Google Adwords Final Practice Questions

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11. An advertiser wants to achieve the top position in paid search results. Which recommendations would improve the likelihood of top ad position? A) Improve Quality Score and increase cost-per-click (CPC) B) Decrease cost-per-click (CPC) and increase daily budget C) Decrease cost-per-click (CPC) and decrease daily budget D) Improve Quality Score and decrease cost-per-click (CPC)

A) Improve Quality Score and increase cost-per-click (CPC)

102. An e-commerce client wants her campaign to be more profitable. After calculating this client's total profits from AdWords, what can you do to start maximizing results for profit? A) Test different cost-per-click (CPC) bids B) Test only one version of your ad text C) Lower the cost-per-click (CPC) bids and increase the budget D) Delete keywords that are generating the most clicks


103. Belinda's boutique just started carrying 3 new designer labels. She wants to show an image ad announcing the new collections to people who are browsing websites about designer clothing. Which campaign is a good fit? A) "Display Network only - All features" B) "Shopping" C) "Search Network only - All features" D) "Search Network only - Standard"


105. On the Google Display Network, your ad is eligible to show on a webpage if your: A) keywords match that webpage's content B) ad text matches that webpage's content C) landing page matches that webpage's content D) website matches that webpage's content


109. If you want to direct people to specific pages on your website from an ad, you can create an ad that uses: A) sitelink extensions B) previous visit extensions C) callout extensions D) location extensions


112. An advertiser looking to drive conversions is using manual cost-per-click (CPC) bidding. Which factor should be most important for this advertiser when deciding keyword bids? A) The profit dervied from a paid click B) The bids of the next closest advertiser C) The average profit per conversion D) The Quality Score of the keyword


118. When creating text ads to advertise a client's small chain of Italian restaurants, what should you include in the ad text to make it compelling to potential customers? A) Include call-to-actions, such as "Find the nearest location" B) Information about Italian food in the description C) Use the same headline and description as other advertisers D) An exclamation point in the display URL


119.You would advise a client that's launching a new product line to advertise on the Google Display Network because she can: A) reach people who are interested in similar products B) use text ads that encourage people to call her business C) use text ads that encourage people to visit her website D) reach people who are searching for her products


120. An advertiser has decided that they want to spend $608 per month for their campaign. How would you recommend they set their budget in theirAdWords account? A) Set a daily budget of $20 for the advertiser's campaign B) Set a bid of $20 per ad group C) Set a daily budget of $20 for the advertiser's account D) Set a bid of $20 for the advertiser's campaign


134. Your client's campaign is getting a lot of clicks, but the conversion rate is low. Which approach could help improve your client's conversion rate? A) Make sure the landing page is closely related to the ad B) Increase the average daily budget for the campaign C) Broaden the list of keywords to reach more potential customers D) Increase the cost-per-click (CPC) bid for low-performing keywords


33. An advertiser looking to drive conversions is using manual cost-per-click (CPC) bidding. Which factor should be most important for this advertiserwhen keyword bids are decided? A) The profit derived from a paid click B) The bids of the next closest competitor C) The cost of the bid D) The Quality Score of the keyword


34. What should an advertiser use to organize ad groups? A) Common themes B) Number of words per keyword C) Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) D) Location targeting


35. Advertisers on Google search accrue cost in AdWords when: A) users click on their ads B) their ads appear on the Google search page C) the user completes a purchase D) they register a conversion using Conversion Tracking


40. Quality Score and Ad Rank are calculated: A) Every time your ad is eligible to serve on a Display Network page B) Every time someone does a search that triggers your ad C) A few times a day, based on your ad scheduling settings D) Every time you change your CPCs within your account


45. Ad groups should be used to: A) organize your ads by a common theme, such as the types of products or services you want to advertise B) manage your daily budget according to which keywords are a priority C) control delivery of your ads so that they appear only to users in a specific geographic location D) control the specific sites that your ad will be targeted to on the Google Display Network.


