Grammar--- types of sentences

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Passive construction

(object of action into subject) Form of "to be" + past participle = passive voice (verb)

What two pieces of punctuation put together compound sentences?


Complex sentence

1 subordinate (dependent) clause & 1 independent clause

Compound sentence

2 independent clauses joined together with a coordinate conjunction

Abstract writing

A brief summary of the essential view, facts, or statements in an article, chapter, or book.


A helping verb that is joined with a main verb to express an attitude such as necessity or possibility. (ex. if you must go outside, you should wear a good hat)


A verb that can be used as an adjective


A word group that contains a verb & its subject & that is used as a sentence or as a part of a sentence. Although every clause contains a subject & verb, not every clause expresses a complete thought.


A, an, & the

_____ _____ is a prepositional phrase that is used to modify a noun or pronoun.

Adjectival Phrase

What type of phrase is this: "Some frogs secret poison from glands in their skin"

Adjective phrase "in their skin" modifies "glands"

What type of phrase is this: "The life cycle of the piranha is interesting"

Adjective phrase "of the piranha" modifies "life cycle"

A prepositional phrase that modifies a noun or pronoun is called an ______

Adjective phrase (answers which one?)

What type of phrase is this: "Through his poetry Hughes reveals something of the African American experience."

Adverb phrase (telling how)

What type of phrase is this: "Later in life Hughes wrote several plays"

Adverb phrase (telling when)

A prepositional phrase that modifies a verb, adjective, or adverb is called an ____

Adverb phrase (answers how? when? where?)

Noun Clauses

Any clause that functions as a noun becomes a noun clause.

Verb Phrase

Auxiliary Verb + main verb + verb ending when necessary

Type of sentence: "While the tiger sang, the dog danced."

Complex sentence

Type of sentence: "The tiger sang & the dog danced"

Compound sentence

Linking verb

Connect the subject to a word or word group that identifies or describes the subject (renames). Most common linking verbs are forms of the verb "be". (ex. is, are, was, were, appears, seems, becomes)

Present participle

End in -ing

Intransitive verb

Express action (or tells something about the subject) without the action passing to a receiver, or object (ex. the children ate quickly)

Transitive verbs

Express an action directed toward a person, place, or thing. Words that receive the action are called objects.

What type of phrase is this: "Working after school has taught us the importance of using our spare time wisely."

Gerund "working after school" is the subject of the verb "has taught'

What type of phrase is this: "Both of us enjoy working"

Gerund "working" is the direct object of the verb "enjoy"

Prepositional phrase

Includes a preposition, the object of preposition, & any modifiers of that object

What type of phrase is this: "I cannot decide which puppy to adopt"

Infinitive phrase "to adopt" adjective modifying the noun "puppy"

What type of phrase is this: "To train any dog requires patience"

Infinitive phrase "to train any dog" the subject of the verb "requires"

Coordinating conjunctions

Join words or word groups that are used in the same way. These are the FANBOYS- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so

Simple sentence

Made up of a subject & predicate. Contains 1 independent clause (may have many phrases attached)

What type of clause is this: "Cola spilled over the glass & splashed onto the counter"

Main (independent) clause

What type of clause is this: "My dog loves pizza crust"

Main (independent) clause


Modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Tells when, where, how, or to what extent. Many adverbs end with -ly; however, you must look at the way the word is used in sentences. May also introduce questions. (ex. there, tomorrow, very, weekly, later)

Proper nouns

Name a particular person, place, thing, or idea and are capitalized.

Noun Phrase

Optional modifier + noun + optional modifier

Type of sentence: "Card utilizes visual imagery to characterize Ender as violent"

Passive construction

_______ is a group o related words that functions as a single part of speech. Does not have a subject or verb!


Adjective phrases

Prepositional phrases that modify a noun or pronoun

personal pronoun

Refer to the one speaking (first person), the one spoken to (second person), or the one spoken about (third person)

What type of clause is this: "That had spilled over the glass and splashed onto the counter."

