GOV 340 final exam

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Initiated in March 1986, China's National High-Technology Program (a.k.a ______) was a major effort by China to overcome shortcomings in its national security through the use of science and technology.

863 Program

China's Ministry of National Defense announced the establishment of an air defense identification zone (_____) in the East China Sea. While other countries including Japan and the US, had declared their own _____ in the past, China's stood out for its unusually strict requirements, requiring aircraft in the zone not only to identify themselves and provide their flight plan, but also to maintain radio contact with the Chinese ____ administration.


combines naval and air assets to defend against adversaries intent on denying freedom of navigation.

AirSea Battle

Writing in 1982 about the differing Soviet and American assessments of the strategic balance between the superpowers, _____, the director of the Pentagon's Office of Net Assessment, observed, "A major component of any assessment of the adequacy of the strategic balance should be our best approximation of a Soviet-style assessment of the strategic balance.... The result is that Soviet assessments may substantially differ from American assessments."

Andrew Marshall

who advocated the supreme importance of calling things by their correct names, what he called zheng ming, as the foundation for correct strategy. Put simply, know what the opponent is trying to make you think about his nature; do not accept appearances at face value


In a classic example of wu wei and studying shi by turning the energy and momentum of others to your advantage, China would borrow the best techniques from the West to develop stock and debt capital markets, a mutual fund industry, pension funds, sovereign wealth funds, currency markets, foreign participation, an internationalist central bank, home loans and credit cards, and a burgeoning car industry - all with the active tutoring from institutions such as the World Bank and private firms such as Goldman Sachs. Meanwhile, the Communist government, when it wasn't looking the other way, openly sanctioned and encouraged audacious covert programs to steal technology and Western intellectual property. What became the basis for as much as 8 percent of China's GDP?


a term that appears in Chinese military texts and is discussed among military insiders, means "strike with force to increase shi."

Da ji zeng shi

Chinese officials prefer a world with more autocracies and fewer democracies. Since 1995, Beijing has proclaimed its ____, which prohibit interference in countries' internal affairs.

Five Principles

What was the name of the reforms put out by Deng Xiaoping in order to help relieve China of its economic backwardness that focused on agriculture, industry, technology, and the military?

Four Modernizations

Representative ______ of Virginia has consistently worked to protect US technology assets from china and to improve human rights there. Recognizing how China takes advantage of America's openness and willingness to share information, he helped establish a few minimal safeguards for such assets He inserted a clause in the 2011 federal budget that prohibited NASA and the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy from engaging in any joint scientific activities with China that year.

Frank Wolf

In testimony to Congress in 1996, _____, a former U.S. ambassador to China and a 27 year veteran of the CIA, noted the size of the challenge: "You know that the Chinese have a statement that they've had since Sun Tzu, 25 hundred years ago: When capable, feign incapacity. Their budgets, their Soviet acquisitions, their transfer of technology, their power projection, all of these things are kept from you. The only way you are going to get them is through clandestine collection and technical means. But again and again its been human work that's made the essential difference. As noted earlier, in 2001, twelve years after the Tiananmen Square massacre, he told a congressional commission that his greatest regret was learning a decades too late about internal Chinese documents revealing just how far china had moved toward democracy and how close the protest came to removing the Communist government. If only he had known at the time, the former ambassador said, he would have urged President George W. H. Bush to intervene firmly on the side of the real reformers, rather than being deceived by Beijing's leadership into siding with it.

James Lilley

Japan's predatory need for resources

Li Peng

In November 1995, China called for the closing of American bases on ___ and called into question the need for a U.S.-Japan mutual security treaty in the post-Cold War environment. Lu Guangye, a fellow at the Chinese National Defense Strategic Institute, went so far as to warn, "the NATO bloc and the Japanese-U.S. military alliance have become the two black hands helping the tyrant to do evil.


____ of New York University, a former vice president of IBM, suggests countering China's "massive government subsidies of land, energy, and technology in addition to low- or no-cost loans" by promoting "a real manufacturing renaissance in America"

Ralph Gomory

Kent Hughs, the director of the Woodrow Wilson Center's program on America and the Global Economy and the former president of the Council on Competitiveness, compares the challenge posed by China's technological rise to the Soviet launch of the _____ satellite in 1957. He noted that while the launch was viewed as a challenge to America's technological and military dominance, it also spurred U.S. investment in its engineering and science education and private sector innovation. China's rise has yet to stimulate a similarly robust response. Hughes has put forward a number of promising policy proposals to remain competitive, These include collaboration between the U.S. private and public sectors to increase competitiveness; fiscal and monetary reform; technological innovation; the creation of a lifelong learning culture, and increased US civilian research and development


The China that Beijing's leaders want us to see is not the real China. Who warned against falling for deception by clever adversaries?

Sun Tzu

On the heels of the Chinese antisatellite test came a marked shift in tone toward America and its new president, Barack Obama. In December 2009, President Obama traveled to Copenhagen, where representatives from 192 countries had gathered to ratify new global policies on climate change. This summit was marked by a significant change in the public tone of Chinese officials. they demonstrated uncharacteristic rudeness, interrupting Western diplomats on several occasions and providing little constructive input to the discussions. Premier ____ had already snubbed the other heads of government by refusing to attend most of the negotiations. China surprised observers by making a side agreement with other developing nations that blocked the hoped-for commitments from being included in the climate change draft agreement, which effectively torpedoed the goals of the conference

Wen Jiabao

a Chinese dissident who survived the massacre at Tiananmen Square in 1989, has been fighting for 25 years to foster accountability within China's government. he founded initiatives for China, a group that seeks to connect prodemocracy groups within China with human rights activists around the world. Because of his work, he was imprisoned in China for 5 years, and he was released only after a unanimous vote from both houses of the U.S. Congress, a UN resolution, and work from nonprofit groups calling for his release. His release shows that outside support for dissidents can make a big difference

