Gmetrix core skills review 3 training mode or testing mode

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Create a new document based on the template Fax Cover Sheet (Origin theme). Type the text Please confirm you have received this fax in the comments section. (Note: If two templates appear called Fax (Origin theme), use the second one.)

1. Click File and click on New. 2. Search Fax Cover Sheet (origin theme) in the Search for online templates Box. Double click to open it.(Note: If two templates appear called Fax ( Origin theme), use the second one.) 3. In the document, click to highlight [Type comments]. 4.Type Please confirm you have received this fax.

Add a cover page using the Austin theme.

1. In the Insert tab, Pagesgroup, click Cover Page. 2. In the Cover Page drop-down list, choose Austin.

Add a new row to the bottom of the March 2007 Sales Breakdown table with the text Total in the first column.

1. In the March 2007 Sales Breakdown table, click somewhere in the right-most column of the last row. 2. In the Table Tools/Layouttab, Rows & Columns group, click Insert Below. 3. Type Total in the left cell of the new row.

Align the image to the left of the column and set right-only tight wrapping.

1. Click on the image so it is highlighted. In thePicture Tools/Format tab,Arrange group, click Wrap Text.2. Choose More Layout Options ... 3. In the Text Wrappingtab click on Tight and inWrap text, choose Right only. 4. In the Position tab,Horizontal section, clickAlignment. In the drop down menu, choose Leftand in relative to, chooseColumn. 5. Click OK.

Indent the bulleted list on page 1 by an additional 0.25 inches (6.35 mm) and apply a hanging indent of 0.5 inches (1.27 cm) to the paragraphs that begin with Note:.

1. Click somewhere in the bulleted list on page 1. In theHome tab,Paragraphgroup, clickIncrease Indent. This will increase the indentation of the bulleted list by 0.25 inches (6.35 mm). 2. In the Hometab, Editinggroup, selectFind. 3. Type Note: in the Search Document text box and click theENTER key. 4. Select the first instance in the document. 5. In the Hometab, Paragraphgroup, click theDialog Box Launcher(Paragraph dialog box). 6. In the Indents and Spacing tab, choose theHanging option in the Specialdrop-down list. The By up/down should be set to0.5 (1.27 cm). 7. Click OK. 8. Click on the second match in the Navigation pane. This will select the second instance in the document. 9. Repeat steps 4-6 to format the second paragraph.

Ensure that content in all paragraphs is not split across pages.

1. Click somewhere in the document and use CTRL+A to select all content in the document. 2. In the Home tab, Paragraph group, click the Dialog Box Launcher. 3. On the Line and Page Breaks tab, select the Keep lines together check box. 4. Click OK.

Set the before and after spacing to 18 pt for the line Detoxifications is the key. Set the line spacing to at least 12 pt for the first paragraph that begins with It is important.

1. Click somewhere in the lineDetoxifications is the key on page 1. 2. In the Layout tab,Paragraph group set theBefore and After spacing values to 18. 3. Click somewhere in the paragraph that begins with It is important on page 1 4. In the Page Layout tab,Paragraph group, click theDialog Box Launcher. 5. In the Indents and Spacingtab, choose the At least option in the Line spacing drop-down list. Make sure this is 12 pt. 6. Click OK.

Split the document anywhere on the first page. In the top pane, demote the Note: Paragraph is under the Fast Ethernet heading. Note: Leave the Outline Document view open when you are finished.

1. Click the view tab. 2. Click the split button in the Window group on the View tab. 3. A Horizontal line should appear in the middle of the window. You can click to place the split at its default position or drag the split elsewhere on the first page of the document. 4. Click somewhere in the top pane. In the View tab, Views Group, click Outline. 5. Place the cursor somewhere in the Note: paragraph 6. In the Outline Tools group of the outlining tab, click the Demote arrow four times to place it into Level 5 under the Fast Ethernet heading. 😤

Add a custom watermark with the text Pending Approval in Impact, 80pt font.

