haha disorders go brrrrrrrr

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During a therapy session, a client acts very angry toward the therapist, just as she acts toward her mother. A psychoanalytically oriented therapist would say the client's behavior is an example of


Which of the following is an example of a cognitive distortion according to Aaron Beck's cognitive therapy model of treatment?

"If I don't get all As in college, then my degree will be worth nothing."

Which of the following is a characteristic common to all individuals with a narcissistic personality disorder?

An unwarranted sense of self-importance

Which of the following personality disorders is characterized by behavior that includes dishonesty, repeated trouble with authority figures, and an absence of remorse for these types of conduct?


Brandon is superficially charming and skilled at exploiting people for his own gain. He is also impulsive and irresponsible, and he generally disregards social norms. Brandon would most likely be diagnosed with which of the following disorders?

Antisocial personality

Fred is afraid to leave his house, and he is extremely apprehensive every time he has to go out in public. Fred is most likely to be diagnosed with which type of disorder?


Jim decides to seek treatment for his alcoholism that involves taking a medication that causes nausea when paired with alcohol. What type of treatment has Jim chosen?


Token economies are based on which theoretical perspective


Which of the following therapeutic approaches is most likely to be criticized because it does not treat the underlying cause of the disorder?


A psychotherapist who believes that deviant behavior can be traced either to genetic anomalies or to problems in the physical structure of the brain most likely subscribes to which of the following views of abnormality?


A clinical psychologist believes that Caroline's problems stem from the lack of consistency between her self-concept and reality. According to the psychologist, this discrepancy makes Caroline feel anxious and threatened. Caroline's psychologist most likely adheres to which of the following orientations?


In treating a patient for depression, Dr. Pratt focuses on changing the ways in which the patient interprets events. Which type of therapy is Dr. Pratt using?


Which of the following psychological theories would explain posttraumatic stress disorder as being the result of irrational beliefs and ideas?


Which of the following is most characteristic of individuals with chronic schizophrenia?

Disordered thinking

The diathesis-stress approach would likely support which of the following statements about psychological disorders?

Disorders are a result of predisposed, biological factors triggered by the environment.

Which of the following treatments assumes a biological cause for a disorder?

Electroconvulsive therapy

Client-centered therapists try to appreciate how the world appears from the client's point of view. This is an example of which of the following concepts?


Which of the following symptoms is characteristic of schizophrenia?


When community psychologists refer to primary prevention, they are describing which of the following goals?

Keeping disorders from developing

Carmen's psychiatrist has prescribed a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor to help Carmen feel better. Carmen has most likely been diagnosed with what disorder?

Major depressive

Bernadette has lacked enthusiasm for work and other activities for a number of years. She also has a poor appetite and feels fatigued. Which of the following disorders is most consistent with Bernadette's symptoms?

Persistent depressive

Which of the following individuals would most likely be classified as exhibiting a social phobia?

Priti, who is afraid of being humiliated when giving a speech

The phenomenon of transference is a recognized component of which of the following therapeutic treatments?


Which type of therapy uses free association, dream interpretation, and analysis of transference?


Which of the following is a common symptom of the manic phase of bipolar disorder?

Rapid speech

José's doctor has prescribed antipsychotic medication for him. José is most likely to be diagnosed as having which of the following disorders?


Julio has fragmented thinking and distorted false beliefs. Which of the following psychological disorders is Julio most likely experiencing?


Delusional thinking is central to which of the following?

Schizophrenic disorders

Which of the following is typically cited as a characteristic of autistic children?

Severely impaired interpersonal communication

Which of the following types of disorders is characterized by complaints of bodily symptoms that do not have a detectable medical cause but rather are caused by psychological factors?


Which of the following behavior-therapy techniques is typically used to reduce fear of heights?

Systematic desensitization

Which of the following treatments would be most effective for someone who experiences a rapid heartbeat, light-headedness, and nausea when speaking in public?

Systematic desensitization

Which of the following best characterizes individuals diagnosed as having personality disorders?

