Great Britain Practice Questions

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Which British political party generally supports a market-controlled economy, privatization of industry, less involvement with the EU, and fewer social welfare programs? Select one: a. Liberal Democratic Party b. Sinn Fein c. Labour Party d. Scottish Nationalist Party e. Conservative Party

Conservative Party

Which of the following is the best description of the rules regarding British national elections? Select one: a. Elections are held in single-member districts, with runoffs (if needed) scheduled by the prime minister. b. Elections must be held every five years, but the prime minister may call them earlier. c. Elections are conducted according to proportional representation, with each party composing a list of candidates in order of electoral preference. d. Elections are held every four years on Tuesday after the first Monday in November. e. Elections for the House of Commons are held every two years, but the prime minister is only elected once every four years.

Elections must be held every five years, but the prime minister may call them earlier.

Careers for elites in parliament, the cabinet, the civil service, top business leaders, high ranking military officials, and the leadership of the Anglican Church are most available to which groups within the United Kingdom? I. Residents of London and the south of England II. alumni III. public school graduates IV. educated, white wealthy males V. the middle class Select one: a. II, III, and IV b. I, II, III, IV, and V c. I only d. IV and V only e. II only Check

I, II, III, IV, and V

Which of the following is the best description of the arrangement of power in the United Kingdom? Select one: a. It is a strict unitary system. b. It is a strict federal system. c. It is confederal. d. It is a unitary system that has experienced devolution. e. It is a federal system that has experienced centralization of power

It is a unitary system that has experienced devolution.

This political party garnered as much as 26% of the popular vote in modern British elections, but it has never claimed more than 62 seats in the House of Commons. Which political party is it? Select one: a. Scottish Nationalist Party b. Liberal Democratic Party c. British National Party d. Plaid Cymru e. UK Independence Party

Liberal Democratic Party

If one leans moderately to the left politically in the United States he or she will likely support the programs and policies of the Democratic Party.  A politician who leans more than moderately to the left in contemporary Britain is most likely to support the programs and policies of which party? Select one: a. Sinn Fein b. Scottish National Party c. Liberal Democrats d. Labour e. Conservative

Liberal Democrats

The following statement is quoted from Margaret Thatcher: "The Old Testament prophets do not say, 'Brothers I want a consensus.' They said, 'This is my faith, this s what I passionately believe, If you believe too, then come with me'" Which of the following views about the British political system is reflected in the quote above? Select one: a. Although Great Britain was plagued by disputes between the left and the right, Thatcher would be the voice of the center. b. Judeo-Christian values on such issues as abortion, homosexuality, divorce, and the death penalty should guide the government's policy-making. c. The decline of class distinctions was leading to an unhealthy emphasis on decision-making based on consensus in the cabinet. d. The left and right should forego past squabbles to economically reinvigorate the nation. e. The United Kingdom's problems could be solved by strong leadership with a clear vision for the nation.

The United Kingdom's problems could be solved by strong leadership with a clear vision for the nation.

All of the following have been created to further the process of devolution in Britain EXCEPT: Select one: a. the Welsh Parliament b. the office of mayor of London c. the Scottish Parliament d. a regional government for Cornwall e. a general assembly for London

a regional government for Cornwall

A country with a single-member district, first-past-the-post electoral system is most likely to have which form of party rule? Select one: a. single-party rule b. a smaller number of parties with broad ideological consensus Correct c. a one-party dominant system d. a three-party system e. a multitude of parties with meaningful contrasting positions on issues

a smaller number of parties with broad ideological consensus

Which of the following is the best definition of a corporatist system? Select one: a. a country with nationally owned industries b. a country where many interest groups battle for political power and ultimately share it equally c. a country without environmental regulations d. a system of government in which certain large interest groups are given power to write legislation e. a country where corporations dominate the political process

a system of government in which certain large interest groups are given power to write legislation