Yang Jianli

China' increased ______ is a product of Chinese leaders' recognition that shi has shifted decisively in China's favor and America's relative decline has accelerated faster than they had anticipated. This recognition is partly a product of China's use of wide-ranging metrics to assess comprehensive national power


meta-maps of China's imperial ambitions

centuries-old maps

Since 2010, China has dusted off _____ seeking to prove China's historical linkage to islands in the East and South China Sea to justify asserting expansive territorial claims. The South China Sea became a flash point when, at a summit meeting in May 2010 with the United States, China asserted its claim to the ____, adding tens of thousand square miles of ocean with rich energy and fishing resources to its exclusive economic zone and extending its territorial waters nearly to the coasts of Vietnam and the Philippines.

centuries-old maps; Spratly Islands

offer Chinese language and cultural instruction to interested foreigners, often in partnership with local universities. They whitewash China's history portraying China to foreigners as a pacifistic, happy nation that considers Confucius the sole guide to understanding Chinese culture.

confucius institutes

China also engages in ___ of non-Chinese products on a large scale. This includes the unauthorized production, distribution, or use of products and their design or key technologies via unauthorized means, without permission. In 2002, ABC News estimated that foreign firms' losses due to ______ in China stood at $20 billion annually.


This conference was a rare opportunity to obtain authoritative Chinese views about how the Marathon would be played out during the next thirty-five years. A Chinese defector had previously told of an allegory about the Hundred-Year Marathon, namely that victory in the Warring States system was like a long-term _______. It took seven generations of kings to win ultimate harmony.

multiphase wei qi game

Chinese leaders are using the stratages of shi to seek an ___________ to avenge their grievances, much as Goujian did at the point where Funchai's power had so badly deteriorated that the kingdom was ripe for conquest.

optimal moment

In Sweden, several staff members at Stockholm University demanded that the university sever ties with the Nordic Confucius Institute on claims that "the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm was using the Confucius Institutes to carry out ____, covert propaganda, and inhibit research on sensitive areas such as the ______.

political surveillance, Falungong

The world bank advised China to go much further and so china did. the bank recommended creating __________ companies, much like mutual funds in free-market economies. the most shocking proposal of all was that stock exchanges should be established to sell shares in the SOEs. (Stock markets are for private companies, not government agencies).

portfolio holding

Chinese leaders also pressure American technology companies to censor their websites in China. Internet service providers and social media companies seeking to operate in China face a stark reality : either cooperate with the Chinese government's censorship or be shut out of the Chinese market by the government' blocking of their websites.

self-censorhip by media companies

The legend is similar to the biblical story of David and Goliath, but instead of the underdog being saved by God the Chinese hero is saved by a secret weapon called _____. The term is formed by 3 Chinese characters meaning "kill," "hand," and "mace." Roughly translated into English, it means "Assassin's Mace."


China's destruction of its weather satellite in 2007 was the first in a series of _____ - intentional provocations and hostilities seemingly designed to test the resolve of the US and allied nations and the boundaries of what is deemed acceptable by international norms - that most of the world has overlooked, ignored, or explained away.

warning shots

1. Chinese values will replace american values 2. China will "harmonize" dissent on the internet 3. China will continue to oppose democratization 4. China will form alliances with America's adversaries 5. China will export the airpocalypse 6. China's growth strategy entails significant pollution and contamination 7. cancer villages 8. cheaters win - china will unleash the national champions 9. china will increasingly undermine the united nations and the world trade organization 10. china will proliferate weapons for profit

what is at stake if we don't bolster China's reformers

Confucius advocated the supreme importance of calling things by their correct names, what he called _____, as the foundation for correct strategy. Know what the opponent is trying to make you think about his nature; do not accept appearances at face value

zheng ming

The lessons acquired from these simulations were a driving factor behind the Obama administration's strategic "_____".

Asia Pivot

messages were devised to neutralize President Bill Clinton's effort to pressure China to negotiate the return of the ______ to Tibet. The goal was to demonize the ________ by exaggerating his political demands and calling him a politician, not a religious leader, using the term, " a jackal in Buddhist monk's robes," and promoting other Tibetan leaders instead. Top Leader of Lamaist Buddhism

Dalai Lama

the organization of Confucius Institutes are headed by the vice premier and the first woman to obtain membership on the Politburo.

Liu Yandong

"Any big companies in the US won't want to be involved with us; even foundations have offices in Beijing.: says ____, the founder of a Chinese news site called Boxun, which regularly reports on human rights abuses and is supported by the European Union." China does track down who gives money [to disfavored overseas outlets]. They will get a phone call."

Meicun Weng

Who was the author of the book called Unrestricted Warfare, along with Wang Xiangsui

Qiao Liang

Along with rats, flies, and mosquitoes, sparrows were one of the four "pests" that, in Mao's thinking, posed a threat to hygiene - and economic progress - in China. "________________" of 1958, part of the Great Leap Forward, was born of a burning desire to move China's agrarian economy into the twentieth century. Mao and his top advisers reasoned that the sparrows consumed thousands of tons of grain that could be used to feed the Chinese people and fuel the communes and mass industrialization that were the centerpieces of China's competitive drive to bring its economy on a part with those of the West. Farmers fanned out across the countryside, tearing down nests, breaking eggs, and chasing flocks of sparrows with pots and pans The campaign was devastatingly effective. By 1959, sparrows were nearly exterminated in China.

The Great Sparrow Campaign

A. W. Clausen is the president of what ___, an international financial institution that provides loans to developing countries for capital programs.

