GregMAT Word List - 16

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(adj) brought low in spirit Synonyms : chapfallen , chopfallen , deflated Example Sentence left us fatigued and deflated spiritually after fell from the everest(crest).u felt sad and disappointed.


(adj) characterized by attack on established beliefs or institutions (adj) destructive of images used in religious worship; said of religions, such as Islam, in which the representation of living things is prohibited icon = idol clash = fragments. So, one who destroys idols into pieces is iconoclast.


(adj) conspicuously and offensively loud; given to vehement outcry Synonyms : blatant , clamant , clamorous , strident Example Sentence blatant radios a clamorous uproar strident demands a vociferous mob VOICE + FURIOUS = noisy


(adj) impossible to understand or interpret Synonyms : enigmatic, mysterious, unreadable the ___________ workings of Providence


(adj) not fit to assume responsibility (adj) generally incompetent and ineffectual Synonyms : inept Example Sentence feckless attempts to repair the plumbing inept handling of the account feckless:- sounds like ****less people who **** less are not effective i.e ineffective. ultimately we want to remember the word meaning........


(adj) presenting a summary or general view of a whole Example Sentence a synoptic presentation of a physical theory (adj) presenting or taking the same point of view; used especially with regard to the first three gospels of the New Testament Synonyms : synoptical Example Sentence synoptic sayings something like synopsis


(adj) serving no useful purpose; having no excuse for being Synonyms : otiose , pointless , purposeless , senseless , wasted Example Sentence otiose lines in a play advice is wasted words a pointless remark a life essentially purposeless senseless violence (adj) more than is needed, desired, or required Synonyms : excess , extra , redundant , spare , supererogatory , supernumerary , surplus Example Sentence trying to lose excess weight found some extra change lying on the dresser yet another book on heraldry might be thought redundant skills made redundant by technological advance sleeping in the spare room supernumerary ornamentation it was supererogatory of her to gloat delete superfluous (or unnecessary) words extra ribs as well as other supernumerary internal parts surplus cheese distributed to the needy divide it as super+flow.. when there is large(super) flow of water, it becomes EXCESSIVE / OVERABUNDANCE of water..


(adj) tediously repetitious or lacking in variety Synonyms : humdrum Example Sentence a humdrum existence; all work and no play nothing is so monotonous as the sea (adj) sounded or spoken in a tone unvarying in pitch Synonyms : flat , monotone , monotonic Example Sentence the owl's faint monotonous hooting just consider mono-tone...datz a single tone..when a person got only a single tone then that tone is REPEATED...


(adj) unpredictably excitable (especially of horses) Synonyms : flighty , nervous , spooky In a skit ( a comic play or a drama), everyone is lively and playful.


(adj.) complete with regard to every detail; not superficial or partial performed or written with great care and completeness


(adj.) strange or odd; unusual particular; special


(noun) a dissolute man in fashionable society Synonyms : blood , rake , rakehell , rip , roue (noun) a recklessly extravagant consumer Synonyms : prodigal , squanderer (adj) recklessly wasteful Synonyms : extravagant , prodigal , spendthrift Example Sentence prodigal in their expenditures (adj) unrestrained by convention or morality Synonyms : debauched , degenerate , degraded , dissipated , dissolute , fast , libertine , riotous Example Sentence Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society deplorably dissipated and degraded riotous living fast women Profligate= spend Profusely like bill Gates


(noun) a person given to fanciful speculations and enthusiasms with little regard for what is actually possible (noun) a person with unusual powers of foresight Synonyms : illusionist , seer (adj) not practical or realizable; speculative Synonyms : airy , impractical , laputan , windy Example Sentence airy theories about socioeconomic improvement visionary schemes for getting rich Visionary and imaginary sound alike and they both mean - something that is conceived, imagined.


(noun) a sore that has become inflamed and formed pus Synonyms : suppurating sore (verb) ripen and generate pus Synonyms : maturate , suppurate


(noun) headgear for a horse; includes a headstall and bit and reins to give the rider or driver control (noun) the act of restraining power or action or limiting excess Synonyms : check , curb Example Sentence his common sense is a bridle to his quick temper (verb) anger or take offense Example Sentence She bridled at his suggestion to elope (verb) put a bridle on Example Sentence bridle horses (verb) respond to the reins, as of horses a bride bridles, ie, she restrains you( husband) from a lot things like friends, temper, food etc


(verb) act in accordance with someone's rules, commands, or wishes Synonyms : abide by , follow Example Sentence He complied with my instructions You must comply or else! Follow these simple rules abide by the rules com+ply -->com means computer and it works according to our instructions and wishes.


