GLY 1000 CH.2

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4. What is the proportion of land area to sea area on the Earth? From studies of the hypsometric curve, approximately what proportion of the Earth's surface lies at elevations above 2 km?

proporton land to sea - 30% land 70% sea / studies of hypsometric curve tells us most land surface lies just within a KM of the sea/ 10% above 2km

2. How does the magnetic field interact with solar wind? Be sure to consider the magnetosphere, the Van Allen radiation belts, and the aurorae.

solar wind disorts magnetic field into huge teardrop pointing away from sun magnetic fields deflects most part so it doesnt hit earth's magnetic field acts as a shield acts as a shield against solar wind, region invisible shields is magnetosphere Van allen radiation belts- contain solar wind particle and cosmic rays ( nuclie of atoms emmited from supernova explodes) that were moving so fast that they penetrate weaker, outer part of magnetic field, only to get trapped by inner part. Aurorae- glow of gases created by particle making it passed Van All belt and interact with gas atoms in upper atmosphere.

8. How do temperature and pressure change with increasing depth in the Earth? Be sure to explain the geothermal gradient


5. What are the two most abundant chemical elements in the Earth? Describe the major categories of materials constituting the Earth.

2 most abundant chemicals elements are Oxyfen and Silicon- major categories of materials constituting earth - organic- carbon containing compounds that either occur in liivng organ or have charecteristics of this - minerals - solid natural subtance where atoms are arranged in orderly pattern -glasses- solid which atoms are arranged in orderly patter -rocks: arrangments of mineral crystals or grains and masses of natural glass - Sediments - accumulation of loose mineral grains -Metals; solid matter becomes hot and transformed into liquid - volatile- materials that easily tranform gas at low temperatures found at earth's surface

What are earthquake waves? Does the velocity at which an earthquake wave travels change or stay constant as the wave passes through the Earth? What are the principal layers of the Earth? What happens to earthquake waves when they reach the boundary between layers?

EARTHQUAKE WAVES- SHOCK WAVES THAT TRAVEL THROUGH SURROWNDING ROCK OUTWARD FROM BREAK/ EARTHQUAKE TRAVEL AT DIfferent velocities through different mater which shows differing layers of earth because waves suddenly change velocity at these points/ we have crust mantel and core

6. What observations led to the realization that the Earth is largely solid and that the Earth's mass is largely concentrated toward the center?

The fact that easrth does not rise and fall with the tides that occur tells us it is largely solid, if not land would rise and fall all the time/ 1896 emil wiechert said center must be made of metal cuz of density and largely concent to gre center because evenly distributes more mass would be near the surface and earth would be more flat.

What is Earth's magnetic field? Draw a representation of the field on a piece of paper; your sketch should show the direction in which charged particles would flow if placed in the field.

dIOPLE- has two poles- north and south pole/ opposites attract like repel - magnet field region affect by force emanating from magn

What is the Earth's atmosphere composed of, and how does it differ from the atmospheres of Venus and Mars? Why would you die of suffocation if you were to eject from a fighter plane at an elevation of 12 km without taking an oxygen tank with you?

oUR ATMOPHERE IS COMPOSED OF 78% NITROGEN / 21 OXYGEN AND 1% ARGON CO2 , neon methane ozone carbono sulfurdiox - Venus: atmosphere mainly CO2 W/ SMALL AMOUNT OF NITROGEN, THICK CLOUD COVER COMPOSED OF SULFUR dioxide and sulfuric acid - Mars: ours is nearly 200 times thicker / atmosphere mostly CO2

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