World Bank

future head of china's central bank; formed an early alliance with the World bank, greatly aiding China's Marathon strategy. rejected privatization and political reform. Instead, he and his allies among the World Bank economists recommended preserving party control of its strategy of improving the profitability of the SOEs. Produced a confidential paper for the world bank to detail his plan to reject Western, market-oriented economics and lessons from the positive experiences of Russian and East European reform. Instead, he and the bank's Chinese department head, Peter Harold, designed the new strategy to transform China's insufficient, poorly structured, and poorly run SOEs.

Zhou Xiaochuan

China's cooperation with the _____ terrorist network was not entirely indirect. Intelligence reports obtained by the Pentagon in December 2002 revealed that China had supplied arms to al Qaeda after the September 11 attacks. The Taliban and the al Qaeda fighters embedded among them took delivery of a shipment of Chinese made surface to air missiles just a week after the attacks, and U.S. special forces discovered thirty of these missiles in 2002.

al Qaeda

Major General Sun Bailin of China's Academy of Military Science has written that the United States depends too much on "_______" that are vulnerable to attach by "electrical incapacitation systems" that could disrupt or destroy electrical power systems, civilian aviation systems, transportation networks, seaports, television broadcast stations, telecommunications systems, computer centers, factories, and businesses.

information superhighways

A few Western analysts have challenged the conventional wisdom of telling foreigners how many obstacles China faced and to downplay its prospects that is advanced by China's leaders They see China pursuing a nakedly ____ strategy of subsidizing key industries and government-guided efforts to acquire ownership of foreign natural resources and energy reserves born of an almost paranoid view that oil and gas are reaching a global peak of production. In their thinking, wars over natural resources are inevitable in the decades ahead, and therefore, China must buy resources overseas and stockpile them at home, while denying scarce resources to others.


American business and cybersecurity specialists have reported an onslaught of ________ originating in china. Unfortunately, the U.S. intelligence community has in many cases been unable to confirm who is responsible. Estimates of losses from these attacks are usually unreliable, but it is possible to get some grasp of the scale of a cyber-based loss.

network intrusions

In addition to depending on satellites, another weakness of the U.S. military is relying on long supply lines for ammunition, fuel, and other resources essential to waging war. In the First Gulf War, the U.S. Navy used 19 million gallons of oil a day and twenty times more ammunition than in the Korean War None of that would have been possible without _____, which are vulnerable to asymmetric attacks from submarines, sea mines, torpedoes, and carrier-killer missiles, all of which are already in China's arsenal.

open sea-lanes

Ms. Lee revealed that the operation (of China's governments routinely monitoring of media) had a $12 billion annual budget and was run by the Politburo's Standing Committee, which met weekly in a secret room in Beijing, spending much of its time creating messages to be promoted by a ____________ that controlled Chinese newspapers, television programs, and magazines published overseas, as well as the Chinese Internet.

propaganda system

Beijing is ____ in how it promotes messages that are helpful to its cause and long-term strategy and censors those that are not. As it did after Tiananmen, the government revises official Chinese history and punishes those who do not toe the favored line.

ruthlessly efficient ( message control)

The future military balance of power is slowly shifting, from a ten-to-one U.S. superiority, toward equality, and then eventually to Chinese superiority. Congressional testimony in December 2013 revealed that the U.S. Navy's _________ budget may be as low as $15 billion annually for the next 30 years, while the price of each new navy ship will escalate. Our only chance to remain dominant will be to develop superior technology and countermeasures for the Assassin's Mace program, such as the Defense Department's new doctrine of AirSea Battle


In sum, if the China dream becomes a reality in 2049, the _____ will nurture autocracies; many websites will be filled with rewritten history defaming the West and praising China; and pollution will contaminate the air in more countries, as developing nations adopt the Chinese model of "grow now, and deal with the environment later" in a race to the bottom in food safety and environmental standards. As environmental degradation expands, species could disappear, ocean levels will rise, and cancer will spread. Some international organizations will not be able to step in as efficiently as they can today because they will be marginalized. Chinese state-owned monopolies and Chinese-controlled economic alliances will dominate the global marketplace, and one of the world's mightiest military alliances may be controlled by Beijing, which will be able to easily outspend the US on military research, troop levels, and weapons systems

sinocentric world

Western countries offer concessions primarily because leaders are convinced that overall China is moving in the "right" direction toward freer markets, productive international cooperation, and political liberalization. That is a misperception about China. The author and other experts have learned from Chinese defectors and dissidents that Beijing has a _______ in place to mislead foreigners about what is going on in their country and to reconfirm Western biases and wishful thinking.

sophisticated system

in a remarkable reversal, the normally private sector-oriented world bank and international monetary fund acknowledged that the Chinese regulations required the SOEs to safeguard the interest of the Chinese government. This was a violation of China's original commitments. Indeed, the world bank went so far as to warn in a confidential paper in 1993 that China's other reforms would fail if the SOEs could not be improved and ultimately made profitable. the concept was to "corporatize" them, which meant a relaxation of state control to push some of the enterprises to go bankrupt or be dissolved while other would be consolidated from many small, loss-making ones into a few large, profit-making ones. This is the beginning of what became known a decade later as the "___________".

"national champions" system

Former secretary of defense Robert Gates has noted that the ______ galvanized prodemocracy groups inside the Soviet Union and played "a key role in our winning the cold war." His view seems to be shared by the hawks of China, who write often about their fear that the US has mounted a program to influence impressionable future civilian Chinese leaders to move toward democratic multiparty elections and a free market.

1975 Helsinki Accords

the president of the World Bank visited china to meet Deng in 1983. They secretly agreed that a team of World Bank economist would study China's economy and looking ahead two decades, recommend how China could catch up with the united states economically. During that period, the World Bank released a few vague reports to the public about the need for China to move toward a free-market economy. In private, The World Bank's economists recommended something different: they explained how China could overtake the United States. Apparently the bank did not suggest concealing the whole idea, and instead pretended that China was going capitalist. Rather, that was a Chinese decision based on the Warring States era principle of inducing complacency in the old hegemon.

