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At the time of the beginning of menstruation or the skeletal age of 13 years, most girls have grown to about 95% of their adult height. They may have some additional growth _____ until the epiphyseal plates are closed. Although growth cannot be definitively predicted, on average, 95% of adult height has been reached with the onset of menstruation.


Autonomy versus shame and doubt ages and outcomes:

1 to 3 years self control and willpower

Usually, the pubertal growth spurt begins earlier in girls. It typically occurs between the ages of ______ years for girls and 11 and 16 years for boys

10 and 14

Lymphoid tissue continues growing until it reaches maximal development at ages _______, which is twice its adult size. A rapid decline in size occurs until it reaches adult size by the end of adolescence. The tissue reaches adult size at 6 years of age but continues to grow. The tissue is well developed at birth.

10 to 12 years

Usually, the pubertal growth spurt begins earlier in girls. It typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 years for girls and _____ years for boys. The average earliest age at onset is 1 year earlier for girls.

11 and 16

Identity vs role confusion ages and outcomes

12 to 18 devotion and fidelity

The growth velocity after age 7 years is approximately ______ per year.

2 inches (5 cm)

Parents of an 8-year-old child ask the nurse how many inches their child should grow each year. The nurse bases the answer on the knowledge that after age 7 years, school-age children usually grow what number of inches per year?

2 inches (5cm) per year

An infant who weighs 7 pounds at birth would be expected to weigh how many pounds at age 1 year?

21 (In general, birth weight triples by the end of the first year of life. For an infant who was 7 pounds at birth, 21 pounds would be the anticipated weight at the first birthday_

Initiative versus guilt ages and outcomes

3 to 6 direction and purpose

By what age does birth length usually double?

4 years

Linear growth or height occurs almost entirely as a result of skeletal growth and is considered a stable measurement of general growth. On average, most children have doubled their birth length at age ______

4 years.

Easy children are even tempered, regular, and predictable in their habits. They are open and adaptable tochange. Approximately _____ of children fit this description.


Lymphoid tissue reaches adult size at age ____, but continues to grow.


Industry vs Inferiority ages and outcomes

6 to 12 years competence

During the concrete operations stage of development, which occurs approximately between ages ______, increasingly logical and coherent thought processes occur. This is characterized by the child's ability to classify, sort, order, and organize facts to use in problem solving

7 and 11 years

At the time of the beginning of menstruation or the skeletal age of 13 years, most girls have grown to about ______of their adult height. They may have some additional growth (5%) until the epiphyseal plates are closed. Although growth cannot be definitively predicted, on average, 95% of adult height has been reached with the onset of menstruation.


Parents are asking the clinic nurse about an appropriate toy for their toddler. Which response by the nurse is appropriate?

A toy child can push/pull to develop muscles.

According to Kohlberg, children develop moral reasoning as they mature. Which statement is most characteristic of a preschooler's stage of moral development?

Actions are determined as good or bad in terms of their consequences.

A 13-year-old girl asks the nurse how much taller she will get. She has been growing about 2 inches per year but grew 4 inches this past year. Menarche recently occurred. The nurse should base her response on which statement?

Approximately 95% of mature height is achieved when menarche occurs. (At the time of the beginning of menstruation or the skeletal age of 13 years, most girls have grown to about 95% of their adult height. They may have some additional growth (5%) until the epiphyseal plates are closed. Although growth cannot be definitively predicted, on average, 95% of adult height has been reached with the onset of menstruation.)

In which type of play are children engaged in similar or identical activity, without organization, division of labor, or mutual goal?


(1 to 3 years old): Corresponding to Freud's anal stage, the problem of autonomy can be symbolized by the holding on and letting go of the sphincter muscles. The development of autonomy during the toddler period is centered on children's increasing ability to control their bodies, themselves, and their environment. They want to do things for themselves using their newly acquired motor skills of walking, climbing, and manipulating and their mental powers of selecting and decision making. Much of their learning is acquired by imitating the activities and behavior of others. Negative feelings of doubt and shame arise when children are made to feel small and self-conscious, when their choices are disastrous, when others shame them, or when they are forced to be dependent in areas in which they are capable of assuming control. The favorable outcomes are self-control and willpower.