Which of the following political figures is most likely to be a policy expert in a particular policymaking field? Select one: a. the cabinet member that heads the department that deals with the policy topic b. a top-level bureaucrat in the department that deals with the policy topic c. the prime minister d. a member of Parliament e. a peer in the House of Lords

a top-level bureaucrat in the department that deals with the policy topic

Which of the following is NOT part of the Constitutional Reform Movement in the United Kingdom? Select one: a. devolution to Scotland and Wales b. adopting fusion of power c. adopting the euro d. having an elected mayor of London e. moving to a proportional representation voting system

adopting fusion of power

As a result of parliamentary acts, the main political power of the House of Lords is to Select one: a. delay legislation from passage for up to one year b. ratify bills passed in the House of Commons c. introduce legislation d. serve as Britain’s highest court of appeals e. award notable individual achievements with life peerages

delay legislation from passage for up to one year

Which of the following issues was addressed directly by the Good Friday Agreement of 1998? Select one: a. devolution of power to the Scottish Parliament b. socialism vs. market economy c. the role of the Anglican Church in shaping political policies d. integration of the British economy with the EU e. devolution of power to a northern Ireland Parliament

devolution of power to a northern Ireland Parliament Next

The creation of a Supreme Court in 2009 is a change from Select one: a. royal prerogatives influencing court decisions b. reliance on the European Court of Justice c. aristocratic adjudication of disputes over points of law d. the inquisitorial system of justice e. fusion of powers

fusion of powers

Which of the following best describes the United Kingdom's transition to democracy? Select one: a. gradual b. alternating between violence and peaceful change c. rapid d. tumultuous e. causing dissent among the population


The British multi-party system is in fact a two party system because of Select one: a. federalism b. the first past the post electoral system c. the charismatic popularity of Conservative and Labour leaders d. the near absence of difference between the preferred policies of the two largest parties e. the extremism of all but the two major parties

he first past the post electoral system

In the UK, there is less public interest in politics than in the US, and voting rates are Select one: a. lower b. about the same c. higher d. more variable from election to election e. higher among minority groups


If a country's percentage of labor force in the primary sector decreases and the percentage in the secondary sector increases, the most likely cause is Select one: a. increasing international trade b. industrialization c. increasing uniformity in types of crops raised d. deindustrialization e. developments in biotechnology


Britain has been impacted most directly by the enlargement of the European Union through a(n) Select one: a. change in its trading patterns with mainland Europe b. influx of workers from eastern European countries c. decrease in trade with the United States d. change in the supervision of its banking industry e. increased involvement of its citizens in mainland European politics

influx of workers from eastern European countries

Which of the following is NOT a power of the British House of Commons? Select one: a. keeping communication lines open between voters an ministers b. initiating policy and legislation c. holding the prime minister and cabinet accountable for policymaking practices d. debating and refining potential legislation e. serving as a source of all current and future ministers

initiating policy and legislation

Which basic characteristic of Britain's political culture has most directly supported the country's cautious attitude toward the EU? Select one: a. traditionalism b. multi-nationalism c. gradualism d. insularity e. noblesse oblige


Which basic characteristic of Britain's political culture most directly supported the country's expansion of its overseas empire during the 18th and 19th centuries? Select one: a. traditionalism b. noblesse oblige c. multi-nationalism d. insularity e. gradualism

noblesse oblige

A welfare state is most likely to do which of the following? Select one: a. guarantee full employment b. provide social services to its citizens c. intervene to assist other nations d. create a collectivist consensus e. ensure a high life expectancy for its people

provide social services to its citizens

The Labour government under Tony Blair has made all of the following reforms since 1997 EXCEPT Select one: a. proposing a referendum before taking an official stance on the single European currency b. imposing a minimum wage on British businesses c. allowing certain regions and cities to exert more legislative autonomy throughout the United Kingdom d. separating the Church of England (Anglican Church) from official participation in government e. moving to eliminate hereditary peers form the House of Lords

separating the Church of England (Anglican Church) from official participation in government

Which nation is NOT part of the UK? Select one: a. the Scots b. the Welsh c. the Britons d. the English e. the Protestant Scotch-Irish

the Britons

Which of the following characteristics of the modern British political system is most directly linked to the tradition of noblesse oblige? Select one: a. the general willingness of the British to accept a welfare state b. the tendency of the Conservative Party to oppose devolution c. the tendency of union members to vote for the Labour Party d. the tendency to side with the United States in most international disagreements e. the rejection of the euro as the primary currency of Britain

the general willingness of the British to accept a welfare state

Which of the following does NOT contribute to the legitimacy of the British regime? Select one: a. public question time of ministers in the House of Commons b. the monarch as head of state c. a history of successfully resolving social conflicts d. the accountability created by free and competitive elections e. the limitations on freedom of the press by the Official Secrets Act