A. W. Clausen

"a dissident artist who went to prison after revealing one component of this secret operation of the sophisticated system that misleads foreigners about what is going on in the country was Chinese blogger. The crackdown on these Chinese bloggers have proven essential to revealing the truth about China to Western reporters. 'He made a mockery of the surveillance arrangements he was under by Chinese authorities by installing four webcams in his office and bedroom which filmed him around the clock.' He knows that the Chinese government uses a false reality to cultivate the goodwill of foreign government, policymakers, academics, reporters, business leaders. and analysts."

Ai Weiwei

The weapons and military strategy that guided the authors tactics had their roots in ancient Chinese warfare, and their modern incarnations are being developed by the People's Liberation Army each day. They are called the "________" - a weapon in ancient Chinese folklore that ensures victory over a more powerful opponent.

Assassin's Mace

Many experts estimate that there are 60 million to 100 million Christians in China and that the number is growing. ___ the founder and president of China Aid, seeks to equip the Chinese people to defend their faith and freedom. the organization's purpose is to promote legal reforms, fund "house churches" in China, and assist imprisoned Christians. he highlights violence due to the one child policy and supports other human rights activists in china. Most recently, Fu was instrumental in helping the blind activist Chen Guangcheng escape from house arrest in China and arrive safely in the US.

Bob Fu

a Chinese news site founded by Meicun Weng which regularly reports on human rights abuses and is supported by the European Union.


Deng was pragmatic enough to realize that in the post-WWII global economic order drawn up at ____ in 1944, it wasn't enough to rely on the tenets of Marxist-Leninism.

Bretton Woods

The curriculum used to study strategy included studies of ancient history lessons. The faculty that taught these lessons used translations of at least 6 books on how America had become the largest economy in the world through a two century long strategy, and how China could follow America's example. The key lessons were from _____ and concerned the ways the U.S. government had supported corporations to help surpass both Germany and Great Britain during the period from 1840 WWI. This, the courses taught, was a significant part of how America became the hegemon - and it was what China needed to do if it sought to surpass the US. The course examined approximately 20 case studies that discussed how Chinese leaders had learned and applied lessons from the history of many American companies in different industries, with a focus on the strategic role played by the U.S. government

Charles Darwin

a defector from the Chinese Foreign Ministry, identified several pathologies in Beijing's decision making: reading the worst intentions into an adversary's actions, ideological ossification, and disconnection from reality.

Chen Youwei

For china, personal rights in the American sense do not exist. The Chinese language does not have a word for rights, so a new word was invented called chuan li that combines the words "power" and "benefits". The society the Chinese Communist Party has helped to shape is ____, a cultural fact that predates 1949. "In China, to be human is to be an appendage of a larger humanity." K

Collectivism (Chinese collectivism)

to cultivate more allies, the Chinese government in 2004 launched one of its cleverest operations - the establishment of _____ across the world. _____ is a perfect symbol to convey the image of a kindly complacent China. In the West the name conjures the notions of a wise, peaceful philosopher known for clever sayings.

Confucius Institutions; Confucius

When _____ became China's "paramount leader" in 1978 and contemplated his nation's economic backwardness under Mao, he vowed to pursue a different economic course. He saw that without a vibrant private sector, China could never be a highly competitive global power. He began pushing major reforms, thereby shifting away from traditional Marxist-Leninism by degrees. Summarized as the "Four Modernizations", these reforms focused on agriculture, industry, technology, and the military. Among the most important were those that integrated national planning with market forces in the service of "socialism with Chinese characters".

Deng Xiaoping

China is also developing an Assassin's Mace to neutralize America's air superiority. The AGM-88 High Speed Anti-Radiation Missile (____) is attached to American military planes and protects them by homing in on the radar emissions of incoming surface-to-air missiles before shooting them out of the sky. American air superiority depends largely on the ____, but the Chinese have already created black boxes with thousands of microtransmitters that broadcast 10,000 signals on the frequency ____ uses to detect a surface-to-air missile.


no manifesto of the Chinese world order exists to date, but in the past decade two successive Chinese presidents have hinted at Chinese interventions. In September 2005, President ___ delivered a major speech at the UN general assembly - titled "Build toward a Harmonious World of Lasting Peace and Common Prosperity" - in which he discussed the idea of a "harmonious world."

Hu Jintao

China's latest five-year plan includes a national champions strategy for important strategic, and cutting-edge, nascent industries. China has begun to enter international markets by selling sophisticated, Chinese designed technologies. This has stirred apprehensions that go beyond the SOE's economic prowess. For example, _____, one of the world's largest telecommunications companies, may maintain a close association with Chinese intelligence services. Over the long term, many worldwide telecommunications links, including those connecting U.S. corporations, government agencies, and military services, will likely employ __ networks.

Huawei Technologies; Huawei

a core component of China's successful growth strategy is acquiring, often through illegal means, foreign science and technology. China has set up counterfeiting factories employing ten thousand to fifteen thousand people. China;s national industrial policy goals have the effect of encouraging intellectual property theft, and a massive number of Chinese business and government entities engage in this behavior. So dramatic is ______ in China that a software company sold a single program in china

Intellectual property (IP) piracy

The crackdown on the ___________ in China is both well known and extensive. In a sense, as the news agency Agence France-Presse noted, "The Chinese Communist Party runs one of the world's biggest digital empires." Its networks, comprised of China Telecom, China Unicom, and China Mobile, are all controlled by the state. The government's efforts to install tools to police the Internet are collectively known as the "Great Firewall of China".