Autonomy versus shame and doubt

Trust versus mistrust ages and outcomes:

Birth to 1 year faith and optimism

(head to tail) growth... •Before birth... head develops 1st •After birth...head control achieved before control of lower body


An infant gains head control before sitting unassisted. The nurse recognizes that this is which type of development?

Cephalocaudal (before birth, head develops 1st. After Birth, head control is achieved before control of lower body)

______ (able to realize that physical factors such as volume, weight, and number remain the same even though outward appearances are changed) does not occur until school age.


A school nurse notes that school-age children generally obey the rules at school. The nurse recognizes that the children are displaying which stage of moral development?


A nurse is planning play activities for school-age children. Which type of a play activity should the nurse plan?


______ play is organized. Children play in a group with other children who play in activities for a common goal.


A mother reports that her 6-year-old child is highly active, irritable, and irregular in habits and that the child adapts slowly to new routines, people, or situations. How should the nurse chart this type of temperament?


_____ is the predominant form of play in the preschool period. Children pretend and fantasize.

Dramatic play

_____ children are even tempered, regular, and predictable in their habits. They are open and adaptable tochange. Approximately 40% of children fit this description.


______ is the inability to see things from any perspective than their own. Intuitive reasoning (e.g., the stars have to go to bed just as they do) is predominantly egocentric thought.


Trauma to which site can result in a growth problem for children's long bones?

Epiphyseal cartilage plate

(12 to 18 years old): Corresponding to Freud's genital period, the development of identity is characterized by rapid and marked physical changes. Previous trust in their bodies is shaken, and children become overly preoccupied with the way they appear in the eyes of others compared with their own self-concept. Adolescents struggle to fit the roles they have played and those they hope to play with the current roles and fashions adopted by their peers, to integrate their concepts and values with those of society, and to come to a decision regarding an occupation. An inability to solve the core conflict results in role confusion. The outcome of successful mastery is devotion and fidelity to others and to values and ideologies.

Identity versus role confusion

Which behavior is most characteristic of the concrete operations stage of cognitive development?

Increasingly logical and coherent thought processes

A 12-year-old child enjoys collecting stamps, playing soccer, and participating in Boy Scout activities. The nurse recognizes that the child is displaying which developmental task?


(6 to 12 years old): The stage of industry is the latency period of Freud. Having achieved the more crucial stages in personality development, children are ready to be workers and producers. They want to engage in tasks and activities that they can carry through to completion; they need and want real achievement. Children learn to compete and cooperate with others, and they learn the rules. It is a decisive period in their social relationships with others. Feelings of inadequacy and inferiority may develop if too much is expected of them or if they believe that they cannot measure up to the standards set for them by others. The ego quality developed from a sense of industry is competence.

Industry versus inferiority

(3 to 6 years old): The stage of initiative corresponds to Freud's phallic stage and is characterized by vigorous, intrusive behavior; enterprise; and a strong imagination. Children explore the physical world with all their senses and powers (Fig. 3-4). They develop a conscience. No longer guided only by outsiders, they have an inner voice that warns and threatens. Children sometimes undertake goals or activities that are in conflict with those of parents or others, and being made to feel that their activities or imaginings are bad produces a sense of guilt. Children must learn to retain a sense of initiative without impinging on the rights and privileges of others. The lasting outcomes are direction and purpose.

Initiative versus guilt

Which statement is true about the basal metabolic rate (BMR) in children?

It is slightly higher in boys than in girls at all ages. (The BMR is the rate of metabolism when the body is at rest. At all ages, the rate is slightly higher in boys than in girls. The rate is increased by fever. The BMR is highest in infancy and then closely relates to the proportion of surface area to body mass. As the child grows, the proportion decreases progressively to maturity.)

Parents express concern that their pubertal daughter is taller than the boys in her class. The nurse should respond with which statement regarding how the onset of pubertal growth spurt compares in girls and boys?

It occurs earlier in girls (Usually, the pubertal growth spurt begins earlier in girls. It typically occurs between the ages of 10 and 14 years for girls and 11 and 16 years for boys. The average earliest age at onset is 1 year earlier for girls.)

_____ play describes children playing independently but being among other children.


_____ are most likely to exhibit characteristics of Kohlberg's preconventional level of moral development. During this stage, they are culturally oriented to labels of good or bad, right or wrong. Children integrate these concepts based on the physical or pleasurable consequences of their actions.