the limitations on freedom of the press by the Official Secrets Act

Which of the following is NOT a power held by the British prime minister? Select one: a. to disband the House of Lords b. to campaign for and represent the party in parliamentary elections c. to make decisions in the cabinet, with the agreement of the ministers d. to call for parliamentary elections e. to choose cabinet ministers and important subordinate posts

to disband the House of Lords

What is the main purpose of the weekly Question Time in the House of Commons? Select one: a. to give backbenchers an opportunity to speak their mind regarding proposed policies b. to inform the opposition party of decisions made by the majority party c. to allow the prime minister to ask for opinions on proposed legislation d. to debrief the Queen regarding important events of the week e. to hold the prime minister and cabinet accountable for their actions

to hold the prime minister and cabinet accountable for their actions

Which of the following best describes the UK party system? Select one: a. two-party b. pluralistic c. democratic consolidated party system d. multiparty e. corporatist


In the United States, elections in the House of Representatives are held every two years and elections in the United States Senate are held on a staggered six-year basis.  In contrast, British parliamentary elections are held Select one: a. whenever the majority party decided to hold them within a five-year limit b. every four years c. whenever the public calls for them by petition d. whenever the majority party decided to hold them e. every five years

whenever the majority party decided to hold them within a five-year limit

Which political reform in the UK was accompanied by significant violence? Select one: a. the acceptance of the European Convention on Human Rights b. creation of the National Health Service c. women's suffrage movement d. the Supremacy of Parliament e. the Great Reform Acts

women's suffrage movement

Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about modern day Wales and Scotland? Select one: a. Both have adopted the euro as their favored currency. b. Both have regional parliaments with some policymaking powers. c. Neither is an area that strongly supports the Conservative Party. d. Both have strong regional identities. e. Both were once independent kingdoms.

Both have adopted the euro as their favored currency.

Which of the following parties are most supportive of rightist political and economic policies? Select one: a. British National Party and the Conservative Party b. Labour Party and the UK Independence Party c. Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party d. British National Party and the UK Independence Party e. Democratic Unionist Party and the Conservative Party

British National Party and the UK Independence Party

Which of the following is NOT part of the United Kingdom? Select one: a. England b. Wales c. Scotland d. Northern Ireland e. Ireland


What is the most important purpose of the question hour? Select one: a. It allows members of Parliament to challenge the government. b. It provides good entertainment for British citizens. c. It increases the level of respect for the prime minister. d. It forces the prime minister to think on his feet. e. It provides a mechanism for politicians to work out disputes.

It allows members of Parliament to challenge the government.

What is an argument in favor of moving toward proportional representation? Select one: a. It provides a more accurate representation of the views of the population. b. It better represents larger, broader political ideologies. c. It is more efficient. d. It provides better checks and balances. e. It provides better district representation.

It provides a more accurate representation of the views of the population.

Which of the following statements best explains the general view of the British electorate toward the European Union? Select one: a. It wants Britain more fully integrated into the EU, accepting its single currency and social chapter rulings. b. It views the EU as necessary for Europe’s health in the global economic market, but fears that EU rules will result in an unwanted influx of immigration to the United Kingdom. c. It views the EU as necessary for Britain's military security, but fears that Germany and France will dominate the union at Britain's expense. d. It wants Britain out of the European Union as quickly as possible. e. It views the EU as necessary for Britain's economic future, but fears a loss of British sovereignty

It views the EU as necessary for Britain's economic future, but fears a loss of British sovereignty

Tony Blair's third way was meant to chart a middle course between Select one: a. the collective consensus and individual initiative b. the foreign policies of the United States and the European Union c. legitimacy based on tradition vs. rational-legal legitimacy d.Labour's leftist policies and Margaret Thatcher's rightist policies e. a unitary and a federal government

Labour's leftist policies and Margaret Thatcher's rightist policies

According to table above, which party has the most to gain if a proportional representation voting system is adopted? Select one: a. Conservative Party b. Plaid Cymru Party c. Labour Party d. Liberal Democratic Party e. Scottish National Party

Liberal Democratic Party

The influence of neoliberalism was (is) the most apparent in the policymaking processes of the British government under Select one: a. Winston Churchill b. Gordon Brown c. John Major d. Tony Blair e. Margaret Thatcher

Margaret Thatcher

Which of the following statements regarding class politics in Britain is true? Select one: a. Of all the cleavages within the British political system, the working class/middle class split promotes the most violence throughout the country. b. New political issues, such as the minimum wage and foreign asylum-seekers, have reinforced class divisions. c. Manual workers in general have been disappointed by the views of New Labour and have largely defected to the Conservative Party. d. The Labour Party tries to politicize most issues on a class basis because the percentage of Britons who consider themselves working class continues to increase. e. While the Thatcher years saw class early disappear as an issue in England, it remains a strong cleavage in Scotland and Wales.