Even if China were to join the MTRC, there is reason to doubt whether it would abide by the regime's rules. In a devastating report on Chinese arms duplicity, Senator ___ stated, "During the past twenty years, the People's Republic of China (PRC) has made fifteen formal nonproliferation pledges - seven related to the proliferation of nuclear technology, six regarding the transfer of missile technology, and two commitments undertaken at the same time the PRC joined the biological Weapons Convention in 1997. None of these pledges has been honored." His staff produced a chart showing the timeline of Chinese broken promises and violations that had undermined US national security. These violations included selling nuclear weapons components to Pakistan and Iran as well as ballistic missile transfer to Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran, Libya, and North Korea.

Jesse Helms

the founder of Wikipedia; Wikipedia refused to comply with Chinese government requests to restrict information. What has been dubbed "the Chinese Great Firewall" has blocked Wikipedia on multiple occasions. He says that Wikipedia stands "for the freedom of information, and for us to compromise ... would send very much the wrong signal: that there's no one left on the planet who's willing to say: 'You know what? We're not going to give up,'"

Jimmy Wales

a top Chinese economic adviser who in 2008 would become the World Bank's chief economist; was one of the best sources about the origins of China's economic strategy, through his writing and speeches many of which were in English. his credibility was beyond reproach. Was elected student body president in 1971 at Taiwan University. Ten years later, he defected to mainland China and earned a master's degree in political economy at Perking University before obtaining a doctorate in economics from the University of Chicago.

Justin Lin

Mitchell said that Myanmar intellectuals were reading the views of ____ the 89 year old former prime minister of Singapore and one of Asia's most revered leaders. he was hailed the father of the Singaporean miracle, and has won widespread praise in the West; Richard Nixon once compared him to Churchill, Diraeli, and Gladstone, and Bill Clinton and George H. W. Bush were among many hailing him as a visionary leader.

Lee Kuan Yew

- "It is China's intention to be the greatest in the world, and to be accepted as China, not as an honorary member of the West" -"If you believe that there is going to be a revolution of some sort in China for democracy, you are wrong... The Chinese people want a revived China. -" Their great advantage is not in military influence but in their economic influence... Their influence can only grow and grow beyond the capabilities of America" - seems to confirm essential elements of the Marathon strategy, though he believes that the period of Chinese dominance is still decades away. -"Chinese have figured out if they stay with [claims of a ] 'peaceful rise' and just contest for first position economically and technologically, they cannot lose" -"to directly challenge a stronger and technologically superior power like the US will abort their peaceful rise. China is following an approach consistent with the Chinese television series The Rise of the Great Powers, produced by the Party ... I believe the Chinese leadership has learnt that it fyou compete with America in armaments, you will lose. You will bankrupt yourself. So avoid it, keep your head down, and smile for 40 or 40 years"

Lee's views on China

The prospects of future Japanese militarism worry China. He Xin, perhaps China's best-known hypernationalist author and an adviser to Premier ____ predicted in 1988 that Japan's predatory need for resources would cause it to try to "colonize" China.

Li Peng

The "____" exercise in Inner Mongolia in 2005 involved elements of two armored divisions: more than 28 hundred tanks and other vehicles performed China's largest field maneuver involving armored troops and an airlift over two thousand kilometers that simulated an attack on terrorists who were receiving foreign military support.

Northern Sword

one of the most respected China scholars in the United States has been denied access to China for 18 years because of his refusal to echo what Beijing would prefer he writes. "The costs to the American public," he says, " are serious and not well appreciated ... It is deeply systematic and accepted as normal among China scholars to sidestep Beijing's demands by using codes and indirections. One does not use the term 'Taiwan Independence' for example. It is 'cross-strait relations'. One does not mention Liu Xiaobo, the Nobel peace prize winner who sits in prison ... even the word 'liberation' to refer to 1949 is accepted as normal."

Perry Link

In 2004, he teamed up with others to publish a best seller on how today's international politics resembles the Warring States Period

Qiao Liang

While aware of this economic critique from the West, Chinese leaders seem likely to continue to rely on SOEs at least for the foreseeable future, for several reasons: 1. SOEs have been economically successful so far; China has risen from a basket case to an economic giant in just a generation 2. China's SOEs provide a continuing role for, and justification of the continued political dominance of the chinese communist party; "socialism with Chinese characteristics" is a banner under which the party can rally the masses 3. Chinese leaders believe that major industries important to china's economic and national security will move in the right direction only if they remain wholly or largely under government control; the state must remain the major player through majority ownership. 4. SOEs are a major mechanism for maintaining Party control over the country as they provide patronage and legitimacy. 5. SOEs encourage indigenous innovation in china, thereby reducing reliance on foreign technologies, another national objective, . 6. Chinese leaders may wish to move slowly to avoid the worst of the Russian experience in the post-Soviet Era - the selling of state industries to political cronies for pennies and dollar, resulting in a small number of incredibly rich oligarchs running sclerotic companies unable to compete internationally.

Reasons Chinese leaders will continue to rely on SOEs

China has been instrumental to the maintenance of who's iron grip over his devastated country, first by supplying arms and later by sending Internet surveillance hardware and other technology crucial to his efforts to control the Zimbabwean people.

Robert Mugabe (of Zimbabwe)

a longtime CIA analyst, called China's senior political decision-making system "opaque, noncommunicative, distrustful, rigidly bureaucratic, inclined to deliver what they think the leaders want to hear, and strategically dogmatic"

Robert Suettinger

As the Harvard historian ___ described the process, "A symbiosis occurs between Americans who benefit from business or other success with China and American institution. Money may appear from a businessman with excellent connections in china and it is hard for a thing tank, needing funds for its research on China, to decline it." Chinese companies have begun to make substantial donations to thin tanks and universities to fund US policy studies of China that support Beijing's views.

Ross Terrill

The biggest difference between ___ and NATO is the nature of the governments of its members. NATO is an alliance of 28 democracies. ___ is essentially a coalition of autocracies.


