grammar stuff

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Correct because the plural verb 'are' agrees with the plural noun 'tulips.'

In the sentence, 'Sixty-five percent of the tulips in this field are white', the subject-verb agreement is:

All of the dogs at the animal shelter have to wear collars.

Choose the option that corrects the following faulty collective ownership error. All of the dogs at the animal shelter have to wear a collar.

All of the people on my street have nice yards.

Choose the option that corrects the following faulty collective ownership error. All of the people on my street have a nice yard.

Expensive cars should have good sound systems.

Choose the option that corrects the following faulty collective ownership error. Expensive cars should have a good sound system.

The dragon, even though the villagers denied it, was actually a nice guy.

Correctly place the commas around the non-essential clause: The dragon even though the villagers denied it was actually a nice guy.

Add a comma after 'help.'

How could the following sentence be altered to be clearer? Without help I would not finish this assignment.

A dependent clause isn't a complete sentence on its own, while an independent clause can be a stand-alone sentence.

How does a dependent clause differ from an independent clause

he; mob boss

Identify the subject(s) of the following sentence: He didn't know the mob boss paid off the cop.

girls; hear

In the following sentence, _____ is the subject noun and _____ is the verb. 'The two girls, as they stroll past the park, hear the faint sound of church bells chiming the hour.'

'Since getting that new job,' because it incorrectly modifies 'my gas bills.'

In the following sentence, identify the dangling modifier and why it is wrong. Since getting that new job out of town, my gas bills have doubled and my car is falling apart.

'Startled by the explosion' and 'ignoring the crowds.'

In the following sentence, identify the phrases that correctly modify the word 'sheep.' Startled by the explosion, the sheep began racing around the pen, ignoring the crowds.

It has a comma splice.

What is wrong with the following sentence? Most of the movies I like don't have a lot of explosions, sometimes I like horror movies though.

''It's going to be gorgeous weather outside today,'' the teacher said.

When quotation marks are involved, which of the following demonstrates the correct usage of a comma?

edit to make the words on either side of the conjunction parallel

When using coordinating conjunctions like but, and, or and so, writers should _____.

Use the subject noun closest to the verb to decide.

When writing a sentence using either/or or neither/nor, how do you decide whether the verb should be singular or plural?

Change be enjoying to enjoy

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. He sat down at the table expecting to order, eat, and be enjoying his meal alone.

The family's trip took them to New York City, New York; Providence, Rhode Island; Savannah, Georgia; and New Orleans, Louisiana -- and back.

Which of the following answers use correct punctuation?

end a sentence.

A colon cannot be used to

No: the modifying phrases are correctly ordered and the meaning is clear.

Determine if the following sentence contains an incorrect modifier. After falling from a ladder, the firefighter was rushed to the emergency room in a taxi and given blood before surgery.

Nearly,' because it should appear before the words 'two hours.'

In the following sentence, identify the misplaced modifier and why it doesn't work. The Senator nearly spoke for two hours about the somewhat unfair tax increase before the committee tiredly voted on the motion.

Pluralize the object the group is owning or using

To correct faulty collective ownership, a writer should look for wording that suggests group ownership and _____.

collective nouns

What is another name for group nouns?

The subject is singular.

Which of the following indicates that a verb should be singular?

He and his wife waited and waited for any good news.

Which of the following sentences has multiple subjects?

You insult my honor I am challenging you to a duel.

Which of the following sentences is NOT grammatically correct?

I, her, we, I, we, him

Which pronouns are found in the following sentence? 'I kept telling her that we would go back for Elmo, but I knew we had left him behind. '

A semicolon

shouldn't be used to connect two widely dissimilar independent clauses.

Parallel structure in a series often highlights verb tenses that agree.

Choose the most correct statement regarding parallel structure in a series of items.

We had neither enough money nor enough time to escape.

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. We neither had money nor enough time to escape.

Change to play baseball to playing baseball

Check the parallelism of the following sentence. Choose the answer that best corrects the problem. Although he enjoyed running and to play baseball, he decided to try out for volleyball instead.

She was not nice, for she did not share her Twinkie with me.

Identify the grammatically correct version of this sentence: She was not nice she did not share her Twinkie with me.

Because it's the correct way to ask the question.

Jim has entered the classroom to find his teacher saying: 'Whose pencil is lying over there on the floor?' Why did his teacher use an interrogative pronoun to start the sentence?

Well placed modifiers make the intended meaning of the sentence clear to the reader.

The most important reason modifiers should be correctly placed in a sentence is that _____.

Put a comma after 'agent'

Which of the choices is an INCORRECT way to fix the following sentence? Jones is a terrific agent she is the best marksman we have.

His goals were simple: find the girl, get the bad guys, take off with the cash.

Which of the following answers has correct punctuation?

Because it corresponds to the verb was shady.

Why is business the only subject in the following sentence? The business with the casino owner and the oil tycoon was shady.

Because it is a relative pronoun that connects the dependent clause 'who had it all'.

Why is the word 'who' important to the following dependent clause? ''The man who had it all eventually lost everything.'


Identify the verb or verbs in the following sentence: The brazen criminal shot his way through the police barricade.

It is a sentence fragment.

Which of these describes the problem with the following sentence? Looking for his favorite pair of glasses.

'However', 'although' and 'since'

are all words that introduce a phrase.

Their new home was ideally situated by the river; furthermore, the ten-foot high fence kept the neighbors out.

Which of the following answers has correct punctuation?

He was angry with you, not playing a joke.

Which of the following is an example where a comma is correctly used despite there NOT being any conjunction? He was angry with you not playing a joke.

poured; took

Identify the verb or verbs in the following sentence: She poured a drink for herself and took a very long sip.

I don't always use commas, but when I do, I use them correctly.

Identify the most appropriate conjunction and the correct comma placement for the following sentence: I don't always use commas but when I do I use them correctly.

It is the final comma in a listing of items

What is the significance of an Oxford comma?

It is a regular run-on sentence.

What is wrong with the following sentence? Clint didn't talk much he just stared you down with cold, dead eyes.

He - subject pronoun; you - subject pronoun; me - object pronoun

Which of the following correctly identifies the subjective and objective pronouns found in the following sentence? 'Run away from the hooded monks with the giant swords?' he asked. 'You don't have to tell me twice.'

for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.

Which of the following correctly lists the coordinating conjunctions?

The rock flew from his hand, skipped across the pond, and sank from sight.

Which of the following demonstrates correct comma usage when separating elements in a series?

He had a large, densely packed, highly organized bookshelf in his office.

Which of the following demonstrates correct comma usage with adjectives?

Few, many, both, others, and several.

Which of the following pronouns must ALWAYS be paired with a plural verb?

Gary, who was sorry he hadn't used, still believed in the value of higher education.

Which of the following sentences about Gary is grammatically correct?

She couldn't decide which of the ice cream cakes she liked best. Which one should she choose?

Which of the following sentences about ice cream cakes is grammatically correct?

Whether we lived or died, it didn't matter to us either way.

Which of the following sentences has a plural subject pronoun and a plural object pronoun?

''To whom do I owe the pleasure of tonight's entertainment?'' he asked the masked singer. ''I find your singing delightful.''

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

I survived the shipwreck; incidentally, I am an excellent swimmer.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?

This dog looks funny, but that's just my opinion, isn't it?

Which of the following sentences is written correctly?

She, it, you

Which pronouns are present in the following sentence? She said, 'Gosh, Darren, it is almost like you don't know the first thing about human sacrifice!'

Replace 'you' with 'they'

Which word would make the following sentence grammatically correct? 'Students should check with their teachers before you leave the classroom.'

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