New political issues, such as the minimum wage and foreign asylum-seekers, have reinforced class divisions.

Which of the following British political associations is NOT correct? Select one: a.First past the post - British synonym for the SMDP election scheme b. An MP, as opposed to a peer - services in the House of Commons c. Cabinet reshuffle - a reflection of collective responsibility d. Speaker of the house - helps form government policy e. Chancellor of the exchequer - similar to secretary of the treasury in the United States, only more powerful, with some powers also associated with the US Federal Reserve Chair

Speaker of the house - helps form government policy

Which of the following is an accurate description of a vote of no confidence? Select one: a. The opposition votes against the confidence of the government. b. A divided government takes hold. c. The government proposes a major piece of legislation but fails to pass it in Parliament, forcing new elections. d. A referendum supported by the majority party is held, but it fails. e. A national elections takes place, and the opposition wins.

The government proposes a major piece of legislation but fails to pass it in Parliament, forcing new elections.

Which of the following is the best description of the responsibilities of the British speaker of the house? Select one: a. The speaker objectively presides over debates in the House of Commons. b. The speaker is the leader of the majority party. c. The speaker is the leader of the loyal opposition d. The speaker coordinates legislative activities with the House of Lords. e. The speaker serves as a liaison with the Queen.

The speaker objectively presides over debates in the House of Commons

Which of the following is an accurate description of the influence of social class on voting in modern Britain? Select one: a. Social class is not as important an influence on voter loyalties and opinions as age. b. Social class is still a strong influence on voter choices in England, but it has little impact on voters in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. c. The working class strongly supports the Labour Party, and the middle class strongly supports the Conservative Party. d. British voters have few loyalties to political parties, so social class has no consistent influence on voting behavior. e. The working class tends to support Labour and the middle class tends to support the Conservatives, but the lines of distinction have blurred in recent years.

The working class tends to support Labour and the middle class tends to support the Conservatives, but the lines of distinction have blurred in recent years.

Which of the following is true of UK referenda? Select one: a. They get high levels of voter turnout. b. They are used frequently to change the constitution. c. The Labour Party currently supports a referendum for proportional representation. d. The Conservative Party advocates a referendum for euro currency adoption. e. They are advisory only.

They are advisory only.

Which of the following statements is NOT an accurate statement about British law lords? Select one: a. They may rule acts of Parliament unconstitutional. b. They are all peers in the House of Lords. c. The law lords may give opinions regarding government action. d. They serve as Britain's highest court of appeals. e. The law lords hold the most prestigious positions in the British judicial system.

They may rule acts of Parliament unconstitutional.

Which of the following is the best description of the role the British bureaucracy plays in the political system? Select one: a. Top level bureaucrats serve as a major source of stability because they make a career of government service. b. Although bureaucrats don't often run for public office, they are often leaders of political parties. c. Most are in tune with the legislative process because they have held seats either in the House of Commons or the House of Lords. d. It is a major source for recruitment of new cabinet members. e. Bureaucrats only carry out decisions made by the cabinet and have little policymaking power.

Top level bureaucrats serve as a major source of stability because they make a career of government service.

The British have succeeded in maintaining a stable democratic government over the past 300 years primarily because of the Select one: a. existence of a national church devoted to reform and modernization b. absence of significant social cleavages within the population c. ability of governing groups to adapt political structures to accommodate change d. relative wealth of average British citizens compared with their continental (European) counterparts e. civilian political control over the British military

ability of governing groups to adapt political structures to accommodate change

In regard to integration with Europe, which of the following measures has Britain so far refused to adopt? Select one: a. establishment of a separate European Parliament b. a minimum GNP requirement for new EU members c. establishment of common agricultural policies d. elimination of significant trade tariffs e. adoption of the euro as the main currency

adoption of the euro as the main currency

A majority party in the House of Commons is most likely to call for national elections Select one: a. after a series of five by-election votes, in which the majority retained three seats it previously held and gained one from the opposition b. in response to a backbenchers’ revolt c. after a cabinet shake-up d. when the public displays a readiness for a national election e. immediately following an unexpected party leadership vote by the majority party

after a series of five by-election votes, in which the majority retained three seats it previously held and gained one from the opposition