63. The main goal of automatic cost-per-click (CPC) bidding is to A) generate as many clicks as possible within an advertisers target budget B) achieve the target ad position specified by the advertiser C) generate as many conversions as possible within an advertisers target budget D) achieve the target average CPC specified by the advertiser


68. Negative keywords can help advertisers refine the targeting of their ads, and potentially increase: A) the number of relevant Display Network placements B) their campaigns daily budget recommendations C) the clickthrough rate (CTR) of their ads D) the amount of impressions served


79. Which potential factor does Google use to calculate a search campaigns recommended daily budget? A) Impressions B) Conversions C) Transactions D) Placements


88. How often does the AdWords system run an auction to decide which ads to show on the Google search page A) Every time a user enters a search query B) Once every 24 hours for a given keyword C) Every time a new advertiser adds a keyword to an account D) Once every two hours for a given keyword


92. Which is a benefit of search advertising with Google AdWords? A) Ability to pay for specific placement in top ad positions B) Extended reach to search partners C) Better position in natural search results D) Ability to view competitors bids for keywords


97. Your client wants to increase the number of people visiting his website. When analyzing the data for Search campaign, which metric do you most want to improve? A) Clickthrough rate (CTR) B) Converted clicks C) Impressions D) Conversion rate


99. Your client wants to improve her ad position. What would you recommend? A) Improve the ad quality and increase bid amount B) Add more keywords and increase daily budget C) Improve Quality Score and decrease bid amount D) Make the ad headline longer and more descriptive


10. If your campaign is opted into show ads on the Google Display Network, and your Display Network ads have a lower CTR than your existing search ads - how will this impact the quality score of your search campaign? A) None of these options is correct B) Your ad performance on the Display Network does not affect your rank for search ads, so a lower CTR on the Display Network does not affect the Quality score of your ads for search C) Your daily budget will be adjusted to account for a drop in CTR and in increase in the CPCs needed to maintain the existing Ad Rank ofyour search campaigns D) Your quality score will be adjusted to reflect the average CTR of both your search and display network campaign performance.


126. What strategy should Giorgio use to increase the number of relevant clicks from his Search Network campaign? A) Broaden his keyword list for ads with the lowest clickthrough rate (CTR) B) Add new relevant keywords and remove keywords with low clickthrough rate (CTR) C) Increase bids for ads with the lowest average position and clickthrough rate (CTR) D) Increase bids on relevant keywords with low clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR)


17. How do managed placements on the Display Network work? A) Advertisers can guarantee placement on prominent and popular sites. B) Advertisers manually select the desired sites on which their ads may appear C) Keywords are used to place ads next to content that matches the ad. D) Appropriate sites are automatically chosen for the advertiser by the Google AdWords system.


20. Which formula does Google use to rank keyword-targeted ads on Google Search A) (Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid + Daily Budget) / Quality Score B) Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid x Quality Score C) (Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid x Quality Score) / Daily Budget D) Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid only


24. In the case of a placement targeted ad on the Google Display Network, the Quality Score portion of calculating Ad Rank is based on: A) the quality of your image B) the quality of your landing page C) the maximum CPC of the keyword that triggered an ad. D) your daily budget


25. By adding managed placements to a Display Network campaign - you can show your ad: A) on webpages where the Smart Pricing feature determines there the ad is likely delivery ROI. B) on specific webpages, online video games, RSS feeds, and mobile sites and apps that you select C) on webpages where a contextual targeting algorithm identified that is a match between your keywords and a publisher's content D) on Google owned and operated properties such as Gmail and Google News - that have relevant content for your keywords.


3. It is beneficial to create multiple ad groups in order to: A) opt specific ad groups into various Google networks B) break up keywords and ads into related themes C) set different budgets for each ad group D) pause specific keywords if they are not performing well


4. What's one benefit of creating multiple ad groups? A) You can target specific ad groups into various Google networks B) You can break up keywords and ads into related themes C) You can set different budgets for each ad group D) You can pause specific keywords if they are not performing well


41. On the Display Network, all keywords are considered broad match only. This means that you do not need to: A) Include location targeting to narrow the reach of your ads B) Include plurals, misspellings, and other variants of your keywords C) Include negative keywords to refine your placement D) manage your keyword performance at the ad group level


42. Higher Quality Scores typically lead to: A) higher costs and lower ad positions B) lower costs and better ad positions C) less overall impressions D) faster delivery of daily budget


62. Quality Score on Google search is evaluated A) every 48 hours B) Every time someone does a search that triggers your ad C) none of these answers is correct D) every 24 hours


66. Which is a benefit of AdWords for search marketing? A) Increase position in organic search results B) Acquire potential qualified customers C) Understand how customers navigate websites D) Collect contact information automatically from potential customers


75. What best describes Enhanced Cost-Per-Click (ECPC) A) ECPC is a separate bid set for ad groups using the Conversion Optimizer B) ECPC is a CPC bidding feature that automatically bids more aggressively in auctions more likely to result in a conversion C) ECPC is a Quality Score boost for advertisers using ad extensions D) ECPC is the discount applied to your Max CPC to determine actual CPC


