient. After striking the tine of the tuning fork to begin vibration, what bony prominence should the therapist utilize to position the stem of the tuning fork? 1. Midline of the skull 2. Occipital protuberance 3. Inion 4. Mastold process


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 165 A physical therapist works with a patient using a flotation device positioned vertically in the deep end of a pool. Which area of the patient's body would experience the GREATEST amount of hydrostatic pressure? 1. Shoulders 2. Torso 3. Hips 4. Feet


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 179 A physical therapist working in a school system develops long-term goals as part of an Individualized Educational Plan for a child with Down syndrome. Which of the following timeframes is the MOST appropriate to attain these goals? 1. One month 2. Four months 3. Six months 4. One year


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 185 A patient reports to the physical therapist that they have felt nauseous since having their methotrexate medication level altered. Which of the following actions is the MOST appropriate for the therapist to take? 1. Explain to the patient that nausea is a very common side effect 2. Ask the patient to stop taking the prescribed medication 3. Request that the patient make an appointment with the physician 4. Request that the patient contact the physician's office


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 192 A patient sustained a sprained thumb in a volleyball game five weeks ago and continues to have decreased range of motion with carpometacarpal abduction. What direction of glide should the physical therapist use to mobilize the first metacarpal on the trapezium in order to increase carpometacarpal abduction? 1. Medial 2. Lateral 3. Anterior 4. Posterior


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 193 A physical therapist works with a patient post bone marrow transplant. The patient's platelet count is 25,000 cells/mm³. Which of the following interventions would be the MOST appropriate? 1. Log roll training and breathing exercises. 2. Progressive resistive exercises and infection control 3. Bicycling and lower extremity stretching 4. Patient education on fall prevention and progressive ambulation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 194 A physical therapist treats a child with cerebral palsy classified at Level V using the Gross Motor Function Classification System. Which of the following recommendations from the therapist is the MOST likely? 1. Orthoses and assistive devices for community ambulation 2. Orthoses and assistive devices for household ambulation 3. Standing frame and orthoses and/or assistive devices for household ambulation 4. Standing frame and wheelchair for community ambulation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 197 A physical therapist treats a patient diagnosed with myasthenia gravis. Which of the following tests should the therapist MOST likely expect to be abnormal with this condition? 1. Coordination testing 2. Sensory testing 3. Deep tendon reflex testing 4. Endurance testing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 60 A 74-year-old individual reports experiencing increased urinary incontinence over the past year. What physiological change is MOST commonly associated with this condition in older adults? 1. Reduced kidney filtration capacity 2. Increased reservoir capacity of the bladder 3. Spasm of the detrusor muscle 4. Decreased urge sensation


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 75 A physical therapist working in the home care setting attempts to obtain the body temperature of a patient. Which of the following methods for obtaining temperature would likely result in the LOWEST obtained value? 1. Tympanic membrane 2. Rectal 3. Oral 4. Axillary


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 79 A six-month-old patient who has developmental hip dysplasia is fitted with a Pavlik harness to promote proper alignment of the hip joints. Which of the following hip motions would be the MOST restricted with this harness? 1. Flexion and abduction 2. Flexion and adduction 3. Extension and abduction 4. Extension and adduction


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 81 A patient who is a tennis player is referred to physical therapy after being diagnosed with median nerve entrapment. The patient reports paresthesias in the hand and progressive weakness. Which of the following muscles would MOST likely contribute to the entrapment? 1. Abductor pollicis longus 2. Flexor digiti minimi 3. Flexor digitorum profundus 4. Pronator teres


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 83 A physical therapist prepares to instruct a patient in a home exercise program designed to increase lower extremity flexibility. The therapist is somewhat concerned since the patient has difficulty following multi-step instructions and tends to be overly aggressive on prescribed exercises. Which type of stretching would be the MOST appropriate? 1. Ballistic 2. Dynamic 3. Proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation 4. Static


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 84 A physical therapist attempts to examine a wound with full-thickness skin loss that is obscured by eschar. Which pressure Injury stage is BEST depicted by this scenario? 1. Stage 2 2. Stage 3 3. Stage 4 4. Unstageable


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 86 A group of physical therapists designs a research study in which they record the shoulder range of motion before and after treatment in three different age groups: adolescents, teenagers, and young adults. The therapists want to determine if there is a difference in the treatment effect based on the age of the patient. What statistical test would MOST likely be used to compare the differences between the three groups? 1. T-test 2. Z-test 3. Chi-square test 4. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) test.