1. In the Design tab, Page Backgroundgroup, click Watermark. 2. Choose Custom Watermark... 3. In the Printed Watermark dialog box, click Text watermark. Type Pending Approval in the Text: field. In the Fontlist, pick Impact and in the Size list, choose 80. 4. Click OK.

Publish the document as blog post. Set the blog post title to Alternative Health Articles.

1. In the File tab click on the New Option. 2. Click the Blog Post. You may be promoted to register a blog account. If so, select Register Later. 3. Click the Enter Post Title Here placeholder. 4. Type the text Alternative Health Articles. 😤

Open SalesReport.docx file as read-only. Save the document as a Word Template (*dotx).

1. In the File tab, click on open. 2. Click on the Browse Button. 3. Select the SalesReport.docx file from you Gmetrix Templates folder and click on the drop-down list of the Open Button. 4. Select the Open Read-Only option from the drop-down list. 5. In the File tab, click on the Save-As option. 6. Click on the Browse button 7. In the Save As dialog box, under Save as type: select Word Template. Make sure you are in your GmetrixTemplates folder and click save.😤

Format the text in the Symptoms bookmark as a bulleted list.

1. In the Home tab, Editing group, choose the drop down for Find. SelectGo To... 2. In the Go To tab, select Go to what list and choose Bookmark. In Enter bookmark name: select Symptoms. 3. Click Go To. Click Close. 4. In the Home tab, Paragraph group, click the Bullets button.

Insert a citation for the Tyler reference at the end of the sentence Gone are the days of selling a product on its own merit.

1. In the Home tab, Editing group, select the drop down for Find. Click Find. 2. In Search Document, type merit hit the ENTER key. 3. Click in the document to place your cursor after the word merit. 4. In the References tab, Citations & Bibliography group, click Insert Citation. From the Insert Citation list, choose Tyler, Jason.

Format the text in the Ingredients bookmark as a bulleted list using the checkmark.jpg image file.

1. In the Home tab, Editinggroup, choose the drop down for Find. Select Go To... 2. In the Go To tab, select Go to what list and chooseBookmark. In Enter bookmark name, choose Ingredients. 3. Click Go To. Click Close. 4. In the Home tab, Paragraphgroup, select Bullets and choose the Define New Bullet... 5. Click Picture... 6. Next to From a File, clickBrowse 7. Navigate to theGMetrixTemplates folder in your documents folder, choosecheckmark.jpg and click Insert. 8. Click OK.

Replace the first instance of CSMA/CD with Carrier Sense Multiple Access/ Collision detection (CSMA/CD) in italics.

1. In the Home tab, editing group, click the Replace button 2. In the Replace tab of the Find and Replace dialog box, type CSMA/CD in the Find what text box and enter Carrier Sense Multiple Access/Collision Detection (CSMA/CD) in the replace with text box. 3. Click the More > > button in the find and replace dialog box . 4. Click Format arrow to display the drop-down list. Choose the font tab, select Italic. 5. Click OK. 6. Click the replace button twice to replace only the first instance. Click close.

Insert the text from the file toxins.csv at the bookmark named ToxinTable. Convert the inserted text to a table with fixed-width columns.

1. In the Home tab,Editing group, click the drop down forFind and choose Go To... 2. In the Go To tab,Go to what: list choose theBookmark option. In the Enter bookmark name:list, choose theToxinTable. 3. Click Go To. ClickClose. 4. In the Insert tab,Text group, choose the drop down forObject. Select Text from File... 5. Locate yourGMetrixTemplatesfolder. In the Insert File dialog box, choose All Files (*.*). Select thetoxins.csv file. Click the Insert button. 6. Click and drag to select the inserted text. 7. In the Insert tab,Tables group, select the Tables drop down. ChooseConvert Text to Table. 8. Click theup/down arrows to set the Number of columns to 4 and click to select theCommas radio button in theSeparate text atsection. 9. Click OK.