80. A lower CPA does not necessarily indicate higher profit. Why? A) A lower CPA may be due to changes in CPC bidding B) A lower CPA may also have lower sales volume, reducing overall profit C) A lower CPA may be due to additions in negative keywords D) A lower CPA may be due to changes in network distribution


93. An advertiser creates a new search campaign with the goal of driving traffic to a new website. The advertiser wants to spend very little time setting and managing individual keyword bids. Which is the best bidding option for this advertiser? A) Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) B) Automatic cost-per-click (CPC) C) Manual cost-per-click (CPC) D) Cost-per-Acquisition (CPA)


100. Which client would you advise to advertise on the Google Search Network? A) Jim, who wants to reach people on social networks interested in poetry B) Suzy, who wants to reach people browsing travel websites about China C) Bill, who wants to reach people looking for plumbing services D) Carol, who wants to reach people watching YouTube videos


101. When reviewing the Search terms report for one of your client's campaigns, you notice several terms that aren't relevant to what they're advertising. How can you use this information when refining the campaign's keywords? A) Add the terms as exact match keywords B) Add the terms as phrase match keywords C) Add the terms as negative keywords D) Add the terms as keywords


104. Which of these metrics is especially important to clients who are running a branding campaign? A) Clickthrough rate (CTR) B) Average cost-per-click (avg. CPC) C) Impressions D) Phone call conversions


107. Keyword Planner can help you buildl a new Search Network campaign by: A) organizing potential placements into ad groups B) suggesting landing pages for your ads C) multiplying keyword lists together D) creating new ads based on your keywords


113. Every time your ad is eligible to show, AdWords calculates its Ad Rank using your bid amount, components of Quality Score, and: A) the daily budget you've set B) your historical conversion rate C) the expected impact of extensions and other ad formats D) the search ranking of your website


115. How can you see if people are searching for your client's services during the early morning and evening hours? A) Monitor reach and frequency data B) Run a keyword diagnosis C) Segment performance statistics by time D) Run a search terms report


117. Tom wants to promote his windshield repair company's emergency service by reaching people right when they're searching for help. Which campaign type is a good fit? A) "Search Network with Display Select" B) "Shopping" C) "Search Network only" D) "Display Network only"


122. What does "converted clicks" measure? A) The total number of clicks within your chosen conversion window B) The total number of conversions divided by the total number of clicks C) The total number of clicks that led to a conversion D) The percentage of clicks that led to a conversion


127. When setting up a campaign, you can use Display Planner to get an idea of the budget and bids you should set based on your: A) traffic estimates for placement ideas B) historical conversion rate estimates for your keyword and placement ideas C) historical cost-per-click (CPC) estimates for your keyword and placement ideas D) traffic estimates for your keyword ideas


129. Donna sells t-shirts featuring vintage album covers. She wants people searching for unusual t-shirts to find her website, but she also thinks peopleinterested in music might make a purchase. What campaign type would you recommend? A) "Display Network only - All features" B) "Display Network only - Remarketing" C) "Search Network with Display Select - All features" D) "Search Network only - All features"


131.Which statistic indicates how often a click has led to a conversion? A) Cost-per-conversion B) Clickthrough rate (CTR) C) Conversion rate D) Converted clicks


133. What changes can you make to the Display Network campaign of a client who wants to drive awareness of her natural beauty brand A) Increase the daily budget and add text ads with clear call-to-actions like "Buy now" B) Use a balanced combination of broad-, exact-, and phrase-matched keywords C) Add display ads and affinity audiences targeting people interested in green living and beauty D) Target large metropolitan areas where people are more likely to encounter her product


141. Blake is focused on branding and is more interested in his ads being viewed than in generating clicks. Which of these features would not be a good fit for him? A) Reach and frequency data B) Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) bidding C) Call extensions D) Placement targeting


2. What is a benefit of online advertising with Google AdWords? A) Advertisers can identify the Internet Protocol (IP) address of users who are searching for products B) Ads can include up to 50 characters for the first three lines of ad text C) Ads are displayed to users who are searching for a particular product of service D) Advertisers can pay to place their websites in the natural search results


27. What happens when an advertiser sets a daily budget lower than the recommended amount, using the "Standard" delivery method? A) Ads will show when a user searches on the advertiser's keywords, but the ads rank will be reduced. B) Ads will show each time a user searches on the advertiser's keywords, but only during specified time periods C) Ads will not show every time a user searches on the advertiser's keywords D) Ads will never show when a user searches on the advertiser's keywords