(near to far) growth: describes midline to peripheral growth: •Before birth: development of limb buds before fingers •After birth: shoulder control precedes mastery of the hands


_______, or near to far, is another pattern of development. Limb buds develop before fingers and toes. Postnatally, the child has control of the shoulder before achieving mastery of the hands.


How is a child's skeletal age best determined?

Radiographs of the hand and wrist (The most accurate measure of skeletal age is radiologic examinations of the growth plates. These are the epiphyseal cartilage plates. Radiographs of the hand and wrist provide the most useful screening to determine skeletal age.)

A nurse observes a toddler playing with sand and water. How should the nurse document this type of play?


______ are limited times during the process of growth when the organism will interact with a particular environment in a specific manner. These times make the organism more susceptible to positive or negative influences.

Sensitive periods

Which following function of play is a major component of play at all ages?

Sensorimotor activity

_____ children typically react negatively and with mild intensity to new stimuli and adapt slowly with repeated contact. Approximately 10% of children fit this description.


______ play is one of the first types of play in which infants engage. The infant responds to interactions with people.


_____ play describes children playing alone with toys different from those used by other children in the same area.


_____ play is appropriate for infants,


A nurse has completed a teaching session for adolescents regarding lymphoid tissue growth. Which statement, by the adolescents, indicates understanding of the teaching?

The tissue is twice the adult size by ages 10 to 12 years (Lymphoid tissue continues growing until it reaches maximal development at ages 10 to 12 years, which is twice its adult size. A rapid decline in size occurs until it reaches adult size by the end of adolescence. The tissue reaches adult size at 6 years of age but continues to grow. The tissue is well developed at birth.)

A visitor arrives at a daycare center during lunchtime. The preschool children think that every time they have lunch a visitor will arrive. Which preoperational characteristic is being displayed?

Transductive reasoning

_______ is when two events occur together, they cause each other. The expectation that every time lunch is served a visitor will arrive is descriptive of this.

Transductive reasoning

(birth to 1 year old): The first and most important attribute to develop for a healthy personality is basic trust. Establishment of basic trust dominates the first year of life and describes all of the child's satisfying experiences at this age. Corresponding to Freud's oral stage, it is a time of "getting" and "taking in" through all the senses. It exists only in relation to something or someone; therefore, consistent, loving care by a mothering person is essential for development of trust. Mistrust develops when trust-promoting experiences are deficient or lacking or when basic needs are inconsistently or inadequately met. Although shreds of mistrust are sprinkled throughout the personality, from a basic trust in parents stems trust in the world, other people, and oneself. The result is faith and optimism.

Trust versus mistrust

The nurse is observing parents playing with their 10-month-old child. Which should the nurse recognize as evidence that the child is developing object permanence? a. Looks for the toy that parents hide under the blanket b. Returns the blocks to the same spot on the table c. Recognizes that a ball of clay is the same when flattened out. d. Bangs two cubes held in her hands

a. Looks for the toy that parents hide under the blanket

The ability to use abstract symbols is a characteristic of formal operations, which develops during ______. These children can develop and test hypotheses.


Identity is the developmental task of _______.

adolescence (ages 13 to 18)

Sharing clay to make things is characteristic of _____ play.


In _______, no group goal is present. Each child acts according to his or her own wishes. Although the children may be involved in similar activities, no organization, division of labor, leadership assignment, or mutual goal exists.

associative play

A 12-year-old child enjoys collecting stamps, playing soccer, and participating in Boy Scout activities. The nurse recognizes that the child is displaying which developmental task? a. Identity b. Industry c. Integrity d. Intimacy

b. Industry

Before birth, head develops 1st. After Birth, head control is achieved before control of lower body. Directional trend is head to tail.


The pattern of development that is head-to-tail, or ______, direction is described by an infant's ability to gain head control before sitting unassisted. The head end of the organism develops first and is large and complex, whereas the lower end is smaller and simpler, and development takes place at a later time.


