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Quote by William Dwight Whitney: "Bad English is simply that which is ______________"

"...not approved and accepted by good and careful speakers."

When Saussere died, two of his students used his notes and published:

*Course in General Linguistics*

What 3 ways were the questions to be labeled by the people who received Leonard's letters?

1. Literary English (formally correct) 2. Standard English (basic language) 3. Naïve English (uneducated)

What three ways did Fries label the people whose letters he researched?

1. Standard English (college grads) 2. Common English (HS grads/middle management) 3. Vulgar English (no HS degree, manual labor)

What is the lifespan of Shakespeare?


There are ___ Liberal Arts.


Neoclassic Period

Age of Reason(Enlightenment)

In 350 BC, _____ mentioned the term conjunction.


What are the Quadriviums?

Arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, music

*Verbal Behavior*; (we learn by imitating and repeating)

B.F. Skinner

Study of behavior; not why they do it, but what they do.


Best surviving example of Old English.


People who followed behind Bloomfield and his use of language; believe language is learned through repetition:

Bloomfield Structuralists; Bloomfieldians

The Printing Press helped make more ___, _____ the language, and ____ literacy rates.

Books, stabilize, increase

How are non-kernel sentences described?

By their transformations

Original habitats of British Isles.


*Course in General Linguistics* is written by:

Charles Bally and Albert Sechehaye

*American English Grammar*

Charles C. Fries

Wrote book in 1859 that focuses on evolution, change, and scientific ideas:

Charles Darwin

Best example of Middle English:

Chaucer's Canterbury Tales

What flaws did Chomsky point out in Skinner's book?

Children are not always grammatically correct; we don't always repeat what we hear; we are able to read and understand what we have never heard or seen before; there are words that are used all the time (ex: and & but) that should be among the first words learned by children if Skinner's theory is correct, but they are actually among the last.

Unconscious knowledge that a speaker has:


How did Leonard research usage of language?

Compiled list of a hundred questionable usage problems; sent to language professionals to rank(English Teacher, editors, etc.); he had them identify the questions one of 3 ways; looked at responses, combined research, and compiled books

Jacob Grimm was interested in how we used _____ and compared them with other languages.


*Don't Sleep. There are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle*

Dan Everett

Latin and Sanskrit are both _____ languages.


Approach where scholars/ linguistics set the rules; everyone else follows the rules

Deductive Approach

Structural approach; describing language; Europe in the 1900s.

Descriptive Approach

Focus is to describe the structure and pattern of language (how people use the language):

Descriptive Grammar

Historical approach to linguistics

Diachronic Linguistics

*The Art of Grammar*

Dionysius Thrax

What are the three grammar rules we see from the 1700s?

Do not use double negatives, do not split an infinitive, no preposition at the end of a sentence

The idea that language usage should be thought of as appropriate or inappropriate; Good English and Standard English.

Doctrine of Usage

Wrote standard Latin Textbook


Notions or ideas of what a language is; refers to the shared habits of a community of speakers

E-Language (external)

What are the two categories of Modern English?

Early Modern(1500-1800); Late Modern(1800-Present)

Germanic language; Analytic; VO; Infinitive is two words:


What did the 4 writers believe needed to happen?

English Language needed to be purified; have a system of rules, and then set it in stone

In the 1700s, grammar books were written for ___, and it focused on ___ rather than ___.

English speakers; focused on correction than instruction

Professor in Switzerland; taught linguistics; Did not publish much of anything.

Ferdinand de Saussere

Chomsky came to believe several rules can be supplied ____ or ____.

Generally; Universally

*Lectures on the English Language*

George Perkins Marsh

Spoke more than six languages; believed language, morality, and hygiene all go together:

George Perkins Marsh

*Modern English: Its Growth and Present Use*

George Philip Krapp

Romans began to retreat in 436 AD, and in 449 AD _____ invaders arrived in British Isles.


Old French was based on both ____ and ____ influences.

Germanic and Latin

Less formal, but not awful language:

Good English

Chomsky's Theory from 1980-Present:

Government and Binding Theory

Study of the classes of words and their functions and relations in sentences; what is preferred and what should be avoided in language.


The Solitaires wanted to write a ____ of all the known languages of their day.


Set of principles on how we use consonants in Germanic languages compared to other IE languages

Grimm's Law

Historians study the history of different languages and compare them:

Historical-Comparative approach

Mental knowledge a native speaker has:

I-Language (internal)

Approach to observe good writers, infer how language works; Joseph Priestly and George Campbell, minority:

Inductive Approach

Believed in behaviorism, influenced Bloomfield.

J.B. Watson

*A History of the German Language*

Jacob Grimm

Who were the four great writers that believed we needed to set rules for grammar?

John Dryden, Daniel Defoe, Jonathan Swift, Samuel Johnson

Basic sentences that can be transformed to generate new sentences

Kernel Sentences

Italic/Romance language; Synthetic; OV; Infinitive is one word:


English grammar rules are sometimes based on ______, but it is a ______ language.

Latin, Germanic

Studied German, Sanskrit, Tagalong, Algonquin; focused more on differences of languages; came to believe linguistics is a physical science.

Leonard Bloomfield

Educated people studied ______.

Liberal Arts

*English Grammar Adapted to the Different Classes of Learners*

Lindly Murray

Born in US, later moved to England; best-selling author in early 1800s, wrote 11 textbooks

Lindly Murray

What is spoken, not why; language is learned by repetition.