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 89 A note in a patient's medical record indicates a specific drug is taken through enteral administration. Which of the following methods of drug delivery is an example of enteral administration? 1. Inhalation 2. Injection 3. Topical 4. Oral


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 95 A physical therapist assesses the end-feel of plantar flexion range of motion. The therapist classifies the end-feel as firm. Which of the following structures does NOT contribute to the firm end-feel? 1. Tension in the anterior joint capsule 2. Tension in the tibialis anterior 3. Tension in the anterior talofibular ligament 4. Tension In the calcaneofibular ligament


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 98 A physical therapist performs a muscle length test for the long head of the triceps. Which of the following findings is the MOST consistent with shortening of this muscle? 1. Limitation of elbow flexion with the shoulder maintained at the end range of extension 2. Limitation of elbow extension with the shoulder maintained at the end range of extension 3. Limitation of elbow extension with the shoulder maintained at the end range of flexion 4. Limitation of elbow flexion with the shoulder maintained at the end range of flexion


➜ PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 99 A physical therapist reads in the medical record that a patient has an indurated ulcer on their lower leg. Which method was MOST likely used to identify the induration? 1. Diagnostic imaging 2. Measurement 3. Observation 4. Palpation


➡PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 66 A physical therapist suspects that a patient's upper extremity range of motion limitation may be the result of a fear-based psychological response. Which of the following examination findings would be MOST consistent with the therapist's hypothesis? 1. Decreased passive range of motion; weak but pain-free resistive testing 2. Decreased active range of motion; strong but painful resistive testing 3. Decreased active and passive range of motion; strong and pain-free resistive testing 4. Decreased active range of motion; decreased effort with resistive testing


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 20 A physical therapist notes that a newborn has extremely limited dorsiflexion. Which positional foot deformity would be the MOST likely based on the range of motion limitation? 1. Calcaneovalgus 2. Metatarsus adductus 3. Syndactyly 4. Talipes equinovarus


PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 14 A physical therapist reviews the chart of a 63-year-old patient referred to physical therapy for pulmonary rehabilitation. The chart indicates the patient has smoked one to two packs of cigarettes a day since the age of 25, and notes that the patient's thorax was enlarged with flaring of the costal margins and widening of the costochondral angle. What pulmonary disease does the chart MOST accurately describe? 1. Asthma 2. Bronchiectasis 3. Chronic bronchitis 4. Emphysema

4. Emphysema

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 35 A patient has a current medical history that includes Graves' disease. Which of the following descriptions BEST explains the pathophysiology associated with this medical condition? 1. Inflammation of the lining of the digestive tract 2. Insufficient insulin production from the pancreas 3. Hypofunction of the adrenal cortex 4. Hyperactivity of the thyroid gland

4. Hyperactivity of the thyroid gland

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 28 ☐ A physical therapist positions a patient in supine in preparation for goniometric measurements. When measuring medial rotation of the shoulder, the therapist should position the fulcrum over what anatomical landmark? 1. On the lateral midline of the humerus using the lateral epicondyle as a reference 2. Perpendicular to the floor 3. Along the midaxillary line of the thorax 4. Over the olecranon process

4. Over the olecranon process

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 18 D A patient sustained a superficial wound that appears as a moderate abrasion on the anterior surface of their thigh approximately four inches above the superior pole of the patella. Which type of wound dressing would MOST likely be utilized? 1. Calcium alginate dressing 2. Hydrocolloid dressing 3. Hydrogel dressing 4. Transparent film dressing

4. Transparent film dressing

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 8 A patient being treated for low back pain indicates that they recently were diagnosed with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Which of the following symptoms is MOST commonly associated with this condition? 1. Epigastric pain 2. Painful urination 3. Painful ejaculation 4. Urge to urinate frequently

4. Urge to urinate frequently

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 11 A physical therapist administers iontophoresis to a patient with a lower extremity ulceration in an attempt to promote tissue healing. Which of the following ions would BEST meet the stated goal? 1. Acetate 2. Magnesium 3. Lidocaine 4. Zinc

4. Zinc

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 31 A three-year-old child with osteogenesis imperfecta participates in an aquatic therapy program. What is the PRIMARY goal of aquatic therapy for a patient diagnosed with this condition? 1. Decrease abnormal tone 2. Decrease bone density 3. Increase range of motion 4. Increase strength

4. increase strength

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 30 A note in the medical record indicates that a patient is exhibiting extrapyramidal symptoms including tardive dyskinesia. Which of the following conditions would MOST likely be treated with a medication that could produce the described symptoms? 1. Endometriosis 2. Rheumatoid arthritis 3. Hypertension 4. Psychotic disorder

4. psychotic disorder

PTEXAM TWO: QUESTION 1 A physical therapist instructs a patient diagnosed with C6 tetraplegia in functional activities. Which of the following activities should the therapist expect the patient to have the MOST difficulty performing? 1. Independent raises for skin protection 2. Manual wheelchair propulsion 3. Assisted to independent transfers with a sliding board 4. Independent self-range of motion of the lower extremities

Independent self-range of motion of the lower extremities

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