28. The maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bid is the: A) amount an advertiser is required to pay to achieve top ad position B) actual amount an advertiser pays for each click on an ad C) most an advertiser is willing to pay for each click on an ad D) amount an advertiser must pay to outbid competitors


29. If an advertiser improves the Quality Score of a keyword, this keyword may: A) receive fewer impressions on the Search Network B) automatically reset its match type to Broad C) earn the ad a higher average position D) be more likely to appear in bold when displayed in an ad


30. You can use Display Planner to: A) see which images and text ads within your campaign are performing best on the specific websites you are targeting B) run a report to determine which keywords are most likely to convert based on the past 30-days of your campaign C) see potential webpages where your ad can appear based on your keywords D) managed CPC bids for contextual campaigns within your account


32. Which formula represents how Ad Rank is determined on Google search? A) Popularity of the website being advertised B) Historic average position of each ad C) Maximum cost-per-click (CPC) multiplied by Quality Score D) How much an advertiser is willing to spend each day


38. What is the impact of poor landing page quality on an ad group? A) The keywords in the ad group will be paused B) The ads in the ad group will be disapproved due to low Quality Score C) The keywords in the ad group will have a lower Quality Score. D) The entire campaign will be paused


44. An advertiser wants to increase clickthrough rate (CTR). Which would help to eliminate irrelevant impressions? A) Assign unique keyword URLs to each keyword B) Evaluated the site design for improvements C) Add negative keywords to the ad group D) Add more relevant keywords to the ad group


50. Jims restaurant is launching a new campaign and would like greater exposure on mobile devices to attract users on the go. How can this be done? A) Create a dedicated campaign for each mobile device targeted B) Use the same bids across all devices C) Enable a bid adjustment to bid more aggressively on mobile devices D) Enable a bid adjustment to bid less aggressively on mobile devices


7. Which method would be recommended for an advertiser who is trying to increase the Quality Score of a low-performing keyword? A) Repeat the keyword as many times as possible in the ad text. B) Delete the keyword and add the keyword to the campaign again C) Modify the ad associated with that keyword to direct to a highly-relevant landing page D) Increase the daily budget for the campaign in which the keyword is located


8. An advertiser wants to increase the Quality Score of a low-performing keyword. Which approach would you recommend? A) Repeat the keyword as many times as possible in the ad text. B) Delete the keyword and add the keyword to the campaign again C) Modify the ad associated with that keyword to direct to a highly-relevant landing page D) Increase the daily budget for the campaign in which the keyword is located


82. In order for cost-per-click (CPC) ads and cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) ads to compete with each other in the same auction on the GoogleDisplay Network, the AdWords system converts the CPC ads bid to: A) a CPM B) an effective CPM C) an effective CPM conversion D) a CPM conversion


95. Data shows the audience for a client's running shoe store is women ages 35 to 50. How can you optimize this client's Display Network campaign based on your research? A) Use frequency capping to limit then umber of times men ages 40 to 65 see your client's ads C) Add demographic and age targeting to show ads to people in this audience D) Set up a remarketing list to show ads to women who have previously visited your client's website


96. Data shows that the audience for a client's running shoe store is women ages 35 to 50. How can you optimize this client's Display Network campaign based on your research? A) Use frequency capping to limit the number of times men ages 40 to 65 see your client's ads B) Increase cost-per-click (CPC) bids and experiment with variations of ad text that includes running tips C) Add demographic and age targeting to show ads to people in this audience D) Set up a remarketing list to show ads to women who have previously visited your client's website


98. When setting up a Search Network campaign for a client, you want to maximize the number of clicks her ads can get. Which bidding strategy should you use to achieve this goal? A) Cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) B) Cost-per-acquisition (CPA) C) Automatic cost-per-click (CPC) D) Manual cost-per-click (CPC)


106. When reviewing your client's Search Network campaign, you notice that the ads in one of the ad groups have a low average position. Which flexible bid strategy should you use to help improve the position of these ads? A) Maximize clicks B) Enhance cost-per-click (CPC) C) Target return on ad spend (ROAS) D) Target search page location


108. Nadia manages a local gym and is running an ad to drive more free trial memberships. What could she include in her ad text? A) A prominent headline like "TRIAL MEMBERSHIPS AVAILABLE" B) A call-to-action like "Visit our gym now" C) Add a promotion like "20% off fitness classes" D) Add a call-to-action like "Sign up for a free trial"


111. Research for a client who owns used car dealerships shows that people who visit his website also visit certain popular car blogs. Which targeting method would you use to reach these people? A) Remarketing B) Keywords C) Topics D) Placements