Linguistic Behaviorism

The scientific study of language and its structure.


What are the Triviums?

Logic, Rhetoric, Grammar

The Printing Press was located in _____.


How did Fries research the usage of language?

Looked at over 3,000 letters people had written to the government, took into account their educational level and occupations; and then identified the people in one of three ways; then combined research and wrote books

Where is Chomsky a professor at?


Which two organizations sponsored linguistics studies in the United States?


People became interested in grammar during this time.

Middle Ages (500-1500)

The mixture of Old French and Old English is called:

Middle English

Chomsky came to believe that the ___ is an important part; that we have in our ____ the ability to process language.

Mind; brain


Modern Language Association; 1883

People living and working during 1250-1350 that created speculative grammar


Study of the forms of things.



National Council of Teachers of English; 1911

Many American English words are based on _______ words.

Native American

*An {American} Dictionary of the English Language*

Noah Webster

Most influential in American Linguistics:

Noam Chomsky

Who wrote a response to Skinner's book?

Noam Chomsky

In the 1600s, grammar books were written for ___

Nonnative speakers or individuals studying Latin

When William the Conqueror conquered the Anglo Saxons, it was known as ____, and they spoke ______.

Norman conquest; A version of Old French

In 1204, ____ was lost to France.


In 850 when Northern European, Norse (Norway), invaders came to the British Isles, they brought ____.

Northern Germanic Language

The language Angles, Jutes, Saxons spoke when they invaded (brought Western Germanic Language).

Old English

What are the three English Languages?

Old(500-1100), Middle(1100-1500), Modern

The breaking down of sentences (function and part of speech).


Between 500 BC- 500 AD, the classical period introduced _____.

Parts of Speech

What happened during the Neoclassic Period?

People started reading more and started thinking differently; Age of scientific discovery and exploration; significant political chaos occurred

Actual production of sentences:


Study and classification of speech sounds.


In 400 BC, _____ mentioned the concept of noun and verb.


Idea of the system of rules; do's and don'ts; originated in England in 1700s.

Prescriptive Approach

Approach to grammar that is based on a system of rules; given by teachers and followed by students.

Prescriptive Grammar

Includes judgments on socially correct usage; based on Latin; but sometimes based on personal preference

Prescriptive Grammar

Prestigious dialect of the language; manners or etiquette.

Prescriptive Grammar

What is the English Academy?

Regularity agency to oversee language; Dryden appointed to establish it; Swift wrote letter to the treasurer hoping it would get funded; Academy never happened

*Table Alphabeticall*; 1st English dictionary

Robert Caudrey

*Short Introduction to English Grammar*

Robert Lowthe

_____ invaded British Isles in 55 BC and stayed there for about 500 years.


After the tough times, what are people looking for?

Rules, logic, guidelines; see desire to regulate and control language

*A Dictionary of the English Language*

Samuel Johnson; most comprehensive of all dictionaries written at the time.

What was anthropologist Edward Sapir's hypothesis called?

Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis

Concerned with the meaning of words.


Who was one of the biggest contributors to Early Modern English and added many vocab words to the English Language?


Judge from the late 1700s; compared Latin and Sanskrit; fluent in language; linguistic prodigy

Sir William Jones

Group of men who went to live at Port Royal School in France.


How grammar mirrored nature; from Latin word speculum.

Speculative Grammar

Classroom; more correct and formal language:

Standard English

Thoughtful and proper use of the language used by educated people.

Standard English

Chomsky's Theory from 1950s- late 1970s

Standard Theory

*Current English Usage*

Sterling Leonard

Studying language as an independent system:

Synchronic Language

The arrangement of words and phrases into well-formed sentences.


____ influenced language from Middle to Modern English; vowel pronunciation changed

The Great Vowel Shift

Rebirth of culture and scholarship in Europe in 1500-1650, interest in arts and music.

The Renaissance

Made English the language of Court and Parliament.

The Statute of Pleading

What all did the Greeks create?

The alphabet, conjugation, parts of speech, parsing

Divided words into 8 categories or 8 parts of speech.


Lived in Alexandria(Egypt) which was established by Greeks.


Biological approach; Interested in mind; Unconscious knowledge; Mid 20th century.

Transformational- Generative Approach

There may be some _________ no matter what language you may study.

Universal Features

The idea that all languages have a connectivity

Universal Grammar

Every day(ordinary) languages.


What is the primary difference between early modern and late modern English?


What is the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis?

Whether the way a person speaks affects how they see the world

Angles, Jutes, Saxons.

Who were the Germanic invaders?

*Bref Grammar for English*

William Bullokar

First English printer (of the printing press) in 1476.

William Caxton

Professor at Yale who specialized in Sanskrit; wrote textbooks for Sanskrit, English, German, French; one of the first to consider sociological influences of language:

William Dwight Whitney

In 1066, ______(Duke of Normandy) invaded and conquered the Anglo Saxons.

William the Conqueror

Professor at Univ. of Penn; Structuralist; had Chomsky as a student:

Zellig Harris

For every bit of communication we do, you must:

consider your audience and purpose

To + verb; based on Latin (to run, to speak)


*Institutiones Grammatical*

written by Priscian in Latin; also used the 8 parts of speech

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