(verb) assign great social importance to Synonyms : celebrate , lionise Example Sentence The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood The tenor was lionized in Vienna Lion is assigned a great social importance in animal kingdom


(verb) avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues) Synonyms : circumvent , dodge , duck , elude , fudge , hedge , parry , put off , sidestep , skirt Example Sentence He dodged the issue she skirted the problem They tend to evade their responsibilities he evaded the questions skillfully (verb) escape, either physically or mentally Synonyms : bilk , elude Example Sentence The thief eluded the police This difficult idea seems to evade her The event evades explanation (verb) practice evasion Example Sentence This man always hesitates and evades (verb) use cunning or deceit to escape or avoid Example Sentence The con man always evades rhymes like AVOID


(verb) chew the cuds Example Sentence cows ruminate (verb) reflect deeply on a subject Synonyms : chew over , contemplate , excogitate , meditate , mull , mull over , muse , ponder , reflect , speculate , think over Example Sentence I mulled over the events of the afternoon philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate if in ROOMS of hostel there is interNET, we will start to think(mull over)


(verb) consider, ponder, or plan (an action) beforehand Example Sentence premeditated murder (verb) think or reflect beforehand or in advance Example Sentence I rarely premeditate, which is a mistake pre+meditate = think before planning something.


(verb) expel from a community or group Synonyms : ban , blackball , cast out , ostracise , ostracize , shun (verb) ban from a place of residence, as for punishment Synonyms : ban (verb) expel, as if by official decree Synonyms : bar , relegate Example Sentence he was banished from his own country (verb) drive away Example Sentence banish bad thoughts banish gloom Vanishing oneself from power is Banish ; hand over


(verb) improve (something) by making small changes, in particular make (an idea, theory, or method) more subtle and accurate remove impurities or unwanted elements from (a substance)


(verb) lock up or confine Synonyms : gaol , imprison , incarcerate , jail , jug , lag , put away , put behind bars , remand


(verb) make (one thing) compatible with (another) Synonyms : accommodate , conciliate Example Sentence The scientists had to accommodate the new results with the existing theories (verb) bring into consonance or accord Synonyms : harmonise , harmonize Example Sentence harmonize one's goals with one's abilities (verb) come to terms Synonyms : conciliate , make up , patch up , settle Example Sentence After some discussion we finally made up (verb) accept as inevitable Synonyms : resign , submit Example Sentence He resigned himself to his fate Re(BACK)+concile(COUNSELLING)...After filing the petition in court for DIVORCE the judge ordered COUNSELLING of that relations could be to BACK to NORMAL again AFTER THE QUARREL without legal proceedings


(verb) make clear and (more) comprehensible Synonyms : clarify , clear up Example Sentence clarify the mystery surrounding her death (verb) make free from confusion or ambiguity; make clear Synonyms : clear , clear up , crystalise , crystalize , crystallise , crystallize , enlighten , illuminate , shed light on , sort out , straighten out


(verb) part with a possession or right Synonyms : free , give up , release , resign Example Sentence I am relinquishing my bedroom to the long-term house guest resign a claim to the throne (verb) do without or cease to hold or adhere to Synonyms : dispense with , forego , foreswear , forgo , waive Example Sentence We are dispensing with formalities relinquish the old ideas (verb) turn away from; give up Synonyms : foreswear , quit , renounce Example Sentence I am foreswearing women forever (verb) release, as from one's grip Synonyms : let go , let go of , release Example Sentence Let go of the door handle, please! relinquish your grip on the rope--you won't fall Its quite opposite to what it spells "Re - link - Wish"


(verb) perform without preparation Synonyms : ad-lib , extemporise , extemporize , improvize Example Sentence he extemporized a speech at the wedding (verb) manage in a makeshift way; do with whatever is at hand Synonyms : extemporize Example Sentence after the hurricane destroyed our house, we had to improvise for weeks


(verb) place restrictions on Synonyms : curb , cut back , restrict Example Sentence curtail drinking in school (verb) terminate or abbreviate before its intended or proper end or its full extent Synonyms : clip , cut short Example Sentence My speech was cut short Personal freedom is curtailed in many countries curTAIL. Can be read as cur + TAIL or cutting the tail of an animal, ie reducing it. So curTAIL is to shorten or to reduce.


(verb) precede in time; come before (something) in date indicate or discover that (a document, event, or word) should be assigned to an earlier date


(verb) to hinder, restrain, or prevent (an action or process) Synonyms : conquer , curb , stamp down , subdue , suppress (verb) limit the range or extent of Contact between the young was inhibited by strict social customs (verb) limit, block, or decrease the action or function of Example Sentence inhibit the action of the enzyme inhibit the rate of a chemical reaction (verb) control and refrain from showing; of emotions, desires, impulses, or behavior Synonyms : bottle up , suppress 'Prohibit' means forbade someone to do anything. 'Inhibit' means to make obstacle in doing something

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