An important demographic change in Britain in recent years that puts pressure on the National Health Service is the Select one: a. increase in the fertility rate b. large number of people who are emigrating from Britain c. decrease in the birth rate d. increase in the death rate e. aging of the population

aging of the population

The concept of collective responsibility is most relevant to the policy making practices of the British Select one: a. Conservative Party b. House of Lords c. bureaucracy d. House of Commons e. cabinet


Which of the following cleavages has been most prominent in the history of the United Kingdom? Select one: a. education b. race c. class d. income e. religion


The British parliamentary system is functional, in large part, because of Select one: a. transparency of policy making within parties b. collective responsibility c. the requirement of Royal Assent d. bipartisanship e. separation of powers

collective responsibility

Important documents that legitimize Britain's rational-legal authority are Select one: a. the written Constitution, Magna Carta, and common law b. common law, the Beveridge Report, and the Bill of Rights c. the written Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta d. the Beveridge Report, the Constitution of the Crown, and the Bill of Rights e. common law, the Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta

common law, the Bill of Rights, and the Magna Carta

The involvement of quangos in the British policymaking process provides supportive evidence of the influence of Select one: a. economic liberalization b. interest group pluralism c. neo-corporatism d. interest groups operating as transmission belts e. state corporatism


What important political principle in the British system is most directly responsible for limiting the power of judicial review by the British courts? Select one: a. first among equals b. parliamentary sovereignty c. gradualism d. devolution e. collective responsibility

parliamentary sovereignty

Interest groups in the UK focus their efforts on Select one: a. local party organizations b. voters c. party leaders d. elected leaders in local councils e. financing campaigns for crucial candidates

party leaders

Contemporary British society can be classified as all of the following EXCEPT Select one: a. post-industrial, with a mixed economy emphasizing high-tech services b. being religiously diverse: Anglican, Presbyterian, Catholic in different regions c. maintaining a semi-rigid class consciousness d. politically homogeneous on economic issues, but not on social issues e. maintaining a cradle to grave welfare state

politically homogeneous (old-fashioned) on economic issues, but not on social issues

An important difference between modernism and post-modernism is that post-modernism puts more emphasis on Select one: a. preservation of the environment b. rationalism c. individual freedom d. secularism e. technology

preservation of the environment

Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher was most known for which of the following policies? Select one: a. reducing the armed forces b. promoting privatization c. nationalizing major industries d. integrating into the European Union e. supporting corporatism

promoting privatization

Margaret Thatcher's reaction to socialism included all of the following EXCEPT Select one: a. reducing Britain's national debt by cutting defense spending by 1/3 b. reduction of trade union power c. re-emphasis on free enterprise and entrepreneurship d. stimulating private sector growth by lowering direct taxes and interest rates e. reducing inflation by restricting the money supply

reducing Britain's national debt by cutting defense spending by 1/3

British voters in which of the following areas would be most likely to vote for Conservative Party candidates? Select one: a. cities of the industrial mid-section b. Wales c. central London d. Scotland e. rural England

rural England

The shadow cabinet's main role is to Select one: a. howl with decision at the Government from benches during the weekly Prime Minister's Questions period b. call for general elections at the earliest possible date c. criticize the majority party's manifesto d. sever the collective responsibility held by the Prime Minister's cabinet e. serve as a public watchdog and critic of the government

serve as a public watchdog and critic of the government

In the United Kingdom during the period from 1945-1979, Select one: a. Labour replaced the Liberal Party as the leading British party on the left b. the Conservative Party dictated the political agenda that Labour followed c. the Labour Party solely held governing power d. socialism and the welfare state became more entrenched in the British political culture e. Britain became more industrially competitive worldwide as it abandoned its former colonial empire

socialism and the welfare state became more entrenched in the British political culture

In the Western academic tradition, the UK is a common beginning point for studying comparative politics because Select one: a. it has the world's oldest constitution b. the British idea of rule of law has been so influential c. the regime is unlike any other d. nearly all countries have parliaments like the UK e. political change has been peaceful throughout British history

the British idea of rule of law has been so influential

Which of the following best defines efficacy? Select one: a. voter turnout b. level of patriotism c. the belief that government leaders have the right to rule d. the belief that citizens can make a difference in public policy e. a type of political cleavage

the belief that citizens can make a difference in public policy

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