GOVT 2305 Exam 1 Review

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McCulloch v. Maryland.

"Let the end be legitimate, let it be within the scope of the constitution, and all means which are appropriate" is part of the broad Supreme Court interpretation of the elastic clause in the case of

policy entrepreneur.

A citizen, interest group member, or public official who champions a particular policy idea is called a


A constitutional clause that allows for a broad interpretation of implied powers is known as a(n) __________ clause.


A large, complex organization in which employees have specific job responsibilities and work within a hierarchy of authority is a(n)

The majoritarian model

A popular election is the primary mechanism for democratic government in which model?


A power not specifically mentioned in the Constitution but necessary if another specific grant of power is to be carried out is called a(n) _________ power.

less than 1 percent

A president can appoint about three thousand people to jobs in their administration, which represents __________ of all executive branch employees.

House; Senate

A president can be impeached by the _________ and tried and removed from office by the __________.

is typically due to fundamentals, such as state of the economy and whether the country is at war.

A president's reelection to a second term

a set-aside.

A purchasing or contracting provision that reserves a certain percentage of funds for minority-owned contractors is best defined as


It takes a _________ vote of Congress to overturn a presidential veto.

majoritarian model of democracy.

Cohesive political parties with well-defined programs contribute to the

ruled that prior restraint almost always places an unacceptable burden on a free press.

In Near v. Minnesota, the Supreme Court

failed to revisit the Plessy-era separate-but-equal doctrine.

In Sweatt v. Painter, the Supreme Court

be raised to $10.10.

In his 2014 State of the Union address, President Obama proposed that the minimum wage

declined, in part because of congressional budget actions.

In recent years, morale of government employees has

ohn Locke

In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson's statement that "all men are created equal" is similar to which theorist's belief that government is based on the "consent of the governed"?J

black codes

In the years after the Civil War, former slave states enacted ____________, attempting to restrict the freedoms of blacks.

loss of the moderate middle in Congress

One important reason the president needs to work hard to unify his party is the ____________, which has become much more pronounced recently.

his top priority.

President Lyndon Johnson considered civil rights legislation

U.S. Senate confirmation.

Presidential appointees in the executive branch fill the top policymaking positions in government, and some 1000 of them require

"There is no meaningful Iraqi identity."

Problems with establishing democracy in Iraq are, according to the text, chiefly a function of the fact that

an unfunded mandate.

Real ID, a federally mandated program that imposes security standards for states to issue driver's licenses, is an example of

substantive democracy.

Suppose a majority of Congress passes a law to permit organized prayer in public schools and the Supreme Court declares that the Constitution forbids this rule; this would be an example of

includes deliberately vague language as to what constitutes a disability.

The Americans with Disabilities Act

substantive theories of democracy.

The Bill of Rights is at the core of our

independent agency.

The CIA is a good example of a federal

employment opportunity

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 established the right to nondiscrimination in public accommodations and __________________.


The Department of ________ is the largest government department in terms of number of employees.

Anthony Kennedy.

The current justice most likely to cast the "deciding vote" in a 5-4 split Supreme Court case is

vetoed two bills.

Through 2013, Barack Obama

the philosophy of Karl Marx.

Using the state to redistribute income is a policy based on

Thomas Hobbes

Which political philosopher expressed the sentiment that life in a state of nature would be "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short?"

Abraham Lincoln

Which president asked, after being challenged on his aggressive expansion of presidential power, "Was it possible to lose the nation and yet preserve the Constitution?"

Bringing large numbers of citizens together for discussions and votes is difficult, decisions may require specialized knowledge not possessed by the average citizen, and discussion of political issues consumes more time than most people are willing to spend.

Why do most democracies give power to representatives rather than directly to citizens?

U.S. Law

_________ requires foreigners who are not citizens living in the United States to register with the government and carry their registration papers.


_________ theory prescribes that a group should decide to do what the majority of its participant wants to do.

Richard Nixon

__________ made important strides in foreign relations, completing an important arms control agreement with the Soviet Union and beginning negotiations with China, a country with which the United States had no formal prior diplomatic relations.

Gitlow v. New York

_____________ was the fist case to establish that the Bill of Rights would be applied more broadly than the Supreme Court initially held.

Opinion writing

_______________ is a Supreme Court justice's most critical function.


An American, who supports the creation of election districts that are likely to vote for minority candidates for public office and wants more restrictions on business owners' hiring decisions, is likely to be a

embracing marriage equality.

An important issue on which Vice President Joe Biden influenced President Obama in a positive direction was

interest group.

An organized group that seeks to influence government policy is called a(n)

that made the use of birth control devices a crime.

In Griswold v. Connecticut , the Court struck down a state law

universal participation.

The concept that everyone in a democracy should participate in governmental decision making is


A survey of House members during a nonelection year showed that most lawmakers made an average of _________ trips back to his or her district each year.

rounds up votes for legislation

A whip is a member of the legislature who _____________.


