Gospel of Mark

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Use audience criticism to help explain WHY Mark wrote his Gospel this way.

About forty years after Jesus' death, Mark is proclaiming the good news that Jesus is the messiah to an audience that questions whether Jesus can be the Jewish messiah since the Romans have defeated the Jews and destroyed the Temple. Mark offers the consolation that Jesus' own lifetime companions had misunderstood him.

Most biblical scholar today believe that Mark wrote his gospel about the same time that the Romans destroyed the Jewish Temple, 70 CE. Which of the following events described in the Gospel of Mark seems to support the conclusion that Mark is proclaiming the good new that Jesus is the messiah in spite of the destruction of the Temple?

All: When Jesus is crucified, the curtain of the Temple is destroyed, foreshadowing the destruction of the Temple itself. When Jesus is on trial, he is falsely accused of saying that he would destroy the Temple. When Jesus approaches Jerusalem for the last time, he prophesies that the Temple will be destroyed.

When Mark is writing his Gospel around 70 C.E., what did most Jews expect a messiah to do?

Defeat the Romans and restore Israel's independence.

Mark 8:27-9:1 provides an essential turning point in the Gospel of Mark? Which of the following statements about this passage is NOT accurate?

Jesus explains that the messiah suffers so that his followers never will. Mark promises that if you believe Jesus died for your sins, you will be blessed with health, wealth, and prosperity now and eternal life later.

Immediately before his arrest, Jesus prays to God that "this cup be removed." What does this mean?

Jesus is referring to the cup of suffering. He is asking that his own suffering and death be prevented if possible.

How does Mark portray Jesus' followers?

Jesus' followers abandoned, denied, and betrayed him when he was arrested.

Why does William Wrede introduce the concept of "messianic secret" to help explain Mark's Gospel?

Jesus' true identity is hidden so that even the disciples misunderstand him until after the crucifixion.

All of the following event are found in the New Testament, but only one of them is found in the Gospel of Mark. Which of the following events is found in Mark's Gospel?

Mark describes Jesus as a healer and a miracle-worker.

Mark begins his Gospel by talking about Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist. Mark quotes the Hebrew Bible, "See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight." What is Mark's source here?

Mark is combining passages from Exodus 23:20, Malachi 3:1, and Isaiah 40:3.

Mark tells us that Jesus' followers flee after he is arrested, but then Mark goes on to tell us what Jesus' said and did during his trial and crucifixion. Look at the footnotes to determine Mark's most important source for telling this story.

Mark is drawing upon Psalms, Isiah, Exodus, and other books of the Old Testament.

What is the central focus of Jesus' teachings in the Gospel of Mark?

More than anything else, Jesus preaches about the Kingdom of God.

Most modern biblical scholars embrace the Four Source Theory of the synoptic Gospels. Which of the following conclusions would be INCONSISTENT with the Four Source Theory?

Most biblical scholars conclude that Matthew used Luke's Gospel as a source.

How does Mark portray Jesus' attitude towards his own death?

Of all the gospel writers, Mark paints the most human image of Jesus. Jesus prays that God would remove the suffering, if possible, and even questions God. Jesus' last words are, "My God, why have you forsaken me."

Mark says the chief priests turned Jesus over to the Romans to be crucified. Who were these chief priests?


Throughout the Gospel of Mark, which of the following terms is used most often by Jesus to describe himself?

Son of Man. Drawing upon language from the book of Daniel, Jesus portrays himself as God's suffering servant.

What is the most significant discovery about the Gospel of Mark by historical, critical scholars who use text criticism?

Text criticism shows us that the oldest known copies of this book end with the empty tomb. The resurrection appearances were added by later scribes.

How does the Gospel of Mark begin?

The adult Jesus appears to have a mystical experience while he is baptized by John the Baptist. This experience appears to inspire Jesus' own ministry.

How does Marl portray Jesus' followers throughout the Gospel of Mark?

The disciples abandon, betray, and deny Jesus. Perhaps Mark is writing to provide consolation to his own audience who has begun to question the image of the messiah as a warrior hero as the Romans are destroying Jerusalem.

What are the last words of the oldest known copies of the Gospel of Mark?

The women "went out and fled from the tomb, for terror and amazement had seized them; and they said nothing to anyone for they were afraid."

One of the most influential gospels that did not become part of the Christian canon in the fourth century is the Gospel of Thomas. What is the most significant difference between the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Mark?

While both gospels include many of the same teaching, the Gospel of Thomas does not tell the story Jesus' death and resurrection.

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