123. Mimi wants to reach people searching for baked goods, but only wants her ads to show during the hours she's open for business. Which campaign type is a good fit? A) "Display Network only - All features" B) "Search Network with Display Select - All features" C) "Display Network only - Remarketing" D) "Search Network only - All features"


125. What is the recommended next step if you noticed from the Search terms report that certain terms are leading to a high number of clicks on your ads? A) Add search terms that are not leading to many clicks as negative keywords B) Add sitelinks to your ads to make them even more prominent C) Make sure all of these search terms are included as keywords, regardless of relevance D) Make sure relevant search terms are keywords and adjust your bid or ad text for these keywords


128. You can win a higher ad position in the auction with a lower cost-per-click (CPC) bid by: A) creating ads that include terms or phrases people are searching for B) creating relevant ads and keywords, but not using ad extensions C) creating ads that link to a generic landing page D) creating relevant keywords and ads, and using ad extensions


13. Which budget delivery option is most appropriate for an advertiser who wants AdWords to distribute ads evenly throughout the day? A) Accelerated B) Optimized C) Scheduled D) Standard


135. What is the benefit of having multiple ads in an ad group? A) AdWords will automatically match each ad to the keywords it's most relevant to B) Ads are only eligible to show ad extensions if there are more than one ad in that group C) Ads are only eligible to show at the top of the page if there are more than one ad in that ad group D) AdWords will automatically rotate your ads and show the best performing ones more often


136. Clyde wants to raise the profile of his dance school. A "Display Network only" campaign can help him: A) show ads when someone searches for dance classes B) match his ad text to what people are searching C) pick the most popular keywords for his campaign D) show ads on dance websites and YouTube videos


139. Which bidding strategy should Sara use if her goal is to get more people to call her local catering business? A) Cost-per-view (CPV) B) Cost-per-thousand-impressions (CPM) C) Cost-per-click (CPC) D) Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)


15. Suppose you have created an ad group to advertise gourmet chocolate, and it includes keywords like "dark chocolate" and "gourmet chocolatebars." If you opted this particular campaign into the Google Display Network, what type of targeting would automatically be used to determinewhether your ads might show? A) Remarketing would be used to automatically target users who had previously visited sites that related to your keywords. B) Topic targeting would be used to target all pages about chocolate, regardless of whether your exact keywords appear on the page. C) Managed placements would be used to target specific sites you had selected as being important to your client. D) Automatic placements would be used to contextually target sites that share the same themes as the keywords within yourcampaign.


22. A keyword with very low clickthrough rate (CTR) will usually receive: A) more impressions on the Google Display Network B) impressions only on the Google Search Network C) a low average cost-per-click (CPC) on Google search. D) a low Quality Score on the Google Search Network


60. Which best describes keyword contextual targeting? A) Ads are targeted to groups of websites based on their site categories B) Themes of selected placements determine related websites where ads will appear C) Ads are targeted only to websites related to specific businesses D) Themes of keywords are matched to relevant content on websites where ads will appear


61. An advertiser adds negative keywords to an ad group within a search campaign. This means that the ad will not show if the negative keywords: A) also appear in the ad text B) have low maximum cost-per-click (CPC) bids C) appear in another campaign within the account D) appear in a users search query


64. Location extensions can: A) help show product information in a visual manner within your ad unit B) help exclude locations where you do not have available stores. C) help reduce your CPC bids depending on the location of a user D) help nearby consumers find or call your nearest storefront


69. If the cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) option is not available for a campaign, the most likely reason is that the campaign? A) has used CPM pricing before B) is only opted into the Google Display Network C) has never used CPM pricing before D) is only opted into the google search and the search network


72. What type of bidding method is used to manage image ads on the Google Display Network? A) CPA B) CPM only C) CPC only D) CPM and/or CPC


73. What happens as a result of a search campaign consistently meeting its daily budget? A) Accelerated ad delivery B) Higher average cost-per-clicks (CPCs) C) Fewer sites targeted at once D) Missed potential ad impressions


74. What happens when a campaign consistently meets its average daily budget? A) Ads in that campaign will stop showing for the rest of the billing cycle B) Average cost-per-click (CPC) bids will be lowered C) Your budget is automatically adjusted D) Ads in that campaign will show less often than they could


89. Which is one characteristic of the "Accelerated" delivery method? A) Ads are shown above the search results as well as to the right of the search results B) Ads are shown when users search on relevant variations of keywords in the campaign C) Ads are only shown when there is a higher likelihood that users will click on them D) Ads are shown as frequently as possible until the budget is exhausted


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