About how many requests for review does the U.S. Supreme Court receive each year?

was an essential barrier to legislative oppression.

According to Alexander Hamilton in Federalist No. 78, the power of judicial review

There would be one house, and all states would have equal representation in it.

According to the New Jersey Plan, how was representation to be structured in Congress?


According to the ____________ view of democracy, anti-gay marriage laws are democratic.

social rights and economic rights.

Agreement among substantive theorists breaks down when the discussion moves from civil rights to

rulings made and procedures followed by the lower federal courts and administrative agencies.

Federal appellate courts review and can overturn

denied federal benefits to same-sex couples

Federal law that _____________ was struck down by the 2013 Supreme Court decision in United States v. Windsor.

equality of outcome.

If universities increase funding for women's sports so that they receive comparable funding to men's, that is an example of

a school's interest in diversity permitted the use of race as one factor in university admissions, as long as all applicants were judged individually on their merits.

In 2003, the Supreme Court revisited the use of affirmative action by the University of Michigan and ruled that

overturn a law that had weakened unions.

In 2011, the state of Ohio approved an initiative to


Meetings in which legislation is debated and amended are called _________ sessions.

it permits policies that violate standards of substantive democracy.

One of the weaknesses of the procedural model of democracy is that

states were allowed to set their own standards for what constituted acceptable student performance.

One significant difficulty with the initial No Child Left Behind law was that

from October through April.

Supreme Court oral arguments are typically conducted

by the permission of any four justices.

Supreme Court review is granted to a case

the most diverse in history

The 113th Congress is considered by some to be ___________, compared to the general population.

dual federalism; cooperative federalism

The Great Depression represented a shift away from __________ and toward __________.

standing committees.

The House Judiciary Committee and the Senate Foreign Relations Committee are examples of

Bowers v. Hardwick.

The Supreme Court case Lawrence and Garner v. Texas overturned the previous decision of

the state to introduce evidence at trial if that evidence was seized on the basis of a mistakenly issued search warrant.

The Supreme Court decision United States v. Leon established the good faith exception which allowed


The Supreme Court's original jurisdiction extends to cases involving


The _________ Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures.


The __________ Amendment provides that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude...shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."


The __________ Amendment states, "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Fourteenth Amendment

The __________ has been construed to provide protection for the individual from the actions of a repressive state government.


The __________ pressed for legislation requiring cost estimates and analysis of the impact of agency regulations.

commerce clause

The ___________ gives Congress the power to regulate commerce among the states.

National Security Council

The _____________ is a group of advisers who help the president mold a coherent approach to foreign policy.

create longer delays.

The airline industry claimed that the new Department of Transportation rules limiting passenger tarmac waits on a plane would

Fifteenth Amendment.

The amendment permitting black American men to vote is the

the number of citizens involved in governing.

The ancient Greeks classified governments as autocracies, oligarchies, or democracies based on

protect states' rights

The chief goal of the drafters of the Articles of Confederation was to.

mentally unbalanced job seeker.

The civil service was created after President Garfield was assassinated by a(n)

pluralist democracy.

The idea that the courts are a policymaking branch of government and that the individual values and interests of judges should reflect the different values and interests of the population at large is most consistent with

stare decisis

The judicial principle of tending to honor precedents in similar cases is known as_____________.


The larger governmental departments tend to focus on the nation's

a call for a larger meeting of the states, with a broader mission.

The main positive result of the Annapolis Convention was

ranking minority member.

The minority counterpart to a committee chairperson is called a

it did not contain a bill of rights.

The most important obstacle to the adoption of the Constitution by the states was

majority leader.

The most powerful person in the Senate is the

one party controlling the presidency and another controlling Congress.

The phrase "divided government" refers to

select committee.

The so-called "supercommittee" created in 2011 to issue recommendations for reducing the deficit, which included members from both the House and Senate, is an example of a(n)

not mentioning it directly.

The text of the Constitution deals with slavery by

can be seen as a positive benefit.

The text suggests that in today's environment, minority identification on a law school application

conservative justices can be judicial activists.

The text suggests that the Supreme Court's decision in Bush v. Gore provides evidence for the proposition that

environmental protection and homeland security.

The vast majority of recent preemptions have focused on

can break tie votes in the Senate.

The vice president

The Articles of Confederation

Which document proclaimed, "Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not ... expressly delegated to the United States"?

John Marshall

Which justice famously wrote in the Marbury v. Madison decision, "It is emphatically the province and duty of the judicial department to say what the law is"?

A marble cake

Which metaphor best describes cooperative federalism?

Powers and privileges guaranteed to individuals and protected against arbitrary withdrawal by the government or individuals

Which of the following best describes the concept of civil rights?

Karl Marx

Which of the following philosophers is usually associated with socialism?

The Court decision was 8-1, with one dissenting opinion by Chief Justice Fred Vinson.

Which of the following statements concerning Brown v. Board of Education is not correct?

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