Gospel of Mark

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From where and under what historical circumstances was Mark's Gospel likely written?

From Rome during a time of persecution

Name the three commonly used literary devices in Mark.

Intercalation, Triads, and Irony

What does the centurion at the foot of the cross say? flow does this illustrate an important theme in Mark's Gospel?

"Surely this man was the Son of God!" The important theme is that through Jesus' suffering and death lie confirms his role as the Messiah and Son of God. The irony of a Roman soldier recognizing who Jesus was points to the fact that the gospel will eventually go to the Gentiles.

18. What is Mark's three-fold narrative purpose according to the textbook?

A. To confirm that Jesus is indeed the promised Messiah and Son of God, the inaugurator of God's kingdom and the fulfillment of Israel's promises B. To show that he fulfills these promises in a surprising way — not through conquest, but through servanthood and suffering C. To call believers to follow in the suffering path of their Messiah and Lord

Mark places great emphasis on the disciples in his Gospel. What role do they play and how does this relate to Mark's theme of discipleship?

Despite their special status and responsibility, they are more often examples of failure than success. They present the negative model, while Jesus presents the positive one.

Describe the three cycles of passion predictions and responses. What verse serves as a key theme verse for Mark's Gospel?

Each time Jesus predicts that he will suffer, the disciples demonstrate some act of pride or self-centeredness. Each time following their response, Jesus teaches on servant leadership and the suffering role of a true disciple. Mark 10:45 — "For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."

How is Jesus presented in the first half Mark? In what ways does Jesus demonstrate this authority?

For the first half, Jesus is presented as the mighty Messiah and Son of God. He demonstrates his authority through announcing the kingdom, calling disciples, healings, exorcisms, controlling nature, and in various other ways.

What do we know about John Mark from the New Testament? According to church tradition, whose version of the Gospel did Mark record?

He was the son of Mary in whose house the Jerusalem church met; he was the cousin of Barnabas and traveled with Paul and Barabas on the their first missionary journey. Because Mark deserted them on this journey, Paul refused to take him on his second journey. Despite this division, they were eventually reconciled and Paul later refers to Mark as his "fellow worker" (Col. 4:10; Philem. 24) and says he is "profitable to me for ministry" (2 Tim 4:11). Mark also worked with Peter later in his ministry and is said to have recorded Peter's version of the gospel.

What is the relationship between the Beelzebul controversy in 3:22-30 and the two incidents relating to Jesus' family (3:20-21, 31-35)? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Jesus' family thought he was out of his mind, and the teachers of the law ascribed his actions to being possessed by Satan. The point is that Jesus' own people are rejecting him, so that Jesus says his true family are those who do the will of his Father. Blasphemy of the Holy Spirit ascribes the actions of the Spirit to Satan instead of God.

Describe Mark's literary style.

Mark has a fast-moving narrative style with vivid descriptions of persons and events.

What is the key turning point in Mark's narrative, the "hinge" on which the Gospel story turns?

Peter as the chief representative of the disciples confesses that Jesus is "the Christ," but Jesus defines the Messiah's role as one of suffering and sacrifice.

What messianic title does Jesus most often use for himself in Mark's Gospel? What is its significance?

Son of Man. It identifies him as a true human being, but also as the exalted Messiah of Daniel 7:13-14.

What is intercalation?

The "sandwiching" of one event between the beginning and end of another.

Why is Mark's resurrection account so unusual? What textual problem occurs at the end of Mark's Gospel?

The Gospel ends with an angel speaking to the women telling them to go and tell others that Jesus had risen. Instead they run away in fear and tell no one. Verses 16:9-20 are not in the earliest and most reliable manuscripts

What impression of Jesus' crucifixion is given in Mark's narrative?

The crowds try to humiliate him; the disciples desert him; Jesus feels deserted by the Father. From a merely worldly perspective, Jesus' mission has been a failure.

What significance does the first passion prediction have coming immediately after Peter's confession?

The disciples are confronted with the idea that the Christ will suffer, which in their minds means he will be defeated.

What is allegorized in the parable of the wicked tenant farmers? What does each character represent? To what Old Testament passage does this parable allude?

The history of God's dealings with Israel is allegorized. The religious leaders are the tenant farmers over God's vineyard; the prophets are the owner's messengers; Jesus is the owner's son Isaiah 5, the Song of the Vineyard

What is triads?

The presentation of scenes in sets of threes.

What is irony?

The use of words to convey a meaning that is the opposite of its literal meaning

What role do the "minor characters" in Mark's Gospel play?

They present the right response to Jesus; they tend to demonstrate faith. r. What does the "kingdom of God" mean in Mark's Gospel? The kingdom refers to God's sovereign rule. It is both a present reality and a future reign.

Flow is Jesus' identity gradually revealed in Mark's Gospel? Describe its gradual recognition.

Though the reader knows who Jesus is from the first line, his identity is only gradually revealed. At his baptism God identifies him as his Son. Then the reader is told the demons recognize him; next Peter confesses but fails to comprehend that this involves suffering. Finally, the centurion recognizes that he is the Son of God in his suffering.

Why does Jesus teach in parables, according to Mark 4:10-12?

To reveal secrets of the kingdom of God to the disciples but to conceal them from those who have rejected Jesus' kingdom preaching

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