The author was asked by the Pentagon to study Chinese threat perceptions. any of my findings were greeted with disbelief. Yet these Chinese threat perceptions, which he refers to as China's ______ reflect the underlying attitudes of Chinese military and political leaders, particularly because those who wrote about these fears did not intend for their writings to shape popular opinion. The ______ are derived solely from internal Chinese Military sources; this was no propaganda effort designed to influence public opinion more broadly.

Seven Fears

In 2001, China and several other Asian countries developed an organization that they viewed as a potential counter to NATO - the _____. The ___ members are China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgystan, Russia, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Both the ____ and NATO have signed charters, named a permanent secretary general, set up issue-based centers in regional capitals, and held annual summits. The ___, however, goes beyond NATO's simple security cooperation and includes mechanisms for collaboration on trade, finance, and legal matters.

Shanghai Cooperation Organization; SCO's; SCO; SCO

China also extended support to the regime of ___ in Iraq. One of the same Chinese telecommunications companies that worked for the Taliban was involved in violating UN Sanctions against Iraq. In 1999, working through the United Nation _____ it asked the United Nations for permission to sell Iraq a fiber-optic communications system. after the united nations denied the Chinese request twice the company ignored the world body and transferred the equipment anywhere

Suddam Hussein; oil-for-food program

Confucius institutes encourage the reinterpretation of ____________ as a nonviolent treaties. Students are regaled with stories of happy Confucian families and cultural heroes who implement sincere and honorable courses of action. Pacifism and sincerity are highlighted as China's main cultural values. As the Chinese government's website bills them, the institutes offer "a bridge reinforcing friendship and cooperation between China and the rest of the world and are much welcomed across the globe"

Sun Tzu's Ar of War

In 2001, U.S. intelligence discovered that the People's Republic of China was aiding the ___, which was harboring terrorists from Osama bin Laden's network. Specifically, two major Chinese telecommunications companies were helping the Taliban build a major telephone system in Kabul, an effort that continued after the september 11 attacks.


A historical vignette from the Warring States Period; Between 490 and 470 BC. Between 490 and 470 BC, the story goes, the heads of two warring states were like America and China - Fuchai was the old hegemon and Goujian was the rising challenger who aspires to become ruler of the world. Fuchai takes Goujian prisoner. The hegemon's "hawkish" adviser, Wu Zixu, urges him to kill Goujian. Always suspicious of possible threats and eager to preempt them, Wu Zixu warns that Goujian will eventually escape and potentially topple the old hegemon. Other advisers, working secretly with the captured Goujian, systemically defamed and undermine Wu Zixu to the point that Fuchai decides that it is Wu Zixu who deserves to die. Eventually, after a long series of manipulations, Fuchai sends his now disgraced adviser a sword to commit suicide. Goujian convinces the king to let him serve as his personal servant for three years in exchange for his freedom, after which Goujian promises to be a strategic partner of the hegemon. When the king gets sick for an unknown reason, Goujian boldly demonstrates his extreme loyalty by tasting the king's excrement to diagnose his illness. Once he is released however, Goujian violates his promises. Just as Wu Zixu had predicted, Goujian vows revenge for the humiliation he has suffered. He sells poisoned gran that will not germinate when planted, thus causing a famine. Then he invades the kingdom and captures Fuchai. In captivity and disgraced, the king commits suicide leaving Goujian to become the new hegemon. This vignette guides China's strategy for dealing with the West today. America is playing the role of Fuchai, a ruling king being persuaded by duplicitous or foolish advisers to ignore warnings about its rival's true intentions.

The story of Funchai and Goujian (that portrays the way China is dealing with America today)

Two points were brought up by the Commission: the first was that China was moving toward a free market economy and would sell off all of its massive government-run corporations, and the second was that there was no chance China would surpass the United States economically, and even if it did - by, say, the year 2020 - China would be a free-market, peace-loving democracy by then anyway - at least according to the "Golden Arches Theory of Conflict Prevention" popularized by the New York Times columnists ____ and in vogue at the time. According to his book, The Lexus and the Olive Tree, the theory states that "no two countries that both had McDonald's had fought a war against each other since each got its McDonald's."

Thomas Friedman

One of the more audacious series of cyberattacks occurred between 2003 and 2005, against U.S. military, government, and government contractor websites. The intrusions, collectively dubbed "_________" struck hundreds of government computers. Time magazine reported that the incursions originated on a local network that connected to three routers in Guangdong Province in southern China, though U.S. officials still offer only generic comments about this and other published reports about the attack.

Titan Rain

A book published and released throughout China. The book had caused a splash in the Chinese military community for the bluntness with which it discussed America's vulnerabilities. Instead of direct military action, the authors proposed nonmilitary ways to defeat a stronger nation such as the US through lawfare, economic warfare, biological and chemical warfare, cyberattacks, and even terrorism. Book was written by two colonels serving in the People's Liberation Army.

Unrestricted Warfare

For decades, China's government has denied individual rights to its own people. A Chinese human rights activist in New York who gave a speech at the United Nations, and his cell phone, e-mail, and twitter accounts were hacked in what appeared to be coordinated attacks by the chinese government.

Wen Yunchao

a former professional counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and the coauthor of two books on China, coined the term "Red Team" to describe American experts seen as pro-Beijing - a play on the fact that most of them either fail to recognize the Communist nature of the People's Liberation Army or go to great lengths to ignore it. The opposing group of China specialists is called the "Blue team" - analysts who consider themselves locked in an ideological struggle with the pro-China experts. Obviously, those labeled the Red Team resent the label and deny being dupes of China. They assert that the Chinese government does not lie to them, or to anyone else.

William C. Triplett II

The U.S.-China Congressional Commission had been created as part of an effort to get more votes in the U.S. Senate for legislation allowing China to join the _________. The mission was to set out in the law that established the commission: we sought to determine the effect of Chinese economic policy on U.S. national security. Democrats were especially suspicious of China's intentions as it sought ___ membership and the claim frequently made by free market voices that trade would inevitably bring democracy to China.