Add a footer using the Facet (Odd Page) style. Adjust the footer so that it is displayed 0.3 inches (7.62 mm) from the bottom of the page, then close the header and footer.

1. In the Insert tab, Header & Footer group, click Footer 2. Choose Facet (Odd Page).3. In the Header & Footer/Design tab, Positiongroup, set the Footer from Bottom: field to . 3 inches (7.62mm). 4. Hit the ENTER key on your keyboard. 5. In the Header & Footer/Design tab, click Close Header and Footer.

Insert page numbers at the bottom of each page, except for the first page, using uppercase Roman numerals and Plain Number 1. Close the Footer.

1. In the Insert tab, Header & Footer group, click Page Number. Choose Bottom of Page. Select option Plain Number 1. 2. In the Header and Footer Tools/Design tab, Options group, check the box next to Different First Page. 3. In the Insert tab, Header & Footer group, click Page Number. Choose Format Page Numbers... 4. From the Number Formatdrop down, choose the I, II, III, ... 5. Click OK. 6. In the Header and Footer Tools/Design tab, Close group, select Close Header and Footer.

In the March 2007 Sales Breakdown table add the Sum formula in the second column totaling all category sales.

1. In the March 2007 Sales Breakdown table, place your cursor in the empty cell in the right-most column. 2. In the Insert tab, Textgroup, click the Quick Parts drop-down button. Select Field... 3. Under Field Names:select = (Formula). 4. Under Field Properties, click the Formula... button. 5. In the Formula dialog box, verify that the default text =SUM(ABOVE)appears. Click OK.

Display only the comments from the user Robin Abernathy.

1. In the Review tab, Tracking group, click Show Markup. 2. Choose Specific People and make sure Robin Abernathy is selected and then deselect Joshua Hester.

Protect the document so that editing is restricted to tracked changes. Enforce the protection using the password NetPlus$G

1. In the Review tab. Protect Group, click the restrict editing button. 2. In the Restrict Formatting and Editing pane, select the Allow only this type of editing in the document check box and select the Tracked Changes Option in the drop-down list. 3. Click Yes, Start Enforcing Protection. 4. Type the password NetPlus$G in the two text boxes and click ok. 😤

Modify the subobjective Heading style to use 0.75-point expanded character spacing and center alingment.

1. In the home tab, styles group, click the dialog box launcher control in the lower-right corner. 2. In the styles window, right-click the sub-objective style and choose modify. 3. Click the center alignment button in the modify style dialog box. 4. Click the format drop-down arrow and choose the font to open the Font dialog box 5. In the font dialog box, click the advanced tab to access spacing options. 6. Click the spacing drop-down arrow and choose Expanded from the list; click inside by the field and type 0.75. 7. Click ok twice.

Format the sentence Even the introduction of CSMA/CD did not reduce the latency period. With the strikethrough effect and red font color.

1. Locate the sentence Even the introduction of CSMA/CD did not reduce the latency period. Click and drag to select the entire sentence 2. In the Home tab, Font group, select the Strikethrough box. 3. Choose the color Red from the Font Color drop-down list. Click outside of the sentence to no longer highlight it.

Insert page breaks before the headings 1. The Cyclone and 2. The Council with the Munchkins.

1. Move the cursor in front of 1. The Cyclone. 2. In the Insert tab, Pagesgroup, click Page Break. 3. Move the cursor in front of the text 2. The Council with the Munchkins. 4. Repeat step 2.

Add a Bibliography on a new page at the end of the document.

1. Move the cursor to the end of the document, below the numbered list. 2. In the Insert tab, Pagesgroup, click Blank Page. 3. In the References tab,Citations & Bibliographygroup, click Bibliography. 4. Choose Bibliography from the Bibliography drop down.

