Global Climate Change Speech

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Paragraph 4 Part 2

However, it is estimated that 78 million acres of rainforest are lost every year. In the process, we are tearing down the only good defense we have against global climate change. Not only does it impact the air, it also impacts the wildlife that inhabits these forests. The Pachamama Alliance agrees when they say that one of the most dangerous and unsettling effects of deforestation is the loss of animal and plant species. About 70% of these innocent land animals and plants live in forests and most cannot survive the deforestation.

Paragraph 6 part 2

However; various studies show that it is in fact human activities which have caused global climate change. Therefore the fault of global climate change rests solely on recent human activities. If we continue to deteriorate the ozone layer by producing excessive amounts of greenhouse gasses, there will not be much of a world for future children to enjoy.

Paragraph 2 Part 2

Globally, electrical plants emit nearly 10 billion tons of carbon dioxide every year. The United States alone accounts for about 25% of carbon dioxide emissions. With over 8,000 power plants in its possession, the United States produces about 2.8 billion tons of carbon dioxide annually.

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Fertilizers, both synthetic and non-synthetic, account for about 60 percent of agricultural greenhouse gas emissions. Pesticides may not emit as much greenhouse gases as fertilizers but are very harmful nonetheless. Just one pesticide produced by Dow AgroSciences, is 4,780 times more potent and more dangerous than carbon dioxide. The equivalent of releasing 10 percent of that amount into the air would be the same as releasing 15.5 million pounds of carbon dioxide.

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For example, the main source of greenhouse gas emissions is the burning of fossil fuels. There are countless human activities that involve the burning of fossil fuels such as the production of electricity. According to American Enterprise Institute, over 87% of the world's electrical energy that is used today is generated by the burning of fossil fuels.

Paragraph 3 Part 1

Furthermore, another major contributor to the greenhouse effect is agriculture. The United States food system alone contributes to nearly 33 percent of the nation's carbon dioxide emissions. Industrial farms consume tons of fossil fuels in order to complete everyday tasks that range from powering machinery to using chemical based fertilizer. Pesticide and fertilizers, although helpful in farming, further damage the earth.

Paragraph 6 part 1

In conclusion, humans have caused the increase of the greenhouse effect by the burning of fossil fuels, agriculture, and land use. It has lead various accounts of natural disasters and even animal extinction. Some people may argue that it is solar irradiance which has caused global climate change.

Paragraph 4 Part 1

Moreover, another activity that humans conduct that aids in developing global climate change is land use. Farming is not just what makes industrial agriculture so detrimental, land use is also to blame. Most importantly, deforestation. The Union of Concerned Scientists estimates that U.S. forests absorb between one million and three million metric tons of carbon dioxide each year, eliminating about 20% to 46% of the country's greenhouse-gas emissions. Because of this, trees are crucial in order to reverse the effects of greenhouse gases.

Paragraph 5

One might object, saying that it is not human activities which have caused global climate change, it is solar irradiance. It is a reasonable assumption due to the fact that the sun is the most important source of energy which drives our climate. Studies show that changes in the sun's energy have played a role in the past climate changes. However; according to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, a group of 1,300 independent scientific experts, state that it is human activities over the past 250 years have caused climate change not solar irradiance.

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This is due to the recent human activity that has plagued the Earth. Global climate change is melting the ice caps in Antarctica and threatening wildlife, not to mention the toll it has taken on the weather. Few people realize how much of a danger it is to not only us but for future generations. Because of recent human activity, climate change has increased due to the emission of greenhouse gasses that burning of fossil fuels, agriculture, and land use cause.

Paragraph 1 Intro Part 1

Vast droughts. Massive fires. Heavy flooding. Animal extinction. These are only some examples of atrocities that the excessive amounts of greenhouse gases cause. Concentrations of greenhouse gasses such as carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have varied over the last 650 millennia. However; the concentrations of the greenhouse gases have never been this high.

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