World Trade Organization; WTO

Hu Jintao's successor who provided a major clue to the world's future in just five worlds of his keynote speech - "Development is of overriding importance," adding later that "we must constantly tamp the material and cultural foundations for the realization of the Chinese Dream.

Xi Jinping

China has prevailed in creating asymmetry in its market access. The organization for Economic Cooperation and Development has determined that China's foreign investment laws are the most restrictive among the world's twenty largest national economies. China's ____ policy is a prime example. China enacted an _____ law in 2007, but its SOEs are exempt from its terms. Rather, the law is primarily directed at foreign companies trying to acquire native Chinese businesses. Furthermore, China employs a number of questionable tactics during the course of its "investigations" under this law, including warning companies not to seek lawyers, and pressuring them into confessing to engaging in anticompetitive practices in violation of antitrust legislation.

antitrust; anti-monopoly

China's irresponsibly sales of technology to build weapons of mass destruction. Even though China has signed a number of nuclear nonproliferation agreements, it is clear that china continues to contribute to the nuclear programs of both Pakistan and Iran. in addition, china has contributed to the poison gas and chemical weapons programs of a number of rogue states, including Iran. and despite being a member of the _______ , china maintains [_____________] program in violation of these obligation. like so much of china tells the world about its government programs, china's claims that it has never researched produced or possessed biological weapons are simply not true. prohibits the development, production, stockpiling and acquisition of these weapons.

biological weapons convention; biological weapons

One of China's weapons in its war on free speech is __________ of the internet. There are more than one million Chinese employed in the online censorship business. Most of the world's internet users are Chinese, but because Chinese government officials monitor and block access to the websites of human rights organizations, foreign newspapers, and numerous other political and cultural groups, Chinese citizens don't have access to the same Internet that free people do. To be "harmonized" is a euphemism for being censored.


China has taken the concept several steps farther building on the model of the South Korean ___ and Japanese conglomerates. South Korea's form of business conglomerates


China is one of the few countries that subsidize ____. fossil fuels account for 75 percent of china's total commercial primary energy consumption and it will remain the country's main fuel for the foreseeable future. China's coal consumption grew by more than 9 percent in 2011, which accounted for 87 percent of the total global rise in coal use.

coal consumption

evidence of a long-term performance of SOEs is mixed. Most economists agree that SOEs tend to respond to political imperatives, not market demands. they have trouble adjusting to changing demands for products and services, and tend to be inefficient relative to private sector competitors. They often fall victim to ___, the appointment of friends and associates to positions of authority, without proper regard to their qualifications. Their systems of corporate governance are seldom transparent.


If China succeeds in weakening the United Nations and the WTO, it will be in keeping with its goal of creating a new world order by first doing what?

delegitimizing the old one

many of the soldiers on the front line of the Cold war were Soviet and Eastern European ____ who refused to surrender to an unending future of censorship, propaganda, religious persecution, and economic enslavement. With their courage and passion and principles, they brought down the Soviet Union and the Iron Curtain. Presidents from Truman to Reagan championed their cause. When they were imprisoned, American presidents demanded their release. When they needed money, Americans sent them funds.


The United States overtook Germany's leadership in the paper industry with new technology following mergers fostered by U.S. government in 1900, the course taught. Similarly, in the steel industry, America's government somehow aided Andrew Carnegie to become the steel industry's first hegemonic leader, in 1879. Next, the Americans decided to dominate the production of copper and aluminum by acquiring European technology. the Americans then came to dominate the rubber and oil industries in the 1880s. What is all of this an example of?

dominance of various industries

the 863 program encompasses development of ______________, with both civilian and military applications, including biotechnology, laser technology, and advanced materials.

dual-use technologies

One perceived U.S. Weakness is America's reliance on high-tech information systems. No nation in the world has been as active as China in exploring the defense and vulnerabilities of computer systems involving key U.S. military, economic, intelligence and infrastructure interest. According to Larry Wortzel, who served as a commissioner on the U.S.- China economic and security review commission, "strong evidence has emerged that the Chinese government is directing and executing a large-scale cyber espionage campaign against the US." Although China routinely denies such attacks, the People's Liberation Army has 16 spy units that "focus on cyber penetrations, cyber espionage, and ______________."

electronic warfare

Many in the Chinese military fear that China could be easily blockaded by a foreign power because of the maritime geography of the ____ stretching from Japan to the Philippines that is perceived to be vulnerable to fortification.

first island chain

China's neighbors are already feeling the spillover effects of its reckless approach to development. Due to water contamination in China, much of the country's ____ has moved into the contested waters of the East China Sea, the South China Sea and the Pacific Ocean. In 2011, the South Korean Coast Guard sent back 470 Chinese fishing boats for illegally entering South Korean waters.

fishing industry

1. Direct Action 2. Employing economic carrots and sticks 3. Applying indirect pressure via proxies 4. Conducting cyberattacks and physical assaults

four main strategies (that the Chinese utilize to influence or manipulate the Western media).

Chinese military are investing billions of dollars to make a __________ in military capabilities that can trump the conventional forces of major western powers.

generational leap

China's Marathon strategy depends heavily on ____ from other countries, especially the United States. That _____ translates into massive foreign investment, the acceptance of Chinese exports, indulgences when the government or state-affiliated organizations are caught stealing technology or violating WTO rules, and looking the other way on human rights abuses.

goodwill (dependence on goodwill)fvc

an arm of the Chinese government that's chaired by the minister of education; chaired by Liu Yandong, is governed by senior party officials from twelve state ministries and commissions. an instrument of the party state operating as an international pedagogical organization


The Chinese government's use of false reality to cultivate the goodwill of foreign government, policymakers, academics, reporters, business leaders, and analysts is more that an elaborate PR operation. It is an essential component of the Marathon to ______ in the hegemon, to hide in plain sight.

induce complacency

using international laws, bodies, and courts to restrict America's freedom of movement and policy choices.


