Prime Meridian
0 degrees Longitude
0 degrees latitude
South Equatorial Current
10 to 20 degrees South of the Equator
International Date Line
180 degrees Longitude/ Runs from North Pole to South Pole
Tropic of Cancer
23 degrees N latitude
Tropic of Capricorn
23 degrees S latitude
Arctic Circle
66 degrees N Latitude
Antarctic Circle
66 degrees S Latitude
Congo Basin
Basin located in central Africa
Amazon Basin
Basin located in the center of South America
Bering Sea
Between Russia and Alaska
Between the Black Sea and Greece
Strait of Gilbraltar
Body of Water-Connects the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea
Persian/Arabian Gulf
Body of Water-East of Saudi Arabia, Southwest of Iran
South Pole
Bottom of globe
Suez Canal
Connecting the Red Sea and Mediterranean Sea
East Australian Current
Current East of Australia (also finding nemo)
California Current
Current West of US, down to Mexico
East Brazil Current
Current along South America
Equatorial Counter Current
Current along the south of the Equator
North Equatorial Current
Current between 10 degrees N and and 20 degrees N. of Equator
Japan Current
Current east of Taiwan and Japan, no pictures
Canary Current
Current northwest of Africa
Peru Current
Current west of South America
Gobi Desert
Desert covering North China
Mojave Desert
Desert in California
Australian Desert
Desert in central Australia
Kalahari Desert
Desert in southern africa
Patagonian Desert
Desert located in Argentina
Sonora Desert
Desert located in California
Sahara Desert
Desert located in northern africa
Chihuahua Desert
Desert located near the Mexico/Texas Border
Atacama Desert
Desert located on the Western coast of South America
Labrador Current
East of Canada
North Sea
East of England, South of Norway
Iranian Plateau
Geological formation in Western & Central Asia
Brazilian Highlands
Highlands located in Eastern South America
Windward Passage
In the Caribbean Sea by Cuba
Bahama Islands
Islands directly north of Cuba
Arabian Peninsula
Land mass North-east of Africa
Labrador Peninsula
Large peninsula in eastern Canada
Hindu Kush Mountains
Located North of Southern Asia, dank kush
Great Basin
Located in Nevada
Mountain chain in europe going through France, Switzerland, Italy
Atlas Mountains
Mountain range across the northwestern part of Africa
Rocky Mountains
Mountains North Eastern to Central USA
Andes Mountains
Mountains along the west coast of South America
Ural Mountains
Mountains located in western Russia
Mountains located on the Northern border of India
Black Sea
North of Turkey, South of Europe (Ukraine)
Arabian Sea
North of the Indian Ocean, West of India
Indian Ocean
Ocean-Between Africa and Australia
Atlantic Ocean
Ocean-East of North America
Arctic Ocean
Ocean-North of Europe
Pacific Ocean
Ocean-West of North America
Balkan Peninsula
Peninsula extending from south to central europe
Scandinavian Peninsula
Peninsula in northern Europe including Norway, Sweden, and most of Finland
Arabian Plateau
Plateau north-east of Africa
Mediterranean Sea
South of Asia, North of Africa
South China Sea
South of China, West of the Philippines
Caribbean Sea
South of the Gulf of Mexico
New Zealand
Southeast island of Australia
Bay of Bengal
Southeast of India
Strait of Florida
Southeast of the US between the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico
Cape Horn
Southern tip of South America
Drake Passage
The bottom of South America, between the Atlantic and Pacific Ocean
North Pole
Top of globe
Gulf Stream
along east coast
Yucatan Channel
between Mexico and Cuba
Panama Canal
between North and South America
Red Sea
between africa and arabian peninsula
Strait of Hormuz
between the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman
Hudson Bay
big bay in Canada
Gulf of Mexico
gulf by texas and mexico
Prince William Sound
off the gulf of alaska, south of alaska
Gulf of Alaska
south of Alaska
Alaska Current
south of alaska ya dip, no pictures
Cape of Good Hope
southern tip of africa
Strait of Magellan
through southern chile