Government Unit 1

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Citizen are obligated to abolish tyrannical governments

"But when a long train of abuses... reduces them [man] under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty,to throw off such government."

Adam smith

"Father of modern economics" who believed in the state and mankind enter into a relationship.

Government is empowered and limited by the people

"That to secure these rights, Governments are institute among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed..."

Human have a natural right to life, liberty, and property.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights that among these are life, liberty , and the pursuit of happiness."

Loyalists or Troy

was a colonists who pledged allegiance to the crown.

Common Law

was a system of English Law based on precedents of custom or prior judicial decision.

Royal Colonies

were under the direct control of the king through a representative governor.


In the Revolutionary war, fighting ended after the Battle of _________.

grievances against

The Declaration of Independence lists 18 ______ the king of Great Britain.


The branch of government that makes laws is known as the ________ branch.

English Bill of Rights

The deposition of King James ll resulted in the ______ giving power to Parliament, empowering the church of England, and establishing individual liberties of British subjects.

Social Contract Theory

The state's power limited by the people; formed the framework for american government.


This form of government controls every aspect of an individuals life.


This form of government has an absolute ruler who only looks out for himself and reigns as a tyrant.


This form of government was based on ownership of land and a social class system.

Absolute Monarchy

This is hereditary ruler governed by divine right.


allowed groups of colonists to direct their own affairs by choosing their own representatives.

Evolution Government Theory

family, clans, tribes, and finally into states.

Proprietary colonies

formed under representative landlords who had been given land by the king for business venture.

The battle of Lexington

marked the beginning of the American Revolutionary War.

Unitary Government

-All political power is concentrated in centralized government. -Decisions can be made more quickly.


-Government is Subservient to the people. -A state government can restrict the central government's powers.

Confederate Government

-If a portion of the population disagrees with the policies of a government, the people can weaken the central governments power. -States governments within a country are more powerful than the central government.


-Power is divided between central and state government. -The national and state governments are independent of one another.

Characteristic of states

-sovereignty -government -territory -people


A colonist who chose independence over loyalty to the crown was a ________.


An early economic system that gave the government strict control over business.


An economic system without government interference.

Charles de Montesquieu

Argued for the principles of separations of powers that later became the framework of the american constitution.

Thomas Paine

Author of Common Sense

Divine Right of Kings Theory

Authority based on inherent right from God.


Capitalism is essentially the same as free enterprise.

George Washington

Commander of the Continental Army

Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

French Bishop who activated the divine right of kings theory.

Free Enterprise (capitalism)

Grew out of and closely subscribes to the laissez-faire system.


Grew out of socialism but differed by seeking to control all areas of society.


In a __________ form of government only the legislature makes the laws, and the leader to the executive branch us elected by the people.


In a ____________ for of government, the legislature selects the leader of the executive branch and may recall him at any time.

Paul Revere

One of three riders who warned colonists that the British had moved out of Boston and were heading toward Lexington.

Thomas Hobbes

Philosopher who believed man would forfeit his personal rights and subject himself to a sovereign state for his self-preservation.

John Locke

Philosopher who believed people would be willing to forfeit some of their rights and while requiring the state to honor both civil and natural rights.

Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Philosopher who saw the relationship between the government and mankind as a reciprocal agreement where the state committed to mankind and mankind committed to the good of the state.

Federal Government

Political power is shared between independent central and state government.

John Hancock

President of the Second Continental Congress

Force Theory

States created by war; rule of the strong over the weak.


Was a reaction to capatalism

To dissolve allegiance to Britain and declare independence.

What was the purpose of the Declaration of Independence?

Alexander Hamilton

Which New York representative and founding father called for the meeting that led to the creation of the Constitution of the United Stated?

It could not coin money to pay for the war

Which answer did NOT contribute to the Articles of Confederation's failure to establish a strong central government?

Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels

Wrote the Communist Manifesto

Shays' Rebellion

_______ revealed that the Articles of Confederation might be weaken the U.S. government too much to keep the peace and protect Citizens.

A charter

is a new entity created by the authority of someone with sovereign power.

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