The pattern of development that is head-to-tail, or _______, direction is described by an infant's ability to gain head control before sitting unassisted.

cephalocaudal (before birth, head develops 1st. After Birth, head control is achieved before control of lower body)

A father tells the nurse that his child is "filling up the house with collections" like seashells, bottle caps, baseball cards, and pennies. What should the nurse recognize the child is developing?

concrete operational thinking (During concrete operations, children develop logical thought processes. They are able to classify, sort, order, and otherwise organize facts about the world. This ability fosters the child's ability to create collections.)

Recognizing that a ball of clay is the same when flattened out is an example of ______, which occurs during the concrete operations stage from 7 to 11 years.


Growth and Development is A ,___________ process that requires physical & psychological energy...

continuous, ongoing

Obeying the rules of correct behavior, showing respect for authority, and engaging in behavior that pleases others are characteristics of Kohlberg's ______ level of moral development.


School-age children engage in ______ play where it is organized and interactive. Playing a game is a good example of cooperative play.


Friends playing a board game together is characteristic of _______

cooperative play

Represents an increase in skills needed to function:

development (happens in a predictable pattern, continues through life span, results in achievement of increasingly complex tasks)

Being highly active, irritable, irregular in habits, and adapting slowly to new routines, people, or situations is a description of _____ children, which compose about 10% of the population. Negative withdrawal responses are typical of this type of child, who requires a more structured environment. Mood expressions are usually intense and primarily negative. These children exhibit frequent periods of crying and often violent tantrums.


The ______ is the area of active growth.

epiphyseal cartilage plate

Bone injury at the _____ can significantly affect subsequent growth and development.

epiphyseal plate

The ability to think in abstract terms and draw logical conclusions is characteristic of the ______ operations stage of development


increase in physical size



increase in physical size -results in increase size and weight of whole or parts -happens in predictable & symmetrical pattern -growth is measurable -growth continues for approximately 20 years

Undifferentiated describes an ____ understanding of moral development.


When the infant searches for the toy under the blanket, it is an indication that ______ has developed.

object permanence (Object permanence is the realization that items that leave the visual field still exist.)

_______ play is an activity appropriate for toddlers


Playing with trucks next to each other but not together is an example of _______. Both children are engaged in similar activities in proximity to each other; however, they are each engaged in their own play

parallel play

The ______ level is characteristic of an adolescent and occurs at the formal stage of operation.


The ______ stage is characteristic of the toddler and preschool age. At this stage, the child has no concept of the basic moral order that supports being good or bad.


The inability to put oneself in another's place is characteristic of the ______ stage of development


According to Piaget, children ages 2 to 7 years are in the _______ stage of development. (egocentrism)

preoperational (Children interpret objects and events not in terms of their general properties but in terms of their relationships or their use to them. This egocentrism does not allow children of this age to put themselves in another's place.)

associative play is an activity appropriate for ______-age children


The most accurate measure of skeletal age is _____ of the growth plates.

radiologic examinations

Conventional stage of moral development is described as obeying the rules, doing one's duty, showing respect for authority, and maintaining the social order. This stage is characteristic of _______ children's behavior.


Industry is engaging in tasks that can be carried through to completion, learning to compete and cooperate with others, and learning rules. Industry is the developmental task characteristic of the ______.

school-age child. (ages 6 to 11)

The toddler playing with sand and water is engaging in _____ play. This is characterized by nonsocial situations in which the child is stimulated by objects in the environment


Which refers to those times in an individual's life when he or she is more susceptible to positive or negative influences? a. sensitive period b. Sensitive period c. Terminal points d. Differentiation points

sensitive period (Sensitive periods are limited times during the process of growth when the organism will interact with a particular environment in a specific manner. These times make the organism more susceptible to positive or negative influences. The sequential period, terminal points, and differentiation points are developmental times that do not make the organism more susceptible to environmental interaction.)

The progression from reflex activity to imitative behavior is characteristic of the ______ stage of development.


Both processes of growth and development are interrelated and occur _____.


Radiographs of the hand and wrist provide the most useful screening to determine _____.

skeletal age

Infants engage in _____ play when they persistently demonstrate and exercise newly acquired abilities.


A child playing with something by herself on her mother's lap is an example of ______ play.


The progression, sequence, & rate of growth and development is unique for each child, but _______.

there is a range of normal to watch for

A nurse is conducting parenting classes for parents of children ranging in ages 2 to 7 years. The parents understand the term egocentrism when they indicate it means:

unable to put self in another's place.

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