Govt. ch. 1

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(question)According to John Locke, what was the primary purpose of government?

to protect natural rights of individuals

(question)Since 9/11, the federal government has increased security at major airports, large venues, and federal buildings. Of the six purposes stated in the Preamble of the United States Constitution, which of the following is MOST closely related to this example?

"insure domestic Tranquility"

natural rights (by john Locke)

god- given rights to life, liberty and property.

first Continental congress-

Sept. 1774


one ruler, usually hereditary

US Political Culture

sets of values widely shared within a society


-New taxes to finance French and Indian War -Enforcement of trade regulations -No representation in Parliament

Unitary Government

A centralized government in which all government powers belong to a single, central agency.

Federal Government

A form of government in which powers are divided between a central government and several local governments.

Elitism vs Pluralism

two competing ideas about who has the strongest influence over the


ultra- nationalist, strong authoritarianism and repression of opposition

(question)Which characteristic is a feature of a constitutional democracy?

The protection of individual rights

league of friendships among states

unicameral legislature, no judiciary, no executive, no power or tax, no power to regulate commerce

Democracy and Capitalism

both provide for and encourage individualism and freedom with limits on the power of government but the two are not the same

political systems

capitalism, socialism,communism refer to economic systems

(question)Most Americans believe citizens should have ________.

equal opportunities

Americans were accustomed to the idea of representative government

English parliament, colonial assemblies and legislatures, and representation only for white males ( sometimes only land- owning, white male)

(question)A unitary government is different than a confederate government in that a unitary government

establishes a strong central authority.

Shay's Rebellion

farmers attack courthouse to prevent foreclosures neither national nor state govt. could respond, elites privately put down rebellion Annapolis meeting to constitutional convention

Life was good in the colonies

for self-governing and powered wigs, but not slaves

four theories of government

force theory divine right theory evolution theory social contract theory

divine right

god created the state and choose a special person to rule based on royal birth or a magical sword

(question)Based on this excerpt, which statement BEST explains Locke's influence on the American Revolution Freedom of men under government is, to have a standing rule to live by . . . and not to be subject to the inconstant, uncertain, unknown, arbitrary will of another man. . . .—John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, 1690

People set limits on government to protect individual rights.

(question)A meaningful explanation of the American governmental system must include which of the following ideals?

Recognition of the rights of all individuals

(question)Use the excerpt below to answer the question.Rousseau's social contract theories together form a single, consistent view of our moral and political situation. We are endowed with freedom and equality by nature, but our nature has been corrupted. . . . We can overcome this corruption, however, by invoking our free will to reconstitute [remake] ourselves politically . . . —"Social Contract Theory," Dr. Celeste Friend, Hamilton College, 2004.Which excerpt from the Declaration of Independence BEST reflects this philosophy?

That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed...


government is all powerful, no individual rights

force theory

government is established by force

(question)Rule of law is a principle of American government. It means that every person is entitled to the protection of the law. It also means that government officials must follow the same laws as everybody else. Which civil protection described in the Bill of Rights addresses the principle of rule of law?

The courts cannot deny a speedy trial to someone accused of a crime.

(question)Which statement is the BEST explanation of the divine right of kings?

The king answers only to God.

(question)Which statement identifies the purpose of this passage from the Declaration of Independence?Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. . . .[W]henever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government . . .—The Declaration of Independence

The people can overthrow a government that fails to protect basic rights.

Delcaration of Independence

Thomas Jefferson justified revolution revolutionaries needed foreign assistance

John Locke vs declaration of independence

Thomas Jefferson basically took all of John Locke's ideas and tweaked them and put it into the Declaration of Independence


a society organize itself and allocates authority and provide benefits that the society as a whole needs


achieving particular goals and exercising control within a government ( who gets, what, when, and how)

older people

are always most likely to vote over younger people

(question)The American political culture is generally defined by ________.

attachment to individualism and liberty

(question)Citizens can be the ultimate guardians of their own rights and freedoms by ________.

believing in and participating in the democratic system

tradeoff perspective

interests of both the elite and people likely influence govt. action, and compromise will often attempt. to please both.

English heritage and age of enlightenment

john Locke natural rights life, liberty, property purpose of government is to protect consent of the governed limited government

(question)Which term best describes the government developing policies based on what most people want?

majority rule

constitutional democracy

majority rule vs minority rights

political participation

more than just voting its stay informed, write your reps., donate time or money, take it to the streets, petition, form a group, vote, get others to vote, civil disobedience, boycott, volunteer, run for office.

Second Continental Congress

moved from reconciliation to revolution Thomas Paine's Common Sense- fanned revolutionary sentiments. declaration of independence, July 4, 1776

(question) "Life, liberty, and property" were considered by John Locke to be

natural rights.


our government is controlled by a combination of business, military and political elites.

social contract (by John Locke)

people agree to be ruled, government , protects rights

Direct Democracy

people directly make decisions

Representative Democracy

people select reps. to make decisions

(question)Widely shared values, beliefs, and attitudes that citizens hold about the role of government and how it operates are known as _____.

political culture

(question)Activities and interactions that seek to affect the composition, power, and actions of government are collectively referred to as ______.


(question)Which action by John Locke BEST explains his influence on the founding of the United States?

popularizing the concept of natural rights

Postwar Turmoil

postwar economic depression new elector passes laws favoring debtors


power rest with competing interest groups who share influence in government

social contract theory

protection of rights depends on government. people trade some freedom, give allegiance to govt. for protection. it is the most relevant to US government


rule by a small number of people or a political elite


rule by one person

(question)Use the excerpt below to answer the question. Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government .The Declaration of Independence, 1776.This excerpt is based on which philosophical argument?

social contract theory

(question)Which practice outlined in the U.S. Constitution was influenced by the ideas of republicanism?

the election of representatives to make the laws

Articles of Confederation

the government that failed 1776-1787 13 unique colonies/ states fear of strong central government 13 strong state governments weak national government

Confederation Government

the regional authorities hold most power but give some power to the central authority.

Evolutionary Theory

the state and government is a natural extension of family clan, and tribal organization


we the people

the conservative revolution

winning Independence not easy (8 years) ideas not new, but never practices, individualism , rule by the people independence, not a new way of life slavery

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