They may function reasonably well in society.

Joseph never sleeps through the night. He wakes up at least once per hour to check all the doors and windows in his house to make sure they are locked and to check the stove to make sure it is turned off. Joseph's behavior would be classified as

a compulsion

People who habitually wash their hands numerous times before going to bed most likely have

a compulsion

Vic has unpredictable and repeated attacks of overwhelming anxiety that frequently leave him dizzy, nauseous, short of breath, and in tears. A psychologist is likely to view Vic's behavior as indicative of

a panic disorder

A client whose improvement during therapy is the result of his or her expectation of improvement rather than the result of the therapy itself is showing

a placebo effect

As a child, George often skipped school and engaged in repeated acts of vandalism and petty theft. As an adult, he has been arrested for running a dishonest investment company. The most likely diagnosis for George's current behavior is

antisocial personality disorder

Thomas gained a lot of weight because he was eating too many sweets. A psychologist suggested to Thomas that he pair the pleasant taste of sweets with the taste of something he finds unpleasant. So, Thomas put broccoli, which he hates, in his ice cream, cake, and pie. He now feels nauseated at the sight of dessert and avoids eating it. This technique is known as

aversion therapy

Fluoxetine (Prozac® ) has been shown to reduce depression primarily by

blocking reuptake and increasing the level of serotonin in the synapses

Behaviorally oriented therapists seek to modify a client's behavior by

changing the contingencies of reinforcement for the client

Electroconvulsive therapy has been most successful in the treatment of

clinical depression

In rational-emotive therapy, the therapist helps clients by

confronting clients with their faulty logic

All of the following are anxiety disorders EXCEPT

conversion disorder

An advantage of group therapy over individual therapy is that group therapy

enables clients to realize that their problems are not unique

For several weeks - ever since she did not receive a raise that was given to several colleagues - Enid has lacked energy, has been unable to go to work, and has expected bad things to happen every day. Of the following, she is most likely experiencing


Community psychologists intervene at the primary level when they

design prevention programs for potential problems before the problems actually occur

Vance is a popular honors student who, unlike his reference group, writes his best papers sitting on his motorcycle in the basement of his college dormitory. His behavior can be considered abnormal only if abnormality is defined as

deviation from cultural norms

Thomas is thirty years old and is very shy. He becomes anxious in social situations, so he avoids them. Thomas does not have close friends and rarely leaves his apartment. However, he writes a very successful and popular Internet blog, is usually content and calm while working at home, and has a positive relationship with his family. Psychologists would be hesitant to label Thomas as psychologically disordered because his behavior

does not appear to cause distress or impair his day-to-day functioning

Contemporary definitions of abnormal behavior typically characterize such behavior as all of the following EXCEPT

due to inappropriate child-rearing practices

John regularly stops at the pharmacy to collect pamphlets that list symptoms of different illnesses, because he is worried about his health. Each day he carefully monitors his vital signs, and he also frequently meets with a physician. On his most recent visit, the physician suggested that John was perfectly healthy. With which of the following psychological disorders might John be diagnosed?


A critical component for labeling a person's behavior as abnormal is that the behavior must

interfere with some aspect of the person's life

Bipolar disorders are most effectively treated with a combination of tricyclic antidepressants and

lithium carbonate

A person who experiences prolonged episodes of severe unhappiness and loss of interest in life would most likely be diagnosed with

major depressive disorder

The cognitive theory of depression states that depression results from

maladaptive interpretations of life events

Distrust of others is symptomatic of


In psychoanalysis, transference refers to the

patient's projection onto the therapist of feelings associated with significant figures in the patient's past

Joan displays anxiety, irritability, inability to concentrate, and apathy. She also reexperiences a disastrous event through nightmares and vivid memories. Joan is experiencing

posttraumatic stress disorder

Hallucinations are characteristic of

psychotic disorders

Intense artificial light is most successfully used as therapy for

seasonal affective disorder

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