1. Induce complacency to avoid alerting your opponent 2. Manipulate your opponent's advisers 3. Be patient - for decades, or longer - to achieve victory 4. Steal your opponent's ideas and technology for strategic purposes 5. Military might is not the critical factor for winning a long-term competition 6. recognize that the hegemon will take extreme, even reckless action to retain its dominant position 7. never lose sight of shi 8. Establish and employ metrics for measuring your status relative to other potential challengers 9. always be vigilant to avoid being encircled or deceived by others

nine elements of the hundred year marathon

The author first came across the term "assassin's mace" in 1995 when reading an article titled "The Military Revolution in Naval Warfare," written by three of China's preeminent military strategists. The authors listed new technologies that would contribute to the defeat of the US. They linked military supremacy in outer space to success in naval operations. "The mastery of _______ will be a prerequisite for naval victory with outer space becoming the new commanding heights for naval combat .... The side with electromagnetic combat superiority will make full use of that Assassin's Mace weapon to win naval victory."

outer space

For two decades, China has been building a number of Assassin's Mace weapons to destroy or incapacitate those satellites, including a land-based laser that would either blind American satellites or blow them up. It has also begun to build "____". These small devices would cling to an American satellite and either disable it or hijack the information it gathers. Others could neutralize an American satellite through electronic jamming, EMP generation, or pushing the satellite out of orbit."

parasitic microsatellites

Many Chinese strategists adhere to the "_____" theory: the idea that energy supplies will soon dwindle and prices will consequently skyrocket. According to this perspective, the world is a giant wei qi game board where resources such as copper, oil, and lithium must be obtained and denied to competitors. Echoing a concern prevalent in much analysis of China's geostrategic challenges, one analyst at the Chinese Academy of Social Science writes, "Facing the challenge of global energy supply shortages, in the future China and the U.S cannot avoid disagreement and conflict (especially on the issue of oil).

peak oil

The elements of the U.S. _______ system include forward-deployed intercontinental ballistic missiles and military bases; aerial refueling capabilities; nuclear-armed bombers; and long-distance troop transport capabilities. Rather than attempting to replicate the U.S.-style system of power projection, as the Soviets did, China has elected not to do so because it would be a violation of the rules of the Warring states-era lessons for China to provoke the hegemon, or ba, prematurely. Chinese leaders have studied how the US had become alarmed at the Soviet Union's military buildup, and how this buildup supposedly provoked the Americans to end wartime cooperation with Stalin and initiate the cold War and a massive U.S. trade and investment embargo on the Soviet Union.

power projection

In November 2003 came perhaps the most compelling evidence of China's links to a much broader ______, when the Libyan government supplied Western Officials with a trove of documents, including a detailed instructional manual, printed in Chinese, for making a thousand-pound bomb with conventional explosives wrapped around fissile material to create a nuclear blast. Media reports claim that these documents showed that Chinese nuclear weapons experts will collaborating with Pakistani nuclear scientists for years after initially supplying the design information to Pakistan and Libya.

proliferation network

The World bank pointed out that china's savings are remarkably high, and that if China could obtain productivity growth - especially via the use of science and technology - coupled with restrained population growth, the ambitious goal was achievable. the bank made ____ in private, not revealing them to the outside would because the bank had made the politically sensitive decision to endorse China's socialist approach and made no genuine effort to advocate for a true market economy.

six recommendation

1. For the two decades after 1985, China needed to change the composition of its exports to increasingly emphasize manufactured goods, particularly high-tech products. 2. the bank warned Chinese leaders not to slide into excessive borrowing from foreign sources 3. the bank economists warned China to encourage foreign direct investment only for advanced technology and modern management techniques. 4. To spread foreign investment and joint revenues out from the special economic zones to a wide range of locales 5. to phase out its foreign trade companies and let each SOE establish its own foreign trade arrangements 6. the bank recommended that a long-term framework for the whole Chinese economy should be worked out regularly

six recommendations

what has accelerated Chinese growth more than anything is not reform at all, but a commitment to subsidize ______, which still comprise 40 percent of China's GDP. These ___, or "national champions," as they are known inside the halls of government in Beijing, are a vital component of the Hundred-Year Marathon. They have successfully undercut Western competitors to help fuel the nation's economic rise. This commitment to a ruthless brand of mercantilism traces back to China's earliest days, when competing governments in the Warring States era used state-controlled economics as an extension of warfare.

state-owned enterprises (SOEs); SOEs

Partly because of the threat it is able to pose to American sea lines, the ____ is believed by China's Navy Research Institute to be the most important ship in the 21st century


What the Chinese authorities hadn't realized was that, in addition to grains, insects constituted a large component of the sparrow's diet. In the following years, without sparrows as predators, locusts ravaged harvests - and this was compounded by severe droughts. Between 1958 and 1961, more than thirty million Chinese perished due to famine. Communist China's first major experiment to make itself economically competitive relative to the West had failed. What is this an example of?

the consequences of the Sparrows near extermination

to stay in power, China's leadership knows it needs raid growth if we project the current impasse forward three decades, the effects are alarming. Since the 1980s, China has built ten thousand petrochemical plants along the Yangtze River and four thousand plants along the Yellow River. As a result of these factories and China's choice to prioritize development over environmental considerations, 40 percent of the country;s rivers are seriously polluted, and in 20 percent of its rivers the water quality is too toxic to touch safely, let alone drink. At least 55 percent of the groundwater in china is unfit for drinking. In fact, the wastewater that Chinese factories dump into rivers causes about 60 thousand premature deaths annually. of course, because of the state's control of information and its vast network of censors, many Chinese do not even know that their drinking water may kill them.

toxicity in China's rivers and groundwater

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