Add a table of contents at the beginning of the document, specifying only SubObjective Heading and Scope Heading styles for the first and second levels, respectively.

1. Move your cursor to the beginning of the document. In the References tab, Table of Contents group, clickTable of Contents. 2. Click Custom table of contents 3. Click Options.... 4. Click Reset. 5. Scroll to find the Scope Heading and SubObjective Heading text boxes. In TOC level:, type 1 for the SubObjective Heading and type 2 for Scope Heading. 6. Click OK, twice.

Ensure that open documents are automatically saved every 5 minutes.

1. Open the File tab and click options. 2. In the Word Options dialog box, click save. 3. If not already selected, click the Save AutoRecover information every x minutes check box. Set the minutes to field to 5. 4. Click ok. 😤

On the third page, insert a text box in the Simple Quote style that reads Every message must be repeated at least 13 times.

1. Place your cursor in the third page. In the Insert tab,Text group, click Text Box. 2. Choose the Simple Quotestyle. 3. Type Every message must be repeated at least 13 times.

Apply a hyperlink to email all your questions in the last sentence with the email [email protected] and subject Healthcare Questions.

1. Select email all your questions in the sentence with the email [email protected] and subject Healthcare Questions. 2. In the Insert tab, Linksgroup, click Hyperlink. 3. In Link to: click Email Address. 4. In E-mail address: type [email protected] and in Subject: Healthcare Questions. 5. Click OK.

Customize Word so that EOD is replaced automatically with end of day when typed.

1. Select the File tab and clickOptions. 2. In the Word Options dialog box, click Proofing. 3. Click AutoCorrect Options... 4. In Replace: type EOD and inWith: type end of day. 5. Click Add. 6. Click OK twice.

Customize Word so that it does not check spelling or grammar as you type.

1. Select the File tab, and click Options. 2. In the Word Options dialog box, click Proofing. 3. Clear the Check spelling as you typeand Mark grammar errors as you typecheck boxes. 4. Click OK.

For the first paragraph under the 10 Mbps Ethernet heading on page 1, add a comment that contains Please review.

1. Select the first paragraph on page 1 under 10 Mbps Ethernet. 2. In the Review tab, Comments group, click New Comment. 3. In the comment, type Please review.

Apply the Blue, 18pt glow, Accent color 1 style to the image of the barn and rotate the image by 350 degrees.

1. Select the image of the barn so it is highlighted. 2. In the Picture Tools/Formattab, Picture Styles group, clickPicture Effects. 3. Choose Glow, then Blue, 18pt glow, Accent color 1. 4. In the Picture Tools/Formattab, Arrange group, clickRotate, and choose More Rotation Options ... 5. In the Size tab, set theRotation: to 350.6. Click OK.

Apply a hyperlink to the image that depicts a child holding a cat and link to the heading Are you okay, Sparky? in the document.

1. Select the image that depicts a child holding a cat. 2. In the Insert tab, Links group, clickHyperlink. 3. Click Place in This Document. 4. Select a place in this document: and click on Are you okay, Sparky? in theHeadings category. 5. Click OK.

Set the background color of the text box to a dark variation gradient from the center.

1. Select the text box in the center of page three so it is highlighted. 2. In the Drawing Tools/Format tab,Shape Styles group, click Shape Fill. 3. Choose Gradientand then in the Dark Variations section, choose From center.

Convert the title The Wonderful Wizard of Oz to WordArt using the Gradient Fill - Aqua, Accent color 5, Reflection style.

1. Select the title The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. 2. In the Insert tab, Text group, click WordArt. 3. Choose Gradient Fill - Aqua, Accent color 5, Reflection.

Replace all instances of the word LAN with the phrase local network.

1.In the Home tab, Editing group, click the Replace button. 2. In the Replace tab, type LAN in the Find what box and type local network in the Replace with box. 3. Click the More button, select find whole words only. 4. Click the Replace All button 5. Click OK Then Click close.

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