Relative (adjective) clause

What type of clause is this: "Whom Mrs.Russell hit in the head with a chalk eraser"

Relative (adjective) clause

Main Clause (independent)

Subject + Verb = complete thought

What type of clause can never stand alone by itself?

Subordinate (dependent) clause

What type of clause is this: "As cola spilled over the glass and splashed onto the counter"

Subordinate (dependent) clause

What type of clause is this: "Because my dog loves pizza crust"

Subordinate (dependent) clause

Object of preposition

The noun or pronoun in a prepositional phrase

Demonstrative adjectives

This, that, these, and those

Conjuctive adverbs (or adverb connectors)

Used as connecting words between independent clauses in a compound sentence. (ex. however, therefore, nevertheless)

Relative Adverbs

Used to introduce adjective clauses (ex. when he drove, where he lived)

Relative Clauses

Will begin with a relative pronoun (who, whom, whose, which, that) or a relative adverb (when, where, why)


Word or group of words that is used to name a person, place, thing, or idea.


Word that is used in place of one or more nouns or pronouns.


Word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to another word. The noun/pronoun that a preposition relates another word to is called the object of preposition. (ex. about, for, to, from, on, under, near)


Word used to express action or a state of being.


Word used to modify a noun or pronoun; modify means to describe. An adjective tells what kind, which one, or how many.


Words that a pronoun stands for or refers to


Words that express emotion & have no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. It is set off from the rest of the sentence by an exclamation point or comma.


Words that join words or word groups

Dependent clause

a group of words with a subject & a verb, but they can't make sense alone. Usually begins with a subordinate conjunction

Every ____ has at least a subject & verb


Compound nouns

consist of two or more words used together as a single noun which may be written as one word, as separate words, or as a hyphenated word.

Gerund phrase

consists of a gerund & any modifiers or compliments the gerund has. The entire phrase is used as a noun.

Infinitive phrase

consists of an infinitive & any modifiers or complements the infinitive has. The entire phrase can be used as a noun, adjective, or adverb.

Compound Complex

consists of two or more independent clauses & at least one dependent clause

Intensive pronoun

emphasize their antecedents & have no grammatical function

Action verb

express either physical or mental action; can be transitive or intransitive

A _______ phrase is used like other nouns, as subjects, predicate nominatives, direct object, indirect object, & objects of prepositions.


Helping verbs (auxiliary verbs)

help the main verb express action or state of being. (ex. do, can, has, should, would)

Interrogative pronoun

introduce a question (ex. who, whom, which, what, whose)

Relative pronoun

introduce a subordinate clause (ex.that, which, who, whom, whose)

Subordinate conjunctions

introduce adverb clauses or dependent clauses (ex. since, because)

Proper adjectives

like proper nouns begin with a capital letter

Every sentence must have at east one ________ clause, otherwise you have a fragment

main (independent) clause

List the 4 types of clauses:

main (independent), subordinate (dependent), relative (adjective), & noun

To complete a thought, you must attach a subordinate clause to a _____ clause

main clause

Concrete nouns

name a person, place, or thing that can be perceived by one or more senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell)

Abstract nouns

name an idea, a feeling, a quality, or a characteristic.

Common nouns

name any one of a group of persons, places, things, or ideas and are generally not capitalized.

Correlative conjunctions

pairs of conjunctions that join words or word groups that are used in the same way. (ex. either... or, neither... nor, not only... but also)

a _____ is 2 or more words that do not contain the subject-verb pair necessary to form a clause


What is this an example of: "in the deep blue sea"

phrase (no subject or verb)

What is this an example of: "would have arrived"

phrase (no subject)

Demonstrative pronoun

point out a specific person, place, thing, or idea (ex. this, that, these, those)

Adverb phrases

prepositional phrases that modify a verb, adjective, or adverb

Indefinite pronoun

refer to one or more persons, places, things, or ideas that may or may not be specifically named.

Reflexive pronouns

refer to the subject of a sentence & functions as a complement or as an object of a preposition

Participial phrase

used as an adjective & consists of a participle & any complements or modifiers the participle has

Past participle

usually end in -d or -ed

Collective nouns

words that name a group

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